Straits Echo, 25 August 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 77 1 Births. On the titli August, at Shanghai, to .Mi and Mrs. Bernard Firth, a daughter. On the 11th August, at Bangkok, the wife of H. Campled! Highet, Principal Medical Officer, Local Government, of a son. On the ItiUi August, at Gula Estate. Perak, the wife of Thomas Boyd,
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  • 57 1 To-HAT. *2sth Day, 7tii M null. Town Hand, Esplanade, <» to 7 Opera India /abba. Kino Street, *J The Moviug Pictures Exhibition, Drury Lane, 9 }>.in. To- MORROW. 2t>th Da», 7tli Moon Town Haiul, Golt Club, to 7 Opera Iml ra /abba. King Stseet, 9
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  • 32 1 O New M< >« nt Aug. doth H 13.4 i*..»i First Quarter > s ept. (>*h 11 S.S a m O Full M ldtli 1 10.0a.m. Hast 'funnel 22nd 5.13.'» a m
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  • 45 1 For Week ending Thursday. Aug. 31. litos. i A m pm. Kridav, 25t,1i ...8.45 9.20 Sa» yrOav, 20tli 9.35 10.10 Suu<iiiv, 27tit 10.25 11 M0.d0.28i1! ...11.15 1150 '1 29t.1i .40 —.05 Weinwwinv. 30th 1 30 55 Tlioi mij.v. 31st 2.20 I 4-5 I
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  • 1130 1 Batu Feringhi Scheme. Municipal Engineer’s Report. ntinueil Jto hi tjeMerthuj nun., 8. as, however, no storage is provided except it the Waterfall a console able quantity of water must go to waste ai. ivgltt and Mr. Rei«l shews tint the supply is in reality only equivalent to
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  • 11 1 Eng ish (Simla) 31st Aug. China {Malta) 2nd Sept.
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  • 63 1 P. O. sailings. Mail Service. < )utwaki>s. Hum khahds. Si mil A ui). Malta 'J Sept. Chueau 14 Srj>t. lieuyal If I l.xtra Service. Outwards. Hum k w a u ds Poona a SepJapan 1*7 Atop Snntla /s Malacca 10 Sept. fur pul liruUirs Sec Page ‘J. 1 ffey'For K"hanjc,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 423 1 fa. N 258 V •i* *r 3* A'» 5 /N *o OPERA INDRA ZABBA, The Prince of Wales Jawi Peranakan Theatrical Company. (Cnder Entirely New Management.) At King Street Theatrical Hall. To-night. Friday, 25th August. Tlit* Company will staije tlie pop il;»r an<l cliunniiit; piece, Sam Pek Eng Tye. To-morrow
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    • 37 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT m m <4 > O. rti X o CP to NS a HIV S.SSV9 TIANG LEE Co. Do not play witli lun<r trouble, (iaiu the first point— Strength. STEARNS' WINE is an invigorating au«l strengthening touie.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 15 1 Dkatm. On the 8th August, at Shanghai. William Edward Hunt, Silk Inspector, aged 5fi years.
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  • 969 2 ijAKOK “Orano Utan Killed. Lieut. A. Tucker Wardrop lias given the B.N. If. Herald details in regard to he ki’liug of a large “orangutan —Ou S lurdav 15th ult. Police Constable Antonio, No. 178, who is ou duty on the Suanlambah River, was walking through the jungle
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  • 503 2 To Succeed Needs Vigorous Health. Untiring Vitality. Dr. WILLIAMS’ P.IMK PILLS Make Weak Men Strong, Tired Men Energetic, Worn-Out Men Fresh, Active, and Full of the Joy of Living. it is because they “purify without purging” that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills aie the greatest
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 20 2 STEARNS’ WINE assists ihe body to make use nature's nourishment. Thus it cures. 1 1 iv leases weight and siren£11).
