Straits Echo, 28 September 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 34 1 Births. ON 12th September, at Hermitage,’* Kokine. Burma, the wife of J. S. Walker, of a son. On 13th September at Byfleet. Surrey, the wife of Sir Hu,i'll Barnes, of a son.
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  • 41 1 Jon Week eii.liii!» Monday, Sept, 4, 1904. AM. P.M. Wediiesda v. 28 tli... 2.50 3.15 Tlmrsdav. 29tli 3.40 4.50 Friday, 30th 4.30 4.55 .Saturday. Ist 5.20 5.45 Sunday, 2nd 6.10 6.25 Monday, 3rd 7. 7.25 Tuesday, 4th 7.50 8.15
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  • 24 1 J’o-i»a v. )9tli Hay, Sili Moon. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. To- MORROW. 20th Day, Bth Moon. Town Baud, Golf Club, 5-30 p.ui.
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  • 26 1 l/ithl Quarter Oct. 2nd, 3.46 a.m. New Moon JJtli. 11.45 am. t Flint Quarter... 1 (itli. 4.47 a.m. O Kull Moon 24tli. 4.8 p.m.
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  • 38 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OllT'VAHliH. llitMKWAKIlii. Coromandel 20 Seyt Naina l (Jet Simla HI Oct j Banjul lit iixtra Service. < lllTWAKt»». llotlKWAkl)». lianca l Oct Forworn S Oct Ceylon IS Jo jam 22 K«u particular* .Sw Page •>.
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  • 2118 1 “The Times” on Wireless f Telegraphy. 'V IRELE88 telegraphy will never be permitted to private individuals for the purpose of war correspondence. This seems to be the moral of the highly interesting narrative published in The Times of the recent attempt of one of its special correspondents to
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  • Money Market.
    • 122 1 Penang, 28th September (By courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank 1 /10] 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/11 e 3 Credit 1/1 lg 3 Documentary 1 /11 Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 143 3 days’ sight Private 145 Bombay, Demand Bank 143 3 days’ sight Private 145 Madras, Demand
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    • 200 1 Bcr.sawali Gold Mine Co.. I*l. 5 15. —sellers Raub Australian Gold Mining Co.. fi«l 6. sellers Bedjatig lading Gold Mining Co., bo $192.50 sales KadanaGoid M tiling Co,, I it,4. (fllllv }«iid) 19.— man. Rrnseb Tin Mining Co., I*l.'f 3.50 sellers Clienduriuitg M.dranlic Tin M ining Co., i.d I<>.—
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    • 177 1 I'm 77. Gold leaf 79. B. Pepper VV. Coast 31b5.50i.)$ 24. —buffers White Pepper 36. —sellers Trang Pepper out of season Gloves (picked) out uf season Mace 90 —sellers Mace Pickings 81. —sales Nutmegs 11 Os 51. —sales No. 1 6 60 ua m Sugar 2 no stock. Basket
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  • Shipping.
    • 76 1 I akuba, Br. s.s. 0,657, Nailer, 28th Sept., Rangoon. 25th Sept., Gen.,—H I, &Co. Nam Yong, Br. s.s. 984. Stack, 28th Sept.. Rangoon. 24th Sept., Gen., -K. <4. Co. an Oer Parka. J)ut. s.s. 661, Van Onion, Sept., Bajan, 27th Sept., (Jen.. H. L Co. Mary Austin, Br.
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    • 14 1 28th September. Lanykut, for Teluk Anson Mary A act in, tor Port Swettenham.
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    • 60 1 lakoba, Br. s.s. 6,657, Nailer. 21th Sept Rangoon. 25th Sept,, Gen..—H A Co. Nam Yong, Br. s.s. 984. Stack. 28th Sept., Rangoon, 24th Sept., Gen.,- K. G. Co. Van Dkr Parka, Dut, s.s. 661. Van Orden, -Bth Sept,. Bajan, 27th Sept., Gen.. H. h. Co. Canton. Br. s.s.
