Straits Echo, 6 April 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 93 1 Births. On fthiunl., at Blauche Villa, Scott's Road, Singa]M»*e. the wife *of II. A. Scott, of a daughter. On. the 8rd March, at Broome. Western Australia, the wife of Dr. J. M. Fraser, of a son. Marhi auks. On 15th March, at Yokohama. Takabatake Toku, second daughter of
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  • 41 1 For Wool «>ii<liiio Wednesday. Apr. 12, 1805 M. P. M. Thursday, 6th 1.50 2.15 Friday, 7th 2.40 8 05 Sat.imhtv, Bth 8.80 3.55 Sunday, Bth 4.2 4.45 .Monday, lOtli 5.10 585 Tuesday, lltll t>.— 050 Wednesdav, 12tii 0.50 7.05
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  • 21 1 First Quarter... Apr. 4.30.7 a m O Full Moon IBtli 8.33.2 r.*i. East Quarter liOtli 0.8 8 i’.m
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  • 25 1 i TisDAT 2nd Day, 3rd Moon Town Baud, Golf Club, 0 p.m. To- MOK ROW 3rd Day. 3rd Moou. Town Baud,, 0 p.m,
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  • 48 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. GuTVV A RI»S. 11« Ol MW A Kits. Chilean Id Apr Nubia 16 Apr. Malta 27 Sim a ‘29 Hxtra Service. Gl TVV AROS. flialKWlKIS I Socotra IS A i>r. Malacca 7 A/>r. j Palermo 2 May. Manila lit F01 part icniars Page
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  • 60 1 Indian (T/otioyra) 15th Apr. English L'huran) 15th Chiim fSuhia) 15th tlerin an I Iloon) 18th Cluua < P. Heinrich) 18th The Extra P. A|<). steamer Malacca, having left Singapore at 0 p.m., on Wednesday, the sth instant, is expected to arrive here at 5, on Friday, the
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  • 1799 1 RESOFRCE IN WAR. Thk Enuinkkr at Port Arthur. JAPANESE INGENUITY. (By Richard Barry.) Mr. Barry, who was the only American conespondent with the Japanese forces before Port Arthur from the j beginning of the investment, has eon- tributed to tin* Century Magazine :i fascinating account of Japanese methods
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  • 132 1 PsNAsr., Urn A frit. H >j ruHrtexi/ lil" the (Jhnrtei rd Ho vie. •'onion Demand Haul i il^ t months* sight H uh 111-! > Credit I I I J 3 Documental' I HI Calcutta. Demand Rank Us. 115^ 8 days’ sight Privato 1 17 Bombay, Demand B ink
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  • Shipping.
    • 92 1 pRhussKN, tier. s.s. 8278, Dahl, 5th April, liamimrg, 2nd Mar., (.sen, U.M. A (_'o. Poona, Ur. s.s. PS77, Longdcn, 5th Apr., Loudon, 5th Mar., Gen, P. A O. Pkkak, Hr. s.s. 207, Uucinimui, 5tli Apr., Port •Swelteuliam. Itli Apr.. Gen., K. G. ('o Quobica, Ur. s.s. 12(i. Witt. 5th
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    • 54 1 »>tli April. (Jitlint#o, tor l)eii. 1 an der Farm, for l)eli. Ban I Vlmlt Soon, for Dell. Tnr Tom/, for Asahan. If. Hatewyn, for Batu Bahra and Can*on, for Puugkor and Teluk Auson. Tarn, for Singapore. Flying Fish, for Pori Weld A Tuiping. Xam Sony for Singapore and
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    • 90 1 A n f t Hon:' lieu Silica pore iv < .Co. Kih Apr. Fit/.pat i Ivau^wu H.C ACu. Otli Kuni S.ui^ t*. A.ACu. 7tli Achilla I ui> pore SV M A Cm. Htli jn^iu.-in Siiiira S.K ACm. Htli Krrall *ii la.suuw. 5 ’..At 101.1» |< iol 'til' >iu Ihj
      90 words
    • 70 1 b O 1 Aiimtr Houg Bee Sin^iipoi K.G.Oo. 8th Apr Nam Siu^ajxire H.&Co. Fitzpatrick Uaiiirooii H.C.A.O0. Htli Ivum Sail" Calcutta B ACo. Achilles London W.M.ACo. btli M.mpiis l>ac«]ueheiu CoIoijiIk» 8. 1 >.tV< Htli Eriail Singapore S.II.V 'e. l<»lh luiiubonu •Singapore S.B..UV lot l, i.Apcar Calcutta A.A.A.O». lain Uuou SiiijL»aj>oie
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    • 116 1 Fok 1 otigkuli IVr /i//or«c/, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Fort fcJwcttenliHiu ami Singapore—Per Aoufijte, to-morrow, 2 pm. Port Swettenhuiii A. Malacca lVr Perak, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Uuugoon and Calcutta taking mails for Kuiope, etc., vii BoimIihy Per Hharato, to-iuono\\, t! p.m. Kopah, lleuong. Mergui and Tavoy Per Out i/itn’,
