Straits Echo, 18 May 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 37 1 Straits Echo OAILY CHRONICLE 01 EVENTS, CIRCULATING THROUGHOUT THE STRAITS, ;'i: I r.UfcRATEI) MALAY STATES, AND THE IAR EAST GENERALLY. roL. a. $24 Per Annum. PENANG, THURSDAY, 18th MAY, 1905. Single Copy, 10 cents, No. 1 11.
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  • 64 1 Births. April 21. at Hunninghill. Berks, wife ot j B. Brooke, of Sarawak, daughter. Cn April II. at AVillsliriilge. wife of B. •lames. ,m. a., ot Hongkong, daughter. April 2-1. at YVinehester. wife of Skinner Turner. Judge of H. B. M Court. Bangkok.! son. Makriaok. < >n April
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  • 54 1 «>- lIA T I -it li I lav, 1 1 ii )in<Hi. I I on n Band, (folf Citlb, 6 to 7 H-.YIOKROW j 16f ILi fill Ai «Hill Auction Sale of Household Furniture, etc al Hardwick, No. (*7 Nortliani Koad, i al 12 noon i I'ovvn Halid,
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  • 947 1 How to Profitably Catoh-C'roi* Rubber. The long wait of five to seven veais liefore auv return can lie ohtained from rublier trees is considered verv generally j a drawback to tlie planting of tins splendidly profitable product. Planters will I e inter- ested t«> hear of the fine
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  • 34 1 O ’iiH Ab oii May l9th 4.31 7 v .vi. l.a.s| <)liall«-r 2611 l 9. 150.V.V1. O New Moon June 3 d 12 5(5 6 i*.m first i.-r lOtli 84 71» m.
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  • 48 1 For Week eliding Wednesday. Mav 2! I9*>s am e m. Tl»iis*iav. LSI!i 0.05 030 Eridav. I*>!h 0.55 i 20 Sadi.i-n. v, 20th 1.45 2.10 Su**iav. 21 st 2.35 300 M !<1 .<. 22nd 325 350 T i-i\. 23rd 4 1-5 440 v\ *s| n-s*la'. 24th 5.05 030
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  • 57 1 English A«/ih I 25th Mav. China lijhnsaa 2711 i Herman I hi r m >■/«* nil) 3otii Chhui (livoN) 30tli The Extra I*, undo, steamer Java, having left Sue* at da\light on Sunday, the 14th inslant, is expected to arrive here at daylight on cilnesilav, the 3Jst idem,
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  • 45 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mai! Service. OUTWAKIW. HoMKlVAttOS. Nubia U) May. Chn*an 'J7 May. Simla S Jane, j Malta 10 Jane. l-.xtra Service. Iutwardh. Hum KWA tills. Java W May. Pern W May. ormota Hi Jane. Poona -t Jane. Ufa? I'm iiai i ii'iiiars »ee Page
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  • 142 1 i’KNAdij 18th May. Htj r* t urle*y al lite (Jimrtere.l I tame L Hoion Demand Hanic i I 4 months’ sight Haul 1 I 1 1 'red it 20', I >oeninenln i v 2 0i C lioiiiln. Demand Hank* Its N8 8 days* sight Private ioO j B>n»i»:»y. Demand
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  • 237 1 !>i sa wall Mine ('n. I <• i |:> r* Rsml) A list rui iiiti (1 i ill .Vim. mg Co., lei 1.— teller* I tod a Mg Heimilg (iii|<| Min. tug Co., M. J'J-VJ till bn yer* j l\ in in uit Cold Mining* '*i.. I ,i 1
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  • 175 1 Hold leaf 5 70. 1 B. Pepper W. Coast Jibs.) out nj stock White Pepper S 3G; sellers I ramg Pepper S 251 buyers Cloves picked oat of snison Mace 75 —sellers Mace Pickings *»7 .—sellers Nuttm*gsllos 35.— sa’es No. 1 S 10 aom Sugar I 2 no stock.
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  • Shipping.
