Straits Echo, 14 September 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 39 1 For Week end my Tuesday. Sept. 20, 1004. A.M. P.M. l4th... 8.10 3.35 Tlitiradav, 15th 4. 4.25 Fridav, 16th 4.50 5.15 Saturday, 17th 5.40 6.05 Sutiduv, lHtli 6.110 6.55 Moiidav, 19th 7.20 7.45 Tuesday. 20th 8.10 835
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  • 29 1 To-day. sth Bay. Bth Moon. Town Band, Ksplauade, 5-3(1 p.m. Tlf> MORROW*. Gill Bay, Btli Moon. P. V. Physical Brill and Gymnastics and Morris Tube Competition, 5 p.iu.
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  • 26 1 First Quarter... Sept. I6tli, 2.8 P.M. O Full Moon 24th, 10.52 p.m. Last Quarter Oct. 2nd, 3.46 a.m. >J New Moon 9th, 11.45 a.m.
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  • 44 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Ounv Aims. Homewards. Malta 15 Sept i Chilean I 4 Sept Coromandel 29 Nubia 1 Oct Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. J'eru 'JO Sep! j Formosa 8 Oct liaittii 4 Oct j Japan 22 fcT vor particulars See Page 8.
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  • 532 1 {From a Correspondent.) Jesselton. 28 August.—ln no part of I this vast island have the departmental changes been so rapid as on the West coast, 1 and especially in Jesseltondistrict, also called Api-api. Mr. Woolly, late Revenue Collector and piesent District Officer, has created a I good
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  • 874 1 Disappearance ctv A War Ook. The friends of Mr. Mormau Cullen, who went to Japan some months ago as the correspondent of the London Daily Mail are much concerned by his sudden disappearance. H** had lately been suffering from a severe illness, and was about to return to
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  • 119 1 Penang, 14th September f tty courtesy of the Chartered Hank. r>ondon Demand Bank ...1/10$ 1 months’ sight Bank ...1 11 3 Credit ...1/11£ 3 Documentary ...1/11 Calcutta.. Demand Bank lis. 142 3 days’ sight Private 144 Bombay, Demand Bank 142 3 days’ sight Private 144 Madras, Demand Bank 142
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  • 182 1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co., Ld. 15. —sellers Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 6.50 buyers Redjang Lebong Gold Mining Co., Ld $192.50 sales KadanaGold MiuingCo,,Ltd. (fully paid) TO.— nom. Bruseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. 4.25 buyers Cheudariaug Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 10.—mih. Karangau Tin Mining Co. 10.— sellers
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  • 156 1 Tin J 77.621 Gold leaf 79. B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 23* buyers White Pepper 35 sellers Trang Pepper 27. —sellers Cloves (picked) oat 0/ season Mace 90 —sellers Mace Pickings 80. —sellers Nutmegs libs 50. —sellers No. 1 6 60 nam Sugar < 2 no stock. Basket buyers
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  • Shipping.
    • 49 1 Jin Ho, Br. s.s. 110, Hastrup, 13th Sept.. Langkat, 12th Sept., Gen., —Quail Beng lvee. Hauy Austin, Br. s.s. 421, Harris, loth Sept., Port. Swettenhani, 12th Sept., Gen., —K. G. Co. j Hebe, Br. s.s. 8-15, Inkster, 1 1th Sept., Singapore, 12th Sept., Geu., —W. M. it Co.
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    • 52 1 1 4th September. j K. Haletviju for Batu Bahra and Asalian. Rotorua, for Tongkah. Tout) Chan l 11 f° r Batu Bahra and Asalian. LuntjLat, for Tehik Anson. Mary Austin for Port Swettenliain. Hebe, for Deli. 'Jin Ho. Br. s.s. 110, Hastrup, 13th Sept., fauigkat. 12th Sept.. Gen., —Quah
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    • 2 1
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    • 37 1 1 rmelh From Ajent* Due Btiggavia Hamburg B.M.&Co. 16 tli Sept C. Apcar Calcutta lA.A.A.Co. 16th Pera Suez jP.&O. 17th Benvenue London iS.B.&Co. 18th Beualder London S.B.&Co. 1st Oct. Benmoh r Beuvorlich London S.B.&Co. Singapore S.B.&Co.
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    • 33 1 Ve**el* for Agents Leaves Brisgavia Singapore B.M.&Co. ltitliSept. C. A pear Singapore Pera Singapore A.A.A.Co. P.AO. 17th Benvenue Singapore S.B.&Co. 18th Benalder Singapore Benmolir Singapore Benvorlich Loudon S.B.ACo. S.B.&Co. S.B.&Co. 1st Oct.
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    • 78 1 For Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.iu. Deli— Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Perlis Setul—Per Un Pena, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Perlis Setul— Per Chan Tai, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lady Weld, 16tli instant, 3 p.ui. Kopah, Renoug, Victoria Point, Maliwun, Mergui and Tavoy—Per Omapere, 17tli instant, 2 p.ui.
