Straits Echo, 10 October 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 39 1 Fur Week ending Sunday, Oct. 16, 1904. a.m. p.M. Monday, 10th —.50 1.15 Tuesday, lltli 1.40 205 Wednesday, 12th... 2.30 2.55 Thursday, 13th 3.20 3.45 Friday, 14th 4.10 4.35 Saturday, 15th s.—■ 5.25 Sunday, 16th 5.50 6.15
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  • 18 1 To-i>ay. 2ii*l Day, 9th Moon. Town Hand, Golf Club, 5-30 p in. To-morrow. 3rd Day, Dili Moon.
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  • 25 1 0 New Moon ...Oct. Dili. 12.2 J am. First Quarter... 16th. 12.49 am. O lull Moon 24th, 5.1 p.m. bast Quarter 31st, 3.1p.m.
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  • 52 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. I her W A It l *s. 11 M KW A RI *s. Simla Oct I Bengal la Oct Chnsan 27 i Malta '2O l.xtra Service. < »1 IWAKIIS. 11 nil KW KI»S. Ceylon IS Oct Co ml ia I Nov Jui>au 22 lor partleuiars
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  • 391 1 Reticence of the Russian War Office. The French correspondents in St I Petersburg are apparently convinced that the Russian authorities are purposely withholding the news of the fighting at Liaoyang. M. Marcel Hutin, of the Echo de Paris, makes a vigorous protest against their treatment. He says that
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  • 1113 1 General Kuropatkin writes ou the 3rd Last night the enemy attacked and seized most of the positions occupied by our troops at Sykwantun. Those of our troops which held these positions retired on the positions held by the rearguard between the villages of Siiaiisuntun and
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  • Money Market.
    • 118 1 Penang, 10th October (By courtesy ot the Chartered /tank.) fxmdon Demand Bank ...1/11 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 11! 3 Credit ...i/ll 7 e 3 Documentary ...1/1 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 143 3 days’ sight Private 145 Bombay, Demand Bank 143 3 days’ sight Private 145 Madras, Demand Bank
      118 words
    • 208 1 HerwwaliOoltl Mine C<»., M. 1450 sellers Ihiuh Auslrali.m (joltI Min. ii*ix Co.. M 4 G. sellers Italjung f<clx>ng (}<>U1 Mining (jo., Ld 195— Kailaiia CJoM Mining (fully j*ai<l) 10.— u<UH IJrilsoli Till Milling Co.. 3.50 sellers CliOii'limiiiu' 1 f vi! i'a ulio Till Minim; Co.. Ld 4 10.—
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    • 159 1 I’iii i 77.25 buyers Gold leaf 79. B. Pepper( \V. Coast 31b5.50/..)$ 24 .^-buyers White Pepper S 36. —sellers Trang Pepper out of season Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 110 —sellers Mace Pickings 82. sellers Nutmegs 110 s 46. —buyers No. 1 6.60 nam Sugar 2 no stock.
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  • Shipping.
    • 119 1 Pegu, Br. s.s. 204, Conway, Bth Oct., Aeheeu, 7th Oct., Gen',—Ban Ho Hin. P. Rimau, Br. s.s. 207, Nielsen, oth Oct., Port Swettenhani, Bth Oct., Gen H. L. Co. Austria, Aus. s.s. 4870, Calledan, 9th Oct., Kobe, 12ml Sept., Gen,,—S. K. Co. Janet Nicoll, Br. s.s. 474, Crichton, 0t
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    • 75 1 10th October. Tony Chay Un, for Batu Ba lira and Asa ban. Taw Tony, for Asahau and Batu Bahra. Petrel, for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan Malay», for Deli. Hole (Jit van l o, for Batu Bahra and Asalian. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Austria, for Calcutta. hum Sony,
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    • 93 1 Ho Kwki, Br. s.s. 209, Russell, 9th Oct., Deli. Bth Oct., Gen —H. L. A Co. Janet Nicoll, Br. s.s. 474, Crichton, 9th Oct., Moulmein, sth Oct., Gen.,—K. G. Co. Lady Weld, Br. s.s. 215, Treweeke, 9th Oct., 'l'. Anson, Bth Oct., Gen., Straits S. S. Co. Pegu,
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    • 33 1 1 *•**•*!> r'rnm Aijrttt* Due J. Nicoll Moulmeiii lv.G.Co. lOtli Oct C. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 18th A. A^tcar Calcutta A.A.A .Co. 14th (1. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 21st Benuiolir Loudon S.B.&Co. 21st
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    • 41 1 f e*»el> 1 b'O! A J flit -1 Leaves J. Nicoll 1 Moulineiu K.G.Co. lltli Oct A. Apcar Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 13th A. Apcar Singapore A.A.A.Co. 14th Ct. Apcar Singapore j A. A. A.Co. 21«t Beuniolir Singapore S.B.&Co. 21st
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    • 81 1 For Deli—Per Ho Kwei,” to-morrow, noon. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca—Per Pulo Riuiau,” to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lady Weld,” tomorrow, 3 p.m. Langkat—Per Jin Ho,” on 13th inst., 1 p.m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleli—Per Pegu,” to-morrow, 2 p.m Port Swettenham, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore—Per
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 338 1 A. C. SKEELS. A WHISKIES. THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED lIY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. undersigned having I>een appointed 1 Agents for tlie above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and KIRK risks at current rates. PATERSON, SIMONS Co Dr. W. MANSON. DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate Consultation Free. RESIDING
      338 words
    • 23 1 STEARNS’ WINE, is very palatable. An excellent tonic for children, especially if they are pale and thin. Do not delay. Must be Stearns.’
