Straits Echo, 25 January 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 102 1 Birth. On 7tli January, at 9 Quin.»an Gardens. Shanghai. the wife of (J. P. Dawson. of a son. Mauri ages. Ou Ttli January, at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Shanghai. by the Rev. A. .1. Malk**r. M. a., Wilfrid Fox. younger son of Captain William I’. Hamlin, of Greenoek and
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  • 40 1 For Wwl ending Tuesday, Jan. 31, 1905. A.M. P.M. Wednesday, 25th... 5.44.1 8.15 Thursday, 2Gtli 8.30 8.55 Friday, 27th 7.20 7.45 Saturday, 28th 8.10 8.555 Sunday, 29tli 9.— 9 25 Monday, -50tli 9.50 10.15 Tuesday, 551st 10.40 11.05
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  • 20 1 Last Quarter Jan. 28th 7.15.2 a.m O New Moon Feb. 4th 6.1.2 p.m First Quarter... 12th 11.15.4 p.m
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  • 28 1 To-day. 20th Day, 121. h Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, 6 p.m. To-MORROtt 21st Day, 12th M OOH. Town Baud, Race Course, 4 p.m. Penang Itaces, 2nd Day.
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  • 43 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OiITWARIIK. HoMKWAIMO* Benyai 'I l<el> Coronuiude' 4 Feb A übiii tO Simla hxira Service. O 1 TW AIM»'-. lliiilKW AIM»» JUpun beh. i Pttlatcatr ‘!7 Jan. Malacca 7 Feb. 1 Palma 10 Feb. Koi pm Menial's .See Page
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  • 120 1 Pknang, 25th January. f Jiy couriety of the Ciinrtwtl Hunk. I London Demand Bank ...1/1 li months’ sight Hank ...Dllf Credit 1/11| 3 Documentary ...1/11}5 Calcutta. Demand Bank Its. 145 j 3 days’ sight Private 1471 Bombay, Demand Bank 145} 3 days’sight Private 147 J Madras, Demand Bank 145
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  • 1518 1 '«t.NKKAL GbIPENBKKG. I'iif Ru'siiin General, Gripenberg, i has, it is said, been assigned by the I Tsar the onerous task of couiicaudiug the Second Manchurian army now being organized with the view of 1 co-operating with that under Gen. i Kuropatkin. which at present is being so hard
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  • 195 1 fiu... 7 «3.777, Business done. j Gold iea! J? 79‘, i B. Pepper W. 3ii,>.5i,/..)$ 9A.—sales i A hite Pepper 3 38 —sellers franc Pepper, business 8 25j seller* Gloves (picked) 42. —sellers Mace 85— seller* -Mace Pickings 74. —sellers Nutmeg-* K>« 41. —sellers j N<>. 1 6 10
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  • 217 1 Her saw ah Gold Mine Co.. Ld. 5 13.- sales Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., I id 5 I-. —«toe. Redjaug lie bong Gold Mining Co.. Ld 230 nom. Kadi! ua Go !d M i uiu g Co„ Ltd. tfully paid) lO. Brnseh Tin Mining Co.. Ld. S 2.
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  • Shipping.
    • 94 1, Ger. s.s. 181, Peters, 24th Jan., Bela wan, 23rd Jan., Tobacco. -H. M. Co. Lanokat. Hr. s.s. 149, Liddell. 24th Jan.. Teluk Anson, 23rd Jan., Gen K G < 'o. on I*. IfiaiAr, Hr. s.s. 25)7. Neilsen, 24;*. interDeli. 23rd Jan.. Gen., —H nt to $5, Maky Austin.
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    • 32 1 Asahan, Ger. s.s. 101, Peters, 24th Jan,. Belawan, 23rd Jan., Tobacco.—B. AI. A Co. P. Kimau, Br. s.s. 207, Neilsen, 24tli Jan., Deli. 23rd Jan., Gen., —H. L. A Co.
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    • 38 1 25th Jaunarv. tor Kupah, Keitong, Victoria Point, jVlaliwuu, Mergui and Tavov. p (U it, t«>r Kdie,T. Semawe, Segli A Olelileli. Lamjkol, tor Teluk Anson. Mnrif Au ft in, for Port Swelteuluuu. Stntt'>r, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 35 1 i »»Mi Ihlr ■Sachsen Breintn iB.M.&Co. 2*>th .fan <i. A pear Calcutta lA.A.A.Co. 27th H V .iiMI Singapore W .M.&Cu. 27th Nam 8an Singapore B.&<?o. "!70i Merionethshirt Loudon I3.&CV. 27th Benledi London S.B.&Co. JjOtll
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    • 41 1 1 A if I iMOHll Sachsen Singapore B.M.AOo. 2<>th dun liong Bee MerionethSingapore Iv.G.Co. 27th shire Singapore H.itCo. 27th Hvttuu London VV.MACo. 27th Naui Sang Calcutta B.&Co. (i. A pert I' Singapore A.A.A.Co. 28th Ben led i Singapore S.B.ACo. Wth
      41 words
    • 101 1 For Singapore, China Japan—Par Saehsea, to-morrow, 11 a.iu. Asalian—Per Atahan, to-morrow, 2 p in. Teluk Ausou—Per Carlyle, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli Per P. Rim an to-morrow, 2 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson —Per Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Negapatain, Madras, Pondicherry, Cudalore, and Karical—Per Tara, 27th instant 1 p.m.
