Straits Echo, 4 January 1905

Total Pages: 9
1 1 Straits Echo
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  • 38 1 F«*r ending Tuesday. Jan. IU, 1905 A. M P.M. Wediiesdav.4tli 1.20 11.45 riiursday, sth ;J5 Friday, Oth -.50 1.15 Sal unlay, 7tli 1.40 2.05 Sunday, Bth 2.30 255 Monday, 9tii 3.20 3.45 Tuetdav, loth 4.10 4.35
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  • 21 1 O New Moon Jan. oth 1.12.0 a..\i Fust Quarter... 14th 3.0.2 f.m O Full Moon 21*1 2 9.4 f.m
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  • 94 1 English (Simla) 0 Jan. China (Nubia) 7 China (Seydlitx) 11 German (Zieten) 12 English For mom) 12 The outward mail steamer Simla." havin'; left Colombo at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Ist inst., is due. here at 4 a.ui. on Friday, oth inst., and will leave for Singapore and
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  • 24 1 To-pav 29th Day, 11 tit Moon. Town 11and,, 5-30 p.m. J O-.MOKItOW. 30th Day, Nth Moon. Town Hand, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 47 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OIITIVARD*. IIoMKW ARPS. Simla o Jan. Benya I 7 Jan Ghanan lit j Malta 21 Hxtra Service. Ol’TtV ARPS. H O M K \V A K OS Formosa 10 Jau. Socotra 111 Jan. Japan 24 Palawan 27 For particulars See Page 3.
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  • 1476 1 “Thim poor la-ads in Port Arthur must be haviu’ a tur-ruble time, said Mr. Hennessv. Ye niver can tell," said Mr. Dooley. Iv coorse it looks as though they were. Ivrv day or two whin Port Arthur hasn’t fallen uo more or is laid up fr’m th’
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  • 123 1 4th January. (By courtmy of the Chartered Bank.) raandon Demand Bank ...1/11 A 4 months' Bank ...1 11* 3 Credit ...1/1 If 3 Documentary 111 Jg Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 145] 3 days’ sight Private 147 Bombay, Demand Bank 145} 3 days’sight Private 147 Madras, Demand Bank 115
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  • 210 1 BersiiwidiGold Mine Co., Ld. 5 13. —sales Ranh A list raiiaii Gold .Mining Co., Ld 4.25 nom. Redjang Leboiig Goi.l Mining Co.. lid buyers Kiulaiiatjold M iiiingCo.,Lld. (fully paid) -5 10. n»n. Bruseh Tin Mining Co.. L*l. S 2. —sales liarangan Tin Mining Co 10.— sellers Kinta Tin Mines
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  • 180 1 fill 77.50 Gold leaf 79A B. Pepper (VV. Coast 311»h.50z.)3 25.50 sellers White Pepper 3 buyers Trang 1 Pepper, business 327. Cloves (picked) Mace 85 —setters Mace Pickings 76. —selhrs Nutmegs 1 10s 40] sales f No. 1 6 10 man Sugar 2 no stock. Basket 5.10 sales Tapioca
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  • Shipping.
    • 96 1 Unitv, Nor. s.s. 930, Hansen, 4th Jan., Rangoon, 31st Dee., Gen., K.,G. Co. Canoia, Hr. s.B. 4195, Kitcat, 4th Jau., Yokohama t>th Dec., Gen.—P. A O. Mazaoon, Ur. s.s. 3,280, Hull, ttb Jau., Bombay, 24th Dec., Gen.—P. O. Hkbk, Ur. s.s. 345, Inkster, 4th Jun., Singapore, 2nd Jan., Gen.,
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    • 59 1 Unity, Nor. s.s. 930, Hausen, 4th Jau., Rangoon, 31st Deo., Gen., —K. G. Co. Cornelia, Br. s.s. 194, Marris, 3rd Jau., Deli, 2ud Jan., Gen., —K. G. Co. Jin Ho, Br. s.s. 110, Hastrup, 4th Jau., Laugkat, 3rd Jan., Gen., —Quah Beng Kee Canton, Hr. S.s. 105, Meriean.
