Straits Echo, 30 November 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 21 1 Birth. On I*Ui NovemW, at No. 2. itauge Hoad. Shanghai. the wife of Walter England Wilson, of a daughter.
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1901 A.M. P.M. Wednesday, 30th... 6.20 <».45 Thursday, Ist 7.10 7.35 Friday, 2nd B. 8.25 Saturday, 3rd 8.50 15 Sunday, 4th 9.40 10.05 Monday, sth 10.30 10.55 Tuesday, titli 11.20 11.45
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  • 27 1 10-DAY. loth Moon. Tottp i*i'ud, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. To-morrow. Moon. Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra. Town Baud. Golf Club, 5-30 p.m. Opera Stainboul, 9 p.m.
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  • 23 1 O New Moon Dec. 7th 9.39 a.m. I I First Quarter... 14th 2.22 j\m. O Full Moon 23rd 12.21 a.m. j
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  • 39 1 P O. SAILINGS. .Mail Service. Outward*. Homewards. Malta 8 Dec. j Nubia "di Dec Coromandel 26’ Denial 7 Jan Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Java 11 Dec Pera Dec Palma 117 Ceylon 16 fcsT F or particulars See Page 3.
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  • 1669 1 Tm: Battle ok Shaho. Major-General Marui, who was wounded in the battle of the Shaho, has arrived at Hiroshima invalided. In an interview the General narrated the story of his last battle. He said that im Oie 9th October his column remained j in the vicinity of the
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  • 114 1 I t German Seydlitz Ist December. China Zaida 2 English (Malta) 8 China Chusan 10 China (Preuitwen) 14 r l he outward German mail steamer, Seydlitz” left Colombo for Penaiig at 3 a.m. Sunday, aud may be expected to arrive here at 11 p.m. to-dav. The P. O.
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  • 198 1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co., L<l. 5 13. —sales Raiib Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 4.75 sellers Redjaug he hong Gold Mining Co., Ld 220 —buyers KadauaGold MiuingCo„LtJ. (fully paid) S 10.—worn. Bruseh Tin Mining Co.. Ld. S 3.50 sellers Cheuduriaug Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., I*d 10.— vom. Kaningan Tin
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  • 170 1 Tin 81Gold leaf S 7850 B.Pepper (\V. Coast 3lbs.5o/.)$ 24. —buyers White Pepper S 39.— seller» Traug Pepper out of season Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 84 —sellers Mace Pickings 74. —sellers Nutmegs 110s 41. —sales No. 1 6.10 nom Sugar 2 no stock. Basket 4.80 sales Tapioca
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  • Shipping.
    • 89 1 Hkctoh, Br. s.s. 3,300, Edmonson, 510th Nov., Liverpool, 29th Nov., Geu,, W. M. C 6. P. R. Luitpold, Ger,. s.s. 3,919, Kirihner, 29th Nov., Yokohama, 12th Nov., Geu., —B. M. Co. Rotorua, Br. s.s. 555, Liugard, 29th Nov., Tougkah, 28th Nov., Gen., K. G. Co. Palawan. Br. s.s. 4,686,
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    • 42 1 30th November. Tonj Chili/ Un, for Batu Bahra and Asahan Lauykat, for Teluk Anson. Mary Attn tin, for Port Swettenham. Hector, for Singapore and China. Seydlitz, for Singapore, China and Japan. Deli, for Trang. Glenfalloch, for Singapore, Hongkong. Swatow and Amov.
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    • 31 1 Rotorua, Br. s.s. 555, Lingard, 29th Nov.. Tougkah, 28th Nov., Geu., K. G. Co. Taw Tong, Br. s.s. 105, Hassan, 29th Nov., Asahan, 28th Nov., Geu., —Iv. G. Co.
      31 words
    • 92 1 1 17« I» v Ajmt» 1 !T_ It Benavtv Loudon S.B.&Co. 1st Dee, C. A pear Singapore A. A. A.Co. 1st 99 Ixion Liverpool W.M.&Co. 1st 99 A. Apear [Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 2nd .Jason Singapore W.M.&Co. 3rd Silverlip Loudon B &Co. Uh Persia Colombo S.K.&Co. 5th M. Valerie Singapore S.K.&Co.