    • 88 1 i' kkak. Hr s.s. 297, Hncliauan, 17tli May, Port Swcltenhuin, Ititli Mav, Gen.,— K. (jr. (Jo. ii<>Toicifa, Ur. s.s. 000, Uingard, 17tli May, Jongkuli, I<»tli May. Gen., K. G. Co. alsn i ys, l>ut. s.s. 2,384, deHiM, 18th May, Bajan, Kith May, Gen.,—H. L. Co. Hudson, Hr. s.s. 2,07t>,
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    • 45 1 18th May. Hun W hull Soon, foi J)eli. Taw Tony, for Langkat. Hr Koch, for Deli Conlou. l’or Pangkor and lei ok Anson. Siutoom, for Calcutta. Trent a, for Singapore Ftii/airj, for Uatn Uaiira. C'anjuhuch, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Aniov. iilur, for Singapore.
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    • 31 1 Pkkak. Ur s.s. 297. Hnchaiian. I7tli May. Port Swettenliani, Idtii May, Gen., K. G. (Jo. hoToKUA, Ur. s.s. 000, Ijingard, I7lli May, longkali, lt>th May, Gen., K. G. Co.
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    • 55 1 1 1'/*#*'/* 7'Vo in Aijriil* hue C. A |tear 7ul<*ut (a V. A. A .(Jo. liUli May •f .ISo II •Siu«aj>o»«* VV •20th I srliin ">111 Oil jlOl l 1 l: M.&Co. 25th Smi'a ■>ii»oa|(oi* > 291 li < >eeau<* Iasoi»\v ■S HAOo. »t,h June. lien.iMoi Singapore S.U.AlCo. 10th
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    • 37 1 '°f)y«rsi 'noij °i">y trs ii<*|•"<•'| •annpipj)! ;j S’ qiOf:| •«OV'O'Y l";> »P9F) '°PV IV i 1 s ir- o r>Y iv T III *Kl? AiifV ipor- '"O V' V’ V 11 891 IVjrj ttjvrfty .10.1 1
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    • 138 1 For Colombo Per Teenkai to-morrow, 11 Tongkah—l*er Rotorua, to-morrow, .m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy—Per Gtang lire, to-morrow, 2 p.m Port Swetteuliam Malacca—Per Perak, to-morrow, 2 p.m. I'oi) Swetteuliam and Singapore—Per Avagyee, to-morrow, 2 p m. Kdie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olelileh and Sal «mg Per Hok (Janton,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 78 1 MARTYN Co. P WHISKIES. BERNESE ALPS MILK Co, Sialden, Emmenthal, Switzerland. NATURAL MILK, CONDENSED MILK. Price per ease of 48 1-lb. tins NATURAL MILK CONDENSED MILK 10. 'I '1,1' HII UNSWEETENED H I f 'i i V s />V .y .I f,i 1 si 'I i^ESEALP^K LD g N En
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    • 17 1 STEARNS’ WINE, for convalescents from any severe illness. The good effect is at once seen. Steam» Wine.
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    • 79 1 «TKAKNS’ WINE, a ueneial tonic restorer. Always reliable. he Sfe-nne’. Take no other. It cure' atnl TIIE B. O. H. Hygienic Dusting Powder. To leuiove tiie L'u pleasant ness due to Excessive Perspiration. Delicately Perfumed AND Quite Harmless. Very Refreshing for use after the liath. Price $1 per packet. Sole
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    • 6 1 BORDEN’S PEERLESS CREAM Sandilands, Buttery Co.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 695 2 It cost .£20,696 to heat, light, and ventilate the Houses of Parliament last year. A ouest at a recent golden wedding in Dautzic, Germany, was the wife's mother, aged ninety-one. The Nordsee Steamship Company’s wharves and shells at Bremen, in Germany, were destroyed on April 21 by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 56 2 N. D. deSILVA, MANUFACTURING JEWELLER AND DEALER IN Ceylon Jewellery, Tiger Claws and Tortoise Shell Ornaments, Ivory and Ebony Elephants, Ceylon H and made Lace, Folding Long Chairs Ceylon Tea of best quality. tUg I ••«■ware of hawkers who sell the jewellery, Ac., under uiv name. Vtf. ms HOE STREET.
