Straits Echo, 10 January 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 46 1 Births. On -Ist Deeeuil**r. at Shanghai, the wife of Alexander Reid Wilson, of a daughter. On 17th Dec. at the Central Hotel, Shanghai the wife of P. M. Brooks, of a son. Marriage. On Bth Dec*., at Loudon, Charles Edwin Cockram. to Elsie Perrett.
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  • 39 1 For Weel engine; Moudav, Jau. 16, 1905. A.M. P.M. Tuesday, lUtli 4.10 4.35 Wednesday, 11t1i... 5 5.25 Thursday, 12tb 5.50 6.15 Friday, 13th 6.40 7.05 Saturday, 14th 7.30 7.55 Sundav, 15th 8.20 845 Monday, 16th 9.10 9.25
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  • 28 1 First Quarter... Jan. 14th 3 6.2 h.m. O Full Moon 21st 2 9.4 i*..m. Last Quarter 28th 7.15.2 a.m O New Moon Feb. 4lh <».1.2 i*..v.
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  • 94 1 China (titydlUz) II Jau. Geniiau (Zieten) 12 Fuglish (Formom) 12 The Get man Mail Steamer Zietcu, having left, Colombo at 2 p.ui. on the 7th instant, is expected to arrive here on Wednesday, lltli instant 8 a.m., and will will leave for Singapore, China and Japan, probably at
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  • 29 1 To-WAV. Atli Day, 12th Moon. Town Baud, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m. To-morrow. tith Day, 12th Moon. Peuaug Assizes, Supreme Court, 11 a.ui. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p in.
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  • 50 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. MJT’IV A 111*8. 11° A It I > CIiUSOII Jutt I Malta t J 1,1 llemjal 2 Feb j Coromatulel I I'eb i Kxtra Service. < JfT'V A It OK. iIoSIK»' Formosa 12 Jan. I Socotra F* Jan j Japan 21 1 Palawan 27 Fui
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  • 1919 1 (/>// an Italian Correspondent of flic Tunes lately with the Nussian Headquarters Nacolkon is reported to have said 1 that with Russian soldiers he would have conquered the world. But if he had commanded the Russian troops in Manchuria would he be ready to repeat the
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  • 126 1 Pknano, 10th January. (Py courtesy oj the Chartered Hank.) fsmdon Demand Bank 1/J1 1 months’ sight Itank JI 3 Credit ...1/11J 3 Documentary ...l-'llj I Calcutta, Demand Bank it*. 145 3 days’ sight Private 147 Bombay, Demand Bank 145 3 days’ sight Private 147 Madras, Demand Bank 144| 3
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  • 193 1 BersatvaliGoM Mme 0«».. b i. \‘l.—salei Rani' Australian G<*l«l Mining C«*.. b«l 4.— Mom. Red liiug l.eboiig < M tiling Co., lui 240 buyers A.oi.vuaGold M iningCn,.l.l-1. < fully |-aid) 5 I'*. —sum ;ii.i.-eli Tiu Mining Co., bo. 2 ales 'Cardigan 'J in Mining CV 5 10.— teller* KinlaTin
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  • 177 1 fiu... 77.70 Business done Hold leaf i 79.1 B. Pepper (W. Coast 311 »*.5<»/..)$ 25.50 seller* White Pepper teller» Tran" Pepper, business 8 *27 .—»tller» Cloves (picked; Mace 85 teller Mace Pickings 70 »ell»r Nutmegs 1 lOs sa'es No. I ii l 0 noin Sugar '2 no stock. Basket
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  • Shipping.
    • 153 1 Pklayo, Br, is s. 1,100, Prvuu, Hth Jau, J-aiugkat, 7th Jan., Oil.—K. B. Co. (tEngkai. Pkl, Dut s.s. 1,150, Klassens, oth Jau., Edie, Hth Jau., Gen., —H. L. A, Co. j Sumatra, Ger. s.s. 407, Wiune, oth Jau., Singapore, 7th Jau., Geu., —B. M. Co. Mai, ay a, Ger.
