Straits Echo, 31 October 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 47 1 ].,,i Week ending Sunday, Nov. 6, 1901. A.M. P.M. \i• > 11 i. x. 31 st b. 20 6.25 I'neviav, Ist 7.10 7.35 Wednesday, 2nd B. 8.25 I'lnii>d;iy, 3rd 8.50 9.15 Kildav. 4th 9.40 10.05 Sal in da v, sth 10.30 10.55 Saudi.V, 6th 11.20 11.45
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  • 27 1 To-i»at. j.iid I »av, 9th Moon. 1 own Itmd. Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. '1 O-.MOK ICOXV. I tax, 9lh Moon. j.pxxn band, Uolf Club, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 26 1 l.asl Quarter Oct. 31st, 3.1 p.m I Nexv .Moon Nov. 7th 9.25 i*..m Kind Quarter..,. 14th. 7.33 p.m. 0 Kail .Moon 23rd 9.3 p.m.
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  • 62 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. I I IT W X If I 'V j I .XI fr XV A If I** Snhia 10 Noe Coromandel U Nov Y-i Si hi tu 'JU lixtra Service. 11|"| V M lIS, i lo.U KXV xlf IX CamUa I Nov j Malacca 5 Nov
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  • 105 1 Cliimi icltn) 2nd prox. tinman Preussen) 3rd prox. Cliitm Zaida) till prox Kiiglisli (Nnliia) lOtli prox. Cliiua (Coromandel) 12th prox. China (V*. Alice) IGth prox. 1 >«>l min Kdel Fried rick) 17tli prox. Knglisli Bengal) 24tli prox. China (Simla) 2Gtli prox. China It Imitjiold) 30th prox. The homeward
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  • 126 1 For Port Swottculiam, Singapore. Hongkong, Anno aii.l SwatoW —Per PeniakoUl tomorrow, 3 p 111. Port Sxxettenliain, Port Dickson aud Malacca—Per I'm hi Hi man, to-morrow, i p.m. Langkat Pei Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. I Mi—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p.m. 1 ougkali Per Ko&orna, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Moiilinein—
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  • 1869 1 Remarkable Story ok the War. A notable article appears in the Echo de Paris under the heading of Les deux plans de Campagne Japonais.” W e have reason to believe that the statements made in it are accurate, and since they throw a good deal of light upon
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  • Money Market.
    • 118 1 I’bnano, 31st October. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...J/]l± 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 II 3 Credit ...1/11,* 3 Documentary ...1/llj Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 143 A 3 days’ sight Private 1451 Bombay, Demand Bank 1431 3 days’ sight Private 1451 Madras, Demand Bank 143
      118 words
    • 201 1 BersaxvahGold Mine Co.. Ld. 13. ea ts Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., lid 8 4 75 no in. liedjang Lebong Gold Mining Co., Ld 8 210 —buyers KadanaGohl MiningCo„Lt J. (fully paid) 8 10.— mint Bruseli Tin Mining Co.. Ld. 3.50 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic 'Pin Mining Co., Ld 5
      201 words
    • 180 1 I'm 78 '3O buyers Gold leaf 79. B. Pepper(\V. Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 24. —buyers White Pepper 36.— sellers Trang Pepper out of season Cloves (picket]) out of season Mace 98 —sellers Mace Pickings 78. sellers Nutmegs 1108 44 —sellers No. 1 6.10 nom Sugar 2 no stock. Basket 4.3 s—sales
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  • Shipping.
    • 174 1 Unity, Nor. s.s. 930, Hausen, 31st, Oct Rangoon, 27th Oct., Geu., —C. H. A. S. Pkntakota, Br. s.s. 3.413, Willis, 31stA>c.t., Rangoon, 28tli Oct., Geu., —H. L Janet Nicoll, Br. s.s. 474, Crichton, olst Oct.,Moulmein, 27th Oct., Geu., —K. G. Co. Quokra, Br. s.s. 120, Witt, 29th Oct.. Laugkat,
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    • 46 1 31st October. Pet re 1 tor Laugkat aiul Paugkalan Braudan. R. Halewyn, for Asahan and Batu Bahra. Tate Tony, for Asahan. llok C/tnan Un, for Batu Bahra and Asahan. Penn, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, and Olehleh. Canton, for Paugkorand Teluk Anson. Hebe, for l>eli.
