Straits Echo, 19 August 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • 53 1 To-day. l(*th Day, 7th Moon Town Hand, Golf Club, to 7 p.ui. Opera ludra Zabba, King Street, 9 p.m. The Moving Pictures Exhibition, Drury banc, 9 p.ui. To- MORROW. 20th Day, 7th Moon. Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Opera Iudra Zabba, King Street, 9 p.m. The Moving Pictures Exhibition, Drury
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  • 29 1 l awt, (Quarter Aug. 23rd 1.9.8 p.m. O New Moon 30th 8.13.4 p.m. First, Quarter Sept. 6th 11 8.8 am. O Full Moon 14th 1.10.0 a m
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  • 42 1 For Week*ending Friday. Aug. 25, looii. AM. P M. Sau ir<lay, 19th ...3.45 420 Sunday, 20th 4.35 5 10 Monday, 21mI ...5.25 6 Tuesdav, 22ud ...6 15 6.50 Wediiesdav. 23rd 7.05 < 40 Thursday, 24th 7.55 830 Friday, 25th ...8.45 9.20
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  • 45 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Hum k wards. Simla SI Ang. Malta 2 Sept. *Ch titan 14 Sept. I Bengal 16 Hxtra Service. Outwards. Homkwabus. Pera 21 Aug. Japan 27 Aug. Poo mu o Sept, l Ma-n:ca 10 Srpt. For particulars See Page 3.
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  • 20 1 Gniimii (Avon) ‘22ml Au^j. Oiliii:t (Prinz Heinrich) 23rd Indian (Tlionytca) 24th English (Simla) 31st Cliiaa (Malta) 2nd Sept.
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  • 1265 1 Some Interesting Experiences Ky Karl Blind. I had heard that the remarkable specimens of the African dwarf race now at the Hippodrome were very shy, somewhat gruff, and difficult of approach but I found this not to be the case. When, through the kindness of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 424 1 M 258 (S s- Of A'* /N ro WHITEAWAY’S FOR TABLE DAMASKS AND FANCY LINENS. Specially Attractive Bargains. An Immense Stock, Quite New and Fresh, The undermentioned are a Few of Our Leading Lines: Value Unequalled In Household Linens Linen Crash Towelling, Sale Price 25 cents per yard. GOOD VALUE
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    • 122 1 OPERA INDRA ZABBA, The Prince of Wales Jawi Peranakan Theatrical Company. (Under Entirely New Management.) At King Street Theatrical Hall. To-night Saturday. 19th August. The Company will stage the popular and charming piece, Jula «I uli Bintang Tiga, and will also give a “Chon Kina’' Song and Dance. To-morrow. Sunday
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    • 86 1 TI/.NG LEE Co BASS’S ALE SON m c Z V. CL ct> o UJ a «7 ft liiois S'«$SiMMIil‘‘ SOLE AUizNTS. STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE can be obtained from all dispensaries (quickly bv post). Never be without the Genuine. NOTICE. "TVTE, the Shanghai Building and InvestT v men) Company, Limited, hereby
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  • 144 2 The following is believed to a complete schedule of mining concessions granted bv the Chinese Government Ili the three eastern provinces To Russia, Kariu, Chiapiku, Ningkuia and Hun cliuu. Iu Shantung; To Germany, all places along the Kiaochau Railway aud almost the whole province; capital, 330,000,000
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  • 145 2 Enemies of IIubmek. Com I’LAINTs are being made of the depiedations by rats on young rubb r trees, the attacks being made apparently on the roots of the tree. It has long been known that porcupines are also sei i-uts depredators m the low country and we have
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  • 560 2 An Jmraovti» Mexiioi*. (7 inies <j Ceylon. 3Jk U. C. Dickson, of the Colombo j niercialCompany s Engineering Department, hasjustfiled specifications at the patent office, i Colombo, of an iuveutiou for the improve- I meat of the method of coagulating ami drying rubber. The new machine,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 21 2 AGENTS FOR LLOYD’S. National Bank of China, Limited. National Bank of India, Ltd. Insurance effected against all risks. SANMUNDS. IHJTTERY Co
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    • 2568 2 NOTICE. iN and after this date, all small I advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG 1IOOI. 12th July, 1905. Managing Director. NOTICE Consulate for the Netherlands. tji* to Monday, 2nd October 1905, tend- ns will l»e received at the office
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1576 3 IS. N. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Ainr. 31 s.s. Simla oouuoctiug with #.s. iMdia Sept. 14 8.#. Chinaii do s.s. Britannia 8.8. Coromandel do s.s. Mongolia Homewards 19 8.s. Coromandel connecting with 8.8. Moldavia •j H.K. Malta do
