Straits Echo, 20 September 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 48 1 Marriage. At St. George's Church. Penang', on Sept. ITtli. I'v tlie Rev. H. C. Henliam. George Oucst Shaw. Esq., of the F.M.fe. Civil Service. son of the late George Shaw. Ewp, J. P. Kerry, to Dorothea Jenny, daughter of If. G. Palmer. Esq., of Klampong. Perak.
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  • 42 1 Koi Week ending Monday, Sept. 2ti, 1904. AM. l ucsdav, 20th 8.10 885 Wednesdav, 215 t... 9, 9.25 rimrsdav, 22nd 9.50 10.15 ridnv, 28rd 10.40 11.05 Satunliiv, 24th 11.80 11 55 SiiiKtav, 25th —2O —45 Moitdav, 26th 1.10 1.35
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  • 31 1 O Full Moon Sept. 24th, 10.52 p.m. Last Quarter Oct. 2nd. 3.46 am. I i j A'e" Moon n 9th. 11.45 am. j First Quarter... 16th, 4.47 am. j
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  • 48 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. I)H I WAUOS. iioMKWAkIIS. f Jit Si’/it Nit bio l (It I Si ml" l‘l Oct Bcnyal to lixtr.-t Service. tllT'V AMHS. IIo.MKWAIIHS. Iht mu 4 Oft Formom S Oct j t'ryluH IS j Joj>au 2‘l j l ot piirticuiars See Page 3.
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  • Shipping.
    • 88 1 H i Kwm, 15c. s.s. 209, Russell, 20th Bept.. I)eli, l9Ui Sept., Gen—H. L. Co, Lanukat, Br. s.s. 119, Liddell, 20th Sept., Teluk Anson, 19th Sept Gen., K. G. Co. I'in Seno, Br. s.s. 378, Davidson, 19th Sept., Singapore, 17th Sept,, Gen..—Quah beng Kee. Asahan, Ger. s.s. 161, Peters,
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    • 50 1 20tli September. Jni for Laugkat. Uvturmi, for Tougkah. "lo lliinau, for Port Swetteuhaui, Port Dick sou uiul Malacca. < ofneli for Deli. Clietc, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. for Port Swetteuliam, Kuala Luiupur and Singapore. ,r "ll, for Moulmein. i T'7J t for Teluk Anson. ■Wo»/,, f or
      50 words
    • 56 1 Vfi 1 -09, Russell, 20th Sept, lit T' ;nl Sept-. Geu., —H. L. Co. ;i' r IJ| 119, Liddell, 20th Sept., Kt;V Ausou l9th Sep*-. Gen.,— f s ->399, Larkins, 20tli II au y°ou, 17th Sept.. Geu., u ”•L- A Co. jwl »1». Block, auth Sept., iWl l!
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    • 66 1 For V u Uil a P an —Per Zieten, 2|> u, u l~Per Un Petty, to-morrow, -pm •*sou Per Lanylcat, tomorrow, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Amoy lou K k,,n g. Swatow and I)«l|, i, to-morrow, 8 p.m. N Kwei, 22nd instant, 4 p.m. I«»re iui.l k^ ,wlr ff» Pondicherry,
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  • 3328 1 IMPORTANT STATEMENT by the GOVERNOR. LOSS OF $3,000,000 TO THE REVENUE. GROSS MISMANAGEMENT CHARGED. Whole System of Preparation of Chandu to be Altered. At the meeting of the Legislative Council last Friday, 16th September, His Excellency the Governor said Before we complete the order of
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  • 27 1 To-day. lltli Day, 8th Moon. Criminal Assizes Open, 11 Town Baud, Golf Club, 5.‘10 p.m. To-mokrow. I'2th Day, 8th Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 32 1 WEATHER. 1 hk follow in*» is kin<ilv snpiHieii 1*» t ill** Signal |>irwi**r of Ki*rt Onrnwiiiii*.— i I'li** nunI'iilI «limin' tlio -4 hours emi***! j *1 W a.m. to-day was nil. i
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  • 861 2 A meeting of tlio Council was held on Friday last, Kith instant. His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.0., presided, and there were also present Hons, the Acting Colonial Secretary, the Acting Colonial Treasurer, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the Colonial Engineer, and the Hons. YV. P. Waddell,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 28 2 AGHNTS POR Lloyd’s National Bank of China, Limited. National Bank of India. Ltd. Insuranoe effected against all risks. s *t nd Hands, I iu it cry A Co.