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    • 44 1 1 «'*»*'/> I'rfHi A<i*nt, hue Coromandel Colombo P.AO. 29th Sept van Out liooru Sinyraooie H.C.ACo. 29th Citditnmy Calcutta A.A.A.Co. doth •C Nurull HuU'jr Moll Moulmein iH.C.&Co. Singapore (H.C.Co. 30th 30th Beuvoirlich Singapore S. B.&Co. 30 th I3en;ihler Condon S.B.&Co. 1st Oct. Beniuohr Condon IS.13.ACo.
      44 words
    • 56 1 1 »•**.«>/» h.„ I'l-iiU Jit‘n IUH Coromandel Nam Yon*; Singapore Rangoon i\&o. K.U.Cu. -‘Jth Sept •JOtli van Outliooru Pulu Well U.L.ACo. -‘.Mil Lightning Singapore A. A .A .(Jo. Beuvoirlieli Marseilles S.B.iVt'u. Both Benalder Singapore S.B.&Co. 1st OH Taroba Singapore H.L.ACo. 1st J, N'icoll Moulmeiu H.L.ACu. 1st Ben nioli r
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    • 115 1 Kok Deli—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, noon. J/at u Buhra it Asuhau—Per ht. lLalevjyn, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Langkat and Pangkalau Brain lan —Per Petrel, to-uiorrow, 1 p.m. Laugkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Rangoon—Per Ham Yony, to-inorrow, 3 p in. Singapore and China—Per Coromandel, to-morrow, 5 p.m. Port Swettenham and
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    • 27 1 Intcard Per Tarobo, from Rangoon, Messrs D. Mimmo and Tan Teng Khoe. Pei Van Der Parra,” from Bajan, Messrs Van der Laau, van Straateu aud Sneltjes.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 33 1 WEATHER 1 UK followin'.' IVIH'II IK klU<li' SlltiJ.niP'i ill tin* •Sii'iiu.) I >irwt**r i»t’ Korl Corn wail in:— I'lie rainfall timiin; i lit» -1 iioui o «n<ie<l •41 i* a.m. to-day was nil.
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  • 17 1 Dkath. At the Rangoon General Hospital, on the |;Hh Septeuilier. Thomas Toweraon, chief engineer. Irrawaddy Flotilla Co.
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  • 1039 2 Following are extract» from the lengthy address delivered by,the Chairman, Mr. VV. H Frizell, at the half-yearly meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce on the 22ud instant: Mail Services. During the past three years the advantages of an alternative Mail Service via Negapatam have been constantly brought
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 16 2 STEARNS’ WINE, fur dueatuw. It iucieuH?* 1 weight tiven find it dott j)hJ)\ all waist iug
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    • 591 2 STEARNS’ WINE, for debility, emaciation, thm and impure blood. Amemic girls improve rapidly. NOTICE THE usual monthly sale of Pawubrokers Forfeited Pledges for sums exceediug 810 will be held at No. 42, Beach Street, at 11 o’clock a.m. punctually, on Thursday and Friday the 6th and 7th proximo respectively. The
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    • 400 2 THE “PETTER” PATENT PETROLEUM EN6INE. The Most Perfect Motor of the Day. SUPPLIED TO The British Government, Hundreds in Use. Demand rapidly growing throughout tin World. Special Features of the “Petter” Engine. Simplicity of Construction. These Engines have fewer working parti than any other Engine on the Market There are
      400 words
    • 1468 2 the ne irts tet. gle the ine derail his mv 1*2 lry int in.P a H FOR PRICES APPLY TO MARTYN Co. 12-10-03 72c American Dentistry, Jno. RABE, D. D. S. WANTED. A FURNISHED House for November aud December —possibly longer. “X. X. X.” c/o Straits Echo. 12-0-04 u.c. 037
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1779 3 *A If \1r o/ *7 S. I. Co. Kri'rclril arrival and Uejnir l it res. Mail Service. Norddentscber Lloyd, Bremen. S«*i »l < )<•(. N V.\. )ct. Nov Out wards. jjt s.s. Coromandel connecting vvitli s.s. Oceana i:> s Simla do i*7 s.s. Chusan do |0 s.s. Nubia <lo Homewards.
