Straits Echo, 8 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 43 1 For Wool ending Tuesday, Feb. 14 lb '5. A.M. J’.il. Wednesda v, -8jtli 5.00 5.25 Thursday, !Uli 5.50 6.15 Friday, 10tli 6.40 7.05 Saturday, 1 Ith 7.30 7.55 Sundav, 12t,li 8.20 8 45 Monday, 13th Jf.10 0.35 Tuesday, 14tli 10— 10.25
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  • 25 1 To- DAY-. sth Day, Ist Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, 0 p.m. To-m OK row. Oth Day, Ist Moon. Town Hand, Golf Club, 0 p.m.
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  • 14 1 First. Quarter... Feb. 12th 11.15.4 j\.vi O Full Moon 20th 1.47.3 p.m
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  • 40 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwari*B. }(<>*■ kw a «ns. Nubia 10 Feb j Simla /5 l l 'eb Malta 2 Mar j Hxtra Service. Outwards. iio&ncwAitns. Malaccai 7 Feb. Jard ‘i-t Feb Manila .2/ i For part icuiurs viee Page
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  • 94 1 German (P. Alice) 0th Feb. Indian (Taro) 10tii China (Simla) 15th Kuglish (Nubia) 16th China Zieten) 22nd Thk outward German Mail Steamer “Prinzess Alice having left Colombo at i p. in. Sunday is expected to arrive here on Thursday the 0th instant at 1 and will leave
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  • 1366 1 Meetinu of Stoessel and Nooi. Port Arthur, 5 Jan.—The meeting of Generals Nogi and Stoessel to-day had been arranged to take place at noon in the only undamaged house of the village of Shuishiying, a miserable hovel called Plum Tree Cottage. Th rough a misunderstanding, General Stoessel rode
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  • 122 1 Pknanq. Bth Fkbruaky. (By COHrlety of the Char ter til Hank.) London Demand Bank 1 /11 j; 4 months’sigiit Hank ...1 111 3 Credit .2- 3 Documentary 2; J, Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. I 3 days’ sight Private 148} Bombay, Demand Bank 140} 3 days’ sight Private 148} Madras.
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  • 181 1 BersawaliGuld Miue (Jo.. Ld. 13. tales Raub Australian Gobi Mining Co., fi<l 4 Horn. Redjang Leliong Gold Mining Co., fid 230 Horn. Iv adanaGold M ining C0,.1,t<1. (fully paid) 5 pr.— ,„un. Bruseh Tin Mini teg Co.. lid. 2.—sales Iv:iraii«'a.n Tin, Minui«r(si 5 O New Gopeug Mining Co., Ld.
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  • 182 1 I'iu... 8 76.80 Business done Gold leaf 79i B. Pepper VV. Coast Blbs.soz.)s 24. sales I While Pepper 38 —sellers Traug Pepper, business 8 25.50 sales Cloves (picked) 37. seller* Mace 85. —sellers Mace Pickings 72. —sellers NutniPgs 110 s 41. —sellers C No. 1 0.10 no hi Sugar
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  • Shipping.
    • 64 1 IjATkun, tier, ss. .5,128, Formes, 7th 1 el*.. Yokohama, 21 st Jan., Gen., —15. M C\». 1 IioTuKUA, Mr. s..s. 555, Lingurd, 7th Fel»., Toligkal). titli Fel»., Ceil., —K. G> Co. Kimait, Mr. s.s. 207, Neilseu, Htli 1 1»., Deli, 7tli Fel*., Gen., —H. T». A Co. I Canton,
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    • 48 1 Rotouua, Mr. s.s. 555, Tjingurd. 7th Fel»., Tougkali, 6th Fel»., Geu., I\. G. Co. V. Kim Ait, Br. s.s. 207. Neilseu, Bth Fel». Deli, 7th Fel»., Gen., —H. L. A Co. Canton, Mr. s.s. 105, Merican, Bth Fel».. Teluk Auson, 7th Fel»., Gen., —Ah H mg.