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    • 18 1 Inward Per Asalian,” from Helatruu. Mr. Hansen, Miss Hoto Per Glenfarg,” from Loudon, Mr. aud Mrs. Pay,
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  • 87 1 China (liouu) 2oth Jan. Gerinau (Sacltten) 20th Hughsh (Juf>an) Ist Pet». English (Bengal) 2nd China (Cortona ml*/ j tth German (V. A/>re) Bth China (Zietm) Hth The outward German Mail Steamer Sachsen,” left Colombo fi*r Peiiung at 0 a.m. veaterday aud may be expected to arrive here at.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 i MARTYN Co. .0 WHISKIES. JUST RECEIVED FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR A Consignment of Best Quality English-made Harness In Black Patent Leather with Brass and Nickle Mountings ALSO A New Shipment of Finest Selected Rangoon Cigars. 190 c. S. SENG Co., 33c Beach Street Penang. MASSEY HARRIS BICYCLES fc; The
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    • 15 1 99 TIIE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co. square face Gin in r«d cases. Sandilands. Buttsrv <£* Co
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    • 18 1 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE, ‘-an be obtained from all dispensaries (tjiilokl? bv post). Never be without the Genuine.
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    • 20 1 STEABNS’ WINE represents both Cod Liver Oil and Iron, and can betaken with special benetit in Antemia. It cures. SrnDAH
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    • 117 1 Important Notice to the j Ceylon Tamils Others. < G 1 ENTLEMEN with families or other- 1 r wise visiting Penang cun always tind ia our house satisfactory food arrangemeats. Good water accommodation, spacious house. Passengers will lie met at the Penang Jetty or at the steamer by our own
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    • 5 1 mmm zeitlin. Genuine Pilsener Beer.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER. J hk i'oiiowiinr report, is kiii'iiy snppiieu i»y l.lie Signal J)ire«*tor <>t‘ K«*rt Cornwall**: i'he rainfall «lining tiie ’-4- hour* ♦'iiMmi K to-«lav was 015 inches.
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  • 43 1 Death. At North Shields. England, on the ;!rd January, Eliza Baiubridge. the beloved wife of Capt. Baiubridge. I Obituary. Bishop of Llandaff applied by lteuter.) Loudon, 2 o J;iu.—The deat li is auuouuce<i of the Rt. Rev. Richard Lewis, u.u., Bishop of Llandaff.
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  • 817 2 Pro» and Con» of the Matter. To* pessimistic contribution on the State of tbe Turf,” which Nestor made to tbe November uumber of the Badminton Magaziue, has called forth expressions» of opiuious from many authorities whose views are set forth iu the latest issue of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 116 2 FOR DELI. the convenience of visitors return*Ug to J>eli after the Races, tlic Company's Steamship Cornelia.” Captain C. M. Marris, will leave for the above port on Saturday, the 28th instant, at 7 p.m. For Freight or Passage, applv to KOR GUAN Co.. 03, Beach Street. 20-1-0."» 1 wk t;
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    • 678 2 Notice. K usual inoutlily wileof I’unubroktii'K' A forfeited pledges will I*} liel«l 11 o'clock a. in. oil Tli urn day aud Friday, the 9th aud 10th proximo resj pectivelv, at No. 42, Beach Street. The above pledges may be viewed betweeu the hours of 10 a.m. aud 2 p.m.