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    • 12 1 Inward -Pei Lady Weld, from Teluk Alsou, Mi K. Ft. Carlos.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 23 1 MARTYN Co. 9 WHISKIES. a 1 v I ihlic IjL^i itt>C 1 p i ybV4 OM ,/u toniV uji..": ii sj i OH
      23 words
    • 51 1 TO LET OR SELL. HOUSW No. 2, t.lottlieb Road, with the laud form i tig lot 104-, Town Subdivision 1, containing acres 1 rood 12 poles, highly cultivated with fruit trees. Applv to ADAMS A ALLAN, Soli>'ilo to Rotate o> Ffjucit* Pnl gtot'd deceased SI o-2-05 t w a w
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    • 25 1 Two splendid Ionic», Irou an<l Ood Liver Oil are combined in Stearu* Wine, a most acceptable preparation to the invalid and the delimte. Immediatelv beneficial.
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    • 18 1 STEARNS’ WINE, for debility, emaciation, llmi and impure blood. Amende girl* improve r.ipidlv. All excel knit Iron Tome.
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    • 87 1 MASTERS GREAT in WHAT lOITN WERE TOU BORI? Bargain Book ..rVh^^h STONES unit Oat* l«(ur of Gent's W .debt Lady Wale lies. Gem Albei i > Lady's A)berts. Gttaidv Seals. Gem Rint^s. Keeper Ring bignet Rings Engarem» nl K'ligs Mi dais, Broochi Haiiglev Bractl'l Saids. Links. Pins. Scent Uotlli Razors.
      87 words
    • 74 1 GOLDENBERG ZEITLk > Ah Genuine Pilsener Beer PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. A. KAULFUSS, FAKQUHAH ST MEET, OPKM IMU.V rBOM 7 A M. To .*> »».m. SUNDAY'S 8 A.M. TU NOON. ON SALK Views of Peuaig, Perak, Kedah, etc. Just Receive! m New Shipment of Illustrated Post Cards in colour* and otherwise. All
      74 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER. 1 hk tcilowiiit: report is kiu<ii\ supplied >>« lie Signal I >itivrr*r <>: Fort < '<>innaii:s p.m. a.lift. HDI Yawl'll 'o ilat i;»| ti a..iii. lo-iiav was nii. linin'- Ktiiimi
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  • 24 1 Pkath. On the 22n«l February, at 2flluss«*ll PIhcb. Trinity, Jvi in burgh, the dearly beloved wife of William Dixson Fisher, Civil Engineer and Contractor.
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  • 906 2 Test trip of the Kreta Hantu." Thkkk were great, times at the Electric Tramwav Station last night, ami even early yesterday afternoon, says Saturday’s Straits Times, when the news leaked out that Mr. Geuernl Manager Tandy and Mr. Construction Eugiueer Edwards had decided to give the Kreta
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 14 2 Penang. EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. UNKQUAI,I,EB FOR S ituation. Comfort and Catering. SARKIES BROTHERS, %:»■> I'rifprictnr
      14 words
    • 1817 2 Penang Swimming Club. INTEREST on the debentures for tbe year ending 31st March, 1905, will be paid ou and after tlie Ist April by the under»igued ou presentation of tiie del»enture bonds for endorsement. V. GIBBONS, kT ORWOOD, Logan Road. Furnished. Four Batli Room», Tennis Court. Apply to F. O.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1830 3 P. 0. i tAB 3* 9 S. N. Co. Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. \pril 13 s.s. Chilean connecting with s.s. Himalaya 27 s.s. Malta do s.s. India May 11 k.h. Bengal «1« s.s. Britannia 25 h.h, Nubia do s.B. Mongolia Homewards. f/\ cJ V' m r Norddeutscher
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  • 104 4 Justice taiirtlw everybody, ami luetice alone.— Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Numhiys.) ST TH CRITERION PRESS, Ld.. No. '22(i-232. Beach Street. I'enano PRICK DAILY, annum OU'ISTA'i'IONS Portage hxtr.i «All. KIMT'ON (foot He*) $l5 I’Altl.K AUHKKNK: Ec li o—Pen a n g I'oloplimw Nt». IBW. NOTICE
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  • 3379 4 About ;t month has elapsed since the tact was recorded in this journal that a serious difficulty had arisen in resjiect ot the slaughter of pigs at the Municipal Abattoirs, the Superintendent ofthat establishment having altered the hour for kiili n*r pigs from midnight to 0 p.m.
