Straits Echo, 26 January 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 40 1 For YVeel ending Wednesday. Feb I. 1005. a.m p.m. Tlnirsda.'. 2Gth 6.30 G.55 Friday, 27th 7.20 7.45 Saturday, 28th 8.10 8.35 siindav, 29th 9.— 9 25 Monday. 30t,h 9.50 10 15 Tuesday, 31st 10.40 11.05 Wednesday, 1st... 11.30
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  • 20 1 Last (Quarter Jail. 28th 7.15.2 a.m •> Ne*v Moon .Feb. 4th <5.1 2 i\.m. First Quarter 12th 11.15.4 p.m.
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  • 58 1 1o-uav 2lst Day, 12tii Moon. Penang Races, 2ud Day, 2.45 p.m Town Baud, Race Course, 4 p.ui. The Girl from Kay’s"—Dallas —Bandmaun 0|»eiTi Co., Town Hall, 9.15 p.m. To- MO ItKOW. 22ud Day, 12lii Moon. Meeting Municipal Commissioners, B p.m. Prize Distribution, St. Xaviers’s, 3.30 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade,
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  • 117 1 English {Jof/an) 1st teb. English (Bengal) 2ud China (Corumaiulel 4th German (P. Alice 8tli China Zieteii 8th The B. 1. S. N. Coy’s s. s. Zaniauia,” with the Mails from Europe left Negapatuin at G on Monday, and may l>e expected to arrive at Penang at G
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  • 50 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OIITWAKIIK. H O Al K W A It I Bengal 2 F<-b Catania uJel Feb I H bia /6‘ Simla /5 fcxtrn Service hi T« »HIIK. H’IMKMIAKIin. Ja{Hin Feb. Bala tea n 27 Jan. Malacca > Feb. I Palma 10 Feb. BN?’ particulars See Pane
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  • 125 1 PuNANG, 2G’1H JaNCAKY Hy courtesy ni the (Jhurtereil Hank. London Item and Bank 1 /11 a t months’ sight ihi.nk ...1 1 i 4 Credit I /i J Documents rv ...llij*j Calcutta. Demand Bank Its. 1-I5i 3 days' sight Private 147’ Bombay. Demand Bank 145i o days’sight Private 147
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  • 1519 1 \v ak a Foomsh Remnant or a Past Aoe. Ihe’ tiring oil a fleet of helpless fishing vessels by the badly scared Russian squadron shows how absolutely out-of-date wni is. War has no part in the civilization of the twentieth century. Strip the game of its gold braid,
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  • 208 1 BersavialiGold Mine Co., Ld. 13. sales Ruub Australian Gobi Mining Co., IjJ l.— Horn. iiedjang Lebong Gold Mining Co., I*d 230 no til. k'adauaGoid M iuingCo„Ltd. (fuilv paid) 10.— wnu. Uruseii 1 in Mining Co.. Ld. 3 2. sales Karan gnu Tiu Mining Co. 9. tellers Killta Tin M
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  • 192 1 L’iu.. 3 76 80 buyers Goid leaf 79] B. Pepper YV. Coast Mli»s. ■">•»/,. p 3 24 .e~*ale* YVliile Pepper 3 38— sel'er* Tniug I’epjier, business 25J seller* Cloves (picke«l) S 42.— seller xj Mace 85— seller* j Mace Pickings 74.— seller* i Nutmegs 110 s 41. seller* j
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  • Shipping.
    • 141 1 ;UaM'<jn, Hr. s.s. 105. Mericau, 25th Jan., Teluk Anson. 24tli Jan., Gen., All Hiug. J<ai• V\ ki.u. Hr. s.s. 246, Treweeke, 20th Jan., Teluk Anson, 25th Jan., Gen., Straits »S. S. Co. Hkrak, Hr. s.s. 2!*7, Buciianuu, 25th Jan., Port Swetteuham, 24th .fun., Gen., Iv. G. Co. Vai.entyn, Hut.
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    • 65 1 Lady YV km>, Jir. s.s. 245, Truwwke, 2Gth Jail., Teluk Alison, 25tli Jan., Gen., •Straits S. S. (Jo. Pekak, Ur. s.s. 297, I’uciiauuu, 25th Jan,. Port Swetteuliani, 24th Jan., Gen.. K. G. Co. Hok Canton. Ur. s.s. 294, Scott. 26tli Jan. Acheen. 25th Jan., (Jen., —B. H. Hiu.
