Straits Echo, 9 September 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 63 1 Birth. On #>th September, at Smyrna, Mrs. T. Sarkies, of Singapore, of a daughter. Marriages. On sth Auggst. at Paris. E. Bobornikoff, to Lily, «laughter of late C. W. Overweg, of Shanghai. On 23rd July, at Hollington, S. Barton, of II M. Consular Service in China, to Winifred,
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  • 40 1 K«n W*ek ending Timrsdav, Sept. 15, 1004. AM. P.M. Friday, Oth 11.00 11.25 .Satiinlav, lOtli 11.50 12.15 Sunday, 11 111 12.40 1.05 Monday, 12th 1.30 1.55 Tuesday, 13th 2.20 245 Wednesday, *****... 3.10 3.35 Thursday, 15th 4. 4.25
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  • 27 1 To-i»at. 30th Day, 7th Moon. Meeting, Municipal Commissioners, 3 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-3(1 p.m. To-morrow. Ist Dav, Hlh Moon. Town Band, Golf Club, 5.30 p.m.
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  • 25 1 ’> New Moon Sept. 10th, 3.5 a.m. First Quarter... 16th, 2.8 p.m. O Full Momt 24th, 10.">2 p.m. Last. Quarter Oct. 2nd, 3.46 a.m.
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  • 45 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. < hITWAKIIX. ]|i),MKtVAKI)S. M<i It a lo Sept j Chumn 17 Sept Coromandel 29 j Nubia l Oct F.xtra Service. < IUTWAKItH. iIoMRWAKI>S. Vera 20 Sept Jam 12 Sept Jlanca 1 Oct j Formosa S Oct Km pariicuiars rice Page o. ■r
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  • 303 1 Intmrd —Per Mussel,” from Aclieen. Messrs. Micholitz and Wagei. Por Zaida,” from Singapore, Messrs, D. Gilchrist, A. C. Bougliton, Lt. Col. E. G. Pennefather, T. Ahmed, Syed Idros, J. Westerhouse, Khoo Cheng Liong, Khoo Ling Fen and Car. Per Kistna, from Singapore, Messrs Dallison, Clieah Tele Soon. Khoo Seng
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  • 1540 1 The Refugee Diana ”at KwangCHAUWAN AND SAIGON. The Hongkong Telegraph publishes the following report of an interview a Courier d y Haiphong reporter had with the Commander of the Russian cruiser Diana, recently attached to the Port Arthur squadron and since disarmed at Saigon under orders from St.
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  • 114 1 Penang, 9th Septemukk (Jty courteny of the OhartereA London Demand Bank ...1/10$ 4 months’sight Bank ...111£ 3 Credit ...1/11 3 Documentary 1 /11 Calcutta. Demand Bank Its. 1421 3 days’ sight Private 1441 Bombay. Demand Bank 142.1 3 days’ sight Private 144| Madras, Demand Bank \42\ 3 days’sight
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  • 191 1 Bensawali Gold Mine Co.. Ld. 15. —tellers Kaub Australian Gold Alining Co., Ijd 5 6.50 buyers Redjntig Lel>oiig Gold Milliner Co., lid, $1112.50 sales KadanaGold AiiniugCo„Ltd. (fully paid) 10.— Horn. Bruseh Tin Minin)' Co.. Ld. 4.25 buyers Cheudariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., I*l 10.— iioui. Karangan Tin Mining Co.
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  • 174 1 riu J 76. 50 buyers Golil leaf 5 79. B. Pepper (\V. Coast 31h5.50/..)$ 23A buyers I White Pepper 5 35 sellers Traug Pepper 5 27.—sellers Cloves (picked) oat of season Mace 90 —sellers Mace Pickings 80. —sellers Nutmegs 110* 50. —sellers SNo. 1 0 GO uain 2 no
    174 words
  • Shipping.