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    • 60 1 General Pel, Dut. ss. 1.|.'«5. Jfiasseus, oth Jau., Edie. Hth Jan., Gen —H. L. Co. Mai,aya. Ger. ss. 001, Block, lOtli Jan.. Deli, Oth Jail., Tobacco.—B. M. Co. Cornelia, Br. s.s. 104, Marris, Hth Jau., Deli, 7th Jan Gen., —If. G. Co. P. Kimau, Br. s.s. 207, Neilsen,
      60 words
    • 54 1 I.Hli Jauuaiv. i», tor Deli. Jin if n, for Lan^kal. WlfoL Canton, tor K« I it*. ’1'. Semawe, and .1m than, for Asaiu». Uinda,. tun) Bomtiav. l‘i n Semj, for Port Swetteuliam, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore Fitzj utricle, for Uuuooon. j Carlyle, for Teluk Anson. Terrier, for Siin^ipore. IJouieneus.
      54 words
    • 35 1 1 ĕ*jt if**# .1 hut» Alesii Huiulmr^ B.M.&Oo. Util Juu Formosa piugHpore P AO. i2tii Beuvorlicb 1 London S.B.ACb. 1511, M Beulomoml Singapore SB. A Co. I5tli 0. A pear 'Singapore A.A A.Co. 191b
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    • 31 1 1 1 ff-ni /.*•<» >■•>% A lesia Singapore B.M.&Co. 111 Ii Jan Formosa Singapore I\AO. 12th I’euvorlieh Singapore S.B AC'o. 15th Benloinoml London S.B.ACo. 15th 0. Apear Calcutta 1 A.A-.A Co, 19th
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    • 98 1 Fok Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt» and via Naples for Europe, etc.. —Per SeydHtz, to-morrow, 10 a. lll. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli. Olehleh and Pulo Web —Per General Pel, to-morrow, 1 pin. Siugapore, China and Japan Pet Ziete/u, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli—Per Hebe, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson
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    • 79 1 Inward —Per Malaya,” from Dell, Mr. aud M rs. Huese, Messrs Hard. V. D. Brand, Sc.iter. Broou. Baur, Sprouse and Van Marel. Per I*. Rimaii,” from I)eli, Messrs. .1. Smith, K. Thomson, S. Atnsbnch. Per Begal,” from Shanghai, Mr A leu Mackie. From Hongkong, Mr, A. Stephens From Singapore,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 234 1 I MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. PRYE RIVER DOCK. j PEWANtt rpK above Dock. situated iu Province j 1 Wellesley, at the eutrance of the Prye Kiver, lias lately been lengthened and deepened and is now of the following dimension* Length on the clock feel. Breadth at entranc 50 Depth of water
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    • 21 1 STEARNS’ WINE, for all wasting diseases. It increases w *B ht Consumptives find it does (food. Can be taken all seasons.
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    • 27 1 > STEARNS’ WINE places at the Com- mand of the Physician the most advanced 1 preparation of Cod Liver Oil. Far superior to the stomach disturbing emulsion*. SZHDA.R.