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    • 20 1 Bth February. tflenwjle, lor (Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow aml Amoy. FUzjHitrirk, tor Rangoon.. Glenfalloch, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow ami Amoy.
      20 words
    • 69 1 I nin> Ayr nl hie Sui Saug Singapore IJACo. lOtli Keb Waihora Singapore K.G.Co. loth C.Apcar 'Calcutta A.A.A.Co. f 10th Zamaiiia Singapore II .L. A Co. 10th lleuarty Singapore S. ll.ACo. 21st Manila Sue/ A ,(j| .A Co. 22 ml Vn 1 ■/<*»#• Wailiora Moiiliuein K.G.Co. 10th Keb C.
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    • 89 1 For Singapore China and Japan Per P.Altct to-morrow, 7 Deli—Per Malaya, to-morrow, Noon. Tongkah,—Per Rotorua, to-morrow. 1 p.m. Ddi—P.’.r Fiyiuj Drajon, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli—Per Pulo Rimau, to-nmrrow, 2 p.m. Edie, ’J’. Seniawe, Segli, Si Olehleh Per Hok Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson—Per Canton.
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    • 37 1 Inward -Per Bayern, front Singapore, Mr. A. van Roessiug, Mrs. von Roessiug Mr. H. A. Jones. Outward —Per Bayern," for Genoa, Mr. van der Shoot, Mrs. A. Sell we ta sell, For Amsterdam, Mr. 11. Steeinau.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 271 1 MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. FOR SALE. rnWO-SEATED VICTORIA with fust JL Horse and Harness complete. Price 5625. also PLANO by Broad wood. New last March and practically unused. Price *4OO. Apply L. H. CLAYTON, Chinese Protectorate. 2d-1-05 t-ri-wk u c 53 KINTA TIN MINES LIMITED. DIVIDEND I No. H A FURTHER
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    • 136 1 GOLOENBER6 ZEITLIN. Genuine Pilsener Beer. THE LONDON DIRECTORY, CONTAINING over 2.000 i>ages of condensed commercial matter, enables enterprising traders throughout the Empire to keep iu close touch with the trade of the Motherland. Besides being a complete commercial guide to Ltnlon and its Suburbs, the London Directors contains lists of
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 25 1 WEATHER. HK followiug report is kiimlv supplied l»v i*e Director of Kori Cornwallis:— l'lie raiufall diirint; tlip 'J4 Wmr* ondo. I» a.m. to-dav was nil.
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  • 1350 2 The Japanese forces have achieved two out of the three tasks which it is believed the General Staff at Tokm regarded as things capable of accomplishment within the year. They have destroyed, or driven from the seas, every vessel belonging to the Russian. Meet in
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  • 538 2 A Visit to Borneo late, aud the steamer” Merkus took me to Poutianak recently, writes a traveller, and imagination having pictured a population consisting mainly of Diak head-hunters i and of (Jiang Utans I was surprised to find this little equatorial town so peaceful
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 GOVERNMENT OF PAHANG. WANTED. I I rpilREJS Dressers, Grade ii. Salary $720 i per annum each. Applications, with i copies of testimonials and health certi- ticates, should reach the State Surgeon, aluiug, bo lore l'Vbruiirv. -1-00. :J tins a wk. *».S for sale. Elephant Brand Kerosene Oil W H] 1
      111 words
    • 227 2 L i TEIK CHIN Co. 3*911 General Storekeepers Provisioners and Commission Agents 25, HUGH LOW STREET, IPOH. Speoialitii ALWAYS ON HAND. REDDAWEY’S Camel Hair Belting, Crushed Food, Padi, Paints. BURRELL’S Boiled Raw Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Mining Candles, Manila Rope. BEST|MOULMEIN CIGARS, SIBERIAN BUTTER, WINES LIQUORS OF THE BEST BRAND. Ounville
      227 words
    • 1415 2 NOTICE. ■n ion E have this day removed from our premises No. 29, Peuaug Road, to >c, Ohulia Street. t. R. BEBTLIOS, INDIAN MUTTON TRADING Go. Peuaug, 31 st Jau., 1905. 1 v\ k 7*3 PREMISES No. Immediate entrv. TO LET. 115, Western Road. 7-12-04 Apply 0» l\ H Y
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1561 3 SMt /<P S. N. Co. c Homeward Mail. 10MMENCING w itli the s.s Coromandel piogramuied lo Icuvu this Port ou the 4th February next, the Homeward Mail Steamers may i*e expected lo arrive at Penang every alternate Saturday, before daylight, sailing again not later than lO the same day.
