Straits Echo, 3 August 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 44 1 Jo-DAY 3rd lla*. 7• i< Mom., lovvn Bind. Golf Club, b to 7 p in American Bioscope 0o., King Street, 0 p.m. I O-MOKRi > W 4th May, 7tli Moon Town Band. Esplanade, b to 7 p.m. American Bioscoj** Co., King Street, 0 p.m.
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  • 29 1 First (Quarter Aug. 8th 5 10 5 a m. O I* u Ii Moon Last filial lei 23rd I 0.8 v.\ (> New Moon 30th 8.13.4 p.m.
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  • 43 1 For Week ending Wednesday. Aug. 1*. ittUo. a M yi. Thursday, 3rd ...2. g.25 Friday, 4th ...2.50 3.15 Sat-urdav, 5th ...8.40 405 Sunday, Gtii ...4.80 4 55 Monday, 7th .5.20 5 45 Tuesday, 8th 0 35 Wednesday, jytli ..7 7.25
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  • 9 1 China (Chilean) sth Aug. German (Prenssen Btj,
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  • 44 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service bin WARD- I EVVA ED~ A tibia It Aug. dlineaii 5 Aug. Si hi hi 1 'nrontaudcj W Extra service. (Jtn wards. Hom kwaui»». Cegiun .lug. Fornwta Hi Am/. Peru ‘II Japan 'it For particulars Se«* i’age 3.
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  • 1443 1 British Owners Harassed and oik Sailors Discouraged. Ox the summit of Tower-hili, and amid far more pleasant snr.oundiugs than even the average Londoner would imagine tube possible in that most insalubrious neighbourhood, stands a j stately old building. It is square and somewhat squat, but viewed through
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  • 119 1 *BNAN<i. 3ki* AUOUS’! i Hy courtesy ot’the Charittr»a d\* London Demand Bank 2 4 months’ sight Kanc 2 6 Credit 20J 3 Documentary 2 o}s Calcutta. Demaiul Bank Its 151 i days' sight Private !53 iJonio.t*, iimunml Bank 151 •> «iavs* sight Priva*** 53 Madras. Demand Bank 151 3
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  • 232 1 Belat Tin Mining Co Ld. 7.— sellers flt*i -awaiiGol»l M *niiiir< I,*l *l3 00 sellers Brieh Rubber Syndicate, L*l.s bviem. buyers Bruseii Hydraulic'l in Mining L»i 1 4.00 bn,ners Duff Development (J**. $lO 00 sellers Fraser A Neave, L*i Sloo. —sales j George Town Disjhjus****» $35, buyers Howartii Krskiue.
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  • 185 1 UoUi ieat 70-70 B. Pepper W. C»»as' xn.i ~ut <>t stock While Pepper 39 —sellers Tram: Pepper season over Cloves (picked <jnl of season j \Jiice To —sellers j Mace Picking,» 05. —buyrx Nutmegs I It)» salt No. 1 o.ld non*. Sugar ni> si«>ek. lUs Lei oi sales Tapioca
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  • Shipping.
    • 51 1 1 PH At* lx b row Agent* j l), u Bengloe London I ■vBAOo. |-5tli Aug. G. A pear Singapore A A.Co. 7th BetieJeiicIi Loudon SKA Go. Noth Lightning ,Calcutta A A. A.Co. lltli C. A pear Singapore A.A A.Co. 1 trl, Btmlawer* London S.B.ACo. loti, Banartv Singapore S.K.ACo.
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    • 52 1 Yetieix For i Aijt'iiir Lua rrx Menu'loe Singapore S.l! ACo -jtli A 114. A pear Caleuitu A.A A Co. 7th llencleuch ■'hiii'a pore S B.ACo Ijii'li tiling Singapore A A A Co. I hi. C. \pear Calcutta A.A.Co. 14th Bonlawer.s Singapore SB.^vCo. 15 th l»t*uart v Marseilles S
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    • 60 5 I i.hvk. 1,1 SS. 294. Buchanan, 2nd Aug I "i-i Swetteulram, Ist Aug, Gen K. G. Co. Malaya, Ger. s.s. 9UI, Block, 3rd Aug Deh, 2nd Aug. Gen B Al. &Co Calypso, Br. s.s. 390, Lowrv, 3rd Aug. Singapore, Ist Aug, Geu.,— \V. M <fc Co. Llnoal, 3»r. s.s.
