Straits Echo, 9 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 60 1 Mirths (In J*>t 1 1 January, at Rainroon. i in* ivi|<; <>| I’citv A. Kuril. Rangoon Police. ol'a sun. A I Sliangliai. uii ll»*tIt January. tin» «vile of (Jillx-i t Mcllilusli, of ;t daughter Makkiaok. (In .»t)i January, at Nc w urk. Margaret Vintuii, only «laughter ut tin-
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  • 43 1 Koi Weei eliding Wednesday, Feb 15. 1! M A.M. !>.M. I limxiax, Mtli «>.50 (i.l.'i Friday, JOth ti.4o 7.05 Saturday, 11th 7. H0 7.55 •Sunday, I*2tli H.*2(i x t.', Monday, 13th 11.10 9.35 Tuesday, 14th lU— 10.25 Wednesday, 15th... 10.50 11.1-5
    43 words
  • 29 1 I II l)A V. (it li Day, Isi Muon. Town Hand, (Jolt* Club, 0 p.m. 'j 11-MOKItOIV. 711 1 Day, Ist. .Moon. Town Band, Esplanade. 0 p in
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  • 30 1 First, (Quarter... Feb. 12Ui I 1.15.4 p.m O Kill) .Moon 20tli 1.17. H a.m Last Quarter 28th 430.5 a.m U New Moon Mar. (itli 12.1 f. 7 i’..\i
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  • 50 1 P O. SAILINGS. .Mail Service. i llJT" j| oM KM aim»' Nubia lb I'cb St min I-i l-rb Malta *2 Mar t)U uxau Mar Extra Service. IX Kl»i* .i" -i K" v 1 Malacca Jcb. Jaca -i bcb Manila :JI Formula W Mar For par tie mars See Fane H.
    50 words
  • 52 1 Indian (Tara) 10th Feb. China (Simla) 15th English ulna) Ititll China ititit**.it l 22nd German iV. It. Tuit/mld i 23rd The B. 8. N. Coy’s s. s. Tara, with the Mails from Europe left Negapaiam at I on Monday, and may lie expected to arrive at Penang
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  • 1296 1 Sail ikom Pori Arthur to < ‘hkeoo. AN EEIS 'DE OK THE SiEOE. I The liiua Review contains au interesting account of a voyage in an open hoe front Port Arthur to Chefoo with disj 'tches from Sloessel. It was *arly in the afternoon of the sixteenth
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  • Shipping.
    • 97 1 f'ni.N/.b&s A i icc, i «or. s.s. (>,72o. VN iti iMli Feb.. Hamburg. Gth Jan.. Cen.,I M. Co JIonu Wan I. Br. s.s. ti.tMJO. Slaker, IMli Feb., Singapore. 7tli Feb.. Gen., K. G. Co. Malacca, Hr. s.s. 2l>15, liabot, Mill Feb., London, 7th Jan., Gen., —P. «V O. Valentyn,
      97 words
    • 65 1 Hong Wan 1, Br. s.s. 2,0t»0, Slaker. 9th Feb., Singapore, 7th Feb.. Gen. K. G. Co. Yalentyn, Dut. s.s. 374 Van Union. 9th Fel*., Bajan, Bth Feb., GenH. L. A Co. Perak, Br. s.s. 297. Buchanan, Bth Feb., Port Swettenham, 7th Feb., Gen..— K. G. Co. Lady Weld,
      65 words
    • 45 1 !Mli February. Malaya for Deli. Rotorua, for Tougkah. Flyiutj Drayon, for Deli. Pula Riman, for Deli. Hok Canton, for Edie. I Semawe, 8**gli, and Ulelileli. Canton, tor Paugkor aud Teluk Anson. Chan Tai, for Perlis and Set ill. Malacca, for Singapore. China and .laoan.
