Straits Echo, 20 April 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 97 1 Marriages On March 2M. at Weathampstead. Commander 0. p. E. HmL R. N., I». s. o.. H. M S. Empress of India. tcf-Ctnalia Teresa, daughter of Sir Cecil Clemeuti-Smith. o. c. M. <*. On the 28th March, at Trinity Presby terian Church. Hampstead, by the Rev. J. Riddell
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  • 40 1 For Week ending Wednesday, Apr. 20, 1905. A.M P.M. Til ns-lav, 20th 0.40 1.05 Friday, 21st 1.30 1.55 Saturday,22nd 2.20 2.45 Suuday, 23rd 3.10 3.35 Monday, 24th 4.00 4 25 Tuesday, 25th 4.50 5.15 Wednesday, 20th 5.40 0.0o
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  • 34 1 To-dav. Maundy Thursday. Pitll Day, 3rd Moon. Town Halid, Golf Club, 0 p.m. To-morrow 17th Day. 3rd Moon. Hood Friday. Public Holiday. So issue of the Straits Edio.” Town Hand, Esplanade, ti p.m.
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  • 19 1 hast Quarter Apr. 2tith b.S.9 p.m. O New .Moon May 4th 10.45.1 p.m First 12th 1.41.7 p..\:.
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  • 46 1 P. O. SAILINGS Mail Service. UOIWAKIIS. H<»M£WAK”8 Malta 27 A t ,r. i Sim'a 29 A f >r Bengal May. Coromandel PI May Hxlra Service. Our wards. Homewards. Socotra 19 A)>r. Ceylon A May Palermo 2 May. j Fera 19 Koi part ieuiars See Page 3.
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  • 22 1 English 1 Mala) 27tli Apr. China (Simla) 29th German {Bayern) 2nd May China P. Kite! Friederich 3rd Indian (Thongwa) 4th
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  • 661 1 Among the multitude of sup ratitious to which the sea has given birth not the least iut- resting are those onceming weird spectral ships, doomed l»v some irrevocable decree of fate to sail the wide seas over till eternity, without hope of ever once entering
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  • 491 1 Intvbvievv with Bakov Slvfmvtsl. The Loudon correspondent ol the Matin has had an interview with Baron i Suyeinatsu, who puts the following pertinent question What would have been the fate of Japan had she been in tiie position in which Russia finds herself j* What I
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  • Shipping.
    • 83 1 Hong Wan I, Ur. s.s. 2,000, Slake, 2uth Apr., Singapore, 18tli Apr., Gen.. K. G. Co. Teesta, Hr. ss. y.UiH, Rait, 20tli Apr., Madras, llthApr.. Gen., —H. T,. Ao. Waihora, Hr ss. 1,107, Brown, 20th Apr. Siugapoie, 18th Apr., Gen.,—K. G.Co. Manila, Br. s.s. 2,711, Lewellin, 20th Apr., Singapore,
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    • 46 1 Hong Wan I. Br. s.s. 2.004, Slake. 20th Singapore, 18th Apr., Gen., K. G. Co. Wauioka, Br. s.s. 1.107, Brown, 20th Apr., Singapore. 18th Apr., Gen., —17. G. Co. Valkniyn, Hut. s.s. 2dB, deßos, 20th Apr., Bajan, 19th Apr., Otl. —H. L. A Co.
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    • 68 1 20tli April. Van der Parra, for Deli. Ban Whatt Soon, for Deli. Petrel, for Langkat. A Paugkalan Hrandan. Gan'on, for Paugkor and Teluk Anson. Tee*ta, for Singapore. Fiyiny FUk, tor Port Weld and Taiping. It. Hah n ifu, for Ham P.alna aud Asa an. Ddi, for Trang. Pend.-, tor
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    • 39 1 1 t*SSrfft From i jltjt'ttt# hue all bv\«>ll Edit* H L &Co. 21st Apr. Sui Sang Calcutta B.&Co. -let Lai Sutii; Singapore B.itCo. H.C.&Co. 22ml Fitzpatiiek Rangoon 22 ml IVnniolir Loudon S.RvVCo. 23rd Beuioiiioml London S.B.&Co. 7ih Muv.
