Straits Echo, 24 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 35 1 Straits Echo I».LV CHRONICLE E,EN TC CHiaiEATHHi THMUEHOHT THE ST.AIT? THE FEDERATEI> MALA j STATES. AN» THE FA. EAST y VOL. 3. $24 Per Annum. PENANG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 1905. Single Copy, 10 cen(s Vo. VI
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  • 71 1 MARRIAGE'. >N l>e<- :t|. at Doornfoutein. Johanue>!mri' K. <1. Grant-Smith, son of Grant-Smith. Ksi|. of HouK'koiifr. to Alice Adler. On Jan. '27. at St. James's, Piccadilly. hy tin I lev. Chancellor Lias. father of the bridegv<>oni assisted hy tlie Rev. Cuunn McCormick. Francis James Lias. of Vokohamn. to
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  • 42 1 endiny Thuisdav. Mar 2 I;**!.',. A. At. .M. Friday, 24th t>.2b Sat urday, 25th 7.10 7. 25 Sunday, 26th 8.- s 25 Monday, 27th 8.50 15 j Tuesday, 28tli 0.441 10.05 j Wednesday, Ist 10.40 11.05 Thursday, 2nd ...11.JO v
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  • 32 1 ]'o-I)AV 21st Day. Ist Moon. Meeting, Commissioners. d j,*.m. Meeting, Penang Library, 5 p.m Town Hand, Esplanade. 0 p.m. To-nokimiw. 22ud Day, Ist Moon. Town Hand, Golf Club, 0 p.ui.
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  • 26 1 East, Quartet Feb. 28th LJo.S a.*i. '•.New M< am Mar. tit 1, 12.11.7 p.m. •j (Quarter 14th 3.45.8 p.m. O huh Moon 2Ut11.50 9A.ii.
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  • 53 1 English (Nubia) 2u«l Mar. China (Chtutin) ph |j I'hiua (4Ioc4«?m) Bth German (P. Heinrich) 9th I mi: extra P. A. O. steamer Ceylon having left Suez at nioiuiug on Saturday. 18th instant. is expected to arrive here at daviight mi W ednesday. Stl, proximo, and will*leave tor Singapore.
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  • 46 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. t l. 'I A Kl •»> linMKt\4ttlis. \ubia Mar (Jkusav Mar. j Simlit 10 liea<ial Iff Hxtra Service. 4 fI'TW A RI>H. ii<UIKWAKI(». I Cry!on Mar. Java ‘*4 J< v h. Peru ‘!1 Formosa 10 Mar iaT I'or particulars .Sec Paue I
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  • 1302 1 A bolt Koujkstvbnsky. Kodjmtvknski is a humourist and during the past six months lie lias been worrying |,is ill-mated officers and men into efficiency by characteristic metiiods. Instead of storming or reprimanding, he issued periodically general orders’* tv» iioid up careless and ignorant officers to the derision o,'
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  • Shipping.
    • 123 1 ,Ukka ;V r. VJ s. VI. I».h>, I Llj I "ii Swetteuliam, J.', w b'.M. S.Govi. L A.w\o, hr. s.«. d.ndd. bains, Swansea, I, Ik», I W\ M. A C’o Xajiamia. Dr >*.«!»;;. Aehesou. Jdrd F*tf.. Madras, I-ti, Feb.. Get... 11. 1,. AC... A\a.,w:k. l»r. s.> J 47, Morier.
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    • 66 1 MtUA.s. F. M. 8. U. Jou. botige, JUi, Feb.. I orf Swettenliam, Jdrd Feb \ii I'. 31. 8. Govt. IjAmjkat, Ur. s.s. 14H, Inddell, J4U* Feb.. Toiulv Anson, -Jdrd Feb., Clou. K. G. (Jo. Vai.kntvn. Out. s.s. on. Van Urdeu, Jdrd l eb, Oeli. 2Jud Feb., Geu., —H.
