Straits Echo, 24 August 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 52 1 To-day. 24th Day, 7tii M oou. Towu Baud, Golf Club, 6 to 7 p in The Moving Picture*» Exhibition, Druty Lane, 9 p.m. To-morbow. 25th Day, 7t.b Moon Towu Baud, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.n.. Opera India Zabba, King Street, 9 p.m. The Moving Pictures Exhibition, Drury j Lane,
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  • 27 1 O New Moon Aug. 60th 8.16.4 p.m. First Quarter Sept. 6th 11 8.8 am. O Full .Moon 14th 1 10.0a.m. Last Quarter 22nd 5.16.”» a..v.
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  • 40 1 For Week eliding Wednesday. Aug. 60. 1005. a.m p M. Thursday, 24tli ...7.55 860 Friday, 25th ...8.45 9.20 Saturday, 26th ...9.65 10.10 Sunday, 27th 10.25 11 Monday, 28th ...11.1*5 1150 I Tuesday, 29th —.05 Wednesday, 40th —to —.55
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  • 10 1 Simla *5l »t 'Ansf. China (Malta) -u<l c*?pt.
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  • 43 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service Outwards». Homewards. Siiiiht ‘11 Any. Malta ‘I Sept, j Chilean 14 Sept, lie it ya I 10 f-.xtra Service Outwards». Homewards Poona •> Sept. Japan Ang. j Sinaia IS Malacca 10 Sept, j For particulars See Pa>_ r e
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  • 887 1 Batu Feringhi Scheme. Municipal Engineer's KeportThhough the courtesy of Mr. J. \Y. Halifax, Municipal President, we have received a copy of the Municipal Engineers Preliminary UejHUt on the proposed additional water supply from Batu Feriugbi, a portion of which we give l>elow The Presideui, Municipal Commissioners, George
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 280 1 s N 258 in *0 IN V r o B rq SANDOW’S GRIP DUMBBELLS. SCHOOL SATCHELS. Strong Satchels tin* «I with leather handles, also with straps t«) come over shoulder. Prices 75 cts, $1 00,1 I 25, 1.60, 2 25, and 2.50 each. THE THENDEREK TOBACt O POI'CHES. LA ROE
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    • 120 1 Four Nights More OPERA INDRA ZABBA, The Prince of Wales Jawi Peranakan Theatrical Company. (jnder Entirely New Management> At King Street Theatrical Hall. To-night, Thursday, 24th Aug. No Performance. To-morrow. Friday. 25th August. The Company will tin* popular ami charming piece, Sam Pek Eng Tye. A verv Splemlul Programme of
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    • 195 1 tiang LEE Co, BASS’S ALE. 3&ON V Y cO as w afi m 1/101S S.SS3NNIfIi) iSTKAKNS’ WIN 1-1 is pleasant to take. Its effect is ctM'hiiu m preventing coughs ami colds. It Imihls up ami strengthens. TH E LONDON DIRECTORY, over -.otn» pages of con densed commercial matter, enables outer
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1006 2 AD.HIKAl, TOGO S STOICISM. (Continued from •jrAerday s iV ue An incident, incredible as it may seem to the American reader who knows nothing of Bushido,” that strange Oriental philosophy of chivalry, stoicism, sacrifice and fanatical devotion to duty, illustrates .veil the composite character of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 597 2 NOTICE. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must he paid for ill advance. L1M SKN<; JIOOI. I-Jill July, 1905. Managing Director. NOTICE. 100 STRAITS GOVERNMENT NOTES. Denomination snO each. HAVING l>eeu fraudulently obtained ami circulated, it is requested that hohleis of
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    • 2059 2 NOTICE. TO LET. CENTRAL SALES ROOM. THE usual monthly sale of Pawnbrokers’ I—l I untnu nv/tooiiin/r I Forfeited Pledges for sums exceeding 810 will l»e held punctually at 11 o’clock a.m. on Monday and Tuesday, the 4th and sth proximo, respectively, No. 42, Beach Street. The said goods may l>e
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1760 3 .TAJO 5. 8. N. Co. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards 31 8.8. Sllllla couuecting with s.s. India I t s.s. Chusan do B.s. Britannia 2* .«.8. Coromandel do Homewards. 8.8. Mongolia Sopt. 8.8. Malta counoctiug with S.B. Macedonia Id 8.8. Benya I 30 8.8. Simla do 8.8. Victoria
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  • 141 4 Justice ->uti-He-every Indy and .insure alone. June» so«. Established June 1st, 1903. I’ublibhed daily (except Sundays.) A1 THM CRITERION PRESS, LtdNo. *22fi—2->2, Be;well Struei, Beuang. BltlCK DAILY LOCAL S'!! l*er annum OUTSTAIIOS Extra. MAIL KDITION (Cast lire) SU CAULK A ODRK.XS: Echo—-Penang.” Telephone No. 1-SH. NOTICE Dlkinu
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  • Current Topics.