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    • 110 1 IF YOU EASILY CATCH COLD, your system is lacking in vitality, you need a tunic— Steam* Wine the l*est of all 'I onics. SIBDAB." THE PATRIOTIC ASSURANCE Co. (Founded 1824.) Dublin. London, j 9. College it men. H(j t Kimj William Stece CAPITAL £1,500,000. TIIHE undersigned have Wen appointed I
      110 words
    • 9 1 GOLDENBEHG 4 ZEITLIN. I N* > V Genuine Pilsener Beer.;
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 458 2 Following training notes were unavoidably crowded out of out last issue That the races are within near approach was very evident from the crowd at the course on {Saturday morning, among those present beiug Col. Walker, who had the pleasure of seeing his griffin, Crusader, do a very
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  • 489 2 Coming to Far East. Grkat Britain has l>een visited by a ship called the Young America, which represents an educational experiment on the part of the United States of considerable novelty. The Young America sailed from Newport at the beginning of October with 203 American lads on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1191 2 To Let. Hoad. PREMISES No. 63, Northain Entrv lat February, 1905. Apply to Mo. A RIFF, 156‘, Hutton Lane, 4-1-05 u c 5 To Let. H entrv 17-12-04 OUSES No. 86 Northain Road and No. 9 Arratoon Road. Immediate Apply to KHOO SUN POE. No. 7, Church Street. uc 891
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1725 3 S. N. Co. Kx-pectetl arrival ami Departures. Mail Service. Feb. Outwards. 10 s.s. Clinton connecting with s.s. Mongolia 2 s.s. Bengal do 16 s.s. Nubia do Homewards s.s. Oceana 8.8. Marmora Jan. Feb. 21 8.8. Malta do 4 8.8. Coromandeldo 15 8.8. -Simla do 8.8. Himalaya s.B. India B.s. Britannia
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  • 80 4 Joetice cations* sverylxxtjr, and (notice alone. —gmrrmon Established June Ist, 1903. Published tlaily (except Hun<l»y*.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ed., No. 220-232, Beach Street, Penang. PItICE OAII.Y. I.OCAI. til per aiiiiiiin h OUTSTATIOXS I’ootaKc Kitni MAII. KIMTION (I’oct Kree) 15 CAKI.K AI'IMtKS-: Ec It o—Pen a n
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  • Current Topics.
    • 159 4 Cogue emigration from South China via Hongkong is stated by the Hongkong Telegraph to have coine to a standstill. From the outset opposition to such emigration has, according to our contemporary, l>eon the order of the dav, not only from parties interested in despatching coolies to the Straits,
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    • 186 4 At a recent meeting of ttmmciers in Tokio, Mr. K. Uehida. of the Mercantile Marine Bureau, after briefly describing the history of the Japanese Mercantile Marine,-stated that the oversea transportation in the neighbourhood of Corea and North China was chiefly carried on by Japanese shipping, while in that
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    • 339 4 It is reported by the Indian Daily News that Tong Sliao Yi, Taotai of Tientsin and Special Envoy of the Emperor lias set out from Peking on liis mission to Calcutta. lie is deputed to discuss with the Government of India the terms of the
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  • 1045 4 Extreme pressure on this journal’s news columns at the end of the old and the beginning of the new year has pivvented us from hitherto doing anything like justice to a review of the first number of the London Daily Mail Over-Seas Edition, sent for review,
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  • 504 4 Calendar ok Case> Jhe first Assizes of the rear will be j opened in the Supreme Court to-morrow. There are two cases of murder—one from Bm mah Road but the greatest interest will probably centre in the trial of Mat Isa and Sheriff for the attempted murder of
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  • 1035 4 How Great Scot Won the Cup. The Pace a Cracker All the Way. ESSINOTON PLAYED UP AT THE START. Excitement, says the Asian, boiled up to fever pitch as the hour for the struggle for the Viceroy's Cup miles) approached. When operations on the race commenced on the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 215 4 McAlister Co., Ltd. PENANG. SOLE AGENTS FOR The Remington Standard Typewriter the recognised leader among writing machines. The REMINGTON is DURABLE, RELIABLE. EFFICIENT, SimPLE and Never fails to give Satisfaction. Nos. 7 8, the latest models ALWAYS IN STOCK ALSO Typewriter Supplies. McAlister co„ Ltd., SOI.B AQKNTS 68c HOWARTH, ERSKINE,
      215 words
    • 29 4 THIS PAPER u H,r k. r. n.iKF Stree., f-au lraurisco, California l. S A.,"where tracts, for advertising can l»e wade for if 0,1 McAlister a c», Lw. Sporting Rifles.
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    • 7 4 Mu A LISTER Cu, Ltij Garden Rollers.
