Straits Echo, 5 January 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 34 1 Straits Echo daily chronicle or events, circulating throughout the straits, the'federated malay staib6, and the far east generally. vol. a. $24 Per Annum. PENANG, THURSDAY, ,=>th JANUARY, 1905. Single Copy, 10 cents, No. 3.
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  • 38 1 For \V«**l ending Wednesday, Jan. 11, l9<>s am. p.m. riiurwlay, sth 35 Friday, 6th -.50 1.15 Saturday, 7tli 1.40 2.05 Sunday, Bth 2.20 255 Monday, 9th 2.20 3.45 Tuesday, 10th 4.10 435 Wednesday, 11th... 5 5.25
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  • 23 1 O New .Moon Jau. 6th 1.12.6 a.m First (Quarter 1 3.6.2 p m O Full Moon 21»! 2 0.4 p.m
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  • 93 1 English (Simla) 6 Jan. China (Nubia) 7 China (Seydlitz) 11 Herman (Zieten) 12 English (Formosa 12 The outward mail steamer Simla, having left Colombo at 3 p ut. on Sunday, Ist inst., is due here at 4 on Friday, 6th iust., and will leave for Singapore and
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  • 31 1 To-l v 30th Hay, Hull Moon. Town Hand, Golf Club. 5-30 p.m 1 o-Mok k« Ist Day, I2t!i Moon. Special Meetiug Municipal Commissioners, 3 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.iu.
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  • 49 1 P O. SAILINGS Mall Service. I <)|lT\VA|l|i<. IIo.tIKW AKl>>. j Simla 5 Jan. llemjal 7 Jan Chilean 19 j Malta 'll hxtra Service. I Uu n AUD>. .i< >M K\\ V Formosa 10 Jan. Socotra 19 Jan Japan 24 j Palaican ‘l7 B£r|s' Koi part icuiars Seo Page 3.
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  • 1172 1 N\ ho Destroyed the Warships From the following reports which have p <sted Tin at the Military Headquarters in Tokio our readers wifi be able to estimate the value of the Russian statements issued since the fall of Port Arthur alleging that they (the Russians) have destroyed their
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  • 124 1 Pknang, sth January. fay muriemy a/the Chartered Hank.) I London Demand Bank ...1/11A 1 months’ sight Bank ...1 U£ j 3 Credit ...1/llf 3 Documentary 1/11J g Calcutta, Demand Bank Jis. 145 J 3 days’ sight Private 147| Bombay, Demand Bank 145{ 3 days’ sight Private 147} Madras, Demand
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  • 217 1 Bers.iwH.iiGold Mine C<>., li'l. 13. —sales Ratth Aii>tialian Gold Milling C‘* Ld 4.25 hum. Rediaiig Leboiig Gold Mining Co., f.d 5 230 buyers Kadaita Goid M iuingCo„Ltd. fully paid j 10.— uom. RrUseh Tin Mining Co.. Ld. 2. —sales Karanguu Tin M iniiig C«*. 10.— sellers Kinta Tin Mines
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  • 184 1 Lm J 77.6 r «lold leaf 5 79\ B. Pepper (NV. Coast. 31b5.50z.)$ 25.50 sellers White Pepwr 38i buyers Lrang Pepper, business $27. Cloves (picked) Mace 85. —sellers Mace Pickings 76. —sellers Nutmegs 1 10* 404 sales No. 1 0.10 uom Sugar 2 no stock. y Basket 5.10 sales
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  • Shipping.
    • 73 1 Kotukua, Br. s.s. 555, Lingard, 4th Jau Tongkah, ord Jau., Gen., —K. G. Co. Pekak, Br. 8.8. 297, Buchanan, 4th Jau., Port Swetteubaui, 3rd Jau., Gen.,— It. G. Co, Malaya, Ger. 8.8. 901, Block, sth Jau., Deli, 4th Jau.. Gen.,—B. M. Co. Avagybk, Br. s.s. 247, Morier, sth Jau
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    • 77 1 Rotokua, Br. s.s. 555, Liugard, 4th Jau., Tougkah, 3rd Jah., Gen., —K. G. Co. Perak, Br. s.s. 297, Buchanan, 4th Jau„ Port Swettenhaui, 3rd Jau., Gen., K. G. Co. Avagyee, Br. s.s. 247, Morier, sth Jau., Singapore, 3rd Jan., Gen., —K. G. 4 Co. Bady Weld, Br. s.s.