    • 319 4 It will i** interesting t<> note in connection with the boycott movement that a British Consular report just published shows that, whilst the number of Chinese in Csilifnrniit has constantly decreased. l>« *i 11 #*-">.< »0* 1 in lt?MO 111' I only lo.tno in 19U0. tlie number "f
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    • 1169 4 Mail papers to hand deal largely with the cruise of the British Channel Heet in the Baltic, which appears to have caused some consternation in certain quarters in Germany. The result has been that tie* Berlin journal R*>ichsbote puts forward I lie suggestion that all foreign wai ships
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  • 133 4 OrEMNu ok thk London Branch. The formal inauguration <d the English Branch of the World’s Chiuese Students’ Federation took place iu London on July 18 when over fifty memliers attended. His Excellency the Chinese Minister to the Court of St. James presided, and delivered in the
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  • 615 4 Messrs. Lewis and Peats Report. London, 4th August.—At the sales to-day 5 packages Ceylon and 92 packages Straits were offered. Of these about 50 packages of Straits were seeond-liaud. There was a slow demand and only a few cases very Hue sheet were disposed of at Os. 3d.
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  • 119 4 With regard to the rebate of duty to be allowed ou Lode Tin ,f the following Waii the detimtLu proposed by the Keaideut of .Selangor at the rCceut Residents’ Confereuce as to what was to be considered as L >de Tin When tin is won from rock of
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  • 138 4 Ihe Madras Standard is told that there is much activity among army contractors and regimental ta lore just now in anticipation of the forthcoming Royal visit to India; and a holder of stock in a certain depaitmeut of army clothing is said to lie advancing llis price on
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  • 138 4 An interesting experiment is l»eiug nude iu Bhavuagar—the experiment of boring wells in the State on tlie Japanese system for the purpose of supplying drinking water as well as for irrigation. H. H. the Mali», raja has engaged the services of a Japanese, by name I to, who
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  • 480 4 A laroe number of shop-keepers aud petty traders were yesterday afternoon mulcted by Air. Steiiinietz in sums ranging from 85 to 825, for being in possession of false measures and duellings. Four of the seven defendants who were arrested by K. P. C. 19 on Saturday last
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 177 4 ■MM a SKKHSiSfc^*GtS^€v:&HSfc"<£i3* 5* ftXQIfiK E a te A NOVELTY. Special Tiffirt WITH ORANJE DINNER ON Wednesday. 30th August. I Selected Music during j and after Dinner. WOn Saturday. 26th August i 1 SARKIES BROTHERS, j PROPRIETORS. Great Reduction OF PRICKS of admission. The Moving Pictures Exhibition Coy. To-Night
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    • 43 4 With artificial modes of life New ailments oft appear, A ml in our midst disease is rife. More dreadful every year. Yet who need suffer stomach pain, Or sleepless night endure, While rest and ease he’s sure to Through Woods’ Oreat t*epj»ermiut (Jure.