      45 words
    • 42 1 Sui Singaoore j Ii.&Co. lOtli Feb VVailiora Singapore K.G.Co. loth C.A pear •Calcutta A. A-A.Co. 10th Zaniania Singa pore H.L.ACo. 10th Mont I'l >6« Glasgow loth Boneleuch Loudon S. l».ACo. 21st Beuu riy Singapore S.B.&Co. 21st Manila Sue/ A.G.«VOo. 22nd
      42 words
    • 49 1 1 /<v. t+'i** V\ ailiora Mouiineiii K lotii 1 VI Sui Sails' 'alcut la B.ACo C.A pear Singapore A. A.A Co. Imli Za mania M a< 1 ras H.L.ACo. lotii Montrose Singapore S.B.&O0. loth Bencleucli iSinoapore S B «.VCo. 21st Beuartv London S.B.ACo. 21st Manila Singapore A.G.&Co. 22nd
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    • 108 1 For Calcutta—Per Southyate, to-morrow, noon. Asaliau and Batu Balira—Per Tony Chat/ i Un, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Asaliau —Per YV< 'Inm/. to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham. and Malacca Per; Perak, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Per Aoujyee, to-morrow, 2 p.m. 1‘Mie. T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Well aud
      108 words
  • 131 1 Pknanu. oth I'kmkl aky. 1 lift courtesy m th* (Jlmrtereil Hunk. I Condon Demand ...1 II I moilllit,’ sigiii Bank ...I ll’ 3 redit ...2- I tocumenUi rv ~.'2l CaiiMitta. Deimilid Panic I is. I |(J.\ 3 (lavs’ si "lit Private I IS.I Bom Wav, Demand Bank I4(»t
    131 words
  • 205 1 Ber.s;uva.ii(jold Mine Co.. lai. 13. —sales j Kant» Australian Cold Mitt* Co., lid. S 4 nont. li.edja.lHf HeWong (told Mining Co.. lid 230 non i. i\aiiiinaCold Mining( lr). iHIly paid) 5 H|.— Bruseii Tin Mining (Jo.. Ini. S 2. tale* K iniiigiiii Tin Mining Cm. s ;i._ seller» hinta
    205 words
  • 185 1 I I'm... S /0.80 Business done Quid leal’ 71P 1 15. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50/..)$ 24.— sale* White Pepper S 38— seller* Trailir Pepper, business 25.50 sales Cloves (picke*]) 8 37.— seller* ,\J jure 85— seller* Mtpce Picking* t'l.—sellers Nutmegs 1 10s H.— seller* I No. 1 *j.lo nom.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 255 1 MARTYN Co. ,t» 0 v»* WHISKIES. KINTA TIN MINES LIMITED. DIVIDEND 1 No. y A FURTHER dividend of bd. per share lias been declared, payable in London on dlst January, and will be paid to all 1 local Shareholders as soon ;is the registered list, of Shareholders on that date
      255 words
    • 26 1 CHILDUKN AliE THE SUNSHINE of the hume. Stearns' 'I ine makes the sunshine brighter. A splendid ten it ter the little ones. S'.> pleasant tt> take
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    • 70 1 The warning «symptoms of consumption should l»e heeded without delay. Commence with moderate doses of Steam»' Wine and consult the family physician at once. Hongkong Yuen On Insurance Ex* change Loan Godowu Co., Ltd. Capital $1,000,000. rpHK undersigned having l->eeu appointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept
      70 words
    • 37 1 FOR SALE. IWO-SRATED VK/TOKIA with Horse and Harness complete. Puict >625. lust A LsO PIANO by UtoadwiMuJ. New last March and practically unused. Price >4OO. Apply L. H. CLAYTON, Khineee Proterforate. i ’Jo-l-Oo t ri-wk ii '»J
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    • 5 1 GOIOENBERG ZEITUN Genuine Pilsener Beer.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 19 1 Death. (In 23rd January, at the Vieturia Nursing Homo, Shanghai. Archer I’. Willson, of 1 Messrs Brower A Co.
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  • 963 2 (Time* MiliUi <i t 'nrrespohdent.. Vicb-Aumikalj I bibassoff has l>eeu liitlierto credits! with lit»- diplomatic tact required for 11n* fuliilmeut of a delicate mission but, unless llu* account of hi.- truly extraordinary statement t<> the hr},■> <l< Paris receives a much more <-x|*l i i
    963 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 <Jood lor voting and old i> ,'Stearns' M ine. Enriches the blood, aids digestion, improves nutrition, increases weight. !t cures. John Bazley White Brothers' LION BRAND PORTLAND CEMENT, Sandilands, Buttery Co., I fit f)o i (t'i* I V*i//' ny.
