Straits Echo, 26 April 1905

Total Pages: 9
1 1 Straits Echo
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  • 51 1 K«»r Week ondiui» TuesOav. May 2 io«'s. A.M. PW. v Ve,lti»*s‘»iiv, 2»>tii .">.40 0 05* I'll molar. 27' li G.oO 6.55 i Friday, 2Kt!i 7 2<* 7.45 sa* uniav. 20th 8.1«* 84V> •Su :jotli 9.0“ 0 25 M -i <l. Ul 9.5«.» 10.15 j I'iiehOiiv, 2nd ...104«» 11
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  • 30 1 I •‘-I*A V 22nd I).i_', did Moun Toavii Band. Ksplanadr, pin. •i-.MOKltiin' 23rd i>av, did Moon. I'mvn Hand. Coif Oiiii», t> p.m. Hamistou's Circus, Dato Kianial Cardens p in.
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  • 31 1 Last Apr. :!l»tii b 9 p.u O New Moon Mav 4-tli 10.4*>.1 i\.u < First Quarter 12i.ii 1.4! 7 i- m O 1 iili .'loon 19th 4o 1 7 \i
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  • 41 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mai! Servke. OUTWAKUS. IIuMEMAK r S Malta 27 Apr. miaaa 29 Apr. Bengal C'aruinande IS May. l-xtra Service. <JU 1W A UK'S HoMK A Kms. Balernta 2 Mai/. Vvyoti ■> Mai/. Bahaa 16 Bern 19 J‘ Ul 1-iWI iciliili-S >»•«•
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  • 49 1 Lugli&li (Miilta) 7tl. A pi' China <Shnhi) iMHh (.Tennaii 2ud Mav China (P. Eitt-f Friedrich) 3rd Thought) 4tii I’hk outward 1\ A. U. mail steamer Malta left Colombo for iVnang at I<> p.m. <>n Saturday, and may be expected to arrive here at 5 to-morrow.
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  • 1927 1 The Great Cat Which Performs Nightly. Curious l.scapc of a Chinese Trainer. Oi the vast numbers win» will visit the .te-uiagej ic at Harmston’s Circus nightly, probably there are but tew who would credit that the tiger which peacefully reclines its length in the iron
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  • 188 1 Bersu wait Gold Miue Co., Ld. 11.— xale* Ranh Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 5.— how. Redjaug Iielioiitj Gold Mining Co., Ld $*275.— how. KadanaGoid MiniugCo„Ltd. (fully paid) 10. now. Bruseit Tin Mining Co., Ld. S 4 k—bdyers Karaugau Tin Mining Co. i 9.— sellers Kiuta Tin Mines Ltd
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  • 178 1 Gold leaf $77 B. Pepper W. Coast Bll»s.s<i/..) oul of stork White Pep|**r 36j buyers Traug Pepper 26. —sales Cloves (picked out of season Mace 80 —sellers Mace Pickings 70. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 85. —sales No. 1 0 10 vow Sugar 2 no stock. Basket 5.75 sellers l'apioca
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  • Shipping.
    • 77 1 I Korat, Ger. s s. 1,223, Hisbuer, 25th Apr., Bangkok, 18th Apr., Gen., B. M Co Cornelia. Br. s.s. PJ4. Marris, 25th Apr., Deli. 24th Apr., Gen.,— K. G. Co Hok Canton. Br. s.s. 295, Scott, 2dth Apr., Aelieen, 251 h Apr., Gen.,— Ban Ho Hiu. Jin Ho, Br.
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    • 46 1 Cornelia, Br. ss. 194, Marris, 25th Apr., Deli, 24th Apr., Gen K. G. Co.. Hok Canton, Br. s.s. 295, Scott, 20th Apr., Aelieen, 25th Apr., Gen., —Bun Ho Hm. Jin Ho. Br. s.s. 110, Hastrnp, 25th Apr., Langkat, 24th Apr., (fen., —Quah Deng Kee.
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    • 42 1 20th April. H. HaJewyn for Batu Bahru. To w Tong, for Asa hail. Korat, for Singapore. Mary Austin, for Fort S wet ten ham. Langkat, for Teluk Anson. Hebe, for Deli. Fitxpatrirk, for Rangoon. Zaula. tor Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Ainov.
