Straits Echo, 27 April 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 19 1 Marriage. Ob April 3rd. at Streatham, W R. Hushes, of Chintr Vfnotr Tao. to Anna Mary Cusack.
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  • 41 1 For Week ending Wednesday, May 3, ivnjo, a m. p Jf. Thursday, 27th t>.Bu 6.55 Friday, 28th 7.20 7.45 Saturday, 29tli 8.10 8.35 Sunday, 30th 0.00 9.25 Monday, Ist 9.50 10 15 Tuesday, 2nd 10.40 11.05 \VediK*Hdnv, 3rd ...11.30
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  • 37 1 !'o* DAT. 23rd i>ay, 3rd Muon. Town Hand, Gulf Olub, 0 p.m. Hannston’s Circus, Date Knunal Gardens, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 24th Day, 3rd Muon. Town Band, Esplanade, 0 p.m. Barmatou’ri Circus, Datu Krauat Gardens, 9 p.m.
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  • 23 1 O New Moon May fth 1 0.45. 1 p.m. First Quarter 12th 1.41.7 O Full Muuu 19th 4.31.7 a m.
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  • 43 1 P. O. SAILINGS. .Mail Service. OOTWAROS. HoMKW AKIIS. Bengal 11 May. Minna '*!> Ayr Nubia 25 j Coromandel ill May fcxlra Service. ■M* OrrrwAßoa. Hum kw Anus Palermo 2 May. Ceylon -V May Palma 16 I Peru W lilT 1' ui par lieu iai>.
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  • 55 1 China (Mimfa) 29th Apr. German (Jlayera) 2nd Mav China (P. Hit el Pried rieh 3rd Indian (Thongiea) 4th Ihk extra P. Si (J. steamer Palermo, having left Aden at evening on Thursday. 20th instant, is expected to arrive here at < a.m. on Wednesday, 3rd proximo, ami will
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  • 131 1 Pknano. 27th Apkii,. 1 liy r.ourlety of the Chartered Hank London Demand Bank l/ j j l 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/1 1| 3 Credit ||u 5 ItofUineiitarv ...i/lllj Calcutta. Demand Bank lis. I -IGA 3 days sight Private I Ist Bombay, Demand Bank J 46.1 3 day».' sight
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  • 1983 1 Shelving the Schelre. Insufficient Information. The members of the Engineering Society of Siam met again on the 12th instant to discuss the project of A j Road to Penang." The Hon. Secretary read letter [from the President, Mr. A. We. ilolz. iin which he stated that,
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  • 182 1 Gold leaf 77 B. Pepper < W. Coast. 611»5.50/..) util of slock White Pepper S 66 buyers ['rang Pepper S 26.— rale» Cloves (picked) out of reason Mace 80 —sellers Mace Pickings 70. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 65. —sales No. 1 6 It) uoni Sugar 2 no stock. Basket.
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  • Shipping.
    • 89 1 I kkak, Br s.s. 297, Buchanan, 26th Apr., Port Swetteuluiui, 25th Apr, Gen.. K. G. Co. Malaya. Ger. s.s. 901, Block, 27th Apr., Deli, 26th Apr., Gen.,—B. M. &Co SWAKRDKCKOON, D”t. S.S. 641, KIaSSCIIS, 27th Apr., Olehleh, 26th Apr., Gen., H. E. A Go.gj|y*H^| Hhin;, Br. s.s. Jnkster, 26th
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    • 65 1 Pkkak. Br s.s. 297. Buchanan, 26th Apr., Port Swetteuham, 25th Apr., Geu.. K. G. Co Swaekdecroon. Dut. s.s. 641, K lassett», .27fh Apr., Olehleh. 26th Apr., Gen., H. L. A Co. Lady WKLp.Br. s.s. 245. Treweeke, 27 th Apr., Teluk Auson, 26th Apr., Gen.,-- 1 Straits S. S.
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    • 40 1 27th April. Cornelia, for l)eli. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Flying Fi*h, for Port Weld end Taiping. Omapere, for Kopali, Keuong, Mergui and Tavoy. Janet Nicoll for Moiiluieiu and Rangoon. Charterhouse, for Port Swetteuham, SiugaJ*oie. Swatow aud Antov.
