Straits Echo, 27 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 24 1 liIKTH. ON bun (lay, 2i>th Feb., It ♦(>-». ar No. 1 Ron.s Road. Penang 1 to Mr. and Mrs. H. Lees, a daughter.
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  • 44 1 Word ending Sun my. Mar. 7». »905. A.M. P.H. Moiniav, 27th 8.50 0 15 Tuesday, 9 .40 10.05 WediajsHa» Ist ...1040 11.05 Thursday, 2tni 11.30 Friday, 3rd 0 20 0 45 Saturday, 4tli 1 10 35 i Sunday, 5tU 2. 225
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  • 29 1 Last Quarier Feb. 28ill 430.5 A. New Muon Alar, ti n 1 J.l 7 e. l First 14th 3 45.8 O Full Muon 2lst *****-v m.
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  • 19 1 I 0-1» A V 24tli Day. Ist Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, 0 p.n. O-.MOKICOV. 25th Day, Ist Moon.
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  • 50 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Mjtw a ki»s. i. ivi kyy a lei».». Nubia 2 Mar I Chusan 4 M or. Simla 16 Benjal 18 l-.xira Nemct Ol'tWAwn» L *.\i k yv uu>. Ceylon 7 Mur. I'or mosi< 10 Mur. Pern 'll Jupun l< £jsgT Koi nai lieuiaiN i iiue
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  • 52 1 English (Nubia) 2nd Mar. Ohina (Chilean) 4th China (Sucha n) *th Cxermau (P. Heinrich) 9tli r extra P. <fc O. steamer Cevlou having leit Suez at moraine on Saturday. lStli instant, is expected to arrive here atdaviight on Wednesday, Bth proximo, and will” leave r >r Singapore, China
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  • 1127 1 Sidelights on the AVak. 1 he peasantry inhabiting a large number of villages between Niuloputz i li west of the Shape Ho) and Lia<>-tzu-fan (90 li south of the first, named) have suffered greativ from foraging operations. In addition to the usual complaints of non-payment, and of inadequate
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  • 139 1 1 i Pexano, 27tu February. i liy courtesy oj the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank ~.1/Jlj* t months’ sight, It»ok ...2,- 3 Credit. 2 ()J 3 Documentor» 2 0} s 'a.ieuria. Demand Bank 1 17 3 bays’ .sight Private i 49 Bombay. Demand Bank 1 17 3 days' signt
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  • 198 1 Bertiu wan Gold Mine C»»., L<l. 6 12. seller* Ruui> Australian Gold .Mining Co., lid 5 4. aunt. Ileuiaug l,el»oug G<»id MinUg Co., l*d c 200 notn. !\iuiaiia<io:d M ini C**., i <i i. •■fully paid) s In.- Brubeii '1 iu M'umg 0.. L 4. irte^ Kuningau Tin Milling
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  • 188 1 7G.— buyers j Goid leal <9:, B. Poi>|)eri x Coo*; :»lhs.i*o/..)# 2-F. —sellers White Pepper S 3S -sellers fraug Pepper. 3 24.50 sales Cloves (picked) 8 38. —suits VI ace 35 —sellers Mace Pickings .2.- sellers Nutmegs 11Os 41. —sellers y No. 1 G 10 uom Sugar J 3
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  • Shipping.
    • 139 1 ('1 AW ToXO, lir. S.e. lUS, llassall, 25til Fe. Asahan, 24th Fol>., Iren., iv. (.1. Co Umtv. Nor. s.s. 930, Ilnuscu, 20th Fe Rangoon. 22nd Feb.. Gen.,—K. C. F. Rim at, IJ i s.s. 21*7, Xeilsen, 20 Mi Fe l I>eli. 25th Felt., Gen.,- -H. L. Co. Hok Cantos,
      139 words
    • 84 1 f nii y, Nor. s.s. I*3o, Han sen, 20tii Feb., Rangoon, 22ud Feb.. Gen., K. G. Co. P. lii.m.yu, Br. s.s. 297, Neil sen, 25th Feb., Deli, 25th Feb., Gen.,- -11. L. «V, Co llok Canton. Ur. s.s. 294. Scott, 25th Feb.. Aeheeu, 22nd Fel>.. Gen.,-—B. H. Hin.
