Straits Echo, 15 October 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 37 1 M AKKIAGES. On IMli Sept., at the American Consulate. Yokohama. <). H. Halm, of Kobe, to Eltou Ogden. of Kobe. On Jutli at Eaton-.square. London. H. T. .Melhold to Sybil Mary Antrobus. daughter of R. Antrobus.
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  • 42 1 P”,,r Week ending Friday, Oct. 21, 1904. a.M. p.M. Saturday, loth 5. 525 Smidav, 1 tit h 5.50 6.15 .Monday, 17th 640 7.05 Tuesday, 18th 7.30 755 Wednesday, 19th... 8.20 8.45 Tlim'sd:iv.‘ 20th 9.10 9.35 Friday, 21st 10.— 10 25
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  • 24 1 IVI.A V. 7th Day, 9lh Moon. Town iiaud, Coif Club, 5-30 p.m. 1 0-MoltK<"V. Bth Day, 9lii Moon. Chuivli Services, seo page 5.
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  • 54 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. M I a A 1.1 >n. iIIOIKIV AKI»S. Ihtmiit Oct Bengal lo Oct Nubia IO b'-»c Malta JI/ 1 Mr.; Service. IjOTW AH le». j 10.11 KIV AK US. Ceylon IS Oct J‘>j an 22 Oct Caudia I Nov Ma'acea o Nov Koi piu lu
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  • 1476 1 Li AO\ AND ON THE Day OF OCCUPATION. GHASTLY SCENES ON THE BATTLEFIELD. The Mainichi correspondent with the Second Army Corps under General Oku thus describes the scene at Liaoyang immediately alter its capture bv I the Japanese 44 I was in Liaoyang on the very day of
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  • Money Market.
    • 124 1 Penang, 15th October. (By courtesy of the Charlcre l Bonk.) liondon Demand Bank ...1/11 4 months’ sigbt Bank ...1/11 3 Credit ...1/11 7 6 3 Documentary 1 /11A Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 143 A 3 days’ sight Private 1454 Bombay. Demand Bank 143 A 3 days’ sight Private 1451
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    • 183 1 I'ersawaliGold Mine Co.. Lfi. 14.50 sellers Raul* Australian Golfi Mining Co., Lfi 6 sell erg Re«lj:mg Lel*ong CLfifi .Mining Co., Lfi 195 KafianaGolfi Mill ingOo„Lt.|. (fully paifi) 10.— n«m. Bruseii Tin Mining Co.. Lfi. 3.50 tellers Clieufiarinng Hydraulic Tin Mining Co.. Lfi. 10.— no in. Karaugan Tiu Mining Co.
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    • 174 1 L’m... 5 77.50 Gold leaf 79. B. Pepper \V. Coast. 31b5.50/.)s 24.—buyers White Pepper 36. —sellers Trang Pepper out of season Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 110 —sellers Mace Pickings 82. sellers Nutmegs llOs 40. —buyers f No. 1 6.00 nam Sugar 2 no stock. Basket 4.3 s—sales
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  • Shipping.
    • 59 1 Petuet,, Br. s.s. 124, Reid, 14th Oct., Brandau, 13th Oct, Gen.,—K. G. Co. A Apcak, Ur. s.B. 2,931, Fey, 14th Oct., Calcutta, 9th Oct., Gen.',—A. A. A. A Co. Nevasa, Br. s.s. 1,945, Hirst, 14th Oct., Rangoon, 10th Oct., Geu., —H, L. A Co. Kistna, Br. 8.8. 527, Addenbroke,
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    • 97 1 15th October. Ho Kivei, for Deli. Malaya, for Deli. Petrel, for Langkat A Pangkalan jßrandan. Hole C/iuan Un, for Data Bahra A Abakan. Mary Austin, for Port Swetteuhain. Langkat, for Telnk Anson. Un Peng, for Perl is and Set ill. Ulian Tai, for Perils and Setul. Kistna, for Port
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    • 19 1 A. Apcak, Br. s.s. 2,931, Fev. IMh Oct., Calcutta, 9th Oct., Gen., —A. A. A. A Co
      19 words
    • 51 1 V. .'.IlT- L_; I'tOili.. Dh* ilont» Beo Singapore K.G.Co. Kith Oct. Glen><»le Sintra pore H.L.&Co. Kith Palanieotta Uan*roon H.L.ACo. 17th Unity [Unity S.T.ACo. 17th Ceylon Ceylon Monmouth-! I*. AO. 18th shire London r»,ACo. 19th G. A pear Calcutta A.A A.Co. 21st iieninohr jCondon S.B.ACo. 21st Glen turret, London li.&Co.
