Straits Echo, 25 April 1905

Total Pages: 9
1 1 Straits Echo
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  • 49 1 For Week ending Monday. May I. I am. r M J 25th 4.50 515 AedneHday, 26th 5.40 0 05 1 Imrsdav, 2rtil 030 (5.55 Friday, 28 th 720 7 45 SaMit‘‘li»v. 29tli B.Jo 8.35 .Siiiklsiv, 30th 9.00 9 25 M .i d IV. Ist 9.50 10 15
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  • 27 1 IY* -11 A Y. 21»t Pay, 3rd Moon. Town Band, (Lilt 01 til*, 6 p.m. J O-MnUltuw 22nd Mav, 3rd Moon Town Baud, Esplanade, 0 p.m.
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  • 25 1 I .a* i Apr. 26th 089 r..n i* Nov Moon May fill i 0.45.1 j'.in I I iiht Quarter.;. 12tli 1.U.7 r \i.
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  • 38 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OtTWAKON. HoMEWAUDS. Malta li7 Apr. > Simla 21t Apr Bengal 11 May. |*Coromandel lA May Hxtra Service. OUTWARDS. HoMKWAKUS. Socotra, lit Apr. Vey'ott 5 May. Palermo '1 May. Prra 19 Nr lor particuiitrs .'je**
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  • 21 1 Kuglisli (Malta) 27th Apr. China (Simla) 29th German Bayern 2nd Max China (P. Eitel Fried rich) imliau Thougioa 4th
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  • 1477 1 The Japanese Fleet. A coon deal has recently been said about ttie component units of the Russian fleet, but very little concern iJcji logo’s command, and it may, therefore, be useful to enumerate the Japanese naval casualties during the war, 3hgive a list of the fighting slop* whp-’i
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  • 123 1 Penang, 25th April. (by courtesy of the Chartered /tank.) [London Demand Bank ...1/lli 4 months’ sight Bank ...M IJ 3 Credit 1 11;^ 3 Documentary ...I ll| j Calcutta, Demand Hank Rs 116.1 .3 days’ sight Private 1484 Bombay, Demand Bank 1464 3 days’ sight Private 1481 i Madras.
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  • 215 1 H BersaxvahGold M ine <Jo„ I*l. 5 11. —rales j Ranh Australian G«»l«l Mini 'tig Co., hd. 5 »>. nout. Uedjmig lieixnig Gold Min- i“g Co.. I*l 5275. /to/ii I\!ulaua<jold MiiiingCo.,r«t<l. (fully paid) 5 Bruseii Tin Mining Co*. Bd. 5 4. /«//*•*> Karaiurau Tin Mining Co V.— sel/err 1
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  • 173 1 Gold leaf 77 I>. Pep|*er( W. < Joasi out ~j *to'-lc While Pepper oO j buyer* Trang Pepper 26.— *ale* Cloves (picked) out of na*»n Mace £0 teller Mace Pickings 70.— tel'ett Nutmegs 11 Os 35.— ea 1 e,t No. 1 0 10 lIOIU Sugar '2 no stock. Packet
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  • Shipping.
    • 195 1 Fitzpatrick, Hr. s.s. 730, Haver, 23rd Apr > Rangoon, 19th Apr .Geu.,—H.C. &Oo! > v AN Parra, But. is. 332, T#eeuue, 23rtl Apr., Deli, 22ml Apr., Geu., H. L. At Co. Kowloon, Hr. s.s. 1.487, Stehu, 23rd Apr., Singapore, 21st Apr., Coal.—H. M. A Co. Rotorua, Hr. s.s. 555,
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    • 48 1 Fitzpatrick, Br. s.s. 730, Davey, 23rd Apr., Raugoon, 19th Ap., Geu., —H. C. A Co. Van dkr Parra, But. s.s. 332, Beeiine, 23rd Apr., Beli, 22nd Apr., Gen., H. B. A Co. Omapere, Br. n.y. 340, Bell, 24th Apr.. Rangoon, JOrti Apr., Gen., K. O. Co.
