Straits Echo, 21 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 21 1 13l KTH. Ist February, at Kuala Lebir. Ktdanlau. i lie wife of Mr Percy F. Wise, of a (laughter.
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  • 22 1 l iiu»l (Quarter Feb. 28th 4:30.5 a.jh o New Moon Mar. titli 12.14.7 r..\i First Quarter... 14th 3.45.8 f.m. j
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  • 51 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OC 1 'V ARUM. i 1 < >.\l K W V UKNubia 12 Mar Cltuxau l Mar. I Simla 1G Benya I IS l-.xtra Service. IJl'TttAßlls. iIII.JKIVA Kits Man<(a 121 Fab. Jura '24 Ftb. Fera 7 Mar. 1 For mow 10 Mar. a&r For partleuhirs
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  • 40 1 China Zieten 21st Feb German F. K. Lull paid) 22ml The outward German Mail Steamer “P. Reg. LuitpokV’ left Colombo for Peuaug at 11 p.m. on Saturday, and may be expected to arrive here at 7 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 41 1 h.o w«-l ending Monday. Feb. 27. 1905. AM. P.M. luesdav, 21si 3.5 U 4.15 eUiiesday. 22ud... 440 5.05 hursdav. 23rd 5.30 5.55 I Friday, 24tii 6.20 6.45 -Saturday, 25tli 7.10 7.35 ■suiniav, 26th 8.- 825 Monday, 27th 8.50 0.15
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  • 29 1 i'o-l'A Y. lBlii Day, Ist Moon. Kitila Races, Ist day. I Town Hand, Golf Club, 6 p.m. 1 (l-MDKK<DV 19th Day. l-l Moon. Town Hand, Esplanade. 0 p.m.
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  • 1245 1 Diary of Japanese Assaults on I’ort Antir. The following diary gives the iii»ry of the fighting at Port Arthur a nut-shell:— Feb. B.—Midnight attack—battleship* difalded. 9.—Second attack—battleships and cruisers damaged. 12. Transport Yenisei accidentally blown up. 14. —Third attack in snowstorm. 23-4.—First attempt to block the harbour;
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  • 128 1 Pbnano. 21st February. I (By court** >j of Hi* Charter*a Ha.n!:. Hmilon Demand Bank ..1/1 1 k months’ sight Hank 2 3 Credit 2 j 3 Documentary ...2 Calcutta. Demand Bank Its. 147} 3 days’ sight Private 149} Bom iiav. Demand Batik 147} 3 days’sight Private 149} Madras, Demand
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  • 198 1 BersawahGoid M ine tJo.. I*4. 13. -seller* Raub Australian Gobi .Mining Co.. Ld 2» 1 liedjaug Lebong G'dd Mining Co.. Ld 5 230 uom. KadntiaGold M iniligtNi„Ll.d. (fully paid) -5 In. »*<*«» Bruseii Tin Mining Co., lid. S 2 -*aie* Kar.uigau Tin Aliniuu < %>. > 9. *ell*r*
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  • 181 1 l’lii... 70.44 J Gold leaf 79.\ IJ. Pepper \V. Coast 411>5.50/.)s 24. —galea Wiiite Pepper *sB —sellers Tniui? Pepper, business S 25.50 sales Cloven (picked) 8 47. sellers Muee 85. —sellers Mace Picking» ”2. —sellers Nutmeg* lIOs 41. sellers No. I *i 10 nAut Sugar 2 no slock. I
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  • Shipping.
    • 92 1 I’in Semi, Hr. s.s. :578, Davidson, 2*Mh Feb., Singapore, iHtli Feb., Gen.,— Quah Ueug Kee. Malaya, Ger. s.s. 901, Block, 21st Feb.. Deli, 20th Feb., Gen., —B. M. Co. j H. >l. S. Thetis, Hr. cr. 3,400, Wilkinson, 20th Feb., Singapore, 19th Feb., Nil.— Hr. Navy. Pundua. Hr. s.s.