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    • 53 1 1 8 f w Ayettf# /yen ven 1 van Swoil LMie H.lj A Co 22ml A pi mu Sang Singapore B A Co. Cai Sang Calcut ta 13. A Co. 22ml I ten inoli r Singapore 8 It.ACo 23r.l Fitzpatrick Rangoon H C.ACo. I 24tli i ten loiuoml Singapore
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    • 101 1 For Rangoon and Calcutta hiking mails for Europe, etc., via lkmiliar —Per llliarata, to-morrow, t> p.m. Deli—Per Cornelia, 22nd instant, 11a.m. Deli—Per Calyjmo, 22nd instant, 11 Asalian—Per Tow Tuny, 22nd instant, l1 a in. Teluk Anson Per Mary Austin, 22ud instant, 11 '1 oink Anson Per
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 348 1 MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. KintaTin Mines Limited DIVIDEND J. No. 10. 4 FUWTHEU dividend of 6d. per share luis benii declared, payable in London on 15th April, aiul will ’oe i«l to all local Shareholders as sihiii as the registered list of Shareholders on that date is received from the Home
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    • 22 1 OVERWORKED MEN FIND Stearns' Wine au excellent tonic. Renews strength and increases the vital forces. Whitsa way's Sale Prices will Astonish you.
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    • 101 1 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect autiseptic dentifrice, cleauses an<l preserves the teeth. very refresh iuy. Penang Sales Room. AN AUCTION SALK OF Household Furniture, etc. Will take place al No. I Clo\ e Hall. Koai* On Wednesday, 26th April 1905. At it,.10 a.m. COMPRISING. Single and Double Iron Bedsteads, Wardrobe.
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    • 172 1 NOTICE. Penang Literary and Debating Society. I AM KKTING of (lie above Society will lx? held on Tuesday, liot li instant, at I the Chinese Town Hail, Pitt Street, at |8, when a lecture will be delivered by the President. Dr. Guoli b-uu Tuck. m. a., m. n. on
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    • 59 1 GOLOENBERG &ZEITLIN.! > Genuine Pilsener Beer. «Just Received (he well-known “TAJ” TEA •IB BEST CEYLON TEA IN THE MARKET. Packed in Ceylon by Thompson, Thomas Co. 1 lb. nett in one packet. Packed in o Grades: Orange, Blue, Yellow, Pink White. To BE HAD AT CHIN JOO Co., Vtd, lieaeh
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 20 1 Death. On March ;t0, at Tunbridge Wells, J. McNair Dick, late of F. E. Farnhaiu A Co.. Shanghai, aged 58..
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  • 1075 2 Adventures of the Cakltas. The position of the Ocean Steamship (JotupaiivV steamer Calchas focal agents Messrs \V Mansfiehl Co \vl l i< 1 1 was cajilured by flic Russian H--«-t an<! detained for five mouths in ladivostok, and which was in the liarUmr of Penang on
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  • 482 2 Chronic Liver Complaint Cured at I'adang Pandjang BY Or WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Before meals 1 was very hungry, but after a few spoonfuls I felt as if i lia*l eaten too much, ami 1113 stomach was so weak that often I brought up
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 131 2 DR. NOBLE CO., DENTAL. SURGEONS, Will visit Penang shortly. Applications for appointments can he addressed c o tz. O. hotel. 0-4-0-'» u c 'J4I ST. GEORGE'S BALL. I v\\ IN( r to the short time t remaining to the date of the Ball (24th inst.) the Englishmen of Penang and
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    • 1651 2 V O' TO LET. I and SALE. 17-4*05 1 wh Clove Hali Road. Apply to E. O. MATHIEU, 03 \o. o, Arraloon Hoad. FOR NHE WORLD’S GREAT CL \SSICS N OTlCB. T price $256. Offers invited. TO LET. IG-11-04 B. H.” c/o Strait* Echo. 813 1)Uli]MISESNt>. 341. Dalo Krainat Road,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1967 3 <r s <:r p. t o. taytls. i co. Expected Arrival* and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. April 27 «>. Malta connecting with 8.8. India May 11 s.B. Benya! 25 s.B. Ni bia do do Homewards. 8.8. Britannia 8.8. Mongolia April 29 H.s. Simla connecting with 8.8. Moldavia May 13 8-8.
