Straits Echo, 16 August 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 53 1 M A K El AUK. At St. Gniyi! i* Iniivli. I’omiiur. on Tuesday, An#. l'uli. I»v tbw Rev. F. W. Haiiie». m. a. Colonial Chaj lain. Robert. second &on of the lata Rev Geo. E. Youiijrof Halley. Yorks, to Edith Mary, only daughter of Yi'.lMinn Lees Esq., New
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  • 60 1 To-DAT. Itilii Iko, 4 lii Moon. I.ovmi I kind, Esplanade, t> u> 7 p.m. Opera lndra Zablui, Kino Street. 9 p.m. TheJ Moving Pictures Exhibition, Drury Lane, 9 p.m. To- MORROW. 1»a 7t.ii Moon Towu Hand, Golf Club, ti to 7 p.m. Opera Judra Zubba, Kiuir Street, 9
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  • 30 1 ymu lot A no. J3rd 1 9.6 p.j*. U A*"v Moon doth 8.13.4 p.m. First (quarter Sept Hti; 11 8.8 a m O Hull Al <« ui 14th 1.10.0a.m.
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  • 44 1 For ft’wi; «u*Ku^ Tuesday, Aug. 22. 10**5. AM. P M tatluiv. 1 t>th 1.15 .v. 15U I’ll•••■**• •>*'. 17tii 2.00 240 Kri«iav. 18th ...2.55 B.Ho Sax.ii• in lOtli ...8.45 420 buii'iav, 20th ...4.35 5 10 M'HiJay, 21st ...5.25 6.--TtiHhOay, 22ml ...t> 15 0.50
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  • 14 1 Euglisli Nubia l"ili Air_\ < 'lllllH (t'ornoio m(I»'I) 1911 l Gmiuaii ltoi>n 22ml
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  • 49 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OUTWAKO-v HoMEWAKOS. Nubia 1/ Any. Coromandel 19 Any. Simla V 1 Malta 2 Sept. I.xira Service. Out w a u i>*. H om k w a uds. Pera 21 A»y. Japan 27 Any. Poona 5 Sept. Malacca 10 Sept. For particulars c>ee Page 8.
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  • 183 1 Jrtl.l I I 'epuei 1 \V. U.*., .1 out <«/ -lock While Pepper 39— seller* Iraug Pepper season, over Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 75— seller* Mace Pickings *>-">. tinkers Nutmegs libs sate* No. 1 0 |o UOU». Sugar 2 u*> stock. Basket 5d stiles Tapioca Kiour 1.20
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  • 1866 1 Mttfuif Mxiil.) The choice of .1 locality in which to sp*iJid a short holiday 1* unfortunately s<>-limited here that it d5es not take one long to come to a decision; but apart this, the claims of Port l>ick»>n ate so strong «,> to make its
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  • Shipping.
    • 52 1 Yenisei# /'V otn 1 Aye at# Due Btsdumua Silica pure B »tCo. 17t IiAiio. B«m?leuch London S.H.&Co. 18th Heulftwem Loudon S. Li.A/Co. 22 nd Benrenue Loudon S. B.&Oo. 25th Ben art v Singapore jjj.H.ACo. 28th Sikh < i lilS^OW S.B.AOo. 3 1 St Ciliazee S.U.ACo. 31st Lot liian (11,1
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    • 51 1 1 etrelr /'or />».(. ices Betiiiiaua j Colombo B.itOo. ]8t.liAu^. Beucieucli Singapore S B.&Co 18tli Beirlawers Singapore S B.&Co. 22ml I5t*iiv«imn Singapore S. B.&Co. 2-5111 Benartv M useilles S B.&Co 28th Sikh Si ill'llpole S. Ib&Uo, 31st <ih a zee Singapore S. U.&. o. olst Cothiau Singapore S.
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    • 107 5 Eonikin Bridge, Hr. s s. 1.936. Berrvman loth Aug, Calcutta, 7th Aug, Ooal B. M A Co. Silesia, Ger. s.s. 3,138. liable, loth Aug. Hamburg, lOlli July. Gen. B. M A Co. M. Yajikunhis, Jhit. S.S. 1,182. SteenU.rg, 16th Aug. Salwing, 14th Aug, Gen., H. L. Co. Waihora, Br.
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    • 54 5 16th August. K. Halewgn, for Batu Balira. Petrel, for Pangkalau Brandan. Mar;/ Austin, for Port Swettenham. Taw Tong, for Asahan. Langkat, for 'i'eluk Ausou. Silesia, for Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai. Yokohama aud Kol>e. Malta Vajiruuhis, for Olehleh, Pulo Well and P 'dang. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld aud Taiping. Nubia,
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    • 29 5 Waiho-a, Hr. s.s. 1,167, Brown, 10th Aug. Singapore, 14tli Aug, Gen.,—K. G Co. Canton, Hr. s.s. 105. Merican, 16th Aug. Teluk Anson, loth Aug, Gen., Ah Hiug.
