Straits Echo, 17 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 25 1 Marking i,. On Jan. 25, at Rochester. England. 'I' Kirkjtuf rick, to Pauline Emily, daughter of late J. C. Clieetham. formerly of Y<>\.
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  • 43 1 K«>r WWt ending Thursday, Feb. 23. H*‘>5. V .XI. .‘..VI. Friday, 17tii 0.30 0.55 .Saturday, 18th 1.20 Id.”, Sunday, loth 2.10 2 35 Monday, 20th 3.— 3.25 J'ueh'iiiy, 21si 3.50 4.15 Vediiosdav, 22ud... 4.40 5.05 ’.’inn sditv, 23rd 5.o0 5 55
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  • 33 1 10-UA V 14th Jsl Muuii Ohiugay Procession, 1 pm. Town Baud, Esplanade, 6 p.n. i O-.Mol:i;mr I sth D.o J al. Mooli. Chiugav Procession, 1 ?> hi. Town Bund, Golf Club, (J p.ui.
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  • 52 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. UUTW A t. |.s. Hoftl KVV A It I >- Xubia '4 Mar Cita*ju 4 Mar. Simla Bengal /S Hxtra Service. Ol'TW A Kits. li om vv a u i>> Manila 'll b'th. Jaou '14 b\ !> Peru 7 Mar. ForiHvta 10 Mar. i oi
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  • 11 1 China Zieten 22ud Keb German P. P. Luitjtold) 23rd
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  • 802 1 UtncrKc <.<>, Parole at Nagasaki. •Steamers carrying prisoners of war are arriving at Nagasaki -oiislantiy, I when those officers who tnk> the alh at Purr Artiiur are landed. After undergoing quarantine inspection, the officers of one ship were conducted to Inasa, where they were quartered in nine houses.
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  • 124 1 Penang, 17th February. 'By courtesy of the Chari «red Itai Loudon Demand Him ..i.ll-j mould"’ sig.ii Dhhk 2- ■> V. red it 3 tXKTinieiir.ii rj 2f. Palculta. Demand BanU Its. 147 3 days’ sight Private 149 i Bombay, Demand Bank 147 3 days’ sight Private lip Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 182 1 I’m... Goal ieat k <o._ I». Pepjicr (W. Mtis.s ■>/.. >$ 24. i-altti V\ idle Pepper 3 3b rrlitm L’ntug Pepper, ••umie c» -S 25A0 *<»/(* Cloves (psckrxl) s 37. wllerit M :U‘(J 85 relit'r 6 Mace Pickings 72. neil* i Nnlin«*<rH |Os H. nrtirrn No. I hld a
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  • 210 1 Ber oil wall Gold M iue Co., lid. 5 13. -tsuioe Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld »’4 itom. Rodjang r.otioLg Cold Mining Co., Ld 230/«:.«*. KfuumaGo!<l MmingCi».. l«td. (fiiiiv t«aidj 5 lo. —mihi Bruseii 'j in Mining Co bd. if 2 —raltu Kara 11 can Tin M ining
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  • Shipping.
    • 75 1 alln r> ]>iii. s 074. \an LhneiJ Fob., *eli. Idlh Feb., Gen., 4 .L Co. j •am I u,\o, Br. ss. 100, Ifussau. 17th A sal i an, lt?th tel»., Lieu., -lv. (I. i Pktkbi., JJr. s.s. 121, Reid, 17th Braudiiu, 10th Feb.. (lon., —K. P. Riaial-, Br. s.s.
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    • 71 1 V AIiUNTYN, Dut. 5.6. tb 4, \au Ordeu Feb., Deli, lt>th Feb, «leu.,— tt Co. am Tong, Bi. 100, iiitss.i.u, 17th Asalian, 10th Fob., Lien., K. «I. I’i iui.r,, Br. s. a 124, Keiil, 17 th Brnudun, l«>th Fob., (leu.tfe K. 1* .lii«\r. Br. s.s. 297, Wilson, 17th
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    • 34 1 I7tli February. I I'crak, tor Foi l Swettenham and :\J;iI A vutjyee, tor Port Sivetteuhain A Siuga Deli, for Traug. i Lndy Weld, for Teiuk Ausoii. <’/uiilcrh‘uixe, for Singapore, llougk Snatow and Aniov.
