Straits Echo, 17 September 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 43 1 F«»i Wed iwliny Friday, Sept. 23. 1904. AM. I’, m Sal urda v, 17th 5.40 005 Sunday, 18th 6.30 0.55 Moiidav, 19th 7.20 7.45 Tuesday, 20th 8.10 835 Wednesday, 215 t... o. 9.25 Thursday,' 22nd 950 10.15 Fridav, 23rd 10.40 11.05
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  • 22 1 To-dat. Hth Dav, Hlli Moon. Town Hand, Golf Club, 5.30 p.m. To-morrow. 9th Day, Bth Moon. Church Services, see page 5.
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  • 25 1 O Full Moon Sept. 24th, 10.52 p.m. bast Quarter Oct. 2nd, 3.40 am. <) New Moon 9th, 11.45 a.m. Fust Quarter... 10th. 4.47 a.m.
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  • 45 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. •I| |\V»HI>S. JIo.MKXY ARDS. Varanuuulel 29 Sept Cltusan 17 Sept Simla 13 Oct j Nubia l Oct r.xtrn Service. I)U I *IM»S iio.MKXYAKDS Jin lira 4 Oct Formom 6’ Oct Ccyhm IS j Japan 22 Fui parlieuiars See Page 3.
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  • 1661 1 Exchange of Prisoners. A special telegram to the Japan Gazette states that the French Minister to Tokio has proposed an exchange of prisoners from the Chinese Eastern Railway Co.’s steamers, who are now quartered at Metsuyama. The steamers were captured shortly after the outbreak of hostilities. The Japanese
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  • 120 1 Penang, 17th September. (By courtesy of the Chartered Honk.) London Demand Bank ...1/10$ 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 11 3 Credit ...1/11£ 3 ,r Documentary ...1/11 j 3. Calcutta, Demand Bank Jis. 142 3 days’ sight Private 141 Bombay. Demand Batik 142 3 days’ sight Private 144 Madras, Demand
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  • 186 1 1 Bersaxvah Gold Mine Co., Ld. 15. —sellers I Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 6.50 buyers i Redjaug Lel>ong Gold Mining Co., Tid $192.50 sales KadanaGold MiuiugCo„Ltd. (fully paid) 10.— nom. Bruseh Tin Mining Co., I*l. 4.25 buyers Cliendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 10.— nom. Karangan Tin
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  • 170 1 Tin 5 78.— buyer* Gold leaf 79. B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 24. buyers White Pepper 36. —sellers Traug Pepper out of seasou Cloves (picked) oat of season j Mace 90 —sellers Mace Pickings 81,— sates Nutmegs 11 Os 50. —sellers f No. 1 60 no in Sugar <
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  • Shipping.
    • 74 1 Van Der Parr,;, Dut. 8.8.331, Vim Ordeu, 1/tli Sept., Bajan, 16th Sept*., Gcu H. L. Co. Lanokat, Br. s.b. 194, Liddell, 16tli Sept., Teluk Anson, 15th Sept Gen K. G. Co.' Petrkl. Br. s.B. 124, Reid, 17th Sept., Lanokat, 16th Sept., Gen., K. G. Co. Pera, Br. s.s. 4,916,
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    • 73 1 17tli September. Vidar, for Singapore. Ho Kwei, for Deli. Omapere, for Kopali, Reuoug, Victoria Point, Maliwuu, Mergui and Tavov. Hok Canton, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleli. Lanykat, for Teluk Anson. Kistna, for Port Swettenham, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Malaya, for Deli. C. Apcar, for Singapore and Hongkong.
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    • 47 1 Van Der Parra, Dut. s.s. 331, Van Orden, 17th Sept., Bajan, 16th Sept., Gen., H. L. Co. Petrel, Br. s.s. 124, Reid, 17th Sept., Brandan, 16th Sept., Gen —K. G. Co. Canton, Br. s.s. 105. Merieau, 17th Sept., Teluk Anson, 16th Sept., Gen., —All King.
      47 words
    • 56 1 V e»*el* i inn Ayent* Due Kenvenue Loudon S.B.&Co. lHthSept. Purnea Rangoon H.L.&Co. 19th Glenogle Rangoon H.L.&Co. 19th Kutn Sang Singapore B.&Co. 19th J. Nicoll Moulmeiu H.L.&Co. 19th Palaincotta (Singapore H.L.&Co. 19th Nani Sang Calcutta B.&Co. 22nd Profit Glasgow B.&Co. 27th Kenalder Loudou S.B.&Co. 1 8t Oct. Ben mo
      56 words
    • 61 1 1 VesxeU For 1 A I Leaves Benvenue Singapore S.B.&Co. 18th Sept Purnea |P. S’liam H.L.&Co. 19th Palamcotta [Rangoon H.L.&Co. 19th Glenogle Singapore H.L.&Co. 20 th Kum Sang Calcutta B.&Co. 20th J. Nicoll Moulmein H.L.&Co. 20th Nam Sang Singapore B.&Co, 22nd Profit [Saigon B.&Co. 27th Benalder j Singapore S.B.&Co.