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    • 55 1 27th February. ' 7 ’un.j, lor Asahan. I Roturtu i, tor Tony kali. Canlou, for Pauykor :m<i Teluk Ausou. 4. Apcar for Calcutta, i Chau Tai. for Perlis and Setul.. j C’oJupso, for Deli. i titt.uni:, tor Singapore, China and Japan. MaJjttja, tor Deli. Copt' for Honilwiy. Fitfiioj Oroyau,
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    • 31 1 'VW. 1 Ai/futf hut» Nubia Oolondio A.G.&Cn. 2nd Mai Ajax Singapore VV.M.&C'o. [3rd Oliusau Singapore A.G.AUo. 4th Horn; Bee Singapore K.G.Co. 4th Oevlon Su^z A.G.ACo. 8th Beuvenue tioadon S.B.ACo. 12th
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    • 42 1 1 I'm 1 •ft'iil /fii re» 1 Nubia l •Siugu pore 1 A .G &Co. 1 L’ikI Mar. Ajax Genoa jW.M.&Co. 3rd Cinisau (Colombo !A.G.<!fcCo. 4tb Hong l*eo jSingapore |K G.C'o. Gtli Cevlou [Singapore |A G.&Co. ,8tl» Benvenue Siugapore |S. B.&Co.
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    • 78 1 Koii Puio Well. Oleldeli and Pudaug—Per Mafia Vojirv,ukis, to*morrow, 11 a.iu. Batu Bahru—Per Ilaltmjn, to-moriow 1 Laugkal and Paugkalau B randan -Per Petrel, to*morrow, to-morrow, 1 p.m. ]>eii —Per Pulu llltuau, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk^Ausou —Per Lady Wehl to-morrow :> p.m. Port Swettenhani, Kuala Lumpur ami Singapore
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    • 35 1 Imcard —Per Lady Weld, i'rolu lelul. AiiHoii. Meanrs B. P. Phillip*, 0. Law. W. Borch. J. A. W .Cornell, van der l>oe> do live. De Voogt, W. A. Bolting, A. Low, Ho Kim Kee.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 155 1 MARTYN Co. o WHISKIES. FOR SALE GREAT REDUCTION ‘Guide Book TO Bangkok Siam.' Price $3. OBTAINABLE AT Echo Office. HOWARTH, ERSKINE, LTD., Electrical Engineers Sc Contractors Enclosed Type Arc Lamps. miniature fire Lamps. ESTIMATES FREE. Contractors to the Governments OF THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States AND Motor Fans.
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    • 15 1 STEARNS’ WINE makes good, red. rich blood. Imparts youthful strength and vigour A nutrient Tonic.
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    • 173 1 A splendid reconstructive Tonic is Stearns Wine. Builds up, and renews strength. Try it, young or old. rHE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. r undersigned having l»eeu appointed L Agents for the above Corpora!ion, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rates.
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    • 28 1 SOLDENBERG ZEITLIN. 0 1 > V Genuine Pilsener Beer. NOBELS’ EXPLOSIVES Co., Ltd., GLASGOW. BLASTER GELATINE, gelignite detonator-. ’USES AND ELECTRIC BLASTING APPARATUS Ssndilaruls Rutterv Co Sol# fmeortmr* P«r»»nt,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 40 1 WEATHER. Signal i);m*ror <>t i 4 oii < /ormvaiiiK: > p.tu. i'iue N.W %.»4. if ii:< x S> Hr.} XL «x;r 87 Kim N.fc. 'it* 1:4-: nt :ri i <iut ni!; :iu* lit j .1 *.1.1 in-iiay was nii. *tj f*>. *-*()< |H4
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  • 733 2 The Tin Industry. It is very difficult for engineers and those interested in engineering to keep themselves acquainted with flie details of developments in the various parts of the British Empire, to say nothing of the countries of the world but it is absolutely necessary
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 88 2 KEEP YOUK BODY NOURISHED. j keep strong, your Doctor t«dls you so. Steam# Wine will assist you. Ask your Chemist. Au Iron Tonic also. The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company. Liverpool. London. I NsmcTKi». Cornhill Dale sStreet, 1836. ami Charing Cross. THE undersigned have, keen appointed' A genu
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    • 2249 2 Wanted at once C' IABHIER for a Mercantile firm. Married inau preferred. Security requited. Apply to S.” c o S/rait* Echo. 22-2-05 129 TO RENT. “ITTANTED to rent European n V y State terms and particulars 8-2-05 residence, particulars to “QUEENSLAND c/o Straits Echo. I mtb 91 WANTED. dfr»)/ A
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2133 3 VS Norddentscher Lloyd, Bremen. INTENDED SAILINCS. IV British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. c Homeward Mail. IGMMENCING with the k.b. “CWj uiandel p« ugnunmed to leave t Ins Tort on the Ith February next, the Homeward Mail Steamers may be expected to j arrive at Penang every alternate Satuiday,, before