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    • 134 1 Unity, {lor. s.s. 930, Hausen, 21st Oct., Rangoon, 27th Oct.. Gen., —C. H. 8. Pkntakota, Br. s.s 3,413, Willis, 31st Oct., Rangoon. 2,Bth Oct,, Gen., —H. L.& Co. Janet Nicoll, Br. s.s. 474, Crichton, 31st Oct., Muulineiu, 27th Oct, Gen., —K. G. Co. P. Rimau, Br. s.s. 297,
      134 words
    • 62 1 1 e*sel* 1 »7» 111 A ye at» j Due Candia Suez P.&O. 1st Nov. Senegambia Suez B.M.&Co. 1st Zieten Singapore B.M.ACo. 2;d PreuKseu Colombo B.M.&Co 2nd Sue via Singapore B.M.&Co. 5th Gisela Colombo S K.&Co. 6th Trieste Singapore S.K.&Co. 7th Benarty London S.B.&Co. 10th Albeuga Singapore B.M.&Co. 15th
      62 words
    • 65 1 I’emieU For A jenl* Leave» Peutakota P. S ham H.L.&Co. 1st Nov. Senegal»biajSingapore B.M.&Co. 1st Oan<] ia Singapore P.&O. Zieten Coloinlio B.M.&Co. 2nd P reus sen Singapore B.M.&Co. 2nd M Suevia Colombo B.M.&Co. >th (iisela Singapore S.K.&Co. ith Trieste Jolombo S.K.&Co. 7th Penalty Singapore S.B.&Co. loti» A Ibsuga 'lew
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 MARTYN Co. .t* 0 WHISKIES. howarth, erskine, ltd., Electrical Engineers &> Contractors. Enclosed Type Arc Lamps. Miniature Arc Lamps. Hi $h Candle Porter Incandescent Lamps. Artistic Fittings. Motor Fans. ESTIMATES FREE. Contractors to the Governments OF THE Straits Settlements y AND < Federated Malay States AND Penang MunicipalityShow Rooms and
      53 words
    • 23 1 STEARNS’ WINE is an ideal remedy for lung disease. Palatable, aiding digestion —assisting assimilation of food. It builds up and strengthens— Steam*' Wine.
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    • 9 1 BURRELL CO.’S Paints Oils and Turpentine Sandi/ands, Buttery Co
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    • 11 1 MARTYN Co. << f LAGER BEER. BORDEN’S PEERLESS CREAM Sandilands, Buttery Co.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 32 1 WEATHER. !'hk following reth'i t is ki it«i Iv supplied in lie •Sioiiiii iJirwior of Foil Cornwallis.-— The rainfall during t lie f hours ended at If to-day was was nil.
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  • 1200 2 Strange Life Story of Atlolf Reck. I'm. Innocent Min Who Sekvei» Over Five V ears' I’enve Sekvuuok l H l K t E E l H 1M S I kNMT Gt course we wove Uot allowed to speak to ou> Udlow pioviwts, or even to
    1,200 words
  • 208 2 Penang, 29th October, 190 1. Description. Beef— rts. Soup per catty 18 Roast 32 Steaks 32 Stew or Curry Meat. 20 Rump Steak 32 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue 70 Feet 15 Heart 30 liiver per catty 40 Pork— Pork 36 Pig’s Head 28 Feet 24 Tongue 34
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 19 2 l»o lil Ml. is an not l' I i»l. tronhlo t| N 81'WAUN.S* VVJNK lUMyoiulllig lU„| fctix Uytln*„iuj' tonic
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    • 138 2 Two splendid ton ion, Iron au<l Cod Liver Oil sire combined in Stearns' Wine, a most acceptable preparation to the invalid and the delicate. Immediately beneficial. NOTICE DAVID NATHANIEL, Establish kd 1882. Architect, Lana Surveyor, Estimator, Contractor, Appraiser, Decorator, and Commission Agent, 301a, PERAK ROAD, PENANG. Telephone No. 57. 84c
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    • 205 2 CHOO CHUAN KEOK 0 Blmii) Chandlers, 23, Beach Street. (Established 1896.) HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF A VARIETY OF GOODS INCLUDING Sheehan’s Patent Filter AND Refrigerator Combined. Latest Charts of Penang Harbour, Bay of Bengal, Snmatra, and China Sea. Field’s Patent Parallel Rule AND Ebony Parallel Rides of
      205 words
    • 1784 2 s d. is s. ill ‘r p. NOTICE. MR. Adolf Tobler and Mr. Charles Sesonk arc authorized to sign our firm by procuration. SCHIFFMANN, HEER Co. Penang, 12th Oct., 1904 18-10-04 745 Notice. "'VT'JTE the undersigned l>eg to inform the V? public and our valued customers, that the price of
