Straits Echo, 13 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 46 1 Hoi Sunday, Feb. 11» 10*t5. a. M J\ m M0n. 1.1 v, I:>tlt IF I<t it'So Tuesday, 14tli 10 Jo 2o Wed nesdat. 15th... 10 50 |Mo Tlinisdnv. JGtli 11.40 Friday, 17tli 0 30 0.5.”* Sal nrdar. IBlli |2O 115 Sunday. 2.10 2.35
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  • 23 1 To-day. lOtli Dav, I*! Muon. Town Band, Ksplauade, «5 p.m To- .MORROW' I It.ii Day, Isi Moon. Town Band, (JolfClub, 0 p.ui.
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  • 27 1 O Fuli Muon Feb. 20tli 1.47.3 am hast, Quarter 28th 4 30.5 AM New Moon Mar. titli 12.14 7 First Quarter 14th 3.45.8 mm
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  • 50 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. 1 id nvAinis ;lomi." tun*. Xubia IH Feb Simla IS Fab Malta 'I Mar ('horna i Mar l-xtra Service. Mi rw a an- Ho.a ww.uti»s. Manila HI Feb. Java ‘24 Feb Vera 7 Mar. j Formosa 10 Mar. 1' or part iculars See i’age 5.
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  • 18 1 China (Simla) 15t ii Feb English (Nubia) 10th China Zieten 22ud German V. It. Ltdlpoltl) 23rd
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  • 1482 1 Kscacjno kkom thk Pkivatk Raskoputiu. of the 5 1 st Regi- ment of D agoons, of Chernigoff. relates in lie* Russki liistok how he managed j to escape from the Japanese' He was ■scouting with half a squadron near j l.iaoyang on August 28 when he fell
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  • 132 1 111-id Orncn Xe, 3s. liKACii SruKKr. I‘k.vaxu. BOARD or DIIIKCTORS. Mr. Tau Kheam Oou Mr. Lim Sun Hu Liui Teaug Hooi Jvoh Peng Guau Yeoli Oui Gark Tau Kim Leung Lim Boon Nye KliooGuatCheng j CliuugTbye Pliiu Goh Yew Keong Cheak Toou Haw
    132 words
  • 130 1 Pknano. 13th Fsbkuakv. < Utf courtesy of the Chartered Hank London Demand Bank ...1 ll£ I months’sight Bank ..i li; •3 Credit .2i 3 Docutneimw-v ...2 J, Calcutta. Demand Dank' Its. 14G.L 3 days’ sight Private 148. J j Bombay, Demand Bank 14♦ >^ 3 days’sight Private 148 A
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  • 207 1 BeisawaiiG*iid Mine Co., hd. 13. —saies Rani» Australian tlol.J Mining Co., bd s 4 uom. Redjang Lebong Gold Mining Co., bd S 230 uom. h’adniiaGi ’d Minim,'* I,td i'nily paid) In. 14ru.soil 'J in Mining Co., hd '2. -sales Kiiiiingim Tin Minim; Co >’ sellers iViala Tin Mines lild
    207 words
  • 188 1 I’m... S 70.40 buyers Gold leaf s7o.'. 11. Pepjier W. Coast. 311>5.50/..)$ 24. —sales White Pepper 38— seller* I L'raug Pepper, business 3 *25.50 sales j Cloves (picked) 55 37. —sellers Mace 85 —sellers Mace Pickings 72. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s H. —sellers No. 1 0 10 uoih Sugar
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  • Shipping.
    • 117 1 Imm. Nor. > s. ‘ddit. Hiiittoji, *l2tii 1,1 Rangoon. Sih Pel... < «Vti I\ (J. j Cady k i.D, I Jr. .vs. m J I-*.. Trev.eeke, li.Mli Pel». Teluk Anson. 1 11 !i Pel», ton.. St mils S. S. J P. iti.MAC, Ur. s.s. 2t>7, Neils* n. Pith Feb.,
      117 words
    • 83 1 I,ai v bui, Hr. s.s. 2 to, Treweeke, 12th I Feb., Toluk Anson, lltli Feb. Con., St rails S. S. Co. j P. ItiMAU. Hr. s.s. 25*7. Neiiseu, 13th Feb., J*eli. lltli Feb., Cell., 11. P. A Co. Pk«;u, Hr. s.s. 25*4, Conway, 12th Feb., Aeheeu, I Itli
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    • 63 1 Pith February. Oiuapttrr., for Long kail, Kopali, Uenoiig, ictoria Point. Alaiiwun. Mergui and Tavoy. Canton, lor Paugkor and Teluk Alison. Janet Nicoll, for Motilnnyn. Ton») (Jit nan, for Perils and Selul. Malaya, for l)eli. van Outhoorn, lor Sabang. Oielilelt and 1 ’adaug. >ii/to)na, for Ibmgoon Haihora. tor Singapore. Hongkong.