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  • 122 4 Justice satisfies everybody, ami iustiee alone.— Established June Ist, 190.'t. Piiblislusl tlaily (excel* HmNlays.) it m CKITHKIUN PRESS, Id., No. ‘2*2t>-23‘2. Beach St reel. I’euaii" PRICK DAII. I,(MIAI s2t i»er aliinim OL'IXTA'IIO.NS IT*aKe Extra M A 11. KIMT'oN (I’oet Erse) $l3 i'A 1(1.K AIM'UKKMt E c It
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  • 1026 4 Now and again Pena.Mg is treated to a scare tlie origin of which it is very difficult to trace. Our readers will doubtless remember that some time back j there wa> a head-cutting scare, and rikisha coolies feared to go along cer.ain roads late at night because they
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  • 426 4 We were to-day shown haif-a-dozen very tine sample duets of Para rubber from Bertam Estate. Province Wellesley. one of which i> eertabily the palest sheet we have as yet seen in the Straits, while the others are ail of good colour and apjK-ar to lx* excellently clean and of
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  • 1356 4 More Peace Talk. Settlement Apparently Nearer At Last RUSSIAN WAR ORDERS POSTPONED. It iE anglo-japanese alliance.| 81TGGE ST ED EN LARGEMENT ON RENEWAL. j filtuTKsytlE FISCAL DIVISIONS IN THE COMMONS. Our Oven Correspondent.) Keeki Street, *27 Mar.—Spring weather has set in a month ahead of time, and
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  • 644 4 .j Lon nos, 28 March.—The market was (firm throughout, with the one slight reaction. more particularly for near prompts, Iwliile “distant tiu had scarcely auv change in prices, closing at ,£137 os. for cash, £l3fi for middle of May, and £435 for three mouths. 'I he business done
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  • 151 4 luk Telegraph Offices will be open only from 8 to 10 a.m., and 4 to 5 p.m., during the holidays. r^ ,e notify that they will he closed ou Friday, Saturday and Mondav, the 21st -2nd and 24tli April. The Post Office notifies that on Good h rnlay
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  • 229 4 Tub cricket match, Penang r. Perak, comnieuces to-morrow at noon, aud will lie continued ou Saturday at 10.3 U a.m., play lieing resumed at the'same time ou Mondav, if necessary. The football match will Lie played on Monday, at 5 p.m. A smoking concert will lie held
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  • 467 4 The following ties in the Lauu Tennis Tournament have been arranged for Tuesday. 25th April:— f,(uhcs ijhtlptmish ipl' •Mrs. Freer vs. Mrs. Jamieson Mixed Double Handicap. Mrs. Murray and J. Stark (5/6) vs. M rs. Dunn and C. Bradliery (owe 3m Men’s Doubles Handicap. G. Teeling and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 93 5 Japanese Cruisers Sighted. Scouting off the Philippines. (Supplied l'ii Renter.) Loudon, 19 April— The Daily Mail’s correspondent at Manila reports that sixteen Japanese cruisers, accompanied by several torpedo destroyers, were seen scouting vesterday off Sainpalok Point. French Neutrality. Assurances in CHauiber. lioudoii, 20 April. —M. Kouvier, President of
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    • 158 5 Unsuccessful Prosecution at Bombay. (Supplied by Reuter. Loudou, 19 April.— Eleven seamen of the steamer Kiverdale have been prosecuted for refusing to sail from Bombay to Kolie localise the cargo was cotton. The trial has resulted in their acquittal, the magistrate holding that, as Russia has declared cotton
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    • 51 5 Government Ignorant of China’s Inaction. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20 April.—Earl Percy, Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs, lias htated in the House of Commons, iu reply to a question, that no information has reached the British Government as to China having ignored the terms of the Mackav
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    • 79 5 Some Prospects of Local Government. Poland Governor Summons Conference. (Supplied by Renter.) lioudou, 19 April.—The Governor-General ol Poland lias summoued a conference with a view to the establishment of a system of Wal government in the rural districts of Poland ou lines somewhat similar to that which obtains
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    • 80 5 Negotiations in Progress. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20 April.—M. Delcassc, Minister State for Foreign Affairs, speaking in the rrencli Chamber, stated that Morocco lias accepted the principle rtf the French proposals and that negotiations are now proceed°n that basis. Misunderstanding to be Removed. If Germany considered t hat
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    • 58 5 Hitch Over Boundary Question. More Pin-Pricking by Gaul- (Supplied by Renter.) London, 19 April.—A ***** lias arisen connection with the delimitation of the H, uud.iries between Siam and French Gamut i' a UU<^er Frauco-Siamese Convent ion ria* 1 :u French Commissioners deo they have discovered errors iu
      58 words
    • 48 5 Patal Sequel of Riot. < Supplied by Reuter.) U.don, ly April.—The railway strike „i Ti' 11 rw, P“ n *>blo for a riot at. Foggia, „> 1 tr ‘x>ps and the mob fired at r Three persona <wore killed and ho jji^i' Ml,l d®d. the latter including several
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    • 171 5 Limoges Prison Stormed. Fracas with the Troops. (Supplietl by Reuter.) London, 19 April.—The porcelaiu workers at Limoges, iu France, are on strike In attempting to storm the prison in order to effect the release of some of their comrades who had been imprisoned, the strikers erected barricades iu
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    • 25 5 Easter Recess Begun. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 20 April.—The House of Commons lias adjourned for the Easter recess to Friday, sth May.