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    • 35 1 Inward —Per Hebe,” from Singapore, Messrs Holloway and de Fonteine, Lim Seng Soon, Mrs. Elias. Per Java, for Colombo, Mrs. Kennedy', Mr. T. C. Stafford. For London, Mr. C. Darby, Mr and Mrs. ilurte.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 A. E. SKEELS. WHISKIES. wanted. Advertiser, who kso y** ll B ot a t? e aud iu good health, J’eek* ernploymeut with mercantile firm, public company, uewspaper, or printing and Btal* ou^ r establishment. Served apprenticeship "wiDi a well-known British printing, stationer* •md lithographing firm before coming East, rirst-class testimonials.
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    • 14 1 STEARNS’ WINFj. for debility, emaciat» tiou, thin and impure blood. Aua-uiic girla improve rapidly.
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    • 161 1 BERTAM ESTATE NOTICE. NO Person will be allowed to shoot for Snipe on the above Estate without a permit from the undersigned. J. XAVIER, Manager. 3rd Sept., 1904 1 mh t>lB BEST HOTELS. Penang. EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. UNEQUALLED FOR Situation Comfort and Catering SARKIEB BROTHERS, 81 c Proprietors. Kuala Lumpur.
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    • 10 1 P. JVYo/r Crane <& Co.'s CYLINDER OIL. Sandilands Buttery <Sc CV
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    • 83 1 A. E SKEELS. <*> f << fs. LAGER BEER. Penang: Confectionery. No. 22a. Leith Stkeet, PENANG. jrilHFi Public <•!' Penaujjj are hereby iii1. buiiied tliut the above Establishment hies l**en opened and solicit the patronage |>f liif, customers. All orders for Cakes, Ice Cream, Ac., will be promptly attended, to.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 31 1 WEATHER. J hk followmo report is kindly supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— The ra'iobdl during the 2+ hours euded at h a. in. to-day was 0 71 inches.
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  • 25 1 Domestic Occurrence. A Dkath. ,f T t he General Hospital. Kuala Lumpur. i>u Hth Septeml>er Reginald Andrus Baiu. ajfed 3 yearn au<l 10 months. «40
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  • 781 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, 2 Sept.—A «hocking tragedy occurred on the 28th ult A Chinese boy, aged 13 years, and a younger brother were engaged cleaning an empty lxnler at Markwald and Co.’s ricemiil. This lxnler was connected with one in use, and while the elder brother, Ah
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 101 2 TO LET I>LtKMISES No. 2« I, Hunuali Koiul. For particulars apply to Ik 4 LIM CHEAN HOCK, c o TIANC JOO *V Co., 1/7, Hearli Street. IDLE CAPITAL. miIOC, SANDS of DOLLARS arc lying 1 idle or paying I it! 1«; interest. An investment of a small Mini with tin*
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    • 2208 2 RUBEROID ROOFING. RUBEROID ther-proof, ami Fire Resisting ROOFING blister or melt. RUBEROID easier to lav than auv other Is a Water-proof, WeaROOFING. Does not rot, crack, RUBEROID Is cheaper, cooler, and ROOFING ROOFING Is absolutely Verminproof, Acid-proof and Odourless RUBEROID RUBEROID Is very elastic, durable and does not deteriorate with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1860 3 TA*> a 'o < 8. N. Co. Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Sept. Outwards. 1.1 s.s. Malta connecting’ with s.s. Coromandel do Oct. 13 s.s. Simla <lo 27 s.s. Chit sun do Homewards Oct. 17 s.s. Chusuu I s.s. Nubia 15 s.s. Bengal 29 s.s. Malta do do do
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  • 79 4 Jnuftre mttsfleaievery bf*ly,'*nd Jmtin alone.—ewer» o Established June Ist, 1903. Vnblinhed daily (except. Umidityi.) AT Til* CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRIOR i DAII.T, I/tCAL fit per annum OUTSTATIONS Pwtaice Extra MAII. KIMTION <Hn*t Kree) 15 OA lII.R ADDKKHH: Ec ho—Penan g Telephone No.