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  • 149 4 J nuticeMistßfie* vvJryoady. and just ice alone. Kmensou. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Uil., No. 226 —222, Bo;veil Street, Penang PRICE DAILY LOCAI pei ODTSTATION Postal K.x n. MAII. KIUTION (Post Kree» SIS CAItLR ADDRKSS: Echo —Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • 1580 4 Not so verv mam months ago one met a class ot |*e«>ple in P-nang who walked about with an exceeding greal swagger and regarded «it her »**opl*‘ askance. They were not verv different in appearance from the others. ex«iept that their clothes were newer and ihey seemed to
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  • 46 4 News has reached us that the Suugei Besi Miue at Kuala Lumpur lias just changed hands, Towkav Foo Ohoon having taken it over from Towkay Yap Looug Heug for the sum of $62,000. The property covers an area of over 120 acres.
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  • 128 4 The Moving Pi. hires Exhibition at Drury Lane. Street, continues to attract full houses and is doing a roaring business, both as regards the pockets of the managers and tin* risible faculties of the audiences. A great feature of the show is the absence of Hick while
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  • 243 4 A Singapore Scare The Deaconess’ Home on Mt. Sophia has lx*eu transformed into a haunt of dire apprehension o ing to the fact that a sick [Hippy recently chased one of the girls round the compound, says the Straits limes. A report of the matter has been made to
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  • 517 4 Mk. Clioa Kim Keat appears to have discovered it, or rather to have constructed a retreat among the eocoanut trees at Passir Paujang so thoroughly charming as to warrant the fanciful name which he has applied to it Fairyland,” says the Singapore Free Press. The fortunate and benevolent owner,
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  • 148 4 Cricket Club’s Tournament. Nearing the End. The ies have been decided Single Handicap, Class li. G. 11. Lees beat G. Teeling 6—4; I—6;1 —6; B—6 Double Handicap. C. C. Rogers and B, C. Criswick beat Dr. Skae and M. H. Graham 6—4; 7—5. Mixed Doubles- Final. Mrs. Dunn
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  • 585 4 Terrible Details. San Diego (Califoria), 21st July.—Fifty men are reported to have been killed aud scores terribly injured by a boiler explosion which occurred this morning on the United States gunboat Bennington, lying in the harbour here. Probably every man on the vessel is either killed or
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 304 4 sl^S^F' ii- >00« -rr-~ m 1 nnK mil FnR THE HEW PENNY PAPER r THE EASTERN DAILY MAIL. FIVE CENTS A COPY ONLY. $4.50 a quarter post free. Native States and Penang News Specialized. For Rest dvt. Spaces apply early to the Straits Press Agency, Singapore, Penang. Kuala Lumpur and
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    • 10 4 Sale now on at WHITE A WAY, LAIDLAW A Co.’s
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    • 184 5 The Tsar’s Concessions. (The (Jstasiatischer Lloyd'»'' Service i Beriiu, 18th August.—The Tsar's Manifesto, convening the National Assembly, is to be issued to-morrow. The Manifesto. Berlin, 18th August.—Constantine Pobvedouostseff, the Procurator of the Holy Bvnod. has stated that in the projected Constitution officials will not lie eligible for election. The
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    • 89 5 French Protests: German Explanations. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 19th August.—A Freuch official statement declares that the attention ot Germany has lieeu called, to Count Tatteubacli’s proceedings at Fez aud anticipates that the present exchange of views will lead to a satisfactory solution of the incidents complained ot. The German
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    • 72 5 The Question of Government. (The 0ataginli*cher Lloyd's Service) Berlin, 18th August.—Bjornst jerue Hjurnseu, the Norwegian poet and novelist, is iu tavour of the formation of a republic, but Dr. Nansen is against it, although it is considered likely that lie would lie elect«*d President. Denmark is said to be
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    • 44 5 The Dingley Tariff Bill. (Th OstitMiatiteller Lloyd s Service Berlin, 18th August.—There is a «flowing movement in America against the Dingley Tariff Bill as it is considered that the imposition of an imperial tariff will endanger commercial peac-* with Germany.
