Straits Echo, 2 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 39 1 For Weel ending Wednesday, Feb. 8. 1905. A.1W. P.M. Thursday, 2nd 0.25 Friday, 3rd 0.50 1.15 Saturday, 4th 1.40 2.05 Sunday, 5th 2.30 2 55 Monday, 6th 3.20 3.45 Tuesday, 7th 4.10 4.35 Wednesday, 8th 5.0 5.25
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  • 32 1 To-day. 28th Day, 12th Moon. Town Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. The Orchid”—Dallas-Bandnianii Opera Co., Town Hall, 0 15 p.m. To-Jioit ROW 20th Day, 12th Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, 6 p.m.
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  • 94 1 English Bengal 3rd Feb. China Coromandel) 4th German (P. Alice 8th China Zieteu 8tli l ae outward P. A O. royal mail steamei Bengal,” having left Colombo at 6 p.m. on Sunday, 29th instant, is expected to arrive here at 6 on Friday, 3rd proximo, and will
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  • 54 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. < )lIT W AKIiS. ill»,\l K W ARI»s. Bengal 2 Feb j Coromandel Feb. Nubia 10 i Simla /5 Kxtrn Service. <J I’ TW A KltS. iJ i M K W ARDS Malacca 7 Feb. i Palma 10 Feb. Mifmld Tf 1 dn-m 24 flajf
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  • 1112 1 General Stoessel’s A weal For News. It appears that on December 16th an emissary of the Russians arrived in a half-frozen condition at C’hefoo, having sailed over in a small boat from Port Arthur through a snowstorm. The messenger was the bearer of important official dispatches. One was
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  • 131 1 Penang, 2nd February. i Hy courtesy of the. Chartered Hank i <j London Demand Bank 1/114 4 months’ sight Hank 1 1 J j] o 3 Credit .111 3 Documentary 2- Calcutta. Demand Hank Its. I4.>j 3 days’ sight Private 147J Bombay, Demand Batik 145^ 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 190 1 Gold M iue (Jo.. Ld. 13.— *<»,/«.->• Ranh Australian Gold .Mining Co., Ld 4 uom. liedjang Lelxuig Gold Mining Co.. Ld J 230 Horn. KadauaGold MiningCo,, I »l.d. (fully paid) Jo. Bruseh Tiu Mining Co.. I*l. 2. —sides h'arangau Tin Mining Co. sellers Kinta Tin Mines Ltd 10.50
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  • 173 1 77. buyer* Gold leal 79.1 B. Pepper \V. Coast 24.— sale* While Pepper SS—sellers j Traug Pepper, business 25y seller* I Cloves (picked) S 41J sal»* j Mace 85 seller* Mace Pickings 74. —sellers Nutmegs 11 Os 41.— sellers C No. 1 6.10 twin Sugar 2 no stock. Basket
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  • Shipping.
    • 49 1 j Avagyee, Ur. s.s. 247, Morier. 2nd Feb., Port Swetteuliuin, 1st Feb., Gen i I\. (I. Co. Perak. Hr. s.s. 21*7, ibudiauan, 1st Feb., Port Swetteuliam, 31st Jan., Con., K. G. Co. j Mai.aya, Ger. s s. HOI, Hloek, 2nd Feb., Deli. 1st Feb Gen., 1». M. Co.
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    • 49 1 Avaoykk, Hr. s.s. 247, Morier, 2nd Pel)., Port Swettenliain, Ist Pel)., Gen., I\. G. Co. i Pkrak, Hr. s.s. 25*7, Hnchanan, Ist Pel)., Port Swettenliain, 31st Jan., Gen., Iv. G. Co. I Malaya, Ger. s.s. s*ol, Clock, 2nd Pel).. l>eli, Ist Pel)., Gen.,— U. M. A. Co.
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    • 23 1 2nd February. Cornelia, tor l>eli. U. ffaletcyn, for Batu Balna. Chan Tai, for J’erlis and Setul. Canton, tor Pangkor and Teluk Anson.