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    • 1957 2 it 4 4 -t" a."""’ ■/.fa fa‘ 3 jj >,. J i s j£ ji 5 S X _5 Z 4 i i g; tc" ir? S P 4~* 3 faofa J I «41 ‘3 E T7* x -*-3 ZZ O x r/} o r0/ 0> 1 oS P u
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1724 3 p it (I. Co. rv Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Jl* 8.b. Coromandel connecting 1 with Oct. 13 8.8. Simla do •_>7 s.w. Chilean do Homewards. 8.8. Oceana 8.8. Macedonia 8.8, China r Norddentscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. rjlHE fast and well-known Mail Stean of this
      1,724 words

  • 82 4 ostice satu«fle«>Terybody,! and justice alone. —Emerson Established June Ist, 1903. Ptihli*he<l daily (except Rnmlaye.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICK DAILY, LOCAI *«t per annum OUTSTATIONB Postage Extra MAIL KIMTION (i’<«t Pree) 15*. CAULK ADDItKSH: E c li o—P e n a
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  • 639 4 Any doubts that may have been entertained respecting justification for the Echo's criticism of the Federal Post and Telegraph Department, and its contention that an expert should be placed in full charge and be given a free hand, should be dispelled by the leaderette
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  • Current Topics.
    • 201 4 The Duke of Devonshire on the 20th ultimo visited Keighley and opened the free library towards which Mr. Andrew Carnegie gave 110,000. His grace subsequently took part in the transfer of the Technical Institute to the Corporation, and was presented with the honorary freedom of Keighley. In the course
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    • 556 4 In the course of his reply to a deputation from the London Chamber of Commerce on the 24th ultimo, the Prime Minister said the British Governi ment did not accept the doctrine apparently laid down in some of the Kusj sian notifications that coal, foodstuffs, cotton, and many
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  • 826 4 One Killed and One Injured. A very serious tram accident is reported from Dato Krauiat. It appears that about 8 p. m. yesterday a dogcart in which two Mahometan bakers were seated was tearing along Dato Kruinat lioad when it collided near the Anglo-Tamil School with a tram
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  • 828 4 The Assizes. (Before the Hon. A. F. G. L ite, Fuitue Jmhje, anti a Jury). Attempt to Murder. The Assizes opened at the Supreme Court at 11 this morning. The first case on the list was that of llaraayah who was charged with (1) attempt to murder (2)
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  • 78 4 In nurd —Per Ho Kwei, 1 from iieli, Messrs. Robinson, Johuson, Smith, Holler, Stephenson, Riley, Campbell, Mrs. Ooodsir, Miss Stanley, Miss. Lee, Miss Hamilton. Per Pin Seng,’’ from Singapore, Mr. J. Adams, Rev. Marrieth. Mr. Jos. A. Hodges, Sir. Chua Eng Wah. Per Malaya, from JJeli. Messrs, de Groan,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 593 5 Russian Colliers at Labuan. (Echo Special.) Labuan, 15 Sept.*—The colliers Haw try and Fox ton Hall are here ell route Manila. They called here to await orders The Bawtry\s crew refuses to proceed unless informed what the ,v.d destination of the vessel is, because they fear that the
    593 words
    • 238 5 The Charges of Collusion. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20 Sept.—The Times say s that, despite the denials of the German semi official press, it lias good reason to believe in the general accuracy of its statement regarding a close understanding having been established between the German and
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    • 175 5 The Scope of the Treaty of Peace. {Sujijdied by Reuter.) London, 10 Sept.—The Daily Chronicle praises Col. Younghusband’s skill and tin» celerity with which lie successfully completed the political part of the expedition to Tibet. It states that information respecting details of the treaty shows it to be equivalent
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    • 119 5 (Deli Courant Service.) Koeta lladja, 15 Sept.—On the 7tli instant, while erecting a new bivouac, the garrison of Lifabang on the island of Simeuloe (West Coast) was surprised by brigands. Sergeant Stenzel and one native private were killed. Two native privates were wounded, but not mortally. Ten
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    • 50 5 Sensational Arrests. {Deli Cournut Service.) Batavia, 16 8ept.—At Samarang a sergeant and two privates have been arrested on suspicion of having sold certain plans of military defence works to a foreign Power. Samarang is on the north coast, of Java about midway between Madura and Batavia. —Ed., S.E. 1
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  • 890 5 This Kuala Lumpur Mail (17 Sept.) reproduces S. R. C. R.’s letter on the above subject as published iu the Echo last week and then comments on it, editorially, as follows: In making the following remarks we are doubtless touching on a theme which is better known
    890 words
    • 554 5 To THE Eoirou OF TilK STRAITS E(.llo. t Sir, —“A Pater’s’’ letter iu Friday’s Echo, with which I thoroughly agree, is one that might lie profitably read bv every one who is interested in education. Education in the Straits is a matter ot teaching only what boys
      554 words
  • 462 5 1 Tu tre Euryor. of tiik Straits Kino. Dkxu Sih, —There are many quacks iu this colony who freely administer medicine to poor and helpless patients without knowing the effects of the iugredieuts or the mixtures they make and their uses in relieving the ilis
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  • 182 5 To the Editor of the Straits Ktuo. ‘Si R, —Great discontent prevails among the Mahomedau community of Chulia Street owing to the lack of a lvathi. Eighteen years ago, Hajee Mahomed Sahib, Kathi of the locality, was dismissed by the Government aud his office is still vacant.
