Straits Echo, 22 November 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 16 1 Birth. Jn lSth Novemlier, at Singapore*, the wife fro Arthur Smith, of a son.
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  • 40 1 \V«*k **n<ling Monday, Nov. 28, ISK)4 a M. p. M. Tuesday. 22ud 11.80 11.55 Wednesday, 23rd... -45 Tl,.iisdav. 24th 1.20 145 Kridav, 25th 2.10 2.35 Saturday, 2t>th 3.— 3 25 Smiclav. 27th 3.50 4.15 Monday. 28th 4.40 5.05
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  • 29 1 1 <»* i»a v. 14tli Dav, loth Moon. Assizes < >j**n. 11 a.m. Town Band, Esplanade, p.m. Op*™ Stain lk>ul, 9 p.m. To-morrow loth Day, lOth Moon. Opera Stamboul,9 p.m.
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  • 27 1 0 Full Moon Nov. 23rd MSa m. Last Quarter 30tli 1 .34 a.m. <> New Moon Dec. 7th 9.39 a.m. I First Quarter 11th 2.22 p.m.
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  • 45 1 P O. SAILINGS. .Mail Service. HUT'UKIiv IioMKW A l(l»S. Bengal 'J4 Aor i Simla 'JG Xov Mult‘l S Dec. Clntsau 10 Dec Extra Service. < IIITH AKIIS. ijoMKIVAKIIS. I'lthtuiui ‘lll Nov l*ecu ‘1 Dec Jura lo Dec (Je.ylmi 16 *«r i* ot pari > •'see Page 2.
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  • 33 1 English Bengal) 24th inst. China (Simla) 26th inst. China (T‘. R. Luitpold) 30th inst. German Roon) Ist Decern l>er. China (Zaida) 2 English (Malta) 8 China (Chusan 10 China (Vreuxsen) It
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  • 1924 1 Held up by the Rootytootsky Hair-Raising Experiences in Eastern Seas {Specially Written for Strait* Echo L) -The Trent lay in harbour peaceable and quiet—nothing could be beard ex<*ept the dulcet tones of the crew murmuring gently to each other in the fo’castle. A special War Corresponds)r was coming
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  • 122 1 Penano, 22nd November (By courtesy of the Chartered llank.) London Demand Bank ...1/11^ 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/1 3 Credit j ..1/1 If 3 Documentary ...1/11** Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 144 3 days’ sight Private 146 Bombay, Demand Batik 144 3 days’ sight Private 146 Madras, Demand Bank 143
    122 words
  • 201 1 Bersawall Gold Miue Co.. Ld. 13. —sales Paul) Australian G<>l<l Mining Co., hil. J 4.75 sellers Redjang F«eiM)iig Gold Mining Co., F)<l 215 —buyers KadanaGold M ini»gCo„Ltd. (fully paid) 10.— nom. !>ruwen lin Niimjitr Co Ld. 5 3.5 0 setters Chendariaug llvdrauiic Tin Milling Co., T,«| Ivamngan Tin Mining
    201 words
  • 153 1 I’m 5 79. —business done Gold leaf S 78 50 B. Pepper (W. Coast. 31b5.50z.)$ 24. —lagers White Pepper 89.— seUert Trang Pepper out of season Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 84— sellers Mace Pickings 74. sellers Nutmegs! 10s 41 —tales No. 1 0.10 nom < no stock.
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  • Shipping.
    • 136 1 lA.W 1 oNG, Hr. s.s. 105, H assail, 21st Nov., Asahaii, 20th Nov., Gen., —K. G. Co. Langkat. Hr. s.s. 149, Luldell, 22nd Nov., Teluk Anson, 21st Nov., Gen.,—K G Co. Jin Ho, Hr ss 110, Hastrup, 22nd Nov., Langkat, 21st Nov., Gen., —Quali Heng Nam Yong, Hr. s.s.