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    • 33 1 1 tl* From Atjent* I hie 0. A pear Singapore! A.A.A.Co. 28th Apr. G. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co 5th M«v. lieulonioud Loudon S.B.&Co. 7th (jrisela Colombo S.K.&Co. 10th Trieste Singapore J-S.K.ACo. 12th
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    • 36 1 Vetmelg For Aijentg Leaveg C. A pear Calcutta A. A. A.Co (J. A pear Singapore A. A. A.Co. Benlotuoml Singapore S.ii.&Co. Gisela Singapore S.K.&Co. Trieste Trieste S.K.&Co. 1 29th Apr. 5th Mbr. 7th 10th 12th
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    • 115 1 For Singapore and China —Per Malta, tomorrow, 7 Langkat— Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p m. Paugkor and Teluk Anson—Per Cantbu, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Kopali, Renong, Mergui and Tavoy—Ffer Omapere, to-morrow, J p.m. Moiilmein—Per Janet Nlcoll, to-morrow, J p.m. Port Swetteuliam, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • 24 1 Inward —Per Zaida, from Rangoon MewrtX E. Schmidt, W. 8. Gilman, Foue Yhe, Leeu Swee Keat, J. Green, and Mr. am! Mrs. Julias.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 355 1 MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. RETURN OF THE ABSOLUTE MASTERS OF THEM ALL HARM5TONS HARMSTONS (iJIAN!) CllU rS HARMSTON S and Royal Menagerie of Performing Wild Animals. Where other Circus Entertainments try to sell you Ounces WJE GIVE TONS, THE OINU CIRCUS EXTANT Coming b\ speciali\ Cinuiciod Sleaiuei diivet from IDiurkok MONARCH
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    • 183 1 Penang Sales Room. The undersigned i> instmeted t<> sell By Public A uction All the Valuable and well-kept Household Furniture, Piano, Horses, Traps, etc. At 211, McAlister Road, On Wednesday 3rd May, 1905, AT 11-30 A M. COMPRISING Carved Side-boards. Single and Double iron Dedsteads, Dressing Tables, Marble Top ardrolies
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    • 15 1 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect autiseptic dentifrice, cleanses and pre* serves the teeth, r*>ry refreshiny.
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    • 46 1 TO LET OR SELL. HOUSE No. 2, Gottlieb Road, with the laud formiug lot 164, Town Subdivision 1, containing 9 acres 1 rood 12 poles, highly cultivated with fruit trees. Apply to ADAMS ALLAN, Solicitors to Estate of Francis Pnlsford deceased. 84 3-2-05 tw a wk
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    • 63 1 GOLOENBER6 ZflTli. Genuine Pilsener Beer. Beginning from 15th April, iih)s, the s. s. “Valentiju” will regularly call at Pulo Kainpai. Valeutiju’s weekly run will thus l>e Ijeave Peuaug Saturday Arrive an<l leave Langkat Sunday ,t Brandau Monday Pulo Kauipai Tuesday tt Bayau Wednesday Penang Thursday. For freight or passage, apply
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 259 2 NOTICE. I Messrs. THEAN CHEE Co. Beg to inform their customers, and the public generally, that their Office At present, is at /Vo. 14, King Street, Venting. Soc TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. Telephone. No. 321 HAVING JUST RECEIVED A Portable ImproveJ Wheel Rubbering Machine is now prepared to
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    • 1409 2 ft LI ROYAL DISINFECTANT iS it bath Use th It In keeps the body in health. Use it in the sick-room it Is Invaluable for washing the patient’s bed-linen. *HTI0* Use it throughout the house for aii cleansing and purifying purposes. CLEANS AND DISINFECTS AT ONE AND THE SAME TIME.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1876 3 w» Wi o ,1 cc 8. N. Co. Expected Arrival* and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. \pril 27 s.s. Malta connecting with s.h. India M ny II s.s. Bengal 25 s.s. Nubia do do s.s. Britannia s.s. Mongolia cr r Norddentscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. INTENDED SAILINCS. British Indin
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  • 108 4 Justice uv<*rv»Mxly. *»><• Established June Ist, 1903. I Pial»li»he«l il»ily Km.«l»»v«- 4T TH» CRITERION PRESS, Id.. No Beach IViiuii.j PRICK DAILY I.OUAI *2* I— «Mill 111 OUTSTATiOKS Extra «All. KIHT'ON <IW. Krm>t SIS •‘A ISI.K .UmKIV.! l c h o—l* e ii a ii j» telephone No.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 288 4 While we in Penang are grumbling at the light weight of our road rollers, the Taipiug folk have a Complaint of a very different character. It seems that in the Perak capital they have a roller which is also used as a traction engine, and when stone