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    • 58 1 IF YOU EASILY CATCH COLD, your system is lacking in vitality, you need a tonic, Stearns' Wine. BURN Co., Ltd., Electrical Engineers, PENANG. Show Rooms Logan's Buildings. ARE now prepared to undertake all kinds of electrical work at the shortest notice. All work tfane by fully competent men under European
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    • 45 1 STEARNS’ WINE, after influenza and pneumonia. An ideal reconstructive tonic that gives immediate benefit. Increases weight, renews strength. NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on Bromide paper. W. JONES, King Street Penang. Photographer. 36c
      45 words
    • 44 1 A. E. SKEELS. f •s, ■s LAGER BEER. American Dentistry, Jno. RABE, D. D. S. Temporary Office, “RUNNYMEDE,” NORTHAM ROAD, Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. WANTED :—Perwaueut Cool Office Rooms or House, with good Northern Light, furnished or unfurnished. 20-9-04 S ms 602
      44 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 30 1 WEATHER. 1 UK tollmvills' rejH'lt IS kill'll» sil|i|>llt*<i 1»» ill*» Siyiiiii i»r Knii OnrinvaiiiH I'liv liiinliill <iiii ini' ilii» '2 k iiours ended it ’.I a.hi. to-dav was 1.65 inches.
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  • 662 2 Thk Lori) Mayor Cannot Give Any Reason.” (tit. Janie*'* Gazette, 14 Sept.) I>ramatic in its suddenness, the cancellation of the wedding of the Lord Mayor’s daughter, who was to have been married this afternoon to Mr. John A. C. McCalmau, of the Egyptian Irrigation Service, has created
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  • 377 2 Aoain the Government expert has stepped to the fore to dash to the ground our preconceived ideas of things, says the Manila Cablenews. This time it is with reference to milk. A contaminated milk supply is one of the most prolific causes of disease in the cities of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 130 2 FOR THE COUGH OF INFLUENZA. Stearns’ Wine is the reliable prompt remedy. It. soot lies aixl heals the air passages. St rants’ Wit»‘. 1 he Penang Khean Guan Insurance Company, Ltd. NOTICE is hereby given that the Nineteenth Annual General Meeting ot I lie Shareholdei s of this Compnnv will
      130 words
    • 485 2 Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. Hongkong, Singapore, Shanghai, etc. We are now Exhibiting at the Establishment of Messrs C. S. SENG Co., BEACH STREET, PENANG, The Apolloette. ryHE cheapest ami best little Piano Player A made. For brilliancy of execution and perfection of expression it equals any device of the kind
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    • 2355 2 NOTICE. To TitE Members of The Chinese Widows Orphans Institution, PERAK. I BEG to inform you with much regret the death of Messrs Chan lleang Tuck, a member, and Soo Hono Lore, Hon. Secretary of the Institution, on the 28th September at Teluk Anson and 2nd October at Ipoh. CHEAH
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1998 3 TA& f§ 8. N. Co. Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Oct. Outwards. 13 s.s. Simla connecting with 8.8. Macedonia 27 s.B. Chusan <lo Nov. 10 8.8. Nubia do 24 8.8. Bengal do Homewards. 8.8. China s.s. Moldavia 8.8. Victoria r Norddentscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. INTENDED SAILINGS.
