Straits Echo, 19 April 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 49 1 Births. On April I, at Hhaughai, the wife of Geo. Unreal, of a son. ()N March 23. at Loudon Mission. Hengchow. Hunan, to Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Peake, a son. On 3rd April, at 34» Range Road. Shanghai, the wife of William Young, of a son
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  • 42 1 For VVeek ending Tuesday, Apr. 25, I9«i5. A.M. P.M. Wediiesdav, 19th ...11,50 0.15 1 li'irndav, 20th 0.40 1.05 Friday, 21st 1.30 1.55 Saturday. 22nd 2.20 2.45 Suudav, 23rd 3.10 3.35 Hot day, 24th 4.00 4 25 Tuesday, 25th 4.50 5.15
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  • 24 1 To-dat. 15th Day, 3rd Moou. Town Hand, Esplanade, 6 p.iu. To-morrow. Mauudy Thursday. 10th Day, 3rd Moou. Town Hand, Golf Club, 6 p.m.
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  • 44 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Hoax wards Malta !7 A i>r. i Simla 29 A f>r. Bengal 11 May Coromandel Id May Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Socotra 19 Ayr. Manila 19 Ayr. Baler mo '1 May. Ceylon 5 May. Km pariieuiars .See Pa>_'»*
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  • 27 1 O Full Moon Apr. 19th 8.33.2 p.m. E:ist Quarter 26th 6.8 9 p.m. O New Moon May 4th 10.45.1 p.m First (Quarter... 12th 1.41.7 p.n
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  • 57 1 Indian ‘I testa) 20th Apr. English (Malta) 27th China (Simla) 29th German (Bayern) 2nd Mav China (P. Eitel Friederich 3rd Indian Thongwa 4th J he 11. I. S. N. Co's s.s. Toesta, with tlie mails trom Europe left Negupatani at 4 a.m. on Sunday, and may be expected
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  • 1112 1 l he failure of this Company, floated in the early part of last year (the share list closed 29 Feb., 1904) and incorporated under tlio Perak Companies Enactment 1897, being still fresh in the mein- ory of not a few residents of Malaya, 1 a
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  • 133 1 8 Pun a no, 19 th April. (By courtesy of the Chartered Ho nk. > London Demand Bank 1/11 .J 4 months* sight, Bank ...1 I I i 3 Credit ..111* 3 DoeumenUiij ...1 11 Clientta, Demand Bank Rs I 16 i 3 days’ sight Priva f e 148A
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  • 208 1 Bei sav. ah Cold Miue Co., Ed. 5 11.— miles I Itaub Australian Cold MinI mg Co., Ld 5. —non I. liedjang Lelxnig Gold Mining Co., Ld $275.— buyers KiulanaGold MiniugCo„ (fully paid) i Hi.— Bruseh Tin Mining Co.. |,d. 4. —bdyers i Karangan Tin Mining Co 9.— sellers
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  • 190 1 j Gold leaf $77 B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50/..) out of stock White Pepper buyer* Traug Pepper, "id. —sales Cloves (picked) out of ft agon Mace 80 —sellers Mace Pickings 70. —fell erg Nutmegs 11 Os 35. —sales C No. 1 o 10 noni Sugar < 2 no stock.
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  • Shipping
    • 69 1 Socotra, Br. s.s. 6,008, Benton. IBtli Apr Suez, Ist Apr., Gen.,—P. &O. M Vajirunhis, But. 8.8. 1,18-2, Steeuborg, 18th Apr., Acheeu, 17t-h Apr., Gen H. L. Co. Simoon, Br. s.s. 2,379, Collins, 18th Apr., Port Said, 28th Mar., Salt.—B. Co! P. Hkinkich, Ger. s.s. 3.902, Groscb, 18th Apr., Singapore,
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    • 39 1 19th April. Boon, for Singapore, China and Japan. Rotorua, for Tougkah. Langkat, for 'J'eliik Alison. tin Peng, for Perlis and Setul. Malaya, for Deli. Saga, for Singapore. Hole Canton, for Edie, T. Serna we, Segli, Olehleh aud Sabang
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    • 41 1 1 cgge/g From vl yen/g Due Bongloe Singapore S.B.&Co. 20th Apr. ailmra Singapore K\(r.<'o. 20tli van Swolll Edie H.L.&Co. 21st Sni Sang Calcutta B.&Co. 21st Lai Saug Singapore B.«&Co. 22nd Beniuolir London S.B.&Co. 23rd Benlonioud Loudon S.B.&Co. I 7tL May.