    • 133 1 Mosski., Dut. s.s. 1,217, Hart boon, 9th Sept.., Aclieen, Bth Sept., Gen.,—H. L. Co. Pegu, Br. s.s. 294, Scott, 9th Sept., Aeheen, Bth Sept., Gen., —Ban Ho Hin. Zweesa, Br. s.s. 941, Nesbitt, 9th Sept,,, Rangoon,sth Sept., Gen., —C. S. Sen" Co. Zaida, Br. s.s. 2,905, Sy miners, 9th
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    • 61 1 9th September. Zaida, for Negapatum, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karieal, taking Mails for Europe, etc., via Madras. Quorra, for Laugkat. Avagyee, for Port Swettenhani A Singapore. Perak, for Port Swettenhani and Makicca. 11. Halewyn, for Batu Bahia and Asahuu. Chau Tai, for Perlis and Setul. Lady Weld, for Teluk
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    • 107 1 Alossel, Dut. s.s. 1,217, Hart boon, 9th oepi., i veil ecu, oiii ix. x. Co. Pegu, Br. s.s. 294, Scott, 9th Sept Aeheen, Bth Sept., Gen., —Ban Ho Hin. Zweena, Br. s.s. 941, Nesbitt, 9th Sept., Rangoon, sth Sept., Gen., —C. S. Seng A Co. Kistna, Br. s.s.
      107 words
    • 50 1 1 I'm m Aijrnt* thin Zaniauia Madras H.L.&Co. lOthSept. Be leu s Singapore W.M.&Co 10th Nippon Singapore S.K.&Co. 12th Spezia Singapore B.M.&Co. 12th Lightning Singapore a. A.A.Co. 12tli Brisgavia Hamburg 1J. M .AiCo. 10th Benvenue Loudon S.B.&Co. 18th lien alder [Loudon S.B.&Co. Jiemnobr London S.B.&Co. Benvorlich (Singapore S.B.&Co. Oct,
      50 words
    • 53 1 1 et*el* For A jenl Li a ret Zatnania Singapore H.L.&Co lOtliSept. Peleus London VV M.&Co. 10th Nippon Trieste S.K.&Co. 12th Spuria Havre B.M.&Co. 12th i jivcli tiling Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 13th ilr.sgavia Singapore B.M.&Co. ltith Benvenue Singapore S.B.&Co. 18th Benalder Singapore S.B.&Co. Deuinolir Singapore S.B.&Co. Beuvorlich London
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    • 81 1 For 11 —per Caly/iso, to-morrow, II Langkat Per-/*»» to-uiorrow, I pm. poll Swettcnham Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson Per Lmiyhol, to-morrow, 1 p in. TrangA Pang N 4a Per De I, to-morrow, 2 p.m. per Vidor, to-morrow, p.m. Port Swettenham, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 A. E. SKEELS. WHISKIES. NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak. Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 lion Bromide paper. W. JONES, King Street. Penang. Plwtographer. 36c Electrical Engineers Contractors. FOR THE SMALLEST POWER 3Z33HS XS3DDIQ 3HX ►S//OW Rooms and Offices 56, Reach Sireet f Penang.
      49 words
    • 104 1 AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER Rev. Char. Grenier. Tiie undersigned lias been instructed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, On Saturday, 24th September, 1904, AT 2-30 P.M. At Kuian Road. VTjL that piece of hind situated in the Mukim of P»atu Kurau. described in liow application No. 454, estimated
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    • 7 1 A. E SKEELS. << f ■S LAGER BEER.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 37 1 Deaths. On the 6th Sept., at the General Hospital. Penang. Francis Sebastian Burke Gaffney, aged 44 years. 632. On fitli September, at 4*-8 Waterlco Street. Carolina Emblina, the beloved wife of Francis Alexander Oliveiro. aged 29 years.