      51 words
    • 50 1 IVcs-^/k Fo’ .t leaves Glenogle Rangoon H.L.&Co. 17th Oct. Palamcotta P. S’ham H.L.&Co 17th Hong Bee Singapore K.G.Co. 18th Ceylon Singapore P.&Co. Unitv Rangoon ST.&Co. 19th Monmouthshire Singapore B.&Co. 20th G. Apcar Singapore A. A. A.Co. 21st Ben moh r Singa pore S. B.&Co. 21st Glenturret Singapore B.&Co. 27th
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    • 68 1 For Singapore Sc Hongkong —Per A. A/tear, 17th instant, 2 p.m. Deli—Per Hebe. 17tJi instant, 2 Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, OlehleL and Pulo Well. —Per Malm Vajirunhis, 17th instant, 3 p.m. Port Swetteuliam, Port Dickson and Malacca—Per Pulo Iliman, 18th instant, 1 p.m Langkat—Per Jin 110, 18th
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    • 37 1 In tend —Per Kistua,”|ffroin r Siugapore, Messrs Mainote, A, Loudon, Khoo Hock Cheng, A. H. Alston, Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Bellman, Mr. and Mrs. PertilJe, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. McArthur, M iss McArthur.
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    • 26 1 i First Quarter... Oct. 10th, 12.49 a.m. O Full Moon 24th, 5.1 p.m. Last Quarter 31st, 3.1 p.m <) New Moon ...Nov. 7th 9.25 p.m
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 313 1 A. E. SKEELS. P WHISKIES. DAVID BROWN Co., Logan'» Building*. Estate Agents Auditors. Undertake Sales In' Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and Stock, Agents, Yarrow Hill Nursery, and Fruit Farm. 1'"!' the supply of Seeds and Seedlings •'1 Cocojuiuts, Mangosteens and Fruits of ‘l° every description.
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    • 255 1 NOTICE. \N the 4lh September, 1904, Latitude U 20° .8' N. Long. 113° 4-5' E., tb« blaster of the s.s. Hop Sang from Hongkong to Singapore picked up a couical shaped Red Buov. The Buoy appears, as reported by the Master of the s.s. Hop Sang, to be a cnanucl
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    • 13 1 A. E. SKEELS. f Vi LAGER BEER. BORDEN’S PEERLESS CREAM Sandilands. Buttery Co.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 34 1 WEATHER. I nK I' >1 low lno report is kiihil» »Ul>pn»*«t hi Mu- i Mrrei or •>(' |>'ot i 'ornwaliis 1 lie lamiall thmno the 4- hour* einh*«l 1' to-<lay was 2 45 inches.
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  • 56 1 Dkaths. On -JSI h Sept., at Shanghai. Jans Carl Rosenliorg Sorensen, third engineer of the Cable Steamer. Store Nordiske aged 26. On Sept 19tli at 7!*. Hollaml-road. Kensinglon. R I’addav. late of Singapore, aged 70. On Sept.. 1 Sth. at Maison Mereier, Lausanne Anna Maria, widow of tlie late John
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  • 1370 2 Java. Mu. Alleyue Ireland, continuing his Studies of Tropical Administration” in The Times, makes the following observations respecting Java Under the Company:— One of the most striking characteristics of Dutch colonial enterprise is the entire absence, throughout almost the whole range of Dutch colonial history, of any spirit
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  • 1028 2 PROPOSED PROGRAMME FOR THE 1905 Meeting. 14th 16th and 18th February. FIRST DAY. 1.—The Maiden Plate 2-30 p.mValne SHOO out of which 8100 goes to Second horse.—A race for all Maidens. Weight per scale flOst.) with an allowance of 14 lbs. to all S. R. A. ex-Griffius.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 21 2 BTKAKNS’ 11, V V NK is P ,CM, n* to take. aiMl !*'«‘Vl-litin- coii”lis I i IhiiMn U j, au«l Mieii”tlioiii,
      21 words
    • 287 2 Don’t wait until you catch cold, but begin now with Stearns' Wine in moderate doses to build up and strengthen the body. NOTICE. REQUIRED the present address of Mrs. Edith May RAE, wife of E. A. Rag, late of the Perak Railway Service, or if dead the date and place
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    • 493 2 .-r 2® NOTICE. Consulate for the Netherlands. ITP to Mondav, tlie 12th of December, 1904, at 10 a.m., tenders will be received at the office of llis Excellency the Governor of Aclieen and Dependencies at Koeta-Radja for the Farm having the exclusive right to retail and to manufacture spirits in