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    • 72 1 For Lacgkat and Paugkalau Braudan—Per Petrel, 19th instant, 1 Langkat -Per Van der Parra 19th instant, 1 p.m. Batu Balira Asalian —Per H. Halewyn, 19th instant, 1 p.m. Batu Balira and Asalian—Per Tony Cliay Un, 19th instant, 1 p.m. Port Swetlenham Per Mary Austin, 191 h instant,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 65 1 A. E. SKEELS. WHISKIES. LIME FOR SALE EXCELLENT quality lime burnt from -1 A limestone rail l>e li:ul in anv nnsinfifv l uslacked lime expands 3 times when blacked, and will take 3 to 1 of sand. for further particulars apply to N. C. THAMBOE, Padang Rengae, Perak. 2-7-04 3
      65 words
    • 13 1 STEARNS’ WINE, a general tonic and strength restorer. Always reliable. “Must be Stearns’.”
      13 words
    • 23 1 STEARNS’ WINE, is very palatable. An excellent tonic for children, especially if they are pale and thin. Do not delay. Must be Stearns.’
      23 words
      31 words
    • 27 1 A. E. SKEELS. << f •s. LA6ER BEER. “Cold Sea!” Nifk Keeps longer him! is cheaper than any other. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. BORDEN’S PEERLESS CREAK. Sandilands, Buttery <£ Co.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1145 2 Mk. C. W. Harrison writes to The Times from Tam pin, Negri Seinbilau, F.M.S.— Your correspondent, Mr. Alleyne Ireland, in his article published in your issue of Tuesday, April 5, 1904, has weighed the Malay in the balance and judged him wanting. Mr. Ireland says: —“The Malav
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 17 2 T KAHNS’ WINK, after influenza an«l lemn.uua. An ideal reconstructive tonic w -i.rrr *«*>*‘- im •'oiglit, renew* strength.
      17 words
    • 661 2 i z> %£r m FOR PRICES APPLY TO MARTYN Co. 12-10-03 72c NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, ami Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to o ft. on Rromide paper. W. JONES, King Street. Penang. Photographer. 36c THE MEDICAL HALL, No. 29, Beach Street. —0—0 —o A Qualified
      661 words
    • 1667 2 RUBEROID WANTED. ROOFING. A RUBEROID lsa Wiiter -p ro f > We ROOFING ther-proof, and DnftrilMP Fire Resisting llUUHIlU. ROOFING blister or melt RUBEROID Is cheaper, cooler, and Is absolutely VerminDoes not rot, crack, proof, Acid-proof and Odourless RUBEROID RUBEROID duBEROID ?er, cooler, and easier to lay than any other
      1,667 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2134 3 tAS 9 5 VI P Q S3 y' -f is. N. Co. Es fieri ml nrrirnl and Departure*. Mail Service. Outwards. Sept. 29 s.s. Coromandel connecting with Oct. 13 o s. Simla do 27 s.s. Chamn do Homewards. 8.8. Oceana 8.8. Macedonia 8.8. China Oct. 17 8.s. Chusau 1 s.8.
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  • 85 4 Justice saMfffie* everyhoriy,*and .Justice alone. ffwmnn Established June Ist, 1903. Pnbliehed daily (except Hnndaya.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 220-232, Beach St root. Penang. PRICE DA I I.Y, LOOA I, ,n„in,i n OL'TSTATIOXS roetage Extra MAII, KIMTION (Port Pree) 15 CAKI.K Ani>KKSH: E c li o—P
    85 words
  • Current Topics.
    • 285 4 An Interested Broker writes to the Liverpool Journal of Commerce under date of 19 th August:—I was deeply interested in the able letter signed Shipowner which appeared in your issue, and I, together with all those interested in shipping, fully endorse every- sentiment expressed therein.