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    • 300 4 News which we have received both from Singapore and from London points to the probability of the third Rus- sian Baltic squadron passing the Straits within the next few hours, that is, of course, if tiie ships are following the I course taken by t he huge squadron
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  • 881 4 Lecture by Dr. Gnoh Lean I cck. A meeting of the Penang Literary and Debating Society was held last evening at i the Chinese Town Hall, when Dr. Gnoh j Lean Tuck delivered a very interesting and instructive lecture upon “The Air we Breathe.” The
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  • 129 4 Lawn Tknnim. The following me yesterday's results Ladies' Championship. Mrs. Freer, w. o. Mixed Doubles Handicap. Mrs. Dunn and C. Bradbery beat Mrs. Murray and J. Stark, B—6: 6—f. Men's Doubles Handicap. G. H. Cater and E. S. Haslam beat G. reeling- andß. H. Gibson, 6 l;
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  • 352 4 From Our Own Correspondent t. The Holidays. Better worth, 26 April.—The Easter holidays passed off very quietlv liere. 'J'lie local heads of departments, Messrs olt'er--Btan. Hawtrev and Dr Fry, having chosen a healthier place up the Government Hill to enjoy the holidays, returned to harness yesterday. Thimirek Festival.
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  • 312 4 The Perak Pioneer points out that liie Hill which has just l>een introduced into the Straits Leg slative Council, by direction of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, embodying into a single separate Ordinance the provisions of the Criminal Procedure and Penal Codes touching the puuisb«lent of whipping,
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  • 59 4 Harmston’s Circus arrived here last night bv special steamer from Bangkok. All to-day the work of landing and erectin'* the huge tent at Date Kramat Gardens has been rapidly proceeding. The Circus gives its opening performance to-morrow evening, ami a packed house is predicted. The story ot the
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  • 799 4 Messrs Lewis and Peat, the well-known Loudon brokers, in their report dated London Slat March, give the following particulars of rubber sales Straits. I case fine biscuits and sheet, light and dark, marked Add, bought in. 1 case good sheet scrap and ball, marked R. P., 3s. lid.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 296 5 The Tsar’* Armada. Portion South of Colombo. Echo Special.) Singapore, 2»> April- —It is reported that live vessels belonging to The Baltic fleet were sighted by the Heckle in 79 degrees east longitude (south-west of Colombo) about ednesday last. Sighted South of Cainranh. Supplied by Reuter.) hondon, 25
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    • 119 5 Press Form Organisation (Supplied by Reuter. London. 24 April.— A secret congress <>f 'Iw representatives of one hundred and twenty Liberal uewspa;s*rs ami reviews at Petersburg has sat for four days and uas tunned a Press organisation with political objects. Moscow Bakers on Strike. London, 24 April.—A strike
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    • 159 5 Competition for Indian Freight. Attempt to Oust Britishers (Supplied by Reuter April.—The action of the 1 h l cupping Company of Bremen in es'i Ul llli il eight war aud offering Ikmiiis(crji* ll l i P* JI s to boycott its rivals is Ge- 7 t,u British shipping
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    • 267 5 N. bdeasses Resignation. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 April.—The news of the resignation of M. Delcassc, Minister of Slate for Foreign Affairs for France, has lieen received in Great Britain with deep and universal regret. Asked to Reconsider Loudou, 22 April. The French Cabinet has asked M. Delcassc
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    • 213 5 Powers Against Union. (Supplied by Reuter.) I London. 24 April.—The Powers, in I replying to the Cretau Chandler, adhere to I their decisions against the union of Crete with Greece. Greek Government s Attitude. Loudon, 24 April.—Replying to the Cretau appeal for support to the agitation for union,
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    • 20 5 Strike Abandoned. Snpidled by Reuter.) Loudon, 22 April.—The ruilwaymeu in Italy have abandoned the strike aud resumed work.