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    • 46 1 Mai.ava, Ger. ss. !H)1, Block, 21st Feb., I>eli. 20th Feb Gen..— 15. M. A Co. 11. M. *S. Thetis, Hr. er. 8,400, Wilkinson. 20th Feb.. Singapore, 19th Feb., Nil.Lsr. Navy. i P. Rimau, Hr. s.s. 297, Neilsen, 21st Feb., Port Swetteuhani, 20th Feb., Gen.,
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    • 71 1 21st February. Pnndua, tor I\>rl Swettenliaiu, !Siuga|>ore. iioui>koug, .Swat'jw and Ainox. 1 Jin Ho, for Laugkat. Hotonta, for Tougkali. Cornelia, for l>eli. Chan. Tni, lor Singapore. Malta oji nothin, for 'Singapore. Lady Weld, for Tehik Anson. I'm Seay, for L’orl Sweiluuhaiu, Kuala ljuiupur and Singapore. A for A
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    • 76 1 I Ajmt* Manila Suez A.G.&Co. 22nd Feb Zieten Singapore A.G.&Co. 22nd Beucleiich I London S.B.&Co. 23rd A uteuor Liverpool B.M.&Co. 23rd G.Apcar (Singapore A. A.A.Co. 23rd J. Nicoll Monlineiu K.G.Co. 23rd Lightning Oeleutta A. A. A.Co. 24tb tt Glenetsk ,Loudon W.M.&Co. 25th Bucentaur (Singapore B.&Co. 25th tt Flensburg (Singapore
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    • 78 1 i bo, 1 ,t j#hI* Leave* Maui la 1 aiuyapore A.G.&Co. 22ud Feb Zieten Colombo B.M.&Co. I 22n«l Beucleuch Singapore Auteuor .Singapore S.B.&Co. 23rd W. Mat Co. 23rd G. A pcai Calcutta I A.A.A.Co. 23rd .1. Nieoli Moulinem > K.G.Co24th Lightuiug Singapore A.A.A.Co. j 24th Gleuesk Singapore B.&Co. 25th
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    • 54 1 K<>« Asaiian Per Taw T'/wj. to-morrow, i i p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lanykal, to-morrow. 2 p.m. Rangoon- Per Fitzpatrick, to-morrow, 5 p.m. Ih-li Per Malaya, to-morrow. 5 p.m. Truug and Pang Ngu Pet Deli, 2S»rd instaut. noon. liaugoou, and Calcutta, taking mails tor Europe, etc., via Bombay -Per TaroOa,
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    • 56 1 j Inward —Per Pin Seng,” from Singapore, Messrs Maynard, Evaus. Ho Yang Ifeng, Tan Cheng Chye, Chia Teng liuat, J. K. Gratis, Mrs. Tan Chuuu, Mrs. Tin Yang and Miss Ijistermann. From Port Swettenhaiii, Messrs Souli l'ian .Swee Soali Oh Peng, Gou Tiaug Guau. Per Malaya," from l>eli, Messrs
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 253 1 IWARTYN Co. ,^o' WHISKIES. PENANG HUNT CLUB riIHE Annual Oeneral Meeting of the 1 Penang Hunt Club will be held <»u Tuesday «£he 28th inst,., at 4-45 p.m., in the Chaml>er of Commerce. Business 1. To pass the accounts for 11*04. 2. To elect a President and Members of Committee.
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    • 21 1 Iton't wait until you catch cold, but now with Stearns' Wine in moderate to build up and strengthen the body. liegin
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    • 21 1 STEARNS* W INE is pleasant to take. Its «-fleet is certain in preventing coughs and colds. It builds up and strengthens
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    • 22 1 EOLOENBĔBG ZETHIN. > V Genuine Pilsener Beer. STEARNS’ WINE «trepgtfienH the resistance to «lisease of the nml air passages. It soothes ittj'l heals.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 43 1 WEATHER. hk toliowiiii; ret'i'i'i in i\iii>li siiupneii m.Sieuai ol l'«>|i .'.Miiwaiiis: VI.. Wt. V... p.lll VeMeril i y 88" Fine South •l 80 i lear X.K IOOI. IV 87 Fine N.W. l‘li« rainfall aiinui; Uio iioiiin hihiho ■*> i> a. hi. io-«lav was uii.