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  • 80 4 Joetlce everybody, and .Jn»tiee alone.—Knierao*» Established June Ist, 1903. PnbliKhed daily (except Hnnday*.) AT TH CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226—232, I3eacli Street, Penang. PRICK: UAII.Y, LOCAL S2t per an»»»' OUTBTATIONS Postage Kxtra MAIL KIUTION (Poet Kiee) IS CAKI.K AIMMtKSS; E c h o—P e n a n
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  • 1110 4 From the inception of the Echo our I readers have become familiarised with I the standing heading Postal Delays,” and we intend that they shall continue to be so familiarised until every muchneeded and reasonable reform in the postal administration of the Straits I and the States shall
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  • 72 4 Provision for Great Public Works in Pulau Pinang. Provision is made in the 1905 Budget for tlit» following important works in Penang:—New Tugs, Dredger and Barges, 50.000 two Goods Sheds on site of Reclamation North of Pier. §77,000 Sungei Pinang Reclamation. §50,000; Indian Immigration Depot Sdd.ttOO; completion of
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  • Current Topics.
    • 157 4 Our London correspondent hears that there is some apprehension as to the financial future of the all-British cable across the Pacific. The co-partners of this Imperial undertaking are the home Government, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. So far the results from a financial point of view have been
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    • 239 4 Another strong protest is raised in some quarters against the restrictions placed by the Japanese upon the attaches and Correspondents accompanying their armies, says the Liverp<x>l Post. These restrictions have been irksome from the very first, and have successfully prevented the prompt transmission of important news from
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  • 25 4 The Penang Team will shoot on Thursday morning, if tine. There will be practice both morning and evening on Tuesday and Wednesday.
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  • 119 4 News comes from Kuala Kubu to the effect that an employee of Messrs J. A. Allapitchay and Co. Ims done a moonlight flit with about a thousand dollars of the firm’s money. It is alleged that the erring one was entrusted by the Manager of the Company
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  • 581 4 Some Interesting Statistics. In view of the interest which is now being taken in the emigration of eoolies from various ports of China it may be worth while to give a short resume of the movements of some of the Chinese during the past year. From Amoy no
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  • 46 4 A pa perch ABE has lieen arranged for Thursday, 13th inst. Meet at the” I)ato Kram at Gardens at sp. m. and finish at A ver Rajah House.” ’The Memliers of the Mess will be at Horn» to the Hunt Club and friends.
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  • 43 4 Two cases of suspected bubonic plague are reported from the British cruiser Astrcea which returned to port this morning to land them. The men were removed to the general hospital. The Astnea arrived here last week from Hongkong via Singapore.
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  • 742 4 The Board of Trade and Colonial Office are thinking of having a joint conference with a view to increasing the usefulness of the Imperial Institute. The main idea is to appoint additional experts to the permanent staff of the Institute who will lie required to examine closely
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 530 5 Britain and Mediation. Statement by Lansdowne {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 8 Oct.—Lord Lansdowne, Minister for Foreign Affairs, replying to a correspondent, states that, neither of the belligerents having expressed a desire for mediation, His Majesty’s Government does not consider that it can advantageously appeal to Russia and Japan
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    • 45 5 Duke of York Stakes. Reuter wires that the result of the running for the Duke of York •Stakes (£2000; handicap ;1} miles Jubilee course) last Saturday was: Lord Carnarvon’s Robert le Liable 1 Mr- George Faber’s Permoyle 2; and Flower Girl 3.
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    • 76 5 Polly’s Colours Lowered at Last. A Reuter message received to-day gives the result of the Paris Prix Conseil Municipal (1 miles £4,000), f i oni which w r e tind that Major Kustace Loder's famous filly Pretty Polly has at last sustained defeat and that too at
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    • 34 5 {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10 Oct.—The strike at Marseilles appears to be collapsing, as five thousand dockers were working on Saturday and several steamers were able to sail with full cargoes.
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    • 57 5 {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10 Oct.—Rear-Admiral the Hon. Hedworth Lambton, c.v.0., C’.n., has been appointed to the command of i lie cruiser division of the Mediterranean squadron in succession to Rear-Admiral Sir Baldwin W. Walker, c.v.0., c.m u. l An identical item of news was wired l>v Reuter on
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    • 45 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10 Oct.—-Mr. Harry Marks has been elected as Conservative Member of Parliament for the Isle of Tlianet [The vacancy was created by the death of the Right HOll. James Loyvther, Conservative, who had represented it since 1888. —Ed., B.E.]
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    • 223 5 Statement by Portuguese Minister of Marine. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 8 Oct. —The Portuguese Minister of Marine,in makinga statement in the Camara dos Deputados on the recent disaster in the Mossamedes district of Angola (whereby a Portuguese detachment of 499 men was surprised on crossing
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    • 41 5 Condition Extremely Critical. {Suj)plied by Reuter.) London, 8 Oct.—The deepest anxiety prevails at Waltuer Castle at the serious turn of Lady Curzon s illness, and at eleven o’clock last night her condition was stated to be still extremely grave.
