Straits Echo, 17 January 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 39 1 For Weel ending Monday, Jau. 23, IS*>s. A.M. P.M. Tuesday, 17tli 10.— 10.25 Wednesday. 18th... 10.50 11.15 Thursday, 10th 11.40 Friday, 20th I*3o 1.55 Saturday, 21 kI 2.20 2.45 Sunday, 22ml 3.10 335 Monday, 23rd 4. 4.25
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  • 21 1 O Full Moou Jau. 21st 2.0.4 p.xi. Last Quarter 28th 7.15.2 a.m. O New Moon Feb. 4th 6.1.2 p.m.
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  • 90 1 China (Socotra) 10th Jan. Kuglish (Chnsan) 10th China (Malta) 21st English (Japan) 24th Genuan (Machmi) 25th China (Roon) 25th Thk extra P. O. Steamer Socotra,” having left Singapore at midnight on 16th instant, is expected to arrive at 8 a.m. on 18th mutant. and will leave for Colombo,
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  • 56 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. < >UTW a k i>«. 1 l'»M rw CAflMR Of Jan i Malta 21 Jan* Bengal. 2 Feb j Coromandel 4 Feb. Hxtra Service. Ol’TW A RIM*. j 1 K v A R!*► Japan 24 Jan. I Socotra W Jan. Malacca 7 Feb. j Palauan
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  • 1041 1 Times* Military Correspondent’# Views. (Continued Jruni yesterday a issue.) Thus, a month after setting out., the 15 ships forming the main division of the squadron had covered one-fifth of their journey at the average rate of three miles ail hour; the second division of 20 vessels had not
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  • 117 1 Pknano, 17th January. (Hy courtesy ot the Chartered llauk. I I London Demand Bank ...1/111 4 months’sight Bank ...1/11} 3 Credit ...I/11* 3 Documentary 1/11 Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 145} 3 days’ sight Private 147} Bombay, Demand Bank 145} 3 days’sight Private 147 J Madras, Demand Bank 145 3
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  • 176 1 I'm... S 76 JMJ Gold l«*af 5 79 B. Pepped YV. C**a*i Xlli*./*<■/.. 24. ml eg While Pepper 38— sellers Trang Pepp«?% business 8 *26.-— fellers Cloves (picked) 8 50. —sellers Mace f.l 85 —sellers Mace Pickings 80 S--geller* siUnegs 110 s if! ..j 41 t -~skll*r* Basket .10
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  • 198 1 HvmiivaliGuM >iw Ou.. Ld. 13. —sales Rani) Australian < »*>l*l Mining Co., Ld 8 4.— Horn. Redjattg Lelioiig Gold Aiming Co.. Ld. 8 240 buyer* KadanaGold M iningCo,, I (fllllv paid I*).— mnn. Briiseh Tin Mining Co., lid. 2 —sales ICaningun Tin Mining C<>. 9. sellers I\intu Tin Mines
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  • Shipping.
    • 74 1 Benvoklich, Ur. s.s. ll.lli-l-, Thomson, l6t.h Jan., London, lltli Deo., (Jen., —S. B. «fc Co. General Pel, Dut. s.s. 1J56, de Haw, 17tli Jan., Edie, 16th Jan., Gen., H. L. Co. Rotorua, Br. s.s. 555, Liugard, ](>tli Jan.. Tougkah, 15tli Jan., Gen.. K. G. Co. Janet Nicoll, Br. s.s.
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    • 61 1 GbSe hal Pel, Dut. s.s. 1,15(1, de Baa, 17th Jan., Edie, 16th Jan., Gen., H. L. Co. Rotorua, Br. s.s. 555, Liugard, 16th Jan., Tongkah, 15th Jau.. Gen., —K. G. Co. Janet Nicoll, Br. n.s. 475, Crichton, I7th Jan., Raugoon, 14th Jau., Gen,, K. G. Co. Unity, Nor.
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    • 50 1 17th January. van Outhooni, for Bahang, Olehleh and Padang. ft. Halewyu, tor Batu Bahru. Hong Wan for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Vet tel, for Laugkat it Paugkalau Brandan. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Tara, fu| S’ligapore. Jt 'riiiim, for Deli. Wf Wehl, for Anson.