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    • 80 1 Februarv. •/or./. IniCoioinU» and Tuticonn. I*. Hof- /<•///«, lor Cat.u Caliia. Tooy Cliuij I lor Asuban and iiaUi fcUiuii fur- Port Sweiteulrani and Malacca. .1 lor Fori Swelleuliaui A Singapore. Tody II chi, lor Teluk Anson. S»ftrr,ferroou, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, la iileli I ulo Web and
      80 words
    • 62 1 i 1 rssel* Aijentn Due Gleuesk Loud ou WM.ACo.26Mi Fel Buceutaur Singapore jB.&Co. 25th Flen.sburg Singapore B.M ACo. 25tli .Nassovia i Hamburg B.M.ACo. 125th Silesia i 1 Hainbueg B.M.ACo. 2Gth Unity Rangoon K.G.Co. 2Gth Capri Singapore B.M.ACo. |25th Glancus t Singapore iW.M.ACo. |25th A. A pea r Singapore A.A
      62 words
    • 59 1 .1 <;*»«/» l,*itrr m Glenenk Singapore B.&Co. 25th Feb. Bncentaur Marseilles H.&Co. 25th Fleusburg 'Hamburg B M.ACo. 25th N.issov i;i Singajiore H.M.ACo. Silesia Singapore B.M.AGo. Capri Bom buy H.M.ACo. 25th Glulicus London W M ACu. 25th A. A pear Calcutta A A.A Co. f 27th Unity Rangoon K.G&Co. 28th
      59 words
    • 66 1 bolt:— l<»ngk»t Pei Jin Ho, to-iiiorrow, I p.m. L'ulul. Anson -Per Lonykal, I» iimnw, p.m. I>eli IV» (Jorwhn, to-morrow, il p.m Niugapore arid Hongkong Per Lightnimj. to-morrow, '1 p.m: Port Sweftenliam. Kuala Lumpur and Siugu|joiY- Per Kietna, to-morrow, !> p m. Kdie, T. Serna we, Segli,, Oleiileij, Pm
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    • 44 1 award —Per Merau, i i‘< uu PortSnettenlwun, Messrs <'umpl*>ik konuev, Mrs. Stewart and Miss Stewart. Per Zatnania.” Crvau, Madras, Mrs, Guodser and infant. Per IjaJv Weld,” from Teluk Anson, Hou. Joliu Turner and Mr. E. Sheatou. Pw: iangkut,” I'coui Teluk Ausou Mr. Xissiuetou,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 164 1 IHARTYN Co. WHISKIES. NOTICE, tisiiai monthly sale of Pawnbrokers' I forfeited Pledges for sums exceeding s IP will be held punctually a» 11 o'clock a.hi. on Monday and Tuesday, the 6thJand 7th proximo, respectively, at "No. 42, tieach I StreetThe 101 l cited Pledges may be viewed I rom 10
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    • 20 1 STEARNS’ WINE, after influenza and pneumonia. An ideoi reconstructive tonic' that gives immediate benefit. Increases weight, renews strength and vigor.
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    • 109 1 NOTICE. T UTICE is hereby that the 4-1 Tapioca Estate at Fetani chop Uaji Juo Cheung, together with aii Ijook-debts belonging to Khou .Sin Yeang, were purchased mi the 'JUIIi day of January J'JUO, by the undersigned, who will nut Uresponsible fur the debts uud liabilities of, the said chop
      109 words
    • 183 1 CROWN BRANC TO rbf <* ms -v\ £«t* 0i 3 as «30S 1 C\Brc nßrr-mcn bttd many. Rijlflld. Berjjmann Co. OR KUOAI Ban Eng Seng Co. Ban Seng Co. Chiat Seng Co. Him Taik Bee. iieach Street Penang, li>. l-OS tri-wk Jiinlis 86c I NOTICE Messrs. i THEAN CHEE Co.
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    • 7 1 fiOLOEKBEfifi 4 ML». X Genuine Pilsener Beer.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 40 1 WEATHtfi. hk luilowiuj» repofi. Lite Direoior >(' r '<< > p.ui. ajD, T««*«nt») ru-it»)’ Tl*. !<S 33' Hi, T>ul 1 Clear Wti. N.W, >.w. lie laiut'ail iiunni; the At,*.* to-dav was. uii. tv supplied in iitvaii:»:— M.Vt: 37' line SoUtll Iiimii.5 eminij f
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  • 16 1 Death. On Jam. JS>. suddenly. at Frankfort-on-Main Max Groto. of Bremen. formerly of Hoiiy-komr HJfed 51.