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    • 33 5 Hague to Arbitrate Next Month. {Supplied by lieuter.) London, 10 Oct.—A meeting of The Hague Tribunal, whereat the Japanese house-tax question will be argued, has been convened for the 21st prox.
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  • 328 5 The Russo-Japanese War. i {lndian Daily News Service.) London, 18th Sept.—The strength of the garrison at Port Arthur, exclusive of sailors, is stated at 34,000. The sick and wounded number 20,000. Reports from Chefoo state that the Japanese signalised the completion of their siege works
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  • 115 5 At a recent sale in Loudon, a parcel of rubber from Kamuuing Estate, Sungei Siput, Perak, fefehed 5/ 7| per lb., while “scrap” and “inferior scrap” from the same estate realised 4 6d aud 3 8d per lb. respectively. The rubl*er yvas described in the broker’s report as
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  • 180 5 I am enabled to state 011 the highest authority, says the St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Express, that any attempt at intervention on the part of a foreign Power will be met by a distinct snub on the part of Russia. The Tsar is determined to
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  • 893 5 The 1905 Estimates. Full Text of the Governor’s Address. Following are extracts from the full text of the observations made bv His Excellency Sir John Anderson at the meeting the Legislative Council last Friday” telegraphic summary of which appeared in our last issue:— On the first occasion on
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  • 592 5 A Classical Treat. It is so rarely that Peiiangites havi >• such an excellent opportunity of hearing 1 really first-class music as that provided at Madame Bassett’s concert on Saturday evenr ing that the attendance of the general public was, to say the least, a trifle disl
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  • 221 5 Sabang Bay. The free exportation of Straits dollars is expected to work against the quick development of Sabang, by facilitating the Straits Settlements trade with Deli and Acheen. The Netherlands India Government, says the Deli Courant, cannot counteract this by forbidding dollar-importation, until it finds means to
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  • 119 5 Inward —Per “Ho Kwei,” from Deli, Mr. G. Reymer, Miss Scully and Mr. Lee Pee Sang. Per Lady Weld,” from Teluk Anson, Mr. and Mrs. Martin. It is stated that, on his return to India, Lord Cur/on of Kedleston is to create a Council of Defence for India something
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  • 400 5 Peacock’s XI vs Bkadbery's XI. M With fine weather prevailing and the wicket in first-rate condition, this match was played on the Esplanade last Saturday afternoon and resulted in a victory for Bradberv’s team by lb runs. The play was over in less than an hour, the wickets falling
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  • 290 5 Tsar To His New Heir. Look here, you bawling* little brat, Yon wble-eved, sleepless, puling mite, You'd better drop the notion that 111 walk 1 lie floor with you all night. 011 needn t grin at me and wink, Yon jeering, sneering, little pest You're wrong, you nuisance, if
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1826 6 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. Telephone No. 321 HAVING JUST RECEIVED Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine is now prepared to undertake promptly repairs of old rubber-tyred wheels repairs which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Nos. 178, 180 182 Penang Road, PENANG. Established 1875. For Sale Carriages. pecial attention to
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  • 273 7 From first to last I have seen a lot of she Chinese Regiment, writes a British officer in the Far Fast to St. James's Gazette, anti, with an eye to the future, they provide one witli a striking illustration of the military capacity uf the Chinese
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  • 327 7 Thus the Amsterdam correspondent of the L. and C. Express under date of 14th Sept:—The Queen and the Prince Consort on 19th inst. will come to The Hague for the opening of the combined sitting of the States-General on Tuesday, 20th inst., when the political campaign w
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  • 453 7 This is the age of research and experiment, when all nature, so to speak, is ransacked by the scientific for the comfort and happiness of man. Science lias indeed made giant strides during the past century, and among the —by no means least important—discoveries in medicine comes
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 825 7 CO 2 H O J H Es m b* d O CO ft \%JALLY Sl\&f <£*bro?.uiH N^OREoPENM®/ ts CO CO < J (D o 09 u EW 13-0-04 X O >■* T«AOE MARK o cc DUNVILLES Special Old Scotch Whisk» «< SJ •N Du s, 3 J so Glasgow. Scotland
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1317 8 AN OPPORTUNITY. To Secure a Good Reliable PIPE, Cheap. NEW STOCK JIJST TO HAND. The “Smooth Bowl” Briar Root Pipe. Mouthpiece being slightly bent, with White Mouthpiece, manufactured by B.B.B.” Price 81.60 each. Cherry Wood Pipes. Assorted Bone Mouthpiece. Length 10 inches. Price 81.60 each. Cherry Wood Pipes with Horn
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