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    • 58 1 1 g 1 i i Atjeiil» U. < A pear Siuga|>oie A. A.A .Co. 10th Jan. Chusaii Colo hi Ik) G.YV.ACo. 10th lv uni Sang Calcutta B.&Co. 10th Sanibia Hamburg B.M.&Co. 20th Malta Singapore G.YV.&Co. |21st Pak Ling Liverpool YV.M.&Co. 22ud Macduff Glasgow S.B.ACo. 23rd (t. A pear Calcutta
      58 words
    • 51 1 bo. .1 '/•'H't C. A pear Calcutta A.A .A Co, lOtli Jan. Chusan Singapore (i.W.&Co. mu K lint Bail" Singapore B.&Co. ll*th Samhia Singapore B.M.&Co. 20th Malta Colombo < I.W.&Co. 21st 1'itk liin<4 Singapore W.M.&Co. 22ml Ala duff Singapore 5. B.&Co, 23rd G. A|)Ciir Singapore A.A.A.Co. 2<>th 11}'MOll London
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    • 80 1 For iheli—Per Calypso, to-morrow, 9 a.u».. Tongkah—Per Kotorua, to-morrow, 1 p.ui. Moiiimein Per Janet Nicholl, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson Per Lauykaf, to-morrow, 2 p in. Perlis A iSeiul Per Un Petty, tomorrow, 3 Deli—Per Sumatra, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Langkat—Per Jin Ho, I9tli instant, I p.m. I>eli
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 MARTYN Co. *0 TTT WHISKIES. TAIK CHEE Co., Ship Chandlers Sc Wholesale Dealers. JUST ERCEIVED HINKS iJ» LAMPS. O 3a €3 i PRICES MODERATE. /Vos. 2« <* Church Street, Penang. 3 For Infants and Children. MELVIN’S FOOD. For Infants and Children. KATZ BROTHERS, SOLE AGENTS» 920
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    • 151 1 I FIXTURES. I v To-i»at. i 1 —tli l>a\, 12th Moon. To-morrow, loth Day, 12th Moon. Town Hand, Esplanade, G p.m. Industrial Scholarship. AN examination for out* Industrial Scholarship, of the value of £lBO a year for four years, will lie held at the Education Office in Ptennug, on Wednesday,
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    • 23 1 STEARNS’ WINE, although containing Iron, in a most excellent form, does not constipate or blacken the teeth. The beneficial effect is really remarkable.
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    • 158 1 SX3&D A.H. OO-OOP. THOMAS’S Peppermint Tooth Powder For the People. A PERSON should endeavour to have a «loan month, «rood breath, souud gums and jiearly teeth, to prevent Ins company being 1 ‘Aint That Right.” TO THE FAIR. Yet let me warn yon. that thro’ no neglect. You let yonr
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    • 22 1 GOLDENBERG ZEITLIN j A Genuine Pilsener Beer. FOR SALE GREAT REDUCTION. “Guide Book TO Bangkok Siam.” Price $3. OBTAINABLE AT Echo Office,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1257 2 “‘Ah, said a caller to an American editor, seeing broken tables and chairs on the ttoor, I see you’ve had visitors!’ Visitors of tlie kind indicated may not lie common in Fleet-street to-day; but they were not unknown formerly, and the journalist had cause to dread them. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 367 2 FOR THE COUGH OF INFLUENZA Stems’ Wine is the reliable prompl remedy. It soothes the air passages. NOTICE IS hereby given that Ng Sin Chkang '>/»<{.'• Ng Sin has left our service from this date and we shall not be responsible for any transactions made by him on out behalf.
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    • 1068 2 To Let. PREMISES No. 63, Northaui Road. Eutrv Ist February, 1905. 4-1-05 Apply to Md. A RIFF, 1 56, Hutton Lane, ii c 5 Graham Co.. Ld., HDAT KEE Bros., GEORfiE WALRER Chemist and Dt*uggi«t. To Let. HOUSES No. 86 Northaui Road and No. 9 Arratoou Road. Immediate WHOLESALE CHEMISTS,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1646 3 S. N. Co. Expected arrical and Departures. Mall Service. Outwards. Jan. 1!* s.s. Chusan connecting with 8.8. Mongolia Feb 2 8.8. Bengal do 8.8. Oceatut 16 8.8. Nubia do s.s. Mmrmora Mar. 2 8.8. Malta do China Homewards Jau. 21 s.s. Malta do 8.8. Himulaija Feb. 4 8.8. Coromandeldo s.s.