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  • 75 4 YVatkr Polo. The match played last Sunday—Scot land v. a heworld having resulted in a draw the Scottish team lias again challenge, 1 the oi Id ami a return match lias beenarranged t«> l*e played on Sunday, the lfith instant. The tide wil be suitable for afternoon
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  • 143 4 In a caw before the Bench Onurf to-.l ,v a wiinees protested that he did not know wliat a Bank note was. Mr. Shearwood, counsel for defence, hold mg up two five dollar notes, asked Wl».t are these Witness: “I don’t kuow.” Counsel: Do
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  • 173 4 Penang Agricultural-Horti-cultural Show, 1905. Jhe Honorary Treasurer acknowledges with thanks the following subscriptions:” Amount previously acknowle«lged #2,945 'l'he Clietty Community '350 Messrs Sarkies Bros. K)q Mr. Lim Sun Ho 30 Messrs Siu Ban Guan oMr. Leong Lok Hing go Mr. E. Zobel j (l Messrs Kwong Uu Co. |o Kwong
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  • 262 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament, j Following are yesterday’s results: Ladies' Single* Handicap. M rs. Adams beat Mrs. Murray. 7 5: 6 —3. l adies' Doubles Handicap. Mrs. Ebden and Mrs. Lemon beat M rs. Dunn and Miss Toxer, 6—0; 7 —5. Men* Singles Handicap. A. G. Anthony beat
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 55 5 March to Harbin. Japanese Advancing Slowly. (Supplied bg Reuter.) London, G Apiil. —In an official «lespatcli Field-MarshalOyama reports that his armies from Kiiiyuen continue advancing slowly in an extended front and are expelling the Russian patrols from the villages eu route. Onlva distance of f«rrtv miles separates the
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    • 280 5 Revolutionary “Raids. Arrests and Seizures. (Supplied by Reuter London, 5 April.—A st rong body of police au«l troops yesterday raided the criminal •piarter of Warsaw ami seized large «jiiaulilies of revolutionary pamphlets ami matii festoes, liesides revolvers and cart ridges. No fewer than sixty-three arrests of revolutionaries are
      280 words
    • 143 5 Epidemic Inevitable. Outbreak in. Russian Provinces (Supplied by Heuter.) Loudon, 5 April.—Cholera bus broken out iu the Russian Provinces of Tver aud Vladimir. The disease ba« continued throughout the winter in a mild form, but au epidemic is now inevitable with the advent of the warm weather. [Tver
      143 words
    • 91 5 King and President to Meet. (Supplied bg Renter.) London, ti April —The French Press is discussing iu a most gratified tone the prospect <»f an interview between M. Loubet. President of the French Republic, ami His Majesty King Edward, astlie latter is passing through Pgris on bis way
      91 words
    • 315 5 Great Loss of Life. Enormous Damage to Property. Supplied bg Renter.) London, b April.—A severe earthquake occurred yesterday in India, extending from Agra northward to Simla, causing enormous damage. It is feared that there has lieeu great Iqss of life, especially in Lahore, where many buildings collapse«l
      315 words
    • 92 5 Canon Lyttelton to be Headmaster. i Supplied by Heuter). London, 6 April. Tin? Rev. ll«>u. Canon Edward Lyttelton, m a., lias lieeu elected headmaster of Eton College. (Canon Lyttelton is an elder brother of the Rt. Hon. Alfred Lyttelton. Secretary of State for the Colonies, and has tieen
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    • 95 5 Increasing British Troops Details being Considered. (Suppiitd by Reuter.) London. 6 April—Replying hi the House of Commons to a question asked by Mr. T. R. Buchanan Litierai member for East Perthshire), as to whether the Government of India has asked for au increase ill the ulimber of British
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    • 142 5 Colonial Preference “Condemned.” Supplied by Heuter.) Loudon, April.—A motion brought forwanl by Sir Elli«>tt Lees (Conservative member for Birkenhead), condemning the policy of taxation oil food and Colonial preference, lias lieeu unanimously adopted by the House of Commons. The Government aud most of the Ministerialist party were, however,
      142 words
    • 379 5 Meningitis in New York. Big Death K»:i. (Supjdied bg Renter.) London, b April—An extraordinarily fatal epidemic of liieniugitis lias broken out in the city of New York, and no fewer than 148 deaths occurred «luring the week which ended on the 1st instant. Inspectors have been appointed to