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    • 45 1 Ve eels I t l' 1 Atjente Leave s Beugloe Loudon jS.l>.«&Co. 20 th Apr. 22ud ailiora Singapore (K.G.Co. van Swoil Edie II.L&Co. 22 nd Stii Sang Singapore U.ACo. Iiill Sail!;' Calcutta H.«&Co 22nd lieuntolir Singapore iS.B.&Co. Singapore S.B.&Co. i 23rd BeillolllOUd 7th Mav.
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    • 118 1 Fok Edie. T. Serna, we, Segli, OJeJiJeli uud I ulo Wd, Per S true r decroon, to-uiorrow. I 8 a.111. Per an dec Parra, to-morrow, noon. Pet* Man Whatt Soon, to-morrow, 1 pill. Eangkat a lid Paugknlau J>raiidan—Per Petrel, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Pangkor aud Teluk Anson—Per Canton, to-morrow,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 131 1 MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. NOTICE BEGINNING from loth April, 1905. the s. f>. “Valeutijn" will regularly call at Fulo Kampai. aleutiju 8 weekly run will thus l»e Ii«ave Penang Saturday. Arrive au*l leave Langkat Sunday Brandau Monday Pulo Kampai Tuesday Bay an Wednesday Penang Thursday For freight or passage, apply to
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    • 20 1 STEARNS’ WINE, after influenza aud pneumonia. An ideal reconstructive tonic that gives immediate benefit. Increases weight, renews strength aud vigor.
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    • 121 1 GOLOENUERG ZEIILIK. IX, V x v Genuine Pilsener Beer. for. SiLIiBI. IjWGLISti-BUILT DOGCART with J nearly new Rubber Tyred Wheel», .■"singapore-built Palanquin. Bay Australian Galloway Gelding, hard worker and quiet. One set first quality Brown Harness in I good condition. Apply to R. HENDRY, c o G. H. Slot Co.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 61 1 Death. o.n ftli April, at 186, Chapoo Road, Shanghai. Sheik Kauijahn Hooseu, aged 24 deeplv regretted. At Yokohama on Friday. March 31st. at J2U-B, Bluff. Eauritz Thompson, son of Capt. Thouipsen, N. Y. K. Aged 20 years 7 months. Suddenly, on board the s. s. Korea, on the 31st March.
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  • 743 2 High Price for Ckara Rubber. Mr. F. J. Holloway, of Kapitigaila, Matale, writes to the Ceylou Observer —I tapped 20 Oara rublier trees on ibis estate growing at an elevation of aUmt 2,ihmi feel. The largest had a girth of 24 inches feet aliove the ground ami the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 64 2 WONG KIM MUN, i Vo. 77a, Hishop Street Rubber Stamp ANI) Brass Sen 1 (lor Impressing Wax) Manufacturer. Supplementary Articles tor Rubber Stamps in Store. JUST RECEIVED Hand Cameras AND Magic Lanterns. PRICED MODERA TEL Y. NOBELS’ EXPLOSIVES Co., Lid.. OLASOOiV. BLASTING GELATINE, GELIGNITE I) ETON A TORS, FUSES ANI)
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    • 284 2 DR. NOBLE CO., DENTAL SURGEONS Will visit I'cnang shortly. t' Applications for appointments can be addressed c o E. <Sc Hotel I 0-4-05 II c 241 ST. GEORGE’S BALL. j WING to the short time remaining to the date o tiie Ball 124th inst.) the English men of Penang and
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    • 1529 2 ’Zf rJ /ST! ''S )f Removes all Stains, Rust, t/irt or Tarnish, cleans polishes Pots and Pans, Glass and China, and aSI metals, but WONT WASH CLOTHES. Will do a thousand things to make Home bright and cheerful with tittle Trouble and Labour. BRAND Nothing has more uses about the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1872 3 t. k 0. xm ft IS. N. Co. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. \priJ li7 s.s. Malta connecting with 8.8. India May 11 8.8. Bengal do 8.8. Britannia 25 s.h. Nubia do u. Mongolia Homewards. w\ r Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd
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  • 119 4 -u*ii«v pverylMxljr. sum! liMtkf stahlisheil June Ist, I l lO.'< riiMmli«*l ilally (t)Xl<*|>(. KihhlhV'*. 1 AT Till CRITERION PRESS, Ed.. Mu *2*2r»-*2:t2. Beach Street. IVniin PRICE I All LOCAL Ml i»»i iiiihiiM j OUTSTA TIONN Ice'MKt* UTII KIMTIoN true) ?15 -J «'A MLR A l*l»l{ ISS •>
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  • Current Topic.
