Straits Echo, 25 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 29 1 Births. On sth February, at Shanghai. tii«‘ wife of P. Borkow>ky,of a sou. On 7tli February, at Shanghai, tin- iff of Gerald A. Tisdall. of a sou.
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  • 44 1 F«*r W.s.l ending Friday, Mar. 3, UlO5. a.m. r.M. Sat urday, 25th 7.1 U 7.35 j Sunday, 20t.1i B. 825 Monday, 27th 8.50 0.15 Tuesday, 28th 0.40 10.05 Wwinesdav, Ist ...10.40 11.05 I Dm radar, 2nd ~..11.30 Friday, 3rd 0.20 0.45 j
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  • 32 1 Last (Quarter Feb. 28th 4.^V..5 a.,\ j. O New Moon Mar. Oth 12.14 7 p.m. )I* irst Quart **r... 14th 3.45.8 p.m. O Full Moon 21st 11 50 9a m.
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  • 26 1 To-OA V 22nd l)av, Ist Moon h'iuta Race* 3rd Day. Town Baud, Golf Club, 0 p.m. To-MOHR'OV 21st Day, Ist, Moon. Church Services, see page
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  • 48 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OllTIVAKI»'. i I < >.\l hi W A a I >» A t(bio i 1/(11' (Jillicitn i J/(tr. I Hindu /6' Jieiujai IS j l-.xira Service. OPTUAROs. to 'IK"U:i'« Ceylon 7 Mar. I' oi'hto&u Rl 1 tu»'. Peru :*t Jjagf* I'oi parlieuiar* See Page 3
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  • 56 1 Luglish iA tibia) 2nd Mar. China (Chilean ttn China (Sac las n) 81 li German (P. Heinrich 9tli The extra P. O. steamer Cevlou having i left Suez at morning on Saturday, 18th instant, is expected to arrive here at daylight on Wednesday, Bth proximo, and will leave
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  • 131 1 Ti 11... S 7t*.3"A Business dene Gold leal *"9rv Pepper VV. Coasi. :>d> '.’A.—tellers White Pepper sellers Trau*r Pepper, business 3 25. sales Cloves (picked > '*s 38. files Mace 85 —seUer* j Msice Pickings setters Nutmegs 1I Os A. sellers r No. 1 Sugar nost.K-k Casket 0.25 sales
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  • 3159 1 'V ikei,E»* Telegraphy and War Correspondence. A paper on ireles» Telegrapln’ and War Correspondence wa» read on the lSth ultimo by Captain Lionel I Janies. ul the Society of Arts. London. Sir William Preece, vice-president id’ j the society, took the chair, and among the numerous audience present
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  • Shipping.
    • 100 1 Beuceelch. Br. 2,679. Thomson, 24th Feb., London. 18th Jan., Gen..S. B. JL Co. Taroba, Br. s.s. 3,656, Nader, 241.1 i Feb.. Singapore, 22ml Feb.. Gen.,— if. L. •fc Co. Malaya, Cer. s9Ol, Block, 25tl* Fel*., Deli, 24th Fell., Gen., B. M. Co. Cornelia, Br. 194, Marris, 24th Feb., Deli,
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    • 64 1 25th February. \i in //<•, L»»r L'liigkat. j LamjLul, for Teluk Auson. CornrltH, tor Deli. Li'jidmmj, for Singapore aud Hongkong. Mary Aunlin, for Port Swettenliain. for Port Swettenliain. Kuala t Lumpur aud Singapore < Jiaucn* for Colombo and Tutiuoriti. l&'/twm. tor Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai aud Japau. j ran Ha-nil,
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    • 67 1 For Asaium Per Tair Tuny, 27th instant, I 1 p.m. Tong kali -Per Rotorua, 27tli iustuut, 1 p.m. Paugkor and Teluk Anson—Per Canton 27th instant, 2 p.m. Perlis and Setul —Per Chan Tai, 27th instant, 3 p in. Deli—Per Malaya, 27th instant, 4 p.m Teluk Anson—Per Lady Wehl,
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    • 32 1 lntr<ini —Per Taroba,” from «Siugapore, Mrs. XV. E. Hooper, Mr. G. W. Hawlev, Mr. H. S. T. Smail, Mr. Mr. Sou" Sung Geok, Mr. Lee Sooti Swee aud Mr. C. Pillay.
