Straits Echo, 13 January 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 38 1 For Wool ending Thursday, Jan. 18, 1905. AM. P.M. Friday, 13th 6.40 7.05 Saturday, 14th 7.30 7.55 Sunday, 15th 8.20 845 Monday, 16th 9.10 9.25 Tuesday, 17th 10. 10.25 Wednesday, 18th... 10.50 11.15 Thursday, 19th 11.40
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  • 27 1 First, Quarter... Jan. 14tli 3.0.2 i* si. O Full Moon 21st, 2.9.4 p.m. Iaist Quarter 28th 7.15.2 a.m. O New Muon Feb. 4th 6.1.2 p.m.
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  • 24 1 Indian Zaida) 14th Jan. China Socotra 19th English (Chummy 19th Chiua (Malta) 21st English Japan 24th German (Sachsen) 25th China (Boon) 25th
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  • 28 1 To-i*av. 8th Day, 12th Moou. Meeting Municipal Commissioners, o Town Baud, Esplanade, 5-30 p in. To-!MUKKO» 9th Dav, 12th M«m»h. Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 43 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwakiw. Homkwakhk. Chusan 11) Jan j Malta 21 Jan. Bengal 2 Feb Coromandel l Feb. Extra Service. Ol'TW A KU8. HoMRWAKIHi. Japan 24 Jan. I Socotra l!t Jan. Malacca 7 Feb. Palawan 27 For particulars See Page 3.
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  • 1469 1 Army Scheme. Local Forces to defend the Straits. PROTECTION r. FREE TRADE. PEARYS PROJECT ANOTHER LEITER MATCH. Reform in Russia. cotn our own Correspondent.) Fleet Street, December 14.—1 t is stated in the clubs that the military scheme for redistributing the Army, which has now lieen for
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  • 119 1 Pknano, l3th January. 4\(By courtesy of the Chartered ltanh.) Ldndon Demand Bank ...1/11,^ 4 months’ sight, Rank ...1 11 J J 3 Credit ...I/11J-* 3 Documentary ...1 111 'Calcutta, Demand Bank Rg. 145 3 days’ sight Private 147 Bombay, Demand Bank 145 3 days’ sight Private 147 pMadras, Demand
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  • 204 1 Hersawali 4i«»ld Mine (Jo.. Ld. 8 13. —sates Raub Australian Gold Mining Co.. lid 4— noin. Hedjaug Lelwnig Gold Mining Co.. Ld 5 240 buyers j Kadmin Gold M iningCo,, Ltd. (fully paid) 10.— noni. Bruseh Tin Minim: (Jo lid. 2. —sales Karangaii Tin Miniinr (J". 8 10. —sellers
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  • 180 1 I’iu 8 77.75 buyers Gold leaf 5 79J B. Pepper (W. Coast Xlbs.soz.)s|24. —sales White Pepper 38 —sellers Traug Pepper, business 26. —sellers Cloves (picked) 8 50. —sellers Mace 85 —sellers Mace Pickings 80. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 41. —sellers f No. 1 6 10 worn Sugar 2 HO
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  • Shipping.
    • 90 1 Taw J’onu, fir. s.s. 105, Hassau, 12th Jau., Asjihau, 11 tli Jan., Gen., K. G. Co. I*K«ur, Br. s.s. 203, Conway, 13th Jau., Aeheen, 12th Jan.. Gen., —llaiv Ho Hn. Ivistna, Br. s.s. 524, l3th Jan., Singapore, 11th Jau.p. Gen H. Ti. A Co. ZAMAifiA.Br. s.s. 1,080, Acheson, 13th
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    • 62 1 Pfc'(!U, Br. s.s. 201, Comvav. 13th Jan., Aeheen, 12th Jan .Gen.,-- Ban Ho Hin. KrsTNA, Br. s.s. 524, Addenhroke, I3tti Jan., SiugajMire, 11th Jan., .Gen.,— H. L. A Co. Lanokat, Br. s.s. 140, Liddell, 13th Jan., Teluk Anson, 12th Jau., Gen.,— K. G. Co. Moss el. But. s.s.