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  • 2151 2 I. —Russia’s Terrible Task. (By W. G. Hales.) London, 11 Ang.—Yesterday I dealt at s oui« length with the Japanese Army and its aims. To-day l intend to confine myselt more particularly to the Russian Aimj and the Russian nation. This “study should,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2783 2 Karangan Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. T 1HE Ordinary Half Yearly Meeting of Shareholders will I* 1 held at the Office of the Company, No. 9, Weld Quay, Penang, on Monday, 12th September, 1904, at 11-30 a.m. PATERSON, SIMONS Co.. General Agents. 3-9-04 1 wk 016 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1671 3 P. 0. i rfAlr I ft'/’. jC. 8. N. Co. Nxfected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Sept Oct. Oct. Outwards. 15 s.s. Malta connecting with s.s. Britannia 29 «.a. Coromandel do 8.». Oceana 13 8.8. Simla do 8.8. Macedonia 27 8.8. Chusan do s.B, China Homewards. 17 B.s. Chunau 1
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  • 71 4 Justice satisfied everybody, anil justice Established June Ist, 1903. Fnblielie<l daily (except Snudayo.) AT TH« CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232. Beach Street. Penang. PRICE DAII.T. LOCAL m p«ran.....|. OUTSTATIONS Footage Kxtra MAIL KIUTION <F.*t Free) IS CAIII.K APDKKSK: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. Ktlitur, Chksnkv I>uncan. MM SENG
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  • 600 4 There are always two sides to every question and the other side of the war—for the most part a pessimistic view from a Japanese standpoint—lias been set forth in a series of articles contributed by tbe well-known war correspondent, Mr. W. G. Ilales, to the London Daily News.
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  • 1888 4 Dk. Locke’s Memorandum. At the last meeting of the Municipal Council it was arranged that Dr. Locke, who took exception to some ol Dr. Park’s proposals, should submit a Memorandum on the whole question at the next meeting. In conformity with that decision Dr. Locke drew up
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  • 963 4 (From a Correspondent.) To kah, 3 Sept. The plague has left the town for the present although it is still reported from outside districts. Dr. Amner, tiie resident doctor and health officer, has done all that can li d mo to suppress this gruesome disease, which will in all
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 668 5 The Great Rout. Russians Lost 80 Guns. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, 8 Sept. (4 p.)—My St. Petersburg correspondent wires that it is now known in the Russian capital tlmt Kuropatkin’s losses in the precipitate retreat from Liaoyang include no less than eighty (80) fielderuns, which, it is
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    • 58 5 Japanese Squadron Stops a Messageries Liner, Captain Promptly Wires Report to French Government. (Echo Special.) London, 8 Sep.—lt is stated at Marseilles that Captain Olivier, of the Messagories Maritime» liner Oceanien, lias reported to M. Delcasse, Minister for Foreign Affairs, that a Japanese squadron stopped bis vessel
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    • 512 5 Speeches at the Ball. (Echo Special.) Kuala Lumpur, 9 Sept.—Mr. Belfield, Acting Resident of Perak, in proposing the toast His Majesty the King,” said they had met together to do honour to an officer who had spent the best years of his life in meritorious services in
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    • 25 5 Large Order for Steelplates. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9 Sept.—Japan lias ordered from America 7,500 tons of the finest nickel steel plates for battleships.
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    • 33 5 Von Plehve’s Successor. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9 Sept. —Prince Sviatopolk Mirski, Governor of Vilna, has been appointed Minister of the Interior and Chief of Police, Senator Platonoff having declined tlie honour.
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    • 36 5 Fatal Explosion at Portsmouth. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9 Sept. —Three men were killed and two injured by' an explosion of a breech-loading 4-7 in. gun on board the gunboat Comet at Portsmouth.
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    • 54 5 Another Open Port (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9 Sept.—lt is telegraphed from Cliefoo that China has opened Kinchoufu, between Peking and Newellwang to the trade of tlie world. [Kinchoufu is a port iu Manchuria, iu the province of Liaotung, t>o miles W. hv N. of Newchwaug, accessible to lightdraft
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    • 48 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9 Sept.—The French swimmer Burgess failed to swim across the Channel yesterday evening, but established a record for speed before he gave up when only three miles off the French coast. He covered 22 miles in 9 hours jt| a rough sea.