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  • 1622 4 The Straits Government is acquiring, under the Acquisition of Land Ordinance, 10 acres of land in Singapore for the construction of tilter beils for its very inadequate water supply, and 180 acres for the construction of a pumping station, tilter beds, service reservoir and other
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  • 121 4 Syed Husain Moulana, who was reported to have gone to India, returned here by the mail. The Muslim community have, we hear, decided to appoint him in place of Hajee Md. Sahid Effeudi as Town Kali. The community, it is said, is of opinion that it
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  • 144 4 Brisk Work in North China. Recruiting of coolies in the north for service in the South African mines goes briskly on, and there are several vessels on the berth, some ready and some preparing to engage in the emigration work. The Tweedale left Chin wan tao on the
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  • 625 4 It is stuP-d that owners of houses ou Wakoff lands have decided to appoint Trustees for the management of the Kapitau Kling Mosque, liecaiise they fear tiiat the Trusts wdl he taken over by the Government in accordance with the suggestions of the Commission of Inquiry. The
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  • 984 4 1 Petition to the Governor. Following is the full text of the poti- tion to Government referred to in the ‘special’ from Singapore published m our last issue To His Excellency Sir John Aralerson. K. c. M. G.. Governor and C’omniauder-in-C'hief. > Straits Settlements. The humble petition
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 531 5 Sassulitch and 3,000 of his Men l*"** taken Prisoners. J by er.) V _MorvAUe* *ost si ae, ding to officiaJ es received in liomlofrw fact is disclosed that d?ssulitch, commanding 5,000 men of the Russian rearguard south of the Hunho, was severely wounded and captured together with 3,000
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  • 124 5 The steamer Aing Leoug, which arrived at Singapore on the 12th instant from Ketnamau, brought down the native captain, chiuchew, ami crew of Messrs Guthrie and Co s 19-ton steam barge Abbotsford, which foundered in the Kenmman River through striking the submerged wreck of the
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  • 682 5 Tin Mining. The Kuala Lipis correspondent of Straits 'Times reports that a new Company called the Gapis aud Sempam Syndicate has lieen formed to carry on tin mining operations in the Raub district. Mr. B. F. Boerma is the Mauaging Director with head-quarters at Tras. The Syndicate has acquired
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    • 1162 5 To the Editor of thk Straits Echo. Sir, Planting enterprises in Malaysia t are iu a very deplorable state, and yet fewei countries in the world offer brighter prosmore profitable investments. Il is neither the want of on the part of pioneers that, tend to make things'
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  • 914 5 To The Editor of tiik Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —I have lieen much interested in the correspondence on Shorthand appearing almost dailv in the Echo and as a British subject, and grateful for the incom- parable privilege, I consider it my duty to the Empire to protest against any
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  • 867 5 On a China Coaster. i Interior of Stateroom. Male Passenger:—Boy Bov!! Boy Boy —Yes. sir. M. P.: —What time I come aboard last nijrht I Boy —No savee. saiupauman talkee 12 o’clock: steward talkee 3 o'clock. M. P.: —Was there any wet, last night Boy —Yes. sir. ten dollars
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  • 160 5 5 Captain Hay of the British steamer Hop r Sang, which arrived at Singapore on the J lltli instant from Hongkong, reported that. at 5 p.m. on Sept 4, Lat. 20 deg. 28 min. N. Long 113 deg. 45 min. E. a conical buoy painted red was
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1277 6 Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. HUAT KEE Bros., Graham Co., Ld„ Tail Ciiee Co.!choo ghoah keok co. IMPORTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONS IRONMONGERY, Which are on Sale at specially advantageous terms. ALSO AGENTS FOR J*r<£fflri'Kerdsene Oil* 86c General Stores Commission Agents, Penang Street, PENANG. FOR SALE. Elephant Brand Kerosene
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  • 1661 7 Ax interesting article is contributed to j Strait* Chinese Magazine by the Rev. W. Murray, m. a., in which he describes a bicycle trip round our beautiful tropical e isla*. :n most complimentary terms. He t begins by outlining the advantage afforded by a bicycle in comparison
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 490 7 7. The best Natt?.al Aperient Water. Bilious, Dyspeptic, Gouty, Constipated and Obese People Should always use APE NTA Of all Chemists and Druggists. HUTTENBACH Bros. Co., So/e Agents. MAJNO’S PURE MILK, Sterilized. Absolutely free from germs of disease and fermentation. The only reliable Milk for Children and Invalids. To be
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    • 787 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE ~VT7’ITH reference to Government Notiti v T cations 501 of the litli October 1887 aiul 285 of the 16fh Mav 1802, fixing tU limits of the Municipality of George Town, Penang: Notice is hereby given in accordance with tlie requirements of Section 315 ot the Municipal Ordinance 1806
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    • 12 7 STEARNS' WINE, strengthens the nerves, increases appetite, Stimulates digestion. Try it now.
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    • 131 7 LIM SUN HO CHOP HENG IVIOJHL 6c Co., 164, Beach Street, Penang. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 01 u Shorthand Typewriting Can be Taught by Mail. DOUGHERTY’S Brief Shorthand is marked by simplicity, legibility, rapidity, and the success with which it is taught. The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1652 8 A BIG DELIVERY OF NEW GOODS AT SPECIAL PRICES. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., PENANG GIVE GOOD VALUE FOR CASH. GENTS’ TWEED CAPS. «Just to Hand. GOLF CAPS. SUPERIOR TWEED CAPS. The “NEWTON” TWEED CAPS. Are a Special Line of various qualities. Nearly all are ot‘ Scotch make. Price 85 cents each.
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