Straits Echo, 23 January 1905

Total Pages: 9
1 1 Straits Echo
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  • 41 1 For Weel ending Sunday, Jan. 29. Inn,",. a.m. p. m Monday, 23rd 4. i 4.25 Tuesday, 24th 4.50 5.15 Wednesday, 25th... 5.40 6.15 Thursday, 20th 6.30 655 Fyidav, 27th 7.2*) 7.45 Saturday, 28th 8.10 8.35 Sunday, 29th 9. 925
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  • 20 1 I«ist Quarter Jan. 28th 7.15.2 a.m O New Moon Feb. 4th 6.1.2 km. First Quarter... 12th 11.15.4 km.*
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  • 36 1 Ton v v 1 8th Day, 12th Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, 9 p.m. Hindu procession. Fireworks, Esplanade, 9 p.m. '1 o-.\lokKO\\ 19th Day, 12th Moon. Town Band, Race Course, 4 p.m. Penang Races let Day.
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  • 73 1 China (Roan) 24th Jan. German (Sachsen) 26th English (Japan) Ist Eel». The outward German Mail Steamer Sachsen,’ left Colombo lot Penang at 0 a.m. yesterday and inav be expected to arrive here at 6 am. on Thursday. Ihe ext ra P. A. O. Steamer Japan, having left Suez
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  • 41 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. tjUT'VAttliK. iioMKW AIM'S. Benya! 2 Ftb Coromandel Feb, Nubia 16 j F.xtra Service. OI'T'VAKDS. iI«»AIK\V A Ml» Japan 1 Feb. Falateaa 27 Jan Malacca 7 Feb. I Palma lit Feb Fur pari icuiars Boe Face o
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  • 1369 1 The Story of the Calchas Notes or Another Eye -Wuxi ss. Be; i.ow we publish a copy of auothei diary which was kept during the crew’s stay with the Russians.” Hemps of paper and old envelopes were tued up ill order to make a record of the events
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  • 123 1 Pkkanu, 23u0 Jvnlakv. 'by courtesy of the Oh arte red Honk.. 1 London Demand Hank ...1 Jl4 l mouths’ sight Bank ...1/JI;J- 3 Credit ..1/11$ 3 Documentary ...LTIJjj Calcutta. Demand Bank lbs. 115 3 days’ sight Private 147 Bombay. Demand Bank 145 3 days’ sight Private 147 Mad ras.
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  • 205 1 j Gokl Mine Co., Ld. 5 l*». —suits 1 Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 5 t. ~nom. Red j ting Lebottg Gold Mining Co.. Ld 230 itijiit. R'nduuaGold MiningCo,,lH 1 I tally paid) 5 I'*.— anm. Bruseh Tin Mining Co.. l«i. i 2. sales j KaraUgan Tin
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  • 177 1 tin *70.85 bi yert Gold leaf 79^ I>. Pepper (W. C«»h»i ■lllM>)u/..)t 21.— tale* White Pepper 38 sellers j Traug Pepper, business 25f tellers 1 Cloves (picked) 8 42. —tellers Mace 85 —sellers Mace Pickings 74. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 41. -tellers I No. 1 o 10 neon Sugar
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  • Shipping.
    • 225 1 llkhi., Br. s.*. 345, Inkster, 22nd Jan., Singapore. 20th Jan., Gen.. -W M Co. P.yk lit no Br. s.s. 2,875, Rod wav. 22ml Jau.. Swansea, 2« Mh Dec.. Gen.- \V M. Co. ChkangCheiv, Lr. s s. 1,213, Harrison, 22nd Jan., Antov, ith Jau.. Gen Aik Sen* Co. Roioitt'A, Hr.