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    • 554 2 TO LET. 1 OEDFOIil) HOUSE, 15, Scot,luml lioad X) Entrance November 1st. Apply to E. L. MILES, 1 Huttenbach Bros. <€- Co 12-10-04 1 wk 728 NOTICE. Favoured with instructions the undersigned 1 will sell BY PUBLIC AUCTION (unless previously disposed of) At The Mart" 60 Weld's Hill Estate Road
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    • 703 2 8 Limestone Lime! mHOSE requiring limestone Lime are JL requested to kindly write for terms etc. to The Padang Rengas Lime Manufacturers’ Agency, 424, Penang Ror.d, Penang. 23-9-04 67« NOTICE. MY wife Lim Si bw Ykn having left mv protection, T shall not hold myself responsible for auv debts contracted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1717 3 1» AH P.&O. I a: UP i I. Co. Oct. N<>v, Oct. Nov. Expected arrical and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. s.s. Simla connecting'with 27 8.8. Chusan do |o 8.8. Nubia do 24 s.8. Bengal do Homewards. 15 s.8. Bengal do 2!* s.8. Malta do 12 s.8. Coromandel do do 2<*
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  • 87 4 «r- A Justice satisfies everybody, and tnotice alone.—Etnevso»» Established June Ist, 1903. Pablielted daily (except Himd >y>.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-23*2, Be;icli Street, Penang. PIUCE DAII.T, 1.00 I $24 per aunnin OUTSTATIONB Postage Extra MAIL EDITION (Post Free) IS CAULK ADDRESS: E c li
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  • 679 4 In Sight at Last! A Straits Medical College at last in sight! This is the only possible reading of yesterday’s special from our Singapore correspondent stating that the Hon. Tan Jiak Kim, the well-known and universally-respected Chinese member of the Legislative Council, had issued a circular requesting
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  • 772 4 While Peuangites are talking and expostulating and Penang Editors are engaged in wading through voluminous reports, piles of letters, and various authorities bearing on the water supply, other Eastern cities are up and doing. We recorded the fact the other day that the Rangoon Municipality is engaged
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  • 1247 4 That the thermometer is down to 76 Tint this cold snap reminds us of old times at home. That we only require a consignment of snow to complete the severest winter” iu the memory of the oldest resident. That the water questiou is still unsolved. That our patience is
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  • 48 4 Intkkuobt Riei.k Match. This year's Interport Rifle Match lias resulted in a win for the Sister Settlement. The scores are:— Singapore «jjji Hongkong Shanghai ‘>oB 1 enaug shoot abandoned on account of rain. Singapore, although tying with Hongkong, wius on the score for the 600 yards range.
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  • 408 4 Ihe funeral of the late Mr.TauKim Keng, whose sad demise was reported in these columns about a mouth ago, took place at noon to-day at the Batu Lancliang Cemeteiv. Ihe mournful procession started from the residence of the deceased in China Street and was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 799 5 Another Great Victory Russians Routed. Japanese Capture over 760 Guns. (l 'rom (hir Own Correx/xnulmt.) London, 14 October (4-05 pm.) —Mv St. Petersburg correspondent wires that unofficial reports are circulating in the Russian capital to the effect that General Kuropatkin’s losses in the attack on bis right flank
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    • 88 5 No Serious Consequences Anticipated. (Snjtplied by Renter.) London, 14 Oct. —The motor car accident in which H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught was injured, was due to a collision. The Duke was accompanied by Major Murray and was thrown out of the car. It is
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    • 55 5 More Trouble Brewing. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 15 Oct. —Hendrik Witboi, the most influential of the Hottentot chiefs in Damaraland, who has hitherto been ostensibly loyal, lias declared war on the Germans. It is expected that the bulk of the Hottentots will now join die Hereros
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    • 37 5 Middle Park Plate Reuter wires the result of the Middle Park Plate of £2,265 (for two-year-olds), Bretly Stakes course (6 furlongs), at Newmarket as follows: —Jardy first; Sliajehan and Signorino, dead heat for second place.