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    • 66 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) liondon, 9 Sept. —The Corean Charge d’Affaires, interviewed in London, denied that the agreement mentioned in Reuter’s wire of otli inst., as having been signed at Seoul on 23rd August, whereby Corea undertakes not to enter into engagements with Foreign Powers without consulting Japan, meant that
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    • 40 5 (Suftplied by Reuter.) London, 9 Sept. —An influential syndicate has been formed to create a large cotton-growing area in the Sudan which has been acquiree bv an American who intends to import American negroes to work on the plantations.
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    • 53 5 (Snpjdied by Reuter.) London, 9 Sept. —Major-Gen-eral Wynne and not General Lord Methuen who is in command of the defending force concentrated at Redhill, explains that he had expected an invasion of Sussex but the landing of troops at Clacton obliges him to hasten reinforcements for the
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    • 29 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9 Sept —Essex defeated Surrey yesterday by an innings am 200 runs. The match South Africans v North and South Scarborough has been drawn.
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  • 2727 5 The Official Inquiry. Full Thxt of the Findino. Following is a summary of the evidence given bv Captain Bradley, of the British steamer Hipsang, liefore a Court of Enquiry held at Shanghai on the 16th ult.: At 4-20 a.m. on the 16th July when the weather was
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  • 283 5 Thank heaven there are two fewer Jugginses in the world, as will be seen from the following notice published in the Loudon Times:— We, Thomas William Pearce, of 52 Gor-don-road, Ealing, in the County of Middlesex, Forage Merchant, formerly known as Thomas William Juggins, and Herliert Henry Pearce, of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 904 6 CO •M M 3 0 <* £3 V««UVSttt? V|s* the. IffffV Out OH C»ST 3 9 o Graham Co., Ld., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, Beach Street Penang. PERFUMERY P O Jh O w co to ■M > 0 P W H O 2 ■hi uw? WTz QR0 S w c 4POre s*
      904 words

  • 223 7 Madras,24 August.—The trial of Bernard Hawk ins, late manager of the Commercial Bank. Bangalore Branch, began yesterday evening before Mr. Justice Boddam and a special jury. The accused with criminal breach <d’ trust in respect oi a sum of rs. 10,000, given him by Mr. ]>. Bindley
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  • 805 7 Considering the friendly relations which have existed for considerably over half a century between the British and Siamese Governments, and the large amount of trade done between Moulmein and the Siamese States of Raliaing and Ziinme, it is a pity the two governments do not do something to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 850 7 For Infants and Children. MELMN’S FOOD. V For Infants «id Children. KATZ BROTHERS, SOLE AGENTS. Shorthand Typewriting WUi te Tauffht by Mail. Brief Shorthand is marked by simplicity, legibility, rapidity, and the success with which it is taught. The piano method of typewriting will improve the most expert typists. Complete
      850 words
    • 242 7 HUAT KEE Bros., General Stores Commission Agents, If Penang Street PENANG. (Established 1st June, l!M>4.) «Just Received Bosfock Bools, Patent Langtry Shoes, AND Mk Buck Langtry Shoes. BOOTS. Top-Round, Top-Round, Top-Round. Absolutely Guaranteed in every Particular, Union made. A pair of Top=Round Cuff Button given to each Buyer. "LUMINUS' 7
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1796 8 New Goods at Keen Prices. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., PENANG OFFER GOOD VALUE FOR CASH. Waltham Shears. Straight* Trimmers full Nickel Plated. Size 0,7, 8 inches. Prices: si .4o, 160, 1.80 Sparklet Syphon Bottle. Price $1.50 each. The Glendale Scissors. a each. *5 Cutting out Shears improved Brass Bolt and Nut.
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