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    • 50 1 1 etttelg From Aijbufg t Dne C. A pear Sintra pore A A. A .Co. 28tli Apr. Kiim Sails' Calcutta B.&Co. 28 th Palermo IjOlldoil A.G.&Co. 3rd Mav. (1. A pear Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 5th j Beulomoud Fioudon S.B.ACo. 7tl, Cisela Colombo S.K.ACo. 10th Trieste Singapore S.K.&Co. 12th
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    • 51 1 Vetnels 1 r or A ye at n I Leave» Kum Sang Singapore iGMcutta Il.&Co. 28t,li Apr. C. A pear A. A A .Co. |29tli G-. A pear Singapore A.A. A .Co. loth May* Palermo Singapore A.C.&Co. lJeiiloinoml •Singapore 7th Gisela {Singapore S.K.&Co. ilOth Trieste Trieste 1 S.K.&Co.
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    • 90 1 For Langkat and Pangkalan Braudau—Pfer Valentijn, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swetteuham and Malacca—Per Perak, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swetteuham aud Singapore—Per Avagyee, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Perlis A Setul—Per Chan Tai, to-inorrotv. 2 p.m. Teluk Auson—Per Lady WeUl, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, Boinbav f Aden, Mauritius, Egypt aud
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. VSR FOR I I Whisky. TO BE OBTAINED FROM Messrs Chin Joo Co. ft Thean Chee Co. Goon Yen Friends ft Gim Teik Bee Co. Messrs Ban Eng Seng Co. Ban Seng Co. Chiat Seng Co. Kee Saw Sons SOLE AGENTS: MIRTH k co. PENANG. t 101
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    • 18 1 STEARNS' WINE assists the body to make use of nature's nourishment. Thus it cures. Increases weight and strength.
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    • 18 1 STEARNS’ WINE >%i)l bring buck tbe lost strength and vigor, but Ik* sure it is /'Stearns H inr.
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    • 44 1 e t, McAlister Co. Ltd. SOLE AGENTS IN r >1 Penang F.M.S. FOR THE Societe Generate des Tuileries de Marseille FAMOUS Roofing Tiles I _fTX AND Ridges Absolutely Watertight. McAlister Co. Ltd. PENANG. <>Bc P. P/I oft Crane Co.*; CYLINDER OIL. Sandilands Buttery Co,
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    • 76 1 mam z Genuine Pilsener Beer. i WAYANG AISHAH. To-Night Don't Forget To-Night. Grand Gala Night, Tableaux! Real!! Tableaux I I Costumes, Dresses and Sceneries Everything new. Uriglit ami Smart. Special String Orchestra. The Actor and Actresses all belonging to the Indka Zanzibar Thkatricai. Co. of 0. K. Sumatra, under new
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 50 1 WEATHER. hk toilowing report is kiuuly siiouImmi i»v the Sitrtiai J)ir**eror <»t Kort Oornwaiiis:— 5 p.ui. Vestenla\ Th. 8!» Wr. Fine W<1. South 'i'. li it.til. To-tlay 82 ‘tear Fast lHu HI TihIh) ss' Fine StHItll 1'ie iit>iifail aurim: lue iiour* mniwi at h hi lo-<jav was 0 -3 iuelies.
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  • 644 2 Dr WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS Lure Rheumatism Through the Blood. I it is possible to estimate the value of auythiug by its popularity, as assuredly it is, then i)r. Williams’ 1'iiik Pills for [‘ale People must be given iirst place as a reined
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 7 2 BORDEN’S PEERLESS CREAM Stuidilaruls, Huncry S’ Co.
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    • 584 2 Board and Lodging. 1)OOllS vacant mi European residence V for oimy; moil. Convenient iy situ- ated. Moderate l«rni!t. Apply to FAIRFIELD,” 25-lU'i tic 1 e o Slroifs Echo. NOTICE. I.S hereby given that undersigned i» ieav"i- b>r Singapore. All accounts outstamliug must lie presented I v Miiv Ist. All accounts
      584 words
    • 319 2 FOE S.^XjE. rpHK WOKLD'S GREAT CLSSSKJS X. iu 44J volumes:, nearly uew. Cost price $250. Oilers invited. J>. H” c o Straits Echo. 16-J1-04 813 JS-AJLiES. DISTANT'S khopaloceea ma1 ■<-\A ANA, complete in 3 volumes w/iIt plates ami appendix. Price «£20. Apply lo ENTOM< H.OGIST. ~7 1 c o Strait'
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    • 697 2 Mli. AJ. Al. iNU< >KI >iN will leave for Europe on the of M;,v next, and during his absence Air. 11. A. Oadkk. the manager of iiis firm, will manage all his business. u c 21G NOTICE. M ESSRS Cuow Kit Co. have this day been appointed Agents lor the
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    • 352 2 TO LET. i]V ->S. 1 and 7, Clove Hall Road. -a A ppi v to E. O. MATHIEU. 1 7-4-0"» lwk 208 No. o, Arratoon Road. TO LET. ¥)REMISES No. 841, Dato Krainat Road, with a large compound, formerly oc- cupio«l by the Celestial Club. Apply to iH-4-Oo u c
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1891 3 P. 0. i sv Vj ~<'tr Is. I. Co. Expected Arrival# and Departures Mail Service. Outwards. \pril Mav 7 s.s. Malta connecting with s.B. India. 8.8. Britannia a.». Mongolia do do 1 8.8. Bt ngal 35 s.B. Nubia Homewards. April '-*y 8.8. Simla connecting with s.B. Moldavia Mav 13 8-8.