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    • 64 1 25th April. R >torna, tor Tongkah. Petrel, for Laugkat A Paugkakui Braudan. Han Whatt Soon, for Deli. Peyii. for Edie, Swmawc, Segii, Olehleh and Saba ug. Un Peng, for Peiiis and Set til. Pm Seng, for Port Swetteuliam, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Laity Wehl, for Teluk Anson. Zaida, tor
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    • 28 1 1 t'XXtlx From Aj»’nlx bur 0. A pear <i. A pear iieiiloinoiKl v 1 1 Singapore (A.A.A.Oo. ;28tli Apr. Calcutta A.A.A.Co. j.'jtli May. liOiulou 8.B.AO0. 7t h
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    • 33 1 1 e *chs For Ai/entx Leave* C. A pear 0 lcutta A. A A (Jo 29tli Apr. (i A pear Singapore A.A A .Co. ">tli Mav. 1 UmiIoiuoihI Singapore |S. BaVCu. 7th
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    • 115 1 For Bangoon—Per Fitzpatrick, to-morrow, 1 1 x.iii. Batu Bahra—Per HaJewyn, to-morrow 1 p hi. Asahan—Per Tate Tony, to-morrow, Port Swetteuliam—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Auaou Per Langkat, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli Per Hebe, to-morrow, ‘J p.m. Pott Swetteuliam, Singapore, Hongkong. S watow and Amoj—Per Vharterkuune,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 30 1 WEATHER M k tonvwnti: reucri is kiimh l <*\ im llu* Signal or of F or! Ooriiwaiiiv noon To-day 86 fine South ll <iii eiMleii i at u>-«iav ttas nil.
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  • 931 2 Lincoln Races Sansovino Secured the Kirsi Spring Handicap. CATTY CRAG UNLUCKY. line London Daily Chronicle in ils report of the Liucolu Handicap run off on Mar. 28 •ays:— The follv of taking the result of trial» oil their face value Inis l»een emphasised once more in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 16 2 Penang Foundry Co., Ltd. (Established 1876.) ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, Ac., Ac. W«id Quay, 37 Beach Street, PENANG.
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    • 305 2 DAVID BROWN Co., •7, hoy tin's Huilflinij*. Estate Agents A Auditors. Undertake Sales I y Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and Stock, Agents, Yarrow Hill Nursery, and Fruit Farm. For tlie supply of Seeds and Seedlings of Cocoftuuts, Mangosteens and Fruits of 710 every description. NOTICE.
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    • 1565 2 Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. IMPORTERS 0I EVERY DESCRIPTION I Km l k, IRONMONGERY, .TO LET. N’ OS. 1 and 7, Clove Halt Road. Apply to NOTICE. Apply E. O. MATHIEU, lwk 263 No. 5, Arrafuon lioad. TO LET. M“ M. M. NOORDIN will leave for Europe on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1606 3 358 5 8. N. Co. Expected Arrivals and, Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. \|.ril -7 s.s. Malta connecting 1 with Mav do do s.s. Italia s.s. Britannia s.s. Mongolia 1 1 s.s. Banjul ■J', s.s. Ntibia Homewards. April ».s. 3imla connecting with Mohlaria |;> g-h. Coromandel do s.s. Victoria •JT s.8.
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  • 119 4 Juatio unit xloti»».— v Established June Ist, I‘MIX j dally (except Kimdiy» mT tub CRITERION PRESS, Id. No. *22<*—*2X2. I!t;icli Xltool. I PRICK UAII.Y I.OUA I, Hi I*** 1 ittiiiiii OtTSTA L lOXS l*o t 'lit* MAII. KIMTM >N MW Ki •*«!> > sli 'A
    119 words
  • 641 4 W v. Issue to-day as a supplement to the Strait Echo a lithographed map showing the China Sea from Sumatra to tiie southern etui of Formosa, and so taking in tlie area in which Admit* d R< »s tjestvensky and his huge fleet of warships and colliers
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  • 668 4 A Brilliant Success Sunday was St. George's Day, tln- festival of tlie patron saint of England, so the i Englishmen of Penang and Province Wellesley celebrated the occasion by a dance at the Town Hail, to which all those I who subscribed to the St. Audrow's and
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  • 253 4 I hk Chinese Cycling Club was eu tele on Saturday last, tlm occasion l**ing the celebration of the eleventh anniversary of the foufidill" of that institution. The fete was Continued all day, breakfast, tiffin and dinner being served to the members and quests attending, and the fun
    253 words
  • 832 4 Penang r* Perak. PENANG TUKNS 111 K TABI.K' AND REGISTERS a Win ok 4 Up. Sunday morning was chosen as the most convenient tune to play off this interesting competition. Originally eleven players a side were put down to try conclusions, but .t the last moment, the Resident
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  • 781 4 Red or Black Cup. Match Play against The Colonel This competition as usual brought out a splendid lot of entries nearly all of whom, viz 33, tried their luck yesterday, but as “The Colonel” is always a particularly hard nut to crack,” the majority found themselves hopelessly
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 1548 5 The Tsar s Armada. Still in Camranh Bay.* A Wo Spec ml.) Hongkong, 22 April—A wire from Saigon reports that the Baltic Fleet has not vet left Camranh Bay and that R>*ur-Admiral de Joiiquieres, second-in-command of the French China squadron, lias visited the German collier Hindoo —(which had
    1,548 words
    • 71 5 Sequel of Hongrkoner Incident. Crews Released. Echo Special.) Hongkong. 21 April.—The crews of the colliers St. Helena and Battersea Bridge, who we»e sentenced to three weeks’ imprisonment on the 17th instant tor refusing to take the vessels to Japan with caig es of coal, have now been released
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    • 38 5 A Congress Prohibited (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 April.—A congress of the memliers of the Zemstovs, which was fixed to l»e held in St Petersburg on 7th Mav, has been prohibited by order of the authorities.