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    • 253 2 NOTICE. V> and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI, 12tli July, Managing Director. Important Municipal Notice, DOGS. vWNKliS uf l>og» aiv hereby informed I V that f»«r a fieriod of two mouths from this
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    • 1908 2 NOTICE. -\*7\A.3sn?:En3 100 STRAITS GOVERNMENT NOTES. Denomination sSO each. T *****, *****, 017 HO. *****, *****, HAVING l»een fraudulently obtained aud circulated, it is requested that holdets of any of the following numbers will at once communicate with the Chief Police Officer: A I *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1672 3 ft 1 8. N, Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Expected Arrivals and. Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Aug. 31 s.s. Simla connecting with M. India Sept. I t s.s. Chasau do s.s. Britannia 28 s.s. Coromandel do s.s. Mongolia Homewards. Sept. 2 s.s. Malta connecting with 8.8.
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  • 154 4 Justice Ki»tistl*»everyl**l> and j am ke alone. 1 Established June 1st, 1903 I’ubli-hed daily (except Sunday*..) 8 II Till i j 1 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 22b—2 52, Beach Street. Penang. IMJIOK DAILY UK AI An per an Ui« OUTST VTIOX llx-tajfc Kxtr i. MAIL EDITION tlW
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  • Current Topics.
    • 201 4 Many reasons were advanced at the recent meeting of the British Medical Association in explanation of the| physical deterioration of the twentieth century Briton. According to Dr. Langlev Browne, physical degeneration begins after thirteen years of age, when smoking and drinking commence. All were agreed that it cannot la*
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    • 246 4 The latest stamp is a stamp that, costing nothing,’ gives a fine piece of advice “Buy goods of Bii- tisti manufacture.” Ibis advice circumscribes a miniature Union Jack. It is. with a view to enable the British public to recogni>e. madily, articles of British manufacture that this
      246 words
    • 894 4 In the August Fortnightly Review, Major Arthur Griffiths writes Two principal causes have coui- billed to bring the army into disfavour as a profession one is the long course of depreciation and detraction to which officers have been subjected lor some years past: the second is the absence
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  • 15 4 Title Augus*. Monthly “Medal will be played for to-morrow, the 26th instant.
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  • 26 4 Water P eo. A match —Scotland r. The Rest—will I*? placed on Sunday, the 27th inst. Start of play at 10.4-5 sharp.
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  • 299 4 Yesterday’s Meet. A Very Enjoyable Bun. The original system of lavi :g paper, by the hares being allowed a fair start, was adopted yesterday afternoon and a vet y pleasant and exciting run was the result. 'The Hares, A. Wallace-Jones ami 11. Pearson, mounted on two trusty
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  • 456 4 C vlyi'so loses a Mast. During the sharp squall, which came down upon the luurbour at about ten o clock this morning, the steamer Calypso dragged her auchors aud drifted down upon the Slavonia. Onlookers say that no damage would have resulted had not the Slavonia neglected to get
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  • 909 4 Singapore, 22nd August. Dear Glu Man, —WJien you're down to your last dollar aud decide to leave Penang for Penang’s good, try the Great Art Union Lottery racket—that is to say if you have a real cream-laid, nineteen-carat sister who will act as advauce agent. Personally
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 445 4 TO SPORTSMEN. SEASON SEASON SEASON SEASON SEASON SEASON SEASON SEASON SEASON I SEASON 1 SEASON SEASON SEASON 2 SEA S» > N 2 SEASON 2 SEASON 2 SEASON Co.. Ltd., VNNOUNOE the Arrival of their New Shipment «*1 Season's CARTRIDGES. Brass nr Card‘board Cases, 12 Bore. Nos. 4. 5, b,
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    • 49 4 Tell me not of diamond gems get in regal diadems Then: .> a priceless geui ou earth, Of richer and of purer worth. T Tis priceless, and is kuown to fame, And you, perhaps, may know its name. For stomach ailments, the reinedv sure, W. F- Woods’ Great Fepneruiint Cure.
