Straits Echo, 28 April 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 79 1 Births. Ok th« -4th April, at Singapore, the wife of Joh*. Riegwn. Superintendent Engineer. >'ordd«o tocher Lloyd, of a eon. At Mount Zion Cottage, Singapore, on Eester Monday, the wife of Charles A. Paton, of a son. Marriage. Ok the 24th April, in St. Andrew's Cathedral. Singapore, by
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  • 38 1 For Week ending Thursday, May 1. 1905. A.M. p.m. Friday, 28tli 7.20 7.45 Saturday, 29th 8.10 8.35 Sunday, 30th 9.00 9.25 Monday, Ist 9.50 10.15 Tuesday, 2ud ...10.40 11.05 Wednesday, 3rd ...11.30 Thursday, 4th —20 0.45
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  • 40 1 To -DAT. 24th Day, 3rd Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, tj p.m. Uarmston’s Circus, Dato Kruuiat Gardeus, 9 p.m. '1 O-MOBKOW 25th Day, 3rd Moon. Town Band, Golf Club, 0 p.iu. Harnistou's Circus, Dato Krauiat Gardens, i 9 p.m. i
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  • 21 1 O New Moon May 4th 10.45.1 p.m. First, Quarter... 12th 1.41.7 p.m. O Full Moou 19th 4.31.7 a m.
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  • 40 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards Bengal 11 May. j Simla 29 Apr. Nubia 2-5 Coronw tuiel IS May. Hitra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Palermo 2 May. Ceylon 5 May. Palma 16 j Pern 19 k <>i pariiciiiaiK P;u_'h 3.
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  • 54 1 China (Simla) 29th Apr. German Bayern 2nd Mav China (P. Eitel Friedrich) 3rd Indian Thongica 4th The extra P. A O. steamer Palermo, having left Aden at evening on Thursday, 20th instant, is expected to arrive here at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, 3rd proximo, and will leave for
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  • 1387 1 Th« Hopes of His People. (From a Russian Correspondent.) Great as is the tragedy that lift I overtaken the llotnanoff dynasty, a still greater is threatening—the final collapfce of the hopes that have so long centred around the personality of the Emperor Nicholas 11. The present year
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  • Shipping.
    • 61 1 De Kock, Dut. s.s. 335, Leeune, 28tli Apr Deli, 27th Apr.. Geu.,-H. L. &Co C. Apcar, Br. s.s. 1,730, Stewart, 28th Apr Hongkong, 18th Apr., Gen.,—A. AA. A Co. E. Rickmebs, Ger. s.s. 997, lotsche, 28th Apr., Amoy, 18th Apr., Gen.,—B M Co. LAN UK AT, Br. s.s. 149,
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    • 49 1 De LlOck, Dut. s.s. 335, Leeune, 28th Apr., Deli, 27th Apr., Gen., —H. L. A Co. C. Apcar, Br. s.s. 1,7:30, Stewart, 28th Apr., Hongkong. 18th Apr.. Gen., —A. A A Co. Langkat, Br. s.s. 149. Liddell, 28th Apr.. Teluk Anson, 27th Apr., Gen,— K. G. Co.
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    • 38 1 28th April. E. Rickmers, for Singapore aud Bangkok Valentijn, for Langkat aud Paugkalau B randan. Ptrafc, for Port Swettenhaiu aud Malaccu. Avayyee, for Port Swetteuham Singapore. Chan Tai, for Perlis aud Setul. Lath/ Weld, for Teluk Anson.
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    • 35 1 Veggelg From i Agentg l)ut Palermo G. A pear Loudon Calcutta I A.G.&Co. A. A. A.Co. 3rd May. 5th Beulouioud London Kb.&Co. 7th (li.sela Colombo iS.K.ACo. 10th Trieste ■Singapore KK.&Co. i*2th i— r-" —4
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    • 31 1 1 etsehs For Ayeni« Leave g (i A pear Singapore A.A.A.Cu. 5tli Mav Palermo Singapore A.G.&Co. ilenlomoud ;Siugapore S.B.&Co. 7th Gisela Siugapore S.K.ACo. 10th Trieste Trieste S.K.&Co. 1 1 12th
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    • 126 1 For Ce\ !ou, Austrfiltihiu, Bomliuv, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt and via Brindisi, for Europe, etc.— Per Simla, to-inorrow, G a.m. Calcutta Per C. Apcar, to-morrow, noon. Deli—Per De Kock, to-morrow, noon. Negapatain and Madras—Per Teesta, to-morrow, 1 p in. Deli Langkat—Per Ran Whatt boon, to-morrow, 1 p.m. 'Jeluk Anson—Per
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 MARTYN Co. if WHISKIES. KEEP YOUR BODY NOURISHED, keep strong, your Doctor tells you so. Stearns Wine will assist you. Ask your Chemist. An Iron Tonic also. N' •2 PHOTO GOODS. INCLUDING: Albums Plate Dusters Border Negatives Postcard Albums Cutting Shapes Red Lamps Masks Discs Squeegee Plaques Mounts Vignettes &C.,
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    • 17 1 STEARNS’ WINE will bring back the lost strength an«l vigor, but be nwre it is Stearns* Wine.
