Straits Echo, 13 September 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Monday, Sept. 19, 1904. AM. P.M. Tuesday, 13th 2.20 2.45 Wednesday, 14th... 3.10 3.35 Thursday, 15th 4. 4.25 Friday, 16th 4.50 5.15 Saturday, 17th 5.40 6.05 Sunday, 18th 6.30 6.55 Monday, 19th 7.20 7.45
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  • 29 1 To-day. 4th Day, Bt.h Moon. Town Band, Golf Club, 5.30 p.m. Auction Sale at Sepoy Lines, 11 a.m. To-morhow. sth Day, Bth Moon. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.ui.
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  • 26 1 First Quarter... Sept. 16tli, 2.8 p.m. O Full Moon 24th, 10.52 p.m. Last Quarter Oct. 2nd, 3.46 a.m. O New Moon 9th, 11.45 a.m.
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  • 41 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward*. Hoaikwaki>B. Malta lo Sept Chusan 17 Sept Coromandel 20 j Nubia 1 Oct Extra Service. Outwards. Hum k wards. Fera 20 Sept Formosa 8 Oct Basra 4 Oct Japan 22 For particulars See Page 3.
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  • 1348 1 Visit to the Japanese Flagship. The correspondent of the Japan Daily Mail on the Manshu Maru writes in that paper As the huge steam picket-boat carried us over the short space of sea that separated the Manshu Maru from Admiral Togo’s battleships we realised that the 17th of
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  • 393 1 Osboen—Whitehorse. A large congregation assembled at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, last Wednesday afternoon to witness the marriage of Miss Alice May Whitehouse, daughter of Benjamin Whitehouse, Esq., Sedgley (late of Turls Hill), to Major George Osborn, r. a. The officiating clergy were the Revd. E. Griffith Evans, Acting Col.
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  • 117 1 Pknano, 13th September (By courtesy of the (Jhhrfereil Hank. London Demand Bank ...1/TOJ 4 months’ sight, Bank ...LI 1 3 Credit ...1/11^ 3 Documentary ...1/11 Calcutta. Demand Bank Its. 142 3 days’ sight Private 144 Bombay, Demand Flank 142 3 days’sight Private 144 Madras, Demand Bank 142 3 days’
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  • 184 1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co., Ld. 15. —sellers Raul) Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 6.50 buyers Redjang Lebong Gold Mining Co., Ld $192.50 sales KadanaGold Alining Co„ Ltd. (fully paid) 10. —wont. Bruseh Tin Mining Co., L<l. 4.25 buyers Cheudariaug Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Is! 10.— twin. Karangan Tiu Mining
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  • 175 1 Tin 77.25 Gold leaf 79. B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 23i buyers White Pepper 35 sellers Trang Pepper 27. —sellers Cloves (picked) oat of season Mace 90. —sellers Mace Pickings 80. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 50. —sellers No. 1 6 60 nam Sugar < 2 no stock. Basket 4.
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  • Shipping.
    • 85 1 Rotorua, Br. s.s. 525, Campbell, 12th Sept., Tongkali, 11th Sept.., Geu., K. G. Co. Pin Skng, Br. s.s. 878, Davidson, 12th Sept., Singapore, 10th Sept., Gen., —Quah Beug Kee. Petrel, Br. s.s. 124. Reid, 12th Sept., Brandau, 11th Sept., Geu., —K. G. Co. Vidar, Br. s.s. 191, Nichol, 18th
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    • 54 1 18th September. Ho K wei, for l)eli. Van der Parra, for Langkat. Palo Rinnan, for Port Sweftenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Petrel, for Langkat A Paugkalau Brandau. Lightning, for Calcutta. Pin Seng, for Port SweLtenham, Kuala Luiupurand Singapore. MahaVajirunhig, for Edie, T. Semawe, Scgli, Olehleh and Pulo Well. Lady
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    • 59 1 Rotorua, Br. s.s. 525, Campbell. 12th Sept., Tongkali, 11th Sept., Gen., K. G. Co. Vidar, Br. s.s. 191, Nichol, 18th Sept., Deli, 12th Sept., Gen., —K. G. Co. Langkat, Br. s.s. 149, Liddell, 18th Sept., Teluk Anson, 12th Sept., Gen.,— K. G. Co. Bantam, Dut. s.s. 2,114. Potjewyed,
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    • 42 1 Venael From Aijent* One Nam Yong Rangoon K.G.Co. 14th Sept Brisgavia I Hamburg B.M.&Co. 16th C. Apcar Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 16th Pera ISuez P.&O. 17th Benvenue London S.B.&Co. 18th Beualder (London S.B.&Co. 1st Oct. Ben moh r London S.B.&Co. Beuvorlich Singapore S.B.&Co.