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  • 129 1 Pknam». 25th Fcbuitahy. <hy euurtemj of the (Jltart*r*<l Itanfe.) laindon Demand Hank ...l/lli 4 months’ sight Hank 111 4 •> < hod if 2/- m i »«>«*« jiii•-11 r.: 2 'hh'iiiu. Demand Hank Its. 14GA davs’ sight Private I IBA Konii.jiv. I >«? 111 :i<i< 1 Han) 14<»^ i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 43 1 WEATHER. i hk foiiowiii-j :otK'i i 1' kitu'm *u»piie<i hy Iim I hf#H*i4»! -»i l 4 »»n < .«>nivv;iiii*: J<w tli. 88 8< w t. I loud y Drizzling **>»*-• \\n. S.W. .South V." l’iif lauitall umiti-4 Tii« hour» ,ti li si.hi. lo-tlay wits uil.
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  • 42 1 Death*. On ftli February, at Shanghai. Arthur Douglas, of the Piugsliiang Collieries. aged 47 years. On tfth February. at tho Kiang-u Chemical Works. Frederick Maun, aged 65 years. On Bth February, in the St. Louis H spitnl. Bangkok. Mrs. .1 Canlfoild James.
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  • 1281 2 Racing in Russia A jockey mimed Hoar, who has returned to America from Russia, lias given some interesting particulars of racing as it takes place in the dominions of the Tsar. Racing in Russia is truly a rich man's sport,” said Hoar, m nu interview. You don’t nee
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 253 2 WANTED. I > Y an European iu good position a loan D of $5OO, repayable iu mouthly instal- j meuts at 12 to 15 per cent. Apply to B."’ c o Straits Echo. 30-1-05 74 Wanted at once CIABHIER fur a Mercantile firm. Marf ried umu preferred. Security rei quired.
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    • 1631 2 Sunlight Soap v Half the wear of clothe* washed with Impure soaps is due to the rubbing and beating neeoed to remove the dirt. Sunlight Soap does the washing itself being a pure soap, nothing but soap. It dissolves all impurities, and when the clothes are rinsed the stains are
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1838 3 9 ll/l 2 INTENDED SAILINGS. Homeward Mail. 10MMENC1NG with (lie s.s. “Corov inaudel piograimned to leave this Port oil the 4th February next, the Homeward Mail Steamers may l*e expected to arrive at Penang every alternate Saturday, Indore daylight, bailing again not latei than 10 the same day. r
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  • 82 4 J isnir eatiode* everybody, and xl»ue.—Kw«rmu Established June Ist, 1903. Pnblislietl «lailjr (except MniMliyO AT THR CRITERION PRESS, LU., No. 22fi—232, Boacli Stiwf, IViiaiit; PRICK DAILY, LOCAL f-i i>m Hiiiiuin OUTSTATIOJiS i’ontajce Extra MAII. EDITION Kt«*> ST, <’A lil.K ADIMIKKK: E c li o—P e n
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  • 1536 4 A Serious Grievance. In out issue of Thursday last we pub- lislied the simple, yet pathetic, plaint of the humble tisherfolk of Matang. in the neighbouring State of Perak. It is a plain, unvarnished statement of facts, revealing a very serious condition of affairs which cannot be
