Straits Echo, 2 August 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 22 1 Birth. At No. 1. Kimberley Villas. Kowloon, on the I7tli July, the wife of T. W. Rohertsou. of a sou.
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  • 46 1 1 o-1 *a y. 2nd Day, 7tli Moon l owu]. Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. American Bioscope Co., lviug Street, 9 p.m To- mo BROW. 3rd Day, 7th Moou Town Baud, Golf Club, 6 to 7 p.m. American Bioscope Co., Hiug Street, i> p.m
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  • 29 1 First Quarter Aug. Bth 5 16.5 a m O Full Moon 15thl0 31 4a m Last Quarter 23rd 1 0.8 p.m O New Moon 30th 8.13.4 p.m
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  • 45 1 For Week ending Tuesday, Aug. 8, 19»>5. A M. P M. Wednesday, 2nd ...1.10 135 Thursday. 3rd 2. 2.25 Friday; 4th ...2.50 3.15 Sat unlay, stli ...3 40 105 Sunday, 6tii ..4.30 4 55 Monday, 7th ...5.20 5 45 Tuesday, Bth ...6.10 0.35
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  • 231 1 Belat liu Miuiug Co., Ld. S —sellers BersawaliGoid Mining Co.. lei. < 13.00 seller* 1 Brieh Rubber Syndicate, Ld.B s prem. buyers Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 4.00 buyers j Duff Development C<» slo.oo sellers Fraser A, Neave. Ld $lOO. —sales Georgetown Dispensary s2s. —buyers Ho wart it
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  • 179 1 Gold iea! 5 < 6-<0 B. Pepper W .''oavi 3lbs.-»o/..l uni of stock White Pepper 39 —sellers Traug Pepper season ucer Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 75 —sellers Mace Pickings 65. —buyers Nutmegs 11 Os 354 sale No. 1 6.10 iimn. Sugar 2 uo stock. Basket 5-J sales
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  • 2801 1 J l following is the full list of by-laws pas lat Friday's ordinary meeting of tlie Murj-ipal Commissioners and which will be 1 ought up for continuation atja special met ug TeI.KGHAFH Witt ICS. 1. No jierson shall erect any telegraph or telephone posts or wires across ~r
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  • Shipping.
    • 29 1 1 txxt'ia b Agent* b, te 1 Botlolof* fiUlliloil S.H.tVi 'o. dtl] Aus. S.K AC'ii. 1 < Ij Boniieueli London BfuUwers London S.B.ACo. 15»h Benartv >111 sapor** S.n.VCo. 31st
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    • 27 1 i vsvele tit Ai/ent» Leaven lipngloe Bpucleucii lionlawers i Bemirty MiUjapore S.B.ACo ofcii Aug, Singapore S Ii.ACo j 10th Singapore S ii.AOo. |15th Marseille* SB.&Co. pilst
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    • 30 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Seme*:. UtlWAUlJ? UoAlfc WART»fc,. j;,„jal Chum,, a»,,. Coranuimlel If) i xna Service,. «JciHAKln HoMKWARDK. i t. A,,., lortuom 1$ Ana. I era Javan yy For Uitrtiouiars
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    • 13 1 English (Jj, nyo.A 3rd Aug. China (ChaMv.n sth German (Pr>-ne»en > mb
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    • 66 5 Mary Austin Br. ss. 121. Campbell M Auj», 1 ort Swettenham. 31»t Julv Geu., K G. CoA 6 a ha''. Ger. 8.8. 161, Peters, gi„l .\iig Asaliiin, Ist. Anar. Opu., j; yj Hong Wan 1, Br. 2 t>6o. Slntei% 2nd AnAmor, 1 1 1 ii Julv, Gen., j( ci
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    • 42 5 2ml August. Tate Tong. forTeluk An son. Man/ A tom n, for Foil Swetteniiaiu. De Koch, for Deli. i*fju, for Editf. T. Be.ii.MVe. S,.gii. Olei.lei, and Bahang. Chan Tai, for Perl is and Seiu Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taipmg.
