Straits Echo, 21 August 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • 56 1 To-day. 21st Day, 7tij Moou 'i'own Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.jii. Opera Indra Zabba, King Street. 9 p.m. The Moviug Picture» Exhibition, Drury Lane, 9 p.m. To- MORROW. *J2ud Day, 7tli Moon. Town Baud, Golf Olid), to 7 p.m. Opera Indra Zabba, King Street, 9 p.m. The Moving
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  • 29 1 hast Quarter Aug. 23rd 1 0.8 p.v O New M<*>u :30th 8.13.4 p..m. Hirst. Quarter Sept. Oth 118 8 a m. O Full Mouu 14th 1
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  • 45 1 For Week eiuline Sunday. Aug. 27. 1005. A.M. PM. Monday, 21st ...5.25 6.— Tuesday, 22tid ...0 15 0.50 Wednesday, 23rd 7 05 7.40 Thurndav, 24th 7.55 8 30 Friday, 25tli ...8 45 0 20 Saturday, 26th ...0 35 10.10 Suudav, 27tii 10.25 11
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  • 46 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homkwards. Simla 31 A iuj. Malta 2 Sept. (Jliiifaii 14 Sept. j lit ttyal 10 fcstra Service. Outwards. Hum k wards. Pern ‘it A iuj. Japan 27 A iuj. Pinaia ii Sept, j Majarca 10 Sept. JgjTFor particulars See 3.
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  • 20 1 German (Boom) 22ml Aug China {Print Heinrich) 23rd Indian (Thougtva) 24th English (Simla) 31st China (Malta) 2nd Sept
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  • 952 1 A Drawing-Boom Man. The Coreau is above everything else a man id' the drawing-room, and all his instincts move along the leisurely wavs of life. Anything like haste or empressement is unknown to the eternal laws that govern him. This characteristic of his is evident in all his
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 502 1 g? 95 OPERA INDRA ZABBA, The Prince of Wales Jawi Peranakan Theatrical Company. (Under Entirely New Management At King Street Theatrical Hall. To-night Monday, 21st August. The Company will stage the popular ami charming piece, Bahman and Parwesh. To-morrow, Tuesday, 22nd August. Ginufifah. A very Splendid Programme of Music from
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    • 161 1 N OLE AiitzNTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. u 63 v a Co a Oj Jr» o as v: V? Hiv s.s>sva TIANG LEE Co ST KAHN'S WINL stimulates appetite j n'ud assists in tin- assimilation of other food. I The lteneihyal effect is seen at once, i Depression’and langour pass away rapidly.
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  • 266 2 \V*> take from the Japan Mail the follow- iug outline of a lurid Tokio drama in real life —“About seven weeks ago ilicre died in Tokio a celebrated poet. Mr. Toguchi Neisai. He was also a menil*er of the Lower House. Inheriting a
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  • 694 2 Superstitious and Hknkvolknt. The Aiiiov correspondent ot the China mail writes under date of -2nd July One of tlie great millionaires of til3 South of China has just recently passed awav, leaving, it is said, tliiity millions of dollars to L»e ihadeducksand drake.» ot by a numerous
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 18 2 WANTJSSD. r OUNG CHINESE CI/ERK, .(nick writer. Applv tu A. B. 0.” I’t-H-O.i ‘JinKi l .>.%!» c Slruift E>‘hr>.