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    • 76 5 The Barren Concessions. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 24th August.—Extraordinary scenes took place in Moscow ou the Mayor proclaiming tlie Tsar’s Manifesto. I he crowd greeted the proclamation with uproar and the singing of the Marseillaise, while tierce speeches were liiade, expressing contempt for the Manifesto. lbe Moscow Municipality lias
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    • 45 5 The Army Quest ons. (Tltc Ustasiasti seller s Her rice Berliu. 23rd August. —The Austrian Emperor is holding a conference at lsclil. of all his Ministers to consider he question of Hungary’s army and the question of maintaining the German lauguage in the army.
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    • 124 5 The Native Revolts. > (The Oritariatircher Lloyd'* Her dee) Berlin, 23rd August. —Prince von Bulow, the German Chancellor, who was ordered to enquire officially into the necessity for calling a special session of the Reichstag immediately tor dealing with the question oI the troubles in German Soui li-\\
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    • 115 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24th August.—Notts h is beaten l>erbybv six wickets, Gloucester lias beaten •Surrey by eight, wickets, Sussex lias beaten Kent by ten wickets' and Worcester lias beaten Leicester by 110 runs. The matches lietween Yorks and Middlesex and Essex aud AVarwick have been drawn. Two Chinese,
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  • 266 5 Peace Prospects. An Alleged Settlement. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 23rd August.—The Morning Post’s Portsmouth correspondent wires that a treaty of |>eace will be signed shortly., 1 providing for the payment to Japan by j Russia of a sum. which will not lie large, j for the keep of
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  • 205 5 At last, with the virtual destruction of the race clearly visible iu the near future, the French Government has taken steps for preserving elephants iu its Congo territories. Hunting has during the past fifty vears lieeome more and moie indiseriminate under the steadily growing <le- maud
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  • 249 5 “Onk meal a day’’was the golden rule laid down by L>r. Haddou at the Congress of the Royal Institute of Public Health. 11 is paper was entitled “Diet in the Treatment and Prevention of Diseases, and he dealt iorciblv with <he effects of overfeeding It had
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  • 443 5 Examinations for 'Chbmists. An examination will be held, under the auspices of the Straits aud Federated Malay States Medical School, for any colonial candidates who may wish to qualify for a Pharmaceutical Licence under the provisions of the Morphine aud Poisons Ordinances. The examination will take place on
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  • 184 5 Thk to 1 lowing are the Agenda tor the Special Meeting of the Commission tomorrow’ 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. To pass the alteration to By-laws for Prevention of Nuisances etc. in the streets. 3. Au\ special business the President mav bring
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  • 508 5 Woman's Education vnd thk Worlds Pkogrkss. Thk neglect by women of their proper i role iu life, their adoption of mental occupations in place of their domestic duties, improper methods of education, ami the migration from the country to the town I were am ng the main reasons adduced
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  • 247 5 TOO STUPi FOR ANYTHING. Q Why is au Indian table-servant like luggage A. Because lie is a kit. Q. Why does the Dalai Lama resemble a gambler r A. Because lie likes Tibet (to l>ei). Q. Which is the city of procrastination .1. Mandalay (Mau, delay!) if.
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  • 349 5 Mr. Redmond anuomices tliat the Irish Party "will strive to make Ihe life of the Government impossible. They will tight toot a and nail, day aud night, as long as the session lasts."' <H’li, Balfour, the divil. In manner oncivil Refuses to cut his own throat. So now.
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  • Shipping.