      92 words
    • 87 1 1 putel* hot A Itrubtl Ixiou Singapore VV.M.&Co. 1st l)ec Benarty Singapore S.B.&Co. 1st C. Apcar Calcutta A.A A.Co. 1st Fitzpatrick Rangoon H.M.&Co. 2nd A. Apcar Singapore A.A.A.Co. 2nd Jcl SOU London VV.M.&Co. 3rd Persia M. Valerie Singapore Colombo S.K.&Co. :5th S.K.&Co. 5th Silverlip Singapore B.&Co. 5th China Singapore
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    • 109 1 Kok Deli Per Ho Kwei, to-morrow, 1 p.m. J>eli—Pei Malaya, to-morrow, noon. Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan—Per Petrel, to-morrow, noon. Tongkah—Per Rotorua, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleh—Per Hok Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Perlis Setul —Per Un Peny, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson—Per Canton,
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    • 17 1 Itytrard —Per Palawan.” from London, f Mr. Law, Miss Law, Mrs. Sargaut. Mr. Jameson, Mrs. Hogan.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 39 1 WEATHER J hk followin'* report, is kindly supplied l>y tiiP *Si*;uai Director of Fort Cornwaiiis:— i p.m, s 'toon Ywifenli)' ro*dH) !o-«lay l’iie rainfall «im iuiT tiie --f at,a. in. to-day was nil. SB" Fine North hour* elided
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  • 30 1 Deaths. At 5. Woosuug Hoad. Shanghai, on 15th November, Alexander Allan, chemist, aged 39 years. On 17th November, at Kowloon. Hongkong, Francis Elizabeth, wife of Sydney Boulton’, aged 25 years.
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  • 997 2 Lord Charles Beresford. During the crisis brought about by the Baltic Fleet outrage it has been quite remarkable to notice how one name has lieeu on the lips of men of all ranks that of Lord Charles Beresford. He is, says Public Opinion, the only
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  • 1217 2 1 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1905. Tuesday 24th, Thursday 26th, and Saturday 28th January. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 24th January, 1906. 1. —The Maiden Plate. A Cup presen ted by His Excellency Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g.. with $750added by the Club. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 51 2 Two npleii«U<l tonic. lrou and Cod Liver 0,1 are combined, in ijtean* a moht acceptable preparation to the invalid and the delicate. Immediately Iteiiettciul. THIS PAPHR •>><■ ill K. c. I»VKt: Nlrct s,„ \u-tuy. Is». I mim io*i. l.• 1111I«ii■ k. where con U-e lo (art wlvittlrlm «Ml Im- imiilc
      51 words
    • 277 2 ICE! ICE!! Favoured with instructions from the Directors of the Tandjong Pinang Ice Co., Ltd., WE beg to iufonn the Public of Peuaug and the Federated Malay States that we have been appointed Agents of the above Company, and ICE an be obtained at our Office Store No. 17, Market
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    • 1531 2 IMPORTANT. EMILZOBEL, 4 Beach Streeet. Heg to notify the general public that his Nickel Open tace Keyless Watch 66 SIRDAR” is the best, reliable timekeeper. Non-magnetic hairspring, extra <rlass ami mainspring. u Two years written guarantee. WANTED. rpYPK WRITER good condition. State make aud price. D,” Straits Echo Ojfice. WANTED~rtUR()PEAN
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1882 3 TAb /o i:: Is IS. S. Co. Kxpected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Dec. Jan. Dec. Jan. Outwards. 8 a.s. Malta connecting 1 with 8.8. Himalaya 22 8.8. Coromandel do s.s. India 5 8.8. Simla do 8.8. Hriannia 1!* 8.8. Chusan do 8.8. Mongolia Homewards. PARKS BY MAM. STEAMERS. To
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  • 80 4 Ja*tir« «xtit-flp* everybody, and j notice alone. Established June Ist, 1903. Pnblished daily (except Sunday".) CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-23*2, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAII.Y, I.OCAI *2» per annum OI'TSTATIONS I’OBlatce Kxtxa MAII. MOTION (Post Kiee) 15 CAItI.K AIMMtKSM: “Ec li o—P eii a n Telephone No.
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  • 1472 4 O. Scotia my dear, my native soil; l For whom my warmest wish to heaven is'seut Loup may thy hardy sons of rustic toil Be blest with health, and peace, and sweet content —B u ms. In our last issue we noted, briefly, bow the Englishmen of
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  • 242 4 .Motion to raise Taxes defeated At a meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commission last Friday, the President stated the estimated expenditure for next vear amounted to $2,359,447 as against an estimated revenue of $2,238,600. He was of opinion that “it would be necessary to raise the rates
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  • 584 4 Hotel-Keeper Sent “Up” kor Two Weeks. In the Second Police Court this forenoon, i Mr. Isaac- Grand, proprietor of the Roval Hotel, Chulia Street, appeared l>efoie Mr. G. A. Hereford in answer to a summons charging him with offering an illegal gratification of $5O to Mr. W. E.