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    • 28 5 3rd August. SiHtouia, for Colonda» ami Tutieoi in Deli, for Trane. t'ali/jj*o, for flelt. C<>rn- lia for Deli. Canton, for Pangkor and leink j Amdiau. for Asahan.
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    • 33 5 j Pkkak, Br. s.s. 291, Buchanan, 2nd Aug, Port Swettenliam. Ist Aug, Gen., K. G. C'o. jAJ.vLAYA, Ger. s.s. 90], Block, 3rd -Vug. Deli. 2ud Aug, Gen., —B. M. A Co
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    • 132 5 Fob Fort Swettenham Malacca —Per Perak, to-morrow, p.m. Pangkalan Brandau— Pet Pet ret. to- morrow, I p.m. Singapore—-Per So/atu, to-morrow, I p.m. Port Swetteuliaiu ami Singapore Per Bon W/mtt Soon, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow ami Amoy Per Horn/ Won 7, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Alison—Per "Lady
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    • 61 5 Per Bengal, from London: Mr. I>. Tlurwall. Mr. \V. H. McGregor, Mr. A. T. Bryant, Air. and Airs, tloli Boon Keug, Air. A 1 Allen, Aliss Allen Smith, j Per Bengal, for Singapore Air. A. Loeb, Air. it. Alenasche, Alls. Italian, Air L. < ’hin Seng and Air. Foo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 133 1 i. f r> 25* A T m 'b f\\> S IN KATZ BROTHERS, M. PENANG ROOF TILES. 1 Specialities always on hand. RIDGINGS Hand Pumps, Barbed Wire, Danville's Whisky. Ridge Tile Cutler, Palmer Co.’s v WHITE PORT HAI F Til FQ I SP NISH PORT > 1 1 1 DINNER
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    • 122 1 NOTICE. OX and after this date, all small advertisements intended for 1 insertion in the Straits Echo must he paid for in advance. EIM SENG HOOI. I -11 1 -I illv. I Managing Uirector. wiLXT'jeno. MR. \V. «T. I OLEY, Senior Clnel Jnspector. F M. S. Police Force, now on
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    • 27 1 A spi id i.l reconstructive Tonic is Stearns' IV! ne. Builds up. and renews strength. Try it, vomit? or old. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co7s~ Annual Sale Now On.
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    • 29 1 STEARNS’ WINE lor wo»!, women and younj; tfirls, they are < benefited by its use. A mitri ‘lit In sickly ‘specially >n Tonic. Sale now on at WltlTEAWAY, LA1DLAW Co.’s
      29 words
    • 251 1 TIANG LEE Co s 7* B*- y. 2 m “'OLfc sUitzNTS. For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. 1 T H s,t a sl "l‘ (Ueuogle is due here M tn ,7 u Rangoon on Saturday, 5th inst. I vlil '*>•• H»e almve ports o„ luesd.iy, the 8th Ai._r.isi, at 3
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 19 1 Domestic Occurrence. Death. Ou July 31st. at Cape 'I ’own. ,1. II Tomlinson, late of the Eastern Telegraph Co.
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  • 99 2 Simla, July '2o.—The plague has now almost disappeared. There were 1.567 death, from it last week in the whole of India, j Patiala Mate reporting 770. the rest of the Punjab 180, Burma 162, Mysore 54, Hv-I derabad State 27, the United Provinces 8,1 Bengal 24, Madras Presidency 16.