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    • 40 1 26th January. for Singapore, China ami Japaii. Fcrcl Itoeiin, for Coloinlio and Tutieoriu. i*<ihn.n. fol* Aitahau. Caii/w, for Deli. I*. Aduitm, for Ueli. Vitiiiori, for Paugkor and Teluk Ausou. Malaya, for l>e!i. Sack*- n, for Singapore. China ami Japan
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    • 63 1 .!</*•«»£* 1) MS G. A pear Calcutta ,AAA.(Jo. 27th Jau. Hyson Singapore VV.M.&Co. 27th Merionethshire iiomiou B.MJo. •27th Nam San;/ Singapore B.&Co. 28th Ben left i Loudon S.B.«fc(Jo. 30th Palawan Singapore IG.W.&Co. 30th Japan Suez G.W.iUJo. 1st Lightning Singapore A.AA-Oo. 2nd lieugai Colombo G.VV.ACu. 2nd Hetor SingajMjre W.M.&Co. 3rd
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    • 73 1 1 »*>!*(>/» b'o. A 'ff-ut-out 1 Hong Bee Singapore K.G.Co. 27th Jan. Merionethshire Singapore B.&Cu. 27th H)&uu t Nam Sang Loud..a Calcutta VV.M.itCo. B.ACo. 27 th 28th G. Apcar Singapore A.A.A.Co. 28th 1 'enledi Singapore SB.&Co. :30th Palawan C'olomlio G.W.ACo. :30th JaiKi.ii Singapore G.W.&Co. tut i Lightning Calcutta A.A.A.Co.
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    • 108 1 Fok Negupatum, Almiras, Poudiciierry, Uudw- lore, and Karical—Per Tara, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Traiig Fang Ngu Per Deli, to-morrow 1 p.m. Port Swetteubam, -»ud Malacca Per Perak, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swetteuliam, sud Siugup*»re Per Aviujyee, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Perl is Soto] —Per Chan Titi, to-morrow. 2 p in.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1389 2 The Expropriation Scheme. Principal Provisions in Bill. Appended are the principal sections of the Ordiuauee to provide for the acquisition by the Government, of the Straits Settlements of the Taujoug Pagur Dock Company, Limited, and the management of the same, which was read a first, time at
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  • 573 2 Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Have Cured Thousands of People of RHEUMATISM. THEY WILL CURE YOU. A mistake made by many people is to suppose that cold aud damp cause Rheu- matisui. They do nothing of the kind, for Rheumatism is primarily due to a poison in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 354 2 FOR DELI IjlOR the convenience of visitor» returu ing to Deli after the Races, tli Company's Steamship Cornelia.” Captaii C. M. M.n ris, will leave for the alx>ve por on Saturday, the 28th instant, at 7 p.m. For Freight or Passage, apply to KOE GUAN Co., 63, Beach Street M
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    • 1312 2 Dr. W. MAN SON. OENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate, Consultation Free. KKSIDING AT i\o. 17, Penang Road. Municipal Notice. For rilHE next ORDINARY MEETING of I the Municipal Commissioners will l»e held at the Municipal Office, on Friday, 27th January, 1905. at 8 p.m. T. J. OHALLORAN, Secretary. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1950 3 TAS 1 IS. N. Co. Homeward Mail. COMMENCING with (Ik* s.s Coro- mandel to leave this j Port on the 4th February next, the Home* j ward Mail Steamers may lie expected to j arrive at Penang every alternate Saturday, before daylight, sailing again not later than lU am. the
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  • 88 4 JnotM'e every lx>tly, ami justice al.sie.—Kmesra..,, Established June Ist, 1903. PabliuhtHl «Irtily (except SuwtnjrO 4 r T|IR CRITERION PRESS, I d., \v>. iGarli Slrofvt, iVmwm. I'ltICE OAII.Y, I.OCAI. t;'l |M» illllllllll OUTSTATIONS I’neiajre I’.xim MAII. KOITION (C,#! Kree) s f’Aia.K aim>i:kss I: c li o P e
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  • 360 4 The Power Behind the Throne That there should be some very big wheels within the wheels of the revolution which has burst forth in many of the principal cities of the Russian Empire max have been safely taken for granted, but beyond the brief telegram announcing that the
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  • 382 4 Olk old friend Boxie —he of the Yokohama Curio# of course —holds forth on the fall of the impregnable fortress tliusly Ju our last issue we prophesies 1 that Port Arthur would fail ou New Year's Day aud when our readers found we had done the same
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  • 841 4 A (iirl from Kay’s To-night. L kk Scotia's National Hard, whose natal i anniversary was celebrated in all quarters jot the universe yesteiday evening, Mr. j Henry Dallas seems to believe that the I happiest hours we spend on this muiidar» sphere are sjient among the lassies,
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  • 209 4 11l Civil Jurisdiction (Before ‘Sir Lionel C'ox. Chief Jo tier., j Claim Against Theatrical Company. In the Supreme Court yesterday, Mahouimci Jusoofe, formerly an eating-house k-p *r of Singapore, claimed &557 from Y ’iijour Pakeer, the proprietor of a Theatrijcii Company styled Edward VIII Parsee an-1 Hindustani Theatrical
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  • 197 4 ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. Friday, 27th January, at 3-3t.t p m. The Hon 4. K Birch, Resident-Councillor, and Mrs. Birch, Presiding. PROGRAM M E. Overture Bataille ties Klein's Master Max Gatgarts. s ony The Alphabet JUNIOR Pupils. Recitation r l'be Psalm of Life Master O. Enu Chuan.