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    • 49 1 13tli January. Xauuuiiu, tor Negapitam. Madras, Pondi* cherry, Cud«h»re, and Karieal. Tan' T'luif. for A sail an. for Laugkat. /VmV, for Port Sweden ham, »»ud Malacca. Amifi/rc, for Port Swettenliani, A Singapore Cai/ifl f<>r Teluk Anson. Lmlij Wild, for Teluk Anson. Turin nu, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 78 1 A </<■«/»> Sui Sang Calcutta B.iVtCu. I4tli Jan Lai Sin;' Singapore B.&Co. 14th lieuvorlich ;Loudon S.B.&Co. 15 th Ceulomoud Singapore S.B.&Co. 15 th Socotra Singapore G.WAUo. 16th Auiberia Singapore B.M.&Cu. 16th Deucalion Singapore W.M.&Co. 17th 0. A pear Singapore A/A.A.Co. 19th CliUhun Colombo (i.W.&Co. 19th Sam bia Hamburg B.M.&Co.
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    • 81 1 1 »-**<!*/• fr\n A jmt* Sui Sang B.ACo* Jail. Lai Sang Calcutta B ACo. Renvorlich .Singapore S.B ACo. 15th Beulmnond London S B ACo. 115th Soeotra [Colombo G.W.ACo. 1 lt>H» Anilieria Coloinlio B.M.ACo. lfftli Daucaliou Loudon W.M.ACo.ll7th C. A pear 'Calcutta A.A.A Co, mi. Clmsan Singapore G.W.ACo. |mii
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    • 66 1 For and P:inukiilan Braudau—Per Vahntijn, to-morrow, noon. fiingkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 |)eli—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Lanyieat, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham, Kuala Lumpur, iunl Singapore —Per Kistna, to-morrow 8 p.m. Bdie, T. Seinawe, Sngli, l)lelil«h, Pulo Well, Padang and Batavia—Pei Mottef, 10-morrow,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. Penang EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. UNEQUALLED FOB Situation, Comfort and Catering. SARKIES BROTHERS, 810 Proprietor FOR SALE. CREPT REDUCTION. “Guide Book TO Bangkok Siam.” Price $3. OBTAINABLE AT Eoho Office TAIK CHEE Co., Ship Chandler« At WholMßle Dealers. JUST RECEIVED LAMPS. HINKS 3£ 1459 PRICES MODERATE. A/os. W,
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    • 22 1 Don’t wait until you catch cold, but begin now with Stearns' Wine in moderate doses to build up and strengthen the body.
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    • 68 1 When the whole system is depressed Nutritive reeoust ruction is of vital import- auce. Steam s’ Wine is the ideal Tonic. BIRD -A.R. NOBELS’ EXPLOSIVES Co., Lfd., GLASGOW. BLASTING GELATINE, GELIGNITE DETONATORS, FUSES AND ELECTRIC BLASTING APPARATUS j SANDILANDS. BUTTERY C* LEE CHYE DISPENSARY, No. 256, CARNARVON STREET, j PENANG.
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    • 17 1 on;; khvk pang. (Chop) KHYE GUAN. Tin Smelters and Im porters of Raw Opium 18c TAIPINff. smDA.II.
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    • 15 1 GOLDENBEB6 ZEITLIH. i Genuine Pilsener Beer. FOR SALE. RELIEF PENS. JU8T RECEIVED Criterion Press, Ltd.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 178 1 Domestic Occurrence. Death. On Ntli Janaary, Jbuiw Huuipton Nesbitt late s.s. Zweena. on board P. O. Moldavia and buried at sea. Obituary. Mr. Robert Anderson. W K <;really regret to record (lie death of Mr. Rol>ert Anderson, lately of the Prai 1 River Docks and consulting engineer to Mr. Quali
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  • 1090 2 Sportsmen out for Deer bag a Huge Tiger. r 0 Last Sunday, the 8th January, Messrs Robert. Meikle, Browell, Parkinson, Bosanquet, and Alec Glassford assembled at Batu Tiga, Selangor, for a day’s shooting. They set out at daylight, accompanied by some seven beaters and tweuty-iive dogs, divided
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 325 2 NOTICE IS lierebv given that Nu Sin Cheano aliens No Sin has left our service from this date and we shall not be responsible for any transactions made by him on our behalf. pp. FOO CHOO CHOON CHEAH CHEANG LIM. Laliat, 9th Jan., 1905 6insrt 17 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. APPLICATIONS are
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    • 751 2 To Let. PREMISES No. 63, Northam Road. Entry Ist February, 1905. Apply to Mo. ARIFP, 1 56, Hutton Lane, 4-1-05 u c To Let. HOUSES No. 86 Northam Road and No. 9 Arratoon Ro:ul. Immediate entry. Apply to KHOO SUN POE, No. 7, Church Street. 17-12-04 uc 891 TO LET.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1664 3 o* e Expected avvival and Dcptn tuves. Mail Service. Jan. Feb. Outwards 1!» s.s. t'lnman connecting with •J 8.8. Bengal do Jl> 8.8. Nubia <lo Homewards. s.B. Mongolia s.B. Oceana s.B. Marmora Jail. Feb. *2l 8.8. Multa do 4 8.8. Coromttndel do 15 8.8. Simla do 8.8. Himalaya s.s. India
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  • 84 4 Justice mtiafle* everybody, and jmtice alone.—Ei>i*r«rm Established June Ist, 1903. Pnhli*he<l ilaily (except AT TH CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 22H-252, Heacli Si root. Penang. PRICK DAILY. lAMIAL fS* per antiuni OUTKTATIONS Postage Extra MAII. KIUTION (I’oet. Kreel !5 OAKI.K AIHIItKKS: E c It o —l* e n