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  • 150 2 The First White Triplets. An important item of news from Bulawayo should have the effect of sending Chartered shares up a few points. For the lirst time in the history of Rhodesia, 1 1 iplots have Ixvn born to white pareuts, and the new arrivals are reported
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  • 424 2 Ax Jmpoktani Deckel. Wiring from Peking on the 17tii ultimo the correspondent ot the Chinese Mail says; An Imperial Edict was issued today drawing attention to the present difficult situation iu China w lieu State aTails require the utmost earnest attention, and pointing out that, though the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 122 2 WANTBID I EMPLOYMENT by a family mau (edueated) who has had six years’ previous experience an book-keeper iu a inercuu'ile firm. U ood knowledge of general < >ll ice routine. Apply to K. T. 0.” 31-T-05 lwk 500 c o Strait# Echo. WAJffTEIID. rpWO BUGLE US (Manila men or MalJ..
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    • 1972 2 TO LET. FURNISHED HOUSE m Mount Erskine Road, known Hooi,” alxutt 200 yards Diamond Jubilee Lodge. as Sin Sin walk from Apply to BOON MOH A Co., 2*2-7 05 lmli 482 Sod, Heath Street. TO LET. tea l"OLM PEEL,’’ on the eighth mile- 1 stone, opposite Cape Bungalow. Fully furnislied,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1696 3 rcAO m INTENDED SAILINCS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Expected Arrival ft and, Departures. Mail Service. A iitf. Outwards s.s. Bengal connecting with s.s. V ictoriu FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist Class 2ud Class To Loudou by Sea £6O £4O To Marseilles or Gibraltar £56 £3B EXTRA STEAMERS. intermediate
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  • 143 4 Ju.tieemtlffltw <s andjuslicvalone.—JP/mw**©». Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday b. CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. -20 —282, Beach Street. Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL per annual OUTSTATIOS Kxtr». MAIL EDITION (Pt*t Free» $lO CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. NOTICE Dukino the temporary of the Editor. Mu.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 159 4 Tin s the Singapore Free Press —The Penang President of Municipal Commission appears to be at logger- heads with the local press. 11»* was reported at one meeting as having made some strong remarks about Government action. Ibis brought down mi him the wrath of the
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    • 159 4 The Chinese Minister to St. Petersburg telegraph* to the Peking Government that the Russian Government has an object in appointing the Russian Minister to be one of t in* peace plenipotentiaries owing to hi> familiarity with China and Chinese affairs. The said Minister has received instructions from his
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    • 184 4 At an early date the report of Messrs. Wrigh t Bruce on the subject jf suitable soils for rubber growing will be issued. The experiments were made in the llenaratgoda Gardens, where the parents of most of the East Para are growing. The soii is relatively uniform over
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    • 396 4 The question of tinned food, especially tinned food that was fresh twenty year-ago and remains uneaten, is causing some stir in the interests of Europeans living in the outlying parts of the country who subsist mainly on preserved food. The suggestion that the tills should be marked witii
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  • 427 4 1 he Hull. Gen. Secretary writes: —The i niie weak spot in tin* show is the poverty i of the on tides for the cut flower section.: i There are scarcely any entries in classes •M to L»o. Port entries vvili be received up to 'viturday evening.
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  • 190 4 Cricket Club’s Tournament. I he following ties have been decided since our last report Single Handicap Class If. G. Teeling beat H. Waugh 6—4; 0—4. Douhlt' Handicap. H. Waugh and J. G. Anthony I'eat W. H. Muuio ami A Reid 0—3:7 —5. 1’ P. Nailer an i A.
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  • 552 4 The Chinese youth, Lim Choug. who was charged on Monday with the theft ot a hairpin from a Macao woman, oil 29th July, and was remitted to a Bench Court as the outcome of his wish to l>e tried in the Supreme Court, was brought up again
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  • 93 4 News has been received from Cambridge of the fine accomplishment in the University of one of our Free School’s Queen s Scholars, Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok. Mr. Yeoh succeeded in getting First Class Honours in Part II of the Historical Tripos- a record which any man
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  • 115 4 W u are pleased to announce that the Head Branch of the above Association has lieeu established in Shanghai with a local membership of 150. Mr. Lee Teng Hwee is the President and Mr. C. C. Yen, b.a., Professor at St. John's College, Shanghai, Cor
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  • 185 4 Ihe regular monthly meeting of the members of Lodge “Prince of Wales,” No. 1555, E. C., was held in the Freemasons’ Hall yesterday eveuing aud was characterised by a farewell reception of a two fold uature owing to the iupeudiug departures of War. Bro. W. S. Boteler t. p.