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  • 278 5 London, 14th March.—The strength of the market has made further pi«>gre»s, chiefly ««wing to buying on Dutch account where the reduction of the Banca sale* has made a strong impression, and prices are hlhhil 30s. higher, although they do not close at liest. sav <£l2s for sliai p cash,
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  • 390 5 Thu following are the agemla for the ordinary meeting of the Commission tomorrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to lie read and continued. 2. Any special business the President may bring fortrunl. 3. Questions. 4. Air. Adams' motion iv improve<l method of kifliug dogs. j Revise«l charges for
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  • 376 5 I Hejore the lion. A F. Puitu, Judge. unit a 1,'ouiUtoH Jury 1 .r CULPABLE HOMICIDE. After the piracy case was over the ease l of Liui Sam Kau was called. This m m, who was charged with culpable homicide uot. amounting to murder and causing death
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  • 414 5 1 “, wriling to the Five Press, raises la very interestiug subject and one which j we have many times heard discussed, lie j says:— “It is truly wonderful with what marked persistence the meaning of the word Singa- (sire is put down as The Lion City,”
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  • 86 5 <JUIS (JVAI.IS." Old Burma's tropic clime can lx>aM No lovelier dower along her coast Thun Rangoon-creepers' scented bloom. Pale-rose at morn, blood-red at gloom. Though severed far bv rolling' seas I feel her breath with every breeze. Fond memories rise the heart to sting Oh for a
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    • 214 5 r To FMK Kllll'OH op IMK Slit 11|« K« llo. 1)BAR SlU, I shall feel much obiigisl > if you will kitully tiud spate i air un grievance regarding the insanitary condition of the drains along Dato Krauiat Hoad, especially the one opposite the Police Stat ion. I
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 214 6 3; r. y to NOTE. Dunville’s 3 Crown Whisky C* =3 &S 5 o rj i. Xj •og?’Ĕ rr 5T CT JT 1 C 3 “3 C/) s?cT;p ?.s v cP •> J- O rt> 75 c- c BS 1 4%* ft x 8“ A V. *«4 to now made
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  • 288 7 Ins. Kastkkn P«orifi'T«’i:ATK I iu. whole attention of the Vatican, from i he Pop** and Cardinal Merry d**l Val down to the humblest officials, is now centred iu Mamv, and iu the measures to be atlople*! •uni preparations b. I** made to tight the last phase
    288 words
  • 271 7 P**r P. A. (> steamer Hiiualavii. connecting with the steamer Chnsan at (Udoinho. from Mar. 17.—To Hroigkoog Mrs. i Bridger and child. Inspector W. >S. Warnack. Major a ml Mis. Konsall, Cap!, F. Warren, Mr. K. Andrews. Mr. A Harrison. To Mr. J. Ala hen. Mrs. Venuiore
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  • 382 7 Pimples Cured in Province Wellesley BY Dr. WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS. Impuuxties iu the blood ore the cause of skiu disorders such ;is E 07 oiua, Dimples, Boils. Il is o mistake to try mid cure eruptions such as these by means of salves and ointments
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 827 7 Dr. W. MANSON. DENTAL 3URQEON. Price Moderate, Consultation Free. Kfcxmnto at No- 17. Penang Road. A lew doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel, 65c 6 mth LEE CHYE DISPENSARY, No. '25b, CA liNA Ii VON STREET, PENANG. Tulkphonk No. ‘291. Open da}’ aud night From 6 a.m. to 9
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    • 266 7 DAVID BROWN Co., ■1, Logan’* Buildingt. Estate .Aleuts Auditors. Undertake Sales l, .V Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and Stock, Agents, Yarrow Hill Nursery, and Fruit Farm. For the supply of Seeds and Seedlings ot (Jocoimuts, Mangosteeus ;md Fruits of 71c every description. GEORGE WALKER, Chemist
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    • 10 7 P. Mo/r Crane Co.’s CYLINDER OIL. Sandilands Buttery ifc Co.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1172 8 DO you WAflf TOW£ts White Turkish Face Towels. SPLENDID WEIGHT SIZE 5» BY 25 INCHES Penan* Br.nch $5 50 Per Dozen only. ORDER EARLY AND SECURE THIS OFFER. r Our aim is lo earn and relain /or our branch here Ihe repulalion /or GOOD VALUE which we have so long
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