Straits Echo, 22 February 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 2 Straits Echo
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  • 20 1 Biuth. Ax Bangkok, on Oth Febravy, the wife of H. Gittius, Royal Railway Duepurtuieut. of a «laughter (’still-born).
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  • 43 1 K<>r Wool ending Tuesday. Fell 28 1 v*«>.>.• A 1W l-'.M. i\ eiinevia.A, 22ud... t 4tt 0.05 l'iniisd>iv. fill'd .5.50 5.55 Friday, 24th 0.20 6.45 .Saturday, 25th 7.10 735 SuiiMuy, 26fli 8. 525 Monday, 27f.1t 8.50 015 Tuesday, 28th 9.1*0 10.05
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  • 31 1 1 O-i. v t lOtii Day, I«i .Moon. Town Band. Esplanade, 0 p.m I o-mo it now 20th Day, Isi Moon. Ivinta Races, 2nd day Town Band, Golf Club, 6*p.m.
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  • 53 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. O'J I *v A HO* i ly. AI b. 'V A nils A ’tibia '2 M"f Chusao i Mar. Simla Hi lienyal IS Extra Service. •0 th Ann». i.. vi b. >v > k Ceylon 7 Mar. Jai:o 24 Feb. Pera 21 Formosa 10 .War.
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  • 20 1 < Ea> «Quarter Feb. 28rh 4.30.5 a.m. G Now* Moon Mar. 6th 12.11.7 p.m. Fii-t Quarter 11th 3.45.8 p.m
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  • 91 1 German H. Lttiff/ohh 22tnl K-o English (Zrttaiuia) 2did English X tibia) 2nd Mar. China (CAtwaii) 4-th China (Sark* w) Bth German P. Heinrich i Oth The outward German mail steauni I’. Keg. Ln it poll left Colomls* for I Penang at 11 on .Saturday, and may lie
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  • 1482 1 A Rkfuoel’s SIoKV. The: steamer AVhangpao, purchased recently from Messrs Butterlield and Swire by representatives of the Northern Syndicate, lias returned to Shanghai from Chetoo after an eventful experience as a relief ship. Capfc. Bramwell, a short, neatly-built Englishman, stated to a shanghai Times’representative that on Sunday. January
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  • 125 1 !*knv.vo. 22m» Pkhrc.vky. (liu eourleeu 01 ike Itmi; ibombm Demand Bank ..1 I j j I months’ sight Bank 2 0 ‘redit .*2 i 3 Documental 2 ;i J 'aieutru. Demand Bmk lis. 1-171 > days’ sight Private 1-19.1 j BomOu), Demand Bank 1471 3 days’sight Private 1491
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  • 205 1 Ber»a wall Gold M ine (Jo., lid. i 13. seller* liani» Austniiiiui Gold Mining On., lid 5 t no in. oedjfttig lieiMing A* »i«l Milling Co., (ni 2ol)hvhi. IxadnuaGold MiuingOo.. i ,l .i. fully paid) S h>.— n->.u j Brusidi Tin Mining Go.. I,<l. 5 2 p-Va/en Kbtnnig.ol Tin
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  • 183 1 Tin... 76.20 buyers Gobi ieai 79'. 1». Peppert A\ < !<*.iftt$ 21. —sellers iV'liile Pepper 38 -sellers Traug Pepper, husine*» 8 25. -sales Cloves (picked) 38. —sales Mace 85 —sellers Mace Pickings 72. sellers j Nutmegs 1 lOs H. -sellers I Nit I *> 1<) no 111 j
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  • Shipping.
    • 75 1 Fit/.iwtui* K, i>r. *.s. 730, Dave\, 2lsl Feb.. l7lll I't l)., G*Ml., H. M. Co. I iSWAKIIbECIiOON, I > 11 1. s.S. (»41, K IitaSOUS, ~wii« 1 Feb.. SaUiuif. lHtli Feb., Geu., H. 1,. A Go. I ZiKTtN, Ger. ss. Ginger, 21st Feb., Yokohama. Ml, Feb.,Geu. 8.M.&C0. Si ak,
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    • 46 1 Fitata'ikiok, Hr. s.s. 730. Davey, 2 1st Feb., IhingooD, l "tit Feb., Geu H. M. «V Co. Siak, Dill. s.s. 240, Grittiu, 22ud Feb., Gangkut, 21st. Feb., Geu.,--K. B. Co. [Canton, I*r. s.s. 10/», Mericau, 22ud Feb., Teluk Anson, 21st Feb., Geu., —Ah Hiug.