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  • 88 4 .lattice Mtitllm everybody, and jnttice alone. —Bintrton Established June Ist, 1903. rnblithed daily (except Knndaya.) AT TBI CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAI IT. I .OCA I. *<» P>*r antiinit OUTSTATIONS Foetage Kxtra MAIL KDITION (Feat Free) 1» CAIII.K ADDRESS: E c It
    88 words
  • Current Topics.
    • 236 4 Mb. Klioo Hun Yeam’s servant was this morning fined 825 by Mr. Hereford for burning joss-paper on Larut Road, just outside his garden gate, on the 9th inst., i.t. 30th day of the 7th Chinese moon. The tine inflicted by the Magistrate was, we believe, the maximum
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    • 239 4 Writing in The Times, Professor Boyd Dawkins says: The letter of your Cardiff correspondent should bring home to everyone the urgency off dealing at once with the supply ot steam coal to foreign navies, and especially to Russia. We are guilty of suicidal folly. We are actually allowing
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    • 208 4 A Bill entitled an Ordinance to amend the Prepared Opium Ordinance 1891 was introduced in the Hongkong Legislative Council on loth in stunt by the Hon. the Ab> who explained tiiat the object of this Hill to jegulate the sale of compounds of opium, especially opium pills and opium
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    • 288 4 The ingenuity of Madrassis to get at the contents of examination papers is little short of marvellous. and it is not limited to candidates of one class only, but traverses a range so wide as to iuclude B.L.’s, F.A. s, Matriculates, and policemen. It is, says the Calcutta
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  • 42 4 Intending donors to the above Fund are kindly requested to forward their subscriptions as soon as possible to one of the following geutienieu Dr. Koh heap Tong, Penang. Mr. Lini Keong Lay, Peuany. Dr. Gnoli Lean ’Tuck. Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 367 4 The Ministers of the Town, together with j a manlier of laymen, met at the Town Hail yesterday for a conference respiting the proposal to establish a Young Men's Christ- ian Association ir. Penang Mr. K. D. Pringle, of the English National Council of Y.
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  • 899 4 A concert that will undoubtedly )be a genuine treat will l*e given at the lown Hall on the Bth proximo by Maclaine Basset, the Parisian Nightingale ais one of our Shanghai contemporaries dubs this charming songstress. The Town Bavid has been engaged for the occasion am-
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  • 888 4 Bombay, 22nd Sept.—Telegrams to the Australian papers, dated September 12th. state that tho,.details published iu the Russian newspapers of the fighting at Liaoyaug are astounding. The Japanese infantry charged to within ft hundred and tiftv paces of the Russian entrenchments in the face of a withering
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 229 5 .Movements of the Searcher Terek. (Supplied by Reuf^.r.) London, 27 (Sept.- —The Russian cruiser Terek has arrived at Lisbon. A Mischievous Story. The Madrid journal Espana states that the refusal to supply coal and stores to the Terek while at Las Palmas, and the order given to leave
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  • 68 5 Roosevelt to convene Conference at The Hague after the War (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27 Sept.— It is authoritatively stated at Washington that President Roosevelt will await the conclusion of the war to convene a conference of the Powers at The Hague, probably early in 1905, to deal
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    • 57 5 Conference of Italian and German Diplomats. (Supplied by Renter.) t London, 28 Sept.—Tbe Italian I rernier lias bad a long conference with Count von Buelow at Hamburg, and it is believed the discussioii ielated to the Triple Alliance. The German Press considers this meeting indicates that the
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    • 94 5 Returning from Lhassa to India. (Supplied by lieuter.) London, 28 Sept.—The Britisli Mission left Lhassa on the 2ord in at. I iie a<*ed Regent, in bidding fare"’«ll General MacDonald, thanked l,m 1,1 Jl niost touching manner for '■«straining his troops from violating Lh; sacred shrines, and presented
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    • 35 5 (<S upplied by Renter.) '-«mlon, 28 Sept.—The British I rstroyer Chamois (325 tons, 0,233 111 P > crew GO) was sunk while «xecutuig steam trials off Ihe ni,l n Elands. The crew was saved.