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  • 229 4 j 1 I iik following are the agenda for the ordinary meeting of the Commission to- morrow 1. Minutes of iast meeting to be read i and continued. Anv special business the President j may bring forward. 3. Questions. v f. Propose I increase of start of Police
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  • 505 4 The Colonel’s at Home. Assault-at-Arms A Distinct Succkos 'The “at home given by Colonel Walker i c.M.G., and Officers of the Malay States j Guides at the Sepoy Lines yesterday afternoon proved a complete success, and the various items of the programme were carried through without a
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  • 135 4 Another Outbreak. Shortly alter four o’clock this morning I outbreak of tire took place at the rear of a shop at 426 Beach Street, at the junction jof M.ilay Street. The shop is occupied by j Malay named Leausah, a candle manufacturer, who resides on the upper
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  • 179 4 iluLLutviKii i.s the text of ;i couimuuic.T- tiou received from (lie Assiskuil Treasure! L yesterday >iir, i lie Chamber ol Commerce iiaviug > represented to the Government that the J quantity ol subsidiary coinage now in circulation in Pen an" is excessive, 1 should he obliged if you
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 407 4 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. PENANG ROOF TILES. Specialities always on hand. K N N S s (Hand Pumps, Barbed Wire, Dunvilles Whisky. A RIDGINGS liicigo Tile Cutler, Palmer Co.’s WHITE PORT, UA| P Til FQ I SPANISH PORT, 1 Dinner sherry, INVALID PORT 3 Cow Brand We have above always Danjsh
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    • 7 4 Whiteaway’s Coir Mats ARE MADE IN CALCUIfA*
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  • 248 5 Rioting in Provinces. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 25 Jan. Serious rioting lias broken out m Radom, Russian Poland in Kovno, a governineiit of North-West, Russia, 503 miles South-West of St. Petersburg; and in Vilna, a Lithuanian government of West Russia. 436 miles South-West of St. Petersburg. Father Capon’s
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  • 448 5 The Japanese Fleet f Three Cruisers Sighted Echo Special. Singapore, 20 Jan.—Three blackpainted cruisers, probably the Japanese j squadron from the Lankawei Islands, passed through Durian Strait, off the East Coast of Sumatra, about 37 miies S. S. W. of Singapore, at daylight this morning, bound southward». i
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  • 910 5 Penang January Meeting SECOND DAY, THURSDAY, 20th JAN. Another Hue dav wiili a brilliant «uu overhead and a cool breeze blowing across the course, which was again hard, fast and I dusty, 'i here was a large crowd of spectators, including many Singapore and States friends and
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  • 910 5 Ihe s.s. Uheuaiiia. Yk«tkui>.\t afternoon saw the arrival of I the Hamburg-Amarika liner Klienania, the first of a new class of vessels which this enterprising Company is placing upon the Far Eastern run anti which will, we lielieve,, come its a very welcome addition to the, means
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  • 100 5 Inward —Per Lwly Weld,” frmn Teluk Anson, Messrs Broke, J. H. Davies, J. H Meiklejohu, C. duPra. 1 Per Roou,” from Hongkong, Lotte Whiteaker, O. G. Pem. Phaug Boon. From Singapore. I’. 11. Davis, G. M. Dare. H. Havingn. Georg Nolle, Kurt Heim*. From Naga -a k i, ra
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  • 911 5 fundamental Principles. llow All Parties Became United. Some time before the Zemstv» Congress, of which we heard so much recentlv, «here was held a conference of the Russiau Constitutionalists. who were so strongly represented at the Zemstvo Congress and of thej other opposition and recoin!ionni v parties
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  • 421 5 The Lotteries. I' uLLiUWiNi, are (lie first drawings iu the lotteries for to-day's races, which took place in the Town Hall vesterdar ovenintr: Thb First Griffin Hanoi. \i*. .Su’o'«•riptions S6(M). Berarchie s25 (owner). Torpedo 535 (owner Creasy 850 (owner Texas 89 (owner .1), Coolgardie 855 (owner), Bou-Accord sift)
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 Whiteaway, Co. FOR GOOD VALUE in Coir Mats.