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  • 1595 4 Agri-Horticultural Show. Detailed Arrangements. A meeting of the provisional general committee appointed at the public meeting on the 22nd ult., in connection with tlie next Agri-horticultural Show to be held iu Peuaug iu August, next, was convened yesterday evening iu the Town Hall. Of those proposed as mem tiers
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  • 1913 4 j A Lively Time on a British Cruiser. BY ONE WHO KNEW WHAT IT WAS TO BE THERE. Our readers will remember that shortly after receipt of the first news of the outrageous attack by the Baltic Brawlers upon defenceless fishing smacks in the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 189 5 Port Arthur. Prizes of War. An Extensive Haul. Echo Special.) Tokio, Id Jan.—General Nogi reported «hi Thursday that the delivery of the booty of Pori Arthur had been completed. The principal items are 59 permanent forts, 546 guns, whereof 54 are of large calibre. 149 medium and 843
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    • 58 5 A New Loan. (Sut plied by Reuter.) London, 13 Jan.—Subscriptions fora new Russian loan were opened in Berlin and closed immediately. The applications for scrip were unusually large. A New Railway. Loudou. 13 Jan.—The provisional running of trains on the railway from Orenburg, in south-east Russia, to T.ishkeud, in
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    • 69 5 Mode of Procedure Settled (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 13 Jan.—The North Sea Outrage Enquiry Commission has completed its rules of procedure. The Ageuts’ statement will be read at the first public sitting on the 19th iustaut. The examination of witnesses, the presentation of the Agents’ conclusions aud
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    • 46 5 The Tariff Question. (Supplied, by Renter.) London. 12 Jan.— President Roosevelt btrongl v advocates the sitting of a special session of Congress for the readjustment of the United States tariffs, but ii is not likely that the session will lie bed liefore the autumn.
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    • 38 5 The Sultan Powerless. Supplied by Reutei’.) London, 12 Jail Molls. Taillaudier lias embarked at Taugier en route for Fez. via Laraiclie, the Sultan lieing powerless to guarantee the safety of the direct route between Tangier and Fez.
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    • 37 5 The Hinterland Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 12 Jan. —Great Britain has rejected the Sultan’s Irade with reference to the Aden Hinterland questiou and insists upon a settlement on the basis of the assurances previously given.
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    • 110 5 The Coming Election. {Supplied hi/ Reuter.) liouJmii, 1- Juu. —The Kt. H"ii. Ilui;li O. Arnold Forster, Secretary of Stale lor War, speak iug at Croydon, said tha< lie thought that there would be a swing ot the pendulum at the next general election and urged the electors to make
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    • 34 5 Signor Tittoni. (Supplied by Reuter.) London. 12 Jan. —Signor Tittoni, the Italian Foreign Minister, who has lieeu suffering from cerebral congestion arising from a cold contracted while on a shooting expedition, has recovered.
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    • 177 5 Mr. Chamberlain Explains (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12 Jan. —Mr. Joseph Chainberlain, in replviug at Preston to the questions put to him by certain prominent members of the cotton industry on the 10th instant, said that he proposed nothing which would prejudice British manufactures in neutral markets. He believed
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  • 544 5 LONDON “DAILY CHRONICLE’S” VIEWS. The Big Daily Expresses Sympathy with the People’s Paper. Emphasises Philanthropic Nature of the Competition. (b rum Our Own Correepomlent.) London, 12 Jan.—That influential and independent Liberal journal the Daily Chronicle (established 1*55, pul>lislied every morning) devotes an article in to-day’s issue to
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  • 241 5 High-Class Programme h Rom the prognunuie lor s concert in the Town Hall, for a copy of which \\e aie indebted to the courtesy of Messrs Cuunuiyhmii a Clark, the bookiug agent*, it will be seen that musical Penang mVv confidently rely «>11 an exceptional treat. Miss Murkeus
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  • 597 5 Au Interesting Match. Eukopkans e Chinese. Last night an eleven of ihe Chinese Weekly Entertainment League played a football match against a reserve eleven the Penang Cricket Club, in the presence of a large crowd. Shortly after 5 o’clock the two teams lined up as follows: P. C. C.