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  • 867 4 Ordinary Meeting The ordinary fortnightly meetiug of the r Municipal Commission of George Town was held in the Municipal Chambers yesterday afternoon. Mr. J. VV. Haililax, President, presided and there were also present Mr. L. H. Clayton and Mr. Lim Eu Toh with Dr. G. VV. Park (Health
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  • 848 4 A,, «ual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of the sub--1 seribers to the Penang Library was held at 5 p.m. yesterday at the Town Hall. i„ the absence of the Hon. Resident Counctllm the chair was taken by Mr. A. H. Lemon (the Government nominee) and there
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 254 4 PRITCHARD C 0.,! McAlister Co. Ltd. /5, Beach Street Penang FOR HOMEWARD TRAVELLERS. Cabin Trunks, Overland Trunks Imperial Trunks, Steel Trunks. Uniform Cases, Leather Trunks, Hat Cases, Cabin Bags Holdalls Gladstone Bags. Kit Bags, Brief Bags, Travelling Bags, Rug Straps. Heavy and Medium Weight Pure Natural Llama Wool Under Clothing:
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    • 7 4 Whiteaway’s Value In Gents’ Socks is Marvellous
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  • 62 5 The Tsar’s Armada. Snt'plied by UetUcr. t Loudon, 2"> !*d>. Renter’s den correspondent reports that five xessels of tlie Russian Baltic squadron have passed Mogadoxo, a Portuguese Port in Last Atiica, near Cape Guarduafui, bound southwards. Heavy Artiliery Duel. A heavy artilleiy duel between the opposing forces on
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    • 122 5 V Town Bombarded Supplied by Renter.; Loudon, 24 Feb.—lt i\ reported at Constantinople that, the situation at Balourn um l Poti, seaports on the Black Seat. »s so serious that a portion of the I Hack B*ia fleet has bond aided Poti. The strikers are all Georgians and
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    • 114 5 The Shooting Fatality. i Echo Special.) Singapore, 25 Feb.—The inquest on the Chinese bov who was killed in Mr. H. A. II nut’s room at Raffles Institution by a rifle shot, was riNopened yesterday, but was adjourned. The Hylain Boys’ Association lias subscribed •S5OO to retain Mr. G. E.
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    • 41 5 A Great Work Completed (Echo Special). Berlin, 2 4 Feb.—The Simplon tunnel under the Simplon Pa>s in Switzerland has been pierced. (Supplied by Reuter. London, 25 Feb. —The Simplon tunnel was pierced yesterday, completing six years wot k.
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    • 124 5 The Commercial Treaties. Echo Special;. Berlin, 24 Feb. —The Kaiser lias s«nla marble bust of himself to Count v«»n Bulow, the German Chancellor, congratulating him oil the passing of the new commercial treaties. Ihe Bundersfursten, viz the rulers ot the Federated States of Bavaria, Saxony, and YY urtemburg and
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    • 31 5 The Mad Mullah. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 25 Feb.—The Mullah is reported to l»ea day’s march from Obbia and to have killed ueveial of the Sultan of < *l»l>ia i*"*u.
