Straits Echo, 27 June 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 30 1 I'o-j»a r 25th Day, 7>th Moon Town Bawl. G«»lf Club, 6 t<* 7 p.m J O- MORROW 26th Day, sth Moon. Town I»a ml, Esplanade, 6 to 7 j».ih.
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  • 41 1 For Week eudiug Monday, June 3. I 905. A.M. i* M. Tnemiay, 27th ..8 50 9]5 Wednesday, 28th 1>.44 1005 29th 10.57» Fri»iay. 30th ...1120 11.45 Sd'iniiitr, Ist 12 Sunday, 2ml 12 35 —lo M•uulav. 3id 1.25 1 50
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  • 41 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. hI’IWAJUJs. HoMEWAICOS. CoromMidel 6 July Nu>na 8 July. Malta 20 1 Simla 2‘i Extra Service. Outwaros. 11 < >.m khaki». Japan 27 June. Palermo 16 July. Candia 2a July. Java -10 W For particulars See Page 3.
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  • 30 1 O v’ew Vl<>**n July 3rd 12 49.9 a.m First Quarter lOtl; 12 40 3a m. o ton Mooti Ibthlo 31 7 pm. I.;|>| </nnri»*i ...June 24th 886 h..yi
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  • 76 1 German Scltandiorgl) 28th June. Oh ilia (Zieten 28th Indian Thoinjmt 29t.h English (Coromandel) titli Julv. China (Nubia) Hth I hk outward German Packet Bcliarnhurst iett Colombo, for Penang at 8 on i Saturday, and may l>e exported to arrive at 3 a.m. to-morrow I hk Contract Packet
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  • 557 1 Admiral. Togo paid a visit of condole t to Admiral Rost jestvenskv at the nval hospital on the 3rd instant. Twelve liundid Russian officers aud men were rescued l»v tishermeii «»f Hikoi ultima, Yatna ruchi-keu, shortly after the great battle of Tsushima. The Koeluiselie Zeit ung concludes a
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  • 870 1 CREW MUTINOUS. LiKUT-Oomniander Nakugawa. the chiet gunner, and other officers and men, in all. Is»hmging to the cruiser Kasiiga, who brought the Orel to Maizuru, passed through Kolie on Thursday’ (1st inst. on their way to Sasebo. At Kobe. ihe officers related to Press represent-, lives
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  • 135 1 Pknano. 27m Ju.Nt flip court ex If m the (jbarteve.i L union Demand Bank ill 4 months’ sight Hj 3 Credit 2 c 3 Doouinoiitni r 2» j 0 tioutt»i. Demand Ban k 1L i -17 A 3 davs* sight Priva’e Iftf J Bombay. Demand Bank I 4
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  • 233 1 Belat Tin Mining Oo., Ld. 7.—telle x BersawahGold M miugOo., I,d. 5 13 01 telh rn Brieh Rtihber Syndicate Ld. par— Bruseh Hydraulic ’J in Mining Oo.. Ld 5 4.00 Ouifert Duff Development. Go. $10.00 teller* Fraser Neave, Ld 5100.— mien George Towu Dispensary $25.— bui/ern Howarlh Krskine, r,<i.
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  • 179 1 Gold leaf 77', B.Pepper(VV.(/'oasi oaf oi «tori. White Pepper 37 le I Trane Pepper '27.- «ale* i Clove* (picked) out oj «taxon I Mace 4 o—seller*0 seller* I Mace Pickings (jo. —buyers Nutmegs 11 Os 36. —sales No. 1 6.1<) HOIK. I Sugar 2 no stock. 1 ’..islet 5.40
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  • Shipping.
    • 113 1 liA5 Soon. Br. s.s. lyf), Glen.lav, -7tli June. Deli, 2Grli June, Gen. Beug |\ee. La mi k at, Br. s.s. 149, Liddell. 27th June, telulv Anson. 20th June, (Jen., K. G. Co. Maj.aya, Ger. s.s. 90|. lilock, 2711 i June, Deli. 20th June, Coffee.— B. M. .V Co. Asa
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    • 47 1 27th Juno Mari/ Aunlin, for Deli. Petrel, for Bangkalau Braudaui. •Tin Hu, «or Laugkat. S/>ortnnuin. for Perils ami Selin. Hok Clinton, lor Edit*, '1. Seniawe, Segii, Olehleh and Sabang. Pi» Seng, for Port Swetteuham. Kuala Lumpur ;tnd Singapore. Lmlij \VeUf, for Teluk Ausou. Heaet, for Singapore.
