Straits Echo, 11 January 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 41 1 For WW engine Tuesday. Jan. 17, 1905. A.M. P.M. Wednesday. 11 tL... 5 5.25 Thursday. 12th 5.50 0.15 Friday, 13th 0.40 7.05 Saturday, 14th 7.30 7.55 Sunday, loth 8.20 H 4?o Monday. 16t.h 9.10 9.25 Tuesday, 17th 10.— 10.25
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  • 27 1 First (Quarter... Jan. 14t.ii 3.0.2 p.m O Full Moon 21st 2 9.4 p.m Last Quarter 28th 7.15.2 a.m O New Moon Feb. 4th 0.1.2 p.m
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  • 47 1 German (Zieten) 12 Jan. English (Forworn) 12 The Extra P. Si O. steamer Formosa.” having left Suez on Suuday afternoon, 25th ult., is expected to arrive here at daylight on Thursday, 12th iust., aud will leave for Singapore, China, aud Japan probably the same day.
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  • 47 1 T< >-1* v Oth Day, 12th Moon. Penang Assizes. Supreme Court., 11 a.m. Town Baud, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. To- mo a icon 7th Day, 12th Moon. Penang Race Eutnes dost at noon. Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m. Penaug Choral Society Practice Town liali, 0 p.m.
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  • 46 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. < >UT\V A K l»«. Ji 'I 'V *KI«s. Chunan Ift Jan Malta 21 Jan. Benyal 2 Feb Coromandel l Feb. Extra Service. OI’TWAKItK. HoMKVf AKI*H. For mow 12 Jail. Socotra lft Jan. Japan 24 Palawan 27 ft-r n »>»rr.ieuiai'H rsee Pat-e ■>.
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  • 128 1 Penano, 11th Januaby. f Jiy courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank ...1/11 i ''»>r.l sight Bank ...1 1 J 1 3 j. ...i/ii 13 1 ll' J (jal CII.. mi J k Rs 1 M 3 days’ sight Private 117 Bombay. Demand Bank 140 n 3 days’
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  • 2620 1 (lit/ an Italian Correspondent of the Time# lately with the Ru#$ian Ueaxlyuarters {Coutin tied /rain Yesterday# i**ac.) The weak point, however, of the Russian infantry is tlie officer. If the soldier is an armed peasant, the officer is ;iii armed hihirgeois. who lias tiken up the
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  • 175 1 I'm... 77.70 Business done Gold leaf 5 79! 1«. IVpper W. ('<>asi Xlbs.s 25.50 teller* While Pepper S 384 seller* Liamr IVpfier, business 3 27. —sellers Cloves (picked) Mare H."» —sellers Mare Pick tugs 73 —sellers Nutmegs I |Os 40! sides Nu I |o rom '•igar y no stock.
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  • Shipping.
    • 43 1 Skyoi.itz. Get. s.h, 4.970, Hewers. loth •Inn., Yokohama, 24th Dee., Gen., B. M. <fc Co. Kociiukhkn. Put 1,094 Seept*is. loth Jan., Batavia, oth Jan.. Gen., —H, L. C'o. Punjjua, Ur. s.s. 2.126, Thomson, loth Jan,, Rangoon, 7th Jan.. Gen., —H. L Co.
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    • 53 1 11th January. Pundua, for Port Swettenham, Singapore Hongkong, Swatow ami Amoy. (General Prl, for Eilie. T. Semawe, Segli. Olehleh and Pnlo Well. Zieten, for Singapore, China and Japan. Hfbr, for l>eli. La, for Telnk Anson. Mary An ft in, for Port Swettenham. Calypso, for Singapore. Ilorhvs-en. for Batavia.