    • 495 4 We have written many times about obstruction* in our streets and on the traffic tangle, but the obstruction case tried this morning and reported elsewhere in this issue appears to us to have been simply puerile. Here we have an Indian constable swearing that bags of betel-nuts
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    • 951 4 1 he Board of Trade j Commissioners into the' North Sea incident, accord- 1 ing to the Times, iiitd Mint I there was no person employed by or on behalt of any foreign Government, and j no article of war material belonging to a i belligerent or
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  • 457 4 A Question of Surety. Ivoh Seng (Appellant» V. Koff ToW (RESPONDENT). In this o;u»e the appellant sought to recover $4OO (»n the ground of its haring lteen agreed that he should be paid that hum for becoming Purely to the respondent, .hi a contract to build
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  • 496 4 Mr. Veoh Paik Tatt, the mauaging partner of AJessi s Tiang Lee *t Co’s retail I shop, H5 Reach 8treel, appeared before Mr. 1 Peel this morning, charged with obstructing; i the public thoroughfare. P. C. 1«>4 IJliag Singh stated that h--i was on «1 lit v
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  • 191 4 A Bio Blaze Last Nioht. At about eleven o’clock last night a fire broke out in a Chinese hotel situated in Buckingham Street. The alarm was prompt ly given and the Fire Brigade, under Mr. W. E U. Grove, Chief Police Officer, was quickly on the scene, but it
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  • 108 4 The Police. -t (From Our Own Corretpondent) Inspector Carroll of Butterworth has l>eeu transferred to Pitt Street Station, Peuaug, and Inspector Joyce of the latter place has relieved him. Inspectors Coulau and Joyce will shortlv proceed to Europe on well-earned leave. It is hoped they will return to
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  • 646 4 There would appear to be two boycott* going on in Kuala Lumpur at the present time, says the Malay Mail. One is bv the Hylam community against the Gtunbliug Farm, and the other is by the dhobies against their customers as a protest against the action
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 184 5 Th« Tsar’s Armada. Charges Against France. Deliberately Concealing Dalticers. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 19 April.—Tim Japanese Press comments on the stay of the Baltic fleet at Cam ran h Pay are of the most severe nature. The Osahi charges France with deliberately concealing the presence of the Baltic
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  • 46 5 Assassm Condemned to Death {Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 19 April,—M. Koliaeff, tiie assassin of the Gruud Duke Sergius, has been condemned to death at Moscow. He has declared that he was a prisoner in the civil war and that ho is not a criminal.
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  • 23 5 Officers and Soldiers Wounded (Supplied by Reuter). London, 19 April.—Seven officers aud 63 soldiers have lieen wouuded at Limoges, in France.
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  • 26 5 Farcical Collapse. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 19 April.—The strike of railway workers iu Italy has collapsed already, as eren the Socialist, leaders condemned it.
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  • 34 5 Introduced in House of Commons. (Supplied bg Heater Loudon, 19 April.—The Right Holt. A. A leers-Douglas, Secretary of State for Home Affairs, has introduced an Aliens Bill in the House of Commons.