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    • 25 5 Under-Secretary of War Appointed. {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 19 April.—Lord Edward Cecil has lieen appointed Under-Secretary of State for War iu the Egyptian Government.
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    • 29 5 Price of Exchequer Bonds. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19 April.—The average price obtained for the £10.000,000 exchequer Ihmhls issued ou the 13th instant is £9B 13s. 10d.
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    • 94 5 Royal Commission's Report. Unfavourable to “Wee Frees.” (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 20 April.—The report of the Royal Commission on the dispute between the Free aud tbe United Free Churches of Scotia ml has been published. It declares that the Free Church is iucapable of properly administering the enormous
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    • 245 5 Attempt to Undermine British Companies. Bonuses to Boycotters. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudm), 19 April.—Au attack which has ltecii made by the Hausa Line on the British India Navigation Co. aud the Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Co. lias led to a freight war, involving other British lines. Calcutta Cargoes
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  • 936 5 Foooia, where a fracas has occurred between the troops and the railway strikers, is a city in the south of Italy and was known bv the ancients as Arpi. Its population is 53,151. The tender» for the exchequer bonds (Ail0,000,000) were issued by the British Government on
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  • 560 5 Latest Reports. Simla, 10 April.—The latest reports from Dhunnasala state that out of a population of 3,0*M1 only 390 persons have been saved. A hospital bus Ixvn opened in Kangru and coolies, supplies, tools, etc., have i»een scut up. As excavations are progressing, more and more
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  • 365 5 Inward Per Rooii. from Southampton Rev. Bourne. From Colombo Mr. Kinioii and servant, Mrs. T. G. Pigott.i Mr. P. Kinuaway. From Antwerp Mr. Storm. From Genoa Mr. W. Rowland, Mr. Wilh, Ul/.e, Mr. Rud Hcitmaun, Max Grose. Per Prinz Heinrich. from Hongkong: Mr. Fong Yeaw ong, Miss F. O.
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  • 17 5 ■sßacissK s&rsssr, Hongkong, April—Baltic Fleet repoHed haying e f t Camranl, Bay HjcHo special. J
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    • 428 5 Tu THE EUITOR OF I UK STRAITS Ka HO. J>KAR SiH,— The time is fast, approaching when Penang folk will have to gravelv con’ sider the question of the advisability of pulling down a very large number of' old houses, many of them sit uated in the most
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 138 5 McAlister Co. Ltd. Invite Inspection of their NewStock of PLATED WARE. Specially Selected AND Most Suitable FOR Presents. McAlister Co. Ltd. PENftNG. G8c KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd., PENANG. ROOF TILES, i Specialities »/w ays on hand. RIDGINGS. Ridge Tile. Hand Pumps, Barbed Wire, Dunville’s Whisky. Hr, Cutler, Palmer Co.'s \WHITE PORT,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1121 6 r NOTE. x > H N II i se i X f/ o x r Dunville’s 3 Crown Whisky Kyi “O o CD O a c/) rj 0 <-+■ o zr =r co a c z < n rm 2> n S&*e£ CC -x f"' -a:*' 1 m3 c/> ra
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1001 7 Graham Co. Ltd. 4 Beach Street, Penang. Dr. W. MANSON. The Leading Wholesale Chemists in the Straits. MANUFACTURERS OF Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Photographic, DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT No. 17, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 65c LEE CHYE DISPENSARY, No. 258, CARNARVON
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1434 8 WHUEAWAT, LAULAW h Ca.’S SALE NOW ON. M I All Goods Purchased will be Handed!,out at ,theO Parcel Office on Presenting Chit. During Business Hours Doors will be Temporarily Closed as usual when necessary. N.B. DOORS OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 4 P.M No Customers will be served before or
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