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    • 43 1 •ttJ 1 1 Formosa Singapore P AO. I-ili Jau Peniakota Situpip >re H.L ACo. 1:1th Bui San <4 Calcutta B.ACo. 14th La i 8 111*4 Singapore B.ACo. 14th lI'Mivmiicli LoimIoii 3.B ACo. 15tli Singapore 3. B.ACo. 15th A pear Singapore A.A.Co. lOtli
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    • 36 1 F<*nii(Ksu .Singapore i I’.&O. I’Jt li Jan IVntaUota IJaUiiuon II.Ij.AOo. 12(1» Sui S.m if U.»tUo. 14th Lai Sam; 'Calcutta «*jivorlicli Singapore S.B A Co. 15(1» Beiilomouil [joialon S.BACo. C. AjH-ar Calcutta A.A.A Co, 19th
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    • 96 1 FW Tougkuh —Per Itotunia, to-iuuriWi 1 p.m. Laugkat and Paugkalaii Pram lan—Per Petrel. to-morrow. p.m. Asaliau ami JJatu Bahru Per Tony duty Uu, fo-monow, 1 p.m. Deli—Per P. Jtiniau, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Puugkor hu»l Teluk Anson—Per Cunton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Perils Si Betul Per Un Pvny, tomorrow, 3
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    • 36 1 Inward —Per Rochussen,” from Batavia, Mrs. Bvseld, Miss Van Marie, Miss Von Schuckmann. Mr. and Mrs. Waasiuauu, Dr. and Mrs. Pease, Miss Tegmeyer, Mrs. Ahrens, Messrs. Horsting, deßoever lleppeustedt, Herts/., Leopold, VVerwiek and Luder Main.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. Penang: Confectionery. N**. L'2a. Lkith Strkkt. PENANO. THE Public "f i*eusni!< are hereby informed that the above Establishment Him been opened aud solicit the patronage of his customers. All orders for Cakes, Ice Creatu. &c.. will be promptly attended to. Q 4 t> mths 74c. LEE CHYE
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    • 16 1 STEARNS’ WINE increases vigor, apDetite aids digestion and nutrition. It does thifsteadily id consistently. It cures.
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    • 20 1 Do not plav with lung trouble. Gain the first point Strength. STEARNS’ WlSj| is an invigorating and strengthening tonic. -——l
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    • 25 1 STEARNS’ WINE stimulates appetite and assists in the assimilation of otlier food, a’lie beneficial effect is seen at once. Depression and langonr ptiss away rapidly.
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    • 112 1 GOLOENBĔBG ZEITUNJ Genuine Pilsener Beer. NOTICE. Consulate for the Netherlands. LT 1’to Thursday the 19th of January 1905, at 10 teuders will lie received at the office of the Resident of the East Coast of Sumatra at Medan for the Farm having the right to retail opium in the
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 229 2 Gknekai. Nogi has lost his second sou* The eldest was killed in the battle of Naushau; the second* fell iu the assault on High Hill. When the news of his eldest sou’s death reached the General, he forbade the holdingof any funeral obsequies, saying that
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  • 409 2 In view of the important position now taken by rubber in the Malay Peninsula, the following from the American Exporter (New York) is of some intro .->l It is a disquieting fact that one of America's great manufacturing interests, the rubber industry, is threatened with grave embarrassment,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 142 2 Municipal Notice. rpHE next ORDINARY MEETING of -1 the Municipal Commissioners will l»e lieicl nt the Municipal Office, on Friday. 13th January, 1905, at 3 i*.m. T. .1. O HALLOKAN, Secretary. 00-OOP. THOMAS’S Peppermint Tooth Powder For (he People. A PERSON should eudeavour to have a clean mouth, good breath,
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    • 1104 2 To Let. J)KEM1SES No. 63, Northam Road. Entry 1st February, 1905. Apply to Mo. A RIFF. 156', Hutton Lane, 4*1*05 ii e 5 To Let. H OU8ES No. 86 Northam Road and entry. 17-12-04 Apply to KHOO SUN POE, No. 7, Church Street. uc 891 FOR SALE. 0 1 NE
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1709 3 TAL 91 8. N. Co. Kvpectetl anival and Departures. Mail Service. Jan. Fel>. Jau. Feb. Outwards. 1!» s.b. C'husaa connectin',' with Mongolia 2 s.s. Bengal <!<• Oceana 16 s.s. Nvhia d<> Marmora Homewards s.s. Himalaya s.s. India s.s. Britannia AY A r Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam
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  • 82 4 Jorttc« mtisflee everybody, and justice alone.— Enuanon Established June Ist, 1903. Vnbliehed dally (except Sunday».) XT THB > n CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 22U-232, Beach Street. Reusing. PRIOR DAILY, LOCAL til p«r stilMUlli OLTSTATIONS rcwtagre Kxtfst M til. KIIITION (I’oet Free) 15 CAULK ADDKKKN: Ec ho-Pena n
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  • Current Topics.