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  • 82 4 Jounce aatwflm everybody. and Jnetice alone.— Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Knndayn.) AT TB* CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226—232, Beach St roof, Ponanjf. PRICE DAII.Y. MK/’A I. S'l per annum OUTBTATIONB Poelajfe Kxtra MAM, KIMTION (Hoot Free) *l5 ('A KI,K AIMMtKSK: “Ec li o—P ena
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  • 1081 4 An Important Object-Lesson. W e give prominence to-day to an excerpt from an Australian contemporary in the hope that it may serve ihe purpose of a useful object-lesson in deep mining. The part of the country where the operations mentioned are being carried on is a plain,
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  • 463 4 Further evidence of appreciation of tlie EcJw'k persistent efforts to stimulate agricultural enterprise in Malaya is forthcoming froi*. our Kuala Lumpur contemporary (12 Jan.) which quotes the concluding portion of our leader of 9th instant reading as follows The S raits Echo coucludes an editorial on the
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  • 1054 4 The Penang Assizes t (Before Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice, and r a Special Jury.) i Alleged Murder in Burmah Road. At the afternoon sitting of the Assizes y sterdav, the trial was commenced of four lalays, named respectively Hauip bin Jauali, i a wane hi bin Shaik
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  • 753 4 A Financial Success. I A meeting of subscribers to St. Andrew’s Ball was yesterday evening held in the Chamber ot Commerce uuder the presiden cv of Mr. A.G. Stephen to consider Z accounts which had beeu audited bv yj A. F. G Anderson, an,l which' were *i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 372 4 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd., PENANG ROOF TILES. I Specialities always on hand. RIDGINGS Ridge Tile. Hand Pumps, Barbed Wire, Dunvilles Whisky. Cutler, Palmer St Co ’s HALF TILES. WHITE PORT, SPANISH PORT, Dinner sherry, INVALID PORT We have above always in Stock 3 Cow Brand Danish Butter. \Absolutely the finest in
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    • 7 4 Gentlemen's Fancy Half-Hose Whiteaway, Laidlaw 'do’, Penang,-
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  • 565 5 Manchuria The Russian Raids. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 16 Jan.—Reuter’s correspondent with General Kuroki wires that the Russian raiders who entered southern Manchuria traversed neutral territory to the west of the Liao River and occupied the Old ’Town of Newell wang. The Russian Losses. Reuter's Tokio correspondent wires
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    • 77 5 The lndo*China War Scare (Supplied Ijij Renter.) London, 1, Jau. —Mods. Deloncle, the leader of the French Colonial partv, disbelieves in ilie authenticity of Baron Kodama s alleged plan for a descent ufKtn ImloCliina, as published in the French papers, though he is firmly convinced that Japan
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    • 34 5 The Cabinet Crisis. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 16 Jan.—Owing to the death of President Loubet's mother necessitating the President’s absence from Paris, the resignation of the French Cabinet has been postponed until Wednesday.
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    • 28 5 Still to be Taxed. (Supplied by Reuter.) Lomlou, 16 Jan —The Rt. Hon Austen Chamberlain, in replying to a deputation, declined to abaudon the tax on sugar.
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    • 20 5 Wales beats England (Supplied by Heater Loudon. 16 Jan.—In International football Wales lias scored 25 points to England's nil.
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    • 72 5 Attempted Assassination. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 16 Jan.—A student tired three shots from a revolver at M. Trepott. the ex-Chiof of Police, who was bidding taie•vvell to the Graud-Duke Sergius at Moscow railway station, but the shots im««ed. It was announced on Saturday tliatM. irepoff had been relieved of
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  • 400 5 Statistics for the Present Year. A Statistical Abstract of Loudon, issued on 20th ultimo by the Loudon County Council, contains many figures which are absolutely new. Those which refer to the present year are gtveu Mow Population (estimated) 4,601.985 Population per acre 61 Rateable value £41,088.496
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  • 813 5 Why it was not at the Jetty. As the result of further inquiries regarding certain unfortunate incidents connected with the removal of a patient, last Thursday, from the Jetty to the hospital, we are given to understand that a telephone message was received bv Dr. G. W.