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    • 2217 2 of I'll, it V ite ive lie me 1 a list as ?s: 11( I )US IIV. ;ie. of lie to ■da Board and Lodging:. 1) OOMS vaeaut in European resilience for young men. Conveniently situated. Moderate terms. Apply to FAIRFIELD,” »0-4-05 u c 281 c/o Strait* Eclw. NOTIC Penang.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1498 3 9 •f X p. o. am». i Co. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. m„v J 5 s.s. Nubia connecting' with s.s. Mongolia Juno 8 s.s .Simla do s.s. Marmora •jo S-H Coromandel do 8.8. China Homewards. MaV 27 8.8. Chusan connecting with s.s. Himalaya June 1 s.s. Malta
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  • 108 4 Just ice satisfies cviTjbody.andjusticcalone.-iinwnoii. Established June 1st, 1903. Publish*.**! daily (except Sunday**.) AT THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Peuang. PRICE t»All,\ IAN A I, |***r aiiunui. OI TSTATION I’ostajfe Extra. MAIL EDITION ll\**t Kret-I s|j CABLE ADDRESS; Echo—Penang.” Telephone N«». 188. NOTICE Pc ring
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  • Current Topics.
    • 241 4 T ii E q ues t io ns that have arisen out of the stav of the Russian Heel in iimianli Buy are many and varied from the points of view of International Law. and of the duties of neutrals. I 1 lie question
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    • 1320 4 In another column will be found a report of the proceedings of a meeting of a rich (lotential Straits rubber concern, the Sereioban Estate Rubber Co. A valuable asset itribe future prospects of this estate lies in i the fact that after bringing 900 acres under cultivation there
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  • 142 4 LATEST Betting. Londou, stl) May. sto 2 agst. [jord liosel»‘rry s Cicero. 4 to 1 M. Blanc’s D’Or. 5 to 1 Jardv bto 1 Mr. \Y .de Weud-Feutou’s Vedas. 14 to 1 Mr. I». H. Henning s Rouge Croix Id to 1 Chevalier Giuuistrelli’s Signorino. 25 to
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  • 244 4 Amongst oilier improvements effected in Penang, a correspondent of the L. A C. Express thinks it is a pitv that the Government at lent ion has not l>een turned to t.iciiitating transit between Penang and Province Wellesley. A slight tendency has lieen shown amongst
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  • 260 4 f Before the Hun .1. F. (J. Lnte, Vuirut J udye, mid a .fury.) The Forged Slo Note. Ihe case against Ng Pop was concluded late yesterday afternoon, when the accused was found not guilfv ”1 *v the jiov and accordingly acquit re«l. His defence was that
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  • 183 4 London, 25lli April. —Tn* market has been steady but<|iiiet botii consumer* and liears who wanted tin for immediate delivery had to pay between £140 5s. ami «£139 15s., w hile forward tin was neglected, and is still ottered about £5 per ton below the cash price. We close
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  • 131 4 W h: are iiulebtei] to Messrs. Lewis and IV’at. the well-known London brokers. for Hie following particulars ,,f niblier sales:— Straits. 5 cases good liismits, marked A, y 1 I will interior biscuits, marked ditto, tic*, 3d. 1 bay ditto, marked ditto, bought m 1 case white opaque
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  • 594 4 A correspondent of Hie L. and C Express writing on the “Progress of the S: rails Settlements’’ remarks The increasing prosperity of tiie Straits is due more, perhaps, to the Chinese than to am other cause. In mining, in the opium and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 208 4 TANGYES LIMITED. Duplex, Special, Centrifugal Pumps and Pumping Plant, Oil, Petrol, Alcohol and Benzoline Engines. Gas Engines and Suction-Gas Producers. Hydraulic Machinery, Presses, &c. l ;Lathes, Drilling Machines, Millers AND ALL KINDS OF Hand, Wharf, Portable and other Cranes, Hoisting Crabs, and Winches. SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to the Tangye
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    • 30 4 McAlister Co. Ltd beg to announce the arrival of a shipment of A Reliable and High class Machine at a popular price. Price only $92.50. McAlister Co. Ltd. SOLE AGENTS,
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  • 334 4 OBITUARY. Sir Hugh Low. •Sir Hugh Low. g.c mg.. late Resident of Perak, «lied on 18th April, at Aiassio, after a few hours' illness, in the Hist, year of his age. Sou of Mr. Hugh Low. he was born oil May 16, 1824. and at the age of 19 visited
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    • 207 5 Attempted Assassination. (inventor of lfa Shot. Esc a hk or Assailants. I< Sa i"'iieil in f lieu lee. I London, 17tli May. M. Sckolovskv. the Governor of Ufa (South-East Russia) has been shot in the public garden at Ufa, aud Iiis lite is despaired ot. His assailants have
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    • 88 5 Sultan Unusually Alert. Heart set on Strengthening German i-'i'ieinlship. {Supplied bn Renter, i Lomioii, ISili May.—li is reported that the Sultan ot Moiocco ie*-eived Count I a.l tell bach on the s**cond «lav after tlie latters arrival at Fez—an expeditioiisuess unusual lor Morocco s ruler. Count Tatteubacli declare*!