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    • 44 1 till January. ChikHh, for Colombo, and Tulicorin. 1 Hebe, for Deli. Qn'irra, for Laugkat. Stettin, for Singapore. Tmr Tong, for Asalian. Deli, for Tiling. Tong ('hag Un, for Asalian and Uatii Bahra Lnngicnt, for Teluk Anson. {{jtvfullwh, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amev.
      44 words
    • 59 1 1 •'mmW.1 V *»»0t A‘I-Ml line A ll hi lllslii Hiiiiilniri' RM.&Co. 1th JitU. IVrsia. iColoiulx* S K .A;Co. 6th < A [K*iir Singapore A. A, A.Co. 6th jCalcuttu A A A Co. 6th (jrlenogle (Singapore li.C.ACo. 6th (iisnla Singapore S K A Co. «M li [Manilla Ivanuooii 11
      59 words
    • 23 1 .«.w b'n> .1 /••«/)> Learn <i.Apear Calcutta A A.A.Co. otli Jau. Pern .Singapore S.K.&Co. 7tli (Jisela Colombo IS.K.&Co. 11th Beuloinoud Lonclou IS.B.&Co. 15«,
      23 words
    • 102 1 Fok Laugkat, Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli Per Cornelia, sth instant, 2 p.n:. Pangkor aml Teluk Anson.—Per Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m.. Edie, T. Seinawe, and Olehleh, —Per Petju, to-morrow, 2 p.m Tongkali,— Per Rotortia, 6th instant, 1 p.m. Port Swettenliam, and Malacca, —Per Perak, 6th instant,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 114 1 MARTYN Co. WHISKIES. FOR SALE. GREAT REDUCTION. “Guide Book TO Bangkok Siam.” Price $3. OBTAINABLE AT Echo Office. HOWARTH, ERSKINE, LTD., Electrical Engineers Enclosed Type Arc Lamps. Miniature Arc Lamps. High Candle PovOer Incandescent Lamps. A rtlstic Fittings, Sc Contractors. ESTIMATES FREE. Kotor Fans. Show Rooms and Offices, 56, Contractors
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    • 1 1 SIRDAR.
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    • 257 1 SIRDAR. When Steam*' Wine has been taken for a few weeks, the sallow cheeks become rosy, and the sufferer becomes bright and cheerful. THE LONDON DIRECTORY, CONTAINING over pages of cou-'--i densed commercial matter, enables enterprising traders throughout the Empire to keep in close touch with the trade of the
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    • 1 1 SIRDAR,.
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    • 19 1 Q Genuine Pilsener Beer. Penang. EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. UNKQUALLKD Full Situation Comfort and Catering. ys SARKIES BROTHERS, 81c Proprietor
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 23 1 WEATHER So'uik: »w«*rr is kind it supplied hv Director «>!' Kort Cornwallis*:— l'he rainfall dullin' the hours ended a» ft a.m. to-dav.was 0.12 inches.