      39 words
    • 1951 2 WANTED .111 European in good position a loan of 8500, repayable in monthly in>tal- men is at I 2 to 10 per cent. A pply to B. c o Straits Echo. 30-1-05 74 WANTED. TO RENT. FOR SALE. to rein Europeau residence. WORLDS* GREA1 CLASSIC V? Slate terms and particular*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1821 3 S. N. Co. TAO ft Homeward Mail. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. INTENDED SAILINCS. CH)JlMKNOlN<i with llu* s s <'«>ro1 niandel programmed to leave this Port ou the 4th February nexl, the Homeward Mai) Steamers may Ik.* exacted to arrive at Penang evei alternate Saturday, liefore daylight, sailing again not later than
      1,821 words

  • 85 4 Jn*tl< e uMlw everybody. ami Justice al<nie.— Km»**”* Established June Ist, 1903. Fu!>li*ht*<l iKily (except. K<iti«l»«y*.) it Tni CRITHRION PRESS, 111., No. "22fi-22'2, Boacli Street, Pettnuo. PRICE II ll>T. l.( 1C A I $-J4 l>er aiillillii OIFTSTATIOXH KxMtt MAII. KIMTION (l‘«et Kree) J S CAUI.K AIHIKKKM: “Ec
    85 words
  • 1891 4 Russian Machinations Exposed. Belgians the Tools of Aggressive Powers. Br the German mail which arrived this morning we received a budget from our Loudon correspondent which inI eludes an article clipped from the St. > James’s Gazette, signed T. 11. M. H,” which will
    1,891 words
  • Current Topics.
    • 116 4 It is stated by an Indian contemporary that Mr. 8. M. Fraser, of the Foreign Office, iiulia. i.s appointed a Special Commissioner to meet His Excellency Tong Shao Vi, High Commissioner of China, ion liis arrival at Calcutta. The same j paper aids It may be assumed that 1
      116 words
    • 496 4 The Times reverts to the subject of the real yellow peril and expresses some interesting opinions tliereaneut. It i says :—lf there be any Yellow Peril to-day, it is not a new thing, but an old tiling in a new guise. A year ago there was
      496 words
  • 1971 4 Needs of the Moment Pwnusl Eli I.M EK\ 1 KVV Klt Several matters of paramouui import- auce to tin.* general public of Penang ami the Federated Stales having cropped up I recently, and 1he»o having been supplemented by a letter lrom a correspondent who; signs liiinseli “Grumbler.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 149 5 German Braise for Japan. I /vc/«i Sin rml I Ih* l l i ll v I' I>. I’ll»* •«•rmaii press, on 11 1« ***** i\«*itjii v ul the outbreak »>t the war, praise* the Japanese tor their successes and hints nl Rn-sias critical position, Dissensions. Everywhere reports are
    149 words
    • 231 5 (iapon in London. (l*Jeho Special.) London, 8 Feb. (0.15 p. y —The reports of the arrest of Father (Japon, who took a leading part in the revolt in St. Petersburg, are false. lam assured bv a Russian revolutionary that Gapon arrived in London to-day and is keeping his
      231 words
    • 335 5 A Satisfactory Explanation /-,<7,0 SfH l'Hti. Berlin. S Fob. The lit. lion. Sir Frank t'.ivcmlish lv.t!sc<*lle.s, British Ambassador boro, has "iven a satisfactory explanation reo;ir<lit»<r tin 1 speech made by the lit. lion. Arthur 11. Lee. Civil Lord "I the Admiralty, at Fastleigh. ted by Uenitt'.' London. 8
      335 words
    • 79 5 Chinese Comittiss uueis Due in Reusing 1 til’ho tSy/t fill/. I Singapore. Feb.—Ti,e Imperial t /liinese High ‘oinmissioiiers J ong Shao Yi and Leong Sj Yo. vvli«> are proceedillg to Limia toconter with Lord ('ur/ou upon the Tibet question, are passengers bv the* Judo-China liner Stiisang.diie in Penang to-uiglii
      79 words
    • 102 5 Diplomats as Commercial Agents. 1 Supplied by Under. > London. 1* Feb. A remarkable struggle between the Germau uud French Embassies at Constantiiiople, to induce the Porte to expend a considerable proportion of the projected new loan of five millions from the Ottoman Bank upon guns from their respeclive
      102 words