    • 269 4 A London correspondent of the Birmingham Post has been shown a very interesting letter received from an O English naval officer on board one of the British vessels belonging, to the China squadron, which gives an interesting account of the condition of Admiral Togo's fleet. During its long
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    • 246 4 As the strange case of) the Caroliue is to comebefore a Bow Street magistrate, comment wiumun v upon the action of the prospective defendants in the matter will be rendered difficult while the case is sub judice but this, says the Manchester Guardian, can scarcely apply to
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    • 269 4 A Sydney Press despatch states that for a considerable time past the Germans have, un- der the guise of mercantile expansion, been quietly and expeditiously building up a naval base within striking distance of the Torres Straits route. Extensive works are being carried out at Simp*
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    • 629 4 What the Chief Justice of Hongkoug has characterised as k< one of the most outrageous crimes possible to conceive has had as its sequel the death sentence passed on three European youths ot the beachcomber type. T’he story of the crime as reported by the Hongkong Telegraph
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  • 1829 4 Penang Assizes Before Sir Lionel Cojr, ChieJ Justice.) J ALLEGED FoKUERY ANI) PERSONATION. The first Assizes of the year was opened in the Supreme Court this forenoon, when Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice, presided. There are, as stated in our columns yesterdav, eight cases on the calendar, including
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 227 5 Port Arthur. Russians Marching Out. (Sullied by Reuter.) London, 10 Jan.—Reuter’s Port Arthur cones pen (lent wires that, on the 6th instant, tive thousuud men of the Russian garrison of Port Arthur marched from Pigeon Bay fifteen miles to Chauglingtsu railway station and there entrained for Dalny, Many
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    • 96 5 Reassembling of the Chambers. (Snpjilied In/ Renter.) Loudou, 11 Jau. —The French Chain- tiers.have.rpasseuibled. Mens. Paul Dou- j mer, the notable oppouent of Mims. Combes, j has been elected President, defeating; Mens. Brisson. Mens. Gouin, the senior Senator, in his opening address, said that the Senate hoped that 190-»
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    • 63 5 A War Scare (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11 Jau.—The recent reorganisation of the British fleets, coupled with an article in the Army and Navy Gazette advocating the destruction of the German fleet by Great Britain iieforc it becomes too powerful, has caused a regular scare in official
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    • 71 5 Not to Visit Australia. (Sujifill'd by Reuter.) Loudou, 10 Jau.—Mr. Chaiul*erluiu has published a letter ill Melbourne il<*cliuiug the iuvitatiou to visit Australia. He says Personally I will not regret if the Opposition takes the opportunity of showing the real character of its alternative policy. A short time
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    • 32 5 The Transvaals Output. (Bujijilird by Reuter.} London. II Jan.- The gold output ol the Transvaal lor the last year amounts to sixteen millions sterluig, as compared with twelve-aud-a-lialf millions during IVH.J.
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    • 50 5 Effect of Differential Duties Sufijfilied by Reuter.) London 10 Jau.—The German ConsulGeneral at Simla has issued a striking report which shows that the differential duties imposed by’ India upon sugar have practically killed the German and Austrian imports, while the imports of Javanese and British sugar have correspondingly increased.