      42 words
    • 39 1 Vestel» For A yent* Leaves Nam Yong Rangoon K.G.&o 15thSept Peri Singapore P.&O. Brisgavia Singapore B.M.&Co. 16th C. Apcar Singapore A.A.A.Co. 17th Benvenue iSiugapore S.B.&Co. 18th Benalder Singapore S.B.&Co. 1 at Oct Bemnohr Singapore S.B.&Co. Benvorlich iLondon S.B.&Co.
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    • 65 1 For Batu Balint <fc Asalian—Per H. Halewyv, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Tongkah Per Rtdonui, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Langkat, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham —Per Mart/ Austin. to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli —Per Hebe, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Langkat—Per Jin Ho, Kith instant, 1 p.m. Deli— Cornelia, 15th instant,
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    • 20 1 Inward —Per Vidar,” from Dt*li. Messrs Warren and Mnrea. Per Pin SeiiL M from Singapore, Messrs England and Fox.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 A. E. SKEEIS. WHISKIES. PENG CHENG Co. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF Mah May Cigars No. 2 No. 3. Once used, Smoke no Others. Admitted by all Smokers throughout the East. HIGHEST TESTIMONIALS. PENG CHENG Co. 9 No. 17, Market Lane. Show Rooms and Offices, 50, Beach Street, Penang.
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    • 18 1 STEARNS’WINE, whets the appetites, Aids digestion, improves assimilation, strengthens the stomach so that food does good. Stearns Wine.
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    • 14 1 STEARNS’ WINE, for debility, emacias tiou, thin and impure blood. Anueinic girlt> improve rapidly.
      14 words
    • 94 1 TO LET. I)RJhjMISES No. 251, Burur.ih ltoad. For particulars apply to LIM CHKAN HOCK, c o TIANG JOO A Co., 117, Beach Street. IDLE CAPITAL. rriHOUSANDS of DOLLARS art* lying I idle or paying lit11«* interest. An investment of a small sum with the Shanghai Hongkong Building and Investment (Jo.
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    • 10 1 DAVID CORSAR SONS Well-known Navy Canvas. i Sandilands Buttery Co.
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    • 63 1 A. E SKEELS. << f ■S LAGER BEER. Penang Fire Insurance Associalion. NOTICE. "1VT O'J’lF'K is hereby i^i v«*n that all Uoldujrs of Fin* 1 iisnrance Policies shoWil •jive Hot its* to the Audits of the Conipunv l»v whom they iuv insured of the introduction or extension of Klcctric flight
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 2610 2  -  By A. G. Hades. lII.—No War of Mere Ideals. This is uot the time for Pressmen to play the partisan. It is the time for plain, straightforward statements of fact. The public ear has too long l»een dulled by the war whoops of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 22 2 STI&ARNS' WINK, in very palatable. An tonic for cliiblieii, especially if 4\,c\ iir, 11,1,1 *bin. l 1 uot ilcl.iv. be Steam*.'” >i)"
      22 words
    • 18 2 STEARNS’ WTNE, after influenza and pneumonia. An idea! reconstructive tonic that gives immediate beuetit. Increases weight, renews strength.
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    • 142 2 BERTAM ESTATE. NOTICE. 0 ~\T O Person will l>e allowed to shoot for -Ll Snipe on the above Estate without a permit from the undersigned. J. XAVIER. Manager. 3rd Sept., 1904 1 mh 618 CLERK WANTED. A CLERK is wanted for the Penang Volunteers. Salary 830 per month. Apply, in
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    • 2024 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. WANTED. To Be Offered For Sale By Public Auction THE UNDERMENTIONED TOWN PROPERTIES. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE (Subject to Reserve bidding.) On Saturday, 17th September, 1904, At 12 Noon, At the Exchange Alley, Reach Street, Penang ALL that piece of laud nud hereditaments situate ou the south
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1618 3 TAlr <?. I 8. N. Co. Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Sept. 15 Malta connecting- with B.s. Britannia Oci. Oct. 29 8.8. Coromandel do ]3 8.8. Simla do 27 8.8. Chusan do Homewards. 17 8.8. Chusau 1 a.B. Nubia 15 8.8. Bengal 25* s.B. Matta do do do
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  • 89 4 Justice satisfies 'everybody,' and jnetice alone.— Kmor*on Established June Ist, 1903. Ktibliflheii daily (except Knmliy*.) AT Til* CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 228-232, I .oitt'h Street. Peiiitnt;. PRICK DAILY, IXM'AI. }'>4 per annum OUTSTATIOKS Postage Kxtm MAIL KIUTION (Tost Kree) 15 CAKLK ADDRESS: E c li o—P e
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  • Current Topics.