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  • 36 1 Deaths. On (itli February, at Hongkong. Capt. Alex. Murphy, chief officer of the steamship Sun Lee. On sth February, at Hongkong. James Kirkwood, Chief Engineer of tlie (’hineso Customs revenue cruiser Chueu 'J’ia<>. aged 5# years.
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  • 1443 2 A Japanese Student in Russia. (From Our St. Petersburg Correspondent). Ir Japan’s military successes came as a surprise to the outside world, the intimate knowledge possessed by the Japanese with regard to Russia has caused the Russians to open their eyes at the results of the activity of those Japanese
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 230 2 WANTED BY ;iu European in good position a loan of 8500, repayable in monthly instal- I meuts at I*2 to 15 per cent. Apply to B.” e o Strait# Echo. 30-1-05 74 WANTED. TTTANTED innrediately. three tirst class W Tracers. Salary $6O per month. Apply to Chief Resident Engineer for
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    • 2016 2 TO RENT. W ANTED to rent European residence. State terms aud particulars to “QUEENSLAND” c/o Strait* Echo. 8-2-05 1 nath 91 TO LET. G 1 ODOWN No. 49, Beach Street, formerr lv occupied by Messrs Behn Meyer Co. Apply to MAHOMED A RIFF. 156, Hutton Lane. 81 2-2-05 FOR SALE.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1607 3 nab < VS. S. iH. Co. Homeward Mail COMMENCING with the s.s. Coro--0 in audel programmed to leave this Port on the 4th February next, the Homeward Mail Steamers may I*? expected to arrive at Penang every alternate Saturday, before daylight, bailing again not later than 10 a.m. the jp,mc
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  • 82 4 JoattM-e mUftle* evwyhody. and liwrire alone.—(s#»*r«n« Established June Ist, 190. T. «1: «iIy (except. Humify*.) IT TRI CRITERION PRESS, U., No. |{piicii Strtwl. IVnaiii; PRICE DAILY. LOCAL t"l »mm Annum Ot'TSTATIOXS IVwlxff E»lni M A 11. KIUTION (t'ntft Kim>t s.i caulk ai*i>i:kss H c li o—l* e
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  • 1720 4 Opposition to the New Bill. I Following appears in the mlvertise- nient columns of our Singapore exj changes of 16th instant:— Notice is hereby given tliat an extraordinary general meeting of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Limited, will be held at the Singapore Exchange on Tuesday, the
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  • 204 4 We hear that a telegram arrive*! last, Thursday iu Singapore from Saigon. a;i- nouncing that the French armoured cruiser i I Sully, a fine new ship of close on 10,000 tons, has l»een stranded on the Tonkin coast probably in or near the Baie d’A long, which
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  • 236 4 Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Singapore Po'o Club was held on the 14th instant in the Exchange. Mr. E. L. Brockman presided over a. small attendance of members. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed The Chairman in moving that the report and
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  • 475 4 The lamsui district of Formosa is <ie- dared infected with plague. 1 in* Assizes wili l*e held iu Penang on Tuesday. 2*th proximo. Porbaudar. reported plague-infected siuce September last, is now declared free. Mr. 1). G. Campbell, Acting British Kesii dent. Selangor, is appointed to act as Commissioner
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  • 110 4 Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the members ~i the Penang Chamber of Commerce was held yesterday afternoon—Mr. A. G. Step| ie)) Chairman, presiding. The nineteenth annual repoit was su b. mitted and approved, showing the various matters dealt with by the Chamber m lj)(q, I
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  • 635 4 The Tournament Ties The following ties were played day:— Chmnpionsh ip. G. H. Cater beat F. 6. Hallifax 6—l: B—6 B— 2. Profession Pairs. J. E. Natliau aud W. Peacock (Civil Service) beat H. A. Neubronner aud E. y. Haslaui fEngineers 6—2; 6—2. Double Handicap. A. F. Goodrich
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 273 5 The Tsar s Armada The Tltit'il Baltic Squadron{Echo Special.) Berlin, 20 Feb.— The third squadron of the Russian Baltic Beet has passed Rangeland, an island off the south-east J coast of 1 lentil u k. Manchuria. host Hurts. y P i Supplied hij lie nice.) Loudon, 20 F'eb.—