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    • 89 1 AtjtuU It, Simla Singapore AAvtlifrCo. Isiii MelliiliV Singapore s.B.XCo. 21 hi Mil nil i •511- A .ii.ACo. 22n<i Lenoloiieli London S.B.ACo. 22 ml I Zieten Singapore A.<jI A Co. 22ml A 11 iviKM' Liverpool 23rd G. A pear •Singapore A.A.A.Co. 23rd r*i*_rli tiling Celcutta A.A.A.Co. '241 h (jrlfnesk Loudon
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    • 83 1 For 1 A je.uL Leu Sinna Coloni l)o iA.G.&Co. 18th lleuarty London S.B.&Co. 21st Beucleuch Singapore S B ACo. 22ml j Manila Singapore A.G.ACo. 22ml Zieten Colombo BM.AC'o. 22nd Antenor Singapore NV.M.ACo. 23rd G. A pear Calcutta A. A. A. Co. 23rd Lightning Singapore A.A.A.Co. 24th Glcnesk Singapore IV
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    • 73 1 For Oylou, Australasia, Bomba}, Ad Mauritius, E<»vpt ami via Briurfisi, Earope, etc.— Per Simla, to-morrow, lj u l>e!i— Per Malaga, to-morrow, 11 and Madras Per Ta to-morrow, 1 p.m. A salian Per '/’aw 'Vomj, tn-niorn I p in. Teluk Alison Per hangkai to niorrt ,2 p.m. Port
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    • 22 1 tnicara- Per Pulo itimuu, from IX Messrs 0. I>. Pis;«ott, de Vooyt. lvii Hock Tiu, T. K. Wall, T. T. Hunt.
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  • 33 1 O fat* Mooli l'el*. 2Utb i t 7.0 \.m ifcu-i Quarter 2Mii I \H).b \.m i> Now .Moon Mar. til ii 12.1* 7 o. M First Quarter... 1 lib 3.45.8 I*.M
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 293 1 MARTYN Co o WHISKIES. To=Night Every Night r i Japanese Cinematograph Showing Scenes in the RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR &c., Chuli.H Street, HvV/.v temple. Program me. I theatrical Transformation. 2. A Standing Joke. T. F.ght at Nan Shan. •I. Performing cockatoos 5. Battle of TaTSekyo. 6. Railway Station in Paris. 7. Fight
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    • 232 1 LONDON DIRECTORY, 'ON I AINLNCr over 2.0f>0 pages ut cuu--A densed commercial mutter, enables euterJ «rising- traders throughout the Empire to keep iu close touch with the trade* e>f the Motherland. Besides being a complete commercial guide to London and ii.« Suburbs. London Directory e*>ntains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with
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    • 21 1 eOtOENBERe* ZEI Genuine Pilselier ON.; KHYK PA NO. (Chop) KH YE GUAN. lin Smelters and Importers »1 Ha Opium, «r t'ATPINO
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  • 22 1 Dkath. On Jan. 20, at Hamburg-, 0»*<av Erdmann, of Hongkong, and formerly senior jrirtner "f Cariowitz and Co., in hi> fil.-l \eai
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  • 1313 2 A report to the Loudon Local (Joveruuieut Hoard by Dr. Haldane, f.r.s»., and l>r. Wade on the destruction of rat* and disinfection on shipboard has just lieen issued as an official paper bv the Medical Department of the lioard. It contains a detailed account of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 20 2 STJJAUNs' WINK, i„ addition lo beiu,.- -W “> 'lwUat Cod Liter Oil I' |m <t I**ii kuo«utu tU«* MmUk-u! v ..,|,i.