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    • 65 1 Ban Whatt Soon, Br. s.s. P.ty, Gleudav, 2/tli June, Deli, 26t>h June, Gen.,— (Jua li Beng Ivee. Lanukat, Br. s.s. 149, Liddell, 7th J um Teluk Anson, 20th June, Gen., K. G. Co. Dk Koch. Dut. s.s. 880, ljeunue,27tli June Belawan,2otU June. Gmu H. T.. .wjp, Honu M
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  • 80 1 r 1 err-lg r rom -1 ye at* bur \l. Vaiwrie Singapore S K.&Oo. 2nd JuK Httliluri:' Loudon 'S.U.itCo. 3rd Jit'll of C'rumbie (jl laxifow S I A (Jo 3rd Auo i ia < Jolumbo do. 6 tli 1A AfxMi p'»rc A A .A:Co 6 t.h G. A pc
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  • 60 1 VfltHf/tf For A yen/* Leave* M. Valerio Colombo S K.&Co. 2nd Ju’v Beulario Siujzapore S.B.&Co. 3rd 1 >en ol C routine Singapore j>.l».&Oo, 3rd Austin i Singapore do. t»t!i A. Apear Calcutta A. A A.Co. "'li Nippon Colombo S.lVACo. '.uh •i. A pear Singapore A.A A.Co. 7th C A
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  • 115 1 Foh Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt, ;u.d via Naples for Europe etc—Per Zieteu, to-mor.iow, 11-30 Singapore, China A Japan -Per Scham horsf, to-morrow, 8 a m. Trang Per Uel>, to-morrow, I Asaiian A Batu Bahia—Per It. Habuyn. to-morrow, 1 pin. leluk Anson Per Ijuiajicai, to morrow.
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  • 23 1 IVr Mil lava, from I Mi: Mefwn Scliuuruiaun, Carlon, Konchmiius, Meiuers aud Mrs. Boon. Bov Asahau, from Asahau \l.ossr> \l<1«*r> and Ivnuiiun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 Chahyah Pulau Penang, X The only Maiay Paper in Penang. NOW ON SALE. I’UoTOS OF THE Swimming Club Carnival. One whole set consisting of 20 photos, large or small sizes, $12 only. Single copies are also obtainable. A. KAULFUSS, '-i7 Par y altar Street Pena ay. !Oh JUST RECEIVED. FLOORING
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    • 25 1 A good wav to take IRON, because it is acceptable to< tbe taste and stomach, aud produces the- good effects desired— STEARNS’ AViNE. the blood-builder.
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    • 23 1 STEARNS’ WINE, although containing Iron, iu a most. excellent form, does not constitute or blacken the teeth. m.e beueficial effect is icallv remarkable.
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    • 8 1 Penang Sin Poe, x f lieoniy Chines htpenuPeiiaij^
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 26 1 WEATHER. Tiik following report is kindly supplied uv the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis The rainfall «luring the hours ended at 1+ to-dav was nil.
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  • 387 2 Ir auv woimin wishes to kuoix whether she is a perfect specimen of lier sex, slie has only to apply the rules laid down for ascertaining the fact. First, as to height, tastes differ, but tbe Venetian Venus is sft. sin. iu height, and that is
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  • 406 2 {Edited by Hob Acre*.' January 1 Promoted. Felt dejected. I lean up article on Explosives in Encyclopaedia. (Mem. Have purchased the wot k on the iustalineul plan a: the suggestion ol' my wife who said thoughtfully that we must think of the future—l should pro
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 101 2 TO T.TiiT Spacious godowns in iwi. street. For particulars applv to **GOI>OWN,” -1 <>-05 1 in l» 404 c o Strait* Echo TO Zj]QTi PUEM ISK3 No. 341, Date Krauiat Road, with a large compound, foruierlv occupies! I»v the Celestial Clul>. Applv to 8-3-0 o it c 182 201, Beach
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    • 563 2 WiLNTBI> IMMEDIATELY two Chiuese clerks, must a fair knowledge of Book- keeping. Apply (giving copies of testimonial)*) to “Z.” ■26-6-06 3insrt 413 c o Strnit# Echo I Municipal Notice. A SPECIAL MEETING of the Muuieipal Commissioners will l>e held at the .Municipal Office, on Fkiday. 30th June, 1906, at 3
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    • 2543 2 ks. oki to ho Central Sales Room. {Federal Auction Rooms. Federal Auction Rooms. THE Important Auction Sale. lit CHOP PUN CHIN HO Co I lUI- he to In Jin ukruptcy. TO BE SOLI) BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 29th 30th June Ist July, AT No. 211
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1457 3 P.&O. *A1# •mg* yjt. IS. I. Co. K*)>ectctl Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. J uly Aug *.s. Coromandel connecting with 8.s. Moldavia go s.js. Malta do s.s. Macedonia 3 8.s. limy at <lo s.s. Victoria Homewards. July Aug. 8 Nubia connecting with s.s. Mongolia 22 8.8. Simla do 8.8.