    • 165 4 The Singapore Times is informed bv a local importing tirm that it has received the following letter from the home office in regard to marine insurance:— We l»eg leave to advise you that we have to-day arranged with Lloyds to insure future shipments to 31st December 1904 against
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    • 391 4 Admiral Kainimura's early failures to catch the Vostok raiders have had some very uupleasaut results for his family in Tokio, while lie has himself been made a target for very hostile criticism. His sou had to leave the private school be was attending owing to the
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    • 793 4 With reference to the appointment of an Assistant Assessment Officer, a ratepayer writes to a southern contemporary The Municipal advertisement inviting applications for the appointment of an Assistant Assessment Officer is giving rise to some comment as tri the best method of tilling it to the advantage of both
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  • 549 4 Great Find in South Africa. Phenomenal Yields. If certain circumstantial reports just published in the African Review prove correct, there is every probability that the Straits will soon have to reckon with the Transvaal as a potent factor in the world’s tin market. At any rate there
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  • 400 4 Demanded Illegal Gratification. Kai Singh, Sikh Lance Corporal No. 207, attached to the Leith Street Station, was charged this morning Indore Mr. Bryant with accepting, yesterday, three dollars as illegal gratification from Mira Mydin residing at G'hulia Street. The prosecution, conducted by Detective Inspector Stenhouse, showed that
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  • States News.
    • 915 4 {From Our Own Con »•>•/, «We ntn.) Taipino. 11 S‘*plemlior. The Perak Ladies Rifle Association hold their annual shoot on Saturday evening and Mrs. Keinp- len secured the first prize with Mrs. Tate second. Mr. 11. P. Stainer, the Head Master of School, goes on three mouths leave
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 690 5 Civilized Warfare 4 Russians Using Dum-Dum Bullets. (Echo Special.) Tokio, 12 Sept.—An official report given out in Tokio states that, the Japanese army in Manchuria lias found two varieties of dumdum bullets among the ammunition captured at Liaoyaug. Tliev resemble the bullets for the cartridges used for Russian
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    • 144 5 (Deli Courant Service.) The Hague (via Batavia) 7 Sept. —T lie Petersburg N o voy e V remya in an editorial suggests that England and Russia ought to be able to arrange an agreement by which Russia would be allowed to establish a naval station between Suez and Vladivostok,
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    • 53 5 Honour to whom Honour is Due.” (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12 Sept. —Commander Scott, ft. n., of the Discovery, who commanded the Antarctic expedition (the return of which to Portsmouth was reported yesterday) has bema promoted to the rank of Captain in the Royal Navy as a reward
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    • 52 5 Roosevelt on the Philippines. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12 Sept. —Roosevelt, in accepting the Republican nomination for President of the United States, justified the foreign policy of his party which he contended was conducive to peace. He declared the abandonment of the Philippine Islands would be fraught
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    • 28 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 13 September. —General French’s force is hastily re-embark-ing in a rotigh sen. Military critics describe the manoeuvres as a fiasco.
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    • 28 5 (Echo Special.) Singapore, 13 Sept—lt is stated here that Mr. Chung Tliye Pliin’s bid of $135,000 per mensem for the Selangor General Farms has been accepted.