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    • 22 5 Porcelain Workers Give In. i Supplied by lteuter.) Loudon. 21 April.—The strike of porcelain workers at Limoges, Frauce, has ended.
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    • 50 5 Alleged Unfounded Hitch. A I Supplied by Reuter. Loudon. 24 April.—Reuter's correspondent at Bangkok alleges that tl;e report given in a Paris telegram of the 19th inst., as to a hitch in the delimitation of the boundatv lietween Siam and Cambodia under the Franco-Siamese Convention, is unfounded.
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    • 76 5 CH'ikm Commissioner Murdered. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24 April. —A report lias been received at Shanghai alleging that the Tibetans murdered Feu C'hueu, the Chinese Commissioner to Tibet, and the whole of his suite at Batang on the 2lst instant. Murder Continued. Loudon, 26 April.—The British Government
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    • 20 5 Washermen's Strike Ended. Echo Special. Kuala Lumpur, 26 April.—Tilt* strike (of washermen came to an end yesterday evening.
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    • 77 5 Reception to Mr. Wni. Cowan. {From a Special Correspondent.) I poll, 25 April.—Mr. William Cowan, formerly Protect or of Chinese, arrived here yesterday, accompanied by his family, and u;i« given a very warm reception on alighting at the railway station. There was a large muster of members of the
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    • 73 5 A Coming Conference. (Echo Special.) Berliu, 25 April.— A meeting has been arranged to take place oil Friday next, 28th instant. Ijetween Count Golucliowki, Austro-Hungarian .Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Signor Tittoiii. Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, to discuss questions of common interest to Italy and Austria.
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    • 59 5 Protest Against Massacres. Ascribed to Turkish Volte {Supplied by Render.) Loudon, 25 April —Indignation meetings ha ve l*wn held at Bulgaria to protest against the recent massacre of the inhabitants of! t he village of Zagoi itchani. Resolutions were adopted appealing to Europe, ascribing the massacres to the
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    • 41 5 Shock in Midlands and North <Supplied by Reuter./ Loudon, 24 April.— A somewhat violent earthquake shock is reported to have lieeu experienced early on Sunday morning at Matlock, Doncaster, Scarborough, aud other places iu the midland and northern counties.
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    • 87 5 Friction in Indian Council. {Supplied by Reuter.) London 22 April.—The correspondent of the Daily Express at Calcutta wires that Lord Kitchener has intimated that he cannot retain his office as Commander-in Chief ot the military forces in India unless tie* |towers of the military member Vf the Council
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    • 110 5 The New Constitution Legislative Assembly to be Established. Supplied by lieuter.) Loudon, 26 April.—The Constitution for the Colony of the Transvaal has ueen promulgated, ll e>lablishes a Legislative Assembly, to which ail except executive officers will be elected, and will i>e composed of from thirty to ihirty-five elected
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    • 92 5 Result of Great Metropolitan. Supplied by Reuter.) London, 26 April.—Following is the result ot t he race at Epsom tor the Great Metropolitan Stakes ot l.ttOO .sovs. over about 2j miles: Long Tom I Karakoul 2 Oaro 3 City and Suburban Betting. Loudon. 26 April —The liettiug on
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    • 49 5 Enormous Defalcations. Arrest of a President. Supplied by It uter.) Loudon, 2d April.—Mr. Higelow, the President of the First National Bank at Milwaukee (L‘ nited States of North A inerica) has lieen arrested on a charge of alleged defalcations amounting to AJ300.000 through unsuccessful speculations in wheat.
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    • 203 5 Cordial deception in Algeria (Supplied by Reuter.) London, *22 April.—Their Majesties King Edward and Queen Alexandra are still prolonging their visit to Algeria and are l>eing received everywhere with immense cordialit v 1 heir visit is regarded as strengthening the •’uf eat e cor diale between Great
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  • States’ News.