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    • 3007 2 Government of British North Borneo. NOTICE. GOVERNMENT <»F LABUAN. Ukvemuk Farms for ll>06, 1907. 1906. HMENDEllS will lie received by the Secre1_ tarv to the Governor, Sandakan, on or before 2nd October 1907», for the following Revenue Farms for the year 1900. or for the three years 1 906, 1907,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1912 3 P.&OJ S. N. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. For Expected Arrivals and, Departures. Mail Service. Out wards. Aug. ill S i ***** l connect ing with s.s. Lulia •Sept. II B,s. Chusau do 8.8. Britannia t'N 8.8. Coromandel do s.B. Mougolia Homewards. Sept. 2 8.8. Malta
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  • 138 4 Justice *ati»lie-everybody ami justice alone. Established June Ist, 1903. r Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THK CRITERION PRESS, U. 1., No. 22t>—232, Beach Si roof, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAI «I !***>• tnnntn OUTSTATIoX IVetao* Kvm. MAIL MIXTION (Post Free) #lo CAULK ADDRESS: Hchft —Penang.” Telephone No. 188.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 234 4 Those who ha\e had reason to complain in Penang of tenders for public works being allotted privately, with» out contractors in general having lttul an opportunity to compere. .\ii| read with some» interest a paragraph appealing in the* Indian Daily News of 29th ult. as follows:— A g<>od
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    • 274 4 I i< k Government Gazette of tii«* lltli iust. contains the list ot persons licensed I under the Poisons Ordinance in the j Straits Settlements. In Singapore 04 persons are so licensed, in Penang 9, ;and in Malacca 0, making a total of 1 Hi. Out of
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    • 239 4 Evidently the British Government is determined to be no party, active or passive, to any criticism of the present Government of China. In H* B. M.'s Supreme ourt it Shanghai recently Mr. H. P. Wilkinson, appearing as Grown Advocate, tiled a uiotiou tor an injunction against the
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    • 567 4 Thl Report ot the Committee on Chinese Burial Grounds, which has been sitting ut Singapore, was laid on the table at last Friday’» meeting of the Legislative Council, and reads as follows 1. This Committee have held >» verai Sittings and forward what are believed to be
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  • 1020 4 The Sovereign MAY be worth Ten Shillings. One of the greatest living authorities 011 our monetary system recently gave it as his opinion that unless tlie now rapidly increasing output of gold is soon restricted the metal will l>ecoine so plentiful that it ill cease to be
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  • 920 4 Police v, Balik Pulau. Thk native attactfes”/ of the District Office at Balik PulaU are nothing if uot sporting, as wituess their victories at Association football over the Peiimg Police and Bukit Mertajam -Recreation Club on the Esplanade last year and the brave show they made against the Penang
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 144 4 bV I I Occupies the Best Position in Penang. Fine Sea and Coast Views. SARKIES BROTHERS, s PROPRIETORS. Joe sag:~fr=: ;s?a The Moving Pictures Exhibition Coy. To-Niiiht To-Niaht AT THE NEW THEATRICAL HALL. Drury Lane, Campbell Street. Grand Kinetoscopc. (Direct from the premier makers of the worlds Accompanied with the
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    • 8 4 Doors open 9 a.ra at WhimWAY, LAIDLAW Co.’s.
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  • 250 5 Peace Negotiations. Conference Adjourned. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 19th August.—The Peace Conference has l>een adjourned until Tuesday afternoon, when the Protocols will lie signed. In the meanwhile the Plenipotentiaries will consult, their respective Governments, as the final decision rests with Tokio aud St. Petersburg. A Disagreement. Loudon, 19th
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    • 165 5 Bad Harvests Denied. (The Ostaeiatine/ier Lloyd'* Service.) Berlin, 20th August.— report that the Russian Government has prohibited the export of grain on account of bad harvests is without foundation. The Coming Silver Wedding. Berlin, 20th August.—The 'Tear and Tsuritsa decline to receive personal presents on the occasion of their
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    • 113 5 To Calm German Fears. ('lhe Odaniatitcher Lloyd s' Service.) Loudon, 21st August.—The Norddeutsche Allgeineiue Zeitung (North German Gazette) publishes au article which is evidently iu spired and is intended to allav the excitement produced by the couiiug cruise of the British Channel squadron iu the Baltic. 'The article
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    • 36 5 Lord Curzon Resigns. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 21st August.—lt is officially hinted that Lord Curzon has resigned the moeroysbip of ludia, Mr. Balfour, the 1 render, having cotiitnuuicaled the uews of me resignation to.Kiug Edward.