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  • 821 2 Workers' Plea to Tsar Text ok Touching Appeal. The petition which the Russian strikers have prepared for presentation to the Tsar on Sunday, loth lilt., was in the following terms:— Sire, VV’e workmen, inhabitants of St. Petersburg, of all classes, and our wives and children and indigent
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 55 2 CHIN JOO Co., tSH, Beach Street. General Storekeepers, Provisioned and Commission Agents. JUBT RECEIVED A CONSIGNMENT OF VARIOUS ASSORTMENTS OF Cigarette Cases, Cigarette Holders, Cigar Holders, Leather Alberts, Hunting Crops, Silk, Watch Chains, Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes, Lisle Thread Shirts, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Ac., &c. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. KIIOO CHIN TEE,
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    • 2386 2 WANTED TO RENT. FOR SALE. Municipal Notice. TjURNISHED HOUSE wanted al>out r Ist March fur two gentlemen. Address: HOUSE, e/o Straits Echo Office. 23-2-05 132 WANTED BY an European in good position a loan of 8500, repayable in monthly instalments at 12 to 15 per cent. Apply to B.” c
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2122 3 k T a Homeward Mail. CHtMMENCINU with the s.s. CoroJ niandel M programmed to leave this Port on the 4tli February next, tlie Homeward Mail Steamers may be expected to arrive at Peuaug every alternate Saturday, Instore davlighl. sailing again not later than 10 a.m. the same day. A f
      2,122 words

  • 121 4 I’knanu, 24th Feiiuuaky. (Hy courtesy of the Chartered Hauk.l London Demand Bank ...1/11$ 4 months* sight. Bank ...2 3 Credit ...211 3 Documentary ...2/j 3 Calcutta, Demand Bunk Rs. 147 3 days’ sight Private 1411 i Bombay. Demand Bank 147 3 days’ sight Private 149 Madras, Demand Bank 146|
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  • 186 4 I’m... 3 76.6 U Gold leal 794 15. Pepper \V. Coast 311»5.50z.)5 24. —sellers While Pepper 38 —sellers Trans Pepper, business 25. —sales Cloves (picked) 5 38. —sales Mace 85. —sellers Mace Pickings 72. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 41. —sellers 7 No. 1 6.10 vom I 6ugar < 2
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  • 69 4 Jnmice MttafiM everybody, and Susrit-e alone. Km-t<m,. Established June Ist, 1903. Vnhtiphed daily (except Snnd.iys.) AT TH CRITERION PRESS, Ld M No. 226-232. Beach Street, Penang. CAMI.It ADOKKSS E c h o—P e n a n g Telephone No. 188. tlditor. Chbsnky Duncan. MM SEND *****. Miiuayinif
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  • 1540 4 Penang’s Position on Pertinent Points. To thosk who have studiously perused the annual report of the Penang Chamber of Commerce and the proceedings at the yearly meeting, as reported in our columns, it must be obvious that the commercial interests of our island houie are in
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  • 867 4 M essrs I jew is and Peat's report, dated Loudon, 3rd February, contains the following particulars of rubber sales STRAITS. 3 cases tine dark' biscuits, marked Bukifc Kajali, 6s. l^d. 5 cases tine ditto, mixed colours, marked ditto, 6s. l|d. 1 case fair scrap, marked ditto, 4s. 1 case
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  • 944 4 UpoiiEa Bench Court yesterday, hearing was resumed in a case, adjourned from last week, in winch Hadjec Mat A shat. 0 f Permataug low, and two others were tried on a charge of cheating one Puteh, a paddv planter ot Kedah. According to the storv of the prosecution
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 274 5 North Sea Outrage. Commission s Report Disappointing. (B upptied by Reuter.) London, 23 Feb Tlic newspapers generally are disappointed with the finding of the North Sea Outrage Enquiry Commission, which does not discuss tlie question of the presence or absence of Japanese torpedoers amongst Lie North Sea fishing
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    • 214 5 Its Effects. Railway Communication Cut. (Supplied by Reuter. London, 23 Pel».—Owing to the railway strikes Poland is eut off from Germany and Austria, and the terminus of the Vienna railway at Warsaw is occupied by troops. Baku. Ihe Recent Bloodshed. London, 23 Feb.—A delayed telegram from Baku, in
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    • 54 5 Commercial 'I reaties (Echo Special) lierlin. 23 Feb.—The Reichstag lias passed the bill for the revision of the German commercial treaties with various Powers by 227 to votes. International Amenities Kniser Wilhelm and President Roosevelt. have been made Honorary Doctors of Law of Pennsylvania University, resulting in the exchange
      54 words