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    • 59 5 A Compromise Effected. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 18th August.—The Cotton Conference sat for ten hours at Manchester yesterday and at length agreed to a compromise whereby the operatives receive a bonus of five per cent, for twelve weeks from date and neither side is to attempt to
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    • 60 5 Another Rising. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 19th August.—A native rising has occurred at Matuiubi, iu German Fast Africa, a predatory trilie attacking the coast villages. Two divisions of German Soudanese from Kilwa are pursuing them. Bishop and Officers Killed. Loudon, 19th August.—lt is reported that the Roman Catholic
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    • 79 5 A Move by America. (Stipjt/ied by Re tiler.) Loudon, 19th August.—Mr. Conger, formerly American Minister at Peking, is returning to China to trv to remove the antiAmerican boycott. Chinese Government Intervenes. Relu> i Spec in h.) Hongkong, 19th August.—The iceroy of Nanking lias issued a proclamation condemning the
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    • 21 5 Another Famine Feared. (Echo Special.) Simla, 19th August.—Owing to the failure of the monsoon a famine is imminent in India.
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    • 72 5 Burial Committee’s Report. Echo Special. Singapore, 19th August.—A t yesterday’s meeting of the Legislative Council the Report of the Chinese Burials Committee was laid on the table. The Report recoin mends inter alia that the privilege of burial in private grounds should henceforth only be extended in the
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    • 200 5 Big Flood on Yangtsze. (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 19fcli August. —Owing to the rising of the Yangtsze River thousands of houses have been swept away at Chunking. Paktioulaks of a new and pmuless auwst.lietic are published by the Petit Journal This drug, which is obtained from a plant found in
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  • 205 5 Peace Negotiations. The Russian Stumbling-Block. (The 0*1 ariatiwher Lloyd'* Service) Berlin. 18th August. A Portsmouth telegram states that the main questions before the Peace Plenipotentiaries, viz., the cession of Saghalien and the payment of an indemnity, are still making no progress. More Important Points Shelved. (Supplied by Renter.)