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    • 19 4 Parliament will soon dissolve, no will your cold if you take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, 80 cent, a bottle
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    • 60 5 Los* of a Transport. Horrible Loss of Life. (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 25th August.—A telegram received here from Ja}iau states that the steamer Bara long, while leaving Moji on Tuesday night, ran into and sank the Japanese transport Kinju Maru, drowning a hundred soldiers. The bows of the Baralong
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    • 320 5 Another Adjournment. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24th August.-—The Peace Conference has been adjourned till Saturday next, M. Witte being desirous to refer to St. Petersburg regarding the Japanese compromise asking Russia to re-purchase the half of Saghalien for twelve hundred million yen. German Optimism. --■4 (The (J*Ui*iati>cher Lloyd
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    • 153 5 Loan A Failure. (Supplied by Reuter) Louden, 25th August.—The Russian iuterual loan has so far proved a failure, ouly seven million roubles having lieen taken up out of the two hundred millions offered for subscript iou. Thanks for Nothing London, 25th August. The c>t. Petersburg Municipality lias passed
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    • 48 5 The New Guns. (Supplied It/ Renter.) Loudon, 2*stli August.—The Army Council denies the reports that the new guns sent to India are practically useless. It admits that there was a weakness in the limber tubes, but ibis was discovered and remedied efore the guns were despatched.
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    • 33 5 The New Viceroy. t Supplied by Reuter.) •London. 25th August.—The Karl of Minto, the newly appointed Viceroy of India, expects to sail to take up his appointment at the end of October.
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    • 71 5 The German Note. (the Outauiatircher Llo> d x Service.) Beilin, 24th August.—Prince von Bulow has signed the Note o:i the Moroccan questiou and it will I*, sent to Paris to-night The Bourses throughout Furope are ingot, firm. France Prepar.d to Act. Loudon, 25th August.—The French Government has definitely decided
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    • 57 5 The Engineering Combine Off. Echo Special.) Singapore, 27>tli August.— It is understood that the proposed amalgamation lietween the engineering firms of Riley, Hargreaves ami Hoivarth Erskine will not take]plaoe. Riley, Hargreaves, shares dropped twenty points on Wednesday. A private meeting was held yesterday at which it was virtually decided
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    • 581 5 Account so to the programme tor the lour of the Prince of Wales in India, His Koval Highness will arrive at Bombay on Nov. it, 1 and will leave on the 15th, visiting A imer, I Adaipur, Jaipur. Bikanir. Lahore. Peshawar and Jauiu. A halt
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  • 308 5 Disturbance Extends to Honukonu. An earthquake, remarks the Hongkong Daily Pi ess. is not a phenomenon often experienced by the foreign residents in China. Slight shocks, however, had at times lieen felt at Hongk mg as well as in the Treaty ports, but these were so mild
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  • 643 5 At Canale, a small village near Orvieto, iu Italy, a pair of lovers, of whom the one was for 10 days regarded as dead and I buried, have just, lieen re-united A week or two ago says Lloyd's of t.lie 30th lilt, a young sexton named Jacopo
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  • 924 5 The Cheap Governor Difficulty. Thus the Straits Times of Tuesday last:— Mr. Gueritz was agaiu Acting Governor of British North Borneo when the mail to hand yesterday left Labuan, Captain Hurtitigtou of the B. N. B. Poiicv having abandoned the job after a few da vs in
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  • 16 5 Per Kistuo, from Singapore Mrs. Beinngtou, Mr. Isaacson aud Mr. aud Mrs. Khaw Joo Choe.
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  • Shipping.
    • 145 5 I PttiNz Heinkich, Ger. s.s. :j.*4 l*, Grosch. li+th Any, V koliama. sth Aug. Gen >I B. M. Co. j Calypso, Hr. s.s. 339, Lowry. 2 ih Aug, Singapore, 23 rd Amr. Gen W M A Co. «I. Afcau. Mr. s 8.2,901, Ohfeiii, 25th Any., C alcutta. Amo.