    • 40 5 A By-Election. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23 Feb.--In succession to Bir •1.. A. Willox. Conservative member for Eger I oil. Mr. Banner. Conservative, has liecn elected, polling 3.854 votes against 2,513 cast f"i the I liberal candidate, All Aggs
      40 words
    • 67 5 Ihe New Naval Programme. (Supplied by Reuter.) L London, 23 Feb. —The French Minister ,of Marine has announced in the Chamber i that the proposed new naval programme i includes the construction of four large 1 warships, involving an annual expenditure „f foilr-and -three-quarter millions sterling Until 1917, during
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    • 85 5 t New Scheme of Government i Suppled by Renter.) Loudon. 23 Feb.— Reuter's Agency teams that, in connection with the unsatisfactory comiit on of f iie Balkan States, as mentioned iu the Kings speech to Parliament. Lord Lausdowue, the Foreign Minister, has submitted to some of the Poweis
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    • 83 5 The Home Rme Aftair. i i Shpplied by Heater. London. 23 Feb.— Air. John Redmond moved the adjournment of Hie House of Commons in order t<» «lis*:u>> the .Sir «Antony Mucdonnell affair. Some sensation was caused by All. Wyudham, Secretary for Ireland, reading correspondence iietweii himself ami Sir Antony
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  • Article, Illustration
    400 5 Kinta Meeting 1 Vestcrdav’s Results. r (Echo Sjteciale. i J Batu Gajaii. 23 Feb:—Following ale results of to-day’s races First Race Marsh 1, Risbv. Kinta Stakes,—Cadeuas I, Llauavou 2, Luhvorth 3. Grifiins Race—larquiu I. Gamecock 2, Branksome 3. Objection raised to winner. Ex-Griffins R.x e Untong 1, Currency
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  • 703 5 A UKNBK.vti meeting of tne Penang bmindi of the Young Men’s o>>risfian Association vvas held ester, lay evening iu the Towu Hall, for the purpose of leceiving reports as to Hie Association's prospects and of electing! I directors. Dr. G. W. Park presided, and 1
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  • 955 5 Russia anti Chinese Neutrality. Will the Dragon Become Involved in the War? y KKI’MR I K!) SPECIAL MLSSIOX: T’O PKKING. GENERAL ELECTION EXPE( TA I loNs. i RUSSIAN UNREST. < h rout Oar Otcu (Jorrespondent.) 1 Fleet Stkeei, 27 January. The Russian Note on Chinese neutrality has
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    • 593 5 I NEHLAL Tkkatmknt OK P.vssknokus. To Aik Kofi on or Tiik su:.uis Ki uo. ItK’AH 'Sir, Kiudly allow me a iittit space in your impartial paper to draw attention to the unfair and apparently irregular treatment of passengers bv the F.M S railway oflicials.
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  • 311 5 (Cribbed f rom C tin fh. i Recent events i" St. Petersburg t« ud to show that, ifiven JavtHirable. condition*, tho Russian Anuy, no less than the Baltic fleet, can gain victories. Meanwhile the outlook generally in Russia is so' threatening that it is not at al. impossible.that the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 621 6 CO •M S N\\\\vTOwwirr:i ut*r/%£ nxNN M 0 0 G if TgyrM»:g \$P GRO'tlW'f > Pn p r.. pPYIKNp ZffIALLY SB# VfO nf®» THt STB^ly!' s t) os W. CORNFIELD. Tailoring, Outfitting, and General Store Graham Co.. Ld., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street Penang p EGS to intimate to his
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  • 898 7 I hl M.idius Corporation i» reported to U; eugaged i u exjieriineuts with Dr. Moored ol purifying water with sulphate of cooper (bluestoue). A number of stagnant temple and other tanks are being treated. 1 he experiments are exciting a great deal of nteiest among the local
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1405 7 NOTICE. ot Peiuuig, .Singapore, Perak, N. D. deSJLVA, MA iWUiFACT UP INO JBWELLLR Selangor, and Sumatra. Photon enlarged. various sizes up to oil ou Bromide paper. r JONES, King Street. Penang NOTICE. DAVID NATHANIEL, Estahi.ihhkd 1882. Architect. Lana Surveyor. Estimator. 25-11-04 Contractor. Appraiser, Decorator and Commission Agent, 304 a, PLRAK
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    • 27 7 Jeye’s Perfect Purifier. The best and most powerful disinfectant extaut. in 1 and 5 Gallon Drums and in 40 Gallon Casks. Quotations on Application. SAMHLANDS, BUTTERY C*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1313 8 WHITEAWAV'S CASH DRAPERS PENANG. NOTICE THE PENANG STEAM SAW MILL CO., Sungei Pinang Penang. Post Orders must be accompanied by a Remittance FOR SALE Deposit Department ALL KINI>S OF Planks, Scantlings, Timbers, etc., Large or Small. ORDERS Promptly attended to. For the convenience of customer the Coinuanv has Branches at
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