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  • 928 5 Ihe Penang Assizes (Before Sir Lionet Cox, Chief Just ire.) i THE BATU FERINGHI CASE. Judges Summing-Up. Y VERDICT AND SENTENCES. loi.lowing is conclusion of proci**lings iu the trial of Mat Isa and Sheriff on charges of (1) attempting to murder Mr. Emil iOs win Lauterbach. manager of
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  • 29 5 Inward —Per Formosa,” from London, Rev. and Mrs. Haines. Mr. C. C. Rogers, Mr. 11. Welbam, Miss E. Ijoes. Outward Per Formosa,” lor Singapore. Mr. F. W. Barber.
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  • 114 5 H. S. Bank. Another Prosperous Half-year That the Hoiigkotig aud Shaughai lUukluo CorporsifSdn is in a must prosperous condition will lie seen from the fact that Mr. ti. H. Stitt, the Acting’ A aunt, has received a telegram from t lie head oflice and i courteously communicated it to us—statin*'
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  • 176 5 Subscription List. J hk Hon. Treasurer begs,toajcktjoyvledge, with thanks, the following furtlier donations to this fund Brought forward Jfcd/d. Mr. Gan Ngoli Bee 20. Lee Tfnou Hooi r >. Gordon Wilson 5. h Goli Boon Keng 5. m G. B. Nonis 2. Total $410: Mr. Lini Seug
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 McAlister Co. l™., Garden Rollers,
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    • 236 5 To*day’s Advertisements. The Chinese Widows and Orphans Institution 4 N extraordinary General Aleeting will XjL l»e held at ipoli, on 21.-.1 instant. at 1 p.m. Haiti lien* 1. To coiitinu minutes of last meeting and amended rules. 2. (ieiicral. C. CHEANG MAI. Hon. ‘Secretary. Ipoli. 11 tli Jan., 1905. 2iusrt
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    • 278 5 TOWN HALL, PENANG. l iwlei I lie Patronage ••"«I m the Pieae.icc „f His KacclKsh. Sir John ANDHRSON, K.C M.(i, Miss ANDERSON and Suite Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert, tonight, Friday. 13th January AT 0-15 M LONDON LADIES' TRIO. Miss flenriette Mtirkcns, i The eminent Violinist Inn., the pnuoijial Concert
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1829 6 Dr. W. MANSON. DENTAL 8URQEON. Price Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT No. 17, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 3 6 mt.hfi. IMPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL, 4, Beach Streeet. Beg to notify the general public that his Nickel Open Face Keyless Watch SIRDAR” is the best
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  • 676 7 1 he family bible of Bobbv limns, the Oale of it.B publication bein« 17t>b, containin'.' entries in his handwriting, has been sol<l by auction in London for jt1,560. At the »;une auction a copy of the « Latin Psalter, date 1451», realise» 1 ,£4,000. Un the doth
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1046 7 CHUBB’S SAFES. CVI ib to Nr 4 o Ml rT i£3~tf7*?. xJK Le BURGLAR AND FIRE RESISTING. All Sizes in Stock. HUTTENBACH Bros. Co., Sole Agents Apollinaris Annual Sale over 30,000,000 Bottles. “The QUEEN OE TABLE WATERS.’ HUTTENBACH Bros. Co., Sole Agents The for IDEAL Office use MACHINE 511 U
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    • 84 7 WONG KIM MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street Rubber Stamp AND Braia Seal: (For Impressing Wax) IVlan ufacturer. Supplementary Articles for Rubber Stamps in Store. Photographic Dealer. Photographic Plates, Papers, Chemicals, &c CAN BK SUITI.IKI) PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO ut UtK), Chulia Street. ALSO Managing Pabtnkk or HUNG WAN FOONG Co., Photographer, Penang,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1623 8 If our Goods do not come up to what we advertise we will refund the money paid for them i Gentlemen’s Fancy Half-Hose 600 pairs Travellers Samples TO BE CLEARED AT ONE PRICE. Cents 90 to $2.50 per pair But owing to the large quantity of these Fancy Goods we
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