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    • 25 1 22nd February. Totr Tung, for Asnhan. Langlrnt, for Teluk Auson. Fiyimj Dragon, for Port Weld and Taipiug. P. Hey. Luitfiohl, for China and. Japan.
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    • 70 1 1 A'/enl* hue I I i 1 MMIcltMirll Lull) toll IS.B.&Oo. 28rd Feb Anteum* Liverpool jlj.M.iCo. 1'lrd 10 A pear ,Singapore A.A.A.Co. 23r,l J Nicnll Mottlaiqiu K.OCJy. 28 n\ lOttlciittii A.A.A.Co. •241 1» iilt’IIISK iiOluloli VV.M.JMJo. 25tli !*ue«uitowir Singapore IJ.ACo. mu m.MiKt>ur« |m h>* B.M A Co. 25tl. Capri
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    • 65 1 1 ‘*tfir 1* f 1 Lrnnet Beucleuch Singapore SB AC'o. 2;lrd Feb Autenor Singapore W.M.AC'o. 23rd U.Apeui Oa lout f a A.A.A.C'o. 2tfrd J. N icul t Mouliueiu K.G.C'o. 24tli Lightuiug Siug»|K>ru A.A.A.Co. 24tb Glenesk Singapore B.AC'o. 25th Lhiceutaur Marseilles B.&Co, 25 th Flensburg Hamburg IJ.M.&C'o. 25th Capri Bombay
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    • 115 1 Kok d'raug .V Pang Nga Per Deli, to-morrow, ,noon. Deli Per Malaya to-morrow, I p in. Eaugkat and Pangkalan Hrandau -Fur Pelrt-I, to-morrow. 1 p.iu. Deli For Pttlo Hunan, to-morrow, Ip.m. Edit:, T. Seniawc, Segli ami Ulelileli—Per Pt iju, to-morrow, 2 p.m. lteli Per Hebe, to-morrow, 2 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 221 1 MARTYN Co. a WHISKIES. TO LET OR SELL HOI SE No. 20.}, Hullvu Lane. with extensive grounds suitable for hotel or private residence. Apply to ADAMS VLLAN. ■bWifitw* to Hf Adininistrotor of Doto Kh*o}‘*' l*o nijlinut Kihlo E*fate. I 3-2-05 Itv o v. k 83 TO LET OR SELL. HOUSE
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    • 26 1 STEARNS’ WINE relieves the distressing cough of influenza and bronchi! is. Jt invigorates and increases resistance to the inroads of disease. But it is SUeurtu Wine.
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    • 90 1 mmm zeitlhij Genuine Pilsener Beer. NOTICE. rpHK usual monthly sale of I'nwnhrnker* J forfeited Pledges for sums exceed ini' SlO will lie held punctually at 11 o'clock on Monday ami Tuesday, the lb liquid 7tli proximo, respectively, at No, 42, lle.u*li Street. The forfeited Plodijen may l»e viewed from
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 20 1 WEATHER. hk joiiowiuu it in.* n K'litii* -><u>t>iie«i i*v i*«* Siyrn:i. I >:n*ci<>» oimv.tii it i* ; to-dav was nil.
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  • 1188 2 Superfluous Departments. Why Not Reduce Them r The Mala}’ Mail, a daily paper published in the capital of the Federated Mulay States, deals in a recent, editorial with the ever-inereasilig teinleucv to multiply departments which it contends is a stumblingblock to all-round efficiency. Our contemporary is probably
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 347 2 WANTED BY an European in good position a loan of 8500, repayable in monthly instalments at 12 to 15 per cent. Apply to B.” c/o Strait* Echo. 30-1-05 74 WANTED. i \]I7"ANTED immediately. three first class t Tv Tracers. Salary 860 per month. Apply to Chief Resident Eugiueer for Construction.