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  • 1031 5 Singapore, 14th August. Dkak Oli> Man, I'm just fresh from a chat with Madame Bassett who has returned from a visit to Shanghai where she sang to a most enthusiastic audience. Those who were charmed with Madaine’s sinking in Pvnaug will lie interested to learn that
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  • 982 5 Strait s Time» Correspondent.) SkiUKABAYA, sth August. the warlike events iu the territory of the rebellious Rajah of Bom develop with exceeding rapidity. The troops, after tiyiug in vain to find a northern passage from Cap*; Patiro to reach Boui. were re em balked and conveyed
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  • 515 5 A (jLhvtsK Skit. Ihk follow mg i s from ;i clever which lias found publication at Simla: As before mentioned, there has been official earthquakes here but the greatest is the one what occurred through Gazette Extruordinary, otherwise known as Kxtra ordinary Gazette. I
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 Doors open 9 a.m-at LAIDLAW Co. s
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    • 243 5 To-day's Advertisements. CENTRAL SALES ROOM. Important Auction Sale BY ORDER OF I (1F OFi iClAI. ASSKiNHH «►K ALL. THL STOCK-IN-TRADE, K Messrs. HIN LEE Sc Co., in Bankruptcy. AT No 55, Street, 7th 's Sale, lui&dtty, 22nd August. At II a.m. 1000 Cases. i *.i ws’m s YVhiskv Crawford’s do
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  • 43 5 Obituary. Baron Sannomiya(The Odaniastischer Lloyd s Service Berlin, 18th August.—Thedeathof Baron Sauuomiya is deeply regretted throughout Germany, as he was well kuown to be the friend of the Germans. Prince Johann of Mecklenburg aud Prince Anton of Hoheuz >1lern have expressed their condolences.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1125 6 A. EVENBERG 56, Bishop Street. Goldsmith, Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments, Gramophones and other Musical 10-8-05 Instruments. Bins 530 PENG CHENG Coy. 17. Market Lane. Penang. .lust received a large consignment of Mah May Cigars, Nos. I, 2 and 3 Beware of Imitations. PENG < ’ll ENG (Jov Khoo
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  • 1071 7 Alii:n v m| Uuoo.vHtfT!'. NV mi l Ik- advent of new inventions lor Ih* cleaning and ion ot hemp, and ilm stimulus which lias of Ul« l»een given Im tin* cultiv. iiifii ol tin* coc«i<iiiul< luu from 1 :e product ol which is derived copra,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 941 7 Jeye’s Perfect Purifier. The best and most powerful disinfectant extant, in 1 and 5 Gallon Drums and in 40 Gallon Casks. Quotations on Application. Sandilands. Huttery Sr Co NOBELS’ EXPLOSIVES Co., Ltd,. GLASGOW. BLASTING GELATINE, G ELIGNITE DETONATORS, FUSES ANI) ELECTRIC BLASTING APPARATUS Sandilands, Hnttory Sr Co. Sole Importers, Penang
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 681 8 S. A. DANIELL, Ltd., Manufacturers of Engineers’, Gas-Fitters’ and Smiths’ Screw Stocks, Dies Taps, Screwing Machines, Ratchet Braces, Twist Drills, Vices, Tube Cutters, Bottle Jacks. Drilling Machines and all descriptions of Engineers’ and Smiths’ Tools. THEAN CHEE Co., (ESTABLISHED 1858.) 7 Genera/ Store Keepers, Ship Chandlers, Outfitters, Government Contractors, etc,,
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  • 1492 9 (Specialty written for the Strutt* Echo Now there came once to the laud of Pulau Piuang a young mau of goodlv presence and noble mien, and having been told in his i own country for all the years of Ins life that he was as nothing,
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  • 663 9 The Japanese as Stioents ani* Teachers of the Akt of Wak. My modest share in the training oft Japan's Navy was a very valuable experience, because all the time I was teaching the Japanese the Japanese were teaching me. They studied with the same determination, the same concentration
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  • 699 9 Brand-new Very Short Story. About the Ytinkee Multi. Chapter l—On the Iceberg. The writer of our new story has painted iti vivid colours life as it is on I both sides of the Atlantic and in the middle. The hero, an American Multi, is on board a great
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  • Shipping.
    • 74 9 l'Mte'iA, P*r. s.s. 3.4J8, liail. P.til, An*. Singapore, Lth Aug, Geu H L Co i Hubs, Br. ».s. 44’», Inkster, Httli Amr. Si oapore, 17th Aug. <\*u, \V. M Co Ptsou, Br. s.s 2tt4, Covsli, 19th Aug. Acheen, 18th Aug, Geu.— IS. Ho Hiu. Coromandel, Br. s h. 2.783,
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    • 65 9 19th August. j V alentijn, for Edie. T Seinawe, Seg li, Olelileli ami Pulo Web. Malaya, for Deli. Teesta, for Xegapatam and Madras. Langkat, for Teluk Hole Canton, for Edie, T. Seuiawe, Segli, Olelileli and Sabaug. Hebe, for Deli. Kislna, for Port Swetleuhaui, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Agamemnon,
      65 words
    • 62 9 1 eeeele Front Aijeutx Due B**u venue LoikIoh S R.ACo. 251 I» Aug. G. A pear Calcutta A A A Co. 25th A. A pear Singapore A A A Co. 28« h 1 ienart v Singapore S.B.ACo. 28tli Sikh < i lasgow S R.ACo. 81st (Ihazee Glasgow S B.