  • 635 5 The following are the agenda for the ordinary meeting of the Commission tomorrow 1. Minutes of lasi meeting to lie read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President mav bring forward. 8. (Questions. I. Letter from Government regarding the nuisance caused bv the indiscriminate use of bicycle
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  • 585 5 The Denunciation of China Designed to Cause Intervention. Probably one of the mo-t accurate expianation* of tiie wholly groundless fuss about China having committed breaches ef neutrality is to be found in a communication from the London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian. who rep uted on the Bfh
    585 words
  • 410 5 The Yokohama daily known throughout the earth beneath and the heavens above as the Japan Herald was put up for sale bypublic auction the other diy but was withdraw the price offered being iielow t he limit placed on its value. The bidding started at Yen 10,000 and
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  • 56 5 I Ills i«> i v,-«| loc lilt) l>uiil it to net.. :u in n tifter tin* «lay's new* ii.c- Ik-cii iispo* London. 9 Feb.— The Warsaw hospitals are toll and are refusing to admit more. Ibo strike is ex peeled to bo resumed St. Petersburg on Sunday.
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  • 253 5 Mt<. Holland, Director of the Geological Survey. India, in a rev.ow of mineral product ton in Burma mi liis Report for 18*.»8. 1 '•***•->. just published, has the following regarding tin As regards the prospects of tin-mining in may be worth notice that the country in
    253 words
  • 173 5 The Rangoon Advertiser publishes a wire Irom Madras giving the following information respecting the outbreak of plague in that port Blague is reported to have broken out at a small fishing village near Cassimode. on the northern outskirts of ihe town of Madras. The village has been
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  • 450 5 Iwitrd -Per Malacca. from London Mr. jiiiul Mrs. W. 8. Dunn. Mr. K, 1 'in Ik >rn. P* r IV Alice, from Southampton Mr. 8. I\ io\. From Genoa, Mr. L. M. Woodward. Mrs. Goldenberg, Air. Btrengmaesto, Air. (V Boon. Air. AJ. 8. Sobels, Mr. Gsunmunger. Air. Grieshin, Mr.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1455 6 I m i w ISI 0 p p. o 0 r d m* > 3 SO -.-,4 Ui S&i'. b' N. D. deSILVA, MA NLEA C I URING JE WELL E R NOTICE. AND DEALER IN \/~W, VV 8 of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. z o H Ceylon
      1,455 words

  • 460 7 P«‘i.o Fix nits liilauiry Polo Toiiruunieiit To lodd al Meerut commencing J7th February. inter-Retrimental Polo Tournament Meerut. on March :>th ami following days Native Cavalry Polo Tournament l'*o.\ l uiballa. First week in March. Fnui.ish Racin'- Pixicui'. Lincolnshire Haudicnp (i mile) March ll s K rookies by
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1248 7 SAFE SECURITY BURN Co., Ltd., funds n ceivetl from Investors are iuvesteti in Estate ini Shanghai. There is no better security than land on which is' erected buildings of rental value. The Company owns six acres of land' within five blocks of the centre of the City of Shanghai, which,
      1,248 words
    • 162 7 ,I STHAKNS' \Y I N E st ivngi hen* 11»* nerves increases a|>|ietjte. st iiimlales digest ion. Tt v if now. I tilt as|> t or W'mr. GEORGE WALKER, Chemist and Di u^ist, “THE DISPENSARY.” No. 2 Hi shop street. Prescriptions carefully compounded. i Spectacles to *tiit all Sights. LADIES
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1285 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co.’s STOCK-TAKING. NOTICE Penang THE PENANG STEAM SAW MILL CO., Sungei Pina ng. Penang. FOR SALE The opportunity of the Year during the month of FEBRUARY. We are offering our Entire Stock ALL KINDS OF Planks, Scantlings, Timbers, etc., Large or Small. For the convenience of customers! EASTERN
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