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  • 337 5 To iin; Editor of the Straiis Echo. Sir, —1 thought Hutton Lane had lost its reputation of being one of the rowdiest places in Penang owing to the absence of rowdyism in the locality for some time. I am however inclined to change my opinion now, as
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  • 125 5 Penang, 20th Sect km net; (By courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Hunk ...1/10* 4 months’ sight Bank ...LI 1 J >, 3 Credit ...l/llj >, 3 Documentary ...1/11 Calcutta, Demand Bank JJs. 142^ 3 days’ sight Private 144 A Bombay, Demand Bank 142 A tt 3 days’
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  • 199 5 BersawahGold Mine Co.. Ld. sls. —sellers Ihuib Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 0.50 buyers lledjaug Lebong Gold Alining Co., Ld $102.50 sales KadauaGohl Mining Co,, Ltd. (fully paid) 10.— mom,. Bruseh Tin Mining Co., Ld. 3.50 sellers Chendariaug Hydraulic 'Jin Mining Co., lid 10,—wo, n. Karangau Tin Mining Co.
    199 words
  • 163 5 1’ 1 f 77.70 bit iff iK Gold leaf 70. 1 IVpj>er(\V. C«»ast 311>5.50/..)$ 24.— buyer* White Pepper 30.—»t Her* I’raug Pepper out of season Cloves (picked) out of season Mace !M )—seller* Mace Pickings Ml.— sale* Nutmegs lIOs 01 —tales No. 1 t> 00 itaia Sugar 2 no
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 JUNGLE FURNITURE. Wc *«ster <* Co.. Ltd.
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    • 130 5 Eastern Si Oriental Hotel SPECIAL DINNER ANH FULL MOON BAND On Saturday, 24th September, At 7-3 Q p.m. Seats to be engaged previously. SARKIES Brothers, Proprietors. Chief Court of Lower Burma. ’IITANTEi), a Chinese Interpreter for Tf the Civil and Criminal Courts in Rangoon Town. Pay lis. 200 per ineusem
      130 words
    • 109 5 NOTICE TO MARINERS NORTH CHANNEL, PENANG. On or afur the 30th September, 1904. ENTRANCE TO PENANG HARBOUR, PROVINCE WELLESLEY. rpwo WHITE LIGHTS will be placed L- on beaeous to mark the positioHskol the Telegraph and Telephone Cables The high White Beacon being on the l>each against and showing over the
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  • 28 5 Obituary. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19 Sept. —The death is announced of Prince Herbert von Bismarck, son of the late Prince Bismarck, Chancellor of the German Empire 18t>7-90.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1788 6 THE “PETTER” PATENT PETROLEUM ENGINE. The Most Motor of the Day. suppmEP TO The British GovSKitnent, HUNDREDS IN Use. lXanaud rapidly growing throughout the World. Dr. W. MANSON. DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate Consultation Free. RE8IDING AT No. 179a, Carnarvon Street, About 20 houses from the Carnarvon Station. Mrs. Man8on, having
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  • 288 7 The Pahang tin and tin ore export the latter reduced to 68 per cent of this year—was 13,872 piculs, realising a royalty of 888,554 The figures for the corresponding period of 1903 are 14,332 piculs and $104,77# There is thus a decrease of 46) piculs in quantity
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  • 143 7 London, Sept. 7th. —The King has conferred on the Emperor of Austria and the Tsar the Royal Victorian Chain. Sir Rudolf Slatin Pacha has been made Honorary Knight Commander of the Victorian Order. The following honours have been granted for services in Somaliland The Dieting a ifhed
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  • 465 7 Mu. R. Millniau Maekay takes Mr. j Heuniker Heaton to task for the loose statement made in his recent letter. 1 have as little patience with Mr. llenuikerj Heaton as 1 have with the Dutch and German Press who laid a similar charge against our own Army
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 744 7 CHUBB’S SAFES. i r to ir burglar and fire resisting. All Sizes in Stock. 1IUTTENBACH Bros. Co., Sole Agents The for IDEAL Office MACHINE Penang Hunt Club PROPOSES TO HOLD A GYMKHANA E. CHEM BEE, Cycle Dealer and Repairer, Buckingham Street Penang. ON Wednesday, the 9th November, (BANK HOLIDAY.) HAVE
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    • 242 7 IDLE CAPITAL. riIHOUSANDS of DOLLARS are lying X. idle or paying little interest. An investment of :i small sum with the Shanghai Hongkong Building ami Investment Co. Old Age! t Your AVifc Provides for i Your Children A Trip Home I)o you wish to double your money See prospectus. H.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1768 8 POST ORDERS EXECUTED WITH CARE AND INTELLIGENCE. WH1TEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., PENANG. THE DAISY AIR G-TJXT Wonderful Value, all in Perfect Order. $1.95 each. 45 cts. per box Darts. 50 cts. per dozen. SANDOWS GRIP DUMB BELLS Increase the Strength of the Muscular system, consists of a pair of Dumb Bells
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