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    • 62 1 1 **.<*«/. 4 Mi .htent.Ihic llengal Co’onibo A.G.’&Co. 3rd Feb. Hector Singapore YV.M.&Co. 3rd 1 1 haka Cheat) g Hamburg li.M.ACo. 3rd Chew Rangoon C.H.&S. 3rd Coromandel Singapore A.G.&Co. 4tl. /aniauia ore H L&Co. 4th Lightning Singapore A.AA.Co. *th Oii iiiii. Singapore S.K.&Co. 7th .Malacca Suez A.G.&Co. 8th C
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    • 59 1 1 I**»*/.bn I 1 ■/•'ill l t r, I VZi Bengal Singapore A.G.AOo. 3rd Feb. Hector Marseilles YV.M.ACo. 3rd Itliaka Singapore B.M.&Co. 3rd Lightning Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 4th Coroniaudel Singapore A.G.ACo. 4th Zaniania Madras H.L.&Co. 4th Clieang 1 Chew Singapore C.H.AS. dth China Colombo S.K.ACo. 7th Malacca Singapore A.G.ACo. C.
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    • 84 1 Fok Singapore and China—Per Betnjal, tomorrow, 7 a.m. Deli—Per Calyjisu, 11 a.m, Port Swettenham, and Malacca—Per Ferak, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham, and Singapore —Per Avaijyee, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Lady Wehl, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Negapatam and Madras—Per Zamauia, 4th instant, 9 a.m. Port Swettenham, Kuala
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    • 23 1 Inward —Per Avagyee,” from Singapore, Messrs Holloway, Sinclair, Longue. Per Malaya,” from Deli, Messrs de La Croix, David, Vredenoogt and van Gils.
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    • 21 1 New Moon Feb. 4tli 6.1.2 p.m. i First. Quarter 12tli 1 1.15.4 p.m. O Full Moon JOtli I 47.3
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 390 1 MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. Penang. EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. I UNEQUALLED FOR Situation, Comfort and Catering. SARKIES BROTHERS, y I a Proprietor LADIES GENTLEMEN ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to come and inspect our specially ordered NEW YEAR GOODS. Helmets, Hats and Caps of various qualities. Boots and Shoes of every kind and shape.
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    • 25 1 CHILDREN ARE THE SUNSHINE of the home. Steam# Wine makes the sunshine brighter. A splendid t*»n for the little one l So pleasant to take
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    • 106 1 Know All Men By these Presents that we PENG CHENG Co. OF No. 17, Market Lane HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF Folding: Panama Hats, Ellwood’s Patent Helmets, Felt Hats, Straw Hats, Tweed Hats Caps, ALSO Boots Shoes AND Excelda Handkerchiefs, OK THE BEST QUALITY, FOK MEN an 1»
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    • 50 1 6MDEIBER6 ZEtTLW. 0 Genuine Pilsener Beer. Hongkong Yuen On Insurance Exchange Loan Godowu Co., Ltd. Capital $1,000,000. r bavins' l»een appointed Agents for the above Company are j prepared to accept marine risks on the most i favourable terms. OHFE JJEE Co.. Agent*, No. 181, Bench Street, bl-vrk 100 c
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 47 1 WEATHER. I'hk following report, is kindly supplied l*y lie Signal Director of Fort. Ooruwaiii*: j |>.m. Y wrerdu jI'li. 87' 'Vi. Fine 'Vii. South ■i in. iooi. !'o-ii;iV y 82' 87 Hazy Fine North South 1’Jie rainfall duriue the *24- hums at 1» a.m. to-day was nil.