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    • 116 5 Monster Petition to Government. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 13 Sept.—Tan Tek Soon, the distinguished scholar and gifted author, lias headed a peti tion which is to be sent in to the Governor praying His Excellency to avail himself of the present opportunity afforded by the new agreement with the Opium
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    • 165 5 Big Hole in the Revenue. Great Reduction ov Rent. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 13 Sept.—The Opium Farmers' appeal to Government for a reduction of the lease of the Opium and Spirit Farms —for which he agreed to pay $470,000 per mensem for three years as from the Ist of
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    • 23 5 (Echo Special.) Singapore, 13 Sept. —The Ham-burg-America liner Hellas arrived at Singapore yesterday with eightysix tons of ammunition for the Chinese Government
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    • 210 5 (Deli Couraut Service.) The Hague (via Batavia) 8 September. —The proposal is made by the Dutch Government to introduce the salt monopoly on the East Coast of Sumatra. At Tapah on Monday last week, the 22ud, Mr. 8. Ramalingam (Overseer P. W. D.) gave a dinner to his
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    • 629 5 To the Editor of the Straits Kctio. &ik, I» view of the Municipal Commissioners' application to the Governor in Council to extend the Municipal Limits of Penang, it will perhaps be of interest to the public to learn something of the trend of opinion among
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  • 520 5 To tuk Editor of mu Straits Echo. Sib, —I shall be glad if you allow me to say a few words in your paper regarding Stenographer’s letter criticising Dougherty’s Brief Shorthand Primer, which appeared in the Echo of Sept. Bth. He says, There are too many hooks and circles,
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  • 354 5 A Correction. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS KcilO. Sir,—- It appears from your issue of the 16th July that one of your correspondents imagines I was placed in the 3rd Class in the recent exam because I was “in poor health.” As far as I am aware
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • 97 5 Obituary. Rt. Hon. James Lowther. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 13 Sept. —The death is announced of the Ht. Hon. James Lowther, M. P. for Thanefc. Rt. Hon. James Lowther, Conservative member for Thauet since 1888, was born in 1840. He was the son of the late Sir C. H. Lowther,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1267 6 Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. IMPORTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONS ironmongery, Which are on Sale at specially advantageous terms. ALSO AGENTS FOR Cock Brand Kerosene Oil. 86c for sale. Elephant Brand Kerosene Oil WHICH lias passed the Government test showiug the remarkably high Hashing point of 88,87°, 86 and
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  • 855 7 Admiral Kamimcra Intervieved. ice-Admiral Kamimura, Commander- bief of the -iid Squadrou, lias returned to ►..•eho on duty. While staying at Yam- a pnoto s hotel there lie was good enough to give the Kobe Shimbun's correspondent the following story On the correspondent being shown
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  • 235 7 The Composition of the Inquiry Court, The Merchant Service Guild point out that the assessors appointed to assist the Court in investigating the circumstances attending the Kwong Tai and Empress of India collision were Captain C. H. H. Moore, k.n. of H.M. Sirius, and the other
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  • 591 7 A Tale of the Transvaal. When war was inevitable, and the majority of British subjects had left the Transvaal, those who still remained were put over the border with the exception of a favoured few, and one of the latter was Mr. Henry Lawrence, of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 498 7 ‘V PEMTA The best Natural Aperient Water. Bilious, Dyspeptic, Gouty, Constipated and Obese People Should always use APE NTA Of* all Chemists and HUTTENBACH Bros. Co., Sole Agents. MAJNO’S PURE MILK, Sterilized. Absolutely free irom germs of disease and fermentation. The only reliable Milk for Children and Invalids. To be
      498 words
    • 766 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE WITH reference to Government Notifications 501 of the 6th October 1887 and 285 of the 16th May 1892, fixing the limits of the Municipality of George Town, Penang: Notice is hereby given in accordance with the requirements of Section 315 of the Municipal Ordinance 1896 that application has
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    • 38 7 LIM SUN HO CHOP HENG JVIOH Co., 164, Beach Street, Penang. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 61c John Bazley White Brothers’ “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. San diland*, Buttery Co., Sole Importers Penang.
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    • 81 7 Shorthand Typewriting Can be Taught by Mail. DOUGHEKTY’S Brief Shorthand is marked by simplicity, legibility, rapidity, and the success with which it is taught. The piano method of typewriting will improve the most expert typists. Complete Homestudy Course and enrolment in the Correspondence School, to those who apply during September,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1394 8 Learn to Deal with Us for Cash: We Study yonr Interest. WHMWA7, LAIDLAW Co., MM C The Handy Book Rack. As per Illustration, consists of two upright Pieces of Black Japanned Metal with Stays and Supports. Price 40 cents per set. School Satchets In Strong Brown Canvas, Price 45 cts.
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