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    • 2079 2 TO RENT. to reut European residence. State terms and particulars to QUEENSLAND’ c'o Straits Echo. 8-2-05 1 tilth 91 TO LET. G 1 ODOWN No. 49, Beach Street, foriuerF ly occupied by Messrs Helm Meyer Co. Apply to 2-2-05 MAHOMED ARIFF, 106. Hutton Lane. 81 FOR SALE. Municipal NotiS ONE
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2042 3 P. «1 0. i; Ml ft 2> Homeward Mail. COMMENCING with the «.s. CoroV' mandel" programmed to leave this Port on the 4tli February next, the Homeward Mail (Steamers may Is; expected to arrive at Penang every alternate Saturday, Udoru daylight, sailing again not later than it) the same
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  • 91 4 ftMlixtleri everybody, and Inetire alone.— K»i»r«o« Established June Ist, 1903. rnl>li»h*«l daily (**eept Ntiinl tyM AT TH« CRITERION PRESS, I d., No 226-232. Beach Street. Penan»». PRICE lIAII.Y, I.IH'.M, *2* per alii 111 in OUTSTATIONS I’uetaKe Kxt-ra UAtl. KIMTION (I'.wi. l-ree) $l5 i'\ It I, K AODKKNN:
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  • 1540 4 What has been done to Mitigate its Evils Nothing! At the risk of incurring the everlasting enmity, hatred, malice and uncharitableness of <*ur readers—as we find ourselves in the toils of another dry season with the water supply just as you was —we venture, in the public
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  • 2088 4 List of Sections. Description ok the Chinoay*. As announced in this journal last 1* rid ay, j Chiugav processions were held in Penang on j. the 17th, 18th, and 20th inst., in celebration of the birthday anniversary of Twa-Pair- Kong, a deity held in great veneration by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 581 4 PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. A. KAULFUSS. 27, FARQUHAR STREET. OPEN DAILY FROM 7 a m to 5 p m Sundays 8 a.m to Noon. ON SALE Views of Penang, Perak, Kedah, etc. Just Received a New Shipment of Illustrated Post Cards in colours and otherwise. All kinds of Photograph work done in
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  • 316 5 Peace Parly Growing (L<7o» Berlin, 21 Feb.— I ti high Russian circles there is a growing feeling in favour of peace being concluded with Japan, but the Tsar ie inclined to continue the war, not being depressed by the tragic death of his uncle, the Giand-Duke Sergius. Another
    316 words
    • 240 5 Another Step Forward. (Svpfdied by Reuter.) Loudon, 21 Feb. —It has lieen decided to convene a Zemskysobor, or National Parliament, which will probably meet uu 4th March. Martial Law. By an Imperial manifesto martial law, hoc been proclaimed at Tsurkoye Selo, owing to the great number of threatening
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    • 123 5 The Tibet Expedition (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 21 Feb. —The Rt. Hou. A. J. Balfour, the Premier, replying to Mr. J. G. Weir, said t hat on I he 13th July last he stated that tbeTibetun question was*one of essentially Indian interest, and under these circumstances it. yvas neither
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    • 40 5 lodo-China Problem {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 21 Feb. —During the discussion upon the naval estimates in the French Chamber, several speakers urged the necessity for strengthening the defences of French Indo-Chiiiii in view of the rising poyver of Japau.
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    • 265 5 designation of the Lord Lieutenant. I Sttjtpl ed by Renter.) Loudon, 21 Feb.—'l’lie Times, understands that Earl -udiey lias resigned the Lord 1 lieutenancy of Ireland, aud that the retirement of Sir Anthony Macdonnell. the L'uder Secretary, follows. Home Rule. Mr. John Redmond, member for Waterford, in moving an
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  • Article, Illustration
    353 5 Rcho Special*). Butu Gnjuh, 21 Feb. —Following e the remainder of the resultsin the first day’s racing of the Kiuta Gymkhana meeting:— Second Guivnx «Jui-. —(3 lur.)—Won by Penang Scotchman Revoke 2; Tarquin 3. Ten ran. Ihe Service Cup —(6 fur.)—Won bv Remnant; Brilliant 2 Flora 3. Six
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  • 2152 5 Report of Annual Meeting. Urkfije Year’s Work. I'he nineteenth annual general meeting l of the members of the Penang Chandler of Commerce was held in t he Chandler of I Commerce on Monday afternoon. Mr. A. I G. Stephen occupied the chair, and there yvere also
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    • 798 5 Jir So, Would it Prove Uistuimental to Planters ok to Manufacturers? To tub Editor of tub Straits Echo, Leaf Sm, —Your issue of the 20th iust. contained a leaderette on the price receutlv obtained in Loudon for a small lot of Perak-grown Para rubber («is. -Id.),