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    • 53 5 British Warship to the Rescue. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 15 Oct. —H. M. Sloop Kspiegle, 1,0/0 tons, (3 guns, leaves here to-day to visit the cooiies left by the ill-fated steamer Swanley on one of the Xatuna Islands. [Presumably Ihe Espiegle is carrying provisions to these uufortuuate
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    • 794 5 (From Our. Own Correspondent.) Ipoli, 13 Oct. —The output of the Tronoh M ines, Ltd-, from Ist tq 10th inst., was 1,078 piculs and 52 catties, valued at $40,441.07. Me. W. F. Monvpenny, late editor of the Johannesburg Star, has undertaken the task of editing The Life
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  • 193 5 Bowers-Smith—Pluinpton. Our Singapore correspondent informs us by telegraph that the wedding of Mr. A. B. Smith and Miss Pluinpton was celebrated at St. Andrew’s Cathedral,Singapore, vesterdav afternoon. The bride was given awav by her brother, Mr. M. E. Pluinpton, the wellknown Penang cricketer, footballer and tennis player, and the
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  • 631 5 Another Letter by Sir R. Lethbridge. Sir Roper Lethbridge writes to the Western Daily Mercury I have much pleasure iu replying to the courteous inquiry of your correspondent who asks me whether it is not a fact that the Federated Malay States are to all intents aud purposes British.”
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  • 92 5 First Sitting or Arbitration Court. The Hague, 17 Sept.—The first sitting of the Arbitration Court ou ihe question of the Japanese house tax, in which the parties are Japan ou the one baud aud Great Britain, France, and Germauy ou the other, will be held here on
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  • 1291 5 By a Former Straits Resident. j Second Instalment. t (Echo Special W e give below another portion of the interesting article —the first instalment of which appeared in our columns yesterday on a trip to the .Gold Coast of Africa bv a former Straits
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  • 171 5 20th Sunday After Trinity. St. George's Church (Church of England) 8 a.ui. Matins (Choral). 8-30 a.ui Holy Communion (Plain). 5 p.m. Sunday School, b p.m. Evensong and Sermon.—Rev. H. C. Henliam, Act. Col. Chaplain. Presbyterian Church (Northam Road). I 6 Class and Sunday School, o p.m.— Rev.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1636 6 Taik Chee Co. (ESTABLISHED 1890.) 18, 28 34, Church Street, Penang. Ship Chandlers, Mining and Engineering Storekeepers and Aerated Water Requisites. JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT. Inspection Invited. Mosquito Netting Mosquito Blinds Window Blinds in Green and Yellow Coloured or Iron Wire. Specially for Bungalow, Restbouse and jungle requisitions. Also Brass
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  • 837 7 Funeral of the Late Wor. Bro. Lawrence Mallory. We take the following report from the Hongkong Morning Post (mail edition) of Ist Oct,: The funeral of the late Wor. Pro. Lawrence Mallory, elected Deputy Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Scottish Freemasonry in Hongkong and South China,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 583 7 m 03 H J EO 03 03 03 J o 133 Fs^m o H w S&4U.Y SElt$ K5l p ORE»PDlMlS cc S <1 j jw B o s 91 H sft i trade MARK DUNVILLE’S Special Old Scotch Whiskjf Glasgow, Scotland d a p < M* CHUBB’S SAFES. (D 03
      583 words
    • 61 7 STEARNS’ WINE strengthens the resistence to disease of ilio lungs and air passages. It soothes and heals. American Dentistry, Jno. RABE, D.D.S. Temporary Office, “RUNNYMEDE,” NORTHAM ROAD, Hours 9 a.m. to I p.m. WANTED —Permanent Cool Office Rooms or House, with good Northern Light, furnished or unfurnished. 20-9-04 3 ms
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1620 8 WH1TEAWAY, LAIPLAW Co., PENANG. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS AT SPECIAL PRICES. The Thunderer. Hudson’s Patent, the whistle of the future. Length If ins. Prick 65 CtS. Each. English Leather Rug Straps. Strong Serviceable Strap with Sewn Leather Handles. Sizes 42, 54, 66 ins. long. Price 81.00, 1 60, 1.95 each pair. Superior
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