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    • 105 5 For Tougkaii -Per IfrUorua, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Irani; Pang Ngu--Per -D«L,*to-inorrow, 1 p.m. Paugkor and Teluk Anson—Per Caulon, to-morrow, 2 pm. Singapore and Hongkong—Per Lai Sa/uj, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Perlis Setul—Per Un Feng, lo-morrow, 3 p.m. Colombo aud Tuticorin—P r China, 4 p.m.
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  • 124 1 I’smani}, 10th August. (By euurteay in' the CUnrt.*r»-l Hunk.) j London Demand Hank ...2 0; i months’ sight Kmk ...2 0* 3 Credit ...2 1 3 Documentary 21 jj Calcutta. Demand Bank lis lot «lavs’ sngiit Private lot) B uni.av B ilik lot- «lays* i xiiC IViv st> .Ma
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  • 204 1 Belat Till Minin» Co., L<l. 7.—teller* KerxawaliHold MinjugCo.. 1,.1. < 12.— teller* Brieh Rublier Syndicate, Ld.s 5 vretn. buyers Bruseii Hydraulic 'l'in Mining Co., Ij<l 4.00 buyers Iluft I leveiouinent Cu. sB. —sellers Fraser A. Nmm, 1,1 $lOl. —sellers George Town Dispeusan s2s. —buyers Howxriii Rrskiue, Ld. $205. ■.ijuigan
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 144 1 73 t f C \3> <3 OPERA INDRA ZARBA, The Prince of Wales Jawi Peranakan t heatrical Company. (Lnilur Entirely New Management.! At King Street Theatrical Hall. To-night, Wednesday, 16 August. The Company will stage the popular and charmiu<' piece, Siti Noor Ain. To-morrow* Thursday 17 August. No Performance. A
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    • 110 1 The Moving Pictures Exhibition Coy AT THE HEW THEATRICAL HALL. Drury Lane, Campbell Street. Grand Kinetoscope. (Direct from the premier makers of the world) Accompanied with the largest Gramophone yet -pen in the Straits and States. Splendid variety of latest films procurable, COMPRISING: Stirring Events of the Russo-Japanese War. Amusing
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER. Thk followin': report is kindlv supplied hy the Signal Dneetor of Port Cornwallis The rainfall during the 24 hours ended at ft am. to-dav was 0*0o inches.
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  • 554 2 Thursday 14th; Saturday, 16th; Monday 18th September. FIRST DAY. RACE I. The Maiden Plate. Value 8300.—Distance 1 mile. Deli KxGriffius (maidens) 14 lbs. allowance. Entrance 815. Weight 00 K. G. (9.7st.) RACE II. Value $250. —A race for Autumn 1905 Griffins.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1762 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. George Town Municipal Electric Tramways. the a«l--rilHE space on the reverse sides ol 1 JL. Tram wav tickets is available for i vertisiug purposes. Advertisers are iuvited to Lender tor the exclusive use of this space in the tirst series comprising not less than one and a half
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    • 20 2 AGENTS FOR LLOYD’S. National Bank of Oh*"** National Bank d'* Ltd. Insurance effected against all risks. SANDIL4NDS. BUTTERY A Ce.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1638 3 'M r» Hi Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. For Intended to Sail. Steamer. Expert*»] Arrivals and Departures Mail Service. Outwards. Aug. 17 31 Sept- 14 2* Aug. Sept. 8.8. A tibia connecting with 8.8. Himalaya s.8. Simla do 8.8. Itulia 8.8. Chusan do 8.8. Britannia 8.8.
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  • 138 4 j i r r-Trnl- and just ice alone.—Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sun day*.) at mx CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Penang:»* PRICE DAILY LOCAL Si* P* r OUTBTATION PtwUge Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) ?I5 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo —Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • 130 4 Five H miitis of Peking have memorialised the Throne regarding the future Government of Mau- churia as follows 1. —The administration of the comm-. try to la* placed in the hands of a capable Manchu prince. 2. Port Arthur anti Ta lien wan to be thrown open
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  • 207 4 The Chinese Government has just issued a proclamation dealing with the present condition of the army, ihe drill, and the weapons, to which, partially at least, up to the present it has l»een wedded. After the customary references ft* the past, the victories and glory won by
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  • 303 4 The report on the Administration of .Salt Revenue in Burma for 1904 hasjusr been published. \N h (Rangoon Times) learn from it flint the competition between English and German salt was keen throughout the year, and that Gentian salt retained the lead in the market. Alien salt,
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  • 884 4 Now that a treaty of peace between Japan and Russia is under discussion, it may be interesting to our renders to hear something about other famous treaties. Among the most important of the world's treaties are the following The Treaty of Westphalia, 1648, which ended the thirty years’ war.