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    • 91 1 Hent, 1»k. s.s. 346, Inkster, 22nd Jan. Sitig;k|»oie, 20th Jhu., Geu., YV. M. Co. Roiokla, Hr. s.s. 555, Lingard, 22nd Jan., Tongkali, 21st Jau., Geu.,- K. G. Co. i Ptseu, Hr. s.s. 294, Conway, 23rd Jan., Aeheeu, 22nd Jan.,Geu., —Han Ho Hu. |Omapkk£, Hr. ss. 349, Hell. 23rd
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    • 61 1 23rd January. tfiraerrdocrtMjn, for Edie, 'l'. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Weliaud Olehleli. Dell, for Traug. Petrel, for Langkat Paugkalau Braudau. Canton, for Paugkor and Teiuk Anson. Pak Ling, for Singapore aud China. Sambia, for Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai Yokohama, aud Kobe. 'V ho uepcn, for Singapore. Pentakota, for Port Swetteniiam, Siiiga|k»re,
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    • 28 1 I fumslr /•'rout Ajenl* Due 1*0011 ~j~ j“' Singapore H.MACo. 25th Jan. Sachsen Bremen B.M.AC'o. 25th A pear Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 27th Hyson .Singapore W.M.ACo. 27th
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    • 31 1 I'eareU I b’vi Ayenlx Lftivrt Kooii (Joloiuby B.M ACo. 25th Jan. Sachseu iSiugapore B.M.ACo. 25th H > son London W.M AC o. 27th Cl. A pear Singapore A. A. A.Co. 28th
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    • 86 1 Fou Deli—Per Cornelia, to*uiorrow, noon. Asaliuu—Per Taw Tong, to-morrow, 1 p.ui. Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 pm. liatu Bahru—Per K. Haleteyn, to-morrow, 1 p.ui. Tongkah—Per Kuiurna, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Asalian aud Batu Bahia —Per Tony Chug Vn, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teiuk Ansou -Per Lady Weld, to-morrow, 3 p
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. CROWN BRAND. si®s /i BEER <« w <2 Brewed mßremenyflJL Germany. Rijold, Bergmann Co. OR FROM Ban Eng Seng A Co. Ban Seng Go. Cbiat Seng Go. Gim Taik Bee. Beach Street, Penang. ll* 1 0. r Iri-Avli
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    • 152 1 PRITCHARD CO. 15, Beach Street, Penang «Just Received WHITTAKER’S m «««m Price $1.70 nett. LETTS’ 1305 DIARIES. STRAITS ROUSH ISOS DIARIES. PRITCHARD CO.. Penang Is<> Important Notice to the Ceylon Tamils Others. G 1 ENTLEMEN with families or otherr wise visiting Penaug can always find in our house satisfactory food
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    • 24 1 CHILDREN ARE THE SUNSHINE of the home. Steam»' Witte make* the sunshine brighter. A splendid tonic for the little ones. So pleasant to take.
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    • 41 1 STEABNB’ WINE, for convalescent* troui au\ severe illueus. The good effect is at ouoe seen. Steam* Wine. serdJlb,. NOBELS’ EXPLOSIVES Co., Ltd., GLASGOW BLASTING GELATINE, GELIGNITE DETONATORS, FUSES AND ELECTRIC B LASTING A PDA It AT US SANDIUNDS, BUTTERY St Co
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    • 1 1 BIRD-A.B,
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    • 5 1 wem ni Genuine Pilsener Beer.
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  • 16 1 Domestic Occurrence. Dbath. On L<»n. Dec. 2H, at Ryde. Kirton (late P. and O. Co.), 7'\.
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  • 1223 2 No Reform for Russia. j( 1 Prince Mirski Defeated by Keactiouaries. > RUSSIAN FINANCES. 1 CHOLERA RAGING IN THE j 1 CA CCASUS. :i STRENGTHENING EASTERN NAVAL STATIONS. lICIBH H< >(< SI.IDI. (From Our Own Corrrtjtondtnit.) Flkkt Sthkkt, 28 Pec. —It look* .it» I though the reactionary
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 248 2 FOR DELI llie convenience of visitors returuF in if to Deli after llte Paces, the Company's Steamship Cornelia, Captaiu C. M. M inis, will leave for the alx>ve i>ort ou Saturday, the 28th instant, at 7 p.m. For Freight or Passage, applv to KOE GUAN Co., OS, Reach Street. ■><:.}
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    • 1672 2 To Le fc. No. 63. Northaui Road. NOTICE REMISES No 63. Northaui Road. I HEREBY uotify that my m'erest aud t’„trv let Febru-nV 1905 LL responsibility m the him oi Chop of I Entry Ist Februaiv. li oo V numini parlliers Apply to Mo. AKIM 1 Messrs liim cW s»i..