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  • 115 4 Juntice «tMii everyU>ly. *ixl liietice alone.— Established June Ist, 1903. PublinhfNl daily (except KumliyM AT mi CRITERION PRESS, Ltl.. No. 220-232. Beach St real. IViia.iu PRICE: DAILY MM/’AIj tit i«* iuiiiniu OUTSTATIOKS F«»t Extra MAII- KIHT'ON lh«t Itn) JIS CAISLK ADDRESS: E c It —l* e i!
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  • 791 4 Since the Russia ll fleet left Madagascar and sot out oil its long 1 journey t« the China Seas there has been what may lx? described as a veritable war fever in the newspapers of the whole world. America, which generally leads in sensationalism, sent a wire
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  • 647 4 Powerful Story of Modern Malaya. SPECIALLY WRITTEN Foil THE STRAITS ECHO." A new FEATURE of the Strait* Hr ho is to be introduced on Monday, May 1st, I when a powerful seriil story eu Li I led “John Martin, Miner: A Romance of Modern Malaya,” specially written
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  • 356 4 Opening of New Premises. At four o’clock yesterday afternoon the official opening of the new premises of the Netherlands Trailing Society, better known as the Dutch Bank, took place, invitations having been issued and responded to by the leading representatives of the Penang community to attend the
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  • 571 4 Ml: Pi hi, AND THE PeELLU.” A bullock-cart driver was haled before Mr. Peel. Magistrate, at Penang Police Court yesterday, charged at the instance of a police constable with sleeping whilst in charge of his can at about eight o'clockon a recent morning aud with committing au
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  • 433 4 London, 4 April—The statistics for the end of March show an increase of about ‘250 tons as compared with the previous mouth, and a decrease of about 800 tons as compared with the previous year. The deliveries from warehouses were only moderate, both here aud in Holland, and
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  • 267 4 Tiie Malay KubUir Planter», Limited, has been registered in London with a capital of .4*35,000 in 41 shares (5,000 deferred). It is intended to cultivate ruldver, coeoauuts, and other produce in the Federated Malay States, to adopt, au agieemeut with J. H. Has tow. to acquire any
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  • 199 4 Goi.F. Tuh April Monthly Medal and bad its Spoon will be played for on Saturday, 29th instant. Lawn Tennis. The following are yesterday’s results:— Mixed. Double* Handicap. Mrs. Ehden and E. S. Madam beat Dr. and Mrs. Freer 6—J; 4—tf; G--4. Men'* Doublet Handicap. 0. Bradbery und
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 475 4 HARMSTON’S HARMSTON'S (jiRANI) CIKCUS HARMSTON’S and Royal Menagerie of Performing Wild Animals. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT fit 9-15 Sharp. fit 9-15 Sharp. Location of our Tents Dato Kramat Gardens. MONARCH i MONARCH The onlv Live Performing Lion in the Last. MONARCH) Captain LINDO will appear nightly iu his Thrilling Performance of
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    • 4 4 Whitcaway's Sale is Genuine,
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  • 222 5 Movements in Manchuria. Five Thousand Russians Repulsed. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 27 April.—Five thousaud liusttiaus aud one battery attacked the Japanese forces in the neighbourhood of K&ivuau, but have l>eeu repulsed, leaving two hundred dead behind. Another Retreat. Meanwhile two other Russian columns attacked the Japanese at Changtu
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    • 149 5 M Delcasse’s Resignation (Echo Special.) Berlin, 26 April.-—The withdrawal ot' M. Delcasse’* resignation was foreseen at Berlin, llis remaining at his post as Minister for Foreign Affairs is considered desirable, as facilitating Germany’s policy against a French protectorate of Morocco. ’Hie German Mission. Count Tattenbach leaves for Fez
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    • 32 5 Russian Minister to Peking. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 27 April,—M. Pokotiloff, director of the Kusso-Chinese Bank, lias been appointed to succeed the late M. Lessor as Russian Minister at Peking.