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    • 68 1 i 1 #.‘t 1 butt Taroua Kang* tuu 11 LACo. Kel Mout rose Glasgow S.B.vVCo. loth Malta Co1oiiiIm> A J.I.ACo. ltitli Oopack Liverpool W.M.ACo. 17th Naui Sang Calcutta B.&Co. 17th Klim Sang Singapore B &CV 17th Simla Singapore A.G A (Jo. 18th Delia rtv Singapore S.B.ACo. 21st Manila
      68 words
    • 64 1 essels 1. fives Turoba Singapore H.LAOo. 14tli Feb. Monl ruse Singapore S.B.&Co. I5tli Malta Jolombo A Q ACo. 16th (Jo pack Singapoit Singapore W.M.AC0. 17 th Nam Sang B.&Co 17tli Kum Sam; Calcutta BAOo. 17th Simla Colombo A.G.&Oo. 18th IJeuart London S. 1 > AOu. -1st Bencleueb Singapore S
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    • 56 1 For:— Asaiiau aud iJittu Balii;i—Per Tony (Jlwy l’n, to-morrow, J p in. JJeii—PerI J «/n Rinata, to-morrow, 2 p.m. .Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Aiiioi Per Cluirterhouec, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swetteulmm, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore—Per Pin Sewt, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Lady Wvld, to-morrow, 3 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 94 1 MARTYN Co. o WHISKIES./ Jeye’s Perfect Purifier. Tlie best- «ml most powerful (iisinfectnnt e*tnut. ta i and 5 Gallon Drums mi < m 40 Gallon Casks. (Quotations on Application. SANIHUNDS. IHJTTEKY Co Ceiling Bracket FOR I'tJRICAI. INSTALLATIONS: ENAMELLED STF.EL INTERIOR CONDUIT SYSTEM ALLAN IRVING, TRICAL ENGINEERS c* GENERAL CONTRACTORS -A
      94 words
    • 127 1 mmm co., 15. beach Street. Penang FOR HOMEWARD TRAVELLERS. Cabin Trunks. Overland Trunks, Imperial Trunks, Steel Trunks, Uniform Cases. Leather Trunks, Hat Cases, Cabin Bags Holdalls Gladstone Bags. Kit Bags. Brief Bags, Travelling Bags. Rug Straps. Heavy and Medium Weight Pure Natural Llama Wool Under Clothing for Europe. Pants, Vests,
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    • 18 1 STEARNS’ WINE, a general tonic au<l strength restorer. Always reliable. M»*t h? Ste-.irne' Take uo other. It cures
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    • 15 1 STEARNS' 'VINE make» good, red, rich blood. linjtfirts youthful strength and vigour. A nutrient Tonic.