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  • 56 4 Justice satisfies everybody, an«l justice alone.—Kmers<>« Established June Ist, 190.1. FnhliM daily (except Kun«l»y«.> AT Tn« CRITERION PRESS, Ltl., No. 223—232, I {end i Slrnet, Pniinno. Kdilor, (/HKKNKY Duncan. MM SENG *****, Mmuujiwj Director. W All Ciie.iues ami Money Orders should lie craraetl and be made payable
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  • Current Topics.
    • 135 4 Axte-Nuptial writes to correct the statement of Mr. Arnold T. Fuller, in the Times, 7 7 ito the effect that under a recent legal decision it is possible for a peuni--1 less man to enter into matrimony and, by means of a marriage settlement containing it covenant to settle
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    • 147 4 It is notified by His Excellency the Governor, wi th the consent of the Government of ludia, that j the following classes of immigrants, namely, all Sikhs, Patlians, and Punjabis. the same being of the agricultural classes, are labouring classes and that I persons belonging to these three
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    • 158 4 TnK Times’ .Sofia correspondent reports that the fall of Port Arthur has produced a profound sensation throughout the whole of the Near Past, and especially among the Slavonic States of the Balkan Peninsula. Even the Russophii Press in Servia and Bulgaria now seems to admit
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    • 202 4 Slit Wilfrid Laurier, Premier of Canada, who was recently visiting Del Monte with his family and a party of friends, is stated i by American exchanges to have approved an arrangement made by the Grand Trunk Railway directors and the Allan Steamship Company whereby the latter
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  • 1411 4 II—From Prai te Taiping. y t# (By Our Special Cohiini«t>iouti'. I When I laid down my pen last week I had taken -my readers with me across the harbour in the Federated Malay States railway launch to Prai. the northern terminus of the new through express
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  • 647 4 Mrs. Pykett's Little Ones have an OUTl NO AT A t ER E-TAM. Mrs. Pykett has forwarded the following f<>r publication from the Augio-Cliinese j School j Will you kindly allow me through your j columns to express my thanks to Mr. Seng Hooi for his kind
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  • 915 4 The Times’ correspondent atTokio lias reported by wire that the Japanese newspapers, while applauding the bravery of Stoessel’s defence, are unanimous in condemning what they describe as his unsoldier-like conduct in taking the parole oath and returning home without his army. The same authority adds that the total
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 349 4 PRITCHARD h CO.. To’Night Every Night. IS, Heach Street, f J enang. JUST RECEIVED Japanese Cinematograph. Showing Scenes in the RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR &c., Chutia Street, Malay Temple. FRESH o. 4. 5. 6. 7 S. lb 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Programme, Theatrical Transformation. A Standing Joke. Tight at Nan
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  • 98 5 A Strange Story V(Supplied by Rcv k f London, 7 Feb. |t <s stated in official circles in Paris, us met hitherto undisclosed to the North*aea Outrage Enquiry Comniissiou, tin»* the yacht of His Majesty the King of Greece was proceeding from Denmark to France at the
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  • 263 5 Procurator s Assailant. Echo Specials.) Berlin. 7 Feb.—The mail who shot at Mons. Jolmsson, the Procurator of the Finnish Senate, at Helsingfors, is named Gudd. Martial Law declared Berlin, 7 Feb.—Martial law lias been declared in Sosnowiec, a mining and industrial centre iu Russian Poland. The Crimea. The
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  • 115 5 Crown Prince’s Tour (Echo Special.) Berlin. 7 Feb.—The German Grown i Frince is touring in Florence. Tour for the Kaiser. The Emperor Wilhelm, accompanied by the Empress, starts on a trip to llie Mediterranean on 23rd March. Inlftnd Canal Scheme. The Lantag has approved the German Inland Canal Scheme
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  • 70 5 Commissioner at Singapore. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 8 Feb. His Kxcellency Tsuig Shao Yi, the Imperial Chinese High Commissioner who is proce c ding to India to confer with Lord Curzon, the Viceroy, on the Tibetan Treaty, is passing through in the Indo-China liner Suisang, os a passenger for Calcutta.