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    • 593 5 To tub Editor ok the Straits Echo. Dear She, —Mv attention was drawn, on uiv arrival here on Saturday, to the article which appeared in your issue of 12th iust. headed A Boxing Fiasco,” copied from ludian Daily News of 30th u time. As I happened to
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  • 437 5 A new high speed Lvpe-writiug telegraph, invented by Air. Donald Murray, is now lieiug brought into use by the Post Office, after trials between Loudon and Edinburgh extending over 18 mouths. Messages sent bv this apparatus are written a! the transmitting station on a keyboard like that of
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  • 833 5 Burieu Alive after the Din of Battle. Letikr keom the Front. POSTED IN SECRET, IT DIETS THE VEIL oN A TERRIBLE PICTURE. (London Evenimj Neirx, go Iter.) Three weeks ago the Evening News told the story exclusively of a Soldier of the Tsar who had escaped from
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 Our Famous Travelling Rugs Whitfiivay, Laidlaw Co., Penang.
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    • 8 5 The “REX’* Boot» Shoes Whiteaway, Uidlaw Co., Penang.
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    • 21 5 Gents’ Soft Felt Hats. Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Penang. John Sazley White-Brothers' “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Importers Penang.
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    • 248 5 To-day’s Advertisements. TAI-PUSAM HOLIDAY. uudenucii turned Ranks will I*' 1 closed on Saturday. the 2lsl January, 15K)5. being a Public Holiday For tlie Chartered Rank of India, Australia and < 'liina. E. M. .lANION. Ag. Manager. For the Hongkong A Shanghai Ranking Corporation. A. O. STEPHEN, Agent. For tlie Netherlands
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  • 16 5 Obituary. Earl Cairns. {Supplied by Heater.) London, 16 Jan. The death is announced of Earl Cairns.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1145 6 We CATER for The ART of the CAMERIST And being: Practical Photographers, thoroughly understand their needs and requirements. Photographic Apparatus Sundries always in stock, including ALBUMS. To hold 24 by plate Photos. Price $l. Zylonite with plate lifter attachment and spout as illustrated. N. D. deSII.VA, MANUFACTURING JEWELLER AND DEALER
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  • 382 7 (Stolen from brainy men.) l.itV- is a great bundle of little thiugs. h\«‘i nte should have a background of solitude. When one gets to love work, iiis life is a nappy oue. Philosophy is easy wlieu one's own affairs are swimming. Nothing can bring you peace but the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 584 7 K. MYDINSAH Bros., General Storekeepers and Aerated Water Manufacturers. 100 Pitt Street and 523 Chulia Street, PEN A is a. Best, ingredients used for 1 lie Manufacture o ABATED WATERS. Sub-Agents: The Penang Ice and Industrial Co., Ltd. also Kr.tser A Neave and (iraliam A Nicholson's j Aerated Waters are
      584 words
    • 335 7 BUCHANAN’S WHISKY i AS SUPPLIED to H. M. tine King AND TO H. R, H, The Prince of Wales The only Scotch Whisky used on board the S.S. OPhIR on i her trip round the world. “RED SEAL.’’ “BLACK WHITE” White Seal. Soldi Everywhere. SAN DILANDS, KLTTIKY <& Co., dBe
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    • 201 7 CHIN JOO Co., 158, Beach Street. General Storekeepers, Provisioned and Commission Agents. JUST RECEIVED A CONSIGNMENT OF VARIOUS ASSORTMENTS OF Cigarette Cases, Cigarette Holders, Cigar Holders, Leather Alberts, Hunting Crops, Silk, Watch Chains, Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes, Lisle Thread Shirts, Belts, Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. I INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. KHOO CHIN
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    • 145 7 Dr. W. MAN SON DENTAL SURQEON. Price Moderate, Consultation Free. KKBIOINO AT No. 17. Penang Road. A few doors from (he Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 3 6 i»th«. LIM SUN HO CHOP HENG MOH Co., 164, Beach Street, Penang. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 463 8 *5 a Apply to C. S. SENG Co., W M 02 fe? 00 j-b 5 1 I-l i I T 5 n jT vP c C. '<j fig > m ED. PINAUD S PERFUMERY call the attention of its numerous customers to the fact that none of its products is
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