    • 399 5 Erom ()ur CorretpondeiU.) li’oH. 25 April.—Mr. \V. P. Hume, Ag. Senior Mug.strate, Perak. is going to the Perak Secretariat. where he «ill officiate as j «Secretary to Resident. I’erak while Mr. J U. lnuetf, Secretary to Resident. Perak, will I officiate as Senior Magistrate. Perak. The Kiuta Ceylon Association,
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  • 288 5 At Luke Hall ou Saturday night last, at. Jo clock, a meeting „f the above Society was iielu to near the address l»v liev W Murray on London,'’ illustrated with lauteru views. Together with the members present there were many visitors. The sky appeared cloudy
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  • 16 5 Suiffap.jre._The steamer Aii-lie, from New Guinea, siffhtwl a Russian l.ospii-al-slnp at Batavia on Monday
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 217 5 11 tPRITCHARD CO., IS, Heach Sheet, Penang. Ladies’ Department «Just Opened. r The New Style Ladies' e o IS "American" Sailor Straws. Children s i.e d Muslin Hats and Bonnets. i New Flowers, Feathers, r v Buckings, New Ribbons, Plain, Spotted and Chene. Sunshades Umbrellas. Silks, Plain Brocaded. Prints, Muslins.
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  • 71 5 Obituary, Sir Hanson Pelinski. {Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 22 April.— The death is announced of Sir Hanson Pelinski, the ConsulGeneral for France at Calcutta. Captain O'Shea. Loudon. 25 April.-—The death has taken place of Mr. William Henry O’Shea, j. p. (formerly a captain in the lStli Hussars), who gained notoriety
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 879 6 NOTICE. THE uudeibigueii beg to iulorui the public of IViuuig ami tbe ueighbouriug Native States that they have beeb appointed Agents for Messrs. Ingall, Parse-s, Clive A Co.,Ltd. of Loudon, and have recently received r. large sfctpment of very best quality Europe ready made Coffins, Coffin Furniture and Assorted Internal
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  • 358 7 In I Ir>u I (Hence ils vet f official “histories” or (Jovernmentnl blue-book*” in Siam, the welcome annual directory (a «indent word, issue, l at the Bangkok Time* I a y ol l w **><-*l* otherwise would j rt 1 ac,,, to t‘*e 81 udent of Siam,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 421 7 Graham Co. Ltd. 4 Heath Street, Penang. The Leading Wholesale Chemists in the Straits. LEE CHYE DISPENSARY, No. CAItN A it VON STREET, I‘KNANd. Tki.khhonk No. 291. Open day ;ui<l From »> to It p.m., rih l’raparml. -tUc Triscuits Shreaded Wheat. MANUFACTURERS OF Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Photographic, Khoo Buan Phuan
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    • 239 7 Board and Lodging. L) OOMS vacant in European residence for youug men. Conveniently situated. Moderate terms. Apply to FAIRFIELD,” 25-4-05 u c 281 c/o Straits Echo. B. I. S. IM. Co., Ltd. V 8 KLSI’NA vrill drydock in Silica pore tliis week, she will not take the sailing of 29th
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1376 8 IJ6 UljJJMAlVl ±iAi_jLi. w. m. ivi. LAST Tuesday, muiiameu A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS.! Maideen Bros. Healthful location, food the best, large j>la\ -ground, strict discipline, Chulia Street, daily study classes under personal supervision of the Principal. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ENGLISH Address: 20-4-05 5lm-.ii \vk !*4« PRINCIPAL. ANGLO-CH1NESE SCHOOL, Singapore.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1209 1 Penang c. Perak. Kesclt of K a stick Match. Following; on t.lie Je(vat of the local willow-wielders at the hands of Perak, more than usual interest was attached to the soccer game which was {'laved off on the Esplanade pitch on Monday evening, over ihree thousand spectators assembling round
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  • 1080 1 Bookmaker's Security Deposit Attached. Calcutta Turf Club and Dkfaultkbs. At the Calcutta High Court, on 8th inst., Mr Dunne, instructed by Messrs Moreau and Co., appeareu, on behalf of the Calcutta Tun Club, and applied that the injunction 1 made in the suit of Aleck Apcur <>•
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  • Page 1 Advertisements