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  • 351 5 lo Prolong their Stay at Algiers. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 19 April.—Their Majesties King tidward and Queen Alexandra have decided to make a prolonged stay at Algiers. A Kaikkng, capital of Honan province, dispatch reports that owiug to the increase ”1 the ‘Great Sword Society, or Tataolmi,
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  • 948 5 1 he appointment of M. Joukeer Deweede as Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Netherlands tills the vacancy created by the retiral of Dr. R. Melvil Baron van Lijndeu, which was announced iu an Echo special on 10 March. Rear-Admiral de Fauque de Joiiquirres, whojias gone on
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  • 1224 5 i A Malat correspondent forward» u« the following very interesting remarks upon the r much vexed question of the derivation of i the name of the Si«ter Settlement:— 1 Singapura i Singapore is the name of a country or town which has lieen made the capital
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  • 289 5 s some of the energy which the Vicerov has unhappily wasted iu meddling with the administration of justice, under the plea of securing justice between Europeans and Indians, had been directed towards the removal of seemingly trivial but really irritating causes of unpleasantness iu
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  • 473 5 Liurkai. Government Compensation. A scathing condemnation was passed upon the executive officers responsible fora prosecution iu the Calcutta High Court recently when Mr. A. C. Rolf, manager of an estate under the administration of the Bengal Government, was charged with criminal breach of trust. Without waiting for
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    • 141 5 1 I• T °o" E ED,TO,t OF T3,B Ecuo. S ">~ Wi11 -Vou please allow me a tdate ,U V Ur paper to ve„s i If ■'Ithis school' The uot nii I* T™, and if rental 'll 0tl curt ‘nontli the boys are sent home As
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  • 358 5 j Lawn Tennis. f rwuowisu are yesterday s results j Ijodies' Sinylet Handicap. Mrs. Dnnn, w. o. Mired Doublet Handicap. Dr. ami Mrs. Freer beat Miss Jones and E. A. Swan. 0—6; 6—4: 6- -J. Men Siinjles Handicap. A. G. Anthony, w. o. K. S. Haslant beat
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 4 5 Whiteaway's Sale Is Genuine.
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    • 155 5 NOTICE. Penang Literary and Debating Society. A MEETING of the above Society will be held ou Tuesday, 25th instant, at the Chinese Town Hail, Pitt Street, at 8 p.m., when a lecture will be delivered bv the President, l)r. Guoh Lean Tuck, m. a., m. n.. b. c., on Some
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    • 243 5 To-day’» Advertisement». NOTICE. The Eastern Extension Australasia China Telegraph Co., Ltd.' XTOIICE is hereby given that, on amt T Jitter Momlay, the 24th April, the lowu Office ot the above Company will lie T Tn Messrs Wi.iteaway, of aU Uyw P ,e,, *ises (corner ot Utucli and bishop Streets.) AUCKLAND,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 779 6 NOTICE. rpH k undersigned beg to inform the public of Peiumg «uid the neighbouring Native State» that they have l>eeii appointed Agents for Messrs. Inwall, Panic s, Clive «fc Co. Ltd. of London, au<l have recently received a large shipment of very best quality Do you. want a Bicycle PLEASE
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  • 204 7 I.’. A! p 1 ,1,rsd «*y evening, says the Singapore ice Press, a German engineer vveut to the n'averley Hotel and called f or a drink. He "nit into a liedroom lie had not engag- U andtl,e Manager heard a pistol allot. He j u 1 ,ut
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  • 346 7 Britain s Oldest Admiral. To-day (April 19) Admiral Richard Moorman, who, by virtue of age and length j of service, is the “Father of the Fleet,” i enters his ninety-sixth year. He was born iu 1810. five years before Waterloo was fought, and his name
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 566 7 Graham Go. Ltd. 4 Beach Street, Penang, Dr. W. MANSON. The Leading Wholesale Chemists in the Straits. DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT No. 17 Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 65c 6 int.h» j Triscuits Shreaded Wheat. USED AS MANUFACTURERS OF Chemical,
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    • 109 7 WAWTBD. A STRONG, fast Deli Pouv. Apply to 12 LOGAN ROAD. 18-4-00 tu w 272 KintaTin Mines Limited. DIVIDEND J. No. 10. V FURTHER dividend of Od. per share has been declared, payable in London on loth April, and will be paid to all local Shareholders as soon as the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1806 8 LOLAf h Co.’S SALE NOW ON CHIN HIN BROTHERS, General Storekeepers, Horse Dealers, and Livery Stables, No. 50k, PENANG ROAD Telephone No. 265. All Goods Purchased will ed|,out at the Parcel Presenting Chit. be HandOffice on During Business Hours Doors will be Temporarily Closed as usual when necessary. N.B. DOORS
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