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  • 121 4 1 JiiaMct bHUwtiea efMybody. anil |nFiii'« »l<«ie.~ Kiwwii» Kstablished June 1st, 1903. tl :\i Iy (excopr Kmnlny».) iT Tim CRITERION PRESS, Id., Mo. 23d—232, Beach St-rool, Pruning PRICE IIAil.V. IJMJAI, $-4 i>-< aununi OUTSTATIONS Kxtni MAI I EDITION ll«st K»**.*l .< 5 ‘‘A I5I.K ADDRESS; I: c
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  • 798 4 As recently iis the 10th inst. Penang was favoured with a brief visit from His Excellency Tong Sliao Yi, the Ini- perial Chinese High Commissioner, who was then en route to Calcutta to discuss with the Government of India affairs j connected with the Treaty recently j signed
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  • 116 4 Branch of Octhkik A Co. in Pknano. We hear that Mr. Simon Arozoo. chief i clerk of the old established Singapore firm of Messrs Guthrie Co., Ltd., has arrived in Penang with tloee Chinese assistants for the purpose of opening a branch of the firm 1 here,
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  • 479 4 Following is the balance-sheet of the 1 Penang Hand Fund for the year ended j 31st December, 1904 To balance in By wage» 89,640.00 hand 83.52 Rent 1,057.00 1MM Uniforms 35.13 Engagements 4.14_,M> j ustrumellts go.00 M unicipal Special PayGrant 5.000.00 ments 2,250.25 1 c Medical At* Sundry
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  • 1841 4 The Russian Situation. Poland, the Only Danger Zone at Present. The Revolutionary Programme. REFORMS PREDICTED. Trepoff to go to Manchuria. JAPANESE ORDERS FOR E GL NO AND AMERI A. (From Our Own Co> re^ondent.) Fleet Street 3 Feb. At the t me of writing the Russian workmen
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 339 5 Japanese Tenacity. Success at ilcrcsnff Hill. (Sup, li ed by Renter.) Loudon, 26 Fob.— Despatches received at St Petersburg stale that a J;i| :ities<* at tuck on Beieaneff hill on ilie night, of the 2-bd inst. was repulsed, but. was renewed yesterday (Saturday last when the Russians were
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    • 300 5 Shocking: Atrocities People Burned Alive: Corpses Mutilated. (Supplied by Reuter., Loudon, 26 Feb. —So far as the trade < l Russia is concerned, all the merchants and j the better classes of the people are tie* ing from Baku, where the riots are characterised as atrocities, men and
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    • 211 5 Coinmissieiters' Report. (Sullied by lie ter 1 London. 27 Feb.— The text of the North ■Sea Outrage Commissioners’ report i*. u evident I-igns of compromises U*ing arrived j l r lt P :lssil r(,s almost Con trad ictoi v j 1,1 accounting for the misleading characterof previous
      211 words
    • 36 5 To Conic out in November. Supplied by Renter.) London, 27 Feb.—lt is otficiallv an- I uounced that 11. R. H. the Prince of Wales j will visit. India in November next.
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    • 39 5 Tibetan Commis-i »ncr (iets Well-Deserv-d Promotion. (Suppf ed by Re ter.) Loudon, 6 F* b.- His Excellency Tong Shao Yi, rmperiai t'hmese High Commissioner to 'I i'oet, has i>cei! appointed Chinese i Minister at London.
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    • 51 5 Hill Meet Crowned Heads of Spain, Portugal, and Italy Echo Special.) Berlin, 27 Feb.—The Kaiser, when he is touring in the Medi err-.iiieaii. is to J meet the King of Spain and the King of Portumil at Vigoand Lisbon respectively". and also King Emmanuel of Italy" at
      51 words
    • 109 5 Professor Haitian Dies at Trinidad. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 27 Feb.—Professor Bastian < lias di j d at Trinidad. i Professor Henry Charlton Bastian. M.A., j 51.1». (London). F.K s.. F.I>.S.. was Consulting i riijririM to the National Hoonital for the 1 Paralysed and Epileptic, and to the
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    • 149 5 Selangor’s Annual Meeting 1 j Flection of Office-Bearers. {Echo Special.) Kuiia Lumpur, 27 Feb. —The first j minimi meeting of tlm SelangorChinese < ’hamberof Commerce was held o Saturdav last at 1 30 p m., and tin- proceedings j throughout were most euthasiastD, i iiuguriiig well
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    • 28 5 {Echo Special). Smdakan, 27 Feb.—A disastrous tire is reported t have broken out al Kudat on Saturday last, but details, are not vet to hand.