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    • 65 5 Sensational Sequel. Delcasse Resigns. Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 April.— M. Delcassc has resigned liis office as Minister of Stile for Foreign Affairs for Franee, liis position having been shaken I*v the debate in tin French Chamber on Wednesday last. iiis adversaries contending that the German Emperor would
      65 words
    • 55 5 Chamber Proclaims Union. Allegiance Sworn to Greece. (Supplied }<y Renter.) London, 22 April The Cretan Chamber has unanimously proclaimed a union of Crete with Greece, simultaneously expressing confidence in (Prince Georgios of Greece, the High Commissioner for Crete. The deputies of the Chandler then swore al egiailce to
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    • 87 5 Enormous Haul in Siam. Good Stroke for Opium Farm (trout u Special Correspondent.) Bangkok, 21 April.—The officials of tlie new Opium Fanners have made a large seizure of alleged illicit chatidu. twenty kerosene tins containing aboift 8,000 tahils and valued at 56,000 ticals ($33,600). having been found on
      87 words
    • 92 5 Alleged Russian Spy An Arrest at Pulo I h'rhu Spvci'il.) Singapore, 2•*> April.—Uii Saturday afternoon the military authorities at Pulo Braui arrested a Russian calling himself Vladimir Antov itch Orvitcii, but carrying a passport with another name. Orvitch, who speaks French, German, and Russian, but does not speak English,
      92 words
  • 158 5 Singapore Defeats Selangor, 'l’he Singapore XI have beaten the Selangor XI. at cricket bv seven wickets. NKAKi.Y two columns of entertaining “copv are the net result of Air. Charles Hands’ visit, on behalf of the Daily Mail, to the treasure vault of the Imperial Hank of Russia. He
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  • 925 5 Saturday s Smoking Concert A Successful Evening. I hu “Smoker given oil Saturday night at the Penang Club, by the joint members of that institution, the Cricket, and the Swimming Clubs, to our Perak visitors was productive of much fun and amusement to many, though the attendance did
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  • 914 5 Penang r*. Perak. Second Day’s Play. •It Be nd im,in S 8 co,nu icnced at 10 30 on Saturday morning, Fox and Bribery defending against Bradberv and Juries. Ihe scoring was slow at the' com.neuceinent, as the tru,idlers were dead on the wicket. 1 hey fell off gradually, howevei.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 4 5 Whitcaway's Sale is Qenuine.
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    • 411 5 To-day's Advertisements. Board and Lodging. 1) OUMS vacant in European residence < i vouu S Conveniently situated. Moderate terms. Apply to FAIRFIELD,” 25-4-05 iic 281 e/o Straits Echo. I. S. N. Co., Ltd. A S a-“ bmg ke th n ai,in of 29tl from PenauVr She will however resume her
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 883 6 NOTICE. rTHE undersigned l*?g to iutorin the public of Penang ami the neighbouring Native A States that thev have been appointed Agents for Messrs. Ingall, Parses, Clive j A Co..Ltd. of London, and have recently received a large shipment of very bt»t quality Europe ready made Coffins, Coffin Furniture and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1066 7 Graham Co. Ltd. 4 Beach Street, Penang. The Leading Wholesale Chemists in the Straits. MANUFACTURERS OF Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Photographic, AM) OTHER PREPARATIONS. Dr. W. MANSON. DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT No. 17, Penang Road, A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 65c 6 tilths Triscuits
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1287 8 WHITEAWAY LAST DATS OF SALE. HOWARTH, ERSKINE, LTD Electrical Engineers Contractors. Enclosed Type f\rc Lamps. Miniature fire Lamps. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, High Candle PovOer Incandescent Lamps. f\ rtistic Fittings. A PRIL 25th, 26 th and 27th. Premises fitted up throughout with Electric Fans and Liohts. Motor Fans. Show’ Rooms
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