      1,784 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1852 3 I Co. Bsjiected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. 10 s.s. Nubia connecting with s.s. Moldavia 24 s.s. Bengal do h.s. Victoria Dec. 8 s.s. Malta do s.s. Himalaya Homewards. K,»v. 12 8.8. Coromandel do s.s. Oceana 2d «.8. Simla do s.s. Macedonia Dec. 10 8.8. Ch usan do s.s
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  • 83 4 Jqslire eatisfle* everybody, and }n*tice alone.— Rm*r «on Established June Ist, 1903. Pablinheil dally (except Sunday«O it Tni CRITERION PRESS, Ld„ No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang riUCE: DAII.T, l/X/'AI. «4 per auuutii OUTSTATIONB Postage Extra MAII. KIUTION (r<*t Kree) 15 CAHI.K A IMUIKSH Ec ho—Penan g.” Telephone
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  • Current Topics.
    • 349 4 The views of naval experts on the Tsar's precious armada are set forth in the Times, which says Considering that the armada cannot reach Japanese waters before Christinas; that Port Arthur will not be available that Vladivostok will be frozen up and that Russia has not a
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    • 362 4 Mu. E. F. Knight, special correspondent of the Morning Post, with General Kuioki’s Army, writes as follows concerning the care l>estowed on the Russian wounded by the Japanese:—ln many parts of the field we came on the Russian wounded remaining under the guard of Japanese soldiers until
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  • 1602 4 Discussion on the Water Supply. Important Resolution Carried Ratepayers’ Association to be Formed. PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED. A meeting of the ratepayers of Peuaug, convened by Dr. L >cke, Mr. Quali l>eug Kee aud Mr. Cheah Tek Thve, was held at the Chinese Town Hall last Saturday afternoon when
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  • 74 4 Over 3,000 Piculs in October. Our Ipol; correspondent has “good authority” for stating that the total output of the famous Tronoli Mines in Octolier will be well over 3,000 piculs. A powerful new pump w ill soon be in working order at the mines and greatly facilitate
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  • 191 4 A partt of residents, consisting of Messrs Cheah Hock Moh, Lim Hock Seang, Wong Soon Loy, Oon Kim Cheng. Cheah Seng Hean, Liew Klioon Siew, Yeoli Seang Wan, Oh Clioe Sim, Phooug Pin Seoug, Tan Tek Thye, Lee Boon Siew, Choy Weng Woou, Teh
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  • 702 4 Quit Bangkok correspondent, writing oil 20th inst., reports that the Royal Bangkok Sports Club held its annual general meeting on Wednesday evening (19th) at the Oriental Hotel. Some fifty members were present. Since the hour was 9 o'clock and everyone had dined, and a good many had
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 211 5 Manchuria. Another Russian Position Captured. (Echo Special.) Tokio, 31 Oct.—Field Marshal Oyama reports that a detachment of the Japanese right army attackec two battalions of Russians at Waitongshan, on the 27th instant, ant captured their position and two machine-guns. The enemy opened a cannonade on W r aitongshan
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  • 724 5 The North Sea Outrage The International Inquiry. The Echo’s News Coneikmeu. (<S iif>filieil by Reuter.) London, 20 Oct. —The Right Hoti A. J. Balfour, the Premier, speaking at Southampton, said that the matter of the North Sea outrage had been referred to an International Inquiry and that
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    • 35 5 Japanese Diplomat Attacked. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 31 Oct. —The New 5 ork Herald states that the Japanese Minister at Washington has developed symptoms of appendicitis and his condition is considered to be serious.