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  • 858 2 'l.onkl Waters, British Attache with Russian Army, left Mukden on 2nd ultimo lor Kurland. He has permission to return in the spring. Mkxt season s cricket fixtures iuclude 37 matches for the Australian team. Northamptonshire will lx; entitled to compete for the county championship. Pkinck Leopold, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 27 2 LEE CHYE DISPENSARY, No. ‘2Rh, CAUNAIIVON ST If N NT, PENANG.’ No. 291. Opeu day and Krotn (> la> 9, lulls ;uo Acciualmy Piejwcd. 00a
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    • 374 2 WONG KIM MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street Rubber Stamp AVI) Brass Seal (For Impressing Wax) Man ufacturer. Supplementary Articles for Rubber Stamps In Store. Photographic Dealer. Photographic Plates, Papers, Chemicals, &c. CAN BE SUPPLIED PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO at 2iF), Chulia Street. ALSO Managing Partner of HUNG WAN FOONG Co., Photographer, Penang,
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    • 1286 2 t r c. Wanted at once* TWO C onipetcut Salesmen. Apply stating salary to 23-12-04 CHOW KIT Co., Kuala Lumpur. !H)4 WANTED A EUROPEAN ENGINEER is open for engagement, Marine anil General Engineering work; highest testimonials ami references. Apply to MECHANICAL,” c o Strait* Echo. 31-12-04 tri-wklv All FOR SALE.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1701 3 P.&O. yV v 1 %+ISi 8. I Co. r r j>X 'y Rxyected ainival and Departures. Mail Service. Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. Outwards. 5 s.s. Simla connecting with Homewards 7 s.s. Bengal Jo 21 8.8. Malta do 4 8.8. Coromandeldo 15 8.8. Simla Jo s.s. Victoria 8.8. Himalaya 8.8. India
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  • 69 4 Jn«rire Mtinflt* *vwybo«ly. and Jnwtioe alone.— Itm~rmnn Established June Ist, 1903. Fnblielied ilnily (except Hnwliy«.) AT TUI CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No 226-232, Beach Street. Penang CAHI.K A nnUKKK “Ecli o— Pcn an g.” Telephone No. 188. fc’i/iW. Oiikknkt Duncan. MM SENG lIOOJ, Managing Direr lot. W Ail
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  • 662 4 With this number of the Echo we are issuing as a supplement an up-to-date war cartoon adapted to the present situation from one published by the Johannesburg Star shortly after the Baltic Brawlers brought everlasting disgrace upon the Tsar’s navee. We do not claim for it absolute perfection,
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  • 758 4 The Example of Argentina. A sentence in the address of the Argentine Minister for Agriculture at the inauguration of an immense grain elevator, constructed at Buenos Aires by two British-owned railway companies, illustrates the difference between some of the wiseacres who have held sway in Malaya from time to
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  • Current Topics.
    • 134 4 The Sandakan Revenue Farms have changed hands and the Times corres- pondent says Mr. Chin Taik Kiew, the genial General Manager, will shortly be leaving Borneo for Penang. During his stay he has dealt with everybody with an open, liberal hand, and his purse was ever ready
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    • 177 4 The visitation of plague at Bangkok—the first in its history—br ke out in the Indian settlement of Took Mai, on the west side of the river. A cordon was drawn round the infected area the patieuts were isolated and an active campaign was started against rats. According
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  • 595 4 The annual North Borneo Diuuer was held on 7th ultimo at the Hotel Cecil. Sir Charles Jessel (chairman of the British North Borneo Company) presided. After the dinner there was an exhibition of Dioscopic views of North Borneo bv the Urbau Trading Company, Mr. Flvnu giving a
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  • 886 4 in Civil Jurisdiction. Before the Hon. A. F. G. Late, Puisne Judge.) > The Muslim Marriage Cask. Hearing in the case of Mohamed Zein v. Sved Harom, Budar Bee, and Hajee Mohideen,” which was adjourned from Thursday last, was continued to d«y in the Supreme Court. The plaintiff’s
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  • 22 4 The following contribution is acknowledged with thanks:— Brought forward $17,000 Mrs. Cheah Chen Eok 3,000 Total *20,000
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  • 110 4 Accused Committed for Trial. The preliminary hearing of charges against Mat Isah and Sheriff of attempted murder of Mr. E. O. Lauterbach and the robbery from him of SI, 300 at Batu Feringhi on the 30th Nov. last—as reported at length in this journal at the time—occupied the
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  • 603 4 Yesterday’s Paperchase. The members of the Penang Hunt Club are to be heartily congratulated upon the success of the first run of 1905. Not onlv was there a record turnout of the meie male riders, but the ladies mustered in force, and we very much doubt if
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 813 5 Port Arthur. Terms of Surrender. 10,000 Prisoners. j Officers Return to Homes (Echo Special*.) London, 3rd Jan. —(4.25 p). The articles of capitulation were signed by the delegates of Generals Stoessel and j Nogi (who were fully empowered for the purpose) at 0-45 last night. It is stipulated
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    • 39 5 Cruising off Labuan. (Echo Special.) Labuan, t Jan.—The Japanese merchant cruisers ‘Hongkong Maru and America Maru arrived here yesterday evening. The Japanese fleet is in the vicinity and officers of these scouts are on shore telegraphing.