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    • 41 5 Mr. Conger’s Mission. (Supplied by Reuter.) lioudon, 20th August.—The special niish,< >u of Mr. Conger to China in connection *itli the boycott question will not affect the Pfcfiiou or- duties of Mr. Rockhill, the '-UiUal Stiittfj} Mi!)ittHr at Peking.
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    • 857 5 A Bishop Murdered. The 0*tn*ia*ti*rher Tjloi/d Sereict.) Berliu, 20th August.—News has l>een received from Kilwa, the seaport of German East Africa, that Bishop Spies aud a companion have !>eeii murdered by the natives ami that the Governor of the Colony asks for reinforcements to l>e sent, there. I
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  • 754 5 i Perak Autumn Meeting. i t Third Day. (From Our Own Correspondent). Rain fell heavily during the earlier parts of the afternoon, but cleared up later. The racing was again excellent aud the finishes excitiug. Both starting aud handicapping gave eutire satisfaction. Mr. Tate is going to
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  • 1005 5 Hints on Home Fashions. Loudou, 20th July. Mv dearest Edith.—This year all ladies are wearing white skirts and they are proving most useful, as well as economical. Nearly every smart girl one sees at the seaside resorts and watering places wears either a white serge, linen, or liolland skirt
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  • 615 5 Ihk list of Secretary Taft's Philippine partv, from the United States, m VS the j New \oik “Nation' shows that twenlvs e'jjht Senators aud Representatives h vu i !»een willing to give up their summer uwn- tion and pav all personal expenses except i j their transportation,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 A Caß "will Repay you at WJIHEAWrS'SALE'
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    • 326 5 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Steamship Hi, tiff llrr, Capllltll A Peters, will fur the above ports Ull .Satunlay, the 2t»th August, at. 4 1 01 I* might or Passage apply l<> KOK OUAN Co., I nt* for It e»’ Ihii <{■ <Singapore. 21-8-0 > oiiisit 002 CBN
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1190 6 Khoo Buan Phuan chop A. EVENBERG S 6, Bishop Street. Goldsmith, Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments,, Glllfl Scilg Gramophones and other Musieal Romd Taiping. 10-8-05 Instruments. dins 080 w v T W r Tin Miners, Advancers and General IYIIJLIIV* BERNESE ALPS MILK Co., Stalden, Emmenthal, Switzerland Graham&Co.,Ltd. 4 Beach
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  • 1024 7 i.oatinu Dock at Kook. In a hw months' time (lie Mitsu Bishi p* av, n hill working order at Wada <>int, Kobe, a uew dockyard, equipped for «■a mg with all branches of ship repairing I ol e that new and additional i ,s of this description
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 622 7 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. Tklbphone No. 321 HAVING JUST RECEIVED A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine OLDHAM HALL. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Healthful location, food the best, large play-ground, strict discipline, daily study classes under personal supervision of the Principal. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ENGLISH. i« now prepared
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    • 384 7 I NOTICE. T^.T'Tr.t 1 W g ,,f »“'l the u.wbb.M.nug Native J. State, that they have been appelated Agent, for Mesara. Iogall lWn, Clive Co., Ltd. ot London, and have recently received a large shipment of verv |**st < lua i; tv Lurope ready made Coffins, Coffin Furniture and Assorted
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 620 8 EMPIRE TYPEWRITERS. 4* THE IDEAL MACHINE 14 B i-.r FOR OFFICE USE, THEAN CHEE Co., (ESTABLISHED 1858.) 7 General Store Keepers, Ship Chandlers, Outfitters. Government Contractors, etc., etc. HATS and HELMETS. being built on principles comprising Great Strength and Simplicity of Construction. Full particulars from HUTTENBACH Bros. Co., Penang. Sole