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  • 109 4 JuaticesatisHm everybody,a»MljuBtice»l«>n«.—Jfctwraus, Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.' AT Til K CRITERION PRESS, Litl. f No. 22*» —232, Street, Peuaug. PHICE j DAILY lAJCAL -50 m *uiiiiiu OtTTSTATION Postage Kx r*. j MAIL KDITION (Post Fw) $l3 ri CABLE ADDRESS: Echo —Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 146 4 In another column will be found a memorandum by the Hon. A. Huttenbaeh upon the currency question, which has been submitted to Government and also laid before the Penang and Singapore Chambers of Commerce. In his covering letter to the Chambers Mr. Huttenbaeh says. The main object of
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    • 221 4 The Brit sh Lion has long bin'll regarded by the rest of 4he international memgerie as fair game when a little harmless amusement is desired, for it seems to have become a recognised fact that this good-natured beast rather enjoys than otherwise having his tail pulled or
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    • 243 4 Despite the fact that tiie Municipal dog-shooters have already accounted for over one thousand three hundred dogs to date there does not appear to! be any very appreciable diminution in] the number of stray dogs to l>e met; except* perhaps, in the immediate! j neighbourhood of the
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  • 922 4 This ie not a story oi one of those bewitching damsels who are at times the cause of heartburnings to tlie plain wives of busy business men, but a plain statement of what happened to the hard-worked and staid old Remington machine which daily grinds out
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  • 987 4 OUTRAGEOUS (JoSUUCT OK THE PARTITIONING PoWEtl. A striking illustration of the methods of international action in Peking is shown in the present question of the Boxer indemnify. On October 2G, China wrote to the Powers offering to consider the indemnity as a gold debt instead of
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  • 457 4 On the invitation of the owner we visited the Cheras Road mine at aliout 3.1 miles ou the Pudoh road, at about half-past six yesterday morning, says Friday’s Malay Mail, the object of our visit l»eing to inspect tiie new and improved puddler for which Air. Lai
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  • 129 4 A Partner Imprisons!* I The China Mail (14th. June) savs--. 1 1 eoiisequeuee of a partnership <1 i*»pute, w 111 was decided a few «lavs ago in Chain ,l I the Supreme Court, a partner in the Opium Farm has been committed to gao 9 well known
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • 402 4 Obituary. Funeral of Dr. Kate Donald The funeral of the late Dr. Kate Donald took place yesterday evening wlieu, notwithstanding that the sad news of her death was not generally known, there was a large attendance of the public to show their respect to the memory of the deceased lady
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    • 177 5 Panic In Poland. Thousands Leave Lodz (Supplied bp Reuter.) Loudon 26th June. —The inhabitants of Lodz are panic-stricken, lielieviug none to lie safe from the violence of the military. Twelve thousand left Lodz yesterday iu trains, which were crowded to their utmost capacity. Martial Law Loudon, 27th June.—Martial
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    • 27 5 Strong and Impartial Commission. (Supplied by Reuler.) London, 26th June, —The newspapers, cousider that, the Military Stores Commission is noteworthy for its strength aud impartiality.
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    • 88 5 Reception in London. (Supplied bp Reuter.) Loudon, 27th June.—Viscount Hayashi, the Japanese Minister, accompauied by Messrs. Neville and Nicholson of the Japanese Legation, met Prince and Princess Arisugawa at Dover. The Prince and Princess were welcomed on their arrival in Loudon by the Prince of Wales and
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    • 42 5 Orders to Immigration Officials (Supplied bp Reuter.) Loudon, 271 h Juue.— President Roosevelt lias ordered the United States Immigration Officials to show the utmost courtesy to Chinese merchants and travellers visitiug theUuited States on pain of dismissal.
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    • 43 5 German Troops Defeated (Sujiplied bp Renter.) London, 27th June.—Reuter’s Cape Town correspondent wires that the native chief Marengo has defeated a German detachment, capturing all its ammunition and supplies. The Germau losses in the engagement are reported to be heavy.
