Straits Echo, 23 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 124 1 Birth. On li'tli February, »t No.}* Dhoby Ghaut. Singapore. Ilie wife of G. 5 Hausen, of a son. Makkiaoks On 4th Fel).. at Holy Trinity Cathedral Shanghai. by Rev. A. J. Walker. '1 Albert Edwin House. Lieutenant Royal Navy. If. M. 8. Sirius, seventh son of Itte Mr.
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  • 45 1 hoi eet ending W r edues»lay. Mar 1 1 o**s. A.M. l liiiis.iav, 23rd 5.30 5.55 Friday, 24tli <>.2o fi 45 Saturday,2stli 7.10 735 j Sunday, 26t.1i 8. 825 Monday, 27tli 8.50 015 Tuesday, 28th 9.4** ...V 10.05 Ye<inesda.v t Ist ...10.40 11.05
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  • 29 1 Jo- n a y 20tll Day, Ist Mool). KinUi Race*. 2nd day. Town Hand, Golf Club. 0 p.m O-MOKIIOW 21st Day, Ist Moon. Town Band, Esplanade, t> p.n
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  • 29 1 l«ust Quarter Feb. 2Mli 4.30 sa.m. New Moon Mar oth 12.1 7 v First Quarter J ltli 3.45.8 i*.m O Full Moon 21st II 50 0 a
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  • 95 1 English {ZiiHftxia) 23»d Feb. English Nubia 2ud Mar. hina CUawn) 4-tli China (Sacha n) Bth German iP. lf*'.*rick 9rli ihe I». L. 8. N. (Joy p s. Zainaniu with the mails from Enrol** h-ft it i a in. on 8 unlay. and ma» l>e expected I to arrive
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  • 52 1 P O. SAILINGS. Bail Service. 1 lU’l AKHK. iiliMKn AKl’v A nbiu 2 Mur dm si tit i Mur. ‘Simla hi JienyaJ 1& hxtra Service. j Oitwauop. i i o.»i koa ki»s. i Ceylon 7 Mai. Jura 24 h’eb. Peru V/ Formosa 10 Mar. i 4oi pai ii' Oiai p
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  • 1384 1 A Lady's Exckkienci. in I\ k t Arthur. Or the many refugees tYom Port. Arthur t\h have arrived at Shanghai, perhaps the wife of a Russian Naval officer relates the most thrilling tale! of the t* rrible siege. For obvious i reasons, the lady’s name cannot be published.
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  • 135 1 Prnano, 23kd February. fliy courtesy oi Ihe (Jknrttrrenl ltunic, t liondon l>eiiiaud Bank 1/11 J g 4 months’ sight Bank 2 •> Credit 2 J 3 kt*>eiim**nt-ir\ .2. 3 I L'ah‘u; D», Demand Bank l£->. N 74 J > days’ sight Private MiG Bombay. Demand Bank i47A 3 days’sight
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  • 200 1 He siin:tiiG<>l<i Mill»;*.'»».. I i. S i->. sellers J Raul» Australian G»»i*l Mining C'O., fxi I *****1 j Ueujaug Tjeitoiig G »l»l Min- ;ng C*»., l<«i S 230 uoni. |j l\a*l:uia*4ol»l M tiling <J»)„l»t«\. fully paid) S }o. i>»'us**ii i :ii Mining Co.. I<*i. "i 2. sales hnningaii Jin
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  • 188 1 I'm... 4 /♦».80 Gokl leal 5 r9.\ B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50/..)$ 24. teller# j White Pepper S *3B —tellers J Trang Pepper, business 25. —sales Cloves (picked) 4 38. —tales Mace 85. —sellers Mace Pickings 72.--- sellers NutlllegS 11 Os 41. tellers f No. 1 0 I<> tIOHt
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  • Shipping.
    • 90 1 1\ li. I,iirw>i,t) t s.r 8,1 ly, Ivirihner. -Bid Feb. Diemen, llMli dan., Geu., 15. M. 00. ,<• Apoak. lb. s.s. w.JHiI, Olifeut, ‘idid Feb.. Hongkong, I4tli Feb., lieu., A. A. A Co* Alamla, lit*, a. -.711. Lewelliu, 22ud Feb., London, 21st Jau., I*. AO. Hebk, 1 in. s.s.
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    • 35 1 Ja.nei Nicom,, Ur. s..>. 175. (J rich Uni, 28rd Feb., Mouluiein. li’Hh Feb., Geu.,Jv. G. Co. t Pkk vk, Hr. s.s. 2t*7. Buchanan, 22ud Feb.. Port tSwettenliani. 2lsl Feb., Geu.. Iv. G. Co.
