Straits Echo, 15 April 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 45 1 I or Weekending Friday, Apr. 21. IP06. A.M. p M Siturdav, 1-ltli 8.30 8.55 ■Sunday, ltitli 9.20 9.46 Monday, 17 til 10.10 10 36 T new lay, 18th ...11.- o."» We ln**sdav, I9tii ...11.50 0.16 Tiiursdav, 20th 0.40 1.06 Friday, 21st 1.30 1.66
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  • 19 1 To-dat. 11tli Day, 3rd Moon. Town Band, Golf Club, 0 p.iu. Jo-morrow. 12tii Day, 3rd Moou. Palm Sunday.
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  • 45 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mall Service. ItUTWAKOS. HoM IIWAKDS Malta 'l7 Ayr 1 Nubia Id Ayr Bengal 11 May j Simla IV F.itra Service. UUIWAROS. HOMKWAKDS. Sueotra IS Ayr. j Manila 19 Ayr, Palermo 1 May. j Ceylon 5 May •T l oi pullicuiai'h Page 3.
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  • 28 1 O huli Moon Apr. 19th 8.33.2 bast, Quarter 26th 68 9 p.m O New Moon May 4th 10.45.1 p.m First, Quarter 12t.|» 1.41.7 p m
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  • 44 1 German (AW) 18th Apr. China (P. Heinrich) 19th I he extra P. AO. steamer Socotra, having left Suez at evening on Saturday, Ist instant, is expected to arrive here at daylight on Wednesday 19th instant, and will'leave for Singapore, China and Japan.
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  • 965 1 Even to those who for many rears h ive regarded Russiau methods with distrust there is something supreme!v sorrowful iu her recent overthrow at the hands of I he Japanese. Many cool aud uuprejur dice<» observers were, we know, quite prepared for it, aud to
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  • 131 1 Pknanm, 15th Ai*ku,. > I I (Hy eonrteny a>‘ the (Jh.t > j fiondnn Demand Bank ..1/114 t months’ sight Bank 1 lij Credit 1 11£ 3 Documentor* 1 11' 7 'aieutfji. Demand Bank I is. M6.j 3 days’ sight Private j f,si Bombay, Demand Bank 14 6.1
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  • 205 1 BersawuhGoid M iue Co.. L*l. if sales Ratio Australian Cold Mining Co., lid. S ,i. j liedjang lieixoig GMd Mining Co., fid >2*>o.— buyers kadaiiaGold M miiigt '«>,,l <l.d. (fully fiaid 10. ifitMi llruseii Tin Mining Co., l.d. i 4. ltd ers Tin Mining (Jo. it. sellers Kinla
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  • 179 1 Gold' 7b R. Pepper (W. Coast 311>«.50/..) out of stock While Pepper S 3 7± tale*; Trang Pepper 26.— sale* Cloves (picked out of teuton Mace 80 —seller s Mace Pickings 70. —tellers Nutmegs 11()s 35§ sa’es y No. I 6 10 non» Sugar 2 no stock Basket
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  • Shipping.
    • 126 1 I i urn ft a, Hr s.s. 2,127, Pearson, 15th Apr., Hongkong, 4th Apr., C.n.,—H. l” A Co. j Thongwa, Br. s.s. 3,428, Whitehead, 15th Apr., Singapore. 13th Apr, Gen. 11. L. A Co. Quorra, llr. s.s. 120, deWitt, 14ih Apr., Langkat, 13th Apr., Cen K. (Jr. Co. j\
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    • 17 1 i Canton, Br. s.s. I<)s, Mencau. 15th Apr Teluk Anson. 14th Apr., Ceil, -All Hing.
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    • 86 1 15th Apiil. j 1 'iu der I terra, for 1 ><-*ji. Thongwa fur Neunpatam and Madras. Ban W halt Soon, fur Deli. Bet ret, for Langkat and Paugkalau Braiidan It. A pear, for Calcutta. Qnorra. for Langkat. Langkat. for Teluk Anson. Senegalabia, {nr Singapore, China A Japan. Kistnn. tor
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    • 38 1 r~* Vf*!feh From Aijeiit* J)ur Waihoia Singapore K.GJ'o. 17th Apr Rouu Bremen B.M.&Co. 18th Socotra ,'Sue/ A.O.JtCo. lyth P. Heinrich Singapore B.M.&Co. 19th J»cugloo Singapore; S.B.&Co. Uoth Beiimohr London S.B.&Uo. 23rd Beulonioinl London i S.B.ACo. May. 1
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    • 34 1 Vemelg For Agent* Leave* Boon Singapore jB.M.&Co. 18th Apr. Socotra Singapore A.G.&Co. VVailiora Singapore Ik.G.Co. 19th P. Heinrich Colombo |B.M&Co. 19th Beugloe London 3-B.ACo. 20th Benmohr Singapore jS.B.&Co. 23rd Benloinond Singapore S.B.&Co. Mav.
