Straits Echo, 23 September 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 44 1 Birth Hu 7t}i Sept .at Shanghai. Mr R. J; Salomon. a duuphter. Makri ag E. iin fith Septeiiiltev, at Shanghai. the Rev. Hebert Wilson, of Bethel. Vermont, to i<. Sitrab Taylor Rhett, w*eon<l daughter of the ]s,t«* John Hliett. of South Carolina.
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  • 30 1 Jo-iut. I4?li Day, Htli Moon. Town Band, Golf Club, 5.30 Town Band, Esplanade, 5-3«) p in. To- MORROW. 15th Day, Bth Moon. Town Ban*', Golf Club, 5.30 p.m.
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  • 41 1 For Week ondmo Wednesday, Sept. 28, I9«)4. A.M. P.M. Friday, 23rd 10.40 11.05 Saturday, 24th 11.30 11.55 Sunday, 25th —2O —45 Monday, 2t>th 1.10 1.35 Tuesday, 27th 2. 2 25' Wednesday, 28th... 2 J>o 3.15* Thursday, 29th 340 4.50
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  • 27 1 O Full Moon Sept. 24t h; 10.52 p.m. hast Quarter Oct. 2nd, 3.46 a.m. 0 New Moon 9th, 11.45 a.m. First Quarter 16th, 4.47 am
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  • 50 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. f hromvulel 29 Sept Nubia 1 Oct Simla n o ct j Benyal 1* Extra Service. Ou twa kiis. Hum kw a kos. Hu ma q,.( Form oea 8 Oct IS J ol iait 22 l*" 1 pit it icniars Bee Face 3.
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  • 1828 1 N\u.i. Japan Drive the Muscovite from Manchurian Soil. Mr. Louis Davidson, who is appointed knifed States Consul at Mukden, j but cannot take up the duties of his j office until the Russians are driven out of tliat famous city, writes in the Shanghai Times:— N\ ill Japan
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  • 115 1 Prnano, 22nd September tFy courtesy ol the Chartered Hank.) Ixmdon Demand Bank ...1/10$ 4 months’sight Bank 1,1 1 3 Credit ...1/111 3 Documentary ...1/11,®, Calcutta. Demand Bank R«. 142$ 3 days' sight Private 144$ Bombay, Demand Bank 142$ 3 days’ sight Private 144$ Madras. Demand Bank 142^ 3 days’
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  • 191 1 Bersa wall Gold Mine Co., lal. 15. —setters Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 6. sellers Redjnng f/el>ong Gold Mining Co., Ld J 192.50 sales KadanaGold Mi»i»gOo„Ltd. (fully paid) 10,— nom. Briiseh Tin Mining Co.. Ld. 3.50 sellers Cliendariaug Hydraulic Tin Milling Co., hi 10.— nom. Karangau Tin Mining
    191 words
  • 178 1 rin 77.— buyer# Gold 79. B. Pepper (\V. Coast 31R».0.,/..)f 24. —buyerg White Pepper 36.— gel!erg j Trang Pepper out of season Cloves (picked) out oj sea go n Mace 90 —gellerg Mace Pickings 81.— gale* X lit megs JlOs 51. —galeg f Xu. I 6 60 naui
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  • Shipping.
    • 113 1 Naa. Sang, Br. s.s. 4015, Payne, 23rd Sept Calcutta, 18th Sept., Gen., —B. Co* i W OL t- Dut 8 a US' Cramer, 23rd BaUVia l2th 1 Qeo >-H. L. JSamania Br. s.s. 2,893, Achesou, 23rd Singapore, 21st Sept., Gen.,— H 1.. *v Co. DV ss ’l'reweeke,22»d SepC, T.
