Straits Echo, 14 January 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 51 1 Births. ()N Decern tor 19th. at 95. Broadhurst-f-'sr Hampstead. N.W., to Janet, wffe o: William Latta. a son. On Dee. 20, at Kensington Palace-maosions London, Lady McCullnm, of a daughter. Mark i auk. Ov Dec. 20. YVToughton. son of the late I’ Robinson. Esq., of Singapore, to Irene
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  • 40 1 For Week ending Friday, Jan. 20 IH r,. A.M. p.m Saturday, 14th 7.30 7.55 Sunday, 15th 8.20 8 45 Monday, 16th 9.10 9.25 Tuesday, 17th 10.— 10.25 Wednesday. 18th... 10.50 11.15 Thursday, 19lli 11.40 Friday, 20th 1.30 1.55
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  • 27 1 First Quarter... Jan. 14th 6.6.2 O Full Moon 21st 2 9.4 f..m. Last Quarter 28tli 7.15.2 a.m. O New Moon Feb. 4th 6.1.2 i\m.
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  • 24 1 China (Socotra) 19th Jan. Euglish (Chn mi a) 19 th China (Malta) 21st English (Japan) 24th German (Sachsen) 25th China (Roon) 25th
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  • 27 1 To-da v. 9th Day, 12th Moon. Cricket, Esplanade, 2 p.m. To- M O It HOW lOtli Dav, 12 1 1) Moon. Church Services see page 5.
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  • 42 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. ’tUTWAKOK. HoMKWAKIIK. CJinmn lit Jan Malta ;>/ Jan lUuijal J F, b I Coromandel l *V/, l.xlrn Service. M'tw am«, jiiiMnnuKii. Japan '24 Jan. j Soco/ra l!t Jan. Malacca 7 Pcb. Palawan '47 >01 particulars .See Page 3.
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  • 1228 1 What Russia Mkans To Do. j St. Petersburg, Dee. 5—1 have had an interview to-day on the subject of the Dardanelles and Black Sea Fleet quesjtion with ice-Admiral V. Kaznakott, who in formed me that the despatch of the Black Sea I' leet to tne Far Fast was
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  • 129 1 Pknano, 14th January. 1 tty courtesy 01 the (Jhnrtererf Itonk. I I •sindon Demand Bank i/ll 7 t months’sight Bank ...1 11 J t Credit ...1/1 1 Jg •> Documentary ...1 I|* Calcutta. Demand Rank Its. 145 3 davs’ sight. Private 147 i Bom bar. Demand Bank 145 3
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  • 202 1 Rersa wall Gold Mine Co., Id. 13. —sales Ranh Australian Geld MmCo.. Ld. S 4 —nom. Redjang Gold Mining Co.. Ld 2U) buyers Kadu tiaGuld M iningCe,.1 ,1 d. 'fully paid) In.— j Rriiseh Tin Milling Ce. Id S 2 sales Karangan Tlll Mining s V).—sellers K inta 1
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  • 179 1 I’m S 77. 10 buyers 1 Gold leaf 79! 1 B. Pepper(W. Coast )SJ24. —niie* j White Pepfier 68 —sellers I’rang Pepper, business s‘2d.—seller* Cloves (picked) 50.— seller* Miice 8.» —sellers Mooe Picking 80.— seller* Nutmegs |Os +l.— seller* 1 No. 1 h 10 uoin Sugar < ‘2 m*
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  • Shipping.
    • 124 1 WWW Malaya, Ger. ss. !M)1, Bloek, I t-tli .lan.. Deli. I •>1.1» Jan., Tobacco. —B. Al. A Co. 11 khk. Hr. s.s. 34b, Inkster, 14tli Jau., J)«*li, 141 li Jau., Tobacco.—W. Al. Si Co. Jin Ho, Hr. s.s. 110, Hastrup, 13th Jan., Langkat, 1 —1 1» Jan., Tobacco, —(Juab
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    • 32 1 Malaya, Ger. s.s. 901, Block, 14Mi Jau., Deli, 13th Jau., Tobacco.—B. M. A Co. Hen lomond. Hr. s.s. 1.670. Clark. I4Hi Jan., Hongkong, 6th Jan., Gen., —S. B. A. Co.