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    • 310 1 I mm k co., /S, Beach Street, Penang. Sole Agents FOR THE ROVER Co.’s CELEBRATED CYCLES. The “Meteor” Rover Bicycle Price if booked stt2-50 Price for cash with order 101-25 The “Royal” Rover Bicycle Price if booked $l5O-00 Price for cash with order 135-00 The “Imperial” Rover Bicycle Price if
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    • 74 1 GOLDEIH ft ZEITLII. %> Genuine Pilsener Beer. WAYANG AISHAH To-Night Don’t Forget To-Night. Grand Gala Night, Tableaux! Real!! Tableaux!!! Costumes, Dresses and Sceneries Everything new. Bright and Smart'. Special String Orchestra. The Actor and Actresses all l>elougiug to the n i*K.v Zanzibar Thkatbical Co. of O. K. Sumatra, under new
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 27 1 WEATHER. hk t'uiiowiui' report- ns kiudlv supplied i»r the Signal Pimn-or of Korr Comw.tiii*:— The rainfall dimin' the 1 bourn ended at H a.m. to-dav was nil.
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  • 55 1 Deaths. At 11 Lloyd Road, Singapore, on the 25th March. Euralia. wife of the late Parsick Joaquim. aged 77 years 1 month and 23 days. At Rosebenk. Ayr, Scotland, on 3rd inst.. Colonel John Robert Fairlie, late of the Madras Cavalry, in his 76th year, fourth son of the late
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  • 570 2 Thic Rubber Industry. Thk India Rubl>er Journal lias the following:— From the figures just announced l*v the Department of Commerce and Labour, we find that in tlie past twenlv vears. or from 1884 to 1904, the imports of crude rubber into this country (United States of North America) have
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 84 2 Kennedy Co. AGENTS FOR T. Clifford Wilkinson’s TJL2TSJL2T $6.50 per Case of 48 Pints. $7.00 [>er Case of 100. Wm. Younger Co., Lid., MONK HR AM) ALE and STOUT IN BOTTLE AND IN BULK. Price Lists on Application. KElTITElDTr CO. 13c THE B. O. H. Hygienic Busting Powder. To Remove
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    • 1882 2 TO LOAN. dfoQ AAA AT 10 per cent, upon I,i first class security in Penang. House property preferred. “ALPHA.” 27-4-05 tri-wk 6iu 290 c *> Strait» Echo TO LET OR SELL. H' CASH CLEARANCE SALE. previous to removing to anotiier premises.) OUSE No. 2, Gottiieb Road, with the land formiug
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1894 3 P. k 0. is IS. N. Co. ±y Expected Arrival* and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards May \pril -7 «>. Malta connecting with s.s. India 11 8.8. Bengal do s.a. Britannia 25 k.h. Nubia do 8.8. Mongolia Homewards April 29 8.“. Simla connecting with 8.8. Moldavia Mav lo Coromandel do s.s.
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  • 120 4 JnOicc awMnlinr. «■lerj-ljtxljf. jmm* Hintl. t ali«w. —/t»»*-» Establish**»! June I si. 190*1daily ffiro|H w tiinl*«v*-> At INS CRITERION PRESS. Id.. 22*i- I teach Slr«**(. IV»i:tu«_. PI&H'K uaii.y i/m;ai ra jiiimiui OUTBTATIOXS IV1 o'** Mtr.i 1 «All. KIMTKIN l|’,»|. KrMl $l5 «’A 1(1.K AMMONS: lie li o—Pe
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  • 298 4 The Water Tangle. Alleged Serious Condition. At the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners of George Town this afternoon. the following report on the town I water supply was submitted bj the Municipal Engineer:— Municipal Engiueei s office. George Town. Penang. 17tli April, Itfoo. •Sin.—l have the honour
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  • 405 4 of Proposed Charges. The follow in;» 1 list of proposed charge» jwl the Municipal oU rinarv Hospital j were brought forward at to-day’* meetingot the Municipal Commissioner*;— Ifoi'grg. f—Consultation and medicine 83.00 Keeping and treatment after Ut day 51..50 per diem. This does not include syce's wages.