      113 words
    • 61 1 23rd September. Qnorra, lor Langkat. Za mania, for Negapatam, Madras, Poudicherry, Cuddalore and Karieal. Resident Halewyn, for Batu Bahra and Asahan. Tony Chay I n, for Batu Bahra and Asahan Ferak, for Port Swetteuham and Malacca Avayyee, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. Fort Stroll,
      61 words
    • 71 1 Cornelia, Br. s.s. 191, Marris, 23rd Sept I>eli, 22nd Sept.. Gen.,—K. G. Co. Kistna, Br. s.s. 526, Addenboke, 23rd S=*pt •Singapore, 21sfc Sept., Gen.,—H. L Co. Lanokat. Br. s.s. 149, Liddell, 23rd Sept, Teluk Anson, 22nd Sept., Gen.,K. G. Co. Mary Austin. Br. s.s. 121, Campbell, 22nd Sept.,
      71 words
    • 24 1 1 <>»*#/» A-fnt* A.Apcar Profit Benalder Bemnolir Benvorlicli Singapore Glasgow London London Singapore AAACo. B.&Co. S.B.&Co. S.B.&Co. S.B.&Oo. 24th Sept 27th 1st Oct. 2nd
      24 words
    • 36 1 1 *>»«#/» Nam San*» j Singapore B.&Co, 24th Sept A. A pear Calcutta A. A.A.Co. 24th Profit Saigon B.&Co. 27th Singapore S.B.&Co. Ut Oct. Benalder j Ben mol jr Singapore S.B.&Co. ]>euvorlicli j London S.B.&Co. 2nd
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    • 79 1 Fok Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, I p ni. Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan—Per Petrel, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore and Hongkong—Per Nam Sony, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham—Per Mary Auetiu. tomorrow, 2 p.m. I leluk Anson- Per, to-morrow j 2 p in. Deii—Per Cornelia, to-iuorrow, 2 p.m. Singapore—Per Olenjalloeh,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 220 1 A. E. SKEELS WHISKIES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE, A W'lb'A i'IONS are hereby invited for appointment of Secretary to the umcipal Commissioners of George Town, reining. i Im* Secretary will superintend the work 1,1 Secretarial jiepartmeut and will have 11,1,1 ,lir cii of the Clerical ,l Inspectors and Cashiers .ttfacbe.l thereto. His
      220 words
    • 17 1 IF YOU EASILY CATCH COLD, your syrttem i# lacking in vitality, you noe<l a ti-aio, Stearns Wine.
      17 words
    • 15 1 STEAKNS’ WINE, wliers t!ie Ai«ls i*nj r iv’**s iissimi.ation, strength «js t]je stoin w.-»i 1qm»1
      15 words
    • 146 1 FOR SALE PERAK RUBBER SEEDS, 40 c s> P er 100T*> BE BOOK KD AT Padmz Rengas Station N C. THAMBOE. Padang Kengas. 21st Sept 1904. 2 n kc *>73 The Eastern Extension Australasia China Telegraph Co.. Ltd. Alteration in Telegraph Hates. OTXCE is hereby given the tariff r.ite
      146 words
    • 9 1 DAVID CORSAR SONS Well-known Navy Canvas. Sandilandg Buttery Co.
      9 words
    • 68 1 A. E SKEELS. f LAGER BEER. THE PATRIOTIC ASSURANCE Co. (Forxni;i» ]R24.) Dublin, J.onuon, 9, College Green. HU, King HV Him,, Sfr*e CAPITAL £1,500,000. r P HE have Ih*mii ,i{i{H>inte<l -Ai'enfs ut Him ;iI M>ve Company at Peuang, ami an? w* issue poJmiĕu of luB\jiauce against ioss hy lire at
      68 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 41 1 WEATHER. 1 HK tnllownis* 'H kill’ilv MlIppIKHl l>\ i It** •Sii'iiii) |)iiwi.*r H'ori < j p.iii. i ».iu. ’ihI 1) •I.. M *r. < louily Hazy T.i. N.W. \.H. he riimtiiil tim ing I lie !<« n ’<ni»r sir Fine N.W. '.’4 hours enWeO
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  • 17 1 Death. <Mi *>th Sept., at Tokio. Miss Alice E. Belton, I tlt*- t 'anadian Methodist Mission. Kanazawa.