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    • 67 1 14th January. Ynhmtij*, for Liugkat and Paugkalau B randan. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Cornel it, for Deli. Sen .Weir, for Singapore. Lnmjknt, for Teluk Alison. Kintua, for Port Swetteuhani, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore. MoMel, for Gdie, T. Semawe, Segli, Ulehleh, Polo Well, Padaug and Batavia. Zaida, for SingaporeArmenia, for
      67 words
    • 69 1 1 j 1 /<«« Beuvorlich Loudon S.B.&Co. i loti. Jmi. Socotra SingajKire Singapore G.WICo. IGtli A Liberia B.M.&Co. Pith vail OlltllOOlU Singapore H.L.&Co. Pith Deucalion Singapore W.M.&Co. 17th C. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 19th Chilean CoIoiiiIki G.W.&Co. 19th Sain l)ia Hamburg B.M.&Co. 20th Malta Singapore G.W.&Co. 21 Ht Pak
      69 words
    • 74 1 1 1. /<■„, 1 Leaven Benvorlicli Singapore S B A Co. lot la Jan. Socotra Colombo G.W.&Co. ldth Anilieria CoInmUi B M.AC'o. lOtli van 1 (hithoor n Sabang H.L.&Co. lOtli Deucalion London W.MACo. 17th C. A pear Calcutta 1 U.A.ACo, 19th Clin sail Singapore G.W.ACo. 19th Saiubia Singapore BJfl.&Co.
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    • 59 1 For Traug—Per Dtli, ltith mi*taut, 1, I Port Swettenluun—Per Mary Austin, i 16th instant, 2 Paugkor and Teluk Anson—Per Canton, 16th instant, 2 Edie, T. Semawe, Segli and Olebieli —Per Peyn, 16th instant, 2 p.m. Deli—Per Malaya, 16th instaut. 4 p.m. Port Swettenliam, Kuala Lumpur
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    • 41 1 Inward —Per Lai Sang,” from Singapore. Messrs Hamilton, Barker, Fairweather, Coo per-A n gel 1 aud Miss. Marble. Per Zaida,” from Miidras, Messrs Stem mil/., R. N. and A. Chettvar, N. Martin, Dr. aud Mrs. < Hdham. Miss Jones, Mrs. Ho^au.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 117 1 MARTYN Co. *0 WHISKIES. J Penang. EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. UNEQUALLED KOI: Situation. Comfort and Catering. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietor Hongkong Yuen On Insurance Exchange Loan Godowu Co., Ltd. S]2Kff Capital $1,000,000. r undersigned having been appointed JL Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks on the most
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    • 18 1 STEARNS’ WINE strengthens the resistance to disease of the lungs and ail passages. It soothes and lieals SIRDAR.
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    • 155 1 STEARNS' WINE is pleasant to takeIts effect is certain in preventing coughs and colds. It Imilds up and strengthens. SIRDAR. LONDON DIRECTORY, I /"''ONTAINING over 2,000 page* of 0011- dense*! commercial matter, enables enterprising traders throughout the Empire to keep in close touch with the trade of the Motherland. Besides
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    • 1 1 SIRDAR.
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    • 6 1 GOIDEIERG ZEITLIKj i Genuine Pilsener Beer.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER. 1'mk followin'.* report, is kiu<iiv suppiico i>\ tin» Signal l>ir*»i tor of' K«*rt (\trnwaiin» l'lie rainfall tiiinni* ill*» -4 Hour*- *»>i.i.*.i *f 9 to-dav was nil.
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  • 814 2 Journalist as Agent Foreign Warships and British Builders. In the Chan eery Division, on 14th December, Mr. Justice Warrington opened the hearing of the case of Thomson v. Sir W. (4. Armstrong, Whitworth and Company, Limited. It. was an action by Mr. R. D. Thomson, a former
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 1422 2 NOTICE jS hereby given that, N<; Sin Cheano alias Na Sin has left our service from this date and tve shall not be responsible for any transactions made by him on our behalf. pp. FOO CHOO CHOON GHEAH CHEANG LIM. Laliat, 9th Jan., 1905 6insrt 17 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Applications are
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1674 3 052? S. N. Co. Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Feb. Homewards Jau. 21 8.8. Malta «1«» Himalaya Feb. 4 k.B. Coromandel do 8 India 15 8.8. Simla do h.h. Britannia Mar. 4 8.8. Chusan do s.s. Monglia FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist Class 2nd Clan To London by
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  • 84 4 J oat ice ntififles everybody, and (notice »ion«.— Krn.rwm Established June Ist, 1903. Knblialieil daily (except. Humbly».) AT TH CRITERION PRESS, Ed., No. 220-232, Beach Street. Penang. PRICE DAII.V. I.OCAI. per annum OIITSTATIONS I'wMKe Kxtia VI AI I, KDITION I*ice) 5 IMKI.K AIMIUKSs E c li o—P
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  • 1510 4 Letter from Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons. Rev. W. E. Lowther’s Views Criticised As mentioned in our last issue, ail interesting letter on the shorthand controversy carried on in our columns for some months past has been addressed to the Editor of this journal by Sir Isaac Pitman
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  • 1775 4 Ordinary Meeting. The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commission of George Town was held in the Municipal Chambers yesterdav afternoon. Mr. J. W. Hallifax. President, presided and there were also present:— Dr P. V. Locke. Mr. L. H. Clayton, Mr. Chv.ili Tek Tbve, Mr. Lim Eu Toll;
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 225 5 A Russian Raid Repulsed (Echo Special.) Tokio, 14 Jan. —A Russian detachment consisting of twelve guns and eight squadrons made its appearance on 12th inst. and attacked the Japanese commissariat station at Newchiatung, but was repulsed. Japanese Railway Damaged. On the night of the lltli inst., a small
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  • 179 5 The New Reforms. (Sup(died by Reuter.) London, 13 Jan. —The Right Hon. A. J. j Balfour, speaking at Glasgow, dwelt upon the achievement of the Government in the! direction of army and navy reforms. He said that the real problem regarding the British army arose at the
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  • 19 5 (Sitftjilied lii/ llenter.) Loudon, 13 Jan. —Mous. Fallierers lias been re-elected President of the Freucn Senate.