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    • 30 5 A New Cabinet Formed. (Supplied bp Reuter.) Loudon, 26th Juue.—M. Ralli has formed a new Greek Cabinet in which the followers •>f the late M. Delyanuis decliued to participate.
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    • 32 5 Great Loss of Life (Supplied bp Reuter.) Loudon, 27th Juue.—The British steamer Ancona has collided with am] sunk a Danish mercantile tiuiningship near Copenhagen. T'wentv-two apprentices were drowned and fifty-seven saved.
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    • 39 5 Presents for Dalai l^inia (Siijifilieil by Renter.) London, 27th June.—The Times IVkiug correspondent wires that M. Pokotiloff, the liiissiaii Minister, reache*! Urga on the 14th instant and presented the Dalai Lama with gifts from the Tsar.
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    • 67 5 Prepared for War. (Supplied bp Reuter Loudon. 26th June. —M. Berteaux, the French War Minister, speaking at Versailles, said, While wishing to say nothing that could lie taken is an allusion to the present situation, thanks to the efforts of the last thirty-five years, our fighting material is of
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    • 24 5 The Viceroy. Echo Spedal.) Simla, 27th June.—There are rumours of the resignation of Lord Curzon, the Viceroy, in consequence of the Kiles-Kitchener affair.
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    • 92 5 Another Conference. (Echo Special*.) Berlin,26th June.—Count voußuelow, the German Foreign Minister, and M. Bihourd, the French Ambassador, have had another long discussion aneiit the Moroccan question, but nothing has so far leaked out regarding Germany’s reply to the French proposals. The public of Berlin show a tendency tj
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    • 324 5 A Dam Accident (Echo Special.) Simla, 27tli June.—Great damage lias been caused at Gilghit,in Kashmir, by the bursting of a glacier dam. The Admirable Accuracy of the Japanese. In case there be oulv oue person unreasonable enough Li blame the Japanese for their praiseworthy caution, we reprint from a
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  • 53 5 Manchuria. Operations Interrupted. (Echo Special.) Paris, 26th June. —The rain is interrupting’operations in Manchuria. Peace Prospects. «i—•— The Place of Meeting (Supplied bp Renter.) London, 27tli Juno.—Both Russia ami Japan have informed President Roosevelt that, the Pesure Plenipotentiaries will meet in the Uuiled States during the tiist ten
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  • 2626 5 By Hon. A. Huttknbach. 1 1 Thk following are some of the conditions prevailing in India and the Straits Settlements respectively at the time of the Reform The huge Continent of India is a compact, political and economic laxly with its own j hinterland, self-contained,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 152 5 To-day’s Advertisements. WANTED. r PO KENT a Fukmshld Bungalow I>\ 4. i lie inuutii rent aliout $7O. Apply to “H. P. 27-6-05 6iusri 416 c o Strait Echo. House No. 8, Arkatoon Hoad, kuoun as tlie Kia Ora”. For terms and particulars apply to CUNNINGHAM, CLARK A Co., 2/-6-05 418
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    • 124 5 I W. CORNFIELD, <£■ 3. fiishop Stre et. JUST OPENED Jones Bros. 1 BEST STEEL CABIN TRUNKS, The Public's Favourites, The Adjutant and the Patent Ideal” on Rollers The Patent Bombay ami Simla Despatch Boxes. The Patent Wolseley Commissioners Despatch Boxes. Best Japanned Polished F.bonite, Tray with Divisions j tor
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1167 6 Lim Sun Ho CHOP HENO MOH Sc Co. 164, Beach Street, Penang. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. tilo Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP Gim seng Moh. 203, Main Road, Taiping. Tin Miners, Advancers and General Goods Store. 39c HONG BEE Co. DAVID BROWN Co., 4,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 595 7 The F. O. B. Whisky, BUCHANAN’S TIANG LEE Co., Are the Best and SOU) AT 66 Black and White $1 per bottle, and 44 Special Buchana Blends. and per c;is«> of twelve bottles /or $11.40, Duty paid. TRY IT and you will like no others I SCOTCH WHISKIES x AND
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1309 8 LARGE CONSIGNMENTS OF NEW GOODS I BEING UNPACKED DAILY. BURN Co., Ltd Electrical Engineers, PENANG. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW 4 Co., PENANG, GIVE GOOD VALUE IN FURNISHING GOODS. Show Rooms Logan's Buildings. ARE now prepared to undertake nil kinds of electrical work at the shortest notice. All work done by fully competent
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