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    • 56 1 Fok Del»—Per Hebe, 17th instant, 9 u.tfj: Singapore—Per Zweena, 17th instant. 111 a.m. Port Swetteuhaui—Per Mary Austin, 17th instant, 2 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Ansou—Per Canton, 17th instant, 2 p.m. Deli—Per Cornelia, 18th instant, noon. Liingkat—Per Jin Ho IBth instant, 1 p.ui. Port Swetteuhaui. Kuala Lumpur and Singapore—Per
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 180 1 MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. ST. GEORGE'S BALL OWING to the short time remaining to the date of i the Ball 24th inst) the Englishmen of Penang and Province Wellesley are earnestly requested to send in their subscriptions at once together w ith the names j of intended guests, other than! j
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    • 43 1 THE B. O. H. Hygienic Dusting Powder. To Remove the Unpleasantness due to Excessive Perspiration. Delicately Perfumed AND Quite Harmless. Very Refreshing for use after the Bath. PRICE >1 per packet. SOLE AGENTS: The George Town Dispensary, Limited, 37a, beach Street, Penang. 67c!
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    • 70 1 eOtOENBERG k ZERLM. t.\ V, > *o, I Genuine Pilsener Beer.j STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE,can I* obtained from all dispensaries. Gives instant relief. Avoid imitations. Keep the Genuine handy. DAVID BROWN Co., t,ugan*s linildiiuju. K.-*fitt« Aleuts A Auditors. Undertake Sales by A'K'tioii or Private’lender of House and Laud Property and Stock,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 20 1 WEATHER. Ihk toiiowiui' report is kiu<itv supplies! the Sijfiuii Director of Fori <'«•riiwaiiis-— a* N a.m. to-tlav was 0‘28 niches.
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  • 20 1 Domestic Occurrence. Death. At the Government Civil Hospital. Hongkong. "u the 4tb April, Harold F. Pjpp r Aged JH veers.
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  • 973 2 TIN TATT LK. Mkssks Eckstein, the great .South African mining magnates, have tnk**n t he Swaziland Tin Alines Ltd. iu hand. Mr. Samuel Evans is connected with the mine and Mr. Sidney Jennings is the consulting engineer. The area aggregate* 100 square miles and the tin is alluvial. The smaller
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 11 2 BAXTER CO’S. BEST NAVY CANVAS. Sand I land*, Huttery t* Co
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    • 1729 2 To be Sold. .'A (iKNTLEMAN’S T A N DEM Bicycle (for two riders) in perfect Murder. 21 inch, frame, 105 gear, Ihmlop Tyres. His <nlv been used a j j few limes. May be seen at No. 23, Beach Street. For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. T"' Steamship Waihora, Captain
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1804 3 P. o. «t» to. •/'Vv Norddeutsclier Lloyd, Bremen. INTENDED SAILINCS. Liitish India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd fiAJNKa. Ea peeled Arrival» and lleyittutes. Mail Service. Outwards. r r,*v .r.V- *4! Homewards ,£*C 3*C^ *.•<»* -1: 4 IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. For Intended to Sail. Negspatiun, Madras, Pondicherv, Cuddalore and lvanieal. Steamer.
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  • 96 4 IJu-tirc e.erybody, anil imt.ire altwtr.— Km Established June 1st, 190.1. <l*uly (eit <M*f Numhiys.i CRITERION PRESS. Ld.. No IVacii Strooi. IViuuu. CAICi.K ADRKKNN I; c h o—I* e it a ii.” I’ei* phone No. |WH. NOTICE DuuiKO the teuiporary absence of the Editor. Mb. Chksnky Duncan, from
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  • 2339 4 Wanted: A New Policy. Why not hold a Miners’ a/id Planters’ Conference in Penang? The, persistent rumours to the effect that there is a desire in certain quarters to impose a new duty upon tin, aud the well known disinclination of Government t«> reduce the heavy burdens imposed
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  • 180 4 “Caution suggests—and we believe he voices an opinion which is somewhat prevalent that, while Mr. Ifromhead-Matthews’ proposal to form a Penang branch of the Straits Association has much to commend it, lie is rushing things too much ami that the public should lie given more time to
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  • 1875 4 The Strange Story of Kuala Kangsar Academy. Future Sultans Taught in a Fowl House! A Disgrace to Government (Special to the Straits Echo.) Governments. even BritishGovernment*, I 1,,0v in a mysterious way, but. the weirdness I of the Government, in the F.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 472 5 Th« T*ar Armada Hound for Vladivostok. Hospital Ship at Saigon. (Helm Special.) Saigon, 14 April.—The hospital-ship Orel (which was included in the Baltic squadron which passed through Singapore) has arrived here, but only reiii;iitu*il thirty-six hours, when she took in 900 tons of coals and a supply of
    472 words
    • 120 5 trench Mission Rebuffed. t Supplied by Renter. Uiduu. 14 April.- It i* stated that lie* Mi. 1,1 l° r V cc 9 ha* replied to the French im 10,1 that he has already signed 11,,,**t r ee e,, 4 with France iu reference to I 1 kiuudnry, iind
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    • 106 5 Chinese Medical College. Nearly Eighty Thousand Dollars Subscribed <Echo Special.) Singapore, 15 April.—The Straits Chinese having collected .$79,000 and guaranteed $O.OOO more for the building, equipment, etc., for the Chinese Medical College as proposed bv the Hon. Tan Jink Kim, the Legislative Council, at the meeting held yesterday afternoon,
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    • 108 5 The Divided Ministerialists. Chamberlain Gives Way to Balfour. {Supplied by Renter. I London. 14 April.—A meeting of the tariff reform party who are mem tiers of the Houseof Commons met under ifie presidency of the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, m p, aud appointed a deputation— to Is* headed by
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  • 576 5 'Ihe Pescadores, the Moko hariiour of which is proclaimed to be in a state of a siege, is a group of 21 islauds, besides uninhabited rocks, in Formosa Channel, aud notoriously dangerous to navigators. They were ceded by China to Japan in 1895. The Kurile Islands (from
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  • 32 5 Outward —Per Nubia, for Colombo Mr. Wallace Cook Mr. W. R. Sanguiuetti. For Marseilles Mr. H. C. Barnard, Mr. C. E. 8. Baxendale. For Loudon Miss Neubrouuer. Mr. H. A. tyeubrouuer.