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    • 48 5 Asaiian, Ger. s.s. 161, Peters. 2nd Aug. Asahan, Ist Aug, Gen., —B. M. A Co. Hosg Wan I, Br. s.s. 2,060, Slater, 2nd ug, Amoy. 17th Julv. Gen —K. G. Co Sokal.v, Br. s.B. :j, t,;>6, Neilsou. 2ud Aug. B.mgooii. 28th Julv, Gen H 17. ACo
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    • 134 5 K«*k 1 Singapore, China and Japan Per liem/al. to-morrow, 7 a m. A saltan A. Batu Bahra —Per 11. Ilaletegn, to a.m. Colombo and Tuticoriu—Per Sithonia, fo-morrou, 11 a.m. Deli—Per CaJi/jwo, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Trsug—-Per Deli, to-morrow. 1 p.m. Deli— Per Corm-lia, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Fangkor and Telnk
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 W 258 •r **>£* H. HUDSON CO.’S T U R 1» I-; N T I N E. ■Snnilil»nd<. Hnttery Co i WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co.’ Annual Sale Now On. ARE THE VERY REST DUTCH CIGARS. IN STOCK: Sole Importers: 60LDENBER6 and ZEITLN, PENANG. i'ii-
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    • 171 1 tiang LEE Co basss ale ON Y CD o 5* <u y 'JLiiUIS i.iSHMNUi mu/ v /5. W OTICE. LOUIS EBERT, deceased. I 1 .requested that particulars of all 1- dann.N against the estate of the above deceased Is; sent in as soou as possible to ADAMS A, ALLAN. ■>or
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 380 2 I EMPLOYMENT l»v a family niau (eduJ rated) who lias had six years’ previous i experience as book keejer in a mercantile linn. (i<xhl knowledge of general office 1 routine. Apply to K. T. o.’ i 31-7 05 Iwk otto c/o Si rail* Echo. W-A.NTBD. V FURNISHED HOUSE near town,
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    • 1385 2 Sunlight Soap V Half the wear of clothe* washed with Impure soaps is clue to the rubbing and beating neeaed to remove the dirt. Sunlight Soap does the washing itself, being a pure soap, nothing but soap. It dissolves all impurities, and when the clothes are rinsed the stains are
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1782 3 INTENDED SAILINGS. British Indin Steam Navigation Co., Ltd, For Negapatam, Moiras, Pondichery, Cuddaiore and Karncal. Expected Arrival* and Departure* Mail Service. Outwards. Aug. Intkndf.d to Sail. Sat. sth Aug. 2 p.m. Siit. 19th Aug. 2 p.m. Steamer Uaugoou it Calcutta, [Moulinein and Burmese Ports]. I’oit. Swettenliam and Singapore. Thougwa Teeata
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  • 153 4 J u*tic* •■-jrtiady, mid justice alone. —Kinrr*on Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday 9.) AI THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 22*5—232. Reach Si root. Penang. PRICE: WILT LOCAL Sl4 per anuum OUTSTATION l*o»l**i- Kvn. MAIL EDITION (Post Free» $l3 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo —Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 111 4 It affords us gr<*at pleasure to announce that the openings for investment of various kinds in Mil lava, anti particularly in respect to the resources of the country, so often referred to in our editorial columns during tlie past two vears, are about to be availed
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    • 224 4 Dr. Jean Charcot yave an address at the meeting of the Royal Geographical Society on the French Ant- arctic Expedition, which sailed from Havre on August 15, IPOo. it was imjmssible for him at present, he said, to give the scientific results of the exj>edition. They had been
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    • 1202 4 With reference to the remarks upon man-eating tigers published in another column it may be of iutereiit io note that naturalists have couh* to the conclusion that the larger taunivora as n rule *eldojn take to preying upon manual {I they are growing old and decrepit or 1 have
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  • 224 4 A very pleasant little reception was given yesterday afteruoou by the Rev. and Mrs. Pykett iu honour of Dr. and Mrs. Gnoli Lean luck, whose wedding we had the pleasure of reporting the other day. We all know of the genial doctor’s great attainments and it
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  • 330 4 {lie/ore the Hot. W W. Fisher, Puisne Jtulye, mnt a Speeiul Jury.) Province Wei i.esley Murder Cask. SKN'IKNCE or DEATH. At the Assizes m the Supreme Court yesterday the trial of the Malay named Mat Nayan on a charge alleging the murder by him, on 6th June last
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  • 371 4 Police Court Prosecutions Lkmkkt Pbnai.tiks. A». the iustanee of lus|«ector Caroll, 11. iH. Peterson. Chief Clerk, Municipality, was charged before Mr. W. Peel at tlie Police Court to-day with a contravention of the Dogs Order of 11*05 by allowing his dogto l»e out of doors in Burma
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  • 243 4 The concert given in the Town Hall yesterday evening by the members of the Henry Dallas Opera Company proved a most pleasing variation from the repertoire of musical comedies to which we have lieen treated during the Company’s present visit, and the only cause for regret was that
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  • States News.
    • 196 4 (From Uni- Own Correspondent). His Excellency's Visit. Ipoh, 31st .July,—His Excellency the High Commissioner,Federated MalavStates, accompanied by the Resident,-General (Sir William Taylor) and his Private Secretary arrived at Ipoll, the would-be Federal centre of commerce, at one o’clock iu the afteruoou and was received at the Railway Station by
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  • 348 4 This Week's Itinerary. V Wednesday, 2nd. His Excellency will leave I poll at 10.48 a.m., arrive at Kuala Kangsar and take luucheon at 1.15 p-m. at the Astana, as the guest of His Highness the Sultau of Perak. At 8 p in. His Excellency will inspect
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 10 4 Sale! Sale.!!. Sale!!! New on at WHimWAY. I.AIDLAW S Co.'s
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    • 23 5 Vladivostok. Inhabitants Fleeing. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 2nd August. The inhabitant» of Vladivostok are emigrating en masse to Biagovestsc ben sk.
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    • 48 5 Assurances from Linievitch (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 2nd August—General Liuievitcli haw sent a telegram to the Tsar contradicting the newspaper report» that the Russian arm y in Manchuria has l*een surrounded and declaring that all the attempts made bv the Japauese to approach him have lieeir unsuccessful.