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  • 84 5 Full Confirmation of Report that She Coaled at Saigon. {Shauyhai Times Special.) Tokio, 28 Dec.—With regard to the coaling of the Russiau cruiser Diana at Saigon with French official assistance, the Japanese Government has obtained full confirmation of the report. The Government has taken a very strong
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  • 657 5 Mr. W. T. Taylor, c.n.u., to lie ResidentGeneral of the Federated Malay States, with effect from Ist January, vice Sir William Hood Treacher, k.c m. 0., retired. Mr. A. S. B ixeudale to be Superintendent,! Posts and Telegraphs, Selangor, Negri Hembilau aud Pahang, with effect
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  • 168 5 Last Saturday the petition to His Excellency the Governor and Memorandum beariug upon the Burial Grounds Bv-laws, as read by Mr. Lim Eu Toll at the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners the previous day, was published in this journal. The petition was forwarded to 11 is Excelleucv
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  • 118 5 Subscriplion List. Thk Hon. Treasurer begs to acknowledge, with thanks, the following further donations to this fund Brought forward 5268 Mr. E. M. Jauiou 10 R. A. P. Hogan 3 H. I Varson 5 Wong Choo Keug 5 Cheali Choo Yew 5 H. H. 5 A. G.
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  • 469 5 i Thk Amirs 8on in Calcutta.* <t Calcutta, 27 Dec.—The Sirdar luayat Ulla Khan paid au official visit to Lord Curzouat Goverumeut House this morning. The Sirdar arrived in a carriage with outriders, aud was escorted by a squadron of the titli Cavalry. He was accompanied by Colonel
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  • 1106 5 iVnaug. loth Jautiiirv, p.str*. ilv 1 'tAiitsr Fanny, We have lieeu having such a ferocious time throughout the Christmas .iii'l New Year Holidays that real I v haven't had am time to write, ami besi«les, Tom has been as cross as a bear with a sure head ail
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    • 230 5 WHY THIS THUSNESS To Til K hlOTOK OF TNI STRAIT» Kl HO. Dkar Sir, —To my mind there seems to be something radically wrong with thoMonev Order Branch ot' the Penang General Post Office. In the course of my business to-dav 1 had occasion Jo send to collect a number
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  • 283 5 To mi: kiIITOR OF THE STRAITS KcUO. I>ear Sir. —As you have been commenting upon tiie bad state of many of our Municipal dm us of may interest you to know that the other day 1 took the trouble to examine some of the mosquito larva*
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  • 277 5 Inward —Per Sevdlitz,” from Shanghai, Mr. T. Riah. From Singapore, Mr. R D’amo. Mr. T. Motoyanm, Sir Lumel C«*x, Miss Murkins, Miss Merry lees, Mr. j Upuian. Misses Upmau au«l Mr. Classen, j Outward- Per Sevdlitz, for Genoa, Mr. j A. von Hell. Fo** Southampton, Mr. H. Broom, Mr.-W.
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  • 52 5 Obituary. Louise Michael (<S« plied bit UvnUr.\ Loudon, lU Jau.—Thed* atli is announced of Mous. Louise Michaei, the exile»! French author aud revolutionary. Sir George Campbell. Londou, 11 Jau. -The death is announced of Sir George William Robert Campbell, k. c. m. a., who was Lieut.-Governor of Penang from 1872
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1833 6 Dr. W. MAN SON. DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate, Consultation Free. UKSIDINO AT No 17-, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 3 0 mtbs. Kennedy Co. AGENTS FOR T. Clifford Wilkinson’s TA.ITSA.2T 86-50 per Case of 48 Piuts. •$7.00 per of 100. IMPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL, 4,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 754 7 IMPORTANT NOTICE X X S (in r j a Ml LJ .1 3 9/o. 96, Jk iciwei ffiocid. The Proprietor begs to notify that having engaged a Competent Staff of Professional Riders, &c., at a considerable expense to himself, he is now open SHOEING FORGE and VETERINARY INFIRMARY. TV* Train
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 759 8 Send Your Money to us. we will Please you. SPECIAL OFFER IN FOOT WEAR. rt I IEAWAy-—-r*n* C° nWHITEAW The “REX” Boot. ''VS The v> U REX” **.‘*s Shoe. >#j *4t To be had in Tan or Black Leather, Pointed, Round or Square Toes. Wide or Medium Fittings. The Boots
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