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    • 91 5 Aggression Denied Characterised as Inventions. i Echo Special*.) Berlin, IS May.— The semi-official Cologne Gazette repudiates as inventions all the reports and predictions regarding Germ in military movements *>n tlie coasts and in the interior of China. Seizure of an Island <4*Sequel of Trouble with Germany. .Shanghai.
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    • 69 5 Army Policy not being Thwarted Blit Imperial Government is Considcring Management. (Echo Special.) Simla, 17th May.—lt has l»een officially announced that the statements being circulated to the effect that Lord Kitchener’s policy and reforms, as Commander-in-Chief of Ih** Indian Army, are being thwarted by tlie Indian Government
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    • 65 5 Object ot* Special Mission. Enokavourino to Allav Irritation, {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 18th May.—The decision which lias been coute to by France to send a special mission to Germany to attend the wedding of the Crown Prince is exciting comment and is Iteiug taken as an indication
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    • 52 5 Unique Birthday Honour. Made a General of the British A l in y. (Su pptit'd If/ Rrutt r.\ London, Dth May. ilis Majesty the Kingot Spain lias l*een appointed a General ot the British A run on tie* occasion of iiis nineteenth birthday anniversary which is l>oiug
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    • 91 5 Sandy Hook to the Lizard Contest for Kaiser's Cup. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon. 18 May. The ocean sailing yacht race from Sandy Hook to the Lizard tor a clip presented by the Kaiser 1 *egau at noon yesterday, the start having previously been postpoueil owing to tlie fog.
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    • 342 5 County Championship Notts beat Middlesex. (Sujtplieti Inj Keuler.) Loudon. 18 May—The match at Lord's between Middlesex and Notts Couutv, which was liegun on Monday, lias resulted hi a victory for Notts County by 198 runs. Warwickshire Defeated. Warwickshire has been defeated bv Leicestershire by the narrow margin of nine
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  • 559 5 The Tsar s Armada Left lion Kolic Bay on Monday. Disabled Destroyer in Rear. Echo S/tecuil* Hongkong, 18th May—'l li«* North German Lloyd steamer Wongkoi. which has arriv'd hero from Bangkok, reports having sighted 52 vessels of the Baltic Meet leaving tln* Day of Hon Kolic on Monday
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  • 43 5 Result of Newmarket Stakes. Won by Cicero. Supplied Li! lieafer. > London. 18th May. Following is the result of the race for the Newmarket Stakes yesterday afternoon Lord Rosebery's Cicero 1 Mr. Ji. Neumann's Llaugibbv 2 Chevalier Ginuistrelli s Signorino... J
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  • 1642 5 A Sporting Mystery. Andrew Carnegie’s Niece. Woman s Club Rnw ANTWERP'S BIG DOCK SCHEME. The Aliens Bill. Eroin Onr hen Fleet bx eet, April 24th.—Easter was I not ali that could be wished for m England, j The weather t'«»r a week or two took *>n
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  • 134 5 The follow ini' are the Agenda for the ordinary meeting of the Com mission tomorrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to lie read and eon tinned. 2. To coutirm By-laws under Section 250. 3- To consider and if thought tit pass Supplemental Budget No. 1, of 1905. 4.