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    • 129 5 Essington's Ex-Owner Arrested. {Echo Special.) Singapore, 31 Oct. —A, W. Jackson, well known in the Straits as the ex-owner of the famous racehorse Essington, was arrested at the A del phi Hotel here on Saturday on a charge of alleged abetment of criminal breach of trust at Ipoli,
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    • 153 5 Successful Appeal to the High Commissioner. LI AH MIN RELEASED. J (Echo Special.) I Labuaii, 31 Oct.—Li Min, the Chinese workman who was fireil at and wounded by an officer of the British North Borneo Co., and was afterwards arrested and wrongfully put in gaol, has, as
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  • 416 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Rangoon, 21 Oct.—Our famous cify has I»een very quiet of late, and nothing out of the ordinary has happened fora long while. The principal topic for conversation has been the conflicting reports of the health of Lady Curzou. Every bulletin about her has been .anxiously
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  • 252 5 We regret to announce the death of Mrs, Hup Kent, which took place at her residence, Stewart Lane, on Saturday last at 8 p.m. Deceased was the mother of Messrs Yeap Tee Eng and Yeap Tee Khuan. and aunt of Messrs Ong Hun Chong
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  • 2047 5 A meeting of the Council was held on Friday last, 28th instant. His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g*, presided, and there were also present Hons, the Ag. Colonial Secretary, the Ag. Colonial Treasurer, the Auditor-General, the Ag. Attorney-General, the Colonial Engineer, the Ag. Resident-Councillor of Penaug,
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    • 241 5 EXTORTION, OR WHAT To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, —I reside almost on the outskirts of he town, but within Municipal limits. A leath occurred recently in my house, which •vent I duly reported at the nearest Police Station. In due course the Deputy Kcgisiar of Deaths viewed
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  • 54 5 Intrant —Per Pentakota,” from Rangoon, Mr. and Mrs. Craig, Mr. Christiansen and Mrs. Mitchell. Per P. Riuiau,” from Port Swetteuliam, Mr. Chew 800 Siong. Per“Ladv Weld.” from Teluk Anson, Raja Mansur, Mr. and Mrs. Venning. Mr. Thomas, Mr. M. Allen, Mr. H. Neefe, Mr. A. Stronach. Per Jin Ho,”
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 BICYCLES. w McAlister <& Co,, Ltd,
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    • 73 5 CUTLERY WlcfUister A Co.. Ltd, Notice. 'YTT'E the undersigned beg to inform the T public that we are prepared to supply bazaar requirements of the best quality daily at customers’ residences at moderate prices. Orders executed punctually. J. and D. WONG Brothers, 248, Penang Hoad, Penang. 1 wk 768 26-10-04
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1100 6 APENTA The best Natural Aperient Water. Bilious, Dyspeptic, Gouty, Constipated and Obese People Should always use APE NTA Of all Chemists and Druggists. HUTTENBACH Bros. Co., Sole Agents ¥AJNO’S PURE MILK, Sterilized. Absolutely free from germs of disease and fermentation. The only reliable Milk for Children and Invalids. To be
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  • 882 7 Russian Blushes for his Country.” Hemakkablf. Expose By A Russian Officer. The following extract from the letter of a Russian staff officer at the front, addresser! to a journalist who has distinguished himself by his Chauvinistic contributions to a St. Petersburg journal, appeared in a recent number
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1258 7 •H ft 3 S 0 3 01 H m CO U J EO CO N n"W z O H W Penang Hunt Club Graham Go., Ld., PROPOSES TO HOLD A GYMKHANA tv. ON WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 /ieach Street Penang. Wednesday, the 9th November, CO <* 0 6 'o* E sTßxns-s,
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    • 21 7 AGENTS FOR LLOYD’S National Bank of China, Limited. National Bank of India, Ltd. Insurance effected against all risks. Sandilands Buttery Co.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 724 8 Learn to Deal with us for Cash and You will See the Advantage! For Good Goods attract Good Business. There’s the Profit of Satisfaction and the Satisfaction of Profit. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW l Go., PENANG OFFER GOOD VALUE FOR CASH. NEW SHIPMENTS JUST RECEIVED I And Expected during month of November,
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