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  • 174 5 Shipping Subsidies. t (Eupjilted by Renter.) Loudon, 13 Jau.-The Commerce Com-j mittee of tlie United States Senate lias increased the maximum shipping subsidies, j mentioned on the 7th iust., to £BO,OOO monthly and £160,000 fortnightly. I Renter's wire of 7th inst. was as follows It is reported from
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  • States News.
    • 465 5 fr i u»n Our Own Corrr»poH(Utnts.) POH J^ r u —Tim approach of the Chinese New Year is he.aided, us usual hy many daring cates of highway and gang robbery. The latest “hold up” was ,u the direction of Tapali, on the Tenioh- Chenderiang Road, where a gliarrv contain*
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  • 478 5 Thk sad news of the death of Mr. Robert. Anderson, consulting engineer, yesterday morning, as chronicled in our last issue, came as a great shock to the entire community, as it was not generally known that he was ill. It is said that
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  • 469 5 The Murkens-Merry lees Concert. Those Peuaugites who are foud of good music had a treat last evening in the concert given by Mlts Henriette Murkens aud Miss Edith Merry lees, with the assistance of two of Peuang s most talented amateurs iu the persons of Mrs. Stephen
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  • 681 5 Thk above is the style of a Company which arrive* 1 at Bombay from Loudon last month and will visit Penang in March. Mr. Edward Branscombe is the versatile Chief, aud Mr. Charles Chambers the Manager, of the party, which comprises past members of the
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  • 841 5 Vkstkkuay’s Procession and Gkand Banquet. Yesterday's procession iu honour of Beow Lean, the Chief Priest of Penang, a brief account of w hich appeared in our last, issue, was an event unique in the annals not only of Peuang but of the whole of the Straits Settlements.
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  • 114 5 Arrival of Bishop Oldham Bishop Oldham, accompanied l»v Mr». Oldham, arriveil to-dav bv the B. I. liner Zakin, aud will stay in Penang about a week. To-morrow evening the Bishop will couduct the service at. six o’clock at the M. E. Chapel in Maxwell Road. A reception
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  • 774 5 The Malay Exploration Syndicate (Limited) has been registered in Loudon with a capital of .£20,000 iu JC\ shares. The object is to adopt an agreement with the Pahang Corporation, Ltd,, aud the Pahang Kabaag Ltd., to acquire lauds, lights,mines,hereditaments, aud property in the territories of H. H.
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  • 135 5 2nd Sunday Aetkk Epiphany. Si IiKoROK (Jhurch (Churchof England»— .in* (C horal) H aiu. Evensong and Sermon. p.ui.—Rev. F. W. Haines Col. t haplain. Pkkhhytkkian Church (North*» Kondi. 'h m. and t. p in.—Rov RY. Whitton. Ma. wce at the Mission Chapel. Farunhar Street, at ♦> p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1495 6 HUAT KEG Bros., General Merchant and Commission Agents, /f, Penang Street Penang. Established Ist June, 1904. JUST ELLWOOD’S Felt Double Terai Hats, Wool Double and Single Terai nats, Straw Hats and White Drill Helmets. Christy’s Panama Hats at $25 each. English-made Cashmere Hosiery, Embroidery Fronts, Embroidery Sides, Fancy Colours, Merino,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 708 7 IMPORTANT NOTICE. a fH '«J 2« •MS z/c. 36, dklawei 37toad. The Proprietor begs to notify that having engaged a Comoetent Staff of Professional Riders, &c., at a considerable expense to himself, he is now open To Train, Break to Harness, Griffins, Race Horses, Galloways, Ponies or Hacks, For the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1150 8 If our Goods do not come up to what we advertise we will refund the money paid for them. ‘f~ Gentlemen’s Fane; Half-Hose. 600 pairs Travellers Samples TO BE CLEARED AT ONE PRICE. THESE GOODS AVERAGE FROM Cents BO to $2.50 per pair But owing to the large quantity of
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