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    • 76 5 25th August. Perak, for Port Sweftenham and Malacca. Tair Tony, for Asahau. Petrel, for Pangkalau Bran dan Hon U halt Soon, for Port Swetteuham and Singapore. Cohn >eo, for Iteli. Capri, for Bombay. Steaerdeeroon, f*>r Telok Serna we A Sabang. Unity, for Rangoon. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. 8/aronia,
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    • 65 5 Kistn.v, Br. s.s. 534, Leancont, 25th Aug Singapore. 23rd Aug, Gen., -H. L A Co. Cokxei.ia, Br. s.s. 194, Marris, 25th Aug, l>eli, 24th Aug, Gen K. G. Co. IjANiikat, Br. s.s. 149, Liddell, 25th Aug, Teluk A uBon 24th Aug. Gen., K. G. Co. G. Apcar, Br.
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    • 126 5 For 4>e!i—Per Cornelia, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Port Swetteuham—Per Mary Aurim, I to-tnorrow, 1 p.m. J Langkat Per Jin Ho. to-morrow, 2 p in. Perlis A Setul Per Chan To!, to-morrow, I 2 p Teluk Ansou Per Langkat, to-morrow. 2 p m. Rangoon—Per Pgtanteotla, lo morrow, 2 p.m. Batu
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    • 86 8 Ve**eU From Agents Due j «Slavonia jllainbuio B.M.ACo. .tithAmr. Capri iSingaporo K.M ACo. 26th 1 Spezia Singapore B M ACo. 27th A.Apcar Singapore A. A. A.Co. 2Sth j Beuartv Singapore S.B.ACo. 30th ldomeneus Singapore W.M.ACo. 30th Benlawers London S.B.ACo. 1st Sept. Beuveuue Loudon S. B.ACo. 1 st Beualder Loudon
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    • 91 8 Vessel* For A ifeuf* Leiice* i Slavonia Singap. re W.M.AAV 2til hAug. Capri Bouik t B.MACo. 27.h Spezia Havre B.MACo. 28th A. Apear CalcuUii A A A.Co. 28th Beuartv Marseilles S BACo. 80th Idomeueus Loudon W UM Ben la wers Singapore S I*. A Co. 1st Sept. Beuveuuo Siugapore
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 A stitch iu time saves uiue. A buttle of Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure (90 cts.) may sare nine doctors.
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    • 67 5 In those newfangled days of the prying X rays, Of faith healing and trance that’s hypnotic, As life’s secrets uufold, it’s a wonder the old Kiug of Terrors is still so despotic. But his grip is as strong as it was m the long. Long ago, ere the world was
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    • 21 5 Spare the rod utid spoil the child. Spare Woods’ Peppermint Cure (80 cts. a bottle) and spoil the child s health.