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  • 402 2 The Straits Times summarises the new Scheme for Assistant Surgeons, Apothecaries, an 1 Dressers which lias just come into force in the Federated Malay Stites. [i states that Part 1 deals with Student Apothecaries and provides for the education, at Government expense, either in Madras or Hongkong,
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  • 659 2 The Cradle of a Race. Angus Hamilton writes under this heading iu the Times of India: From the time when Mukden passed into the possession of the Russians, the historv of the family seat of the dynasty now sitting upon the throne of China has been singu-1 hirly chequered.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 7 2 Hutrit jn|“i l,l K>J *S»I» «ion, improve»
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    • 214 2 LIME FOR SALE I EXCELLENT quality lime burnt from J limestone can lie had in any quantity from the uudersiirued, an«l which will U* delivered five of all charges at the following stat ions:— Provided not less thau 1(H) pikuls be ordered at a time. Uuslacked lime expands 3 times
      214 words
    • 1695 2 the irfs ucii lere;lp ity. cut goau a WANTED. A FURNISHED House for November an<l December —possibly longer. x. x xr c o Strait* Echo. 12-9-04 u.c. 637 CENTRAL SALES ROOM. RUBEROID ROOFING. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE l.v of be k. 1 be undersiged is in.-true ted tlie Administrator of the
      1,695 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1965 3 fAv S. N. Co. Fxyeded arriral and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. g e pP 29 s.s. Coromandel connecting with s.s. Oceana Oct. 13 s.s .Simla do 27 s.s. Chum a do 10 s.s. Nubia do Homewards s.s. Macedonia 5..«. China s.s. Moldavia ft m Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. INTENDED SAILINGS. British
      1,965 words

  • 83 4 art ice «Misflee’everybody,* and jnstice alone. Emerson Established June Ist, 1903. Publiebed daily (except Rmidsiya.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, I d., No. 220-232, Bench Street, Penang PRIOR DAII.Y, I.OCAI Hi per auii'im OUTSTATIONS l'ortatre Extra MAII, EDITION (I'net Ptee) 15 (’A 1(1. K APOKKSK: “Ec li o—P
    83 words
  • 1516 4 The Menace of the Rand Daily Increasing. We regret to note from a copy of the Hongkong Telegraph delivered at this office to-day that tlie Imperial authorities are still forwarding Chinese coolies from Hongkong to South Africa. The Imperial Emigration Agent, Mr. Cowan, and the
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  • 1941 4 The Channel Swim. TRAGEDY OF A BRIDE. VICEROY AND AMEER TO MEET. TRANSATLANTIC PENNY POST. Uncle Sam Preparing for Possibilities. Washington Getting Too Warm for Cassini. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Fleet Street, Aug. —Still Captain Webb’s record on the Channel stands good, j for the latest attempts
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 360 5 The Pinfftaitze Action. Russians driven back. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 Sept.—The Daily Telegraph’s Tokio correspondent wires that Field Marshal Oyama has reported that two Russian columns, totalling seven battalions with 11 guns and a dozen squadrons of cavalry, made a counterattack upon the Japanese column at Pingtaitze
    360 words
    • 79 5 Ih'na Protests against the new Treaiy. [Supplied ly Reuter.) London, 22 Sept.—The Morning I’ust «Shanghai correspondent wires R'ht China objepts to the British Ifpaty with Tibet on the ground that d jn h inges China’s spypreigptv. Russian Protest Locked in Peking. London, 33 Sept.—lt is reported ***** several quarters
      79 words
    • 76 5 Lord Rosebery’s Views. (btijtplied by Reuter.) [‘""Aon, 22 Sept.—Lord KoseH '.S speaking at Lincoln, discusslll« Ile »n»y reform schemes, re--1 his opinion that we have rt K r ‘*at, tliongh not irreparn lu B^a^e hi exiling a great "i n aniser and economist, such as K kitchener
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    • 18 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 22 Sept.—The Argentine Government denies having sold any warships to Russia.
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    • 35 5 Postpones Departure for lnjia (Supplied by Renter.) London, 23 Sept.—Lady Curzon is reported to be seriously ill and is in a very critical condition. Lord Curzon’s departure for Lidia lias therefore been postponed.