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  • 841 4 A Bangkok Lawyer Explains. Mr. C. Naylor, barrister, writes to the j semi-official Bangkok Times under date of 22ud instant:— Mr. K aw Hong Take, in a letter to the Strait# Echo, takes exception to the remark made by Mr. Beckett, in announcing Lord
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 146 5 Port Arthur. Japanese Closing In. (Echo Special g.) lokio, oO Nov.— It is officially announced here that a telegram tinted 211th instant has been received from tiie army before Port Arthur reporting that, in the attack upon the enemy’s line of entrenchments from Sungshushati eastwards, 1 lie Japanese
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  • 133 5 A New Concentration Scheme. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 21) Nov.—The Standard states that the British Government is considering a plan for concentrat ing the naval and military strength of the Empire, including the withdrawal of the regular infantry from the smaller coaling stations, such as Mauritius, Ceylon
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  • 249 5 Count von Buelow's Views. (Supplied by lieuter.) London, 30 Nov. —A remarkable interview witli Count von Buelow, Imperial German Chancellor, is published in the Nineteenth Century lie view. The Count deplores the British hostility and ulicensing suspicion of Germany and warmly denies any attempts to incite Russia
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  • 404 5 What about the Black Sea Fleet? J hos Gi»>sou Bowles, M.P., writes to the limes under date of 31st October pointing out what he lielieves to be a new danger in the situation. He thinks the me is at hand when Russia will press mine the claim to
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  • 592 5 Mr. Ylerbert C. of the Selangor State Museum, issued on Tenues Gestroi as affecting Para Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis),” states that with the exception of this species of insect l*oth Para Rubber and Ramboiig are singularly free from insect pests of all desi criptions. A few other
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  • 699 5 Grateful Acknowledgment of Assistance. i To tub Editor of tub Straits Echo. Sir, —Through tlie medium of your valuable paper please allow myself and the Sisters of the Taiping Convent ot the Holy Infant Jesus” to thank the charitable gentlemen of the Federated Malay States and Penang
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    • 235 5 To Tin: Editor of tiie Straits Echo. I Dear »Sik, —I was pleased to read in vour s yesterday’s issue that it is proposed to take a census of the numlier of Rubber 1 trees under cultivation in Ceylon, which is 1 distinctly a step in the
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  • 660 5 I ,i Amusing Stories. 1>R. John Gillespie has compiled a volume j of anecdotes entitled The Humours of Scottish Life” which has just been publishj ed by Messrs Blackwood and Co. -We give one or two of the stories as samples from I what is a
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  • 1470 5 The Penang Assizes. (llc/vn the Hon A. F. Q. Laic, Fnignc Jndye, and a Jury.) Brutal Assault on a Gikl. At yesterday afternoon's sitting of the Assizes the trial was commenced of a Malay youth, Ibrahim bin Haji Mahomed Saliid, on two charges of voluntarily causing grievous hurt
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1083 6 JAMES BUCHANAN Co.’s “HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. ,'ti tos ada CO-'* TO HE HAD FROM tiwportaf -■LACK MTTir Witt MALT SCOTCH WHISKY ‘BLACK BOTT1A" v~-.. ,1« rrm agou rt. Samuel Birch 6 Ca TAIK HO Co., 82, Main Road, PEIIA K, TAIPING. (Established 1889). General Merchants, Provisioners
      1,083 words

  • 318 7 Social life in Australia is singularly free from money snobbishness. So long as you are well dressed, no one will care whether you live on =£500 or ,£1,500, which is a healthy and comforting state of things, if you are poor, there is no place where poverty
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  • 437 7 Regulations Under, the Convention. 1 The following regulations, made by the Governor of Hongkong under the Sugar Convention Ordinance, appear in the Hongkong Gaaette:— 1. No sugar shall be imported into the Colony except at the port of Victoria, and the master of every vessel having on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1017 7 TAIK CHEE Co., Ship Chandlers a wholesale Dealers. JUST RECEIVED MOTOR BELLS For Gharries and Buggies NOTICE. VIEWS of Peuaug, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, an<l Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on Bromide paper. W. JONES, lving Street. Penang. Photographer. 36c THE PATRIOTIC ASSURANCE Co. FOUNOKI) 1824.) N.
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    • 42 7 STEARNS’ WINE relieves the distressing cough of influenza and bronchitis. It invigorates and increases resistance to the inroads of disease. But it is Stearns Wine MIDGET SIZED PHOTOS TAKEN UN XMAS CARDS. Moderately Priced. WONG KIM MUN. No. 77a, Bishop Street 4Ug
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1886 8 I UNIQUE PACKET. lb Splendidly Assorted Christmas and New Year Cards. Newest Designs. 35 cents. WHITEAWAY’S PENANG. FLOWERS OF FRIENDSHIP. A packet containing 16 choice and specially selected Christmas and New Year Cards. Price 60 cents. WHITEAWAY’S PENANG. EVER TRUE. A bo.x of I*2 charming Christmas and New Year Cards
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