    • 81 5 1 jA■*y Wblu, 15 r. s.s. 245, Treweeke, 24th Aug, Teluk Ali sou, 23 rd Aug, Gen., Straits S. S. Co ThuMowa, Ur. s.s. 3,4-28, W hitehead, 24th Aug, Madras, 18th Aug, Gen ,—H. L. Co. Ban VVhatt Soon, Br. ss. ltty. Glenday. 24th Aug, Singapore, 22ud Aug. Gen.,—Quail
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    • 47 5 24th August. Nam Sang, for Calcutta. Prinz H “in rich, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt, and via Naples for Europe, etc. Ve Koch, for Deli. Deli, for Trang. Canton, for Puugkor and Teluk Anson. Thong tea, for Singapore. Flying Fieh. for Port Weld aud Taipme
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    • 68 5 Laoy \V ki,d, Br. ».s. !fli», I'reweeke. 24tli Aug. ’i’eluk Anson. 23rd A no., lien., Straits S. S. Co. Ban Whatt Soon, Br. s. Id9. Glenday. 24th Alls', Singapore. 22nd \ug. Gen.— Quail Bent; Kee. Hong Hub, Br. s.s. 2,Oo6. Peters, 24m Am;, Sintra pore, 22nd Autr. Gen..
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    • 162 5 Fob Port bwetteniiam and Malacca Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 Asnhan- TVr Ton- Town, to-morrow. 1 p m. Pungkaiun Braudau— Pei /VC,/, tomorrow, 1 p.m. I'ort S.vettenliam and .Singapore Per Hon Whatt Soon, t* morrow. 2 p in. l)eli IVr C'ltfifi-it, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Rangoon—Per Unity. tomorrow, d
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    • 44 5 Per Lady Weld, from Teluk A nsoii Messrs UicliartU, Smith, Langby alid Brtmford. Per Rooii, from Antwerp Mr. Eingeb and Max Fuller Alova. From Colombo Mr. John B. Misso. I loin Genoa Air Fed Oates, John Pouiineranuk. and Mr. 11. van der Sloot.
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    • 59 8 Vessel* Fro in Agents Due i G. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. •25thAng. A. Apear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 2Htii Beuariv Singapore S.B.AOo. Hot li Benlawers Loudon S.B.tVCo. 1st S<*pt. Benvenue London S.B.ACo. ]8t «9 Benalder Loudou S B.&Co. 1st Bemnohr Loudon S.B.&Co. 1st Benlarig Singapore S.B.&Co. 1st Sikh London S.B.&Co. 1st
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    • 67 8 Vessel) 1 b\n’ .1 if*'n />* he* ivvs i G. A pear Singapore V.A.A.Co. 2otl»Aug. A. A pear Calcutta A.A A.Co. 28th 1 k*na rt v Marseille* S H \(V». •JMh Beulawers Singapore S BAi’o. 1st Sept. Benveuuc Singapore S.BACo. 1st Beualder Silicapore S.B.cVCo. 1st Beuiuolior Singapore 1st
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 28 5 We aro proud ol’ that wouder, ‘’•■eat Edition too. l>*it at Uii8 we may marvel Most certainly more, 1 the buou of our race Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure,
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    • 292 5 To-day's Advertisements. -\7<r^.J&*3L JBSID. 1 rro rent i\ house ora couple ot’ houses I JL containing at least 20 looms and j situated within 2 miles from Town. Eutrv about February, IlM.itb Foi particulars apply to X V. Z c o S fruits Echo oiusrt 573 PENANG SALES ROOM. I
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    • 290 5 jCENTRAL SALES ROOM. Important Auction Sale UY ORDER OF TilF OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE or ALL THE STOCK-/M-TFIODE,; r Jl Messrs. HIM L<~E Sc Co., in Bankruptcy. AT No 55, BGivei Street, \9th </i.» !s Sale, Tues lay, 2<) h August, At 11 am. Hunt lev ami i’.i liter's Ri.-a-uii», Jacob's liiseuith.