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    • 40 5 Preparing for M. Witte. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, Ist August.— Baron von Koseu, the Russian Ambassador at Washington, has paid a visit to President Roosevelt to arrange for the President’s leceptiou of M. Witte, the Russian Peace Plenipotentiary.
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    • 88 5 The Reform Scheme. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, Ist August.—The Tsar to-day presides over the Council of Ministers for the consideration of the National Assembly scheme. It is not thought likely that aiiv modifications of the scheme will be made. The cleetiotis are propose» 1 to be held ou
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    • 78 5 Kaiser at Copenhagen. (Supplied by Renter.) IjoudoU, Ist August.—The Kaiser has arrived at Copenhagen and is staying at the Royal Castle. German Official Attitude. London, 2 August -Reuter's correspouddent at Berlin telegraphs that the German Foreign Office deprecates the outcry in the newspapers and does not share the
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    • 29 5 M. Takabashi at Court (Supplied by Reuter.) houdou, Ist August.—Viscount Hayashi, the Japauese Minister m London, has presented Mr. Takabashi, the Japanese financial agent, to King Edward.
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    • 582 5 Strike and Combine. (i SHjyilietl by Renter.) Loudon, Ist August.- —A Imllnt, held by tlie cotton operatives lias resulted almost unanimously iu favour of a strike to commence from the 19th instant unless their "ages are raised in theuieau time by five l>er cent. The Committee of the Internatioual
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  • 610 5 Mr. O. F. Stonor, of Kuala Kubu, writes to the Aialay Alail ax follows: —Those interested in Ulu Langat will have read, doubtless with some alarm, the startling suggestion, contained in your issue of Julv the 27th, that no less than nine mail eaters are at large in
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  • 513 5 W RITJNO under date ot Penang on Alav -tjth last, the cot respondent of Contaiereial Intelligence, thus expresses ms views anent tlie Federated .Malay States, the future of the rub!)ui' industries there, and the tkimpv 1 way in winch the Government ther** see* tit > t<»
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  • 529 5 Foul Flay Suspected Ptk F. Short, A. Coy. “Sherwood For- esters,' was buried oil Saturday evening with full military honours at Bukit Tiinali Road cemeterv. says tlie Straits Times. The coffin, covered with the Union Jack, was brought from Tauglin in a hearse, the full
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  • 1026 5 r Further Details. I {•Strait* Tilifts Correspondent.) Sockabaya, 20th Jui/e. —On Saturday, loth iust, the reniaiuder «1 the expedi.iouarv timips left Sbur&lvava lor Boutl: Celebes by the transport* Van Kiemsdvk, Van Outshoorn. General Van liuhoft und Van lien Bosoli accompanied by the guidx>at Flores. The cominaiider-iu*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 Sale notf ®n at VI’HITEAWAY, LAIDLAW 4> Wu. s
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    • 9 5 A Call will Repay you a* WHITE AWAV'S SAI.E.
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    • 330 5 To-day’s Advertisements. Perak Turf Club. IT* NT HIES for the ensuing Taiping lJ Meeting close at 7-30 p.m. o'l the 7th inst, to the Hon. Secy, at Taining. 2 8-05 4iusrts 514 FOR. SALE. f'l'lHE Polo Galloway Persha in JL sound condition, quiet in harness or saddle. Apply to A
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    • 450 5 CENTRA!. r V ROOM. Important Auction Sale ,iV 0I "> KI THK official assignee Vi- LI. i'll STOCK-IN -TRfl DE, COM HK»l*| No jNN liiskiKs, Uraiidivs. Wine*. lWr, Stout, Sl,w,Tie f. 11 Provisions. Cement 8, Nutmeg, Planks, liiscuu». Conugtted Lion, Safes, Soap*. Seeuts, Sugar, Tobacco, CliK'iis. froumongerv, *V,c., iVc OK
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1291 6 Lim Sun Ho CHOP HENG IVIOH fit Co., 164, Heath Street, Periling. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 61(1 KHoo Buan Phuan CHOP Gim Seng Moh. 203, Main Road, Taiping. Tin Miners, Advancers and General BUCHANAN’S SCOTCH WHISKIES 66 Black and White Goods Store. :39c
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 467 7 The for IDEAL Office use MACHINE. Thean Chee Si Co. (ESTABLISHED 1858.) ARMOUR'S PROVISIONS. he best him! always fresh. s ßntlilnruls Buttery Co. being built on principles comprising Great Strength ami Simplicity of Construction. Full particulars Iroiu HUTTENBACH Bros. Co., PENANG, Sole Agents. MAJNO’S PURE MILK, Sterilized. Absolutely free from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1300 8 WIIITIi.% WAY'S CLEARANCE SALE JS NOW ON. nxr t/m IINTSXJRA]\T CEJS, and the neighbouring Native Messrs. Parsons, Clive riMII'i uudersitrii-d U*o io inform I In* pi States tliai they have been appointed ATrW A (Jo., Ltd- ol‘ Loinlou, au<I have ieceiiti\ i*‘»*eiven ;i large >lr.pim > iii of verv
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