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  • 141 5 inward. Per Zieteu, from Genoa Mr. G. C. Weidt, Mr. and Mrs. Schubert, Messrs. Johann Poll. F. vauder Weide, Jaezer, and Weibeukeisserot. From Antwerp Mr. Theud Hessing. From Colombo Mr. Sarvanametto. Per Preusseu, from Hougk ug Mr. Luu Ong Lye and Mr. Miles. From Singapore Mr. Cha Rang, Phya
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  • 886 5 Tikst Annual Mkbuno. I hk tir»t annual meeting of the sharej jioliler» •>( Mie .Sereuiban Estate Rubber Co. y >""il«•( 1, was held at Colombo on iMh inst. I Hon. Mr. VV. H. Figg presided. 1’mk CiIAIKMAN’s Sl’KBCH. t 1 lie Chairman said that, as
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 P. Nlolr Crane Co.'s CYLINDER OIL. Sandilands Buttery 6t Co.
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    • 50 5 A CHINESE CLERK for Tapah Office, thorough knowledge of hook keeping by double entry required. A Chinese Clerk for insurance work at Ipoh. Apply by letter suiting age, qualitications, with copies of testimonials. Commencing salary »60 and free quarters. Three months probation. AYLESBURY A O ARLAN I* 13-5-06 lwk 333
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 852 6 Khoo Buan Phuan CHOI’ Grim Moh. 203, Main Road, Taiping. Tin Miners, Advaneers and General Goods Store. 39c HONG BEE Co., General Store and Commission Agents 88, MAIN ROAD, TAIPING. Wc Ng 800 Chop Swee Bee. Miners and Contractors. 31, Kota Road, Taiping JUST RECEIVED MAH MAY CIGARS Nos. jl,
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  • 195 7 An official from Formosa, in (lie courM :i interview with tin* Jiji’» reporter, t .it «*<l that at tin* of the war the natives showml great misgivings as to 'pun s alii 1 itv to Russia. Their Hi| >ie.'siou wan that tin* task was impossible bit
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  • 207 7 A ckusona i, letter from Sarawak states, >ays tin* Free Press, that the Dyak liead- iuuitei s aie out on a raid <>u the upper j waters of the Ivejaug river. The trouble b“gan at Kapit, about :jl> miles above Sibil. Ihe savages at that place
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  • 252 7 Although there seems to lie a feeling that the Dalai Lama of Tiliet who ran away from the British Expedition Inst, year has been deposed aud the Paushen Lama of Tashilumbo appointed to take his place, a Peking correspondent, writing on the subject of the evident
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  • 267 7 Following is the seventh annual report, presented at the annual meeting of the Company, held at Shanghai, on bth May Your Directors have much pleasure in submitting for your consideration and approval the annual report and statement of account* for the seventh year
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  • 531 7 And Your Health will l ook After Itself Hcrc is l>,oof that the Cures Wrought Bv Dr. WILLIAMS’ PINK Pi.LS. 1 he Great Blood- Builder And Nerve 'Ionic, Are Permanent. j The blood feeds the bodv, and gives to the various organs the si length to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 880 7 3* r-»i Cl 5 c s W_ H h-1.5 s 2 y y-E.: 5 r o isillh ifs!»:! o g .1 2 cd S’ 5 Ci* ft to 1 X ft 5 8 f* c c < g. 5 c 2 s --a 1 IH sr ft „.i< c x
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    • 97 7 CROSSLEY’S OIL GAS ENGINES. Hiuhkst Award Paris Exhibition, 1900 Simplest and most Economical Oil Engine made. GARRETT SON’S PORTABLE ENGINES, (World Uknownkd.) FODEN STEAM WAGONS. These wagons are designed to replace horses and bullocks for transport of all kinds. Extcnsvely used throughout the Straits Stock of all sizes of Galvanized
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    • 14 7 “Gold Seal” Milk Keeps longer and is cheaper than any other. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1184 8 i IS TME FIRM 1] NOTICE. ELLWOOD’S r !Y/ T HK U,,,lerM^lU><l U 'Z io iu£orui the P ublicof Peuang aud the neighbouring Native A States that they have been appointed Agents for Messrs. l U galT Parse s, Clive Co.,Ltd. of Tivndon. and have recently received a large shipment
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