      62 words
    • 58 9 1 CS St'/." t'ur Lit tic ft! 1 l»eii venue Singapore S.lJ.ACo. ■Jot it Aug. C. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. J-Mli A.Apcar Calcutta A.A A.Co. JStli 1 Jena rl v Marseille» S.B.ACo. JHtl. Sikli Singapore S.l*ACo, -•1st (ji liazee Singapore S. I».A‘ o. :;isi i ait Itiau Singapore S
      58 words
    • 93 9 Foil Pungkaluu Braudan—Per Petrel, 21st lllstaut, p.Ill Port Swettcuhain—Per Mur if Aneitn, 21st instant, I p in. Asdi.iu Per Tm r 'Tony. -1st instant, I p.m, ►Singapore, China and Japan—Per Jason. 21st instant, 2 p.m. Pangkoi aud Teiuk Anson—Per Canton, 21st, instant, 2 p in. Moulnieiu —Per I'J
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    • 53 9 Per TV« >i from Singapore: Hou. Hugh Fort, Alls. Mitchell, Mrs. Fong Cliee, Warder Spry, Air. E. Ariva, Mr. M. Auguiia. Per Hebe, from Singapore Miss ichikiiusa. Per Coromandel, from Singapore Messrs. VV. Ullett, Chen Heug and Cheok Sum. From Yokohama for London, breaking journey at Penang: Hon. and
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    • 227 9 Belat Tin Mmiug Co Ld. 6 *>■ -buyers >i>;i wall Cold Mm 4 12. —telbrs Brieli Rubber Syndicate, L<l.s •> vtem. buyer* ilrusei* Hydraulic Tin Mining Co |,.i 4 4.2 d bm t er* Huff Iteveiopmout Co. $8. teller* Fraser A- Netive. Ld SlOl. teller* George'l own Dispenser»
      227 words
  • 133 9 lU'iu Auutsi 1/.. ijhit r> Honk L union D»mano haul 2 I 4 1 1 tin’ sigh* liank 2 I < r*elit ‘2 I I lot'll V 2 11 k in.n. i hank Ks 'lit) 'lays -ng'it jViv-< 158 U nullity Iteniainl hank f.jO days sight Privu e 1.58
    133 words
  • 189 9 Goiu ieat 5 7-i 50 B.Pepper (W C*«i*a 8ll»>.ĕo l <</// of stock White Pepper 5 *9 seller* l'rang Pepper season over Cloven (picked) out oj season XI ace 75 —sellers Mace Pickings (55. buyers Nutmegs I lbs sale- No. 1 0 I<> HOm. Sugar 2 no stock. Basket
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  • 183 9 Pknanu, 10th August, ll*od. iJescri/ttion. llhri els. Soup per catty 12 Roast 26 Steaks 28 Ste*v or Curry Meat 18 Hump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 70 Feet Id Heart 30 Liver 30 Pork Pork per catty 36 Pig's Head 24 Feet 28 Tongue 36 Mutton
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 161 9 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop GOON YANG. Telephone No. 321 HAVING JUST RECEIVED A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine ia loW prepared to undertake promptly repair» of old rubber-tyred wheels which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Xos. 178, 180 182 Penang Road, PENANG. Established 1875. For Sale Carriages. DEVOTES special attention
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 460 10 WT 4 m ARE THE VERT BEST DUTCH CIGARS. IN STOCK: OLDHAM HALL. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Healthful location, food the bt st, large play-ground, strict discipline, dailv study classes unde»’ personal supervision of the Principal. SPECIE IL ATTENTION TO ENGLISH 134-0-j iSiiiis a »k at* Address PRINCIPAL ANGLO-CHINESl;
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