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    • 1611 2 it Municipal Notice. riIHE next A the Municipal C ORDINARY MEETING of wmuissionerii will be liel'i at the Municipal Oppice, on Friday, 27th January, 1905$ at 3 p.m. T. J. O’HALLORAN, l *> 'Secretary. 'For Singapore. Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. THE ■teamsbip Hong Bee, Captain Peters, will leave for the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1655 3 IS. 11. Co. Homeward Mail. with the 8 8 CoroC COMMENCING witu the s.s J maudel programmed to leave this Port on the 4th February next, the Homeward Mail Steamers may be expected to arrive at Penang every alternate Saturday, before daylight, sailing again not later than 10 a.ui. the
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  • 82 4 Justice sulmtlee every body, ami juatiee alone.— Ktwermm Established June Ist, 1903. I’tibliniie-I «laily (except Kimilav».) IT THB CRITBRION PRESS, 1.<1.. No ‘226-29*2. Beach St.iHot. Penang. PRICE: DAILY. I,ihm I, ttr ;>**•■ annum OUTSTATIONS I’osiHjf? Kxtrsi M A 11. KIUTION (To*! I reel 5 fAIM.Iv ADDRKSS He
    82 words
  • 1472 4 The last detachment of French troops left Chant aboon Pa k n a n i at 2 p.m. on the Bth instant. The evacuation has, therefore, been completed a day within the ten days fixed by the Protocol i of June 29th last, which were to be 'counted
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  • 1814 4 Brilliant Performance A Successful First Nioht. 1 l 1 Success, complete and unalloyed, was i writ large on the opening of the Dallas- < Baud maun Opera Company’s season in Penang, and first-nighters were accorded a j treat in the histrionic art and in musical comedies which
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  • 140 4 The Orphans’ Treat for the girls ot the Penang Convent came off on Friday atternoon when they arrived in Taiping and after a short stay at the local Convent lett again on Sunday evening, says the Perak Pioneer, which adds If rumour is true, Cupid was busy
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 402 4 RACE HOLIDAYS T FOR BALE. WO-SEATKD VICTORIA with fust Horse and Harness complete. Price $826. PIANO by Broad wood. New last March i aud practically unused. Price s4OO. Apply L. H. CLAYTON, Chine»c Protectorate. 23-1-06 tri-wk u c CROWN BRAND. *BEER «red inßreme n/JLI Germany. VM£ Rijjold, Bergmann Co. OR
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    • 3 4 See Whiteaway’s Advortiaemeni
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  • 617 5 Moscow Workmen Join. (sV}ipiieil Renter.) Loudon, 24 Jau. —The employees of the large ironworks at Moscow have struck, in sympathy with their St. Petersburg comrades, attd have paraded the streets calling out the workmen from all establishments, who mostlv responded immediately. The movement is following the same lines
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  • 26 5 Manchuria. Misicenko's Losses. {Sap/died by Reuter.) Loudon, 24 Jau.—General Kuropatkiu reports that General M istceuko s total losses during his cavalry raid were 390.
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    • 1215 5 The Colour Line. hi/ /tenter. > London, 24 Jau.—The Dominion Gov- eminent has disallowed a British Columbian Exclusion Act establishing an educational test with a view to the exclusion of Japaniese and regards the act as a menace to i Imperial interests. Supreme Court In Civil Jurisdiction. j (liejorc
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    • 44 5 The New Cabinet. (Supplied by llevier.) Loudou, 24 Jau.—Mous. Rouvier has completed his Cabinet, which is as follows: —Minister of Interior, Mons. Ktienne; Miuister of Mariue, Mons. Bieuvenue-Mar- Minister of War, Mous. Berteaux; Minister of Colonies, Mons. Minister of Foreigu Affairs Mons. Delcassc.
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    • 663 5 To iiir Kitirou or Tilk aimih Kci... Devi: Sir. From eompa>utivel> recent issues of the E-hv I note that the Municipal Commissioner* propose to arrange for 1 more »|»eed\ uninatioii of bodies in cases ol’ death. ft is much needed, as >o 11 max gather fiom the
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  • 2840 5 Reuanu January 1905 Meeting. L» 1 j FIRST DAY. TUESDAY. 24» u JAN. li wa> an ideal day for racing vesterdav, t j except in one respect, and that was that it i was a trifle too fine. Tin* course was iu excellent condition mid the going
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1201 6 TAIK CHEE Co Ship Chandlers Whol •f Dealer! JUST ERCEIVED LAMPS. HINKS n r■T~. 2459 N. D. deSILVA, MANUFACTURING JEWELLER AND DEALER IN Ceylon Jewellery, Tiger Claws and Tortoise Shell Ornaments, Ivory and Ebony Elephants, Ceylon Handmade Lace, Folding Long Chairs Ceylon Tea of best quality. 58, BISHOP STREET, PENANG.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 794 7 ORTfINT TICE I !K B A ffln 1 IB n 4k I «M m h n *7/o. 36, Ji lawei Sftoact. The Proprietor begs to notify that having engaged a Competent Staff of Professional Riders, &e., at a considerable expense to himself, he is now open To Train, Break to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1740 8 THE BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED. V NOTE THESE BARGAINS. TO y. Gents’ HEMSTITCHED Handkerchiefs. Very Superior Fine White Cambric with one inch Hem. Size 21 by 21 inches. OTJR PRIGS $1.95 per dozen. IMPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL, 4 bench Streeet. HONGKONG JIN ON INSURANCE Company, Limited. Beg to notify the general
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