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    • 66 1 28rd Februar y. Quoit'a. lor Langkat. Sink, for Langkat and Pangkalan Hranduu Petrel, for Langkatand Pangkalan Hrandan Pula Riniau, for Deli. Petju, for Kdie, 'J'. Seuiawe, Segii «V Oleldeh. Hebe, for Deli. Cantuu, for Pangkor and Teltik Anson (V. Ayear, for Calcutta. Xa mama, tor Singapore Flyiny Fi*h, for
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    • 58 1 ?W,*. l hi* Light niug Ceieutla A. A. A.Co. 24th Kel». van Swoll fidie H.L.&Co. 24th GleueSlv Loudon W.MACo. 25th Bucentaur Singapore B.&Co. 25th Fiensburg Capri Singapore B.M ACo. 25th Singapore B.M.ACo. 25th Glautuib Singapore W.M.&Co. 25th A. A pear Singapore A A. A Co. 27th Ajax Singapore W.M.ACo.
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    • 57 1 1 *•**••♦*/> bn. .1 -je.ut» In'll vet Lightning Singapore A:A.A Co. 24th Feb van Swoll Edie H.L.ACo. 25th G lenesk Singapore B.&Co. '25th 1» Biiceutaur Marseilles B.&Co, *25tli Flensburg Hamburg B.M.&Co. 25th Capri Bomba v B.M.&Co. 25th Glaucus Loudon YV.M.&Co. 25th A. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 27tli Ajax Genoa
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    • 95 1 For Bat u Bahru Per If. Malncyn, to-morrow, 1 pin. Asahuu and Batu Bahru—Per Tony Chay Un. to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham A; Malacca Per t'erak, u-morrow, 2 p.m Port Swettenham ami Singapore —Per Arayyee, to-morrow, 2 pm. Teluk Anson —Per Lady Weld, to morrow 3 p in.
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    • 39 1 Inward -Per O. Apcar,”from Hongkong. Rev. F. Piguot. Mr. and Mrs. Clmu Yee Tav, Mrs. Chun Fung Chi Per Manila,” from Loudon, Mr. 10. Wright Motion per Hebe,” from Singapore, Messrs Khaw Joo Sin, Holloway, Siuclair and Lougue.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 192 1 MARTYN Co jO X> 1 WHISKIES. STEAK NS WINE relieves the distress- J iug of in linen/.a ami bronchitis. It invigorates ami iucmises resistance to the inro.ulsof uisease. P»ut. it is Sleartut Win*. «JXJST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF THE EASY-RUN NINO Challenge Bicycles of Coventry’ In two Grades with
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    • 95 1 NOTICE. ■]VT O'J&CE is hereby jfiven that. the Tapioca Estate‘at Sungliy Petaui |chop Bail Joo Clieaug. together with all book-debts belonging to Khoo Sin Yeautr.; were purchased on the 20th day of January» i 1905, hv the uudersigufd. who will not lie responsible for the debts aud liabilities ot the
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    • 14 1 GOLOENBERG ZEITU. V Genuine Pilsener Beer a BORDEN’S PEERLESS CREAM. Srtndiltwds. Buttery St Co.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 24 1 WEATHER. hk luliowmir leiKMi 1 s sin*»!' mu>i*ik?u < Signal *n’ Kom (’•»nnv;uii» Kiiuiaii Hi** -4 i! 1» ut. lo-tiav was nil. ii< mii> !♦-*< i
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  • 1403 2 Au Enjoyable Day on Penang Hill. One who was there writes: —Thursday, the 16th inst., was iixe<l for the longexpected treat of the orphans of St. Xavier’s Institution. The spot selected was the Brothers’ bungalow, Penang Hill—a spot known only to thi privileged boys of the School
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 277 2 WANTED. BY an European iii good position a loan of Sol», repayable in monthly instal* I menus at 12 to 13 per eeut. Apply to B.’’ e o Straits Echo. 30-1-05 74 Wanted at once CIASHIER for a Mercantile tirui. Mar- riod man preferred. Security requited. Apply 1° S. M
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    • 2029 2 TO RENT. FOR SALE. W ANTED U> rent European resideuce. State terms ami particulars to “QUEENSLAND” c'o Straits Echo. 8-2-05 1 mth 91 TO LET. 1 UIKjWN No. 49, Beach Street, formerVT ly occupied by Messrs Behu Meyer Co. Apply to 2-2-05 MAHOMED ARIFF, 156, Hutton Lane. 81 Xo Let.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1855 3 P.sO. i-Cl fj 18,». Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. INTENDED SAILINCS. J "Ti banks. Homeward with Mail VOMMENCING witn me Voi'ov/ maudel programmed to leave this Port on the tth February next, the Homeward Mail Steamers may l>e expected to arrive at Penang ever*- alternate Saturday, before da>light, sailing again not latei
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  • 81 4 JiMt.ire mMhIW everylxvlr. JUiil imt.ire Km«r«>n Established June Ist, 190.'t. I’nhliehi*! «IniJy (except Kamlnya.) AT TNI CRITERION PRESS, Ed., No. 2215-2X2. Ileueli Si root. IVnanu PRICK l>A I I.Y. I.OCAI, fill iitiinitii OIiTSTATIOXK rmiifl|;r Kxtrsi X 411. EDITION’ <!•.•». Fwi .55 «’Altl.K Al' Ec lio—Pc 11 a
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  • 583 4 When Will it Revert to China? The los*» ot* Purr Arthui to Russia raises an interesting question as to tlie future of Wei-hai-wei. which we hurriedly leased” from China after H. M. S. Immortal ite left Port Arthur at the request of Russia. That the action of the Government
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  • Current Topics.