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  • 122 4 Municipal Grant Approved. The following letter lias been received 1 from the Government: j Colonial Secretary Office. Singapore. 18th April, 1905.1 M uupl. d-k>9 'O5. Sik, —With reference to your letter No. 182 05 of the loth instant, ask’ng fertile sanction, iu writing, of His Excellency the Governor-in-Couucil
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  • 491 4 Sighted Near Penang Last Night. i I hi; steamer Catherine A pear, which 1 arrived from Singapore this morning, sighted what appeared to be a Beet of fifteen sliip'. in two divisions of eight and seven respectively, at 8.80 last >j night, alxotit sixty or seventy miles
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  • 226 4 It will Ikj seen from our advertising columns that the Wellesley (Penang) Estates iuteml selling a quantity of land at Prye which is not required for agricultural purposes. We understand that part of the block directly opposite the Kailway buugai lows, on the road leading to the
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  • 145 4 tiOEK. Owing to the Cricket Club Gymkhana, the competition for the Ladies’ Spoon lias been I postponed till Tuesday next. Lawn Tennis. The following are yesterdav's results: Ladies Singles Handicap (Final). i Mrs. Freer beat Mrs. Dunn 6—4; 4—0; 3—1. Mens Singles Handicap. A. G. Anthony beat
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  • 500 4 Lakt night old triendx, or > Harmstou’s Circus, pivc their otMMiiim 1 perform;;nee of the season ami, natiir.illv. a* t hey always do, scored a complete success > i There was a large aud appreciative audience aud all went with a swing that me nevei expect» from any
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  • 430 4 The Hon. John Turner, m 1.c., ,our wellknown and popularly esteemed “planting chief,” leaves to-morrow by the P. A 0. liner Simla on a well-earned holiday on his native heath, and we hike this opportunity of joining with his numerous friends and’admirers in extending to him
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  • 374 4 latest Betting on Singapore Races. f The Dkkhv. i’oLiiUn'iNU is the latest bettiugou the Singa[»ore Derby:— hi. 5-2 Wingaruun 1.2 J-l Devilmeut l-j> •*»-l Cadenas £.*i t>-I Kssiugton 6-4 <‘*-1 Tlie Idler 6-4 8-1 Wailii 2-1 10-1 Coruwell 2'-I 10-1 Southern Cross 2',-I I o-l Cal ford 4-1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 455 4 H ARMSTONS HARMSTON'S HARMSTON’S N GRAND CIRCUS and Royal Menagerie of Performing Wild Animals. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT fit 9-15 Sharp. fit 9-15 Sharp. l ocal ion of our Tents: Oato Kramat Gardens. Brilliant Success Ml* “MONARCH” The Untamable Lion. The Wonderful Diving Dog' Pat The Marvellous Educated Monkeys' The Fin
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    • 13 4 Whitaa way’s Sell for Casl*, %refore can Sell Cheaper than anvTr djt-eivinr Firm.
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    • 7 4 Whiteaway s S»h Prices will Astonish you
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  • 394 5 The Tsar's Armada. Vessels at Batavia. Specialt.) Sitigaj*<*re, 27 April. The steamer Rochusseti, which arrived here this afternoon, reports having sighted one Russian hospital-ship and eight colliers in Batavia harbour. Iu Camranh Bay Last Tuesday! Singapore, 28 April.—'i lie steamer TjipnnaS) which has arrived here to-day, reports having
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    • 162 5 Consternation in Capital. “Classes” to be Attacked. I Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 28 April.—A feeling akin to consternation has Iieen «Ktcasioued in St. Petersburg by rumours which have Iieen reproduced by the leading newspapers that 15,000 hooligans.” iu organised bands, are R"itig to attack all the so-called in
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    • 38 5 Steamer Totally Lost (Echo Speciiit.) Hongkong, 28 April.— The steamer Yuen Wo has been totally lost, having been destroyed by tire which broke out at Tunchow ou Wednesday last. 26tii instant. No lives were lost.
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    • 32 5 Missionaries and Converts Slain. Echo Special.) Hongkong, 28 April.—It is reported that four Roman Catholic missionaries and many converts have been massacred at Batang, near the frontier of Til»et.
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    • 49 5 Nature of Commercial Treaty. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 28 April.—Jn the course of ail editorial article accentuating the (jierman-Chinese Commercial Treaty, the Daily Telegraph states that it» essential parts are a replica of the AngloChinese Treaty and that by it Germany does not mono{H*lise politics in Shantung.