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    • 336 4 With reference to the decision of Government to reduce the rent of the Opium Farm whereby the estimated revenue from that source will lie ‘cut’ some $3,000,000 in 28 months, the Straits Times says it is proposed to offer the Farmer a reduction of $150,000 per mensem as
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    • 834 4 At last the vicissitudes and the enormous difficulties with which the Japanese have had to contend, and have successfully contended, in the campaign in Manchuria are realized by the good folk at home, where considerable disappointment has been caused by the failure of Oyama to surround and utterly
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  • 927 4 Weekly Progress Kbport. Since the date of the last report practically nothing has l>eeu done to the works of the railway with the exception of the tiling of the lower station and the preparation of some of the telephone poles. It will l>e recollected that in the
    927 words
  • 247 4 The Most Promising Regions. Professor Dunstan’s View's. In a lengthy and very interesting pajier on the above sub <» t I' Wyudham Dunstau, F. tt. fc>., director of the Imperial Institute, South Kensington, remarks: As a rule, cotton may Ik* successfully grown in those countries which
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  • 614 4 Spectator sends an interesting account of what he styles the Muslim Muddle in connection with the Kapitan Kling Mosque in Penang. We give the salient features of his letter The management of the Kapitan Kling Mosque, Pitt Street, l’euang, was very unsatisfactory for many years owing to the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 943 5 Panic at Mukden Subsides. {Supplied by Id enter.') London, 10 Sept. —Reuter’s Mukden correspondent, wiring to-day, states that the panicky conditions which were prevalent, immediately after the defeat of Kuropatkin at Liaoyang have entirely disappeared. The Russian army is now concentrated at Mukden and business has been resumed.
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    • 74 5 New Heir to the Throne. (Sujiplied by Reuter.) London, 17 Sept.—The Queen of Italy has been safely delivered of a son at the Racconizif palace. The infant will be christened Humbert, Prince of Piedmont. The King of Italy was married in October, 1896, to Helena, daughter of Nicholas, Prince
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  • 236 5 In view of the recent Elliott trial at Darjiling it is interesting to read, says the Englishman, of a clever attempt made during the present month in London to run up the price of Consols. In this case the telephone was used as the medium of the
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  • 1001 5 {Standard'Military Correspondent.) Captain W. A. Adams, 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers, writing from Tokio to the London Standard says that, having many friends both on the Russian and Japanese side, he has endeavoured to be as impartial in his summing up of the situation as possible. He first
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    • 197 5 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —There are two points of exceptional interest in regard to the Railway Administration that I noticed on my last, trip from Slim to Kuala Lumpur on the* 12th inst. Arriving at the Slim River Station I was struck
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  • 525 5 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —The petition of Mr. Tan Tek Soon and others to Sir John Anderson, Governor of the Straits Settlements (published iu the Echo a day or two ago) on the question of a better quality of chaudu to be
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  • 1099 5 What They are Doing in Australia. To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —On looking over a Svduey paper that came to hand today 1 found an article that at once reminded me of your sound common-sense leaders on education, and I therefore send it you because
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  • 273 5 Annual General Council Meeting. The Marine Engineers’ Association held their annual general council meeting on -toll and 21st. ult. at Liverpool. The council had to consider a very satisfactory report. 1 here had been an increase in membership and fuuds since their last meeting. The council also expressed
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  • 376 5 10th Sunday After Trinity. St. George’s Church (Church of England) 8 a.m. Matins (Choral). 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion (Plain). 5 p.m. Sunday School. 0 p.m. Evensong and Sermon.—Rev. H. C. Henham, Act. Col. Chaplain. Presbyterian Church (Northam Road) 9 a.m. and 0 p.m.—Rev. R. Y. Whitton, m.a.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1781 6 THE"PETTER”PATENT PETROLEUM ENGINE. The Most Perfect Motor of the Day. SUPPLIED TO The British Government. Hundreds' in Use. Demand rapidly growing throughout the World. Special Features of the Petter” Engine. u Simplicity ot Construction. These Engines have fewer working parts than any other Engine on the Market. There are only
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  • 1101 7 What a Naval Battle Costs. I 1 Ihe rulership of the waves is a tiue tiling, hut it is aliout tlie most costly position to obtain known to man, savs S. A. in a letter to the Sydney Times. In an attempt to get hold of but
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 421 7 apenta The best Natural Aperient Water. Bilious, Dyspeptic, Gouty, Constipated and Obese People Should always use APE NTA Of all Chemists and Dru^ists. HUTTENBACH Bros. Co., Sole Agents MAJNO’S PURE MILK, Sterilized. Absolutely free from germs of disease and fermentation. The only reliable Milk for Children and Invalids. To be
      421 words
    • 19 7 STEARNS’ WINE, wliets the appetites Aids digestion, improves assimilation, strengthens the stomach so that food does good. Stearn* Wine.
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    • 654 7 A BROKEN-DOWN SYSTEM. This is a i onJ tion (ur ills' w toiviiVh ilm tors Rive many n.ira.x, but which few ot them really uml fstaml. Ttiss mplyweaknysi .1 break down, aotwerc.of the vital forces tha‘sustain the system. No matter what may be its causes iorthiy areal most numberless', t
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1158 8 Compare Our Value with any Credit Giving Firm. nmranMW-JBHBiu A SPLENDID INDOOR PASTIME DURING ANY SEASON. One of the Little Air Rifles will afford amusement for hours to young or old during any weather, can be safely used in a verandah or room. OUR PRICE Manila Cigars from the well-known
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