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    • 58 1 60L0EN8ERG ZEITLiN. Genuine Pilsener Rm Guardian Assurance Company, Limited. Established 1821. Subscribed Capital Total Invested Funds upwards of JI*2.WO,OW 1,600,000 Total Annual Income Jt750,000 riIHE undersigned have l>een appointed JL Agents of the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by fire at
      58 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 840 2 Alleged Anti-British Intrigues (ily Oar Pari» Correspondent.) The downhill of M. Combes, which has; been almost daily expected for the past, twelve months and has only been warded off by a system of manoeuvring ou t he part of 1 the Prime Minister which is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 60 2 The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company. Liver London. Instituted. Uoruhill Dale Street, 1830, and Charing Cross. 'I’M E undersigned have been appointed Agents ol‘ the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by lire at the lowest tariff rates. Claims settled
      60 words
    • 1650 2 WANTED BY an European in good position a loan of £500, repayable in monthly instalments at 1*2 to 15 per cent. Apply to B. c/o Straits Echo. 30-1-05 74 WANTED. A! N Assistant Advocate and Solicitor for F. M. States. Liberal terms. Apply to T. H. T. ROGERS, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1910 3 P. 0 tAI/ c mm IS. N. Co. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. INTENDED SAILINCS. JL Homeward IVKctil. COMMENCING with the s.s Coro- > matidel programmed to leave this Port on the 4th February next, the Homeward Steamers may Ik; expected arrive at Penang evety alternate Satin-duy, before «layligljF.'lsulhifg Uguin not
      1,910 words

  • 83 4 •Justice satistluk everybody, ami justice alone.—Kw»***"» Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday».) AT Tilt CRITERION PRESS. Ed., No. 221>—23*2, Beach Slienl, IViiati)i PRICE DAILY, LOCAL l-i i»«r aimuiii OUTSTATIONS I‘outage Kxtru MAI I, EDITION (I’ost. tree) *'s t’Altl.K AUUKKKS: K c It o— V e
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  • 250 4 In view of the desperate striving ot‘ the Russian Government to obtain a <f coaling station en route to the Far East, the London Globe is of opinion that it may be just as well that the AngloFrench Agreement of January 15, 1896, expressly excludes Siam
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  • 1236 4 Why Dewey is Demonstrating. It will doubtless be recalled that on the 7th ultimo Reuter informed us that the United States Government had sent a sixty days’ ultimatum to Venezuela notifying that, if the claims of the United States and European Powers were not fulfilled. Admiral Dewey, with a
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  • 993 4 Aunual Prize Distribution Us Saturday evening at six o'clock;, v ,ls 1 held the annual prize distribution 1 George’s Girls’ School in the Town Hall, Penaug, as it always does upon these oc V a sions, attended in force. Miss Jones, tli i ho id mistress
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  • 105 4 February Tournament The following ties have been arranged 1 for to-morrow and Wednesday J To-morrow > Double Handicap. J. Davidson and C. C. Roger» G. II. Loes and E. Lees. Sinyle Handicap, Clans B. I G. Teeling cs. A. Reid. J. H. Schunermunu vs. L. A. C. Bigg».
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  • 170 4 Lasi Friday afternoon a lengthy series of correspondence regarding the reduction in the rent of the Penang Opium and Spirit Farms was tabled in the Legislative Couucil. In the last letter of the series, the Opium Farmers regret that His Excellency has not seen his
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  • 536 4 Neutrality. -V struggle to death are we w itnessiug; A struggle ‘twixt West and East 1 liile ueutral nat ions gather around. 1 Like vultures awaiting a feast; out each is bound by the nations’ law t j To retrain from giv ing aid, ■But the law
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 314 5 Russian Losses I'fcho Special. lokio, 12 l ob. Field Marshal Oyatua reports that up to the loth instant lie has buried about 2.000 Russian corpses in th<> vicinity of Heikontai. International Amenities Berlin, 12 Fob. The J sar has invited the Gorman Prince Leopold, who is proceeding to
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    • 338 5 Strikes Spreading. Echo Special, t Berlin, 12 Feb-- Fresh strikes lmve broken out in St. Petersburg and the provinces and the authorities are apprehensive regarding the course of events] on Sunday (12th). I’he Ironmasters’ Memorial (Sa aplied by Healer.) London, 11 Feb. —The Russian iron- masters have memorialized
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    • 29 5 Hit Stranded Pylades. (S applied by Heater.) I' London, 11 Feb.— H. M. S. Py lades, winch stranded on a reef off Thursday Island, has l'.'o») refloated
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    • 21 5 Japanese* Treaty Signed. Of’jilfl by lie alee, i Loini< j_ j y|, .lapimese-American Treaty lias U-en segued at W ashii)._rti>n.
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    • 67 5 The New Loan. 1 Sajiolied by Renter. London, 11 Feb.—The new Chinese five per cent, loan, which was issued bv the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank iu Loudon •on Friday at 37. has drawn a great rush of subscribers. The crowds had to lie controlled bv the police and the
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    • 41 5 hail Spencer’s Manifesto {Supplied by Heater.) London, 13 Feb.—The Lilieral officials sav that Earl Spencer’s manifesto was oulv a personal statement of his views and uot 1 a party manifesto, but the newspapers are not inclined to accept this explanation.
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    • 49 5 Resigns the Cinque Ports Wardenhip i Ha ft died by Heater.) London, 13 Feb.—Lord Curzon has resigned the Warden ship of the Cinque Ports and is succeeded by the Prince of Wales, i Wa liner Castle will no longer lie the official j residence of the Warden.