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  • 17 5 Commercial Treaty Abrogated. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 7 Feb.—The Austrian Government has abrogated the Austro-Servian Commercial Treaty'.
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  • 917 5 Bennett Bcki.' ioii Interviewed. VVhile passing through Hongkong on the 28th ultimo on bis wav home bv the English mail, Mr. Bennett, Die Daily Telegraph'x correspondent, was hitor-rieWed by a representative of the Hougkoug Telegraph, his report reading as follows:— Mr. Burleigh was very courteous aud gave a
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  • 171 5 The Morning Post’*? correspondent iu I Berlin reveals an audacious war scare proi mitigated there. He states that with a view to securing the augmentation of Germaur's navy. Great Britain is represented as threatening to attack Germany if the latter’s navy is increased. According to the correspondent, the
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  • 666 5 M taitAN, 24 Jau. -The rats fouud iu i the Cassimode fishing village and the Mauritius Emigration Agency have been j examined at the King Institute of Prevent* r ive Medicine, aud have been found to be > swarming with plague bacilli. This has led > to
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  • 99 5 Brayi, Japanese Your Eastern seaRepeat our Western story In «teeif* well «lone. The Rising Sun Rdvivps his setting glorv Anue.1-with the best, from East and West. Complete. the foeinan found you. With Britain's fleet, all cleat-to-elcat. T<* keep the ring around you our watchful eyes have made
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  • 867 5 {Mining Journal, it Jan The Briseis mine continues to command the attention of tlie Alelbourne market. On the mine itself work proceeds steadily, and the position is improving. The removal of the overburden on the Briseis Hill has proceeded so far now that sluicing the drift on
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    • 433 5 To Tim Emtuk of the Strait? Echo. j Sir, —l think that the public of Penang iiml the Malav States cannot hut iiuanimoiis!lv endorse your valuable suggestiou to our P° s hil authorities to make arrangements for local mails per B. J. liners being sorted ru mute
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  • 617 5 Special Announcement Tim; undersigned has Ihe pleasure to; announce that, in deterence to ila> wishes of a number of supporters of the Strait* Echo. the Board of Directors «»1' the Criterion Press. Ltd., has authorised him lo reduce the subscription lo (he well-known Echo News Service, i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2053 6 UPTON'S TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. AGENTS PENANG Paterson, Simons Co. LEE CHYE DISPENSARY, No. 2b6, CARNARVON STREET, PENANG. Telephone No. 21*I. Open day and nigbt From 6 to 9 p.m.. Prescriptions are Accurately Prepared. 56a 22c Kennedy Co. ONG KHYE PANG. (Chop) KHl
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 741 7 IMPORTANT NOTICE X A r JE M i m Pi u 7fo. 96, Jk /awe/ 9?oad. SHOEING FORGE and VETERINARY INFIRMARY. The Proprietor begs to notify that having engaged a Competent Staff of Professional Riders, &c M at a considerable expense to himself, he is now open j 0 To
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1203 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co.’s STOCK-TAKING. The opportunity of the Year during the month of FEBRUARY. We are offering our Entire Stock At Special Reduced Prices Substantial Reductions! Immediate Delivery! We wish it distinctly understood that all our stock is in perfect condition. Special Prices are being offered to effect a clearance
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