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    • 24 1 stb January. Jin Ho, for Laugkat. Cornelia, for Deli. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Pegu, lor Edie, T. Seuiawe, Segli aud Olehleh,.
      24 words
    • 50 1 t e> rum Atjftiit, Ihte Persia Colombo S.K.ACo. b’th Jau. Q, A pen Singapore A.A,A.Co. 6th Lightning Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 6th GHenogle Singapore H.C.&Co. 6th J. Nicoll Moulineiu K.GCo. 7th Q iaela Singapore S.K.ACo. 9th Puudua Rangoon H.L.&Co. 9th Benvorlk'h London S.B.ACo. 15th Benlomoud Singapore S.B.ACo. 15 th
      50 words
    • 55 1 1 r**rt. ly> »(t trill rg Persia Singapore iS.K.&Co. tfth Jan (J-. A pear Calcutta lA.A.A.Co. 7th Lightning Singapore jA.A.A.Co. 7th ft Olenogle Itaugoon [H.C.&Co. 8th ft (iisela Colombo IS.K.&Co. Oth Puutlua P. «’ham lU.L.&Co. 0th J. Nicolt Muulmein iK.ti.Co. 0th tt Uenvorlieh Singapore jS.B.&Co. 15th ft Ben Ionium
      55 words
    • 104 1 For Singapore and China- i*er Simla, to-morrow, 7 Tougkah,— Per Rolortut, to-morrow, 1 Port Swetienham, and Malacca,—Per Perak, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swetteuliam, and Singapore,—Per Avagyee, tomorrow, 2 p,m. Rangoon, -Per Unity, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Alison—Per Lady Weld, to-morrow 3 p.ui. Perlia <fc Setul—Per Un
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    • 37 1 Inward —Per Avagyee,” from Singapore, Messrs Longue, Holloway, and Sinclair. Per Malaya,” from Deli, Messrs. Fincke and Janssen. Per Ladv Weld,” from Teluk Anson, Messrs S. Anderson, (1. Maeljeau, C. Cerutis, Mrs. Wickett and Dr. Ellery.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 213 1 MARTYN Co. 0 WHISKIES. NOTICE Consulate for the Netherlands. XTP to Thursday the 19th of January J 1905. at 10 tenders will l»e rej ceived at the office of the Reddent of the Fast Coast of .Sumatra at Medan for the j Farm having the right to retail opium
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    • 1 1 SXXUD.A.XI.
      1 words
    • 64 1 SIHD-AR. FOR SALE. GREAT REDUCTION. “Guide Book TO Bangkok Siam.” Price $3. obtainable at Echo Office. Penang: Confectionery. No. 22a. Lkitii Street, PEN A NO. rpHE Public of Penavg are hereby inX formed that the above Establishment bae beeu opened and solicit tho patronage of his customers. All orders for
      64 words
    • 1 1 SIRDAR.
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    • 32 1 GOLOENBEfIG ZEIHII. 0 Genuine Pilsener Beer.. LEE CHYE DISPENSARY, No. 258, CARNARVON STREET, PENANG. Tblbphonb No. 291. Open day and night From 6 a.m. to 9 p.tu., Pieacnptioua are Accurately Prepared. Dti*
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 47 1 WEATHER. 1 his follow 111« IVIW'II io k;!i-ii Mii’piifi *»y :|im .Signal Diiwi m <>t Koi i (nrinvaiii*.— J p.iu < K.n>. «•on Ill-tiM)' III «I Fine W«l. North 81 87 Clear Kin.: N'ortii N.K. 1‘he raiutuil aunui’ tin-* -4 n.i'ii» r-n.le<i it 9 io-dav was nil.
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  • 1088 2 Bt Roger Pocock. j When the United States was fighting L Spain 1 saw New York draped with flags Men wore medals and buttons adorned with y the Stars and Stripes, women earned little flags, crowds cheered in front of the news- paper buildings where hung big
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 25 2 A K<MHi way tu take JRON, teouuse it is acceptable i© the taste and stomach, and produces the tfood effects desired,— JbTEAfeKa WINE, the blood-builder.