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    • 258 2 STEARNS’ WINE acts on the whole system. aiding digestion, improving nutri- I tion. Increases weight aiul strength. WANTED. BY au European in good position a iouu of $5«J0, repayable in mouthlv instalment's at 12 to 15 [>er cent. Applv to ‘*15.” c o Straits Echo. 80-105 74 W ANTED. TV
      258 words
    • 1771 2 TO RENT. ANTED to rent European resilience. State terms ami particulars to “QUEENSLAND c o Sira it* Echo. 8-2 05 1 mth 91 FOR SALE. \V O TO LET. NE HANDSOME TURNOUT complete, in good condition. Apply to CUNNING HAM. CL AUK «V Co. 1 16-2-05 no 113 Notice to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1590 3 o S, Hi. Co. i Norddeutsclier Lloyd, Bremen. INTENDED SAIIINCS 4-1' Homeward Mail. 1 IOMMENCING with the s.s. “Coro-; niandel piograinined leave this. Port ou the 4th February next, the Homeward Mail Steamers may l>e expected to; arrive al Penaug every ait .mate Saturday,; iHjfore da\light. -ailing ogatu not later
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  • 86 4 J'.Mtiee KUi»tl«« every Imm)y. and juatire Km *rr* Hstablished June Ist, I‘MU. fnhli*he<) daily (e*cep* *nt»d>iy«.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 220—2H2, J’.vicii .Str*w»i. IVikhkj PRICE IMII.V, l.iH'il, f"i pm-annum OUTS’I'ATIOXH Kxt-in MAII. RIHTIOK fl‘.«t Free) *l* *\A Itl.K Al •I < K KSS E c
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  • 2459 4 The Revenue Farms of the C>traits Settlements are of much greater importance to the Government and to the I ratepayers than many people may suppose. Indeed, it is higlilj’ probable that nine out of ten of the denizens of the West liaxe nothing more than verv hazy
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  • 964 4 To tiie foreigner wl, o ha„ li.ed half,, down rears amongst the Chinese ,i„. Chingay process,on must have memorable sight; but there must be great many newcomers to whom the won! Chingay conveys no meaning. For tl information of kucli we mav explain tl. the name Chingay/
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 258 4 PRMAMCO., McAlister&Co. Ltd. IS. Reach Street. Penang Beg to Announce a Fresh FOR HOMEWARD WELLERS. Arrival of the Cabin Trunks. Overland Trunks Imperial Trunks, Steel Trunks, Uniform Cases, Leather Trunks, Hat Cases, Cabin Bags Holdalls Gladstone Bags, Kit Bags, Brief Bags, Travelling Bags, Rug Straps. WELL-KNOWN SWIFT Heavy and Medium
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    • 7 4 Whiteaway Laidlaw Co. Are Offering Special Prices
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  • 37 5 The Tsar s Armada Ihe t hird Baltic Meet. up plied by fteliter.) Luinhm. 16 Feb The third Russian Baltic fleet has mailed from Libau, tin Russian naval base and arsenal ou tin Baltic Sea.
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  • 68 5 Fiscalitisby Renter.) Lowfnni. I<> K«d>. The mend mem r«> llie Address from the Throne, moved by the |»t. lion. Herbert. Henry Asquith, k. c., to the effect that Mr. Chamltei lain's fiscal jtoliev having been discussed for tn«» years, the time lias now come for submitting the issue to
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  • 29 5 Deplorable Accident. (Supplied by Renter. London, 17 Feb.—An explosion occurred on board a submarine torpedo-boat at Queenstown, a sub-lieutenant, and three others l>eing killed and fourteen injured.