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    • 95 5 New Town Hall for Federal Capitai. (Echo Special. Kuala Lumpur, 27 F-b.—At a largely i attended meei dig of t lie leading t 'liinese held on Saturday i>t at 4 p.m.— Fowkav Jn n Sow Lin presiding—it was unanimously resolved that Towkavs L"ke Yew, Chan Sow Lin, and
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  • 135 5 Kinta Races. Echo Special,. lhitu Gajaii. 25 hob.—Following am results of last seven races to-day The Scurry Stakes—Chcstmere I. Bhtnavon 2. An easy win, The Shorts—Marsh (!*0) 1, Burnt wood (8 2; 2, Highlander (7 7 o. An easy win tire ran. Merchant Ucr Brilliant (ll.o Fuse.-
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  • 548 5 CV.w itTios Quashed on a Point or Law. ill jy\ Ihe Appeal Court at. Singapore gave judgment, mi ihe 22u«i iu the Bangkok murder case of R x rtt Along Palm. The Hon. W. R. Collver, Attorney-Geueral, represented the Crown, and Air. YanSomereu appeared for the
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  • 1016 5 How Letters Go Astray. On V\ edte-sday last,” says the Perak 1 ionef-i-, Mr. VV. C. Fplirautns of Tniping na<] suspicions that something was iml callv wrong somewhere in connection with the receiving of :r:s letters m Penaug and ti»»*wlieie, and suspectipg the hoia sly of his office
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    • 958 5 Kctile Efforts to Form a Trust 1» riiK Editor m thk Strut* Echo. Dear Sir,—Permit, me to add mv mite I to the interesting discussion of t he probahihtits of rubber steadily rising, or the reverse, now proceeding in your popular and impar- »ial columns. I ;yrH>
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  • 327 5 Hi' Honour the Lieut. -Governor ot Burma. •I ti.o Durbir hold on ioth'insf. at Gt»vorn* ".“’"l' House. Rangoon, in hi» address re- o wing the progress of the past year itrged '’pining upon of the country as was tom* l«\ iiious High Commissioners ot tt.el. M. 8
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 Wlii tea way, Laidlaw Co. Offer the Biggest Value in Penang for Cash
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    • 365 5 To-day's Advertisements. NOTICE. rptiL George Town Heading* Knom has ft this day U>oii it-moved to 108, Hu» loti Lane. 27-2-05 1 wk 14U FOR SALE CHEAP V r IOIOUIA and Gkkt Acstuaman v Gkliunu complete and in good coalition. Owner leaving Colony. App’y to KOH ENG 111 N. 27-2-05 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 645 6 T A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Healthful location, food the best, large play-ground, strict discipline, daily study classes under personal supervision of the Superintendent. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ENGLISH The very l»est place to send your boys after the Chinese New Year. Addr 10-2-04 3 tuis a wk u c K.
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  • 258 7 Hi. BuLNS. PIIILP Co.S EsPKBJtNCK. AJk. John E. Bingham writes to the 1 from .Sheffield under date of 9th January Messrs Burns, i’liilp, and (Jo., ot Sydney, have written wishing me to take au interest, iu the serious matter published in the Sydney Il.iilv Telegraph. Messrs burns,
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  • 412 7 Prod cor ion or 801 l ten Stull in Inoia. Calcutta. 7th Feb. -The last mouth or two lias witnessed an achievement which is of historic importance in the industrial ami economic development of India, namely, the production of rolled steel on a, commercin' scale from indigenous
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1387 7 NOTICE. VIEWS of Penan*', Singapore, Perak, Selangor, ami Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various up to 3 ft. on Bromide paper. VY. .JONES, King Street. Penum; Photographer. 3«r NOTICE. AGfcNTS FOR LLOYDS National Bank of China, Limited. National Bank of India Ltd. Insurance effected against ali risks. Sandi/ands. Buttery Co. BURN Co.,
      1,387 words
    • 119 7 STEARNS’ WINE is very palatable. An excellent tonic for children, especially if they are pale thiu. Do not delay. Mw*l be Stearns' lt. cures. TAIK HO Co. 82, Main Road, I'EKAIC, TAIPINO. (Established 1889). General Merchants, Provisioners anti Commission Agents. European Goods ot the highest quality. imported wholesale direct from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1348 8 TTONG BKK .U’O, General Storekeepers and Government Contractor j 70c 8*. MAIN ROAD 1P1NG. NOTICE. Messrs. THEAN CHEE Co. Beg to inform their customers, and the public generally, that their Office At present, is at No. 14, King St reel, Penang. 42c For Infants and Children. rs ELLS It'S A
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