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1680 3 A* Expected arrival and Depm'tui ess. Mall Service. Outwards. ]y h. Ch usau connecting 1 w ith 8.8. Mongolia 2 8.8. Bengal do 16 8.8. Nubia do 2 8.8. Malta do Homewards Jan. Feb. ft Mar. 8.8. Oceana 8.8. M minora 8.8. Cljina Jan. Feb. Mar. 21 8.8. Malta do
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  • 80 4 Jtimire sati-fles everybody, and j notice aln—.— Kmtrrson F.stablishel June 1st, 1903. Pnbliehed daily (except Knndtyo.) at th« CRITERION PRESS, I d., N«>. 220-232, Bern-ii Strowf. Pemun». PRICE DAILY. 1.01' I, M per annum OLTSTJtIONK Ptwtiiire Kxtri MAIL KIHTION (Poet Krrel sli CAKI.K ADIIUkSS F.c ho—Penan g
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  • 1405 4 Birthday Greetings. Exactly one year ago to-day the Ec/co published the first news—wired by our alert London correspondent—of the ippointment of Sir John Anderson, K.c.M.0., as Govern r of the Straits Settlements, High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States, and Con-iul-Geueral for British North Borneo, Brunei, and
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  • 89 4 In the course of his speech iu the Ctrl cil last Friday, His Excellency the Governor said the new Hock Hill “does not provide for the very considerable expenditure which liiust be iucurred on the branch of the Company’s undertaking at Penang, which certainly was iu a
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  • 208 4 London, 30 Dec.—The “corner” at the e..d of last week collapsed, the necessary ci>h tin having been found iu the large imports from Continental ports, and the l> f'kwardatiou has dwindled down to about per ton. The market was firm, aud is •.•i;illy strong to-day, owing to the general
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  • 645 4 Thu Dallas-Baudmann Opera Co. arrived from Raugoou this morning, and everything |is in readiness for the opening of their season here to-morrow at the Town Hall. As the rapidly-filling plans apparently show, the public have been eagerly waiting for 'an opportunity of seeing tbe latest and most
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  • 863 4 Brilliant Prospects. Large Fields and Exciting Sport Assured. Probable Starters and Jockeys in the Big Event. Penang, to its credit be it said, is follow- ills' ia the footsteps of the great Calcutta Turf Club, aud to-morrow will see the begiuniug of what will assuredly be a record
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 180 5 Red Flags Unfurled. Populace after Tsar v s Head. Angry Howling Mobs make for Winter Palace. Charged by Troops. HEAVY CASUALTIES. {Echo Special.) London, 22 Jan. (5-30 p.) —There lias lieen serious rioting in many parts ot' St. Petersburg. Throughout the day the troops repeatedly charged the
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  • 891 5 Employers Unyielding (Supplied by Heater.) London. 20 Jan. —The strikes through* j out Russia continue to spread. A meeting of employers was held at St. Petersburg j when they uncompromisingly rejected the demands of the strikers. Strikers Parading Streets. London, 21 Jau. —Hands of strikers, about 5,000 strong,
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    • 30 5 The Cabinet Crisis. (Supplied by Heater.) London. 23 Jan.— President Loubet has summoned Mous. Rouvier, late Minister of Finance, who is regarded as the possible successor of Mous. Combes.
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    • 110 5 A P. W. D. Blaze. (Echo Special.) Kuala Lumpur, 23 Jail. —Fire broke out in a carpenter’s workshop at four o’clock vesterday afternoon in the Public Works Department factory at the Brickfields. Heaps of shavings fed the flames and the building was soon gutted. The tire spread to
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    • 47 5 United States Tutelage Established aji/iiifd by Reuter.') Loudou, 23 Jan.—The United States and the Dominican Republic (of the Island of Havti, iu the West Indies) have si-rued a treaty, whereby the former establishes a tiuauciul tutelage of the latter aud guarantees the Republics territorial mtegiity.