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    • 96 5 The Army {Supplied by Renter, i The House of Commons has rejected by •*54 t,> *207 votes an amendment o ie iure» by Mr. Coed W. Nort»». L,l«nU Member for Newington, Government of grave negligence >be management of the ai my. The New Short Rifle The House of Lords
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  • 48 5 Kinta Races. Echo Special. Uatu Guj tli, 25 Feu.—Tho foilownor ire the results of:— Champion Guikfik Cci\ Tarquiu j Gaiueeock o Lucky Jiui y Seven ran and Tarquiu won easily. Kinta St. Leokk. ■Starlight Cadenas o Lui worth 3 Time, 3.43. Won bv three lengths
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  • 798 5 j(I root the Ifnlletin of lhe Imperial Institute.) i A specimen of grey-bine corundum. 1 veiffhiug about 3 ozs., was forwarded to the Imperial Institute by Mr. Leonard Wrav, Curator of the Perak Museum, in Novemlier, 1903. lie stated that this material had! been collected
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  • 96 5 Rev. Bio. James, the Director of the Bt. j Xaviers Institution, writes to us us fol-1 I Jows: "Will you kindly say in to-dav’s issue that i am extremely thankful and grateful the Directors and Editor <»T the Echo un<] t»_i all the kind persons who have
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  • 143 5 j lx the Municipal Progress Report for last month wo read under the hea»iiiig Town YY ati-r Supply The Municipal Engineer suites tliat the How of tli*- Aier lllam and Waterfall j streams is at present all being used in town «luring (lie day time, and the
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  • 154 5 Accokoino to the latest available trade returns, the quantity of blncbaii exported from Perak in 19U3 was 8,7*9 piculs: from Selangor 15,107 piculs an»l from Negri Sembilan 12 piculs, making a total of 23.008 piculs. The <|uautitv exporteil from Matamg. Perak, in 1002 was 559,000 catties valued
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  • 508 5 The go-ahea»l Federal Capital is moving another st»*p iu advance of Hie rest of Malaya, as m <y be judged from t iie following announcement, culled from our Kuala Lumpur contemporary F. M. 8. Automobile Club I'KOIMSEII :.iOXOK OXMKUANA. To be held on Saturday, Ist April. 1905, commencing at
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  • Article, Illustration
    869 5 il. fl. S. Thetis v. Penang The visit of U. M. 8. Thetis to this port was taken advantage of by the fool bail section of Penang Cricket Club to arrauge fi*r a match which was played on (Ik; Esplanade pitch yesterday evening. The homesters have not !*«?e’i indulging
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    • 903 5 LS, Says a PDANIEU. 1« mt Enuou ot me SiUAiid Echo. 6iu, —A our correspondent Merchant,” wiio does uot agree with your forecast of a steady rise m the value of plantation rubber to the vicinity of 6s. during the current vear, ha& uot. in uiy
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  • 16 5 (Jutiranl Per Java, for AJttlneilieo, Mi»s> C. Jones. For London, Mr». tV A. I». Hrown.
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  • 140 5 Skxaokrima Sunday. ai. c Ohuuoii (Churchof England)— Matins Choral 8 a.iu. Evensong aud beruiuu, i» p.m.— Kuv. F. W. ilaiuoa, Col. Chaplain. i kesjiy itKiAN' Cuukch (Pryo Uoch > <..15 atu. aud (Northam KoadiG p.iu.—iiov. li. 1. WliittoU, XI.A. Service at the Mission Chapel, Farquhar Street, at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 630 6 CO •M S c o A. o ffl CO xrCuHsy.yz-. sv c N 0 -S;Muy sttitj? x"t Outo»CAST w tf&a ROT.uwf fj/-\ r> r- p^yiQi 3 os r s H* >s 50 > S 3 p w P O ss 4 'tPORF 5* 4 3= 3 *d H O TRAO£
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  • 921 7 1 hi.lit are many storks of the Christmas w a home pai <r, ijut none is quite so a» that ot the gentleman who, affording to veracious history, telegraphed lo his oiacc oi business trom a station on his line Sorry can t come up to-dav. Have
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1373 7 NOTICE. of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, ami Sumatra. Photos enlarge»!, vat ions si/,**» up to 3 it. oil Bromide paper. \Y r JONES, King Street. PomiHg Photographer, 86c NOTICE. DAVID NATHANIEL, Kstablihhbd 1882. Architect, Lana Surveyor, Estimator, Contractor, Appraiser, Decorator, and Commission Agent, 304 a, PERAK ROAD, PENANG. Telephone No.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 999 8 OUR LEADER FOR VALUE. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., PENANG, HAVE A BIG GOT OF GENTS’ BLACK CASHMERE SOCKS Secured from the Manufacture at a very Special Rate, seamless feet, stamped fast dye, an exceedBLACK CASHMERE SOCKS ingly cheap line. $2.90 PER DOZEN PAIRS. AN ITEM OF OUR VALUE. We Return your
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