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    • 75 5 Italian Prince in Bangkok. [Echo Special.) Bangkok, 3 Jan.—H. R. H. Prince Lugi Amedeo of Savoy-Aosta, Duke of Abril/zi icousin of the King of Italy), lias arrived on a visit to Siam on the Italian cruiser Liguria. He received a most cordial welcome from His Majesty King Chulalongkorn. [The
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    • 73 5 The Scotch Naval Base (Supplied by Renter.) London, 3 Jan.—The Earl of Sell>orue, First Lord of the Admiralty, replying to a question by Mr. A. \V. Maciionachie, M. P., said that it was not true that the Admiralty had reversed its decision to utilise Rosyth as a naval
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  • 564 5 (Straits Times, 31 Dec.) Our esteemed contemporary, the Strait* Ecln*. publishes a slashing article apparently directed against the Governor of Hongkong for holding that members of the 1 Legislative Council of that Colony (and ol the Straits Settlements for that matter) i should be addressed, individually, as the
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  • 354 5 In breathless haste, with the sweat standing thick on his brow, and a merry twinkle iu his blue eyes that betokened much—or little, as ?he case might be —onr Mhn-about-Towu burst into our sanctum at 3 to-day and got this off his chest: Say Just seen a gang of
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  • 591 5 Governor Sir John Anderson's report on the Straits Settlements for the year l!H)3 has been published as No. 435 iu the annual series of Colonial reports Cd. 2,238-12 The revenue for 1903 amounted to §7,958,490, l>eiu<r au increase of §2o3,as compared with 1902, and §910,813 ■tt :S
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  • 1028 5 Colonel A. G. Churchill. A. A. G Western District, who was live years iu Japan as Attache to the British Legal ion at, Tokio, delivered a lecture at the Garrison i Gymnasium at Devouport, on 6th ult, on 44 The Japanese Army of To-day; Its, Inception and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 McAlister a Co., ltd. Carden Rakes.
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    • 431 5 To-day's Advertisements. Wanted An expert typist. a pp lv to M. M. NOOK DIN. 4-1-Go iff, Chnlia Street. 1 wk G WANTED IMMED ATELY A RELIABLE CHINESE CLERK, |niek typewriter (Yost) ;iud with some experience of general office work. Salary to commence $5O per month. Apply to “XXX” do Straits
      431 words
    • 131 5 Notice. Padano Rknoas Limkhtowk -I. I.imk Ajjency lias removed to 1, Grand Hotel, Beach Street, where orders will lx* atteiwled to as usual. S. U. C. RAY AN. 20-10-04 !1 mbs 774 To Let. 1 PREMISES No. 03, Nortliam Road. Entry Ist February, 1005. Apply to Mu. A RIFF, 156’,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1805 6 ICE! ICE!! Favoured with instructions from the Directors of the Tandjong Pinang Ice Co., Ltd., WE be# to inform the Public of Penang fcud the Federated Malay States that we have been appointed Agents of the above Company, and ICE an be obtained at our Office Store No. 17, Market
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 805 7 x—X TATT I i M s 96, Jklawei ffload. The Proprietor begs to notify that having engaged a Competent Staff of Piofessional Kicle 1 s, at a considerable expense to himself, he is now open To Train, Break to Harness, Griffins, Race Horses, Galloways, Ponies or Hacks, For the Forthcoming
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1425 8 YOU ORDER, WE DO THE REST. WHMWiY, LAIULAW Co., PE VALUE FOR CASH. SELYYT. A splendid polishing clotli in four sizes. i*iices 20» 40i 70 cts. and $1. TUSOO. We nre the Sole Agents for this preparation, unequalled for the teeth and mouth. Prices 0Q and 05 Cts. per bottle.
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  • 127 1 THE BE AR Nice mess I m in now —army licked, navy smashed to I imitliereens Port Arthur a 4 goner,’and whole bally country in an uproar. S GRAND DUKE CO WE DT SKY Deuced awkward, but well have to j hud out— wg ve triy j every
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