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    • 7 5 Good Coir Mats TO BE OBTAINED Whiteaway
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    • 126 5 The Event of the Season. TOWN HALL. The DallasBandmann Opera Co. 35 Artistes 35 Saturday, January 28, The Successful Musical Comedy “The Orchid.” Jan. 30 Monday—" The Cingalee j„ 31 Tuesday— The Duchess of DaiiUic.” Feb. Ist Wedneida ij —“The Girl from Kay<g|f ‘Jnd Thursday A Country Girl 3rd Ft
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    • 349 5 To-day’s Advertisements. LOST. 1 VA lit'A BhK FOX TERRIER, right ei V” t'htck. answer.» to the name of Oici. 1 iuder handsomely rewarded. '»4. GREEN HA IA. 20-1-U5 uc 58 NOTICE. i OK tlie convenience <>t panneiigM, at•ii f the Races, the s.s. Kittna will leave Penang f,,r Port Swetlenhaiu
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1235 6 TAIK CHEE Co., Ship ChandlerB St, Wholesale Dealers. JUST ERC HINKS AMPS. -V f»-» K m vV V 2459 N. D. deSILVA, MANUFACHJRING JEWELLER AND DEALER IN Ceylon Jewellery, Tiger Claws and Tortoise Shell Ornaments, Ivory and Ebony Elephants, Ceylon Handmade Lace, Folding Long Chairs Ceylon Tea of best quality.
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  • 520 7 f actory in the Straits Settlements. roLiAiwiM. is ifuHi the internal loual Sugar Journal: l‘he factory of the Penang gstab Company. designed tor the production of muscovado sugar by a new process, if rapi turning out 50 tons of ghgar j»or diem. 1 l»e uuil is
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 592 7 Graham Co., Id., W. CORNFIELD, Tailor and Outfitter, WHOLESALE 23. BEACH STREET. CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street CHUBB’S SAFES, Penang, for Iho Coming Races. JUST RECEIVED PERFUMERY for gents’ A Mew and Large Assortment of JUST RECEIVED i?f£e Consignment FROM COLGATE CO., the well-known Manufacturers Including Tweeds, Flannels, Fancy Suitings, Diagonals,
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    • 280 7 K. MYDINSAH Bros., General Storekeepers and Aerated Water Manufacturers. MM> Mitt Street and 523 Ottilia Street, PENANU. Besl ingredients uoed for the Manufacture o EHATED WATEK8. 8 nb-Agents: j The Penang Ice and (Jo., Ltd. j ill so Eraser «V Ntruvu ami Graham Nicholson's j Aerated Waters are k
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    • 321 7 STBAHNSP represents both (JckJ Liver Oil and Iron, and can lx; taken with special benefit in Amentia. It cures. FOR SALE. Elephant Brand Kerosene Oil 'TYT'HICH lias passed the Government test showing the remarkably high flashing point of 88,87°, 86 and 80° Fah. according to Abel's Test s, thus showing
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  • 1000 8 Kinta Gymkhana Programme, 1905 Meeting. 21st, 23 rd 25th of February. FIRST D/yY. 1. —The Maiden Plate 2-30 p.m. Value $b00, out of which »100 gues to second horse.—A race for all maidens. Weight per scale flOst.) with an allowance of 14 lbs. to all 8. R. A. ex-griffins. Distance,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 520 8 Value, lowest Prices! PRITCHARD 00., com HATS! com MATS! A Large New Stock of Best Coir Brush Mats, High Thick Pile Well and Strongly Woven, Guaranteed to Wear Well. 15. Bench Street Penang. Just Received WHITTAKER’S No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 W Size 24 by 14
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    • 275 8 ICE! ICE!! Favoured with instructions from the Directors of the Tandjong Pinang Ice Co., Ltd., WE beg to inform the Public of Penang •aid the Federated Malay States that we have been appointed Agents of the above Company, and ige: an be obtained at our Office Store No. 17, Market
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