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    • 120 5 CENTRAL SALES ROOM. Important Auction Sale BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE OF ALL THK STOCK-IN-TRADE, or Messrs. HIN LEE Co., in Bankruptcy. AT No 55, Beach Street, 9th day's Sale, Tuesday, 29th August, At 11 a.m. Huntley and Palmer’s Biscuits, Jacob’s Biscuits, Crushed Food, Nutmegs', Salt, Cement, Kottans, Rope,
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    • 110 5 NOTICE. W. CORNFIELD, j|N thanking his Customers in particular and the Public in general tor past fav- ours, begs to give notice that he has let his premises, t 3, Bishop Street. AS i'UOM 1st of September next. An office will be opened after that date at the International Hotel,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1111 6 A. EVENBERG, 68, Bishop Street, Goldsmith, Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments. Gramophones and other Musical 10-8-05 Instruments. BERNESE ALPS MILK Co., Stalden, Emmenthal, Switzerland, '•lins, 530 PENG CHENG Coy., 17, Market Lane, Penang, Just received a large consignment of Mali May Cigars, Nos. I, 2 and 3. Beware of
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  • 542 7 (St mite Tunes Corresjpomlent.) Sour a bay a, 12th August:—The Dutch troops in I *11 i h ive gained a decisive success. 1 In- mouiitain foil of Piisenipa, in the western part of Boui, was fouud abandoned by the inhabitants, so the troops simply march* d
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 977 7 DAVID CORSAR SONS’ Well-known Navy Canvas. SANDH.ANDS. BUTTERY Co. BAXTER CO’S. BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDIWNDS, BUTTERY A Co. NOTICE. f THE undersigned l>eg to iuforin the public of Penang :uid the neighbouring Native A States t hat they have l»een appointed Agents for Messrs. Jugal I Parsons, Olive A (Jo.,
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    • 70 7 “On/j/ one Quality, the Best." LANSONS EXTRA DRY Special Cuvee PURVEYOR TO (H.M. Kino EDWARD VII. g; H. SLOT Co, Penang, I SOLE IMPORTERS. 10-3-05 94c Kennedy Co. AGENTS FOR Wm. Younger Go., Lid. Monk Brand Ale Stout IN BOTTLE AND IN BULK. Price Lists on Application. ISISITITED'2* 8c OO.
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  • 124 8 Penang. 27» mi Acolsi. {By courtesy oj the ('harlereJ Bonk London Demand Bank ...2 1 1 4 months’ sight Bank ...l! 1}- 3 Credit ---2 1 3 Documentary ..2 1, Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. I 5*3 days’ sight Private 10" Bombay, Demand Bank I7»> 3 days’ sight Private i00
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  • 135 8 I Gold leaf #4oO B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b«.5«»/. i out oj stock 1 White Poppei teller* i rrang Pepper teuton over Cloven (picketl) out of teuton 1 Mace 75 —seller* I Mace Picking» *>o.—buyers Nutmegs 11 Os -> 4- titler Ko t 1 o l(t Hom. 2
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  • 155 8 Penan*», 25rii Aisrsi, loo... I teseripi too It,.»- rt,: Souj per call v 12 Roast *20 Steaks 2b Ste*v or Curry Meat lb Rump Steak 2b >x ’1 ail each dO Tongue 70 Feef 15 Heart d0 Liver do Pork— Pork per cat tv Pig's Head 24 l'eei
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  • 220 8 Tin Miuiug Co., Ld. —buyers lit*i -a w.tii Gold Miuiiu'Co.. Ld. > I-.— seller* Brieli Kulilier Syndicate, Ld.* b prem.buyers Bruseh Hydraulic* Tin .Minin»; Co., Ld -1.25 buyers Duff I teveiopineut Co. 5b.— seller* KYaxer A Xeave. Ld $lul. —sellers Georsre Town Dispensary 5 25. buyer* Howarth Erskiue,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 83 8 JONES BURTON Co. .4 JL' r Brass and Gun metal Steam and Water Fittings, Brass Cocks and Valves OF ALL SIZES. B. F. STURTEVANT Co. Improved Stationary and Portable Forges, Blowers, Exhausters, etc., etc. Full stock of all the above in hand. Particulars and Prices from HUTTESBACH BROTHERS CO., MACHINERY
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    • 332 8 THEAN CHEE Co., (ESTABLISHED 1858.) Genera/ Store Keepers, Ship Chandlers, Outfitters, Government Contractors, etc,, etc. HATS and HELMETS. I t r 1 Tropical Helmets Ellwood Helmets. Single and Double Terai Hats. Golf Cap. Top Hats. ITORHIS’S HOUSE-SHUT BOOTS JLTZD SHOES. FOR COMFORT. 5*-. DUKABIUTY Black Brown Leather Leather Walking Walking
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