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    • 108 5 hunraven’s Home Rule Scheme Repudiated. (Supplied by Reuter.) i>s {Bept.—The Unionist Dim.!' le ,l ,U( liate strongly Lord aven s scheme.' P" bli »l>ed a Renter •'«cELTJt ,mt tlie Iri,h **«>»• l«Nuliii.r i... i‘ .V** composed of the mvJIL p?.V UMmi t which IBari DunT® 1 W, ich
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  • 802 5 1" Lhassa, 13 Sept.—One result of the t settlement has been to admit into the citv thousands of pilgrims, travellers, aud merchants from the north. A single Mongolian caravan numbered over a thousand men, > women aud children. These people were kept cartiped a few marches out
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  • 1701 5 Views of Straits Chinese. p Over forty geutleinen were present at Saturday night’s meeting of the Chinese Literary and Debating Society, when the subject for discussiou was That this House would welcome the establishment of 1 a Republic iu Chiua rather than a continuation of the present
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  • 260 5 Si mi.a, 22 Sept.—There were 10,671 deaths from plague last week ;is against 11,791 in the previous seveu days. The priucipal mortality occurred as follows: In Bombay, 5,995 deaths Hyderabad 997 Bengal 943; Central Provinces and Berar 715; Calcutta 427. There were nearly 14,000 deaths during
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    • 804 5 To THE EdITOK OP THE STRAITS ECHO. J>ear Sir.— With reference to the state uieuts by the Maiay Mail’s Seremban correspondent, appearing in the Malay Mail of the 20th instant re above, I should be obliged if you would kindly allow me sp:ice in your valuable paper
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  • 330 5 (Hanyonu Gazette Service.) Calcutta, 22 Sept.—At the High Court to-day, before Justice Harrington and Justice Pargiter. Mr. Jackson with Mr. Chowdhry, instructed by Babu Dusarathi Sanval, moved on behalf of Messrs Elliot and Thomas for the admission of an appeal from the decision of the Sessions Judge
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 694 6 CHUBB’S SAFES. i “I Graham Co.. Ld., Taik Chee Co. WHOLESALE (KSTA BUSHED 1890.) OH SMI STS, IS, 28 34, Church Street, Penang. Ship Chandlers, Mining and Engineering 4 Reach street f*enang. Storekeepers and Aerated Water Requisites. PERFUMERY •1UST R.ECEI VED A .SHIPMENT. Inspection Invited. BURGLAR AND FIRE RESISTING. All
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1556 7 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. TM.KFHONK No. 321 HAVING JUST RECEIVED A Portable Improved Wh«el Rubbering Machine ib uow prepared to undertake promptly repairs of old rubber-tyred wheels which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. DAVID BROWN Co., 4, Logan’s Buildings. Estate Agents A Auditors. Undertake Sales by Auction or
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1180 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., PENANG MISCELLANEOUS GOODS AT SPECIAL PRICES. The Thunderer. Hudson’s Patent, the whistle of the future. Length 1J ins Price 65 CtS. each. English Leather strong Serviceable Strap with Sewn Leather Handles. Sizes 42, 54, 66 ius. long. Price 81.00, 160,1.95 each pair. Superior Quality Heavier Straps. Sizes
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