      136 words
    • 85 1 22nd November. 'fair Tuiuj, for Asalian. Deli, for Trang and PaugNga. Tony Chai Un for Batu Halira and Asalian. P. Ritnnu, for Port Swetteuham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Huh Canton for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleh. Pin Seny, for Port Swetteuham, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Janet hichull, for
      85 words
    • 44 1 Langkat, Br. s.s. 149, Liddell, 22nd Nov., Teluk Anson, 21st Nov., Gen K G. Co. Jin Ho, Br. s.s. 110, Hastrup, 22nd Nov., 2lst Nov., Gen—Quail Beng M VAJIRUNHIB. J)„t. ss. 1,182, Boon, H U f d Nov., Edie, 21st Nov., Gen.,—
      44 words
    • 50 1 1 PtWftl* mu t Agent» Due Lai Sau*; Singapore B.&Co. 25th Nov t alawau Suez P.&O. 29th Beualder Singapore S.B.&Co. 1st Dec. Benartv Loudon S.B.&Co. 1st C. Apear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 1st A. Apcar. Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 2nd. G. Apcar Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 9th Benlarig Loudon S.B.&Co. 18th Oro Glasgow S.B.&Co. 25th
      50 words
    • 50 1 Vessel 1 bo» A (jents I Leave» Lai Sang Calcutta B.ACo. Nov. Palawan Singapore P.&O. Benarty Singapore S.B.ACo. 1st Dec. Benalder London S.B.ACo. 1st C. Apcar Calcutta A.A A.Co. list A. Apcar A.A.A.Co. 2nd Gr. Apcar Singapore jA.A.A.Co. Hth Benlarig Singapore |S.B,&Co. 1 8th Oro Singapore S.B.&Co. 25th i
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    • 86 1 For Batu Babra A Asaliau— Per Hock Chtian Un, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson Per Langkat, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow Amoy— Per Hong Bee to-morrow, 3 p.m. Singapore Per Nam Yong, to-morrow, 3 p.m, Isuigkat Per Jin Ho, 24th instant, l p.m. Paugkor and Teluk Anson—Per
      86 words
    • 33 1 I«wtr<|--'Pfcr Pin Seng,” from Singapore, Mrs. M. Galastine, Mrs. M. Jeremiali, Mrs. Tritsche. From Port Swettenham Messrs W. R. Rowland, H. G. Pennefather, Lim Boon Hoe. Per Satara,” from Singapore, Mr. Roaenfeld.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 39 1 WEATHER. hk following report. is kiii<il\ supplied i»v iii4* Direoior of Korr Cornwallis p.m. \wnhif > a.m. •*ll;lV '♦'t. Fine Clear "<i. North North 1'lte rainfall during tiie lo-dav was uil. II ion Vo'lay Fine N'.W. t- ilOIII's elided
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  • 986 2 To I lie ordinary consumer who knows little or nothing about the various merits and demerits of electricity as compared with gas for illuminating purposes, but two questions generally present themselves —convenience ami cost. Nobody can deny the advantage of lieing able to turn on a switch ami
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  • 1186 2 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1905. Tuesday 24th, Thursday 26th, and Saturday 28th January. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 24th January, 1905. 1. —The Maiden Pi.ate. A Cup presented by His Excellency Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g.. with 8750added by the Club. I A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 31 2 SI EARNS WINK places at the Com* luaiul ol the IMivsiciau I la* most advanced preparation of Cod Liver Oil. Far superior *h>roaoh disturbing emulsions. cow BRAND BUTTER: McAlister Co.. Ltd
      31 words
    • 1296 2 NOTICE. ON the 4th September, 1904, Latitude 20° -8' N. Long. 113° 45' E., tbe Master of the s.s. Hop Sang from Hongkong to Singapore picked up a couical shaped lied Buoy. The Buoy appears, as reported bv the Master of the s.s. Hop Sang, to be a ciiauuel marking
      1,296 words
    • 294 2 NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. s 1 Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. j on Bromide paper. W. JONES, King Street. Penang. Phntograjdier. 36c TO LET. N O. 35 Anson Road Entry immediate. Apply to T. GAWTHORNE. 17-11-04 th s tu 817 NOTICE. Consulate
      294 words
    • 425 2 FOR SALE. SMALL BASKET TRAP and Bay Pony. Complete turnout. A Pl>ty Ha C co This Office. 820 21-11-04 Federated Malay States Railways. WANTED. rpWO experienced Dressers, salary #720 X per annum each with free unfurnished ►quarters. Applications stating age with copies of testimonials as to qualification and character should
      425 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1818 3 m 7a T S. III. Co. Expected arrival and Departure#. Mail Service. Outwards. Nov. li t s. s. Bengal connecting with Deo. 8 s.s. Malta do 22 8.8. Coromandel do Jan. 5 8 Simla do Homewards 8.8. Victoria 8.8. Himalaya s 8. India s.8. Briannia r Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. INTENDED
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  • 79 4 Jo«tir« saritiflw everybody, ami jnetice'aloiie.— F.stablished June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Smidnyo.) CRITERION PRESS, Ld., PRICK l>All. Y. I .OC AI. $2l per annum OL'TST.ATIONS Postage Kxtra MAII. KItITION (I’oet Free) 15 No. 22(5-232, Beach Street, Penang. CAKI.K AIMMt KSS Ec li o—Pen a n g
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  • 1815 4 I—The Reform Scheme. As would be seen from the special published in our last issue from our Singapore correspondent, something akin to a full dress debate took place in the Legislative Council last Friday when the Courts Ordinance Amendment Bill came up for second reading. The object
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  • 47 4 The following subscriptions in aid of the above fund are acknowledged with thanks: Mr. Gan Ngoli Bee $5,000 Khoo Hun Yeang 3,000 Khoo Chiow Ttong --*,OOO Hoe Tiaug Wan 500 Lini Mali Clive 500 Khoo Yong 500 Boon K**hlt 500 Si 3,000