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    • 450 2 Wanted at once. TWO Com p.e tent Salesmen. Apply stating salary to CHOW kit 4k Co., ata 23-12-04 Kuala Lumpur, 904 WANTED A EUROPEAN ENGINEER is open for engagement, Marine and General Engineering work; highest testimonials and references. Apply to MECHANICAL.” c/o Straits Echo. 31-12-04 tri-wkly 914 Waited AN EXPERT
      450 words
    • 520 2 To Let HOUSES No. 86 North;* hi Road ;uid No. 0 Arratoou lload. lirimediate entry. A pply "t«> KHOO SUN POE. No. 7, CkUrrck Street. 17-12-04 uc 891 TO LET. PREMISES No. 302, McAlister Road. Immediate entry. Apply to KHOO HOCK SEONO, No. 46, Beach Street. lmh 869 9-12-04 TO
      520 words
    • 371 2 >4 CO 2 s A o Ll o ffl C 0 <u •M > s 3 P w H O z 4 otirJZt i nn'^ *SIALLY Sl\So &E?]Z BRO s .UWf r-O PO f?F a.PENM*^V T»AD£ MARK DUNVILLES Special Old Scotch Whisky Glasgow. Scotland s I I Ci r c
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1686 3 V 7 *vt ?K V--8. N. Co. 7 r A Expected arrival ami Departures. Mail Service. Jan Feb. 99 Jan. Feb. Outwards. 5 «.a. Simla connect iug with iy s.s. Chusan <le 2 s.s. Bengal do 16 s.s. Nubia do Homewards 7 s.s. Bengal do 21 p.8. Maltu do t
      1,686 words

  • 77 4 Jnutii-e mOhßm everybody. Mid jiwtire slnne.— Kwrnn* Established June Ist, 1903. Ptibliahed daily (except Hondnye.) AT TUI CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICK DAILY, LOCAL f-il p<*r all,mill OUTSTATIONS Fosiittre Extra MAIL EDITION (I’iMt l5 CABLE ADDKKMN: Ec ho—Pen an g Telephone No. 188.
    77 words
  • Current Topics.
    • 164 4 We read in the London and China Express that, owing to the reports of Russian activity on the Afghan frontier, a steady concentration of the Amir’s troops at Cabul has been taking place for some time past. In the late Amir’s time the Cabul garrison numbered about 40,000
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    • 324 4 At the annual Thinksgiving Day banquet in connection with the A meric m Society in London the Archbishop of Canterbury proposed the health of the President of the United I States, and Sir .Edward Clarke proposed the toast of the American Ambassador. In the course of his remarks, Sir
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    • 381 4 Iv oue had a Hibernian contempt for mixed metaphors it would be pardonable to say that by the sinking of the ships in the harbour of Port Arthur the ground has been cut from underneath the Baltic Fleet. Pursuing an erratic course, it can now hardly be
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  • 470 4 Following are flip agenda for to-mor-row's special meeting:— 1. Minutes of lust meeting to l>e read and eoufirmed. 2. To coutirin By-laws fur Burial (j rounds Registration. •J. To reconsider the resolution passed re covered drains in Mr. Lini Kek Chuan's bouses in Mucalister Road. 4. Any special
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  • 889 4 Complete Entries for Big Events. The second entries for the Club Handicap and the New Year Stakes and the entries for the Paddock Cup—to be run for at the next meeting which opens on the 24th iust.— closed to-day at noon. The 15 first entries for the Club
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  • 954 4 In Civil Jurisdiction {Before the Hon. A. F. G. Lair, Puisne Judge.) The Muslim Makriage Cask. Hearing in the case of Mohamed Zein v. Syed Harom, Badur Bee, and Hajee Mohideen, was contiuued to-day in the Supreme Court. The plaintiff’s claim is for damages for wrongfully entering or
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  • 431 4 {Scene-. British Stores. Enter John Bull.) Manager Good morning, Mr. Bull. What can I do for you John Bull {bluntly): I want an Armv. M Quite so. (Opening huge ledger and dipping a pen in the ink.) Aud a Navy J. B: No. it’s an Army I
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  • 352 4 Mr. If W. Martin, Asst. Supt. of Police, Burma, is at present on a visit to Penang. Some three years ago he was in Siam as i District Superintendent of Police, having been seconded for service there by the Burma Government. We hear that the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 857 5 Port Arthur. The Surrender. The State of the Town. (Echo Special».) Tokio, *> Jan. —A report received here from Army Headquarters at Port Arthur states that order is being maintained in tlie town. The population numbers 10,000 civilians and 25,000 combatants, of whom 20,000 are either sick or
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    • 21 5 A Princely Gift. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 4 Jan.—Lord Mouut-Steveii has given .4*200,000 to the King's Hospital Fund.