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  • 166 5 Obituary. Mk. Oh Oox Sin. Wk very mueli regret to record the sad demise of Mr. Oh Ooi Sin, the third son-in-law of our well-known fellow-citizen, Mr. Koh Sean*; Tat, which took place at Ediuburgh House,’’ at about, 11 o’clock last night, through sudden failure of tha heart’s action. Deceased
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1121 6 A. EVENBERG, 56, Bishop Street, Goldsmith, Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instrument*. Gramophones and other Musical 10-8-05 Instruments. 580 PENG CHENG Coy., 17, Market Lane, Penang. Just received a large consignment of Mali May Cigars, Nos. I, 2 and 3. Beware of imitations. PENG CHENG Coy., 17. Market Lane, 15-8-05
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  • 642 7 The Curzon- Kitchener Concordat. IJomk Opinion. Ihk lime»:—“All of us who have at heart the welfare of our Indian empire and of the British Empire as a whole must rejoice that Lord Citizen and .oil Kitchener have agreed in certain recommend diouts for the modification of the of my adniinistrati
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 847 7 N. M. M. Mohamed Maideen Bros. General Merchants and Cloth Dealers. 23, Chu/ia Street. Penang. Millinery Department. NOTICE. r PHE uudersigued l»eg to inform the public of Penang and the neighbouring Native A. States that they have l»eeu appointed Agents for Messrs. Ingall Parsons, Clive A Co., Ltd. of London,
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    • 68 7 A good wav to take i RON, because it is acceptable to the taste and stomach, and produces the good effects desired— STEARNS’ WINK, the blood-builder. Kennedy Co. AGENTS FOR Win. Younger Go., Ltd. Monk Brand Ale Stout IN BOTTLE AND IN BULK. Price Lists on Application. KEUlTEDTr OO. 13c
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  • 122 8 Pknanu. 2 tin AuiUi Utj courtesy of the Chartered Bunk London Demand Bank 1 1 4 months’ sitjht Bam ..2 l{^. 3 Credit ...2 U 3 Documentary ...2 Calcutta. Demand Bank I*' iSS 3 days’ sight l*riv:i»«* :G0 Bombay, Demand Ban! *'sB 3 day»’sight Private D*P Madras. Demand Bank
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  • 191 8 Cold leat 5 74 50 15. Pepper VV. Coast -4H»s.5o/..> out oj *tock j White Pepper 39— teller* Tr.inir Pepper tea ton over Clones ii picked) out of teuton Mace 75 teller* Mace Pickings 85.— buyer* Nutmegs 1 lOs 35i rate C No. 1 »> It* Ho in. Sugar
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  • 173 8 Pknaxo, 24tii A torsi, IPO*S. Deter* pi ion. Bfcst— <■/♦*.( .Soup per catty 12 Roast 2G j Steak- 28 Stew or Curry M«*a< lb Rump Steak 2b Dx Tail eacii 30 j Tongue 70 j Feet 15 Heart 30 1 Liver 30! P«*Kk Pork |*er catty 3G Pig’s
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  • 221 8 Belat Tin Miuiug Co., Ld. 3 5. buyers HersjiwaiiGold AJ iniugO**.. Isl. 12.— seller* Brieh Rubber Syndicate, Ld.s s prem.buyers Brtiseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 4.25 buyer s Duff Development Co. $8. teller* Fraser A Neave. Ld fl‘»l. —tellers George Town Dispensary 5 25. buyer* Howarth Erskine, Ld.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 81 8 JONES BURTON Co. Brass and Gunmetal Steam and Water Fittings, Brass Cocks and Valves OF f\LL SIZES. B. F. STURTEVANT Co. Improved Stationary and Portable Forges Blowers, Exhausters, etc., etc. f Full stock of all the above in hand. Particulars and Prices from HUTTEEBACH BROTHERS Si CO., MACHINERY DEPARTMENT, SOLE
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    • 313 8 THEAN CHEE Co., (ESTABLISHED 1858.) 7 Genera/ Store Keepers, Ship Chandlers, Outfitters, Government Contractors, etc,, etc. HATS and HELMETS. Tropical Helmets Single and Double Terai Hats. Ellwood Helmets. Golf Cap. Top Hats. ITOEtHIS’S HORSE-SKINT BOOTS AITD SHOES. FOR COMFORT. Do not draw tile ltd. DU" ABILITY Black Leather Walking Boots.
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