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  • 84 4 A reminder u lay lx* given of the entertainment to be given this evening in the 'Town Hall by the above company. The performance is claimed to be refined and amusing and there ought to be a good house at the popular prices of admission charged. We
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  • 341 4 liAsr night the final round for the Cap* tiiin s cup was played oft’ between Mr. A.H. Ferguson and Mr. T. C. Buck laud. In the first round played last Friday Mr. Ferguson stood one up, and the general feeling was that at least he would maintain
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  • 692 4 The Penang Assizes. (Before the Hon. A. F. (J. Lair, Puisne Judge and a Jurg.) Alleged Abetment of Personation, at Province Wellesley. The Penang Assizes opened this forenoon in the Supreme Court. The first case called was against Veranen and Ponuiah, who were charged with abetment of forgery
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  • 231 4 Ihe going was capital this morning aud there was a good turnout of animals to indulge iu a gallop. The new griftins are looking particularly well and promise to turn out a far better lot than at first anticipated. Nos. 3 and 4 gave a good deal of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 245 5 The Tsar’s Armada. Outrage in Crete. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 21 Nov.—The Canea (capital of Grebe) correspondent of the Daily Express telegraphs that both officers and men of the Russian Raltic squadron roamed the streets of the town in a state of wild intoxication, insulting and assaulting the
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  • 58 5 The Premier Assailed. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 21 Nov.—('omit Stephen Tisza, the Hungarian Premier, while leaving a meeting at which lie had justified his policy, was received with cries by a noisy crowd, who called upon him to resign and assailed him with snowballs. The police dispersed the crowd,
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  • 90 5 Successful Expedition. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 21 Nov. —As prearranged at C airo, Major O’Connel, with a force composed of camelry and infantry, with three guns, left El°beid on the 10th October to punish Abuzeida of Kitra who had ex pelleu the Chief Governor of Kordofou- As Abuzeida
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  • 67 5 The House Tax Question. (Sujtjtlied by Renter.) London, 22 Nov.—The first sit- IIJ g °f the Arbitration Tribunal in le cas e of the dispute but ween >*pan on the one hand, sun! Great 1 'tain, France, ami Germany on j 1(3 flier, regarding the taxation y the Japanese
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    • 23 5 A Resignation. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 Nov.—Sir 11. S. King, Conservative Member for Hull, has resigned his seat in 1 arlunnent.
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    • 97 5 The Reform Party. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 1.2 Nov.—As the result of the appointment of as Prince Sviatopolk-Mirski, Minister of the Interior, the Russian Government gave permission for a conference at St. Petersburg of representatives of the Zemstvos throughout the country, but at the last moment declined to sanction
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  • 686 5 Police Court Proceedings. Last Thursday's Straits Times, to hand yesterday, contains two and a half columns of what purports to be particulars of the dispute pending between Mr. Montagu Harris, barrister, and the R;iffles Hotel management. The origin of the trouble appears to have I'een
    686 words
  • 1106 5 I (tontine f rom yesterday issue Stamp The Attorney-General the first reading of the Stamp Bill ti,.ameul the Stamp Ordinances, 1885 and 188 V.”, The objects and reasons append*!-- to the Bill were as under:— 1. This Ordinance is brought fopvttrvf in consequence of the great difficulty found
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  • 1875 5 Alleged Abduction of a Married Woman Proceedings in Court Our readers will doubtless remember that about a mouth ago—26th October to l>e precise—we published a wire from our Singapore correspondent settiug forth that an amazing scandal had l*een created in 1 respectable Eurasian circles in Singapore, resulting
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  • 798 5 Commenting on this subject the Stiaits Times (19 Nov.) says:—Even most sanguine supporters of the Straits Cricket team could hardly have anticipated another brilliant victory afier our disastrous start iu the second iuuiugs. Barrett, however, once more rose to the occasion. Rees aud Wvatt did great things aud
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1601 6 FANCY Coloured Cement Flooring Tiles, Cement Pipes and Roofing Tiles, Fancy Cut-glass Mirrors, Iron Safes, Hanging Lamps, Accordions, Walking Slicks, Leather Bags and Belts, and Children’s Rubber Shoes Are now in Stock. Another Shipment of Straw Hats Has Just Arrived. SIN GHEE CHOON Co., /Vo 129, Hatch Street, Penang. 28c
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1412 7 m CO U J EO CO CO CO < J a u E- •H cc sW J Q 0 •d c$ 8 8 o ts in H NV \%JALLY Stuff! <g^BRO.U< !'O p ORE O .PEHMISj 3s TP AO MARK DUNVJLLEvS Special Old Scotch Whisky Glasgow, Scotland JAMES BDCHANAN Co.’s
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1228 8 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! 7\ Tr* mmrni laidiaw Co., mi HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE STOCK OF Gents’ Panama Hats, The best Natural Aperient Water. Bilious, Dyspeptic, Gouty, Constipated and Obese People Should always use APE NT A Of all Chemists and Druggists. HUTTENBACH Bros. Co., Sole Agents We are
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