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  • 1256 5 Coaling off Natuuas. Russian Guns Turned on Brit'sh Cruiser. Thursday's Straits Times, to hand this morning, brings some more particulars of the Russian fleet which lately passed through the Straits, from which we make the follow- iug extracts The British armoured first-class twinscrew cruiser Sutlej, Captain Win.
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  • 542 5 Law Tknnis Toy rnamen'i J m Foi.lo" ino are yesterday's results:— Lathe* (Jlui mjiionnlt ip. M is. Duuu beat. Mrs. Ebden. 8 —ti: 7 —5. Lathe* Single* Handicap. Mrs. Anderson, w. o. Mired Double* Handicap. Mrs. Murray and J Stark l»eat. Miss liallitax and It. H. tribson.
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  • 1019 5 j LAIM >OR Disallow xu. '1 hl case of Yong J U Guau v. three insur. j ame companies on a claim for 820,000 which occupied the Singapore Court for smiie tin,,. tude«l ou 1 uesday last in judgment fori Urn coni panics, says the Free Press.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 670 6 Do you want a Bicycle PLEASE NOTE 22 HOWARTH, ERSKINE, LTD. Electrical Engineers Contractors 330 We have Just Received a Consignment of THE WELL-KNOWN New Hudson Bicycles in two grades, viz.: Special Standard Roadsters Popular do Wrv Light iind hjiiHV Kumiing. All lilted with Dum.up <>r bo*! «Jimlitv tropical tyres,
      670 words

  • 146 7 leave» ;ws n cure for cutter vne.e the followup remarkihie case is poi ted by I>r. William Gordon, m o A ter consulting four physicians, who all 1m complaint -an immense nice: l’ U li,e toll^Mie a;S cau ce*‘, the 1 p< n>. an Exeter man, was strongly ad,V
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  • 491 7 j >S>' M• months ago we advocated the itjf i*. I 1 1 i*:l i«>ii ul i Cash-ou-Delivery Parcels j in lli'.' Straits StMflt'iiHMilft. ainl Kedciapd Malav States. and in tins connection tin* follow ing extract 1'roni a mail pajicr will In* ol iuterest:—
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  • 353 7 Is A II.MK OF r K[Ai, fo YoUNU MdTIIKKS Here is Strong Proof from Palembang that L>r WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS Are the Tonic needed Then just Irfoiw the„Hs,|, ot I'.^Vn,l,•• „iv wifr I». “T ll "f "C i'„ „„,1, Kdh-T 11 ‘-■oiour i i. s
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 576 7 Graham Co.. Ld., Dr. W. M ANSON. WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 beach Street Penang. DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate, Consultation Free. KKSIDINO AT Ao. 17, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 65c 6 nit.ha i Triscuits Shreaded Wheat. PERFUMERY LEE CHVE DISPENSARY, No. 268, CARNARVON STREET, PJSNANH.
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    • 148 7 TO LET OR SELL. ROUSE No. 2, Gottlieb Koad, with the laml forming lot lt>4. Town Subdivision 1, containing 9 acres 1 rood 12 poles, highly cultivated with fruit trees. Apply to ADAMS A ALLAN, •Solirtturr to E*tiUe of Francis Puhford deceased 84 3-2-Uo tw a wk TO LET OR
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    • 195 7 Accelerated Service to Rangoon. on Friday, Februnty 190 T, thole will be a fortnightly steamer from Penang to Rangoon taking the Mails for Europe. This steamer is intended to leave •Singapore Thursday 4-o0 p. 111., arrive at Penang about 10 p.m. Friday, and intended to leave for Rangoon midnight the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 830 8 TOMAT (iIIKIT SHE COMMENCING MONDAY NEXT WILL BE HELD IN THE NEW PREMISES Nos. Ba, 8b 10, Beach Slreel, Penang. For Infants and Children. MELJLIN'S I|FOOD. For Infants and Children. N. M. M. Mohamed Maideen Bros. No. 33, Chulia Street, KATZ BROTHERS, SOLE AGENTS. Jc BERNESE ALPS MILK Co.. Stalden,
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