    • 143 4 A TEi.EGKAM was received on the JOth ultimo by the .Shanghai Taotai to pay over to the authorised parties the indemnity difference on the j 31st January. China, it will be seen from this, always meets her obligations even if these are not anticipated when the agreements
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    • 196 4 W>: learn from dyduey exchanges that the firm of Messrs Barns. Pliilp and Co., the owners of the island steamer Ysabel. which some time ago was taxed out of the trade of Marshall Islands group by exorbitant trading fees and export duties, in violation, it is
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    • 216 4 The Merchant Service Guild at Hongkong lias received letters from their solicitors at Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, who are respectively Mr. James 11.11 and Mr. Walter Marks. Mr. Hall, in I referring to the loss of the P. A O. liner j Australia when entering Melbourne, states that consternation
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    • 230 4 L\ the Januarv number **i the Nineteenth Century the Right Rev. the Bishop of Madras gives a rather pessimistic account of Higher Education in India. Of necessity, university education, which is purely European, has l»een divorced from religion, vet the native tradition has always held religion and
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    • 379 4 To the Editor of Tuk Straits Echo. Dear Sir, In reading your leading article last night on the water trouble. I could not help thinking that the policy pursued by the Municipal Commissioners in that connection is a verv higli-handed one. Instead of sympathising with the ratepayers
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  • 535 4 A SERIOUS GRIEVANCE. i<> Tin: Kimtok i>f the Stbaiis Echo. > s>ik. —i «1111 ;i poor fisliennau with a la rue family. 1 have resided at Matang, in Perak. during the last five years. During all this time I have maintained myself and i tamilv by fishing.
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  • 759 4 Wile It Rise To 8s To the Editor of ihk Straits Echo. Dear Sir,—i n m glad to see you i UVJI opinions upon Merchant's letter seems to me that he assumes far too ,n„.| ami does not sufficiently support his route tions with facts, much less
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  • 252 4 The Opium Karins of the Kingdom of Siam, for three veers commencing next April, have been secured by Messrs !\<>e Guau Co's Syndicate, at the following yearly rentals: —i l) Siam proper llO.Olt' catties, Siamese currency, equivalent to $5.280,48<>; Moldhoi;> liokiioon and Chun»* pon, 3,010 catties, equivalent
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 609 5 The Tsar s Nnvee. Lai go Order for Torpedoers. {Echo Special*.) Berlin, 22 Feb.—A despatch received from Cairo bv the Frankfurter Zeituiig states that the firm of Messrs Lewis, Nixon &> Co., of New Jersey, U.8.A., states that the firm lias received a Russian order for tin* supply
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    • 32 5 South Russia Fearful Butchery. bif Iteuter.) London, 22 Feb —A laconic telegram received from Baku, iu South Russia, states that all offices are cF«ed xjid Hie streets filled with corpses,
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    • 65 5 Recruits and Militia. hn Renter. Loudon. ‘22 teb. -A lull has been itiirodueed in the House of Lords authorising the enlistment of Militia for service abroad ‘'lieu embodied. Lord /Jo uon gh more. I nder Secretary for ar, announce»! that recruiting under the new nine years system hao
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    • 121 5 The Lord Lieutenant. SupjiiU il by li enter. London, 22 Feb.—Earl Dudiev de'oes the statement tiiat he is resigning ihe Lord Lieutenanev of Ireland. Home Rule. Sjieukiug in ihe House of Commons. Mr. Bilfour, the Premier, said that it was evident that Home Rule was still a living and
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  • 108 5 I Kinta Races. j 1 "dw Imperial, i 14,n < Lijah. 23 Feb.— The ft.liowinscratching* have been announced: I mid a. Murly Buriy and Li via lor all engagements. Su.Num Thai* p L ksk Advance. Ist Griffin Handicap. Jbddy. Rvde, Revoke, Guv Fawkes I’kv Anaxn Stakes. F
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  • 392 5 Ihk u uui tier of plague cases reported m Rangoon up to |f>th inst. was 2*2 of these no less than 21 proved fatal. A slight lail took place in the plague I mortality in India during week ended 15th mst.. the improvement lieing shared by the Bombay Presidency.