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  • 319 2 f Times, oth Jan.) A Laffan telegram from St. Petersburg says that the Tsar has sanctioned the expenditure of X 160,<XH),000 for rebuilding the Kussiau navy, the progamme of construction of which is to occupy ten years. The ships which it is already decided to build, and
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  • 716 2 Calcutta Lawyer Gets Six Years A Calcutta wire to the Rangoon Advertiser reports the conclusion of the trial of Ernest Hardwick Cowie at the Criminal Sessions of the High Court before the Chief Justice. Mr. Siuha, standing counsel with Mr. Shelley Baunerjee, instructed by Messrs Orr, Dignam
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 300 2 W. CORNFIELD. Tailoring, Outfitting, and General Store g KGS to intimate to hi* customers and the Public in General that lie has removed from his temporary premises into his new spacious warehouse Nos. 1 3, Bishop Street, with a new, large, and complete Stock, comprising: The best English and French
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    • 1214 2 A. J. MAIN Co., Ltd. Designrs and Manufacturers of all Types of Steel and Iron Buildings. Steel and Iron Road Bridges. Wharf Staging, and every description of riveted work required in Building Construction. WrougliMroiuHailing, Gates and Fencing. Catalogues, Designs and” Estimates free on application to HUTTENBACH BROS. CO., Machinery Department,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1887 3 t S. N. Co. Homeward Mail. C COMMENCING with the s.s. Coroy mandel programme<l to leave this Port on the 4th February next, the Homeward Mail Steamers may lie expected 1o arrive at Penang every alternate Saturday, (jofore daylight, sailing again not, later than 10 the same day. *V\
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  • 89 4 e»n*Hee everybody, and justice alone.—Ktn*ra<m Established June 1st, 1903. rublifthed daily (except Knnduya.) AT TH» CRITERION PRESS, Id., N«>. 226-232. Beach Stwt, Penang I'AKI.K ADDRESS BRICE I>A I I. V. LOCAL >21 per iillliiitll OlJTSTATIOXs I'ostnjre Extra MAIL KIHTION (E.wt. Kree) A 5 E c li
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  • Current Topics.
    • 246 4 The harm done by the almost universal credit or chit system in Shanghai and j other eastern ports, has been often i animadverted on, and in these days when I bank notes of all denominations and i fractional currency are so plentiful, and one is not obliged to carry
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    • 374 4 In a further letter oil the subject of the Colonies and Imperial Defence, Sir Frank Swettenham. in reply to some remarks of the Agent-General tor Western Australia, points out he did not suggest that the naval subsidy should be based upon the revenues raised in the Dependencies
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  • 2050 4 Borneo's Beck Case. Mr. Robertson’s Testimony. the BORNEO herald’s EDITOR CALLED OUT. i We have much pleasure in publishing the following wholly unsolicited and, we may add, quite uuexpected letter from Mr. J. C. 1 Robertson of Kudat, British North Borneo, which re:iclied us a day or
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  • 712 4 .Municipal Progress Last uiglit saw another step forward iu the progress of Penang’s Municipality, the Abattoirs and Pig Market being lighted bv electricity for the first, time. In both establishments the installation has been put in by Messrs Howarth Erskine, Ltd., and consists, iu the Abattoirs, of
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  • 167 4 The 1904 Output Gueat Faujns Of f. The total output of tin from the Federal- ed Malay States last, year 856,268 piculs, showing an increase of 25,590 piculs compared with 1906. Selangor's increased output amounted to 16.747 piculs, Perak’s 7,264 piculs, and Pahang’s 2,194 piculs. Negri Sembilau alone
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 8 4 Whiteaway’a Prices are Hard to Beat. 'TILL STAGE
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  • 171 5 Manchuria. Further Fighting [Echo Special.) Tokio, I Feb. —Field Marshal Ovama reports that the Russians bombarded the Japanese right and centre on the 30th ulto., while small detachments attacked from various directions. All the attacks were repulsed by the Japanese outposts. The Russians on the .Japanese left opened
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  • 263 5 IMirski Dismissed. —t (Echo Special.) Berlin, 1 Feb.—General Prince Sviat-opolk-Mirski, the Russian Minister of 1 the Interior, lias been dismissed, it being alleged that the dismissal is in consequence of his ill health. {Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 1 Feb.—General Prince Sviat-opolk-Mirski, the Minister of the Interior, lias tiually
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  • 139 5 A Clerks’ Strike. {Echo Special.) Singat>ol‘*N 2 Feb.—The clerks employed by the Vacuum Oil Company here have struck work, because one their number, named Olivero, has >*eii superseded by a European. a muii mons has been issued in the mattei. Other Strikes. Summonses have also been issued atrainst thirtv-three