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    • 10 4 DAVID CORSAR SONS Well-known Navy Canvas. Sandilands Butterf A Co,
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  • 477 5 Port Arthur. To Become a Naval Base. (<S u/tjtlied by Reuter.) London, 9 Jail. —Reuter's Tokio correspondent wires that the Japanese intend to establish a naval station at Port Arthur and Vice-Admiral Shibavaina will probablv be placed in charge. The military administration will only maintain a small garrison
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  • 38 5 New Minister of War. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 10 Jan. —Admiral Bieuaime, a member of the opposition, lias been elected to replace AJoiis. Syveton as Minister for War, defeating the IVfiuist er i*|.liHt candidate by 1,272 votes.
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  • 98 5 Exports and Fircalitia. f (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10 Jan. —The increase in exports during 1904, mentioned 04 the fltli instant, is entirely due to an increase of ten millious in the export of Lancashire goods and two millions in woolens. A number of prouii,M*iit memliers of the
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  • 330 5 (From Onr thru Correspondents) au —T’he generosity u f the Perak Chinese apparently knows no bounds. After having subscrilied handsomely towards the Japanese Be l Cross Society’s Reltef F und, they are now endowing a Chinese Maternity Ward at Ipoli. Mr. Cbeah Cheaug Lini, business manager to Towta,
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  • 604 5 H. M. the King Emperor has been pleased jto confirm the appointment of the Hou. E. W. Presgrave as an Unofficial Member of t||e Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements. The Governor, with the approval ot the ‘Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the j Colonies, has
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  • 905 5 The following is the full text of the topical soug at Saturday's smoker, one u j verse of which was giveu yesterday >Ve have a Chief Police Officer. And with us he's not been For a very, very long, long time i j His length is quite.enormous—- As
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  • 991 5 (Chemist ami Druggist, 10 Dec.) The new MorphineOrdiuauce which has l**m euucted by the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements incidentallv t raves, ties the tiiue-hououred title chemist and druggist.” It was poiuted out in these columns on October 29 that the Ordinance originated in conse«juence of
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    • 718 5 To Til k Km tor or in k Straits Kciio. i Dear Sir, 1 ain entirely in accord with your correspondents Messrs Kok Leok Hiip aud Lira Lu Toll, that a Literary and Debating Society is a desideratum iu Penang. There are many powerful speakers amongst
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1928 6 ICE! ICE!! Kennedy &Co Favoured with instructions from the Directors of the Tandjong Pinang Ice Co., Ltd., lx*g to iuforui the Public of Penang •ud the Federated Malay States that we have lteeu appointed Agents of the above Company, and ICE »650 »7.00 AGENTS FOR T. Clifford Wilkinson’s TJINBJCN per
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1332 7 CHUBB’S SAFES. E mm e|H it CSJ \l s--9 f J L WR R i iA 12 INSURANCES. Hongkong Yuen On Insurance Exchange Loan Godowu Co., Ltd. We CATER for The ART of the CAMERIST COME And Have a Look at Our New and being Practical Photographers, thoroughly understand their
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  • 1187 8 Tuesday 24th, Thursday 26th, and Saturday 28th January. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 24th January, lUtto. 1. —The Maiden Plate. A Cup presented by His Excellency Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g.. with *750added by the Club. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 119 8 WHUEAWAY, LAIJLAW Co., PESANS HAVE JUST RECEIVED Direct from one of the Largest and Most Popular Manufacturers in Europe c x A LARGE STOCK OF GENTS’ SOFT FELT HATS. Which have been bought under favourable circumstances, owing to the fact that large orders have been placed for these Goods, which
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    • 386 8 TIANG LEE Co TAIK CHEE Co., HDAT KEG Bros., 1f% 1 A MCf JBr X717 ACT A 1 A T\ A A 1 A Me Ship Chandlers Wholesale Dealers JUST RECEIVED HNKS LAMPS. 5-^ rVv- f* l»L £459 General Merchant and Commission Agents, Penang Street Penang. PRICES MODERATE. M>s. /<S\
      386 words