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  • 101 5 Princess Louise of Saxe-Coburg has disappeared from Elster, Germany, where she was taking the waters. It is suggested tuat the Princess dim lied from her window and eloped with Lieutenant Mattasich Keglevicli, her late riding master. Prince I hillipe of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha lias offered a reward of
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  • 652 5 In au official notification in the Calcutta Gazette of the 31st August, the conditions under which electric meters and other instruments will be accepted for testing at the Government Electrical Laboratory, together with a table show ing the fees charged, are fully stated. The paper opens with
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    • 661 5 To rut Eon ok or tuk Steaiis Echo. Sir, —There are hundreds of students like Aspirant who try every loophole after they attain a certain stage to get off the line of steady application. With those who are worth anything, the task of life, however tough it may be
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  • 255 5 To l ii k Euitor of tiik Straits Kcuo. Sir, —Witji reference to yoqr article re delay iu the delivery of avails, I attach au envelope received by me to-dav. This letter was posted iu Tanjore ou 7-9-04 and traveller! to Penang within 9 days, as may be
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  • 970 5 i i The Assizes (Before the Hon. A. F. G. Law, Puisne Judge, and a Jury). The Osman Case. 22 Sept. Osman bin Sultausah, who is charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of three sums amounting to §75 Ik*. longing to Noordin Estate, of which Mr.*
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  • 257 5 Maximum Penalty. Last Monday morning, Head lie venue Officer Sliaik Abubakar with a couple of others went ou board the s. s. Hong Liau at Singapore to examine passengers luggage. He saw Aug Chong handing a bulky mat over the side to Lim Tian who was in a
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  • 585 5 Russians Destroy Manchurian Millet Crocs. Owinc. to the protests of Tartar-General Tseng Chi and his official colleagues, the Russians have been prevented from constructing a fortified camp amongst the hills north of the Imperial tombs at Mukden. Owing to the arrival of the Russian troops and
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  • 229 5 (Overheard in an Imperial Court Th A R TO HIM NEW BaRY. 'Tiik Tsar: Ah! my little darling, here you are at last. I’ve been waiting for you for years. I The Boy Well, anil what are you going j to give uie now I’ve come r The Tsar:
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  • 58 5 Inward Per Lady AVeld,” from T. Anson Hon. J. Turner, and Messrs Wilson and Robertson. in I ’rTf U,aU,ii ilolu Messrs 1. G. Scott. Lim Boon Be, Him Tiang Hooi, Hoe Hav Tine, Qttah Beug Kee, W Makepeace, G M. Saye, Chan Be Boh, Rev. Father Passail, Mrs. P.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1651 6 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. Telephone No. 321 HAVING JUST RECEIVED A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine it. now prepared to undertake promptly repair* of old rubber-tyred wheels which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Nos. 178 180 182 Penang Road, PENANG Established 1875. For Sale Carriages. DEVOTES special attention
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  • 599 7 The Manchester Guardian’s London correspondent writing under date of 26(h August states: —I have referred from time to time to the efforts that have been made, principally by Mr. C. E. Schwann and Mr. A. G. Wise, to arouse the Colonial Office to a sense of its
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 258 7 CHIN JOO Co., 158, Beach Street. General Storekeepers, [Provisioned and Commission Agents. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND of Every Description of Highclass European Goods, Provisions, Wines, Spirits, and other Liquors of the Best Brands. Hair Keuewer, au unequalled tonic for producing and restoring hair. Best Tavoy Cigars. Crushed Food, etc. Everv
      258 words
    • 123 7 E. CHEM BEE, Cycle Dealer and Repairer, Buckingham Street Penang HAVE JUST RECEIVED A Supply of CYCLES Latest Improvements.) sraro-EB, Machines Reputation for the Highest .Standard of Excellence is unquestioned. “HJSBO” Machine is a Highest Class Mount at a Low Figure, with free-wheel, Warwick 'lyres, Plated rims, Front Rim brake
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1466 8 NEW ODS JUST UNPACKED. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co.» PENANG AEE STOW SKOWI2TG- .A. H2SPLET3E StAASTG-S I3ST sMi BETTER VALUE NEVER OFFERED. m m Ladies lATlaite Caliec dl e rs ifc i i?£ 53 j Saleuft\ino; Lace, (> inches, deep, length of Skirt With ius s a or ptf- I rice $JL.£I*a3
      1,466 words