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  • 97 5 loLUMViKti are the latest reports received from our Special ’<» iiunit>sioiier up to the time of going to press to-dav Left Kwala Lumpur at 6-45 with a good number of passengers. Ai rived at [poll on schedule time and left 12-45. passed Kwala Kaugsar at 2-13; arrived at
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  • 779 5 Special Announcement. The undersigned lias the pleasure to announce that, in deference to the wishes of a number of supporters of the Straits Echo, the Board of Directors of the Criterion Press, Ltd., lias authorised him to reduce the subscription to the well-known Echo News Service, consisting
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  • 374 5 At tlie Town llall last night the curtain I was raised to the music of “The Girl from Kay's.” We are inclined to think that this j plav went with a greater swing than even J the first time it was produced- Miss Violet i Framptoii looked
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  • 244 5 Annual General Meeting. > The annual general meetiug of the Malava Branch of the British Medical Association was held in Penang for tlie first time on Monday evening. In addition to the local medical men. Dr. Finlayson aud Capt. Sheehan were present from Singapore, and Drs. Connolly,
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  • 330 5 W 'T' In Civil Jurisdiction (Before Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice.) T. J. IjEssl.vk vs J. L. WoomoKii This was a case in which T. J. Lesslar, at present bailiff in the Municipality, sued the defendant, J. L. Woodford, claiming 81,000 damages for wrongful dismissal from his service
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  • 1225 5 I killed him,” says Sazonoff. The Assassin Interviewed I A correspondent of the Loiidou Gaily Express has furnished his journal with a most interesting report on the above subject leading as follows :—Karl George Sazonoff, the assassin of Jl. de Plelive, Russian Minister of the Interior, was
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  • 432 5 Increase in Price of Rubber Goods. In consequence ot the advance in the price of raiv India rublier (there was a rise of 6d. in fine Para during Nov.) the Indiarubber Manufacturers’ Association announce that as from Decemlier 6th the prices of all manufactured rubber goods have been advanced
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 Whiteaway’s ‘•Can Supply, all Your Wants
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    • 5 5 Whiteaway’s Offer Bargains During Stocktaking.
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    • 109 5 CHINESE NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS TI1HE undermentioned Hanks will be X closed on Saturday and Monday, 4th and Oth February, 1905: For the Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. E. M. JANION. Ay. Manager. For the Hongkong «V Shanghai Banking Corporation. A. G. STEPHEN, Agent. For the Netherlands Trading Society.
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    • 284 5 To-day's Advertisements. TO LET. < >I>< >N\ N No. I><‘iu'li .Street, former* I ly oiTiipied by Messrs* Helm Meyer i A (.V*. A j*|>ly to MAHOMED A It I EE. /•>(?, Hntton Lon' 2-li-Uo HI Notice. /\17E have this <lav admitted Messrs Cliee Kok Peng. Cluing Tlive i \ooug, Cheuli
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1995 6 UPTON’S TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PANS EXHIBITION. AGENTS PENANG Paterson, Simons Co. le;- chye dispensary, No. 258, CARNARVON STREET. PENANG. Telephone No. 291. Open «lay aud night From 6 to 9 p.ui.. Prescriptions are Accurately Prepared. 56a 22c Kennedy Co. AGENTS FOR T. Clifford Wilkinson’s
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  • 1376 7 Friendish Cruelty to a Young Art Student. The Victim Crippled. OTHER TOUTHS FLUNG Nt'l)K INTO THE girls’ classrooms. {Sunday Times. 1 Jan.) Almost totally paralysed from the hips down, Albert T. de Koine, a student in the fc?chool of Designs at the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, San Francisco,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 341 7 CLEAR WHITE GLASS BOTTLES. H 10 3 0 i i 9 0 9 \tfIALLY StL S &Z BRO* UWj?. <fPORE«POI m u /2 I TRAO MARM DUNVILLES Special Old Scotch Whisky Glasgow, Scotland mv z o H n APENTA The best Natural Aperient Water. Bilious, Dyspeptic, Gouty, Constipated and Obese
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    • 312 7 K. MYDINSAH Bros., General Storekeepers and Aerated Water Manufacturers. 100 Pitt Street and 523 Chulia Street, PENANG. Best, ingredients used for the o CRATED WATERS. Sub-Agents: The Penang Lee an*l Industrial Co., Ltd. also Fraser Neave and Graham Nicholson's Aerated Waters are ’cvp for supplying customers. lee can he had
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1142 8 TABLE «ABASE Marked at Prices that wil! insure an immediate and thorough clearance. Pure Bleached Linen Table Damask. BUCHANAN’S WHISKY Elephant Brand AS SUPPLIED Kerosene Oil to H M. the King ~\\7" HJOH has passed the Oovernmeut T test showiug the remarkably high AND TO j Hashing point of HR,
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