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    • 109 5 The Municipal Board. (Echo Special.) Kuala Luinpor, 5 Jan.—Mr. Bau Ah Wing, Honorary ?ec ret ary of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, lias l>een appointed a Member of the Kuala Luinpor Municipal Board. A Recommendation. At a recent meeting of the Kuala LumiKir Municipal Board it was resolved
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  • 522 5 Billiard Tournament. I At a meeting held yesterday at 8 p.m. in the Club House. Burma!) Road, of those taking part iu the forthcoming billiard handicap, prizes tor which have beeu kindly offered by Messrs Yeoh Paik Keat and Liui Eu Toll for Ist prize and ruuuer-up—a
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  • 330 5 W iTH the close of the Selauger races and the return hither of the Penang iuterest. in the training has increased. Einpivzi was out first at the initial fast morning of the New Year but had'to l** content with taking things easy— the upshot ot a more than
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  • 382 5 Following is the report of this Association for last year: During 1904, the Perak Rifle Association consisted of 140 meinliers, of whom 01 l»e!ong to the Taipiug Brduch, 58 to the Ipoli Branch, and 27 to the Tapali Branch Of these members, 49qualified in Taipiug, 39 iu
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    • 233 5 To THE KUITOR OF THE STRAITS K* Ho. Sib, —Having heard that ike Chinese coimuuuitv is petitioning the Government to intervene in the matter of the proposed Burial Grounds Bv-laws. ami having observed by leading your journal that the By-laws which are to lie presented for passing
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  • 376 5 To thk Kiiiioi: op tub Straits Echo. Bik, —An interesting memo of the work of the Indian Telegraph Department, just j published, causes one to put some pertinent questions as to why the Telegraph Departments of Malaysia should W so faultv in organisation and give so much
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  • 726 5 Debating Society for Penang. Tu thk Editor of iiik straits Echo. Sir, —In Kuala Lumpur as well as in Perak literary aud debating societies have been established, which are doing good work and are constantly adding to their membership. There was formerly such a society iu Penang,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1792 6 rnSmmm T ICE! ICE!! Favoured with instructions from the Directors of the Tandjong Pinang Ice Co. T Ltd., WE l>eg to inform the Public of Penang *nd the Federated Malay Slates that we have been appointed Agents of the above Company, and ICE an be obtained at our Office Store
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  • 128 7 Ihk tuau after a womans own heart May not want it. A gill who looks good isn't uecessarilv go<*l-lookiug. Hilence may beholden, but a lot of talk savours of brass. A horse usually acts up wlieu vou are trymg to sell him. All men are born equal and
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  • 343 7 Hot and Otherwise. In a recent number of Punch we find several references to the Baltic Fleet’s career some grave—as, for example, Mr. Linlev ue s cat toon of Hritauuia with her sword half-drawn—and others humorous. From one of the latter the following is an extinct. It is based
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 939 7 OUT MATER STEAM MUS CRUSHING STAMP LOADS AND VARYINQ FlfKWfdBiRKBY A GOOD ALL. Lr? 39JjwesiFeichubchsILoiidoil Also makers of Engine Pump Packings, Rubber Canvas Hose Insertion, Asbestos Sheets, etc. KITSON LIGHTS. Most Brilliant Light in Existence. For Lighting Streets, Halls, Mills, Estates, Wharves, etc. •i Further particulars from HUTTENBACH BROS. CO.,
      939 words
    • 212 7 KEEP YOUR BODY NOURISHED, keep strong, your Doctor tell# you so. Steam s' Wine will assist you. Ask your Chemist. Au Irou Tonic also. Notice. riIHE Padang Rkngas Limestone I Lime Agency has removed to 1, Grand Hotel, Beach Street, where orders will be attended to as usual. S. R.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 906 8 An Opportunity not to be Lost WHMWA7 For ME LLirS £food. Infants Straw Hats to be cleared. PRICE 95cts. each. and Usual Price $1.35. The cheapest line ever offered in c/> the Straits. o lo Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be bought to°day. Smart shapes Superior, coarse Children.
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