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  • 668 5 The qualifying round for Mr. Warren's pri/.e is postponed to Saturday, the 25tli inst.—post entries. The February Monthly Medal will also lie played for ou that day. The Ladies’ Monthly Spoon will lie placed for on Tuesday, 28th instant. J’hk Kiug has lieen pleased to approve of
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  • 1031 5 Thb Hongkong College of Medicine was founded in 1887 for i! purpose of leaching medicine, surgery, and midwifery to Clnuese 'ami such others us might, avail themselves ot the privileges it offers. The College has I its hear!-quarters m the Alice Memorial Hospital,
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  • 979 5 bn. Josephine writes from the Convent nskiug us to publish the follow ing espies j sious of gratitmle I’o Mr. Robeu-i Yocn«». 'lhe Lady Superior and Sister»- of ihe Convent desire to express their gratitude to their kind benefactor (Mr. Roliert Young) for his very generous offering
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  • 206 5 Writing ou lSth ultimo the Shanghai -orrespoudent of the China Mail says T’iiu Health’ Report for December does not present Very cheerful reading. Reports Vague and uncertain as to the prevalence of smallpox have been rife, and now' we are told that there was some cause for
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  • 258 5 French Statesman's Views ot the Alleged Japanese Perii. Paris 15 Jau.—The Matin to-uay publishes au account, of an interview which one of its representatives has had with M. Deiouele, deputy of Cochiu-Ckiua. concerning the alleged report by General K<xlania on the possibility of wresting Tonkin and Aiiuam
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  • 412 5 One Empire. One Flag. See tlist grand old flag that’s flying O'er ihe ramparts of Quebec r The flag that flew— red. white, and blue. Above the Victory's deck. Jt never waves where cowards stand But floats above the brave And streams u|*on the mastheads Of «hips
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    • 109 5 U> 'illh l-.UITOR Of TUB isritin Kcuo. •SiK,- Since the new system has beeu iutreduced from the Ist of this month, outsail letters. etc., are delivered much later than ever before, and there are «lavs when we gel no mail at all On many occasions we got
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  • 405 5 The following is lilt* constitution of the new Cabinet: Premier and Minister u£ Finance M. Rouvier. Minister of Justice Cliaumie. Foreign Affairs Declasse. Interior Etienne. ar Bertoaux. Marim Thomson. Colonies elemental. Public Works Gauthier. Public Institution Bieuvcnuuiartin Commerce Dubief. Agriculture Ruan. Under Secretary of Fine Arts
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  • 57 5 hurnrd —Per Malta, from Colouii«o, Mrs and Miss Jans/., Miss Smith, child, and infant, Mr. and Mrs. h'ellie Smith ami infant, Mr. Tedlie. From London, Mrs J. hi. Keuu, Mr. hi. Macdonald. From Marseilles. Mr. Kno Maxwell and Mr. H. C. Betliield. ■Outward. Per Malta. i\>i Singapore, Mr. G.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 W felt** wav’* SEE Advertisement.
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    • 97 5 St. PATRICK S DAY. MEETING in connection with the jTV. alx»ve will lx* held in the Town Hull on Monday next, 20th inst„ at All Irishman are requested to attend. 17--2-04 117 WAYANG AISHAH” Indra Mahkota Theatrical Company of Penang W 1 Jjl j stage TO-N IGHT. x \T
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    • 822 5 Municipal Notice j 4 VPMCATIOflS are invite»! tor the appointment. of Clerk, Sanitary Improvement Department, at a *alarv of 83W pei auuuin. rising l»v triennial increfneuts oi st>o to $480. Applications to i>e addressed to the undersigned and marked outlie left-hand sale of envelope Clerk Sanitui y Improvement Department will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 753 6 >» CO •M hC c >• O tn o w 09 •M > S3 3 P u H O 2 i stfe 'N in*?. \W -S' \*fIALLY SElt^ **>*?* TH€ [XPCRFVPEMW ->*- T«AO£ MARK DUNVILLES Special Old Scotch Whisky g ow. SCOTLAND V. CORNFIELD. Graham Co.. Ld., H 3 9
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1750 7 Dr. W. M ANSON. DENTAL SURGEON. Pricy Moderate, Consultation Free. LEsIUINU A.T /Vo. 17, Penang Road. A few doors from the Lasttrit and Oriental Hotel. NOTICE. IHEWS Of iVuuujr. SiogijH,,,.. iVrak. belaugor. ni l Sumatra. N. D. deSILVA, MANUh'ACIURINO JEWELLER s ml lis Pliotosieiiliiigod, vmiotig Hioto up to v. ft
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1129 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co.’s STOCK-TAKING. PRICE $1 The opportunity of the Year during the month of FEBRUARY. We are offering our Entire Stock At Special Reduced Prices PER BOTTLE. FREE BY POST PRICE $1 enan K c °nfectione» iA Stuhe-, fc g r. d. UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION, For Hun>n:i Aaiunl use \ii
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