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  • 939 4 Young—Lees. Brilliant Spectacular Scene. In weather decifodly tropical the interior of St. George’s Church was yesterday afternoon transformed into a scene of brightness and animation in honour of the wedding—one of the prettiest and bv far the most popular that, lias been celebrated in the nuptial annals of
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  • 42 4 Ihk Chief Police Officer courteously f or wards us the following return of dogs shot outside Municipal limits, Penang Number of dogs previously killed ($299 Number of dogs kiLled during the week ending August, 12th 4^ T °tal 6715
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  • 213 4 Russian Anger. A St. Petersburg cable says that the Government of Russia is angered at the visit of the Secretary of War of the Uuited States aud the daughter of the President of the Uuited States, aud a concourse of legislators aud prominent statesmen of the
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  • 520 4 The South Chiua Morning Post says that cordial support to the decision to boycott American goods is forthcoming from the Chambers of Commerce, aud Guilds and Associations in North’China. The Executive Committee of the boycott have seut detailed lists of the names of American goods to all who
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 125 4 McAlister Co. Ltd, PMTCHARB h CO. ANNOUNCE AN Importation of the New Derby Horse > Cattle Dressmaking AM) Millinery Department, Food. Horse Food $2 25 per bag Cattle Food 1.75 n In Bags of 1 cwl. each. «Just arrived. Choice Flowers, New Trimmed Paris and London Hats. French Brocaded Silks,
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    • 9 4 Dows Open 9 a.m at WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co. s
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    • 67 4 Be wise in time, 'tis good advice. Man gets his chance but seldom twice. And therefore do not be cajoled Into neglect of cough or cold Or stomach troubles, pains that gripe. Or ailments of this wretched type—' For each there is no nostrum truer |irr Than that of Woods'
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    • 124 5 Polish Novelist Punished. (Supplied hy Reuter Loudon, 15th August.—The Polish novelist Henryk Sieukicwicz, the author of Quo Vadis has been sentenced at Warsaw to detention in his residence for publishing a protest against the Russification of the Polish schools. Loan not Wanted. Loudon, 15th August.—A deputation of prominent Jewish
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    • 32 5 The British Fleet Sails (Sujtplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 16th August.—The Channel cruiser squadrons, together with eleven iKittleships and eight cruisers, have left Portsmouth for a cruise iu the Baltic Sea.
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    • 33 5 The Candidate for the Throne. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service Berlin, 15th August.—Norway is preparing to sound the Powers as to their willingness to acknowledge Prince Charles of l>euinark as Kiug of Norway.
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    • 35 5 A New Ministry Formed. I'he Ost as Lit ischer Lloyd s Service) Berlin, 15th August.—A new Ministry lias I'oeu definitely formed in Holland, with Herr Moos ter as President aud Minister of Finance.
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    • 32 5 The Finance Question. (lln Oslasiati c her Lloyd Service Berlin, 15t.h August..—The Powers announce that they are sending commissaries the Porte on the question of international of the finances of Macedonia.
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    • 58 5 A Strike Imminent (Supplied hy Rader.) lioudou, 16th August.— Four-fifths of the '>t.ton spinners refuse au increase of wages their employees, whil* some proportion ”1 die operatives are resolved to strike if an increase is not conceded. A strike is inevitable uuless the Conference called by the
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    • 47 5 The Fifth Test Match (Supplied hy Reuter Loudon, 16th August.—ln the Fifth Teat Match England scored 430 in the first innings, the Australians replying with 363, of which Duff made 146 aud Darling 57. In the second innings England has lost one wicket for no ruus.
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    • 46 5 Injured in Motor Smash (Echo Special.) Singapore, 16th August. —News has been received here that H. H. the Sultan of Johore met with a motor car accident on Friday last, while driving from Marseilles to Paris, and a fracture of the left strni.
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  • 204 5 The Peace Negotiations. Manchuria and the Railway (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 15th August.—-A telegram from Portsmouth states that Articles 2 and 3 of the Peace Treaty were set lied yesterday and relate to the evacuation of Manchuria bv Russia, with the abandonment of her rights there, aud the
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  • 458 5 Perak Autumn Meeting* Hirst Day. I [hello Special laiping, loth August.— Racing comnienced in fine weather, with a record attendance. Following are the results 1.—The Maiden Plate. alue $4W for maiden horses weight per scale 10 ston® Ex-Griffins imported at price not exceeding $400 allowed 14 lbs.