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    • 170 5 Official Varcion of Affair Usual Roosky Bluff. (Suit plied by Renter.) Loudon. 20 Jan.—The official version of the reported attack on the Tsar states that during the tiring of the usual salute at the conclusion of the blessing ceremony on the Neva ou Wednesday last a
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    • 72 5 Public Sitting of Enquiry. Russian Statement Disappointing. Loudou, 20 Jan.—At the public sitting of the North Sea Outrage Enquiry Commission in Paris both the British and Russian statements of the e;ue were read. The statements aroused but little interest, the Russian one being especially disappointing as it
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    • 79 5 Marquis of Bath Appointed ytiupplied by Hunter.) Lopdon. Jlijau—The Marquis of Bath has been appointed Under-Sercretary for Indja. [The Marquis of Bath was M. P. for Fromt» Division uf Somerset from 1886 to 1882; Assistant Private Secretary to late Earl of Jddealeigh. Secretary of State for Foreign
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    • 48 5 The Rumoured Dissolution. (Supplied by Heater.) London, 21 Jau.—The Kt. Hon. iSL. John B rod rick, Secretary of State for India, speakiug at Shalford, said that he was glad to hear rumours of dissolution, because they would strengthen the Government, which last year profited by similar rumours.
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  • 506 5 Stoessel »t Shanghai Fairness and Chivalry of Nogi Praised i Echo Special.) Shanghai. 21 Jan.—General Stoessel. accompanied by his wife and stall, arrived here from Nagasaki yesterday. -I hey had tiffin on shore, but refused the honour of a semi-public reception. General Stoessel and his start' unanimously praised
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  • 393 5 Governor Outlines Scheme Radical and Immediate Improvement of Wharfage. 1 Mi MS OIT Pl'KCJtlMt. Echo Special. Singapore, 21 Jan.— At the meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday afternoon the first reading of the Tanjoiig Pagar Dock Bill came up for discussion Vast Extensions. His Excellency the Governor,
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  • 234 5 Perak Subscriptions. Thv follow iug further subscriptions are ivckuow ledge*] with tliauka Amount previously acknowledged 8830 Chin Fook Sin It* Tronoh Mines. Ho Weng 10 Ltd. 130 L»i Youg lo F. Douglas Us* Lee Peug 10 home 100 Talk Cbhi Co.. Dv. P. G.
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    • 319 5 Wan run Moke Biuht lt> lIIC l.lii l ui; vt lij Si It AITS Lejiu. •Si if, Having read the leader under tint heading ot “Light on liocke” which appeared iu your issue of 19th instant, giving the reasons enunciated by Dr. Locke at the interview with
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1227 6 TAIK CHEE Co., Ship Chandlers Sc Wholesale Dealers. JUST ERC&IVED LAMPS. HNKS -^&sdst £2 2459 PRICES N. D. deSILVA, MANVFACI VP!SO JE WELLER AND DEALER IN Ceylon Jewellery, Tiger Claws and Tortoise Shell Ornaments, Ivory and Ebony Elephants, Ceyb n Handmade Lace, FoltiingLong Chairs Ceylon Tea of best quality. 38.
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  • 151 7 Angio-Chiaese School^ Inr Anglo-Chiue«e School dosed for 1 liiucsc New ear’» vacation on Friday 110,1 '*>ll re-open on Feb. *2otli. Frizes were giveu to sixteen box» who hud attended school without b >ing oucc absent during t,l»e school year cnd*d August *JDt ast. TJie prizes consisted of books,
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  • 451 7 b 01.i.0w1 no is the list of prizes distributed on Friduy last Special i'ltutu, Lhtigiou .I. Head Boy s Prize Axel Hast nip English Axel Hast nip Latin .F.W. T. Morgan History Kam Chiu Poe Mathematics Hooi Yip San Arithmetic Lint Swee Poll General Proficiency Uoh
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 713 7 HOWARTH, ERSKINE, LTD.,! BURN Co., Ltd., for sale. El«otpioal Engineer! Sl Contractor*. Electrioal Engineers, PENANG. Elephant Brand Kerosene Oil Enclosed Type /Ire Lamps. Miniature Arc Lamps. High Candle Porter Incandescent Lamps. A rtistic Fittings, ESTIMATES FREE. luia flatted the (Juveiumont Show Rooms Logan's buildings Contractors to the Governments OF THE
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1560 8 THE BEST VALUE R 1. mn&&RTfiNT. NOTICE. V y. NOTE THESE BARGAINS. PRICES HARD TO BEAT. Gents’ HEMSTITCHED Handkerchiefs. Very Superior Fine White Cambric with one inch Ilem. Size 21 by 21 inches. OUR PRICE $1.95 per dozen. EMIL ZOBEL. 4, Bench Strceet. Beg to notify the general public that
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