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    • 40 5 Oxford r. Cambridge Supplied by Healer.) London, 13 Feb.—Oxford lias beaten j Cambridge in the Association football! match bv two goals to one. i Ireland v. England. At Rugby football Ireland has beaten; England by 17 poiuts to 3.
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  • 462 5 The Charges of Breaches of Neutrality At last we are informed of the nature| of Russia's charges against China, the i Negapatam mail bringing London tiles up to the 20th January from which we gather; that Reuter’s Agency learns that the charges of breach of neutrality brought
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  • 253 5 Tour of the British Resident to the New Territory and Epper Perak t ‘OMUENCES J o MoUKOW Ol k lpoii correspondent w rile* :-—Tins visit of the British Resideut to the New Territory and Upper Perak is of great importance. The Resnleut (the lion. E W Birch, c.M.G.) proposes
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  • 707 5 Chinese Official as Plaintiff in the Chancery Court. The <J. E. and M. Go's Afkaiks. Chang Yen Mao, a Chinese mandarin, attired according to the dignity of his high rank, appeared as a litigant in the Chancery Division ol‘ the London Law Courts on the 18th ultimo.
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  • 1086 5 Conflicting Fn tries. It appears that Hie list ef entries iui thy 'Kinta Gymkhana Club’s races which are to l>e held on the 21st. 23r*l, and 25th of the current mouth as published bv us ou Friday last, the 10th instant, aud* by the Piuaug Gazette of
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  • 134 5 11*** is lot i iie |»>«blK.ilo>«i oi un.MUiiv after the itoiy > ih*u h<i> been ixll Loudon. 13 A certain :imount of Misuboniinntioii prevails in the third La I tic lleet. A .sailor was shot on i •Saturday for stabbing a Lieutenant. I ho Japanese Government has placed
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  • 251 5 French Scheme to Tunnel under Them -M. Lucian, a member ot' the ideographic-! til Society of Paris', ami who with Count Loicq tie Lobel of Paris is interested in! .connecting railroad projects in Alaska and j Siberia bv means ot a tunnel thirty-eight miles long under Behring Strait,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 3 5 SFE Whiteaway'9 Advertisement.
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    • 107 5 WANTED, i STOREKEEI’KIi. -4-\ A ppl y Sugar K&lulen (Jjjii't. 13-2 05 2iusrt 105 Captais W. .YJ. Lance BOWEB. ''fruits SelfleiHtuf s Volin'. print),y, WA V.V.C. 11-2 05 102 “WAYANG AISHAH Indra Mahkota Theatrical Company of Penang WILL STAGE TO-NIGHT. AT 1H E King Street Theatrical Hall Admission si, SO
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    • 797 5 To-day's Advertisements. lor Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow. and Amoy. .-.leu ms hip (Jhorterliour‘\ ('.ipi.iiu 1 1- ikiiiibridt'e, will leave tor the above port*. on Thom lay. the 14th iustant. ;it O p 111. I'oi Kreiyht or iippiv to IvOFl OI'AN c'o.. Agentg tor 11 I»in A. tji* SisgaPoki:. 10:; 1 :>-ii-i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1543 6 N ID 0 t B OS vw z o H W \$ALLY SEl #n« .,isV« d a 4 V D *0» TM£ If,?! 5 OUTCH C*S T Yf-b %*tz BROS UHSrJ re ?EHr^ P^PORf; H* C; h* > 3 -3 E3 O ThAOC MARK r s DUNVILL :ial Old Scotch
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1043 7 MPORTANT NOTICE.' W. CORNFIELD. SAFE SECURITY; T ATTERSALL No. 96, KLA WEI ROA D. s, Tailoring, Outfitting and General Store hn.«h... I lien. 13 no liett.-r scruriiv than hnnl on which ii >» I t r^': e<l '►«•Mi-W. 0» rental value. The Company on ns six neve* of I 18
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 896 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co.’s STOCK-TAKING. •a»' The opportunity of the Year during the month of FEBRUARY. We are offering our Entire Stock CHUBB’S SAFES. CROWN BRAND. "ti* .r. Cj-ii, 1 ru 2NS r TWd m ■I ifj '§> 9 «Mi I. Ls-* 9 niot l ft 7 «n'/a >V B. sc
      896 words