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  • 503 4 REDISTRIBUTION —THE GOVERNMENTS Scheme. 'The following notice of motion with reference to the redistribution of seats at Parliamentary elections, was given in the House of Commons on lOtli ulto. by Mr. Gerald Balfour That it is expedient by reason of the present disparity in the population of Parliamentary constituencies
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 253 5 Manchuria Another Russian Boast. (Supplied by Heater.) Loudon, 2nd August.—General Limevitch concludes liis message to the Tsar bv saving that “the morale of the troops inspires complete confidence that our armies aie read v for any task.” Peace Prospects. Tsar (irows Bellicose. Loudon, 2nd August.-—In replying to another
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    • 38 5 Correct Neutrality (The Otlasiatiecher Lloyd's Service.)' Berlin, 2nd August.—Mr. Sato, ihe spokesman of Baron Komura, when interviewed in New York, accentuated the fact that Germany had always observed an attitude of correct, neutrality during the war.
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    • 41 5 National Assembly Scheme (Supplied by Jlenter.) Loudon, 2nd August.— The examination of the National Assembly scheme by the Council of Ministers is expected to occupy several sittings and the Ministers will reside at Peterhof until their task is completed.
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    • 51 5 The Kaiser in Denmark. (The (htaeiatinciter Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 2nd August.—The Kaiser met with the heartiest of receptions at Copenhagen, on his visit to King Christian. A Gift to NorwayBerlin, 2nd August. The Kaiser has made another donation of a thousand kronen to the Cathedral of Droutheim, in
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    • 65 5 Yellow Fever Troubles. (Supplied by Heater.) Loudon, 3rd August.—Owing to the prevalence of yellow fever at New Orleans, the Mississippi State patrols have seized eigliteeu Louisiana fishing boats in connection with the quarantine regulations. The Louisiana authorities have sent a strong protest to Washington and are, in the
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    • 34 5 Departure from Japan (Supplied by Heater.) London, 2ud August —Mr. Taft, United States Secretary for T\ ar, and Miss Alice Roosevelt have left Nagasaki tor Manila, being given au enthusiastic farewell.
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    • 76 5 The Food Question (Supplied by lieuler.) London, Isrd August. —The Food Supplies <u War Time Commission has completed it s report, which is of a reassuring character. The report points out. that no euemy is capable of blockading the whole of the British coasts and there is nothing
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    • 87 5 The Goodwood Plate (Supplied by He a hr.) London, ,3rd August.——The result «>t the J Goodwood Plate is as follows:—His Alajesi tv (1), Saltpetre (2), -Sandbov (3) Cricket. London, 3rd August. Leicester lias beaten Essex bv six wickets. Lancashire has lieaten Notts by 207 runs. Yorkshire has beaten Gloucester
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  • 802 5 lx the I Chamber on lOtli ull. the Notes exchanged between Fiance and Geriuauv on the Morocco «juestion were .submitted. rim Government of the Re- public formally agrees to attend an Inter- national Conference, liemg convinced bv the I verbal declarations of Germany that she will
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  • 305 5 Ihe Slov** finally uisp*»s-> <*t the legend that Japan precipitated thewarbv intercepting a telegram from Admiral Alexieff to Baron Rosen, whereby Russia gave wav on ihe \iiai question of a buffer State betwi*eu Manchuria and Corea. The wboje contention about the delay of the telegram