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    • 32 5 World’s Record Broken. (Supplied by Reuter). Loudou, 27 April.—The cottou crop in the Uuited States of North America has hreu extraordinary aud exceeds the world’s record by two-aud-a-lialf million bales.
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    • 137 5 Correction as to Constitution. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 26 April.—lu the telegram aueut 'he promulgation of the Constitution for the Tiausvaal published in Echo yesterday] hitter portion of the paragraph buder the Constitution, however, the Goverunr must reserve for the consideration j tins Imperial authorities any bill intro',lto
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    • 80 5 4Result of City and Suburban. (Supplied by Jituter. London, 27 April. —Following is result i of the race for the City aud Suburban I Handicap of 2,000 so vs., run off at Epsom yesterday, over a distance of 1 j miles:— Pharisee 1 Ambition 2 Dean Swift 3
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    • 21 5 Opening of Season. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27 April.- The cricket match between Surrey Gentlemen and “England has been drawn.
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    • 58 5 Rupture not Healed. (Supplied by lteuler.) Loudou, 27 Apiil.—The endeavours of the Priuce Regent of Norway to adjust the disagreement lietweeu Norway aud Sweden as affecting the uuiou of the two countries has failed, owing to Norway refusiug to negotiate iu the matter until her sovereign right
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    • 45 5 To be Incognito in Paris. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 27 April.—lf is Majesty lviug Edward will maintain his ineoynito during his visit to Paris. He diues with President Louliet on Sunday next aud will remain iu Paris for two or three da vs.
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    • 89 5 More Chandu Seizures. Haul at Bangkok Dock. I front a Special Correspondent.) Bangkok. 26 April. Another large seizure ot opium has been made by the officials of the Opium Farm. This afternoon twenty kerosene tius, containing about eight thousaud taliils of alleged illicit opium, were discovered in the house
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  • 299 5 The following are the agenda for the special meeting of the Commission to* morrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read aud confirmed. 2. To confirm By-laws for Prevention of Nuisauces aud Regulations of Street Traffic. o. Any special business the President mav bring forward. -i. Questions.
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  • 601 5 Judges. A. R. Adams aud F. O. Hailifax.j Starters. J. F. Beddy aud Dr. T. Hill Jamieson. Committee. C. Biudbery, W. 11. MacArthur, W. S. I Duuu aud G. II Cater. if, Stewards. J. W. Uallifax, E. M. Jauiou, C. Guiuess j and G. H. Lees.
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  • 865 5 i Last Tuesday night was a gruesome night w,th me! Microbes in mv bed, microbes in my food, microlie* in the water, microbes in the air, and Doctor Tuck, m. a., m. b., C. M., to tell us all about them “It’s these little
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    • 284 5 Hit hitllutt ol IHE SrKAITS Kent». I Wan glad to note iu your yestei\jAuVr e rl ,at^ r Spoouer, the General Manage) 0 t the h. M. S. Kail wavs, iu reply--1 t<* an address of welcome, expressed i hope that his subordinates would eo-
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  • 88 5 Per Malaya, from Deli Mr. and Airs. Mover, All. and Airs. Saudel, Aliss Sumlel, Mr. P. Saudel, Air. Huttenbach, Air. Goldenberg, Air. Cornfield, Air. Laurie. Per Perak, from Port 8 wet ten ham Airs. Maclntyre. Mr. Cameron. Per Ladv Weld, from Teluk Anson Dr. and Airs. Keuu and Air.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 637 6 NOTICE. THK uutlerajgued beg to iutorm the public of iVuang and the neighbouring Native State» that they have been appointed Agents for Messrs. Ingall, Parse"», Clive A Co.,Ltd. of London, and have recently received a large shipment of very best quality Europe ready made Coffins, Coffin Furniture and Assorted Internal
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1385 7 Graham Co. Ltd. 4 Head! Street, Penang. LEE CIIYE DISPENSARY, No. 258, HA ItSAR VON ST REFT. i'KN A NG. 'J'KI.hPKONK NO. **l9l. Opeu day au<l night From 6 a.m. to i#, Preseript.ioiiH are Acrurut*Bv loc Messrs. THEAN CHEE Co. Beg to inform their customers, and CHIN HIN UROTHERS,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1103 8 WHITEAWAY’S BURN Co., Ltd., the Eleotrioal Engineers, PENANG. LAST Tuesday, Show Rooms Logan's buildings. Y ARfcJ now prepared to uudertuko all kinds of electrical work at the' shortest notice. All work d shortest notice European supervision ioue by fully competent men under i To Remove the Unpleasantness due House wi.iug
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