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    • 27 5 Japanese Score in Colombia. i Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28 April.—Tiie Canadian Government has disallowed the anti-Japanese legislation which the British Columbian Government sought to enact.
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    • 302 5 Sensational Revelations. British Guns Defective. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27 April.—A somewhat sensational article is published iu the Dailv Graphic, sigued C. B." It states that the 12-iuch wire-guns of the battleship Majestic have given out after tiriug the equivalent of only forty full charges, though the life
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    • 47 5 Powers to use Force. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 27 April.—The Powers express themselves as being averse to the union of Crete with Greece and have intimated that, if the Cretan authorities fail to impress Hie rebels with this view, compulsory steps will taken by the Power.-.
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    • 30 5 To Visit Bari and Venice. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 27 April.—The German Emperor intends to visit Bari on Tuesday next, 2nd May, and Venice on Friday next, sth May.
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    • 26 5 Visits Napoleon s Birthplace. (Supplied by lie»ter.' Loudon, 28 April.—-His Majesty King! j Edward lias lauded at Ajaccio, where lie visited Napoleon’s birthplace.
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    • 37 5 Minister tu Morocco. {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 2* April. Mr. Lowtlier. the British Minister to Morocco, is to proceed to Fez in aiiout three weeks* time to present his credentials to the •Sultan of Morocco.
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    • 776 5 Annuities for Professors < H upplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 28 April. -Mr. Andrew Carnegie has given ten million dollars’ worth of -Steel Corporation bonds to provide superannuation annuities to Professors in Colleges iu Canada and the Failed States of North A uierica. Thr Singapore Master-Attendant in- ities that
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  • 1094 5 An but the arrest of an alleged liussiau j I spy at l*ulo 1 Irani, us reported In telegraph I I bv us on Tuesday, tin? Straits Time” has the toll owing additional details- Considerable excitement lias been caused locally by the report that
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  • 355 5 tJT ,,K 11 p'w-t itI'” ral '"«-■tins? „f H* W C..."|,n,v. a l|, a for,<.„enlar,il, e «Ijoilmrf for to*. TI M of fin* Directors says Gentimiien,— -The progress ol' the wori of ;7'r i ,inriu r !i veurh: 1 **k ve-ir lrn! Ut0, *i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 Compare Whitea way's ■Price® with your
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    • 194 5 ro-rfji y s Advertisements. SALE]. P U,| S suitable for buihlino J ""'poses at Five. 611 both sides of tins '“*‘l >biliiu Ualmi, <*ither in lots of x -V,“ 01 bv tho "lions', a! moderate |>nc*s tor information apply to ENEI’AL manager. 11-ulti, Franny) K*l a tr*, \>rm F,*tatr. *s-4-0.)
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 670 6 NOTICE. rpHK uuderaigneG bug to inform the public of Penang au<l tlie neighbouring Native 1 States that they have l»eeii ap|KMiite<I Agents for Messrs, lugall. Parse"s, Clive A Co.,Ltd. <>f London, and have recently received a large shipment of very best quality Lurope ready made Coffins, Coffin Furniture and Assorted
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  • 506 7 Major Ronald Ross reports another brillant victory against malaria obtained, this t une, at Klang and Port Swettenham in the reiterated Malay States. 'Pho full details, as given by Dr. Malcolm WaUou, District Surgeon of the Kuala Selangor and Kuala I■ n *h a VI 16 ou
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1041 7 Graham Co. Ud. 4 Beach Street Penang: The Leading Wholesale Chemists in the Straits. MANUFACTURERS OF Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Photographic, AMI) OTHER PREPARATIONS. Government and Estate Hospitals and Dispensaries SUPPLIED WITH Pure English Drugs and Chemicals, /IT LOWEST PRICES. LEE CHYE DISPENSARY, No. 2.56, CJA UNA R VON STREET, PENA NO.
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    • 244 7 OO-OOP, Thomas’ Peppermint Tooth Powder for the People. Contains Arccanut A: Soft Willow Charcoal. The best for the Teeth Gums Observe. —When cleaning the teetn always use cold water which is a tonic to the gums, hot relaxes them. r>, 10 15 cts. Packets. T 8 cts. Postage extra. Tin
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1165 8 WHITEAWAY’S is the FIRM FOR VALUE BURN Co., Ltd MERRYWEATHER’S Electrical Engineers, LIGHT PORTABLE VALIANT STEAM PUMP PENANG. Fop "Up-country” use where Roads or Ralls do not exist. Gents White Drill Suits. Show Rooms Logan’s buildings. ARE now prepared to undertake all kinds of electrical work shortest notice. All work
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