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    • 357 5 The Murdered Grand-Duke t Echo Special, i Berlin, 21 Feb.—The remains oi' the Grand-Duke Sergius have been buried «juietly in a Moscow convent, pending their transport to St. Petersburg. The German Attitude. An attitude ot reserve is maintained in Berlin Government circles concern- 1 ing the reef lit
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    • 171 5 Fusee Mins ths Stakes. 1 Echo Special). Batu 21 Feb.—ln splendid j weather and in presence of a h-r<ret I number of spectators racing commenced jat J this afternoon with the Substitution Stakes. All the entries faced the starter, the field being composed of Fusee jl0.8;
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    • 90 5 The Annexation Question. 1 Supplied by Reuter. Loudon, 20 Feb.—Great Britain. France, Italy and Russia have presented to Germany and Austria a note practical I v replying to Prince George’s memorandum of November, which says that the protecting Powers will not tolerate the annexation of Creie by Greece without
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    • 514 5 The New Home Rule Scheme Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 20 F’eb.—Speaking in the House iof Lords. Eari Duuraven said that Sir Antony P. Macdouuell had not originated j the new Irish Home Rule Scheme. He had I only assisted the association with regard to details. The speaker had also
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  • 1134 5 As Forecast by the War in the Far bast In the January number of Scribner's Magazine is one of the most interesting j articles that have lately appeared, on New Features of War. bv Thomas F. Millard I Mr. Mi Hard is in» believer iu
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  • 885 5 ini, present height of raw rubber prices :s. savs tlie Gummi Zedong, a very important question for tlie whole india-rubber trade, both manufacturers and dealers, l hat journal published lately some remarks jon the subject which it followed up vvilli a statement from a Brussels expert iu repiv to
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    • 607 5 Progress Backwards. T<« hi:. Kimoi: or tiib Steaits Kcho. Sik. our correspondent“Disappointed” is quite right in ids protest against the progressive postal system in operation in Malaya since the I st insl. Previous to that date we had two deliveries of letters, etc., from Penang and two
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 Whiteaway, Laid law A Co. HAVE STARTED To Offer Bargains.
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    • 8 5 W h iteaway’D WJLL OFFER Fresh Bargains Dally.
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    • 4 5 Whiteaways Prices Arc Unrivalled
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    • 130 5 THREE NIGHTS ONLY. Japanese Cinematograph Showing Scenes In the RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR &c., Chulia Street Theatrical House, On I uesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd and Thursday, 23rd February, 1905. (At tiie Compound of Kliuo Mosque. J Program me. I Theatrical Transformation. 2, A Standing Joke ;t. Light at Nan Shan. -I. Performing
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    • 483 5 To»day’s Advertisements. for sale. |>k<>\\N Australian Gelding “Spbei»y,” about 15.2 hands. Perfect hack and spleudid juniper. Price >4OO. •M't' l to If P.. CLODD. A o.> 4, Weld (Inay. 21-2-05 3insrt 124 Municipal Notice. r pHI next ORDINARY MEETING of l ,e Municipal Commissioners will lje held at the Municipal
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 734 6 CO •M c o u ffl CO \\\\Y UtMi SRO* UWj?, > S 3 3 Q u H O Z i pĔiiM® pore f /l TAAOf MARK DUNVILLES Special Old Scotch Whisky Glasgow. Scotland H IB s I 5 p O r s n* >5 w s* ac H O
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1982 7 Dr. W. MAN SO DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT No. 17, Penang Road. A tew doors from the Faster» and Oriental Hotel. g 6 intlm. NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang. Singapore, Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged. varimiK sizes up to 3 ft. on Bromide paper. W. JONES,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1178 8 SEE THIS ADVERTISEMENT DAILY FOR BARGAINS. APE NTA £?/ROWN BRAND The best Natural Aperient Water. Bilious, Dyspeptic, Gouty, Constipated and Obese People 01 FAMOUS HULAS WASHING TBS 2,479 TO BE OFFERED AT Should always use APE NTA Cents t Each. Of all Chemists and Druggists. HUTTENBACH Bros. Co., Sole Agents.
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