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  • 146 9 As important three days’ sale of autograph letters ami document* commenced at Sotheby’s Auction Rooms in Loudon on the 24th ult., the Hist day s sale consisting of over 500 items. 1 lie chief lot sold was a two-page letter j in the autograph of Sir Thomas
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  • 267 9 FINKI) FOR NOT TAKING PROPER CARE c> THKM. Ihk Indian Daily reports that at Calcutta on the 27th nit. a .Mrs. Deane. of Sooterkiu s Cane, was summoned liel'ore Mr. I). H. Kiugsf -r«l on a charge of assault in-4 a milkmaid, name. I Jauku
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  • 226 9 James J. Jeffries has relimpiislied the heavy weight championship of the world, and now that he Inis married declares that, nothing will induce him to return to the ring. The following remarks of this great boxer on the merits of his opponents are interesting:— “Sharkey gave me the hardest,
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  • 308 9 Wreck of a War Correspondent's Steamer. The German steamer recently reported to have been wrecked on the coast of Saghalieu proved to be the German steamer 44 Cecile, a Press boat chartered by Baron Krieglsteiu, the correspondent of the Berlin 44 Lokal Anzeiger. The
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  • 258 9 Ha' KKNSCHMIDT SAVS EaT SWKETS And Bk Strong. “If you would be strong, eat all the j sweets you can, says Hackciischinidt, the j well-known wrestler He was being interviewed by a representative id the Confectioners Union when he j delivered this weighty pronouncement. I If you
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  • 731 9 Surprise Meeting in (lie Street. Marriage Goes Awry. A Cardiff bigamy case was before Justic Kijliam Bristol Assizes the other morning, when Frank Edwards (43), fruiterer, was indicted for marrying Alice Jane Cook in his wife's lifetime. Mr. Reresford, prosecuting counsel, said that as far back
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  • 186 9 A correspondent writing to a Hon/i tong paper on the subject of the American boycott j„ Canton says that Sand Lot meetings are Iteing held each evening on the Honan side of the. river somewhat similar to those organised by Kearny in Sail Francisco in 1879. At those
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  • 225 9 Imji; the past ninety years a cm ions public have lieeu buying relics of the battle ol’ Waterloo. It is estimated that about fifteen times as many weapons and forty times as mauv bullets have l>eeu sold as relics of tho famous baft leas were
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  • 463 9 The Leaderette A I'oi.iticai. Vioak of 1)rat. lx spite of “a soiaii. temporary rivers**. Mr. Balfour announced lii> (lwisimi to remain in office. When g«*od King Edward royally Bogan to idle this land. sirs. Tiie inemtiers of liis Ministry Were under my command, sirs. I found my
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 148 9 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” square face Gin in red cases. Sandilands, Buttery Co. H. HUDSON CO.'S turpenti ne. Sandiland Mattery Co. BORDEN’S PEERLESS CREAM. Sandilands. Mattery Co P. Wo/f Crane Co/s CYLINDER OIL. Sandilands Mattery Sr Co. John Bazley White Brothers' “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. Sandilands. Mattery Co. Jeye’s
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    • 9 9 Sale! Sale!! Sale Now on at WH1TEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co.’s.
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    • 448 9 WHAT VIROL O L IS The New Food for Children Hi Invalids A Combination of the Most Nutritive Substances obtainable for RICKETS, ANAEMIA and CONSUMPTION. RE/ID THIS IMPORTANT TESTIMONY IM-ak Sues. '''•■lnk .1 Sty!. I'Jtii, P.Hil. I’ kuse send me lour inure tins ot VIROL. I litid M;i mn*f •.••■ri/rnl
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  • Shipping.