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  • 1296 5 Dear ld Man. —The Bank holiday has passed bv noiselessly. Only a murder, a fire, a sudden death aud a sham bombardment of Singapore have occurred to fracture the monotony of life. I have spent the unnecessary hiatus by the sea, though 1 felt as blue
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  • 131 5 It appears that the Macao earthquake, reported by Reuter on Monday, could uot have been entirely unexpected for, under date of 3rd inst.. the Macao conespoudent of the South China Morning Post says Earthquake trembling disturbed the peaceful rest of the residents of the HolyCity again at
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  • 560 5 Apropos of things athletic, in Peuaug, the writer of Athletic Notes iu the Siuga- pore Free Pie-s says:— Peuaug athletics have fallen ou evil da\s. J From a private letter we learn there is little 1 football, or hockey aud the Swimming Club is not so
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  • 15 5 Per Malta Vajiruuhis, from. Singapore: Tuugku Mahmood, Tuugku Md. Jewau, and Mr. Che Ismael
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 Sale now on at. WHITEAWAY, UIDLAW Co.'s
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    • 227 5 To-day’s Advertisements, LOST. A LARGE white, rosy-crested cockatoo. 'The tinder will be well rewarded on delivering it at this otiice. 16-8-05 2iusrt 558 TO LET. A WELL furnished Bungaloh in Tanjoug Ruugah on a lease for 6 or 12 mouths. Apply to A. OBCHBLE. 16-8-05 u.c. 540 NOTICE. "VXT'E, the
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    • 316 5 central sales room. Important Auction Sale BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE ALL TIIK STOCK.IN-TRdDE, <-K Messrs. HIN Co., in Bankruptcy. AT No 55, Beacn Street, 7th day’s Sale, Tuesday, 22nd August. At II a. m. lOOO Cases. Whisky Brandy Champagnes Liqueurs Wines etc., etc. ALL THE BEST MARKET BRANDS'
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  • 28 5 Obituary. Sir William Laird Clowes. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 15th August..—The death is au>iouuced of Sir William Laird Clowes, the critic, author of The Needs of the Maw”;
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1154 6 PENG CHENG Coy. Khooßuan Phuan 17. Market Lane. Penang. Just receive»! a large consignment of Mali May Cigars, Nos. I, 2 and 3. Beware of Imitations. PENG CHENG Coy.. 17, Market Lane, BERNESE ALPS MILK Co., Stalden, Emmenthal, Switzerland, 15-8-05 Ini 3ts 544 Sole Ivij)ort‘ r A. EVEN BERG 56,
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  • 421 7 iHb British steamer Awut lias been chartered hv 11»** Nippon Y 11*011 Kautha ami placed oil the Company's Bombay line, oil which two st u amers were recently olvilli'. rih regard to the rumours about the 1 tortilication i>f Kiaochau. savs an American p-tper,a Berlin lelK'i am
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 815 7 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. Telephone No. 321 HAVING JUST RECEIVED A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine \n now prepared to undertake promptly repairs of old rubl»er-tyred wheels which are guaranteed to give satisfaction Nos. 17ft, ISO 182 Penang Road. PENANG. Established 1875. CIGARS >/ For Sale Carriages. FA
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    • 113 7 Oh. thou husky asthmatic old fellow. Whom coutrhinir has l>eut like a bow Thou child with the eolio whose liellow Disturbs the whole neighbourhood so Oh Lad with the appetite hearty Whom sweetmeats too preatlv allure Now mark what I say. or depart ye From Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Penainj
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  • 159 8 Pknanu, 16th August, De$crif>tiin. BttKK— ck Soup pur «mIIv li Boast Steaks Ste«\ or Currv Meal Bump Steak Ox Tail each Tongue Feet Heart Liver U PORK— Fork pe‘‘ Pig's Head Feet Tongue Mutton f** r 1,( Head e ch J? Feet J j r 't* 5 Liver
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 115 8 IV HIT E1 H' 11"N SALE k IV L 1 TUBUTAT, LAIELAW Si CO., PBUI S. A. DAN I ELL, Ltd., Manufacturers of V f >v Engineers’, Gas-Fitters’ and Smiths’ x no A Screw Stocks, Dies Taps, Screwing Machines, 'M I Ralchet Braces, Twist Drills, Vices, Tube Cutters, Buttle Jacks.
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    • 309 8 THEAN CHEE Co., (ESTABLISHED 1858.' r General Store Keepers. Ship Chandlers, Outfitters. Goi>ernme n Contractors, etc., etc. 1 HATS and HELMETS. Tro pica! Helmets Bllwood Helmets. S ngle and Double Terai Hals. 0 Golf Cap. Top Hats. aSTORHlS’S HORSE-SSIIIT BOOTS A.3STD SHOES. FOR OUI'UKI UU 'AHh ITY J Black Brown
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