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  • 677 5 j Jme tollowiiig ties were decided yesterday Chainptonthip. F 8. Hiislum treat J. K. Nathan 6—2 6 —o. T*l'oftMtivti Pair*. Ih\ Jamieson aud W. H. Mae Arthur Medical) beat I-. O. Haliifax and J. K. Btrouaeh (Merchant*.) b—3 b—2. Doable Hundicap. D. Parsons and H. A. NeubrouneT beat
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 White*way'S.Wer r Value tor Oaeh
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    • 60 5 Whiteaway's Prices in Beds Are Really Marvellous. Wbiieaway’s Buy and Sell for Nett Oaeh. FOR A NEW YEAR GIFT /UVE your Wife, Son, Daughter an Invest* W ment Certificate which makes provision for their future. Investigate profits to be derived. The Shanghai-Hongkong Building Loan Investment Go., Ltd. PATERSON, SIMONS Co.,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 620 6 CO •M 4h s e o L o \v¥,\ SS* ft §?4uy stit\f *]Z SRO?. UHj I s m N HI 0 0 s 3 (0 ft V. CORNFIELD. Graham Co., Ld„ Tailoring, Outfitting, and General Store WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street Penang. For L LIN'S "FOOD. I KGS to
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  • 628 7 Ihk Yokohama Specie Hank is about tJ establish a branch at Port Arthur. I nr St. Pauli Credit Hauk is declaring <if dividend for 1904 of 1« per cent, -the suimJ as tor 1903. shakier of a million toils of coal werej laised las! year trom the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1411 7 Dr. W. M ANSON. NOTICE DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate. Consultation free. KhMDiNO AT No. 17, Penang Rond. A few doors from the Eastern am! Oriental 17 JEWS or Penang Photos enlarged, van«»u Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. N. D. deSILVA MANUFACTURING JFWQLLhk ANL) DEALER IN NOTICE ou Bromide paper. King Street.
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    • 107 7 LADIES GENTLEMEN ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to come and inspect our specially ordered NEW GOODS. Helmets, Hats and Caps of various qualities. Hoots and Shoes of every kind and shape. Walking Sticks. Gents' Gold and Silver Links, Studs and Alberts. Ladies Long-guard Chains and Necklaces. Superior Handkerchiefs and Lisle Thread Shirts.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1548 8 STUPENDOUS REDUCTIONS TO CLEAR. SEND YOUR MONEY TO WHITEAWAY THEY WILL GIVE EVERY SATISFACTION. BIG VALUE IN BEDSTEADS. THE DORMITORY BED. SIZE O', by 2! EKET. NOTE THE PRICE $5.50 EACH. FOUR-POST SWINGING COTS. Pillars decorated in Gold and coloured Enamel Floral Designs. Made of best selected materials, thoroughly strong
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  • 851 1 The Secret History of Port Arthur Defence. A Russian Version. A Russian correspondent of the Manchester Despatch reported as follows uuder date St. Petersburg 2nd Jauuary:—That portion of the St. Petersburg public which already knows that Port Arthur lias fallen is asking itself whv, as Port Arthur
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  • 455 1 (Standard Correspondent). I. nder the title of England and Russia in Central Asia,” an interesting analysis of the position and policy of these two Powers 1 is given in the semi official Politische Corresponded bv a military writer, probably an Austrian officer living iu Russia.
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  • 119 1 liiiij is the most important river harbour in the Strait a of Malacca, and the delav and inconvenience to shipping caused bv ihe present inadequate berthing accommodation accentuated by the increased number of vessels visiting the port, led to the application to the Goveinment of India for the
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  • 144 1 liie tin duty collected in Selangor last month amounted to $313,618, or an increase of SI /.2bl compared with the correspond iug period last year. Jn other States there has been a falling off. a fact which poiuts to the necessity for the speedy development of the
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  • 311 1 Hongkong Shanghai Bank. The seventy-ninth report of the court of din ctors to the ordinary half-yearly general me* ting of shareholders held at Hongkong on Saturday, 18th instant, is as follows.— Gentlemen, —The Directors have now’ to submit to you a general statement of the affairs of the Bank, and
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  • 1297 2 The Annual Report Following are the principal excerpts from annual report for the year ended 31st Dec. last, which would have been published in our last issue had it been placed at our disposal in time to do so Accounts. The statement of income and expenditure
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  • 451 2 What is a Gratification s' Mr. Justice Moncreiff recently delivered judgment at Colombo in the Appeal Court which will not be without interest in various parts of the Gorgeous East. The appeal was against a conviction on a charge of offering a gratification to a police sergeant to screen
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