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  • 373 5 1 he Rev. Father Claries Hector Letessier, j tear in charge of the Chinese Catholic !<Jnirch of “Our Lady of Sorrows” at Mae A lister Road, celebrated his 25th annive, sarv as a priest on Tuesday. The Cliurch was iteaiitifullv decorated bv Rev. Sister St. Beniot and
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  • 241 5 runt Oi</‘ Own Correepondeni Ihe members of tlie Butter worth Polo Club have fixed Mondays and Fridays for holding matches. Last Friday and Monday there were matches played between pick-up team*. 5 The Piek. I lie Bairau i'uau Kechil Pier is under repair. I In* roof at the
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  • 70 5 Thk following lies in the Penang Cricket Club’s February tournament were plaved y esterday Double Handicap. J. K. Nathan and W. H. MuoA'-thur beat F. (J. Hallifax and A. S. Anthony •''itigle Handicap. Clu** .1. E. S. Haslam l»eat A. F. G. Anderson o—b ♦>—1 (I—1. Simple Handicap.
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  • 148 5 Thk following are the agenda for the ordinary meeting of the Commission toj morrow 1. Minute» of last meeting to l.e read aud confirmed. 2. Any special business the President 1 may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Tenders for drams. Magazine Road, (Noordin Street, and Pres grave Street.
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  • States’ News.
    • 450 5 (Iron t Oar (Jum (JoTrtpjmudcHt*. Ip<*h. 20 Feb.—Tbe British Resident of lerak, the Hon. H. W. Birch, c m.o is expected here -to-day, oa his wav to Batu Gajali to attend the KmU Races! The Senio l Magnate of J Viak. who is slill in laiping oil an official
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  • 477 5 Klai.a htMPUK, 20 Feb.— Kuala Lmn- pur was en fete on Saturday night, the 18th nisi., the occasion lieiug the celebration by the local Chinese of the festival of “Chap Goh Meh, or the 15th day of the first moon. A riki»ha procession started at 8 pm. trom Peswood,”
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  • 998 5 Another Rubber Co i A «omhanv is now being organised with jan authorised capital of S2OUJXH)—of whicli 18 ter‘issue only 1 100.000—to taKe over and work ih'e •algo wine bm.ler Estate at Kajang. about midway on the line from Kuaia Lumpur to! Serein ban. i’he total acreage of the estate!
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 597 6 M' (0 2 c 0 u O M 00 > S3 S3 P H s 2 iiUSK/ \V \%jALLY SEl#s 4 Vh _O» THf STRA^^t' °UTCM IAS T Cj* BRO*UH'|? t TRAOt MA4W DUNVILLES Special Old Scotch Whiskj Glasgow. Scotland H 3 3 V O r s h* >? 33
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  • 214 7 •Vi a ifcceui meeting of the Association of t,nam tecs °t Coimnerre. held a 1 Manchester. U»o to! towing motion was carried Hi-, ihi« iu.*otiujf i e of opinion that Hi* Majest Aioiiid take *mie eft.-c--t .o stops to bving about the abolifton of
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  • 298 7 An ‘exclusive 1o tin* Ceylon .Standard, dated London Hth Keb., stales that a dinner was given on the Till instant to Mi. Brod rick I (cecrctaiv of State for India; hv the Imperial Industries Club at De Iveyser’s lloiei, and was followed hv a debate on
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  • 354 7 Singapore Man Cured In Dr. Williams’ Pink nils. N“ poison is so insidious or killh somauv as (lit* poison.- ottr *»w ii bodies make Hardly one person in t«»u in tin: East, for liialwUie, is entirely free from kidney jx>isoning, and a large proportion of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1055 7 Dr. W. MAN SON. DENTAL SURGEON Price Moderate, Consultation Free. kfcSIDINU A'J Ao. 17. Paving Rond. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. j 6 mt.hft. DAVID BROWN Co., I, ltoyan 's Hu tiding*. Kdato Agents «V Auditors. Undertake «Sales l* V Auction or Private Tender of House
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    • 257 7 notice THE PENANG STEAM SAW MILL CO., Sttngei Pinang. Penang. FOB SALE, ALL KINDS OF PLinks, Scantlings. Timbers, etc., Large or Small. 0“". KI V? to. IV„- tilt coil veil it*,icc of ciinioiik*i*s flic otiipanv lias Brandies at j Noe. 93 a nd 93 I3ridge Street, uneiv orders can in;
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1106 8 WHMWAY N D no., mm OFFER BARGAINS DURING STOCK-TAKING. i ■J Air RrS'l wmm CROWN BRAND v s The World’s Disinfectant SUPPLIED TO LARGE STOCK TO CLEAR. ALL NEW AND FRESH. A a $1.95 y The Colonial Government of the Settlements The Penang Municipality Sanitary Hoards in the F. M.
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