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  • 630 5 i Mi:. Chamberlain addressed on 7th ulto. a meeting of some IO,OCM* people at the All«ert Hal] at the annual meeting of the Tariff Ketorm League. The Duke of Argyll i presided. Mr. Chamlierlain referred to the progress the League had made towards the realisation *d its objects namely,
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    • 303 5 lo mi: Kimtoi: tiik Smuts Echo. Dear Sir, Beimg one of those interested in theuoblegame of cricket, may I be allowed some space in your valuable columns to express my regret at. the inability of Penang to raise au eleven to play against Selangor. First of
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  • 473 5 British and French Fleets at Brest. The British Fleet arrived at Brest on j j lOtli ulto. Tim vessels steamed slowly to I tlieir l*ertbs inside t It** breakwaters, except j the Majestic and Commonwealth, which swung off the line and took up tlieir posi- 1 tions 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 Sale I Sale!! Sale Now on at WHITEAWAV, LAIDLAW Co.'s
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    • 98 5 STEARNS’ WINE whets the appetite, aids digestion, improves assimilation, strengthens the stomach so that food does good. Steam/ Wine is the ideal Tonic. Bank Holidays. riliiE undermentioned Ranks will be<dosed 1 un Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, the 7th, l>th and 12th August, 1905, being Public Holidays. For the (/'bartered Bank
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    • 45 5 McAlister Co. Ltd. ANNOUNCE AN Importation of the New Derby Horse AND Cattle Food. I Horse Food $2.25 per bag; Cattle Food 1.75 I In Bags of 1 cvt. each.) LUCERNE HAY IN DUMPS sl=7s per dump. A TRIAL SOLICITED. McAlister Co. Ltd. *PEM/INC. 68«
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    • 183 5 CENTRAL SALES ROOM. j Important Auction Sale It' ORDER 01 THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE 'U. THK STOCK-IN-TRADE, OOAI PH ISI N« WliMkiw. u,„„ w h s la. Nmim-. Plonk*. Disr.uU. Confuted hon, Safes, Soap*. Scents, ToOacco. i«wivN. I roiiui>»io«.|'\, iVf AtMessrs; HIN LEE Sc Co., in Bankruptcy. VI No 55, Beach
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1101 6 Lim Sun Ho CHOP HENG IVtOH Sc Co., 164, Reach Street, Penung. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 61c Khoo Buan Phuan CHOI BUCHANAN’S Gim Seng Mo hi. SCOTCH WHISKIES 203, Main Road, Taiping. Tin Miners. Advancers and General Goods Store. 39o Graham Co., Lid.,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 628 7 NOTICE. riIHE under»ipi“J fieg to inform the public of Peuaug au«l tin* Nalive JL States that tliev have l**m appointed Agents for Messrs. Inuull Parson*, t'live A 00., Ltd. of Loudon, and have recently reoeiven a large shipment of verv be>i quality Europe ready made Coffins, Coffin Furniture and Assorted
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  • 773 8 15th, 17th und 19th August, 1905. TAIPING RACES, 1905 FIRST DAY. 15th August, Tuesday. 1 -The Maiden Plate. V alue §400 for maiden iters* weight per scale 10 stone; Ex-Griffins imported at price not exceeding §400 allowed I I lbs. Entrance §2<> 1 mile 2. —The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 331 8 vnTBiurrs CLEARANCE SAL IS NOW ON. DOORS OPEN AT 9 A. M. DAILY. Our premises will be elosed at one o’eloek on Saturday, 5th instant, to enable us to open out New Goods which will be on show on Monday next. WE OFFER YOU OUR ENTIRE STOCK At Greatly Reduced
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    • 669 8 OLDHAM HALL. H. HUDSON 8, CO'S A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. It ubpesti» e. Healthful i i*. :<>•»<! tin* 'ar<vo pluv-grouml, strict discipline, dnilv stuiiv cius-os prison.-d snpcrvis’.'*n of the Principal. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ENGLISH. Address: 13-4-0,> 3t.uu» a wk 04. PRINCIPAL ANGLO-CHINESK SCHOOL, Singapore For Infants and Children 1
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