    • 200 10 Kennehkc, Br. s.s 3301, Brvnou, loth Aug., Singapore, 17 Aug., Geu. —A. G. A Co. Petrel, Br. s.s. 124, K»i1, I9lh Aug., P. Kauipai. IHtli Aug, Gen. K. <4. C.. Taw Tong, Br. 105. Hassan, PMh Aug., Port Swettonhain, 18th Aug., Geu., I\ G. (5*. Mary Austin, Br. ->
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    • 40 10 21st August Petrel, for Pangkalau Bramlan. Mary .1 u*ri for Bort Swetteniiam. Tair Tony. for Asalian Jason. for Singapore. Cliina ami Japan. Canton, lor I’augkor ami Teluk Anson. Hllnra, for Moulineiu. for Singapore I'imit, I B<*rt Wei'i ami I'aipmg
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    • 84 10 1 f i < .{>)*• utf //MK r ‘alcullit AAA Co •Jot h A lit». 1 A.A|>car Si > |*< •!>* A A A .Co. 28tb Benavh Singapore S 1» ACo. oOtli iVul ItV('IS liOlldol! > B ACV l't Sopt. Bon veil no Loudo’i S.B .V' 1st Beimlder Loudon
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    • 77 10 i Agent* 1 If. A lv.ll' Siiii'.» jh*io A.A. V.Oo. •Jot It A ng. A.A| cm r Calcutta A A A .Co. Jstii licuiirl Al vsciiio 8 j‘. 30th Bfpluwers Singapore 8 I' A Co. 1 't Sepl. I VnvcinH* •Silicapore SB A< 1 a»t l>en;ti*ier Singapore S.i>ACo. 1st
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    • 55 10 F»»k Bert Swett-nliam ami Malacca Per Aeayyt’e, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Langkat —Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli Per Cornelia, to-morrow. 1 p.m. Batu B.ilua—Per Pmlany, to-morrow, 1 pm Burt Swetteiiliam, Kuala Bumptir ami Singapore Per Pin Seny. to-morrow, 3 p in. T» Ink Aii sou Per La
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  • 180 10 G old leaf 75 50 1». Pepper \V. Coast 21b5.507..) out »i tt»-i\ While Pepper 09 —sellers rnine Pepper season over Cloves (picked) out of stason Mace 75 —sellers Mace Pickings 05. —buyers Xutmecs IP's ojj gale* N«* i li lo Mom. Slicin' IK* Stock. si gale* l'a pi
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  • 132 10 I'uiang. 21st August. (By counexy of the (Jhartermh Hunk i London Demand Bank 2/l£ 4 months’ sigh» P,«»«l 2 l 6 3 Credit .2 1* 3 l)oemn“ntM»v 2.1 Calcutta. Demand Bank Its 56 3 days’ sight Private '58 Bombay, Demand Bank 156 3 days’ sigiit Priv:« o .58 Madras.
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  • 223 10 Beiat Tin Mining Co Bd. 3 5. buyer* rtersa watt Gold Mu ingC»» .Bo > i 2 rs Brieli Rubber Syndicate, Ld.s 5 jneiu. buyer* Bruseii Hydraulic Tin Mining tV, B«l 5 3.25 buyers Duff Deveiopnient, Co. s3.— seller* Fraser A Neave. I,• i. sloj. —pullers George T<»wn l>ispens;**-\
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  • 191 10 Pinaku, 2Jst August, ItHJ5, 1h>*cripti'+n 1>EEE Cfg. S<*np }t*r (mIIv IbOiit)I Steaks 28 1 Si»*.y or Curry Meal 18 Rump Steak 28 t tx Tail each HO Tongue 70 r Fee* I» 5 Heart HO Liver SO IV>Kk Pork per catty 30 Pig's Hea»j 24 Feet 2^ i
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 109 10 ARE THE VERY BEST DUTCH CIGARS. IN STOCK: Sole Importers: 60LDEK3ER6 and ZEITLIN PENANG. luic Kennedy Sc Co. AGENTS FOR Wm. Younger Co., Lid. Monk Brand Ale Stout IN BOTTI.L AND IN Bl lav. Price Lists on Application. KEITSTSDIT CO. 13c By Appointment Tc THE CRITEBM FREES, LIMITED. PRINTERS, PUBLISHERS,
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    • 292 10 THE LONDON DIRECTORY, CONTAINING over 2,000 pages of J» densed commercial matter, enable* enter prising- traders throughout the Empire to keen in close touch with the trade of the Motherland. Besides being- a complete commercial gui e Lo don and its Suburbs, the London Directory contains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS
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